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06x05 - Duelo

Posted: 02/05/23 08:55
by bunniefuu
Guys, I don't know if I can do it.

'Cause I mean, he just lost his father.



- Why are you here?

- To tell you about Iván.

No. I don't wanna hear it.

He's going through something

horrible, and he needs me to be there.

Hey, suit yourself.

But you can't change reality.

The truth'll still be there.

Why are you pushing this so damn hard?

Because it's not fair that

you're only taking it out on us.

All right. Go ahead.

That night in Ibiza

Yeah, we were there, true.

Álex, Hugo, and me.

But remember that Iván and

Phillipe were also there.

I know. What about it?

They didn't do anything.

Well, uh, that's what they told you.

Oh, no.

No. Just no. I'm not gonna

fall for this. Seriously.

I know perfectly well that

they didn't do anything.

Don't you think it's strange

they came up with this story

about a video that only they've seen?

That was never found,

even by the police.

That's the alibi they offered

you, and you believed it because

Well, obviously, because

they're your friends.

That's normal. I would've

believed them too.

What are you insinuating?

And Phillipe runs off

to his principality.

And meanwhile, Iván stays here,

playing the role of of your BFF.

If you're trying to say

something, spit it out.

Iván and Phillipe took part in it.


No. No, that's not true.

No. I trust them wholeheartedly,

and I know that isn't true.

What choice did they have?

To incriminate themselves?

With Phillipe's past record?

Iván and Phillipe did it too.

And full disclosure,

they were the ringleaders.

They didn't care that

you were unconscious.

They got the party started.

The "party"?

- It was a "party" to you?

- Well, you know what I mean.

No, I really don't. How

you refer to it matters.

What's important is that the

two of them were the ringleaders.

Especially Iván.

He was high out of his

mind. Acted like an animal.

He was the first to jump on top of you.

Iván and Phillipe

got the party started.

Especially Iván.

He was high out of his mind on dr*gs.

Acted like an animal.

And in fact, he was the

first to jump on top of you.


You didn't come to my father's funeral.

Mm, no.

Sorry, I couldn't go.

Well, I get it's hard to know

what to do in these situations.

But I can't get through this

without my best friends here.

Seems Patrick's taking care

of you the way you deserve.

Hold on.

I mean, yeah.

He looks out for me all

day, and I appreciate it.

I do.

But, truth is, it's kinda smothering.

Having Patrick on top of me all day

just reminds me of all the

awful shit that happened.

I know what it's like

to have shit on your mind

that takes away your will to move on.











- Hi.

- Hi.

How are ya?

Did you not sleep again?

He messaged you again.

Nonstop. What can I do?

Well, you could finally report the guy,

or at least hit him

with the block button.

You don't know Raúl.

That would be worse.

Worse than what, Sara?

The constant harassment?

Tearing you down?

Beating you?


You'll do it, and you'll

do it at your own pace,

whenever you feel ready, okay?

But you can't stay in limbo.

You have to make a decision.

Hey. Come here.

- Did Iván stay in bed again?

- Yeah.

He spent the night awake, watching

news stories about the arrest.

It's not good for him, honestly.

He probably couldn't avoid

it even if he wanted to.

Everyone's talking about it.


"Denial, bargaining, depression."

Iván's gonna have to go

through all the phases of grief

until he accepts it

and can live with it.

Quick question. When did you

become a psych major? Huh?

What's with the bitchy attitude?

You just saw me google it.

There you go.

- What's her problem with me lately?

- Anger.

She drunk right now? This

early in the day? Hmm?

Huh? No, no, no.

What I'm saying is she's going

through the anger stage of grief.

Do you think she's drunk?

- What's wrong?

- I don't know about the machine,

but I know what's wrong with you.

It's because of all this, right?

Cruz's death, the funeral,

Iván feeling shitty.

All this reminds you

of Samuel, doesn't it?

Mencía, what are you on?


What about you? Because

lately, I rarely see you sober.

And I'm not judging you, okay?

I swear, this whole situation

is super complicated for me too.

- Ah, f*ck.

- You and Samuel were close

Mencía, drop it.

I said his name. You can't even hear it?

Look, Ari, I know I've been

very focused on Sara lately

because she needed me,

but I don't want you

to let this affect you

the way I let the thing with

Mom affect me, all right?

Okay. The day you care to listen to me,

or dare stop denying

everything that happened

- I'll be here to help you, all right?

- That's enough. False alarm.

The machine's not

broken. And me neither.

And so, Friday we'll start

with chapter three, okay?

Be ready.

What do you need this for?

And don't forget that you

have to choose a partner

for next week's project.


Wanna do it together?

Of course.

And the project too.

Patrick! So, Iván's doctor's note?

I told him, but he won't go to one.

He won't do anything.

Yeah. But without that doctor's note,

he can't really keep missing school.

I know you're trying to

take charge of the situation,

but we're not superheroes.

We can't handle everything. No one can.

So if you're overwhelmed and

maybe need some help, feel free

I'll get him to come back.

You have to exchange

this table for that one.

He likes to be in the corner.

If he isn't, he makes trouble, and

he's a pain in the ass for everyone.

We just need to move things around.


Isadora and I are just good friends.

That's all. That's all.

She did me a favor and

intervened to get me my job back.

Yeah, sure.

Okay, so we spend a lot

of time together, yes.

- As friends, though.

- Mm-hmm.

Okay, so maybe I'd like

us to be something more.

I don't know.

I won't confirm or deny it.

What is clear is that

she isn't ready for that.

- Hmm.

- And I'm not gonna pressure her.

Okay. You take care of it.

Excuse me a moment.


A bit young for a boss, isn't she?

The bosses' daughter.

She acts like she's in

charge, but she isn't.

Yeah, so she's just gotta snitch

to her parents, and it's over.

You handsome bastard!

Oh yeah, you're a hottie.

A handsome dude.

As always, hmm?

I was starting to forget

what your face looked like.

- Yeah.

- Since you never come to Jávea.

You want nothing to do with us.

You're here on your own, doing

your thing, painting your nails.

What is this, man?

- What is this?

- I've been busy, Pau.


But I spoke with Dad yesterday,

and he didn't say you were coming.

- Surprise, then.

- How long are you staying?

I'm moving here.

Wait a minute, did Dad send

you here to handle the business?

Shit, Pau.

I told you guys to stay there

and leave me alone in

Madrid to do whatever I want.

- Yes, I know. But business is business.

- I told you.

I know what you asked for.

There's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

that's come up in Madrid, kiddo.

And we're not the only

ones to try to snap it up.

But we have to be the ones that do.

Hey, look at me. Look at me.

Dad will let you do your

own thing. I swear to you.

That's why I'm here. To

take care of everything.

To protect you and make sure

he leaves you alone, y'know?

- You know that? Yeah?

- Yeah.

All right.

Don't worry. You'll still

be able to be independent.

Do what you do, uh Being a

waiter, serving drinks and stuff.

Keep being poor if you want.

I called, but you weren't answering.

We only see each other in class.

You didn't even go to Cruz's funeral.

This whole time, you haven't stopped

by to see Iván. I don't get it.

- I have a lot going on, baby.

- Yeah, but he's your friend.


Oh, look. Dídac! Can I buy you a drink?

No. No, thanks. I just came

to ask for help with Iván.

I don't know how you want me to help.

I'm completely out of options

here, so anyway you f*cking can.

He just stays in bed

all day. He barely talks.

He doesn't wanna go home, but

at my house, he's like a zombie.

And he won't go and

pick up Cruz's stuff.

He's basically just

delaying his grieving.

I understand it's hard, but I

can't do anything. I don't know.

What if we were to organize

a memorial for Cruz here?

With people who loved

him and remember him?

It's just an idea.

- No, I mean, it's a very good idea.

- Maybe I missed something.

Since when does the waiter

propose events at my venue?

Yeah, it's not your

venue. It's your parents'.

Maybe it would be

good for him, you know?

I think it might help him

get closure and turn the page.

We don't have enough time.

- It's too rushed.

- No, Isadora, don't worry.

I'll talk to the waiters, and

I'm sure it won't be a problem.

Anything for Iván.

Thank you, Isa. For real.

- It's a good idea, right?

- Yeah.

Iván? Are you sure?

No. I'm not sure of anything.


I mean, it's hard to

believe he'd do that to you.

Well, you found it hard with

Javi too, and in the end

I don't know.

I really can't tell

which parts are memories,

and which parts are dreams or

- I honestly think I'm going nuts.

- No.

No, you're not going nuts.

And you're not alone here.

Just tell me what you want,

and we'll do it together.

- Want to cancel the memorial?

- No. No, no, no, no.

We'll do it for Cruz.

The poor guy. What they did

to him was absolutely awful.

You know what my problem is?

My problem is I can't trust anyone.

And I would love to be able

to trust someone and be calm

and at peace.

Hold on.

I'd love it if you stayed. If you can.

I'm still blown away that

you rented this suite.

I've always wanted to

invite someone special here.

Oh, so does that mean

I should feel special?

You got this suite just to finger me?

No. But we're doing it my way.

- Why the condom?

- For hygiene.

And, well, for experience,

to be honest with you.

You wanna do it?

Hold on, hold on.

- f*ck, I'm sorry.

- No.

It's no big deal.

Hold on.

Try it like this.


Why don't you just take that

off? We can just do other things.

I don't need it.

Nico, what's the matter?

You used to be into it.

Not anymore.

I want the surgery.

- Why this sudden change of heart?

- Is it because of that girl you're seeing?

Sonia? Is she the one who

put that idea in your mind?

- No.

- Then what's the matter?

Because at the start of the school year,

you were so happy and

so sure of yourself.

What's going on?

Mom, no one's convinced me

of anything. It's my decision.

Your mother and I are concerned

this might be a rash decision.

I'm not being rash.

Nico, gender confirmation surgery

is very delicate, very complicated.

With a difficult recovery.

I don't care. You've

done everything else, Dad.

- But you won't do this?

- He's not going to.

This isn't something you do on a whim.

- It's not a whim, though!

- It is.

And it's all because of that girl.

- Alfonso, please help me out.

- C'mon, Dad!

Until you finish school

and think it through,

or come of age and decide for

yourself, I won't operate on you again.

As a doctor and as a father,

I think that's what's best.

- I decide for me, not you.

- When you're an adult, honey.

- If you won't, I'll find another doctor.

- Do you know how much that costs?

Nico, come back to the table, please.

- Nico!

- Nico, come on.



Come on.

Eat something. Let's go to school. Mm?

It's nonstop.

From journalists?

And from fans.

And haters.

Even dead, he has haters.


But only those who loved him

will be at the memorial today.

And those who love you.

- Your father's team confirmed

- Patrick! Stop it.


It's, "Let's go to your place,

and I'll help you clean it."

"Let's go for a walk, and

don't think about your father."

"Let's organize a memorial for him."

f*ck, you keep talking about him!

While trying to distract

me from thinking of him.

Iván, I want you to feel better.

Then don't keep reminding

me of him all the time!

And no, I don't want a f*cking memorial!

- Okay, tell me what to do because

- Nothing! Nothing, Patrick!

Don't do anything!

I appreciate it, but stop doing things.


- Oh, sorry.

- Ari, leave me alone.

Shark or dolphin. Pick one.


In order to breathe,

a dolphin has to rise

to the surface, once in a while.

A shark has to keep swimming

if it wants to fill its gills,

no matter what happens.

You have to choose one of the

two if you want to breathe.

I can't.

I can't either.

But not breathing

isn't really an option.

And how do you do it?

- How do you keep breathing after Samuel

- No.

Not his name.


Your secret is to keep swimming

without stopping, no matter what.

- I've been talking with Iván

- And it looks like it worked.

That's great, Patrick.

I'm choosing shark too.

Okay then, let's start the class.

Take out your notebooks.

Page 31.

Messing with Isadora and Iván

just when they're going through

hell and need each other

- What're you talkin' about?

- f*ck.

I wonder if maybe we're

making a mistake with you,

and you're who we should pin it on.

Pau! How are you? What a surprise.

Well, shit, Javi! It's been a minute!

Hey, this is some school you have here.

You know, you were the reason

my brother wanted to come.

Hmm. So we could be together.

Like summers in Jávea.

Dude, can we talk?

I don't want to talk to you.

Hey, hey, hey, hey,

hey. What's the matter?

Nothing. Uh, we just have

to sort something out.


Dude, I miss you.

I can't undo what happened with Isa,

but I'm paying for

it, I can promise you.

I just don't understand

how you sleep at night.

And on top of that, now you're

telling lies about Iván?

You're so full of shit.

Dídac, what the hell's goin' on here?


Just that he and I are

not friends anymore.

These things happen.

Let's go.

I have nothin' to say to you. Let's go.

I'm glad to see you.

- Javi had something to do with it?

- He told me himself.

Wanna listen to it?

Pau, what do you think?

That it didn't hurt me to find out

that Javi really had the capac

Exactly. Javi. Your

Javi. Your friend here.

Dídac, in this life,

money doesn't stick around.

Or health. Or youth either.

But there's something that does.

That's your family. And your

friends. The ones you can count on.

That is why our love and loyalty to them

has to always come before

anything and everything else.

- You're taking his side now?

- Listen to me. This is important.

Nobody gives second chances.

These days, you're forced

to always pick sides,

and if you screw up only once,

you're wiped off the map, with no

trial or evidence, just like that.

Do you know what it's like to screw up?

To have everyone turn their back on you?

To feel that alone?

Javi screwed up.

Big time. Maybe as badly as

anyone can possibly f*ck up.

But what should he do? Commit su1c1de?

Huh? Move to a deserted island?

"Sorry, kid you f*cked up."

"You're not perfect anymore,

so take a rocket and

go into f*cking space

and keep orbiting till you die."

Is that what he should do?

I just can't forgive him.

I'm sorry. Don't want to.

Don't then.

You don't want to,

don't do it. That's fine.

But hear him out.

You've decided to take the girl's side

because you like her. I get that.

- Fine with me. Uh, kiddo.

- That's not why.

You like her. It's obvious. It's okay.

We've all fallen head

over heels for a girl.

It's happened to all of

us. I get it. it's cool.

But Javi's your buddy.

He's your friend, man.

He's asking you to listen to him.

So just find a way to support the girl

while making sure to

give your buddy a hand.


What are you doing here?

Please. Five minutes, m'kay?

- Alone.

- You can't just show up at my school.

Yeah, but you won't take

my calls or anything.

You can't break everything

off without a conversation.

Of course she can.

In fact, if you keep this shit up,

we're gonna have to get a restraining

order against you, won't we?

Is that what you want?

'Cause if that's what

you want, I'll leave.

But I need to hear it from you.

Your personality is way too strong

to let someone else talk for you.


That's not who you are.

She's manipulating you.

- What?

- Yes.


No matter what I do, I can't bulk up.

But you're makin' progress.

I mean, gaining muscles

takes time, dude.

Sure. Because all you had to

do was drink shakes, right?

No, seriously.

There must be something I can

do to speed up the process.

Maybe um I can help you build muscle.

I got some great shit.

At a modest price, of course.

- You?

- Well, maybe not that modest, honestly.

But I can assure you,

this shit is top tier.

Legit. Medical-grade.

And why don't you use it to

help yourself grow a foot taller?

My father's a surgeon.

I have access to hormones that

can get you the results you want.

And I need the money.

We can help each other out.

So, do we have a deal?

You get the hormones

first. Then we'll talk.

Hey, hey.

If you know anyone else

who's interested, hit me up.


Many of you have asked me

why it's been weeks

since we posted anything.

And I think I owe you an explanation.

Sara left me.

That's why it's taken me so

long to answer you, because

I didn't have an answer.


See, I even wrote her a letter.

I didn't know where to send it.

Sara, if you're listening to this,

I'm not even going to try to read

it because I know it by heart,

just like I know every

mole on your back by heart.

Sara, I want you to know

that I don't hold a grudge.

That I cherished every moment

with you. Cherished your love.

And I am truly sorry for all the times

I have failed to love you properly.

But this channel,

this house, and I

will always be your home.

I swear I I will spend

every second of my life

trying to become a better person

so that, if one day

you decide to come back,

you will have the boyfriend

you deserve by your side.


This'll only take a second.

Okay, look.

If the friends you made

now so you could act cool

always treat you like shit and

are just a bunch of assholes,

that's your problem.

But if you miss me so

much, then I need proof.

You gotta clean up the piles of shit

you dumped between Iván and Isadora.

Listen, love, if Iván wants to

cancel, I need you to tell me now.

I told you already, Isa. I

don't know what the f*ck to do.

I either do nothing or too much.

Either way, I feel shitty.

I don't know.

I'll help them out.


What's the matter?

Call my chauffeur.

Right away.

Isadora, I lied to you.

Hugo and Álex forced me.

Iván had nothing to do

with what happened in Ibiza.

We did it so you would leave us

alone and focus on someone else.

I'm really sorry.

I'm sorry I f*cked up

your friendship with Iván

when you needed each other the most.

Why're you here?

I can't begin to imagine everything

you must be feeling at this moment.

And I don't have a single

decent excuse to give you

as to why I haven't been

around all this time.

You're my best friend, and

you've always been there for me.

And I'm so ashamed of myself.

Look, Iván.

I know I can't turn back time.

And as much as I'd love to, I

can't give you your dad back either.

But there is something that I can do.

I can go with you to your

house to pick up his belongings.

If you don't feel like

going through them alone,

we'll go through them together.

Or we don't have to. I don't know.

Whatever you want.

The most important part of all of this

is that I want you to know that

I will never again abandon you.


And cry. Crying is so great.

And I'm here, so we can cry together.

No, I can't though.

I'm there, but I can't.

I know. I know, but you'll get there.

But one step at a time.

- So, the memorial?

- No, Isa.


No memorial. Really.

But maybe you need it.

Seems to me, this would

be a really good way

to confront your suffering.

And heal it.

Or begin healing it.

'Cause suffering has to be healed.

Or you'll never find peace.

You wanna go together?


I love you so much.

In the night ♪

It's as if my body

were here, but I'm not.

Like it's happening to someone else.

With voices low ♪

That's great that Isa

convinced you to come.

Okay. I'll go make the rounds.

Since we're acting

like nothing happened.

Let's do it right.

Are off the road ♪

That's when heaven's nail and hammer ♪

How are ya?

- Starts nailing holes in the sky ♪

- I'm sorry, man.

- And I see heaven ♪

- Ugh.

Heaven, heaven ♪

I don't get what he sees in her. Pfft.

That's so 2010 and so sexist.

It's not Sonia's fault things

didn't go well between you and Nico.

No, it was yours.

Sorry, what?

If you hadn't told him about

Bilal, we would've been all right.

But when the guy's the one you like,

then leave the sisterhood

for another day, right?

Because we all know you like Bilal.

Who died long ago ♪

And I'm still down here with the ♪

So, hey. You can just

ignore what Ari said.

Oh. So you don't like me now?

And what if I said I did?

You're not my type.


I only see heaven's nail and hammer ♪

Nailing holes in the sky ♪


Let me guess your type.

Is it white millionaires?

Even if they treat you like shit, right?

And because you already have me,

the sister, to act cocky with,

even though I'm not your type.

That's called

"misogynoir", you know that?

Is it also Swahili?

I'm not going to let

you keep teasing me.


Look, all I know is that you're

on the other side of the bar,

and I'm here.

And I don't want any more

problems with Las Encinas girls.

It's not worth it to me.


On behalf of Cruz's family and friends,

I appreciate each and every

one of you for being here

to honor my father's memory

and the legacy he leaves behind.


My father's team has generously offered

to create a foundation in his name

to promote inclusive sports

so that his name will serve

as an example and all that.

But my dad wasn't an

example of anything.

That's what he would

say if he were here.

He had problems. He was human.

Just trying to live life his way.

And, no.

No one should have to

die for that, y'know?

No one should have k*lled

him because of who he was.

So I don't want to accept it.

And I don't want to live with

it, but I'm going to anyways.

Patrick, no! No.

Let him.

He needs to cry it out.


I swear, I can't stand

hearing her life lessons

when she should be

taking her own advice.

"Do as I say, not as I do."




I thought you'd be at the

police station and not here.

- You don't understand.

- What don't I understand?

That you're going back to him

because he's blackmailing

you emotionally?

I'm not going back to him.

I'm staying. He's going.

He even gave me space

by going to dinner.

He's doing his part, Mencía.

He's manipulating you, Sara.

That's textbook control.

Because clearly it's better

to be controlled by you. Right?


Is that what you really think of me?

Look, I'm only doing this

to help you out, all right?

As a friend.

I want nothing in

exchange, and I never have.

I know I haven't gone

about it the best way.

It's just that I see you

venturing into danger,

and I can't leave you in the lion's den.

But I just want my life back, okay?

I'm not some puppet.

This is my decision.

I'll send someone over

tomorrow to pick up my things.

I've been talking with Mencía.

It wasn't easy, but we

found it by asking around.

- What is this?

- It's the address where Samuel is buried.


For you.

And for me.

You asked me to let Iván

cry for his dad, didn't you?

Well, now I'm asking you

to do the same for Samuel.

Excuse me.

Yeah. Thanks.


I lied to you.

The shark stuff was bullshit.

This is the only thing

that helps me get through.

Does it work?

I thought it did.

That it took away the pain.

But actually, it only hides it.

It takes hold of it here.

If we can't get rid of it

then at the very least, we can share it.

Stop acting like a baby ♪

You're acting like a baby ♪

Most of the time ♪

'Cause I am a good girl ♪

I'm a really good girl ♪

Of the rare kind ♪

'Cause I'm a fool for loving you ♪

Hey, have you seen Iván?


I am a fool ♪

So alone, and yet so pretty.

Whipping out the classics, huh?

Stop acting like a baby ♪

I'm not alone, though.

Uh, I'm with you.

- How much?

- How much what?

How much do you charge?

Hey, hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?

You should be grateful you didn't

get your ass kicked, you r*cist.

For making a mistake?

- You looked like

- Like what?

Did you ask her how much she

charges? Or her right there?

- What happened?

- This girl just att*cked me.

She's the one who was

att*cked. Take him away.

- Please come with us.

- Okay, okay.

Calm down, okay?

How are you?

I'm used to it, really.

When they don't mistake me for a

prost*tute, it's for a housekeeper.

Not that there's anything wrong

with either of those, but

You know what I mean?

For once, I understand you.

The locals here see my skin,

and they think they know me.

I'm a local.

But you wanted to be from

there. I'm the opposite of you.

That's "hello" in Swahili.

I'm Bilal.

It's always good to meet a sister.

'Cause I'm a fool for loving you ♪

I tried to help you, Ari.

Both of you.

You too, Iván.

I don't know why you've

pulled away from me.

You accept help from everyone,

but from me, you want nothing.

You say you're grateful, but

I feel like you hate my guts.

- I don't hate your guts.

- Yes, you despise me!

Even if you force a smile,

you can't help letting it show.

And I don't know when this

started, but I don't care.

Because I don't deserve it.

And you?

You've turned into a filthy drunk

who has no respect for anything.

I'll be at my parents',

in case you need anything.

And tomorrow, or

whenever, I'll come over,

and we can record some

videos, like we said.



Hold on.

It's just

Maybe it's silly for you to

leave today to come back tomorrow.

Yeah, but that's what we agreed on.

Are you sure?

Little by little.

We won't sleep together, but stay here.


Come on.

Ugh. Can you please call Isadora?

I'll be right back. I'm sorry.

Yeah, no. You have no way

to know if she's sleeping.

You can't fool me like that.

Isadora is "sleeping," apparently.

That's what I deserve. To be alone.

- No.

- Yes.

You should leave me alone too

because of the way I treated you.

I was scared shitless.

But it's not because of what you think.


Well, the thing is, the last time

I liked someone the way I like you

And I like you, as

much as you say I don't,

I really screwed up.

His name was Samuel.

That's the first time

I've said his name.

And I loved him

so much, to be honest.

So much.

But, well, I I destroy

everything I care about.

That's why I'm telling you to stay

away. And you're not listening.

And then you'll come

saying, "Oh!" I told you so.

Your girlfriend's waiting.

That I have ♪

To give ♪


Nico, why are you texting

her? She's right there!

I'm getting a car.

And he's sending me home again. Cool.

No, I want you to come home with me.

Wants to change ♪

- Oh.

- You are the one ♪

Why, Iván? I swear, I don't understand.

- I mean, do you love her? Is that it?

- I'm not in love with anyone.

- See? You do hate me.

- I don't f*cking hate you!

Then why pull away?

You avoid being left alone together.

You avoid having me near you.

You avoid being with me.

You're even avoiding looking at me.

Because every time I look,

I remember my father

came out because of you!

And I remember that he

left the house that night

because you called him.

And that if he and I had never

met you, he might still be here.

You can't blame me for that.

Deep down, I know

you're not responsible.

And I know there's no excuse

for what I did tonight.

It doesn't change what

I feel when I see you.

I feel like everything

is your fault, Patrick.

I wish I could control that,

but that's just what I feel.

And I know it's insanely unfair

and I can't do it anymore.

Iván, please tell me

you're not leaving me now.

