20x20 - Enlightenment - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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20x20 - Enlightenment - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Four

First Air Date: March 9, 1983
Running time: 24:34

WRACK: Now, where were we? Ah, yes. Have you heard of time standing still?

TEGAN: Yes, it's an expression. It means. Why have you brought me here?

WRACK: I wanted you to meet someone, but they seem to have gone.

TEGAN: I'd like to rejoin the party, too, please.

WRACK: As you wish. I too would like to speak to the Doctor. The image of him in your mind is quite intriguing.

TEGAN: Can't see him anywhere.

WRACK: No, but there's Marriner, longing for your company.


WRACK: Don't let me keep you.

MARRINER: I've been looking for you everywhere.

TEGAN: Really?

MARRINER: I was worried. Where did Wrack take you?

TEGAN: The wheelhouse.

MARRINER: You're unharmed?

TEGAN: Of course.

MARRINER: I was concerned for you.

TEGAN: Thank you. It was unnecessary.

MARRINER: I missed you. I was concerned. I am empty without you.

TEGAN: Go away. Please?

MARRINER: You are life itself. Without you I am nothing. Don't you understand?

TEGAN: What?

MARRINER: I am empty. You give me being. I look into your mind and see life, energy, excitement. I want them. I want you. Your thoughts should be my thoughts. Your feelings, my feelings.

TEGAN: Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me you're in love?

MARRINER: Love? What is love? I want existence.

MANSELL: I found them coming out of the grid room.

TURLOUGH: He's a spy. I saw him wandering around and followed him in.

MANSELL: Then what were you doing in the grid room?

TURLOUGH: I followed him in.

MANSELL: Why didn't you summon help?

TURLOUGH: From where? When you found me, I was trying to apprehend him myself.

WRACK: Spying, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Well, I'd hardly call it spying. We were welcomed as guests, given the freedom of the ship.

WRACK: And you think freedom extends to a door marked 'Danger'? What shall we do with your friend the spy?

TURLOUGH: Get rid of him.

WRACK: Ah. How?

TURLOUGH: I mean, send him back. Send them all back to Striker.

WRACK: And what about you?

STRIKER: Check to see if the repair to the sail is complete.

HELMSMAN: Aye, aye, sir.

TEGAN: All right, all right, don't push. Where's Turlough?

MANSELL: You will board the launch now.

TEGAN: What about Turlough?

DOCTOR: He's staying.

TEGAN: You can't let them do that.

MANSELL: The launch. Now.

TEGAN: You can't let them keep him.

DOCTOR: You don't understand. It was his idea. He wanted to stay. Come on.


DOCTOR: Wrack mustn't win the race. He's stayed to prevent her.

TEGAN: You believe that?

DOCTOR: Well, I think he wants to prove himself. At least, I hope so.


STRIKER: As soon as Mister Marriner's party's aboard, prepare to get underway.

WRACK: Your friends have gone.

TURLOUGH: Good riddance.

WRACK: Drink? My thanks for detecting the spy, and for choosing to stay with me. But I wonder why?

TURLOUGH: I told you, I like to be on the winning side.

WRACK: You do? And you want a share of the winnings?


WRACK: Even though you're not sure what they are?

TURLOUGH: I'm sure the prize is a rich one.

WRACK: Oh, it is. Enlightenment.

TURLOUGH: In what way?

WRACK: In every way. When I have it, I shall no longer depend on Ephemeral minds. Everything conceived in time, from the beginning to the end, will be clear to me. I shall create and destroy as I wish. I'll never be bored again.

TURLOUGH: Destroy?

WRACK: Enlightenment brings whatever one desires. I desire to be amused. I have a new toy to show you. Come. See how I entertain my guests.

TURLOUGH: What are they doing?

WRACK: It's the plank. An ingenious Ephemeral idea for disposing of those who stand in one's way.

TEGAN: I'm going to change. I've had about enough of this outfit.

MARRINER: I too must change and go back to the wheelhouse. We're nearly into the final leg.

DOCTOR: Er, I'm going to the wheelhouse.

TEGAN: I'll be with you in a minute.

TURLOUGH: They just disappear.

WRACK: They're out of the race. They're like me. We do not exist in time, therefore there is no moment of time that can see us cease to be. We are Eternals. They'll survive, merely transfer. You Ephemerals are different. You die so easily. Shall we see? One of the crew, perhaps.


WRACK: Shall we join them on deck?


WRACK: They're waiting for you.

TURLOUGH: No. You don't understand.

WRACK: I understand perfectly. The Doctor's not the only spy.

TURLOUGH: I wasn't spying.

WRACK: You forget I can see into an Ephemeral mind, even a murky one such as yours.

TURLOUGH: But I'm on your side! I just wanted a share, just some of the prize.

WRACK: You wanted it all. Your mind is divided, confused, hard to read sometimes, but one thing is clear in it always. Greed. Take him away. He bores me.

TURLOUGH: No, listen! The power outside the Ion chamber. I heard the power that speaks to you. I heard it and I know the voice. He speaks to me as well. I serve him, as I wish to serve you.

STRIKER: The Enlighteners, there they are. Gentlemen, we are nearly there.

STRIKER: More sail, Mister Mate. Cram on everything she's got.

MARRINER: More sail, bo'sun. Cram on everything we've got.

TEGAN: What's happening?

MARRINER: Empty that sail locker.

DOCTOR: The race is nearly over.

SAILORS: Heave! Heave! Heave!

MARRINER: We're pulling away.

STRIKER: We'll show her a clean pair of heels.

DOCTOR: Not yet.

MARRINER: Look, Captain.

DOCTOR: They've hoisted their moonrakers.

WRACK: A surprise for Captain Striker.

MANSELL: We're gaining on them.

WRACK: Good. I want us lying level. You shall serve me too. Come with me. We will go to our Guardian and together we will listen to his voice.

STRIKER: Wrack, she's still moving up on us.

MARRINER: Those moonrakers are giving her the edge.

TEGAN: What are moonrakers?

DOCTOR: Pirate sails for speed. With those, they're faster than we are.

STRIKER: Hold her steady.

TEGAN: They can overtake us?


MARRINER: Wrack's ship is level, but we're holding her.

DOCTOR: They can pass us any time they want.

TEGAN: Then why aren't they?

DOCTOR: Why indeed?

MARRINER: Still holding level.

DOCTOR: No! You've got it the wrong way round. She's holding level with us! She's moved in for the k*ll.

WRACK: Now, open that door.

DOCTOR: I tell you, that's how she was positioned when the Greek ship exploded. She was lying level. And when Davy's ship was destroyed, practically alongside, don't you remember?

STRIKER: More sail, Mister Mate.

MARRINER: That's everything we've got.

DOCTOR: We can't pull away from her. She's got us where she wants us.

STRIKER: More sail!

MARRINER: More sail, bo'sun!

DOCTOR: We must find the focus.

TEGAN: What?

DOCTOR: She must have done it. She must have got it aboard somehow. Did she give you anything when we were on board her ship? Anything at all? Think!


DOCTOR: It has to be here somewhere. It has to be.

TEGAN: What?

DOCTOR: The point of focus. Without it, the power she channels is useless.

MARRINER: What power?

DOCTOR: The power of darkness.

TEGAN: What would the focus look like?

DOCTOR: Well, it could be anything. Probably a crystal of some sort. So big, perhaps. Could be part of a jewel, a clasp, the hilt of a sword.

TEGAN: Part of a jewel.

WRACK: Speak to me. Come to me.


DOCTOR: Which way?

MARRINER: Along there.

TEGAN: It was there, like a ruby, right in the centre of the tiara.

MARRINER: So that's why Wrack took you to the wheelhouse.

DOCTOR: Come on!

BLACK GUARDIAN (OOV.): Focus. Focus. Your mind is a channel through which power will flow. Focus your mind.

BLACK GUARDIAN (OOV.): Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus.

BLACK GUARDIAN (OOV.): Focus. Focus. Focus.

BLACK GUARDIAN (OOV.): Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus.

TEGAN: What is it? What's happening to it?

DOCTOR: I can't destroy it. I'm a fool. Its power's multiplying. I have to get rid of it. Help me!

TEGAN: Where's he going?

MARRINER: The deck.

BLACK GUARDIAN (OOV.): Focus. Focus. Focus.

BLACK GUARDIAN (OOV.): Focus. Focus.

WRACK: Striker's ship still exists!

DOCTOR: Just in time.

MARRINER: Fascinating. For an Ephemeral to outwit an Eternal. I would have thought it an impossibility.

DOCTOR: Impossibility? Not at all.

MARRINER: We have control over matter. Had you merely imagined it in space, I could have converted the image into reality without so much effort.

TEGAN: Then why didn't you?

DOCTOR: Because he didn't think of it. They're far more dependant on us than we are on them. Without us, they're empty nothings.

TEGAN: What is it?

MARRINER: The wind, it's dying.

MANSELL: Captain.

WRACK: I know. Striker's ship's still whole.

MANSELL: But he's becalmed. The winds have dropped.

WRACK: Ah, then I must be content with victory.

TURLOUGH: How can you, if there's no wind?

WRACK: My sails can catch the slightest whisper of a breeze. The race is ours, and the prize.

STRIKER: Bo'sun. Bo'sun!

STRIKER: Mister Marriner, victory's in sight and we idle here, sails hanging limp. Get the men aloft!

MARRINER: There's no point. There is no wind, Captain.

STRIKER: Wrack is pulling away from us. She's going to win!

MARRINER: Then we are beaten.

DOCTOR: Not quite. Don't forget Turlough's over there.


DOCTOR: If I'm to stop Wrack winning, I need my TARDIS.

STRIKER: Very well.

TEGAN: Where is it?

STRIKER: Hidden in the Doctor's mind.

MARRINER: Doctor, concentrate.

TEGAN: Will the TARDIS still function? The console blew up.

DOCTOR: Oh, probably did it the world of good. Come on, no time to waste.

MARRINER: Miss Tegan stays with me.


MARRINER: She stays or you both stay.

STRIKER: Wrack is completely outstripping us!

DOCTOR: I'll be back. I hope.

STRIKER: She has almost won.

DOCTOR: No, wait! The power you're tapping. You think it's under your control? It isn't. It will control you. You don't understand what it is.

WRACK: You have no time left. Throw him into the void.

DOCTOR: No, Turlough.

TEGAN: What's the Doctor doing?

TEGAN: What was that?

STRIKER: Man overboard.

TEGAN: Not the Doctor, it couldn't be.

MARRINER: The ship is still moving.

STRIKER: And she hasn't even slackened speed.

MARRINER: The Doctor has failed.

STRIKER: And Wrack has won.

MARRINER: The race is over.

TEGAN: Is the Doctor dead?

STRIKER: I don't know.

MARRINER: The sparkle has gone from your mind. There are only grey shadows there. I see grief. What is grief?

STRIKER: Come. We must cross to Wrack's ship.


STRIKER: She has won. We must pay homage.

WHITE GUARDIAN: Let the victor receive his prize. You will never destroy the light.

BLACK GUARDIAN: Others shall do it for me.

WHITE GUARDIAN: Destroy the light and you destroy yourself. Dark cannot exist without knowledge of light.

BLACK GUARDIAN: Nor light without dark. Your powers are waning.

WHITE GUARDIAN: Others will recharge them for me.

BLACK GUARDIAN: These creatures have no knowledge of good or evil. Enlightenment will give them power. They will invade time itself. Chaos will come again, and the universe will dissolve. Where is the Captain of this ship? Where is the Captain to receive the prize?

DOCTOR: I'm afraid the Captain can't be with us. She met with a rather unfortunate accident. Both the Captain and the First Mate fell overboard. I brought the ship into harbour with some assistance.


DOCTOR: I leave the lies and deception to you.

BLACK GUARDIAN: Take care, Doctor. You have not defeated me. You have merely won a minor skirmish. The w*r still goes on.

WHITE GUARDIAN: It seems Enlightenment is yours, Doctor.

DOCTOR: I'm not ready for it. I don't think anyone is, especially Eternals.

TEGAN: Doctor, I thought you

DOCTOR: Yes. Not now, Tegan.

WHITE GUARDIAN: You're right, Doctor. Let the Eternals return to the place from which they came.

MARRINER: No. I want to stay.

WHITE GUARDIAN: Back to your echoing void, back to the vastness of eternity.

MARRINER: Tegan, help me.

TEGAN: I can't.

MARRINER: I need you.

TEGAN: Doctor?

DOCTOR: There's nothing we can do.

WHITE GUARDIAN: You were right, Doctor, in judging no one is fit to claim all Enlightenment. I can, however, allocate a share to you, Turlough.


WHITE GUARDIAN: You assisted in bringing the ship to harbour.

TURLOUGH: It's diamond. The size. It could buy a galaxy. I can have that?


BLACK GUARDIAN: I would point out that under our agreement, it is mine. Unless, of course, you wish to surrender something else in its place. The Doctor is in your debt for his life. Give me the Doctor, and you can have this, the TARDIS, whatever you wish.

WHITE GUARDIAN: Consider, Turlough. Which will you give him? The Doctor, or this? The choice is yours.

TURLOUGH: Here, take it!

WHITE GUARDIAN: Light destroys the dark. I think you will find your contract terminated.

TURLOUGH: I never wanted the agreement in the first place.

DOCTOR: I believe you.

TEGAN: You're mad.

TURLOUGH: What I've said is true.

TEGAN: You believe him because he gave up Enlightenment for your sake.

DOCTOR: You're missing the point. Enlightenment was not the diamond. Enlightenment was the choice.

WHITE GUARDIAN: Be vigilant, Doctor. Once, you denied him the Key to Time. Now, you have thwarted him again. He will be waiting for the third encounter, and his power does not diminish.

TURLOUGH: But the Black Guardian is destroyed.

WHITE GUARDIAN: While I exist, he exists also, until we are no longer needed.

TEGAN: Let's get away from here.

DOCTOR: Anywhere in particular?

TURLOUGH: Yes. My planet. My home.

DOCTOR: Why not?

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Tegan Jovanka
Janet Fielding

Turlough – Mark Strickson

The Black Guardian – Valentine Dyall

The White Guardian – Cyril Luckham

Striker – Keith Barron

Christopher Brown

Wrack – Lynda Baron

Mansell – Leee John

First Officer
James McClure

Jackson – Tony Caunter

Clive Kneller

Assistant Floor Manager
Val McCrimmon
Ian Tootle

Dinah Collin

Colin Green

Film Cameraman
John Walker
Paul Hellings-Wheeler

Film Editor
Mitchell Boyd
Ian McKendrick

Incidental Music
Malcolm Clarke

Jean Steward
Carolyn Perry

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Patricia O'Leary

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Fred Wright

Studio Sound
Martin Ridout

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Mike Kelt
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