20x16 - Terminus - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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20x16 - Terminus - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Four

First Air Date: 23 February 1983
Running time: 24:49

DOCTOR: We must stop the sequence.

KARI: Do you know how?

DOCTOR: Not yet.

KARI: What, then?

VALGARD: Where are the others?

OLVIR: What?


OLVIR: Oh, no. Nyssa!

TEGAN: Are you all right?

TURLOUGH: I think so.

TEGAN: What happened?

TURLOUGH: I don't know.


TEGAN: We must make it materialise fully.

TURLOUGH: It won't move.

TEGAN: Let me help. It's not going to defeat us now.

VALGARD: I wouldn't. The radiation'll k*ll you. Get much closer and you're dead, unless you can get to a decontamination unit.

OLVIR: You're lying.

VALGARD: Please yourself, then, but in my day we were better trained.

OLVIR: What?

VALGARD: You're not from the Company. You're combat trained. Colonel Pereira, was it? The one they call the Chief?

OLVIR: How do you know?

VALGARD: Recognise the moves. Taught the same ones to me. I was with him for five tours, till he turned me in for the reward.

OLVIR: And how did you get here?

VALGARD: sl*ve labour. That's how Terminus works. You couldn't pay anyone enough to work here.

OLVIR: Where are the guards?

VALGARD: Don't need them. If we don't work, we don't get the Hydromel we need to stay alive. Help me, please. Oh, come on. Look at me. I'm a danger to no one. I'm finished. I'm dying.

OLVIR: Where did that thing take Nyssa?

VALGARD: Nyssa? Oh, is that her name? I've no idea. This is my first time in the Zone.

OLVIR: Will he harm her?

VALGARD: No. He's curing her. That's what he's here for.

OLVIR: How can that thing cure anyone?

VALGARD: Help me. I'll show you.

OLVIR: I'll find her myself.

VALGARD: Don't leave me.

KARI: Why won't it move?

DOCTOR: It's controlled by the computer, and the computer's uncontrollable.

TEGAN: I don't think I've got any skin left on my hands.

TANNOY: Primary ignition is now beginning. All systems running on test. Departure sequence is beginning now.

TEGAN: What's happening?

TURLOUGH: The liner's preparing to move.

TEGAN: No, wait! You can't leave yet!

TANNOY: All drones to designated assembly points. Countdown to secondary ignition follows.


TURLOUGH: The ship's on a*t*matic, Tegan. There's nothing you can do.

TEGAN: I've got to try.

TANNOY: Departure sequence is now underway. Countdown to docking disengagement now beginning.

TANNOY: Preparing to blow clamps and withdraw all lines.

TEGAN: Can anyone hear me?

TANNOY: Countdown to primary burn is now underway.

TEGAN: You must stop!

TANNOY: Countdown to primary burn is now underway.

TANNOY: Test mode on all systems is now disengaged.

TANNOY: All systems operating within permitted tolerances.

TEGAN: Shut up!

TANNOY: Emergency, emergency. Launch abort. Launch abort.

TEGAN: I don't believe it.

TANNOY: Launch abort.

TANNOY: Launch abort. Launch abort.

KARI: How can this ship still be operational after all this time?

DOCTOR: The technology here is phenomenal, unfortunately. There must be a way to reset that handle.

KARI: He must have had the strength of a giant.

DOCTOR: A giant.

KARI: Of course.

DOCTOR: The Garm.

KARI: But will there still be enough time?

DOCTOR: Well, we can only hope there is.

GUARDIAN (on scanner): The Doctor still lives.

TURLOUGH: He's trapped. He's powerless, probably dead already.

GUARDIAN (on scanner): You represent a poor investment of my time and energy, and for such an investment there is only one course to follow.

OLVIR: I'm unarmed. Can you understand me?

GARM: Perfectly.

OLVIR: Why are you doing this? You're torturing people.

GARM: I draw the disease from them. All would die but most survive.

OLVIR: And the last one you treated, Nyssa, did she survive?

GARM: She is recovering.

OLVIR: Where?

GARM: Follow me.

BOR: If only I could remember.

SIGURD: Try to relax.

BOR: It doesn't matter. In a couple of hours there won't even be a Terminus or a Company or anything. I found some information in a computer.

SIGURD: What's going to happen?

BOR: That's the trouble. I can't remember.

SIGURD: But Bor, you must.

BOR: Short term memory is always the first to go.

SIGURD: Look, I'll get some Hydromel. There's a case of it through there.

BOR: Eirak won't release any.

SIGURD: Who said I was going to ask him?

BOR: It really isn't worth the trouble, you know.

DOCTOR: You ready?

KARI: Call him.

TEGAN: Turlough? Turlough?

KARI: He's coming. What do we do now?

DOCTOR: Let's just get into the control room. I'll do the rest.

KARI: And if he won't cooperate?

DOCTOR: We'll humour him. Right, let's go.

KARI: It's not working.

GARM: Deception is unnecessary. You have given the signal, I must obey.

NYSSA: Olvir!

OLVIR: Nyssa! You came through the cure.

NYSSA: Just about.

OLVIR: What happened?

NYSSA: I was simply exposed to a massive dose of radiation. There's no proper diagnosis, no control, and this is supposed to be someone's idea of decontamination.

OLVIR: Well, let's go. The sooner we can put Terminus behind us

NYSSA: You don't understand. There must be thousands of people who've passed through here and think they're cured. It's all just hit and miss. No one cares.

OLVIR: Let's go, Nyssa.

NYSSA: Listen to me. The cure works, but it needs to be controlled, otherwise you just trade one k*ller for another. Radiation induced diseases that may take years to show.

OLVIR: Let's just concentrate on getting away, shall we?

NYSSA: It could all be changed.

OLVIR: I've no doubt you're right, but we can argue your case later. Now come on, quickly.

EIRAK: Who took it? Who took the signal box? Someone will suffer for this.

DOCTOR: You understand what we need you to do?

DOCTOR: I'd appreciate it if you'd hurry.

GARM: Is this necessary?

DOCTOR: If you can return the lever, I can disconnect the computer controlling it.

GARM: And if I fail?

DOCTOR: It's the end of the universe.

BOR: Beginning of the end, boys.

KARI: Nothing's happening.

DOCTOR: It must. You must push harder. It's the only way.

KARI: Please.

KARI: It's working!

DOCTOR: That's it!

GARM: Have I served you well?

DOCTOR: Indeed you have.

GARM: Do something for me. Destroy the box. Set me free.

DOCTOR: Rest. You've earned it. Come on.

KARI: What now?

DOCTOR: Disconnect the control lines to the engines.

DOCTOR: Look, whoever you are, we haven't got time for

VALGARD: Silence. Move.

DOCTOR: You're taking a very narrow view of all this.

NYSSA: It's the Doctor.

VALGARD: I want to stay alive. If that's a narrow view, then you're right.

DOCTOR: You're quite happy to see things go on as they are.

VALGARD: Happy? This is Terminus. No one's happy here. Staying alive is all that counts.

DOCTOR: Things could change.

NYSSA: Over here!

OLVIR: Here!

KARI: Freeze!

DOCTOR: Nyssa, I've been so worried.

NYSSA: I'm fine. Doctor, I've made a fantastic discovery. The cure for Lazar disease works.

DOCTOR: How do you know?

NYSSA: Because I've been cured myself.

OLVIR: It seems I was wrong.

NYSSA: The system is far from safe.

DOCTOR: Well, you think it could be?

NYSSA: With the Garm's help, yes. It's only his lack of free will which has prevented him from doing anything about it.

DOCTOR: Well, he has it now.

VALGARD: She's sick. She doesn't know what she's talking about.

NYSSA: With changes, Terminus could work, become a proper hospital.

VALGARD: The Company isn't interested.

NYSSA: Are you, though? And the other Vanir?

VALGARD: Even if we were, it's not possible without Hydromel, and it's the Company who control that.

NYSSA: But if you had an endless supply of it, you'd be free of their control, wouldn't you?

BOR: Am I dead yet?


BOR: Oh, funny, I could have sworn that. But still, it's a relief. I am hoping for something rather better on the other side. Sigurd

SIGURD: Try to sleep.

BOR: Sleep? It's all I can do to keep awake for more than a minute.

SIGURD: Valgard!

VALGARD: Shush. I've got some people with me.

SIGURD: What's going on?

VALGARD: Come in.

DOCTOR: Where is it?


SIGURD: Now wait a minute.

VALGARD: They say they can free us from the Company.

SIGURD: You believe that?

VALGARD: You know anybody harder to convince?

DOCTOR: It's locked. Olvir, may I borrow your laser?

SIGURD: Now if this is just some madcap scheme for getting back at Eirak, then you've got another thing coming.


DOCTOR: You're the expert, what do you think?

DOCTOR: Look, er, while we're sorting things out here, perhaps you'd be so good as to cut the control lines to the engines. I'd hate anyone to start the sequence manually.

KARI: Of course. Come on.

NYSSA: It's crude stuff, probably organic.

DOCTOR: Think you can synthesise it?

NYSSA: I might even improve on it.

SIGURD: Well, how's this supposed to free us from the Company?

NYSSA: Terminus Incorporated only control you because they supply you with Hydromel, but if you produced your own

VALGARD: Here on Terminus.

SIGURD: Is it possible?

NYSSA: Of course.

SIGURD: But the Company would send troops. They'd destroy us.

NYSSA: With the current reputation Lazar disease has, would any sane soldier come here?

VALGARD: Of course they wouldn't.

SIGURD: I suppose not.

NYSSA: Then help.

SIGURD: All right. Why not?

BOR: Oh, Sigurd.

SIGURD: I'm with you.

OLVIR: Are you sure these are the right cables?

KARI: According to the Doctor.

OLVIR: It's what you said about this ship. I'd hate to end the universe by mistake.

KARI: Give me the g*n.

OLVIR: No, no, I'll, I'll do it. Just wanted to be certain.

EIRAK: I want it found. Without the signal box we've got no control over the Garm.

VALGARD: Pleased to see me? I want you to meet some people.

DOCTOR: How do you do? I'm the Doctor, and this is Nyssa.

EIRAK: All right, Valgard, what do you think you're doing?

VALGARD: I think you owe me something.

SIGURD: A small matter of your position here.

VALGARD: If I bring back the intruders, your position is mine, remember? There he is.

BOR: We all think it's time for a little chat.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, before you start, perhaps one of you could show us the way to the damaged engine. There's still a great deal to be done.

KARI: Terminus will never move again.

OLVIR: Have you given any thought as to how we're going to get home?

KARI: I'm about to.

DOCTOR: It'll be good to see the TARDIS again.

NYSSA: And Tegan.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, it'll be nice to know she's safe. Tegan!

TEGAN: Doctor.

DOCTOR: What are you doing?

TEGAN: I was trying to reach you. Turlough went back to the TARDIS on his own.

DOCTOR: I told you not to follow me.

NYSSA: Doctor, say you're pleased to see her.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, I'm pleased to see her but she shouldn't have followed us.

TEGAN: You don't understand.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, we'll talk about it later. Valgard?

TEGAN: Why does he never listen?

NYSSA: He has a great deal to do.

TEGAN: There always is.

NYSSA: Tegan, I have to tell you something.

DOCTOR: Now it's important you inform the authorities about what's been going on here. Make it impossible for Terminus Incorporated to retaliate. For example, you must make contact with the pick-up ship.

VALGARD: What ship?

DOCTOR: The one that takes the cured Lazars away. Well, the Garm will know all about it.

VALGARD: We no longer have any control over him.

DOCTOR: Then speak to him, win his confidence. You'll find him very agreeable.

TEGAN: Doctor? Doctor, talk to Nyssa.

DOCTOR: What is it?

NYSSA: I'm not coming with you.


NYSSA: There's too much to be done here.

TEGAN: Tell her she must.

DOCTOR: Well, you can't stay. It isn't safe. Certainly not until the Vanir have sorted out how they're to run Terminus.

NYSSA: And with my skills, I can help them.

TEGAN: We need you, too.

NYSSA: I've enjoyed every moment of my time on the TARDIS, and I'll miss you both, but here I have a chance to put into practice the skills I learnt on Traken.

TEGAN: Please, Nyssa.

NYSSA: I'm adamant. Please, let us part in good faith.

DOCTOR: You do fully understand the commitment you'll be undertaking?


DOCTOR: And that life here will be very hard.

NYSSA: I am fully aware of that, but I want to stay.

DOCTOR: Then you're a very brave person. I wish you every luck.

TEGAN: She'll die here.

NYSSA: Not easily, Tegan. Like you, I'm indestructible.

GUARDIAN (on scanner): Turlough. Can you hear me?


GUARDIAN (on scanner): The Doctor is returning.

TURLOUGH: I feel ill.

GUARDIAN (on scanner): This is your last chance, boy.

TURLOUGH: What did you do to me?

GUARDIAN (on scanner): You will recover.

TURLOUGH: I can't go on. k*ll the Doctor yourself. Blame me for it, I don't care. I can't do it.

GUARDIAN (on scanner): You have little choice.

DOCTOR (OOV.): Turlough? Turlough!

GUARDIAN (on scanner): He's coming, boy. This is your last chance. I shall not say that again. k*ll the Doctor!

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

Mark Strickson

Black Guardian
Valentine Dyall

Liza Goddard

Dominic Guard

Rachel Weaver

Martin Potter

Andrew Burt

Tim Munro

Peter Benson

Tannoy Voice
Martin Muncaster

The Garm
R.J. Bell

Assistant Floor Manager
Polly Davidson
Adrian Heywood

Dee Robson

d*ck Coles

Fight Arranger
John Waller

Film Cameraman
Remi Adefarasin

Film Editor
Frances Parker

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

Joan Stribling

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Rena Butterwick

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Sam Barclay

Studio Sound
Scott Talbott

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Peter Pegrum
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