19x21 - Earthshock - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*
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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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19x21 - Earthshock - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

Original Air Date: 15 March 1982
Running time: 24:24

DOCTOR: Then make sure you k*ll the right people. Look at them!

RINGWAY: No tricks.

DOCTOR: Look at the state they’re in.

On the bridge.

CAPT BRIGGS: Turn that thing off. What’s the delay? Where’s Ringway?

The communicator rings.

BERGER: Bridge.

RINGWAY (v.o.): I’ve apprehended two stowaways.

CAPT BRIGGS: Apprehended. Why can’t he say ‘caught’? So melodramatic.

BERGER: Take them to the brig.

CAPT BRIGGS: I’d rather have them up here.

RINGWAY: Vance and Carson are dead, m*rder*d by the stowaways.

CAPT BRIGGS: Oh, that’s all we need.

RINGWAY: Their bodies are by silo 941.

CAPT BRIGGS: Well get a stretcher party down there. You’ve done well, Mister, you’ll get extra bonus.

RINGWAY: I’d rather have Vance and Carson alive.

The Cybermen are checking out the action.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Which one is the Doctor?

CYBERLEADER: The tall one with the fair hair. Even under the threat of death he has the arrogance of a Time Lord.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Now that the Doctor is a prisoner, it is time to secure the freighter.

CYBERLEADER: Indeed. But the Doctor must be taken alive. He must suffer for our past defeats.

In the TARDIS.

LT SCOTT: I think I should go and look for him.

NYSSA: No, wait. You might spoil things.

TEGAN: The Doctor’s quite capable. And Nyssa’s right. A show of force might ruin everything.

LT SCOTT: I hope you’re right.

The stretcher party carry the stretcher down the stairs past the ascending Adric, Doctor, and Ringway. Adric’s got his hands up.

RINGWAY: There’s no hurry, they’re quite dead. Aren’t they?

DOCTOR: Look –

ADRIC: What do we have to say to convince you that we’re not stowaways?

RINGWAY: There’s nothing you can say.

DOCTOR: Let me show you how we traveled here. We have a ship of our own. We don’t need to be stowaways.

RINGWAY: Stowaways or pirates, you’re still murderers. Keep moving.

Back at Cyber control.

CYBERLEADER: Activate my personal guard.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Will that be enough, leader?

CYBERLEADER: The crew is small. They will offer little resistance.

The lieutenant operates some controls. On the Bridge.

CAPT BRIGGS: You’ve caused me a great deal of trouble.

DOCTOR: I assure you, you have the wrong people.

RINGWAY: Don’t answer the Captain back.

CAPT BRIGGS: Quite all right, Ringway, I can fight my own battles, thank you. I suppose you’re going to say you know nothing about the disappearance of three of my crewmembers.

DOCTOR: How can we? We’ve only just arrived on your ship.

CAPT BRIGGS: Someone’s responsible!

ADRIC: It isn’t us!

An alarm sounds.

BERGER: A power surge!

The information comes up on the monitors.

CAPT BRIGGS: Is this your work?

In the TARDIS, Nyssa is pretending to do something useful.

NYSSA: I don’t understand this. There’s a strong electromagnetic field nearby.

TEGAN: So what?

NYSSA: Its sheer size. It’s massive.

TEGAN: Well, could it harm the Doctor and Adric?

NYSSA: I can’t tell without knowing what’s happening.

At Cybercontrol.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Receptors fully charged.

CYBERLEADER: Excellent. Activate.

The lieutenant flips some toggle switches on the control console.

Elsewhere, a Cyberman wrapped in plastic begins to stir.

Its fingers flex.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Reaction readings steady.


The Cyberman pulls the plastic wrap from its face as it continues to come to life.

On the Bridge.

CAPT BRIGGS: A b*mb? On Earth? Controlled from this ship?

ADRIC: It’s all true!

DOCTOR: Every word.

BERGER: At least his story is original.

CAPT BRIGGS: Are you trying to make a fool of me?

DOCTOR: No, I wouldn’t dare.

RINGWAY: He’s just wasting time.

DOCTOR: You said yourself, things have occurred you can’t explain.

CAPT BRIGGS: It doesn’t follow that I’ve got a band of conspirators at work on this ship!

DOCTOR: Well, the crewmen who’ve disappeared may have discovered otherwise.

BERGER: Why are you listening to this fool? He’ll say anything to wriggle his way out of it.

Another alarm sounds.

CAPT BRIGGS: What’s that?

BERGER: It’s happening again. A power surge.

Back in the TARDIS, Scott checks Facebook on his wrist-band iPhone.

LT SCOTT: We’ve waited long enough.

PROF KYLE: The lieutenant’s right. The Doctor could be in a lot of trouble.

NYSSA: I’m as concerned as you, but my instinct is to wait.


NYSSA: Things don’t feel right.

TEGAN: The electromagnetic field?

NYSSA: Yes. I want things to settle down before we go out.

On the bridge they are looking at a system schematic on the monitor.

CAPT BRIGGS: The power loss is enormous.

DOCTOR: How often has this happened?

BERGER: A few times. But never on this scale.

A box on the schematic flashes red.

BERGER: There’s your power loss! Hold number four.

CAPT BRIGGS: Well, get a squad down there at once.

DOCTOR: Can’t you isolate the power line?

BERGER: Not without closing down half the ship, it’s a main cable.

DOCTOR: Well it’s the only way you’ll stop them.


DOCTOR: I don’t know. But I have the feeling whatever’s causing your power loss is out for considerably more than control of this ship.

At Cybercontrol.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Personal guard fully activated.


CYBERLIEUTENANT: The Captain of the freighter will see that his power lines have been tapped.

CYBERLEADER: Why did you not jam their instruments?

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Our demand on their electrical supply was too great. The ship’s computer was alerted.

CYBERLEADER: We will take the bridge at once. Continue the reactivation.

On the bridge, Ringway inserts an electronic key into

a lock. The door slides open to reveal a weapons locker. He begins to hand out r*fles one by one to the crew.

The schematic on the screen has more zones flashing different colors.


RINGWAY: Yes, Captain.

CAPT BRIGGS: Stand fast.

BERGER: We must come out of warp drive.


BERGER: If we continue to lose power at this rate our engines could misphase.

CAPT BRIGGS: I will not risk losing my bonus for a few miserable stowaways.

DOCTOR: Your first officer is right. You must listen to her.


ADRIC: Why not?

BERGER: The transponder would inform Earth security that we deviated from flight schedule. If Earth is on red alert, we would be stopped.

CAPT BRIGGS: We haven’t got time. If I’m late delivering my cargo, I not only lose my bonus, but I have to pay a heavy fine.

DOCTOR: The story about the b*mb is true. Whoever planted it is now in your hold!

CAPT BRIGGS: I will not stop this ship.

DOCTOR: You’ve got clearance through to Earth! That’s where they want to go! You’re giving them safe passage!

CAPT BRIGGS (to Ringway): Position your men on the high walkway. What’s down there stays there.

RINGWAY: Yes, Captain.

ADRIC: Now, look, you must listen to the Doctor.

CAPT BRIGGS: I’ve no reason to believe either of you two.

BERGER: Then believe your own instruments, Captain.

CAPT BRIGGS: We will go on.

In the TARDIS.

NYSSA: The magnetic field is reducing. It should be safe to go out.

LT SCOTT: Right. We’re moving out.

TEGAN: I want to come with you.

LT SCOTT: No. It could be rough.

TEGAN: I think I’d find it rougher waiting!

PROF KYLE: Are you sure? You’re not even dressed for it.

TEGAN: Are you going out?


TEGAN: Then lend me your overalls.

LT SCOTT: Ah ...

NYSSA: Don’t bother to argue.

He sighs. He hands Nyssa a communicator.

LT SCOTT: If the Doctor returns, call me. I don’t want to be out there any longer than I have to.

Nyssa opens the door, and Scott and his troops slowly file out. Without waiting for Tegan.

Inside the freighter, the crew prepare for ... something.

RINGWAY: Bring some more down here. Down here.

They are stacking boxes up for flimsy barricades. This makes no sense, why should they even think something is coming?

Ringway is lost in thought. Oh of course, what a giveaway, he knows what’s there.

On the TARDIS scanner, Lt Scott’s troops begin to move out. Tegan is with them. She changed fast.

Kyle comes from the inner rooms.

PROF KYLE: Oh. Is there nothing positive we can do?

NYSSA: Try not to worry.

On the bridge, the schematic has gone still.

BERGER: Power loss has stabilized.

CAPT BRIGGS: Can we hold warp speed?

BERGER: Just about.

CAPT BRIGGS: I knew it. We’ll make it yet.

ADRIC (to Doctor): Do you remember what you asked me after we’d deactivated the b*mb?

DOCTOR: Why a b*mb and not some other device.

ADRIC: Well, with the Earth on red alert, a m*ssile wouldn’t get through.

DOCTOR: Mmm. We still don’t know what they’re really after.

Scott’s troops continue moving.

They pause at each intersection of row between silos, using caution. They move on slowly.

There are three troops along with Lt Scott and Tegan. On the Bridge.

BERGER: Captain, look.

The monitor screens showing surveillance video begin to go dark.

CAPT BRIGGS: This could be it.

They trigger Ringway’s communicator.

RINGWAY: Ringway.

CAPT BRIGGS: Stand by. The security cameras are on the blink.

DOCTOR: Perhaps I could help.

CAPT BRIGGS: You stay where you are.

BERGER: We should secure these two in the brig.

CAPT BRIGGS: Not yet. I want them where I can see them.

Out in the corridors.

RINGWAY: To your positions. Take cover.

The crewmembers all take up places that don’t seem strategic at all, some behind the stack of two tiny boxes, others up on the top level of the high school bleachers.

On the bridge, the schematic diagram flashes red again, then goes black.

CAPT BRIGGS: We’ve regained full power. Right, on your feet, you two.

DOCTOR: About time.

CAPT BRIGGS: Be quiet.

Out in the corridors, a troop of seven Cybermen march slowly forward, led by the Cyberleader.

Meanwhile, Lt Scott’s party have paused.

TEGAN: It’s vast. We’ll never find him.

LT SCOTT: You wanted to come.

TEGAN: I know. I’m just a mouth on legs.

The Cybermen continue, though it looks like they’ve turned around and are going the other way down the same corridor (which is likely).

On the Bridge.

RINGWAY (o.s.): There’s something on the move.

CAPT BRIGGS: I can’t see anything yet.

Has anyone realized that the screen they’re watching shouldn’t be working, since they all stopped a moment ago? No? Okay. So, their expressions change as the Cybermen stride into view at the top of the picture. Also, the camera moves slightly, as fixed security cameras always seem to do in movies and television.

CAPT BRIGGS: Are these your friends?

DOCTOR: Definitely not.

ADRIC: What are they?

Now the security camera seems to be about knee- height and still isn’t fixed.

DOCTOR: Cybermen.

There is the sound of thunder. For some reason.

In the hold, two Cybermen have come to the first insurmountable barricade. It’s a box that they simply push out of the way.

The freighter’s crew begin firing on the Cybermen, which has no effect. The Cybermen begin firing back, k*lling them.

There is a huge battle involving slow moving Cybermen and a few people not doing much. The Cybermen advance up the steps.

BERGER: Are they robots?

DOCTOR: Far worse. You must withdraw your men. They don’t stand a chance.

CAPT BRIGGS: Neither will we, if those things get up here.

The Cybermen casually continue heading up the stairs while stupid humans continue firing at them.

Lt Scott’s party have heard the battle and are rushing in its direction.

LT SCOTT: Could that be the Doctor?

TEGAN: I hope not. g*ns are not his style at all.

LT SCOTT: All right. Set weapons on k*ll. I’m not taking any chances.

He steels himself, and takes Tegan’s hand.

LT SCOTT: Slowly, now.

Ringway has a sidearm drawn as he returns to the bridge. He stops outside the door.

On the top level, the stupid humans continue firing at the Cybermen. Then they decide to retreat. The Cybermen go up the high school bleachers. Slowly. They push some of the little boxes aside as if they are little boxes. Crew members lay dead all over the stairs, well, a few of them. They continue going up, slowly.

On the bridge again.

CAPT BRIGGS: Our defenses are crumbling. We must help.

BERGER: We can’t leave these two.

As they head toward the weapons cabinet, Ringway is revealed standing there, g*n pointed in their direction.

CAPT BRIGGS: We must take them with us.

RINGWAY: No you won’t. Stay where you are.


RINGWAY: Yes, Captain?

CAPT BRIGGS: The enemy’s outside, mister! You’re pointing your g*n in the wrong direction!

RINGWAY: I’m relieving you of command.

CAPT BRIGGS: Oh, come off it.

RINGWAY: Shut up! I’m tired of your snide remarks and bullying ways.

DOCTOR: Oh, you haven’t seen anything. Wait until the Cybermen start.

RINGWAY: You know them?

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. We go back a long way.

More little boxes are being pushed around by stupid humans who have retreated into the corridor leading to the bridge. They stack them up, I mean, they proved to be an effective barrier last time, right?

The Cybermen come around the corner, and the humans start firing on them again.

And dying.

DOCTOR: This slaughter is pointless.

RINGWAY: Your crew is redundant. The Cybermen will soon be in command.

CAPT BRIGGS: You traitor!

DOCTOR: It’s the Cybermen’s way.

CAPT BRIGGS: They must have paid you a lot for this.

DOCTOR: I’ll bet it isn’t in gold.

RINGWAY: Shut up!

DOCTOR: Cybermen are rather allergic to the stuff, brings them out in a cold sweat.


DOCTOR: Clogs up their chest units. Suffocates them. Doesn’t it?

RINGWAY: Just keep talking, Doctor. When the time comes, k*lling you is gonna be a joy.

Outside, Lt Scott motions his party to move forward down the stretch of silos.

They move down the corridor along the stretch of silos.

Back on the bridge.

CAPT BRIGGS: Where do these Cybermen come from?

DOCTOR: Originally Mondas, but that was destroyed. You know, I’m surprised they didn’t mention me.

RINGWAY: Perhaps you overestimate your importance.

DOCTOR: Oh, I doubt it. Especially as I confined them to a frozen tomb on Telos. They didn’t mention that either? Oh, my, they have been forgetful.

Adric has been taking his badge off. Ringway sees.

RINGWAY: What’s that?

ADRIC: A badge.

RINGWAY: I see it’s a badge. What’s it made of?

ADRIC: I don’t know.

RINGWAY: It’s gold.

ADRIC: Wha? Go--? Oh, only the edge. It couldn’t do any harm.

RINGWAY: Trying to hide it from me, were you?

DOCTOR: Listen. The firing’s stopped.

RINGWAY: Berger. Where’s Berger?

They take him by surprise as he steps forward. The Doctor disarms him. Briggs chops him down.

ADRIC: Look out!

The Cybermen have reached the open door, but

Berger has activated the control.

The door falls shut before they get inside.

In the other corridor, the Cybermen kick aside those intimidating boxes and walk past the corpses.

The Doctor, still holding Ringway’s g*n, picks up Adric’s badge and looks at it. Behind him, more Cybermen appear in a different door.

DOCTOR: Berger!

He raises the g*n.

Outside, more Cybermen walk past corpses.

DOCTOR: Those shields won’t hold them there for long.

CAPT BRIGGS: They’ll last until we get back to Earth.

DOCTOR: And then?

CAPT BRIGGS: There’s only a few of them, our security men will cope with them.

DOCTOR: They’re an invasion force. Earth is where they want to go. There are considerably more than a few on board.

ADRIC: How many of these silos are you carrying?

CAPT BRIGGS: Oh, fifteen thousand, or ...

Did you see that penny drop?

CAPT BRIGGS: It’s not possible.

The Cyberleader reaches the squad at the door.

CYBERLEADER: Have you tested their defenses?

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Yes, leader. We are able to break through them.

CYBERLEADER: Excellent. Prepare to break through the bulkhead shields. Is the Doctor on the bridge?


CYBERLEADER: He must be taken alive.

In the freighter corridors.

TEGAN: I’m exhausted.

LT SCOTT: Sh! Keep your voice down.

They have arrived at the location of the battle. Scott dashes up the stair and checks one of the fallen people.

LT SCOTT: He’s dead.

TEGAN: It’s a m*ssacre.

LT SCOTT: Doctor and Adric?


She sees Cybermen.

TEGAN: Look!

LT SCOTT: Take cover!

Tegan moves back.

LT SCOTT: Get back!

They hide around the corner.

On the bridge, they watch what’s happening just outside the door on the screen.

The Cybermen have brought a large g*n or laser with them.

BERGER: We could pump all the air out of the hold.

DOCTOR: Mm-hmm. Unfortunately, Cybermen don’t need it. Is there any way you could jettison the hold?


Ringway, on the floor, moans.

ADRIC: I think Mr Ringway is recovering.

CAPT BRIGGS: Pity. I’ve just composed a particularly nasty epitaph for him.

The Cybermen guards under observation by Scott’s party are trading jokes.

LT SCOTT: Whatever they are, they’re going to be difficult to k*ll.

TEGAN: We haven’t tried yet.

LT SCOTT: Look at those bodies. Same r*fles as ours.


LT SCOTT: Have you seen any of those silver things dead?

On the bridge.

CAPT BRIGGS: Would threatening to k*ll him slow those tin things down?

DOCTOR: Not at all.

RINGWAY: You’re all dead, why don’t you surrender?

DOCTOR: Not yet. There may be a way to neutralize that.

Back outside.

TEGAN: Do we go on?

LT SCOTT: Past them?

TEGAN: Is there another way?

Outside the bridge.



CYBERLEADER: Then activate the thermal lance.

The scout puts the lance up against the door. We cut to a freeze frame of it, as the door around the tip begins to glow a pinkish red.

The whole door is glowing within seconds. Inside, Adric holds up his arms to protect from the intense heat.

ADRIC: Doctor!

DOCTOR: They’ve started. I see from the computer the ship is powered by antimatter.


DOCTOR: How is the antimatter contained?

CAPT BRIGGS: A stabilized vessel. Berger’s the expert.

DOCTOR: Is there any way we can tap the stabilizing device?

BERGER: Yes. The machinery’s here.

She opens a panel.

DOCTOR: Excellent.

ADRIC: Are we going to try and stabilize the shield?


CAPT BRIGGS: Will it work?

BERGER: It might. It’s worth a try.

Back in the TARDIS.

PROF KYLE: Shall we call them?


She walks over and takes the communicator from


NYSSA: I’m sure everything’s all right.

The lance is still aimed at the door. Inside.

ADRIC (whiny): Just explain what you’re trying to do.

DOCTOR: We are under attack, Adric.

ADRIC: Well, then, tell me quickly!

DOCTOR: All right! First, tell me, what is the square root of 3.69873?

ADRIC: Oh, about 1.92321.

It comes up on the screen after the Doctor punches it in. The answer shows that Adric rounded up.

BERGER: That’s not possible.

DOCTOR: Oh, he’s very good. And almost right.

ADRIC: Will you just try and explain what you’re doing?

DOCTOR: Antimatter powers the ship. For the antimatter to remain safe it has to be contained in a vessel with a totally stable molecular structure, otherwise it would ... well, blow to bits.

ADRIC: But no such material exists.

DOCTOR: Absolutely right, although with computer controlled electronics, it is possible to simulate it.

ADRIC: But you’re saying that that macahine will constantly adjust and readjust the molecular structure of the antimatter vessel?

DOCTOR: Right. However destructive the antimatter is, the vessel is always stable.

ADRIC: That’s very clever.

DOCTOR: Oh it is.

BERGER: But will the device work to stabilize the shield?

DOCTOR: Well, if it doesn’t ... we’re dead.

Out in the hold, the Cyber guards are still telling jokes.

TEGAN: Can you cope with the two of them?

LT SCOTT: I hope so. But I’ve got to get a clear shot at both of them.

On the bridge.

CAPT BRIGGS: This shield’s not gonna last much longer!

BERGER: I’d better tell the computer what we’re up to.

DOCTOR: Right! Hurry!

Back to the joking Cybermen.


LT SCOTT: No. I want that second one just a bit closer.

It moves back a bit.


The troops open fire. The Cybermen fall.

Tegan rushes forward.

LT SCOTT: Come back!

She grabs the g*n from one of them and sh**t it as it struggles to rise.

Scott runs forward and grabs her.

LT SCOTT: Don’t take risks like that again!

The other Cyberman, wounded, is limping away.

TEGAN: One of them got away.

LT SCOTT: Yes. We should get back to the TARDIS immediately.

TEGAN: Not before we’ve found the Doctor and Adric.

On the bridge.

BERGER: Ready when you are.

DOCTOR: Right.

CAPT BRIGGS: Hurry, Doctor!

DOCTOR: Just a second!

CYBERLEADER: The shield is now soft enough. Break through!

On the inside, one of the Cybermen’s hands punches through the shield. As soon as it does, the Doctor puts two wires into the hand.


Sparks fly, and the Cyberman is frozen mid-way through the door, which is solid again.

They go to admire the frozen-in-carbonite look.

ADRIC: It worked!

CAPT BRIGGS: Oh, well done, Doctor!

Around the other door, the Cyberleader goes for plan B.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: You are right, leader. The Doctor is a formidable opponent.

CYBERLEADER: I anticipated as much. Activate the charge!

The wounded Cyberman comes crawling around the corner.


They look.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: He has been damaged by g*nf*re.

CYBERLEADER: There is still resistance.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: According to the Earthling, there were only ten crew members. They have all been accounted for.

CYBERLEADER: Then he has lied. Order the activation of reinforcements.

Without communicating somehow, the scout at Cyber control pushes a button to activate reinforcements.

CYBERLEADER: Charges primed?


The three of them step back around the corner.


The other door to the bridge blasts open, a hole torn right in the middle of it. The expl*si*n throws the Doctor and the others to the floor.

DOCTOR: I should have realized.

The Cybermen come in through the damaged door. There’s a lot of them, even though there were only three outside.


Ringway disarms her.

The rest of the Cybermen come in and take their marks. The Cyberleader comes last.

He faces the Doctor.

CYBERLEADER: So. We meet again. Doctor.

He strolls over to his side.

Casually he gestures at one of the guards who advances menacingly on the Doctor, g*n at the ready.

DOCTOR: Uh ...


DOCTOR: Uh ...

But the Cyberman turns on Ringway instead, and sh**t him. Ringway falls to the floor dead.

The Doctor looks on in shock.

CYBERLEADER: He deceived us.

DOCTOR: You never change. Always the perfect guests.

In the TARDIS.

PROF KYLE: What happens to us if the Doctor doesn’t come back?

NYSSA: It depends where this ship’s going.

PROF KYLE: You can’t fly the TARDIS?

NYSSA: I understand some of the principles.

PROF KYLE: But you couldn’t get us back to Earth?

NYSSA: Not without difficulty.

On the bridge.

CYBERLEADER: Our records indicate that you have a fondness for Earth.

DOCTOR: Fondness. I’m surprised your emotionless brain understands the word.

CYBERLEADER: It is a word, like any other. And so is ‘destruction’ which is what we are going to do to that planet.

DOCTOR: You’ve tried before.

CYBERLEADER: This time we shall succeed, and you will live just long enough to witness it.

CYBERLIEUTENANT: Reactivation completed.

CYBERLEADER: Excellent. Now you will see our strength.

Throughout the freighter’s hold, Cybermen begin bursting out of the silos.

Lt Scott’s party hear the clanging.

LT SCOTT: Let’s move.

TEGAN: Whatever it is, it’s between us and the TARDIS.

They move, walking slowly through the rows of silos, exercising caution as they go. The noises of Cybermen breaking out continue ringing through the echoing hold.

Suddenly Cybermen begin appearing all around them, still with plastic clinging to them; they stagger with disorientation.

LT SCOTT: Take cover!

Tegan runs past the Cybermen, but Lt Scott and the others run the other way.

More Cybermen break out of more silos, ripping more plastic sheets.

Gradually they fall in line to begin their march like good Cybermen.

Tegan has taken cover under the bleachers and watches them.

More and more of them break free and begin marching.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Matthew Waterhouse

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

Lieutenant Scott
James Warwick

Professor Kyle
Clare Clifford

Captain Briggs
Beryl Reid

June Bland

Steve Morley

Suzi Arden

Ann Holloway

Trooper Baines
Anne Clements

Second Trooper
Mark Straker

David Banks

Alec Sabin

Mark Hardy

First Crew Member
Mark Fletcher

Second Crew Member
Christopher Whittingham

Assistant Floor Manager
Nick Laughland

Dinah Collin

Bernard Lloyd-Jones

Film Cameraman
Keith Hopper

Film Editor
Mike Houghton

Incidental Music
Malcolm Clarke

Joan Stribling

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Jane Ashford

Production Associate
Angela Smith

Script Editor
Antony Root

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Fred Wright

Studio Sound
Alan Machin

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Steve Bowman
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