01x02 - The Model Home

All episode transcripts for the TV show "The O.C.". Aired August 2003 - April 2007.*
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A troubled youth becomes embroiled in the lives of a close-knit group of people in the wealthy, upper-class neighborhood of Newport Beach, Orange County, California.
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01x02 - The Model Home

Post by bunniefuu »

Scenes from the last episode.


A few picturesque sh*ts of people on the beach and an aerial view of some houses in Newport. In the Cohen house Sandy pokes around in the kitchen before heading out to the pool. Ryan and Seth are in the pool floating around on inflatable lounge pool chairs.

Sandy: Guy's come on. Out of the pool. Dinner's almost ready.

Seth kind of wave/acknowledges him but neither of them move to get out of the pool.

In the kitchen Kirsten talks on the phone. In front of her is a model house. Sandy works on dinner in the background.

Kirsten: Dad, I know. I understand how important the model home is to the new development. We'll sell the lots by Christmas, I promise. (pause) Okay, bye.

Sandy: (looking out the window, sighs) I wish there was more we could do.

Kirsten: Honey, you're his lawyer, not his guardian.

Sandy: I know, I know, I know. In the morning I'll take him to child services.

Kirsten: What kind of mother just abandons her child? (pause) What happens if they don't find her?

Sandy: He'll go into the system, foster care till he's 18. I mean they'll try to place him, but, at his age it'll be impossible.

Kirsten looks unhappy, thinking.

Outside in the pool Ryan and Seth still float around.

Seth: You know what I was thinking? I think that this being your last night and all, uh, we should do something special. I don't know what. Possibly get a couple of tattoos or some hookers and lose our virginity. Right? Okay, dude, I don't know. There's a shark movie at the IMAX. If that's what you're into.

Ryan: (smiles) I think I just want to take it easy.

Later Ryan goes into the kitchen.

Kirsten: (nearly bumps into Ryan) Oh. How was your swim?

Ryan: It was great. (notices the model on the counter) What's that?

Kirsten: It's a model home. I-I build them. Well, the real ones, not that one.

Ryan: (half smile) Can you build me one? (seeing her look) Sorry. Bad joke.

They go over to the table where Sandy and Seth are. Seth and Kirsten sit on one side and Sandy and Ryan are on the other.

Kirsten gives something to Seth.

Seth: Thanks.

Sandy: So... last supper, huh? (Kirsten glares at him) Sorry, bad joke.

Kirsten: (not amused) It's just a laugh riot around here.

Ryan: This all looks really good.

Seth: Yeah. It's too bad you're leaving. We never eat like this.

Kirsten: That's not true. I cook all the time.

Seth: (scoffs) Dad...

Sandy: I'm sorry, honey. (starts laughing)

Kirsten: Let's just eat.

Sandy: We're not saying we want you to cook more.

Seth: Oh, pfft. Hell, no. You remember the meat loaf incident of ninety-eight?

Kirsten: That was brisket.

Seth: Yeah, that's my point exactly.

Kirsten tries to hide her amusement. Ryan quietly smiles as he listens to the family joking.

After dinner Ryan and Sandy go over some papers on the counter. Seth and Kirsten clean up.

Sandy: As your attorney I'll co-sign these forms. They basically say that you don't have a legal parent or guardian available.

Ryan: I'm now property of the government. Nickname: 0382965.

Seth: Hey, it's better than death-breath Seth. (seeing their looks) Or so I would imagine.

Sandy: So we'll meet with your social worker in the morning. And, uh, she'll be the one to, uh, to take you to the group home. My contact at Child Services got you a room with only two other kids, which is good, because it can get crowded.

Ryan: Thanks. I appreciate it.

Sandy: And, you know, they do find foster homes for kids your age.

Seth: Yeah, because everybody wants a brand-new teenager. I'm sorry if I'm the only one here that'll state the obvious-

Kirsten: (interrupting) Seth...

Seth: (continuing) But we have all this extra room, right? We have a pool house. Yet you guys are going to ship him off to a group home. Am I the only one who gets how much that sucks?

Ryan: It's okay. Really.

Ryan signs the papers.

Ryan: (motioning to the model house) Good luck with it. It looks perfect. Good night.

Sandy: Good night.

Ryan leaves the kitchen.

[Opening Credits]


At night Ryan tosses and turns in the pool house bed. He finally gets up and gets dressed. As he leaves the pool house he meets Seth who was just coming over.

Seth: Hey, thought a little, uh ... (notices Ryan dressed and heading out) PlayStation, perhaps. Uh, are you running away?

Ryan: Go back in the house, Seth.

Seth: Hey, hey, hey. You can't just run away. What are you thinking? What about like, Child Services, or, or my Dad? (Ryan turns as if to go) Okay, then, wait. Hey, I want to come with you. You know what I've always wanted to do besides sail to Tahiti? I want to do that whole Kerouac thing, hit the road, stop at diner to diner, the pancake tour of North America.

Ryan: (looks at Seth for a moment) No.

Seth: Fair enough. Where are you going?

Ryan: I don't know. Hit a town, get a job somewhere, save some money.

Seth: (deadpan sarcastic) That's a great plan. Sounds like you've given it a lot of thought.

Ryan: You got a better idea?

Seth: (looks like he's going to admit he doesn't then suddenly changes to a surprised expression) Actually, I do.

Ryan looks at him unsurely.


In his bedroom Seth shoves some stuff into a backpack. Sandy walks up to his closed door and knocks on it.

Sandy: Seth?

Seth quickly launches himself into bed, yanking the covers up to hide the fact that he's dressed in jeans and a black turtleneck. He switches off the light just as Sandy opens the door.

Sandy: Hey, can I talk to you.

Seth: Dad? What, is it morning?

Sandy: (seems surprised) You were asleep?

Seth: Yeah, I was. What's going on?

Sandy: Well, uh, I wanted to talk about Ryan.

Seth: Yeah, no, it's cool. We don't need to discuss it.

Sandy: Well, I think we, we do. I know you're upset. Your mother and I are upset, you know. But our responsibility is to, is to our family.

Seth: Yeah, it's okay, no, I get it. This is a person's life we're talking about and we need to leave it in the hands of the authorities.

Sandy: There's no need for sarcasm.

Seth: I'm not being sarcastic.

Sandy: Well, it's hard to tell sometimes. (So true!)

Seth: Dad, it's okay. Really.

Sandy: Well, when you want to talk about it...

Seth: Yeah, I know, I know you're the one to talk to. Got it. (Rolls over, facing away) Good night.

Sandy: Good night.

Seth: (muffled by blankets) Good night.

Sandy pauses in the doorway then leaves. As soon as Sandy shuts the door Seth quickly rolls out of bed.


Still night, Ryan waits at the end of the Cohen's driveway, fidgeting.

Ryan: (looking back at the house) Come on, Seth.

Marissa comes down her driveway, talking on her cell phone. She's carrying a gift-wrapped box.

Marissa: (on phone) Okay, got it. I'll be there in like, twenty minutes.

She pulls out her keys and goes to get in the jeep when she notices Ryan.

Ryan: (looking uncomfortable) Hey.

Marissa: Hey. I didn't think I'd see you again. (walks over to Ryan) Look, I wanted to say thanks, for the other night.

Ryan: You always drink like that?

Marissa: (pauses, looks away) I though you left.

Ryan: I did. I am.

Seth comes running down the driveway, skateboard in hand

Seth: Ryan, we're all set? You ready... (notices Marissa, waves) Hi, there, Marissa.

Marissa: What are you doing?

Seth: Nothing. We're just hanging out. Oh look, (points to the gift in Marissa's hands) it's somebody's birthday. I guess my invitation probably got lost in the mail.

Marissa: It's my friend Summer's birthday.

Seth: Summer's birthday's not till Wednesday. (Marissa looks at him funny) That's what I heard. I don't know. I... that was a guess.

Marissa: You guys are up to something.

Seth: (to Ryan, quietly, though Marissa is close enough to hear them) Dude, what did you tell her?

Ryan: (quietly) I didn't tell her anything. (motions to Seth's shirt) I think the black turtleneck in August tipped her off.

Seth: (quietly) Okay, I was going for stealth, and also it's slimming. We should really go. (to Marissa, insincerely) Have fun at your party. (starts walking off)

Ryan: You should probably be off. Newport social scene awaits.

Marissa: (challengingly) Oh, yeah?


Marissa drives the jeep with Ryan in the front passenger's seat and Seth in the back.

Marissa: Why won't you tell me where we're going? This is pretty far away.

Seth: Oh, wow, complaining. That's-that's very interesting considering nobody invited you.

Marissa: Before I came along, you were on a skateboard.

Seth groans sarcastically.

Marissa: (to Ryan, about the music playing) You like them?

Ryan: Yeah, I guess.

Marissa: Well, what do you like?

Ryan: Everything. Well, I don't know. I don't really listen to music.

Seth: Dude, that's kind of weird.

Ryan: (to Marissa) Why what do you like?

Marissa: Well, right now, punk.

Seth: I'm sorry, uh, Avril Lavigne doesn't count as punk.

Marissa: Oh yeah? Well, what about The Cramps? Still Little Fingers? The Clash? Sex Pistols?

Seth: I listen to the same music as Marissa Cooper? I think I have to k*ll myself.

Ryan: Listen to punk, huh?

Marissa: I'm angry.

Seth: (pointing) That's it right there. (CC continues: Dude, it's miles from nowhere, totally secret, and I have a key.)

They pull up to a house, it's really dark, there's no lights around.

Marissa: Look's scary.

Seth: Well, then, you can stay in the car.


Seth, Ryan and Marissa enter the house, the boys armed with flashlights. It's not finished and we can see scaffolding still up.

Seth: You recognize this place, Ryan?

Ryan: This isn't...

Marissa: (interrupting) Where are we?

Seth: Well, it's one of my mom's housing developments. Her and my grandpa owned a bunch of them. This was supposed to be the model home but it never got finished.

Marissa: Why? Did someone die here, now it's haunted?

Seth: (deadpan) Yes, that's exactly what happened.

Ryan: What DID happen?

Seth: I don't know.


At the Cohen home Kirsten talks on the phone, obviously not pleased.

Kirsten: HOW do contractors just disappear? If we don't have a model home we don't have a new development. It's been a month, I'm not waiting for you guys anymore. (pause) You know where to reach me. (hangs up)

Sandy walks in just as Kirsten hangs up.

Sandy: No luck with the contractors?

Kirsten: Vanished. My father's never going to let me hear the end of this.

Sandy: Mmm hmm.

Kirsten: Did you, uh, did you talk to Seth?

Sandy: (sighs) I think so. Hey, don't blame yourself.

Kirsten: I'm not blaming myself. But how can I allow a strange boy to live in this house? Seth needs to know it's what any mother would do.

Sandy: I was talking about the contractors.

Kirsten sighs and half smiles.


Seth, Ryan and Marissa continue through the dark house.

Marissa: So you want him to stay here?

Seth: Well, I mean, I know the place needs some sprucing up, but ... God, did I just say "sprucing"? So, Ryan what do you think?

Ryan: I haven't really had time to think.

Seth: But how much better is this place than some group home? And wait till you see the best part.

Seth opens doors and makes an eerie sound. Beyond the doorway is the backyard with an empty, cement pool.

Ryan: It's an empty pool.

Seth: To some people.


Later, Ryan and Marissa sit at the side of the empty pool eating some fast food take out. Seth skateboards in the pool.

Marissa: So, your mom, I mean, she has to come back, right?

Ryan: I don't know. My mom's ... kind of a train wreck.

Marissa: So's mine. (pause) Well, I mean, what about your dad? Can you call him?

Ryan: Dad's in jail. Armed robbery. Impressive, huh?

Marissa gasps softly, looks uncomfortable.

Marissa: My dad, he's like, a financial planner. And I think he's in trouble.

Ryan: I don't have any stock tips.

Marissa: He stopped going to the office and these guys keep showing up at the door, like cops, but he won't answer. (pause) Look, I haven't told anybody about it-

Ryan: (interrupting, softly) I can keep a secret.

Marissa nods and looks away. Her cell phone rings.

Marissa: (on phone, sounding bubbly) Hey.

Luke is on the other end of the line. He's at a house party.

Luke: Where're you at, girl? It's time for you to get your buzz on. Norland's so faded he can't even feel his feet.

Norland: There goes the left leg.

Luke: I miss you babe. You know it's not a party without you.

Marissa: (walking away from Ryan a bit while on phone) Oh, you're sweet.

Luke: What's the deal? I mean you were supposed to be here an hour ago.

Marissa: Okay, I'll be there soon. Say hi to everyone.

Luke: All right. Love you.

Marissa: Love you too. Bye.

Marissa comes back over to where Ryan is and sits back down.

Ryan: (not looking at her) So how long you been with him?

Marissa: Luke? Um, I don't know, really.

Seth stops skateboarding and raises his hand like in class.

Seth: I know. Fifth grade. When you two got your Mack on during our class trip to the Museum of Tolerance. Back of the bus. Classy lady.

Marissa throws a fry at him.

Marissa: You know what? What's your problem, Cohen? I mean what did I ever do to you?

Seth: Nothing, Marissa. I've lived next door to you forever and you've never done or said anything to me.

Marissa: Oh, my God, you're the one who never talks to me. You think you're so much better than everyone.

Seth: I do?

Marissa looks at him pointedly.

Seth: Well, if you're talking about Luke, then yes (jumps back on his skateboard) because that guy shaves his chest!

Ryan laughs silently. Seth skates in the pool.

Marissa: Hmm, he plays water polo.

Seth: We know. Half the team tried to k*ll us the other night.

Marissa looks at Ryan questioningly.

Ryan: I'm not too popular around here. And your boyfriend - a little bit angry.

Marissa: You're telling me you didn't try to hit him back?

Ryan: Actually, I hit him first.

Marissa: Well, it's hard to believe you're not more popular.

Ryan smiles.


Inside the model house, still at night using flashlights, Seth leads Ryan and Marissa into a large room. The doorway still has plastic hanging loosely over it.

Seth: I thought this could be your room.

Ryan: I still don't know if it's a good idea for me to stick around or not.

Marissa: You should stay.

Ryan: Okay ... for a little while.

Seth: So when she says it you, you listen?

Ryan points and winks at Seth.

Marissa's cell phone rings.

Marissa: Hey, Summer.

Seth: (stage whisper) Oh, hey, hey, hey. Is that Summer? (Marissa nods slightly) Tell her I said happy birthday.

Marissa: Okay.

Summer is at the party.

Summer: Coop, where are you? We're coming to get you.

Marissa: (quickly) Oh, no, no, no, no. I'm coming.

Seth: (still in stage whisper) Tell her I said 'Happy Birthday.'

Marissa: (nods) Seth Cohen says happy birthday.

Summer: Who?

Marissa: (quietly to Seth) She says thanks.

Seth turns to Ryan and looks excited. Ryan shines his flashlight under his chin and makes an equally excited (and goofy) face.

Marissa: Um, look, I gotta go. Okay, bye. (hangs up)

Marissa: (starts leaving) I gotta go meet my friends. (stops, realizes how it sounds) My... other... friends.

Seth: I should get back too. Protect my cover. But wait, listen. We have to promise not to tell anyone about this place, okay? Now, Ryan's not going to, obviously. And I could get grounded, so that leaves... Marissa.

Seth shines his flashlight on her like a spotlight.

Marissa: I can keep a secret. (she and Ryan look at each other)

Seth: Okay, see you tomorrow.

Marissa: Me too. We'll fix this place up. (smiles at Ryan)

Ryan: (pauses, then) Cool.

Seth: I'm telling you Ryan, this plan is foolproof. (CC continues: You've got your very own model home.)


The next day Ryan walks around the model house. It very large and open inside, arched doorways, bright with daylight, but it's also very obviously not finished. There's scaffolding in many areas and the walls and moulding aren't painted.


Sandy enters the pools house.

Sandy: Hey, Ryan! (walks in and looks around) Hey, Ryan, are you ready? (CC continues: Ryan?)


Ryan moves some of the large plastic sheets and looks around another room of the house. Instead of glass all the windows are still that translucent plastic.


Looking out his bedroom window Seth see a police car pull up to the house and an officer gets out.

Seth: (on the phone, packing a bag) Okay, the key here is not to panic. Do you have your supplies?

Marissa: (on the phone in her bedroom, packing a bag) Yeah, but there ARE cops at your house. I mean, do you think it's safe?

Seth: I'll handle Johnny Law, unless ... Are you losing your nerve?

Marissa: Meet me in the driveway. (hangs up)


Seth (with a duffle bag) walks along the side of the house. He peeks around the corner and sees Kirsten and Sandy talking with the police officer.

Officer: He couldn't have gotten far. We'll search the neighbourhood.

Seth tries to sneak by unnoticed but Sandy sees him.

Sandy: Seth. I was just going to get you. We need to talk about Ryan.

Seth: (looking a little nervous) Oh.


Marissa tries to move through her house unnoticed. Julie sees or hears her and calls out.

Julie: Marissa? Look who's here.

Marissa walks back and goes into the room. Luke is there eating breakfast with Julie.

Marissa: Luke! Hi.

Luke: Hey, mmm. Just grabbing a little grub before we take the boat out.

Marissa: Boat?

Luke: Yeah, I thought we'd take my dad's DawnSea. Do a little waterskiing. Have a little lunch.


A the model house Ryan does chin-ups on some scaffolding.


Back in the Cohen's driveway, Seth talks to the officer. Sandy and Kirsten are still there too.

Officer: So you have no idea where Ryan might have gone?

Seth: I don't know. He did say something about going down to Mexico and-and gambling on cockfights. I mean, I don't-I don't know what kind of jurisdiction you guys have.

Sandy: Quit joking around. Will you answer his questions?

Seth: Yes. I did. I really don't know. I do not know the guy. I never got the chance.

Kirsten looks worried.


At the Cooper house Julie walks into Jimmy's study.

Julie: Hey, there's eggs. Oh, I'm taking Kaitlin to the stables so I need that check.

Jimmy: Does Kaitlin really need a pony? I mean in a couple months she's not even going to like horses.

Kaitlin stands in the doorway, dressed in riding gear (including helmet).

Kaitlin: What?! I love China. She's the prettiest pony.

Julie: We're not giving up China. Now go wait in the car, sweetie. Mommy will be right with you.

Kaitlin leaves. Jimmy tosses the file he was looking at onto the desk. Julie gives Jimmy a look then walks around desk and massages his shoulders.

Julie: Jimmy, this work is making you so tense.

Jimmy: Look, I got ... I got to ... I've got to talk to you about work.

Julie: Hey, you know I don't like to talk about work.

Jimmy: Yeah, well, I uh, I've made uh, a few mistakes. And uh, I don't, I don't know really...

Julie: (stops massage, speaks almost flippantly) Jimmy, you don't have cancer. No one is dying. Whatever it is, whatever you've done, I'm sure you'll fix it. Now can you write that check? I don't want Kaitlin to be late.

Jimmy sighs.


Marissa and Luke are still talking in the same room as before.

Marissa: It's just Suki is amazing. It doesn't hurt at all when she's waxing you and it's really hard to get an appointment with her. I know, why don't you get a manicure? (Luke looks at her blankly) You could come with me. I mean there not just for girls.

Luke: You go. We'll catch up later. Holly's having a, (pauses, looking to where Marissa's parents might be, continues a little more quietly) Holly's having a thing.

Marissa: Perfect.


Luke backs his truck onto the road. Seth (bag with him) pops out from behind a bush and Marissa (backpack with her) walks down her driveway.

Seth: So, did you tell him anything?

Marissa: No. But if anyone asks, you're Suki.


Inside the model house Ryan sets up a tent. Seth messes around with one of those indoor practice putting greens and Marissa unpacks the bag she brought.

Ryan: So you didn't tell them anything?

Seth: Um, actually I told them that you went to Mexico for cockfights. You know what though? Even if they don't believe me they'll never look for you here. (notices what Marissa is unpacking) Did you seriously bring a loofa? (It IS a loofa on a stick)

Ryan: What's a loofa?

Marissa: Hey, you said bring whatever was around the house.

Seth: But, I meant like, survival supplies like a rope or muskets and not (picks up bottle she unpacked) Kio's cucumber moisturizer. (CC say instead: Kio's apricot moisturizer)

Marissa sets the bottle aside and pulls out a roll of toilet paper, tosses it in the air lightly then catches it and waves it at the boys.

Ryan: That's a pretty good call.

Seth: (at the same time) That's nice, yeah.

Seth putts a golf ball and it rolls into the next room. He goes to retrieve it. Marissa goes over to the tent where Ryan is inside getting it set up. She crouches down at the doorway.

Marissa: Hey. (gives Ryan a mix CD with a computer printed cover, titled "the model home mix") Here's a little bit of everything. (she smiles at him) Let your education begin.

Ryan takes the CD. Seth comes back into the room, golf club and ball in hands. Marissa moves away from the tent entrance when Seth comes back in.

Seth: This place is perfect. Seriously, it's totally safe. Ryan, how perfect is this place, right? Seriously, what else could you need?

Ryan: Anyone bring any food?

Seth: Um ... yeah, food. Guess we're going on a mission.


On the busy pier Ryan's on his bike, Seth's on his skateboard and Marissa runs with them. Marissa then stands on the back of Ryan's bike. Seth easily weaves around people as Marissa and Ryan whoop and laugh on the bike. They race along, Marissa pressed against Ryan's back. She covers his eyes for fun at one point.

Throughout Ryan looks happier and laughs more than we've seen from him so far in the series. (Cute scene but it doesn't work well in print)


Back at the Cohen's home Sandy talks on the phone.

Sandy: Well, call me if someone fitting that description comes in. Thank you. (hangs up)

Kirsten comes into the room.

Sandy: Nothing at the hospitals.

Kirsten: I'm sure he'll turn up.

Sandy: Not if he's smart. I think Seth knows where he is.

Kirsten: Are you accusing him of lying? That'll be really good for your relationship. Let the police handle this.

Sandy: Oh, I wish you hadn't called the police. They don't have the resources or the manpower. Ryan'll just slip through the cracks.

Kirsten: Sandy, how many of these cases have you seen? Or passed across your desk?

Sandy doesn't answer, just looks sort of unhappy. Kirsten drops her briefcase and walks over to him.

Kirsten: (sighs, softly) What is it about this kid?

Sandy: I thought I could help him. I WAS this kid. If someone hadn't helped me ... I wouldn't be here.

Kirsten smiles at him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Her cell phone rings.

Kirsten: Hello.

She motions to Sandy that she's going to take the call out of the room, he nods.


Kirsten steps outside, still on cell phone.

Kirsten: How are you?

On the other end of the line is Jimmy in his office at home.

Jimmy: I'm good. Listen, I hate to ask but um, I-I need your help with something.

Kirsten: Uh, of course.

Julie comes into Jimmy's office.

Julie: (sounding like this is something of an emergency) China has alopecia. We need to call the vet.

Jimmy just sort of looks at Julie surprised and holds up a finger (like, "wait a sec") and she shakes her head back (like, "well, what are you going to do about it")

Jimmy: (to Kirsten) Um, are-are you free for lunch?

Kirsten: Um ... yeah. I-I have some stuff that I need to do for work but um, lunch sounds great.


In a casual little restaurant by the water Seth, Ryan and Marissa eat a meal.

Ryan: Say, guys, I've been thinking about a plan.

Seth: You know, uh, right now this could very well be the first stop on our pancake tour of North America.

Marissa: Hey, like in "On the Road"? That's my favorite book.

Seth: (looking at Marissa funny, almost suspiciously) Mine, too.

Ryan: So here's the deal. My mom had this boyfriend. He hired me to work construction last summer. But then they broke up... he moved away... to Austin.

Marissa: In Texas?

Ryan: Said if I was ever out there look him up, so...

Seth: Well, I mean, well that's ... really kind of far. We were thinking like Long Beach or something so we could all hang out.

Ryan: I'll need to get a couple days of work so I can get a little bit of travel money.

Marissa: Well, I mean, we can get you money.

Ryan looks away, uncomfortable. Marissa and Seth seem to get the point.

Seth: Well, I mean, you know, I guess in a way, you're kind of lucky. You get to move to a whole new place, start over, be whoever you want to be. That's really not so bad.

Luke and a couple other guys walk in, banging the door on purpose and being rude and noisy in general.

Luke: (to someone off screen) Hey, putz. (his friends laugh) What's it take to get a menu around here?

Marissa: Okay, I'll handle it.

Ryan: That's all right. I'll handle it. (goes to get up)

Marissa: And ruin your popularity? You know what, why don't you guys just sneak out back.

Marissa gets up and heads for Luke's table.

Seth: What's going on with you two?

Marissa: (in her bubbly voice) Hey! (kisses Luke on the cheek then takes a seat)

Luke: How was the manicure?

Marissa: Oh, it was great...

While Marissa distracts, Ryan and Seth quickly leave their booth and head for a hallway toward a back exit. They almost make it when a staff member ducks her head out of a room.

Staff: Hey! (motions with thumb) Front door.

They reluctantly head back for the main area to get to the front door. Ryan flips up his sweatshirt hood hiding his face.

Marissa continues to chat with the guys. She notices Seth and Ryan walking through and keeps talking, distracting Luke and the guys.

Marissa: So, what did you guys do today?

Seth and Ryan try to hurry out but Seth bumps a busboy's tray and all the dishes hit the floor noisily. Luke and the guys (not to mention everyone else in the restaurant) notice Seth though Ryan's made it to the doorway unnoticed.

Seth: (to Luke, very quickly) Hi, hey guys, how you guys doing? You like the food here too? Pretty awesome.

Luke: Shut up, q*eer.

Seth: (fake laughs, mumbles) Well, at least I don't shave my chest.

Luke: (getting up) What'd you say?

Marissa: Luke, come on.

Seth: I just say you look nice in a sweater vest. It was a compliment.

Luke: (getting up in Seth's face threateningly) Do you want me to break you, Cohen?

Ryan: (gets between them, gives Luke a little push) Hey.

Luke: No way. Look who's back. You know, you're a little far from eight mile. (yanks back Ryan's hood)

Marissa: Luke, don't.

Luke: What're you like spokesperson for geeks of America or something?

Ryan: (laughs insincerely) You know what I like about rich kids? (punches Luke in the face hard enough to throw him back into the table) Nothing.

Ryan and Seth scramble out the door.

Seth: That was awesome!

Ryan runs to the railing nearby and starts to unlock his bike. Seth keeps the guys inside the restaurant by wedging his skateboard under the door handle. Luke and his guys are pushing against the door and threatening Seth.

Luke: (shouting from the other side of the door) Your ass is...

Ryan gets on his now unlocked bike. Luke and the guys turn and head for another door.

Guy: Let's go!

Seth waves at them before heading after Ryan. By the time Luke and the guys get outside and around to the front of the restaurant Seth and Ryan are pretty far away, too much of a head start to catch them. They're still threatening them

Guy: (shouting at Seth and Ryan) You're dead.

Luke stops and watches them go. Inside the restaurant Marissa sits at the table still looking uncomfortable.


In the model house Ryan lounges in a folding camp chair while Seth practices his putting on the mini green track.

Seth: "You know what I like about rich kids?" BAM! "Nothing." (CC says instead You know what I like about rich kids? A punch in the face, nothing.) Hey Ryan, you wouldn't consider ME rich would you? I'd be more upper middle class?

Seth hits a golf ball and it travels over to the doorway where Marissa enters.

Seth: s'up fool? (sounds pretty funny coming from Seth)

Marissa: (a bit upset) You know, you didn't have to hit him.

Ryan: Sorry.

Marissa: You know the cashier called the cops. (sits down, sounding less upset) Look, I don't know why Luke does that... did that. He's just-

Seth: (interrupting) An ass?

Marissa: Protective.

(CC continues, Seth: Now he's after you too.)

They hear a car pull up to the house. Seth pulls back the corner of a paper covering one of the windows. He sees Kirsten getting out of an SUV.

Seth: God. It's my Mom. (pauses, then surprised and pointing to Marissa behind him) And ... your Dad.


Kirsten and Jimmy enter the model house through the front door.

Kirsten: It's been awhile. I have to figure out what kind of shape this place is in.

Jimmy: (looking around) Wow.

They come down the small set of stairs into a larger room.

Kirsten: (notices something) Oh. THAT'S what those contractors have been doing. (Picks up one of Seth's golf balls)

Seth, Ryan and Marissa are on the next floor sneaking around a balcony type area listening in.

Jimmy: This place is fantastic.

Kirsten: You think so? You don't think it's too much?

Jimmy: Too much? You're talking to a guy who's wife just imported ceramic shower-curtain rings from

Morocco. This is gorgeous, with the high ceilings, and the, and the moulding. It's, no it's ... it reminds me of, uh-

Kirsten: (interrupting) Your parents' house.

Jimmy: On Elmgrove. Yeah, with the vaulted ceilings and those great beams, and ... remember that?

Kirsten: Yeah. I loved that old house.

Jimmy: Yeah, yeah, I loved that place, too. I had my first kiss there.

Kirsten: Me, too.

Seth and Marissa look at each other.

Kirsten: (tone serious) So what's going on, Jimmy?

Jimmy: (sighs) Uh ... well ... it's been a really bad year with the market and uh, well it's disastrous. And it's going to be a struggle just to remain solvent for the next-

Kirsten: (interrupting) How much do you need Jimmy?

Jimmy: (sigh/laughs) It's, it's (sighs) it's a lot, it's a lot of money, too much.

Kirsten: Jimmy.

Jimmy: (turns to face her) It's a hundred thousand dollars.

Kirsten: I'll call the bank.

Jimmy: No, I, I can't- (CC says instead: No, thanks, I can't)

Kirsten: I can.

Jimmy: I, I, I'll pay you back. But it's gonna to take me a couple months.

Kirsten: (with a smile, not threateningly) I know where you live.

Jimmy smiles back.

Jimmy: This place is going to be perfect.

Kirsten: I hope so. New contractors get here tomorrow. Better get the job finished.

They head out.

Jimmy: New contractors.

Kirsten: Mmm Hmm

Jimmy: Sounds like a nightmare.

Kirsten: Pretty much.

Kirsten laughs as she and Jimmy leave.

Up on the next floor Seth gets up from where he was hiding and Marissa and Ryan come out from around the corner where they were hiding. Marissa looks upset.

Seth: You okay?

Marissa: So the contractors start tomorrow.

Ryan: Guess that means I'm gone.


Evening, Seth works on the computer in his bedroom.

Seth: (to self, reading aloud) One bus ticket to Austin. 8 a.m. tomorrow. Would you like to purchase?

He clicks off that window without finishing the transaction. There's a thump of someone opening his door. Sandy comes in.

Seth: Hey.

Sandy: Hey.

Seth: You're not knocking anymore?

Sandy: Sorry. What are you doing?

Seth: (shuts off monitor) Uh ... just busy.

Sandy: You're always busy.

Seth: (quickly) The price of fame. I gotta go, Dad. (Gets up and grabs bag)

Sandy: They found Ryan. (Seth looks surprised) Or spotted someone who meets his description. There was a fight down by the pier.

Seth: Really? Uh...

Sandy: Which means he's probably still in the area. We should go try to find him before the authorities do, before he gets into any more trouble.

Seth: Actually, do you need me to go? I was, I was going somewhere.

Sandy: Seth.

Seth: Wha-

Sandy: He's your friend.

Seth: Yeah. Okay.


Marissa's at another of Holly's beach house parties. Summer stops dancing and comes over to her.

Summer: Hey.

Marissa: (in her happy, perky voice) Hey.

Summer: So what's up? You've been all weird-acting lately.

Marissa: Yeah? (normal tone) I dunno, I guess ... It's just ... do, do you ever wonder what your life looks like through someone else's eyes?

Summer: (laughs) Alright, this is what I'm talking about. What is up with you?

Marissa: Nothing. It's just-

Holly: (carrying glasses, in an unbelievably perky voice) Fresh margs!

Guy: Yo, this is some weak margarita.

Holly: Whatever, you're the light weight.

Guy: (laughing and mock threatening) Oh, ho, ho. Say it over here, come over here. Come here.

Summer : I hope your parents never come home.

Marissa's just sort of standing nearby and listening to all this.

Guy: (to Luke) Seriously dawg, we find that punk's trailer park and burn it to the ground.

Summer: Who dat?

Guy: That freak from Chino. He was all up in Luke's grill.

Summer: Maybe he's on OxyContin. OxyContin is gnarly.

Holly: Okay, I heard he's like a total psycho.

Luke: He's a little bitch. I see that kid around again I'm going to beat his ass.

Guy: Yeah, run him out of Newport for sure.

Marissa: I've got to go.

Marissa grabs her purse to leave and Luke looks at Summer and raises his hands like, "what?" She just motions toward Marissa like, "go, take care of it."

Luke: All right, Hey wait-wait-wait up. Where you going?

Luke catches Marissa just as she's opened the door.

Marissa: I can't be here right now.

Luke: (throws his head back and groans) What's the matter?

Marissa: You don't know him. You don't know anything about him.

Marissa leaves and Luke doesn't follow.


At night Sandy and Seth drive around in the car.

Sandy: He could be anywhere.

Seth: Dad, I'm sure Ryan's fine. We should just try again when it's light out.

Sandy: Could be too late by then.

Seth: Yeah, well, maybe he's better off on his own anyways.

Sandy: What does that mean?


Seth: Okay, if we find him, then what? Then, then if he's very lucky he gets to go back with his mom? I would run away too.

Sandy: Promise me right now that you never do that. That you'd never run away no matter how bad things seem. Your mother and I will always be there.

Seth: Okay, Dad, please take it down a notch.

Sandy: The minute you were born, I knew, that I would never take another easy breath again without knowing you were safe.

Seth: So I'm like asthma?

Sandy: I'm warning you. You run away, I'm coming with you.

Seth: (half smiles) I guess we can keep looking.


At the model house Ryan lights a candle. There's a number of them around lighting the room. Music plays in the background. It's very moody ("Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley). Marissa comes in, pausing at the doorway, Ryan sees her. She smiles when she notices the music playing.

Marissa: This song reminds me of you.

Ryan: I thought you were with Luke.

Marissa: I was. I don't know why I'm here. I just, wanted to see you. I mean, you're leaving tomorrow, and, what if I never ... we never... Maybe I could spend the night. Just hang out.


Ryan: You can't stay. If you stay ... if, if we spend the night, I ... I don't know that I could leave.

Marissa: (walking forward) Well, then don't.

Ryan: (backing away) Yeah, you have to go back to the school in the fall and I just what? Hang around here? Hiding like some ghost? Till the cops find me and I have to disappear again? (comes closer to her) We're from different worlds.

Marissa: That's not true.

Ryan: I'm not like you. (pause, then almost sharply) Go. (more quietly) Please. Go. (turns away)


Marissa runs from the house, sobbing. She gets in the jeep and drives away. In his truck, partially hidden behind a piece of construction equipment, Luke and a couple guys watch. Ryan comes running out the front of the house, too late to catch Marissa. He stands there for a moment then heads back inside.


At the Cohen's home Kirsten is on the phone.

Kirsten: (on phone) Hey, Allen. I-I'm good. Um, I know it's late, but I need to transfer some money. (pause) Sure, I can hold on a sec.


Meanwhile Sandy and Seth still drive around. Elsewhere Marissa drives, still sniffling and crying a bit.


Still at night with the candles lit, Ryan is in the model house. He hears someone come in downstairs.

Ryan: (loudly, still packing stuff) Seth! I'm up here! Did you get the bus ticket?

Luke and two guys enter the room. Ryan turns around, surprised to see it's them.

Luke: Bus ticket? You're not going anywhere. What are you doing here, man? What are you doing with my girlfriend?

Ryan: (sets down the bag) Nothing.

Luke: Didn't look like nothing. (getting up in Ryan's face) Tell me. Or I'll k*ll you.

Ryan: (almost mockingly) Then k*ll me and quit talking about it.

Luke shoves Ryan back and that knocks over some of the candles. The candles catch a blanket on fire and it begins to spread. Luke and Ryan continue to fight. Luke shoves Ryan against a wall and knees him in the stomach. Ryan head butts Luke who falls to the floor. One of the other guys grabs Ryan and, in the process, knocks over more candles. The fire is now catching to the walls. The two guys hold Ryan and Luke slams into him pushing them all to the floor. He bangs Ryan's head against the floor repeatedly. The guys start to run out as the fire gets worse. Ryan's on the floor not moving very much, definitely not getting up, looks pretty much out of it. The guys run out of the room but as Luke hits the edge of the stairs he stops then runs back into the burning room. He drags Ryan out of the room. Luke carries Ryan outside the burning house. He drops Ryan on the ground as the guys pull around with the truck.

Guy: (shouting from the truck) Let's go, man!

Luke: Run!

Luke runs and jumps into the back of the pick up and they speed away. Ryan rolls over onto his stomach and watches them speed away before dropping his head to the ground.


At the Cooper house Jimmy lounges on the sofa drinking a beer and watching TV. Julie comes into the room and leans down behind him, hands on his shoulders.

Julie: I thought basketball season was over.

Jimmy: Oh this is ESPN Classic. They play all old games. Lakers-Pistons. Right? 1986 The finals. Game 7. You remember watching this, you were pregnant, you were pregnant with Marissa when this was on. (CC says 1988 for the year)

Julie: (sits down with him, close, comfy) I remember.

Jimmy: We watched it.

Julie: I was so swollen.

Jimmy: Ugh, I hated Detroit. Isiah, Laimbeer, Dumars. But, but Worthy, James Worthy he saved us. Shot the lights out. Fantastic. You know that thing that I was trying to talk to you about?

Julie: (warningly) Jimmy...

Jimmy: No, I'm, I'm just saying that I, I took care of it.

Julie: I knew you would.

Jimmy: You did?

Julie: Mmm Hmm.

Julie leans in and kisses him quickly.

Julie: I can't believe I'm old enough to watch people play basketball in those shorts.

They watch the game for a moment before they hear someone come in. Marissa quickly walks past the room.

Julie: Hey, Marissa. (pause) Marissa?

Jimmy: Uh-oh. I'll go. (gets up, hands her the beer) Here you go.


In her bedroom Marissa lies face down on the bed. Jimmy knocks on the door then comes in.

Jimmy: Hey. (Marissa, still crying turns and looks at him) What's the matter? (Marissa rolls over and curls up, facing away from him) What's the matter? Come on. (sits on the bed) Hey, hey come here, give me a hug. (Marissa sits up and hugs him, stays like that) What's the matter, huh? You can tell me. We tell each other everything.

Marissa: Do we?


Sandy and Seth are still driving around. Sandy's cell phone rings.

Sandy: (on phone) Hello. (pause) I'll meet you there. (hangs up)


Luke gets back to the party at Holly's. Summer comes down the stairs, holding the railing and pretty drunk.

Luke: Hey.

Summer: Hi.

Luke: Hey, Marissa come back?

Summer: Uh-uh. You smell like smoke.

Luke: Yeah, we uh, we hot boxed in Norland's car.

Summer: (sounding offended) And didn't invite me? (dramatic sigh)

They walk opposite ways. Luke goes over to his friends.

Guy: (to Luke) Dude, that kid was messed up.

Luke: He was breathing.

Guy: Yeah, I hope so.

Luke looks a little concerned.


At the model house the fire is now out, though the building is still smoking a bit. It's pretty charred. Police and fire guys still mill around, packing up. Kirsten, Sandy and Seth stand looking at the house.

Kirsten: I can't believe this. This house is cursed.

Fire or Police guy: You the owner?

Kirsten: Yes, I am. What happened?

Fire or Police guy: Not sure yet. But it looks like somebody's been living here.

Kirsten: What?

Seth: It's my fault.


On the side of a dark road a beat up looking Ryan tries to hitchhike. A bunch of cars pass him without stopping. Finally one stops and Ryan warily approaches the black pick-up truck. Luke is alone in the truck. They talk through the open passengers window.

Luke: You're okay.

Ryan: Disappointed?

Luke: Where you going?

Ryan: Don't know.

Luke: We both keep our mouths shut. They may never know it was us.

Ryan sort of huffs at the idea. He pauses then gets into the truck.

Luke: What are you doing?

Ryan: You're giving me a ride.


In his bedroom Seth talks to Sandy.

Seth: I don't know what happened. I-I do not know why the house burned down.

Sandy: What was he even doing there? Why didn't you tell us?

Seth: Because he didn't want to go to a foster home. He didn't want to leave and I didn't want him to leave either. You force me to live amongst these, these pod-people and the first cool person I meet, it's like, you kick him out of the house.

Sandy sits down on the bed beside Seth.

Sandy: I did the best I could.

Seth: So did I.

Pause, they look at each other.

Sandy: Come on. Police want to ask us some more questions.


Still night time, out front of the Cohen's home the police, Jimmy, Julie and Marissa (all in bedclothes) and Kirsten are standing around. Sandy and Seth come out of the house. Sandy guides him over to the police.

Sandy: (quietly to Seth) Just follow my lead.

Seth and Marissa exchange a look.

Officer: You and I need to talk. And this time I want the truth.

Everyone notices as Luke's truck pulls up into the driveway. Luke gets out and Marissa gives him a confused/surprised look. Ryan gets out and comes around the side and she gives him a similar look. Luke stands beside his truck. Ryan (who still looks pretty beat up) walks over to Sandy and Kirsten. Kirsten looks pissed off.

Ryan: I'm sorry.

Officer: Ryan Atwood? (Ryan puts his wrists behind him before the officer even goes to cuff him) We got some questions for you.

Ryan looks over at Luke as he's lead away in cuffs to the police car. Luke hesitates a moment before he speaks.

Luke: It was an accident.

Officer: (said like he expects the answer to be "no") Yeah, you were there?

Marissa looks at Luke questioningly.

Luke: Yeah.

Officer: Then we got some questions for you too.

Another Officer comes over and puts handcuffs on Luke.

Sandy: Officer, I'm Mr. Atwood's attorney. Please don't ask him any questions unless I'm present. Ryan... keep your mouth shut. (to Luke) You too.

The boys are put into the back of the police car. Marissa looks away, uncomfortable. As the police car drives away Kirsten walks back into the house. Seth, Sandy, Julie, Jimmy and Marissa watch as it drives away.
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