18x08 - Meglos - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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18x08 - Meglos - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Four

Original Air Date: 18 October 1980
Running time: 19:30

CARIS: Zastor! The Doctor!

ZASTOR: Has escaped. We heard.

ROMANA: No, that was Meglos.

DEEDRIX: The doppelganger.

ROMANA: You should be up on the surface. You're under attack.


DEEDRIX: The Power room.

ZASTOR: Stop the sacrifice! Stop it!

LEXA: Heretic! Take him out!

ROMANA: It's the wrong Doctor!

CARIS: The other one's escaped. We saw him.

LEXA: You are forbidden in the Power room!

ZASTOR: There are two of them. He's innocent.

GUARD: The Gaztaks have withdrawn.

DEEDRIX: Yes, and the man you want's gone with them.

LEXA: Gaztaks? Is this true?

DOCTOR: Won't somebody please say yes?

GRUGGER: I lost fifty percent of my crew on Tigella.

MEGLOS: Three men? That's the price of success, General.

GRUGGER: You would never have done it but for us.

MEGLOS: You'll be rewarded. Both of you. All the power you need.

GRUGGER: Take over, Brotadac.

BROTADAC: General.

GRUGGER: One day I will go back to Tigella with an army.

MEGLOS: Unnecessary. Unnecessary with this. (the Dodecahedron) It's potential has scarcely been touched.

BROTADAC: Approaching Zolfa-Thura.

GRUGGER: Approaching full potential.

MEGLOS: Precisely. Precisely.

CARIS: I saw him holding the Dodecahedron, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Yes, but what does this Meglos want?

CARIS: He talked about taking it back to the dead planet.

DOCTOR: Zolfa-Thura? Why would he want to do a thing like that?

ROMANA: There's nothing there except sand.

DOCTOR: Right.

ROMANA: And the screens.

DOCTOR: Screens? What screens?

ROMANA: The Screens of Zolfa-Thura.

DOCTOR: Of course. The Screens of Zolfa-Thura.

BROTADAC: What's he doing now?

GRUGGER: I can't tell just yet.

BROTADAC: Buried it?


BROTADAC: Do you think he'd let me have that?

GRUGGER: What, the coat? You want it? Not cold, is it.

BROTADAC: It's a rather nice coat. Now that he's finished playing the Doctor

MEGLOS: Well, gentlemen, we are ready.

GRUGGER: What happens next?

MEGLOS: Activation.

MEGLOS: Now to see it work.

ZASTOR: Good luck on Zolfa-Thura, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Thank you, Zastor. Come on, Romana, we're in a hurry.

LEXA: Romana!

DOCTOR: She's dead.

ROMANA: She saved my life.

DOCTOR: Yes, but we've got other things to do, other lives to save. Come on.

MEGLOS: My fellow Zolfa-Thurans tried to destroy all we had and all we knew to prevent this moment.

GRUGGER: The Screens area absorbing the power.

MEGLOS: Magnifying it. Concentrating it. The five beams they throw out can be made to converge on any point in the galaxy.

BROTADAC: And blast it?

MEGLOS: To infinitesimal dust. Brotadac, you're a discerning sort of fellow. Choose a planet, any planet.

GRUGGER: Oh, make your own mind up for a change.

BROTADAC: I don't know.

MEGLOS: And you, General Grugger? What's your choice?

GRUGGER: Tigella. Let's start with Tigella.

ROMANA: Well done, we're very close.

DEEDRIX: It's lighting up the whole sky!

DOCTOR: Right, now, you all stay here.

ROMANA: You can't go alone.

DEEDRIX: The Gaztaks k*ll on sight.

DOCTOR: Exactly. On sight. If Meglos can impersonate me

ROMANA: You can impersonate Meglos.

DOCTOR: Right. I won't be long.

MEGLOS: Final adjustment for relative motion.

MEGLOS: Well, gentlemen, the beams are now programmed to focus upon Tigella.

BROTADAC: Start the countdown?

MEGLOS: Patience!

MEGLOS: Brotadac, we are about to release a power many magnitudes greater than any intelligence has ever controlled.


MEGLOS: There can be no room for error. I'll just recheck the screen alignments.

DOCTOR: Shirt sleeves, eh?

DOCTOR: Ah, er, would you say this was vertical?


DOCTOR: No. No more than I. Would you just mind holding it up for me while I check from inside? That's it. There we are.

GRUGGER: Put it on.

BROTADAC: What will he say?

GRUGGER: It doesn't matter. I've got this all figured out. We don't need him. Put it on.

GRUGGER: That was quick.

DOCTOR: Well, I cut a few corners. I say, I like his coat. Now, what have we got here?

BROTADAC: Start the countdown?

DOCTOR: Not yet, not yet.

GRUGGER: I thought it was already programmed.

DOCTOR: Programmed?

GRUGGER: To annihilate Tigella.

DOCTOR: Oh, well, it is, yes, it is. Nearly. Just a few minor adjustments. I wonder what that's for?

GRUGGER: You said it focused the beams.

DOCTOR: Oh, of course, yes. Of course.

GRUGGER: Two coats?

MEGLOS: Splendid. The magnification levels are constant. One more check and we're ready to go.

DEEDRIX: The Screens. It's unbelievable.

CARIS: I'd like to have a closer look.

ROMANA: I think we should. Come along, K9.

DOCTOR: You've served me so well I thought you both deserved a little treat.

GRUGGER: So it's now just the countdown and activation.

DOCTOR: That's it.

GRUGGER: Good. Let's get on with it.

BROTADAC: Sixty. Fifty nine.

DOCTOR: No, no, Brotadac, no. The Screens don't reach their maximum capacity for two minutes. I'm just going outside for a little stroll to see if I can catch up with myself. And I don't recommend anyone touch those controls.

GRUGGER: Get him.


GRUGGER: Yes. Put him in the spacecraft security hold. We can manage without him. Get him! That's yours too, if you want.

BROTADAC: Oh. Get him!

MEGLOS: Shouldn't you be doing something?

DOCTOR: Oh! Nasty.

DOCTOR: That could have been me.

BROTADAC: What are they playing at?


BROTADAC: Get him into the ship.

ROMANA: I knew he wouldn't get away with it. They've got the Doctor.

DOCTOR: Haven't I seen you somewhere before?

BROTADAC: Stay there! If he tries anything, k*ll him.

CARIS: What are we going to do now?

MEGLOS: Ten thousand years. Cretins. Morons. Half-wits.

DOCTOR: Yes, they've not been very clever, have they, unlike us.

MEGLOS: They probably won't even hit Tigella.

DOCTOR: Well, if my calculations are correct, they certainly won't.

MEGLOS: Your calculations?

DOCTOR: I inverted your control setting. If he starts the countdown, he'll destroy himself, as well as you and me and, well, the whole planet, of course.

BROTADAC: Locked away, no trouble.

GRUGGER: Precisely. Prepare the countdown.


ROMANA: He must be in there. K9, can you open it?

K9: Affirmative, mistress.

MEGLOS: Three metres by five metres, and I could have had the galaxy. The universe.

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. I've often puzzled about that.


DOCTOR: Well, why a good looking chap like you should want to control the universe.


DOCTOR: Yes. I mean, it baffles me, this burning ambition to. Burning?

MEGLOS: It's beyond your comprehension.

DOCTOR: Oh, absolutely. Burning?

ROMANA: Doctor? Oh, good heavens.

MEGLOS: Out of my way.

DOCTOR: No, Meglos. Hold him!

MEGLOS: You can't take me.

EARTHLING: Got you this time, Meglos.

MEGLOS: On the contrary, Earthling, it's merely you they've got.

EARTHLING: What's happened? What's going on?

ROMANA: Was that Meglos?


ROMANA: He must have modulated himself on a particular wavelength of light.

DOCTOR: Yes. He's what you'd call a colourful personality.

ROMANA: But that would make him virtually indestructible.

DOCTOR: Yes, but we're not. Quick, back to the TARDIS. Or do you want to be atomised?

EARTHLING: Atomised?




GRUGGER: Thirty seconds to beams converging.

BROTADAC: Twenty nine. Twenty eight. Twenty seven. Twenty six.

BROTADAC (OOV.): Twenty five.

DOCTOR: You're not going to let us down this time, are you, old girl.

BROTADAC (OOV.): Twenty four. Twenty three. Twenty two. Twenty one. Twenty.

BROTADAC: Nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen.

BROTADAC: Fifteen, fourteen

BROTADAC (OOV.): Thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine.

DOCTOR (OOV.): It's time this thing had a thorough overhaul.

BROTADAC (OOV.): Seven, six


GRUGGER: We're moving.

BROTADAC: Four point five.

GRUGGER: The laboratory's sinking.

BROTADAC: Sinking four.

BROTADAC (OOV.): Five, four

MEGLOS (OOV.): Stop the countdown.

BROTADAC (OOV.): But the clock says

MEGLOS (OOV.): Stop the clock!

GRUGGER (OOV.): It must be this button.

MEGLOS (OOV.): Stop the countdown! Stop the clock!

GRUGGER (OOV.): It must be this button.

MEGLOS (OOV.): Fool! Stop!

ZASTOR: Well, we've made a beginning, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Yes, I'd like to stay and help you, but horticulture's not my strong point.

ROMANA (OOV.): Doctor?


ROMANA: Gallifrey.


ROMANA: They want us back immediately.

DOCTOR: Gallifrey? Do they, indeed. Well, we'll see about that when we've dropped our friend off home. Unless, of course, you want to stay here and do some gardening?

EARTHLING: Maybe I will. I'll be in trouble back home.


EARTHLING: I told the wife I'd be in from work in twenty minutes.

DOCTOR: Well, don't worry about that. We can get you back before you leave.

EARTHLING: Oh, good.

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Lalla Ward

Voice of K9
John Leeson

Tom Baker
Christopher Owen (briefly)

Jacqueline Hill

Edward Underdown

General Grugger
Bill Fraser

Christopher Owen

Lieutenant Brotadac
Frederick Treves

Colette Gleeson

Crawford Logan

Tigellan Guard
Simon Shaw

Assistant Floor Manager
Val McCrimmon
Karen Loxton

June Hudson

Philip Lindley

Executive Producer
Barry Letts

Incidental Music
Paddy Kingsland
Peter Howell

Cecile Hay-Arthur

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Marilyn Gold

Production Unit Manager
Angela Smith

Script Editor
Christopher H. Bidmead

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Bert Postlethwaite

Studio Sound
John Holmes

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Steven Drewett
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