17x16 - Nightmare of Eden - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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17x16 - Nightmare of Eden - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Four

Original Air Date: 15 December 1979
Running time: 24:31

DYMOND (on monitor): He's done it! Empress, this is Hecate. Full separation has been achieved. No damage to report. Empress, this is Hecate. Respond please.

FISK: I read you, Dymond. What are you doing on your ship?

DYMOND (on monitor): I came aboard to get a couple of GP g*ns to help against the mandrels. The ships separated whilst I was here.

FISK: Yeah, right. I'll check the Empress for damage.

FISK: Good as new.

DYMOND (on monitor): Waterguard Fisk, sir. I request your permission to continue my journey. I will not be pressing any claim on the Empress.

FISK: No, no, no, no. I might need you as a witness. There's bound to be an enquiry.

DYMOND (on monitor): But if I delay my departure for even an hour I'll lose my contract!

FISK: Look, Dymond, I haven't raised this with you before, but now I'm telling you officially. When this accident occurred, you, as Rigg rightly pointed out, was in a prohibited area. Now that makes you liable to at least a considerable fine. Now, if you try to get away, I'll nail a writ to your bulkhead! Do you understand, Dymond?

DYMOND (on monitor): Yes.

FISK: Right. Come back aboard as quick as you can.

DYMOND (on monitor): Yes, right away.

K9: Operation one hundred percent successful, mistress.

ROMANA: Yes, I know, but I can't find the Doctor. Can you locate him, K9?

K9: Affirmative. Sensors indicate that the master is not aboard the ship, mistress.


ROMANA: Della, have you seen the Doctor?

DELLA: No, I've been too busy with the casualties. The Excisemen want him shot on sight, and you.

ROMANA: Yes, I know. I wonder, could you bare to talk about Stott?


ROMANA: Well, Tryst told us that you and he might be implicated in the drug smuggling. Now, we know it's not you and Stott, but it would help if you could tell me what happened.

DELLA: All right. Stott and I were together. He was acting very strangely. He kept telling me to go back to the shuttle. I could see he was worried. There were mandrels prowling about, but I know it wasn't that. He was looking for someone.

ROMANA: For whom? Did he say?

DELLA: No. Then it happened. A shot came from the forest. He was only stunned, but a mandrel came out from behind. I ran. I ran. I couldn't help myself, I just ran. I was so afraid.

ROMANA: It's all right, Della. Anyone would have done the same.

DELLA: The mandrel k*lled him.

ROMANA: How do you know?

DELLA: Tryst told me. He showed me a visprint. It was horrible.

ROMANA: Stott didn't die. He's here on this ship.

DELLA: What? He can't

ROMANA: He is.

DELLA: But where? I must see him.

ROMANA: Not yet. Now, we must find out who is smuggling the Vraxoin. We know it's something to do with the Eden projection. Stott may be able to help us.

DELLA: I knew it was him looking at me. In the Eden picture, someone staring out, only I couldn't believe it. I thought I was seeing a ghost. Romana, what can I do to help?

ROMANA: First of all, we'd better find the Doctor.

DOCTOR: How very odd. How very strange.

DOCTOR: How very clever.

DOCTOR: The profits on human suffering.

FISK: Right. Dymond's on his way. Now, any sign of the Doctor?

COSTA: No. They're searching A deck at the moment.

TRYST: I think I know where the Doctor went.

FISK: Where? Why didn't you say so before?

TRYST: You may find it hard to believe.

FISK: Make me believe, professor.

TRYST: I think he went into the projection.

FISK: What projection?

TRYST: The CET machine. The image has become an unstable dimensional field.

FISK: Oh. If he went into it, he's got to come out the same way. Costa, check the guard on the lounge.

COSTA: Right.

FISK: I'll join you later.

FISK: Tryst, what would the Doctor want inside the projection?

TRYST: I can only imagine that one of the crew of my expedition found a new source of this er, what is this thing called?

FISK: Vrax.

TRYST: Ja, Vrax. Yes, Vrax, and placed it in the transmute location. Yes, then he informed the Doctor. So the Doctor comes on board and makes the pick-up, which fits in with your own wonderful theory, does it not?

FISK: Yes, yes. Only, why did he bother to separate the ships?

TRYST: Perhaps it's because, as you say, he is a criminal.

FISK: That would be it.

ROMANA: Did you find anything?

DELLA: Only a mandrel.

ROMANA: Oh, he must be somewhere.

K9: Negative, mistress. I have scanned the ship and I detect no

ROMANA: What is it, K9?

K9: This way. The Doctor has just come aboard.

DOCTOR: Hello, K9.

ROMANA: Hello, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Hello, Romana. Everything all right?

ROMANA: What happened to you?

DOCTOR: I got caught in the interface when the two ships separated. Hello, Della.

DOCTOR: Look out! Quick!

CREWMAN: What were you doing with them?

DELLA: Finding out a few things.

CREWMAN: Well, you'd better tell Fisk about it. Come on.

DOCTOR: Bit uncivil of them, pointing their g*ns at us like that.

ROMANA: They've had orders to sh**t.

DOCTOR: Yes. Tell me, what would you use an inchuka laser for?

ROMANA: An inchuka laser can be used to carry thousands of telecom messages

DOCTOR: Shush. Could it carry a CET projection crystal?

ROMANA: From what I've seen of Tryst's set up, I should think so. Why?

DOCTOR: Because Dymond's got a CET projection machine aboard the Hecate with an inchuka laser attached.

ROMANA: Then Tryst and Dymond are the smugglers?

DOCTOR: It looks like it. The only way of convincing Fisk is to catch them in the act of transferring the Vraxoin.

K9: Master, detect units approaching.

DOCTOR: Stott, leave it to K9!

STOTT: What happened to you, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Never mind about us. We know who the smugglers are.


DOCTOR: Dymond's the pick-up man, and the smuggler's Tryst himself.

STOTT: Tryst?

DOCTOR: Yes. The Vraxoin's kept on the Eden crystal. They're about to transfer that crystal to the Hecate.

STOTT: Do you know what the source is?

ROMANA: Yes. Those things.

STOTT: The mandrels?

DOCTOR: Yes. One of them att*cked me in the Power unit. Poor thing was electrocuted, burnt to a powder.

STOTT: A powder? You mean?

DOCTOR: Vraxoin.

STOTT: No wonder I couldn't find it.

DOCTOR: Yes. They can make the transference across space by means of the inchuka laser.

STOTT: Can you prove it?



DOCTOR: I let them do it.

DELLA: Tryst, there's a mandrel out there!

TRYST: It's all right, Della. Dymond has a g*n.

DELLA: What are you doing, Tryst? You weren't thinking of leaving the ship, were you? You've got to help the Doctor. You knew the CET was unstable so it's all your fault. You must help them get the mandrels back into the projection.

TRYST: Is that what he's doing?


TRYST: Good. In that case, I'm right behind him.

FISK: Put your hands up, Doctor!

DOCTOR: You're arresting the wrong man, you know, Fisk.

FISK: That's enough, Doctor.

STOTT: Stop!

FISK: Who are you? Keep your hands up!

STOTT: It's Tryst and Dymond you want.

DELLA: Tryst, did you know Stott was alive?

TRYST: Alive? He can't be!

DELLA: You fired that shot, didn't you, that last day on Eden.

TRYST: I didn't want to, Della. He forced the situation on himself.

DELLA: You! You're smuggling the Vrax.

TRYST: Della, I, er

DELLA: Yes is the word you're looking for.

TRYST: No, it started just as a little thing, just to help me over a slight financial difficulty. The cost of the expedition, that was bankrupting me!

DELLA: But Vrax is destroying people by the millions!

TRYST: I had to continue my research! Without me, many of those creatures would have become extinct!

DELLA: I think a few million people becoming extinct is rather more serious.

TRYST: Ah, but they had a choice. It was their own fault that they became addicted.

DELLA: Huh! Like Rigg, I suppose. Did he have a choice or was he tricked?

TRYST: That was unfortunate.

DYMOND: But necessary.

TRYST: No, don't k*ll him! He's valuable!

DYMOND: Tryst, I can't even stop it!

TRYST: Della! Get after her.

ROMANA: Stop him, K9, quickly!

K9: Mission aborted, mistress.

K9: More important to protect you as programmed, mistress.

ROMANA: Thank you, K9. That was close.

K9: Two metres, to be precise, mistress.

DOCTOR: Romana, what happened?

ROMANA: Dymond shot Della. She's wounded, but she'll be all right.

DOCTOR: The callous wretches. They'll be making the transfer to the Hecate by now.

FISK (OOV.): All personnel locate and apprehend passenger Tryst and pilot Dymond. They may try to leave the ship. And with reference to the previous order regarding the Doctor, cancel it.

TRYST: Is sooner than I thought.

DYMOND: Better move. They'll have an interceptor after us.

TRYST: I think not. I smashed the communications system. They're cut off from Azure.

FISK: If we don't get them on the ship, we've lost them.

STOTT: The Empress is faster, isn't she?

FISK: There's no pilot, no navigating officer. Could you fly her?

DOCTOR: Gentlemen, once more into the

DOCTOR: What happened?

STOTT: Tryst and Dymond have got away.

DOCTOR: They won't go anywhere without the Eden crystal. That gives us a little time.

FISK: To do what?

DOCTOR: Well, now that the ships are separated, we can at last stabilise the CET properly.

FISK: Good. Isn't it?


FISK: Yes, but what does it mean?

DOCTOR: It means, Fisk, that we can finally clear this marauding menagerie back into the projection, which is exactly where Dymond will want it.

FISK: Yes. But what are we going to do?

DOCTOR: Give him what he wants. We have to bait the hook properly, don't we?

STOTT: Keep them moving. We should meet up with Fisk soon.

STOTT: The g*ns are fading!

DOCTOR: I'm going inside now and I may be rather a long time.

DOCTOR: Ah. Oh gosh, oh lord, oh Doctor.

DOCTOR (OOV.): Steady, steady. This way. Not that way! This. Oh! Oh!

DOCTOR (OOV.): Oh, my fingers, my arms, my legs! Ah! My everything! Argh!

FISK: It's all over, then. Switch off the machine.


DOCTOR: Quick, switch it off!

DOCTOR: Phew. Well done, Romana.

FISK: Well, Doctor?

STOTT: What now?

DOCTOR: Romana, you've got two minutes fifty eight seconds to rebuild this machine.

ROMANA: What, this?




ROMANA: Are you joking?

DOCTOR: Do I look as if I'm joking? Well?

ROMANA: Well, I'll need a screwdriver.

DYMOND: How's the attitude setting?

TRYST: It couldn't be better. Are you ready to get us out of here as soon as I've made the transfer?

DYMOND: I can fire the engine from here.

TRYST: Good. I'm ready.

DOCTOR: Increase the gain on the modulator. Well?

ROMANA: Up five points.

DOCTOR: Five points. That's not enough. We're going to need some more power from somewhere.

ROMANA: We could put the jump leads on K9.


DOCTOR: Good dog, K9. Come on, put your leads on. Put your leads on. There.

ROMANA: Are you connected, K9?

K9: Affirmative, mistress.

STOTT: What are you hoping to achieve?

DOCTOR: I want to increase the range and power of this machine. How many points now, Romana?

ROMANA: Ten and building.

DOCTOR: Ten and building. That's much better. We're going to be all right.

ROMANA: Are you all right?

DOCTOR: Yes, yes. It was just a little shock, that's all.

ROMANA: They're making the transfer.

STOTT: That means they'll get away.

DOCTOR: Shush! Quiet, quiet. Reverse the setting on the transmutation reflex. It's all right, it's all right, it's quite safe.

ROMANA: They've made the transfer.


ROMANA: They'll get away!

DOCTOR: Will you please reverse the setting on the transmutation reflex!


K9: Yes, master?

DOCTOR: I want you to find the Hecate. Give me her position.

K9: Affirmative.

DOCTOR: Good dog.

TRYST: Good. We've done it. Let's get out of here.

K9: Forty seven point three, vector seven niner niner in seven seconds.

DOCTOR: Forty seven point three vector seven niner niner. I hope you're right, K9.

DOCTOR: Well, good.

STOTT: What's happened?

DOCTOR: Have you ever heard the expression, hoist by his own petard?

STOTT: Yes, but you haven't done anything.

DOCTOR: Good, well what

FISK: So, Doctor, your plan has failed miserably. There's no way we can catch them now.

DOCTOR: On the contrary, Fisk. I've already caught them. There they are, all yours.

FISK: But I, I

DOCTOR: All I did was increase the range of this machine and brought them back. Matter transmutation, you see. And because the projection's still unstable, all you have to do is pluck them out.

FISK: You heard him. Pluck them out.

TRYST: Doctor! Doctor, I didn't want to be involved in all this. Tell them. Tell them that I only did it for the sake of funding my research. You understand all this. You're a scientist.

DOCTOR: Go away.

TRYST: What?

DOCTOR: Go away.


DOCTOR: Well, how are you now, Della? Good? Good?

DELLA: I'm fine now, thank you, Doctor. I'm relieved the nightmare's over.

DOCTOR: The nightmare's here, on the Eden crystal.

ROMANA: And here's the rest of Tryst's electric zoo.

DELLA: It never was meant to be a zoo. It really was a conservation exercise for most of us.

DOCTOR: I think the best way of conserving the poor creatures trapped in these crystals is to project them back to their own planets, don't you?

DELLA: But you've dismantled the CET.

ROMANA: Oh, we've got far more sophisticated stuff in the TARDIS. Do it in no time.

STOTT: What about the mandrels and the Vraxoin?

DOCTOR: The mandrels have a perfect right to exist. In one way Tryst was right. Humans do have some kind of choice. Let's just hope that no one else discovers the secret.

ROMANA: I can only think of one animal who'd be comfortably at home in an electric zoo.

DELLA: Really? What's that?

ROMANA: I don't think we want to tell them, do we, K9?

K9: Negative, mistress.

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Lalla Ward

Voice of K9
David Brierley

Lewis Fiander

Geoffrey Bateman

Captain Rigg
David Daker

Barry Andrews

Jennifer Lonsdale

Geoffrey Hinsliff

Peter Craze

Stephen Jenn

Richard Barnes
Sebastian Stride
Eden Phillips

Annette Peters
Lionel Sansby
Peter Roberts
Maggie Petersen

Alan Bromly

Graham Williams (Graham Williams decided to dispense with Alan Bromly's services toward the end of the story's second studio session and directed the remainder himself
without on-screen credit)

Assistant Floor Manager
Val McCrimmon

Rupert Jarvis

Roger Cann

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Joan Stribling

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Carolyn Montagu

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Douglas Adams

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Warwick Fielding

Studio Sound
Anthony Philpott

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Colin Mapson

Bob Baker
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