17x15 - Nightmare of Eden - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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17x15 - Nightmare of Eden - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

Original Air Date: 8 December 1979
Running time: 24:06

DOCTOR: Well, how do you like Eden?

ROMANA: I don't.

DOCTOR: Might give us a few answer, though.

ROMANA: Which way?

DOCTOR: Let's go east.

ROMANA: How do you know which way is east?

DOCTOR: Well, I don't. We'll go that way and we'll call it east.

ROMANA: Why not call it north?

DOCTOR: All right, we'll call it north.

ROMANA: North-east?

DOCTOR: (quietly) Can we go, please?

FISK: Doctor!

FISK: Come on, you may as well give yourself up.

COSTA: There must be another way out of here.

DYMOND: I don't know.

FISK: There's got to be. What's that?

DYMOND: It's a door.

FISK: It's locked. Get Tryst.

ROMANA: How did you know we could get into the projection?

DOCTOR: The same way I knew we could get into the TARDIS. Tryst doesn't realise what he's stumbled on. At least, I don't think he has.

ROMANA: A relative dimensional field?

DOCTOR: Yes. All this is recorded on laser crystal. When it's played back

ROMANA: It's restructured on an intradimensional matrix.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, roughly speaking.

ROMANA: So without the dimensional osmosis damper, everything gets mixed up together and we can just walk straight into the projection.


ROMANA: And anything else can just walk straight out.


ROMANA: I've never met such idiots as those customs men.

DOCTOR: Idiots? They're worse than idiots, they're bureaucrats. They just exist to tangle people up, wrap them round and round in red tape until they can't move. Romana?


DOCTOR: I can't move.

DOCTOR: Don't wriggle, don't wriggle. It'll realise it's got dinner.

ROMANA: Dinner?

DOCTOR: Yes. It eats people.

ROMANA: Doctor!

DOCTOR: Quick, over there. The root.


DOCTOR: Root, root!

ROMANA: Are you all right?


ROMANA: Let's get out of here.

DOCTOR: You know, that didn't taste at all bad.

TRYST: I can't turn it off. The selector's gone. It's difficult to believe the Doctor would do this. Why?

FISK: The man is a criminal, that's why.

TRYST: I don't see the logical connection.

FISK: Well, criminals are like that.


FISK: Now, this other exit, can you open it?

TRYST: It leads to the first class bathroom. The Doctor couldn't open it, it opens by personal key.

FISK: It's the only way he can

TRYST: I think the Doctor is in serious trouble, Dymond. It's a pity. Such a brilliant mind.

ROMANA: Doctor?

DOCTOR: Shush. It's waiting for us to make any kind of sound.

DOCTOR: (quietly) It's gone. Now take care.

ROMANA: What was that?

DOCTOR: I don't know. Hello there, thank you very much. We're terribly grateful to you for saving our lives.

ROMANA: Who are you?

STOTT: The name's Stott.

DOCTOR: Stott! Stott of the Tryst expedition?


DOCTOR: Yours, I believe. I'm the Doctor, this is Romana. We're travellers and

DOCTOR: Come on, this way.

STOTT: I know a safe place. Follow me.

DOCTOR: Not bad, not bad at all. How long have you been here?

STOTT: A hundred and eighty three days. They left me for dead on Eden. I tried to get back here to call the ship, and I got caught up in the event transmuter.

ROMANA: How did you get those marks?

STOTT: A mandrel. The thing I saved you from.

ROMANA: Mandrel. Doctor, they're called mandrels.

DOCTOR: Well, Stott, you've got some explaining to do. A hundred and eighty three days here?

STOTT: Yes. I thought I was going to be stuck here for the rest of my life. There were a few times when I felt like blowing my brains out. The hardest thing was being able to look out and see Della.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, quite. Tell me, when did you first discover you could get out of the projection?

STOTT: After the accident. Something must have gone wrong with the CET machine. The edge of the projection was shimmering.

DOCTOR: Really?

STOTT: I decided I had nothing to lose, so I walked straight through it and found myself on the Empress. Then I took one of the passenger coveralls so I could walk about unnoticed.

DOCTOR: Why didn't you tell Tryst and Della you'd got out?

STOTT: Because of what I am and what I'm doing.

DOCTOR: Really?

STOTT: I'm a Major in the Intelligence section of Space Corps, on a special assignment to find out who's drug running.

DOCTOR: Ah ha. You thought it was me, didn't you.

STOTT: For a while. Then I overheard you and Romana talking in the lounge.

ROMANA: Tryst thought it was you, and now he thinks it's Della.

STOTT: Tryst's a fool. He knows nothing. He didn't even realise his expedition was being used to transport a new sort of Vrax that someone had found.

ROMANA: Yes, if you store in on crystal in the CET machine, it can't possibly show up on a molecular scan.

STOTT: He must have arranged somewhere along the line for a pick-up. They'd have to get the stuff out of the projection and pass it on.

DOCTOR: Yeah. You've got the stuff I had?

STOTT: Just a tiny sample. Secker must have found it. He may even have been involved himself.

DOCTOR: Yes, but more important is where the main supply is hidden and where it comes from.

STOTT: All I know is that it's in Eden somewhere. I've been searching all this time. No result.

DOCTOR: Then we've got to get the dimension projection sealed off again, which means doing what we first came to do.

STOTT: And what's that?

DOCTOR: Separate the ships. Tell me, if we go out of the projection in that direction, do we come to the power unit?

STOTT: Yes, you can get out of the projection any way you want.

DOCTOR: Good, good. Then that's what we'll do. Come on. Well, come on.

K9: Identify.

STOTT: Look out, Doctor.

DOCTOR: It's all right, he's mine.

STOTT: What is it?

DOCTOR: It's just a perfectly ordinary electric dog.

K9: Master, I have located the power unit.

DOCTOR: Good, good. Now listen, K9. This is Stott. He's a friend. All right?

K9: Affirmative.

DOCTOR: Good. Let's get to work.

DOCTOR: Liquid hydrogen, turbopump exhaust, reactor core, pressure shell. Right.

ROMANA: Doctor, do you really know how to get this thing going?

DOCTOR: Of course I do. I can start anything from a steam engine to a TARDIS. Have you got a match?

ROMANA: What for?

DOCTOR: I want to jam this switch down.

ROMANA: Would a toothpick do?

DOCTOR: Perfect.

K9: Master, during your absence I encountered alien creatures in this area.

ROMANA: Mandrels, K9.

K9: Name noted, mistress.

DOCTOR: You'd better guard the door, K9. How many were there?

K9: Five units, master.

DOCTOR: Five! I'd better get a move on or they'll be all over the ship.

ROMANA: Hadn't we better deal with them first?

DOCTOR: No, no, no. Until the ships are separated and the projection is stabilised, it'd be like trying to bail out a small boat with a

ROMANA: Sieve?


ATTENDANT: We're doing everything we can. The skipper's got

WOMAN 2: We should have been on Azure hours ago. My passengers asked me to represent them, to take our complaint to the Captain.

ATTENDANT: You must understand, he's very busy in the emergency. He's doing everything possible to get you to Azure.

COSTA: What's going on, Captain?

RIGG: Nothing much, nothing much.

COSTA: What's happening? What are those things?

RIGG: They're a sort of judgment on us all.

COSTA: What? I'll have you shot for this, Captain.

COSTA: Bridge here. Emergency. The passengers on pallet sixty seven are under attack. All armed crewmembers proceed to pallet sixty seven immediately! (to Rigg) I shall be charging you with gross neglect of duty. The passengers should be your first concern, yet I find you drunkenly looking on as they are att*cked and k*lled! Well?

RIGG: They're only economy class. What's all the fuss about?

DOCTOR: Is that the one, Romana? Romana, was that

ROMANA: Mandrel!


DOCTOR: K9, quickly!

STOTT: Doctor, they're coming from both ways.

DOCTOR: I've got to get this finished. Romana, did you check the cable to the reactor?

ROMANA: Yes, I'm pretty sure it was that one.

DOCTOR: Well, check it. I need to be absolutely sure.

DOCTOR: It's perfectly all right. It's quite dead.

ROMANA: If you say so.

DOCTOR: Was it the one?

ROMANA: No, sorry. It's the one below.

DOCTOR: It's a good thing you checked. I could have caused a spectacular expl*si*n.

ROMANA: All ready to go now?

DOCTOR: Nearly. Two things. One, I need to know whether the power on the bridge is on maximum. Two, the demat has to be switched on from the TARDIS at exactly the same time I switch on this old gas oven. All right?

ROMANA: All right.


FISK: Captain, this ship is a disaster area. I'm placing you under arrest for gross neglect of duty.

RIGG: Hey, it's really nice being arrested.

FISK: Now, about the, er, mandrels?


FISK: Mandrels. We need to seal them off and then destroy them. I'll send for heavy weapons.

TRYST: I'd rather if they're not k*lled, if that's possible.

FISK: The things are k*lling our people, man. What do you suggest?

TRYST: Some sort of tranquillising drug?

FISK: We haven't got time for pussyfooting around! I can't think why you care so much about such ugly, disgusting things.

TRYST: It's all a matter of conservation. If they are k*lled, the whole species will have gone.

FISK: Look, I'm in charge here. I'll do what I think is best.

CREWMAN (on monitor): Level B. Two mandrels have got into the fuel section.

FISK: Then k*ll them.

CREWMAN (on monitor): Well, we're worried about hitting the fuel tanks if we fire.

FISK: You see what I mean, Tryst? Keep them under surveillance, and if they move out of there, destroy them.

CREWMAN (on monitor): Aye, aye, sir.

FISK: Has the Doctor been seen in that sector?

CREWMAN (on monitor): No, sir.

FISK: Yes, well, pass the word around that if he offers the slightest resistance to arrest, sh**t him.

CREWMAN (on monitor): sh**t him, sir?

FISK: He's a criminal, isn't he? What else do you do with criminals?

CREWMAN (on monitor): Sir.

DOCTOR: Stott, I want you and Romana to go back through the jungle. K9, I want you to go back the way you came.

K9: Negative, master. Blurred zone still operative. These zones are matter interfaces.

DOCTOR: Will you listen to me, please? Stott and I came through one. It's perfectly all right if it's on the edge of a hull. All you need is a little determination.

K9: Affirmative. Determination, master.

DOCTOR: Good. Now, when you get through, I want you to go back to the demat machine set up near the TARDIS, and when I whistle, you switch it on. Right?

K9: Affirmative.


ROMANA: What about you? You're not going to be here when the power unit comes on, are you?

DOCTOR: No, no. I'm going to rig myself a little time device. Could I borrow your watch, please?

STOTT: Certainly.

DOCTOR: Good. Is that on ship's time? Right. Now, I'll give you till 20:25 to reach the bridge and put the power on. I'll set my device so I can escape in good time.

ROMANA: What about the mandrels? You won't have K9 or a g*n.

DOCTOR: I'll have to use my wits. Off you go. Take care. Look out for excisemen. I don't think they like us very much. Off you go then.

DOCTOR: Twenty oh one.

FISK: I want this ship searched from top to bottom. If you see the Doctor or his lady companion, arrest them. If they resist, k*ll them. Right, get on with it.

DYMOND: Shall I put it on destruct?

TRYST: I think not. We'll see how things develop. We'll keep in touch.

ROMANA: Look out!

DOCTOR: Plenty of time.

ROMANA: You go back and guide the Doctor through.

STOTT: What about the excisemen?

ROMANA: I'll manage.

STOTT: Right.


DOCTOR: Vraxoin. Of course! So that's it.

COSTA: How much longer do we have to stay up here?

FISK: Until the job's finished. How many casualties so far?

COSTA: Here's the list. Twelve dead, twenty nine injured. Enough for a small w*r.

FISK: You know what this means?

COSTA: What?

FISK: Almost certain promotion.

COSTA: Promotion?

FISK: It's bound to be, a situation as big as this. It'll sort itself out and in the end we'll have two tailor-made suspects, the Doctor and the girl. We'll be the golden boys of the day.

COSTA: We don't actually know anything about those two.

FISK: You found the traces of Vrax in the Doctor's pocket. What more do you want?

K9: In position. Waiting.

DOCTOR: Twenty twenty-one? I'll never do it.

ROMANA: The Doctor's got into the power unit.

RIGG: Good, good.

ROMANA: We're going to separate the ships now.

RIGG: Have you got something for me? Something I need?

ROMANA: I must put full power on. Please, let me pass, Captain.

RIGG: I must have something for this terrible feeling, don't you understand?

ROMANA: I haven't got anything.

RIGG: You're lying. I know you've got the stuff, now tell me where it is.

ROMANA: Please, let me just set the controls and I'll help you. Now let me go.

RIGG: I don't care about the stupid ship, woman. I want something for this feeling! Now you can help me. Please, I'll give you money. I've got money. How much? How much?

ROMANA: Let me just get the ship operating, and then I'll see that you get medical help.

RIGG: Just a little bit. I know you've got it. Now let me have some or I'll k*ll you!

ROMANA: I haven't got anything!

RIGG: Give it to me!

ROMANA: Oh, thank you. He was going to k*ll me.

FISK: Well it wouldn't have mattered much, since you're going to die anyway. Trafficking in dr*gs is punishable by death on Azure.

ROMANA: Whereas bureaucratic m*rder is rewarded with promotion.

FISK: I didn't invent the rules, I just enforce them. Don't touch those controls.

ROMANA: But you don't understand. The Doctor is in the power unit. We're going to separate the ships now. I must operate the drive.

FISK: I don't know what you're up to, but I intend to stop you. Touch those controls and I sh**t!

ROMANA: I thought you were going to k*ll me anyway.

FISK: Don't touch them!

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Lalla Ward

Voice of K9
David Brierley

Lewis Fiander

Geoffrey Bateman

Captain Rigg
David Daker

Barry Andrews

Jennifer Lonsdale

Geoffrey Hinsliff

Peter Craze

Stephen Jenn

Richard Barnes
Sebastian Stride
Eden Phillips

Annette Peters
Lionel Sansby
Peter Roberts
Maggie Petersen

Alan Bromly

Graham Williams (Graham Williams decided to dispense with Alan Bromly's services toward the end of the story's second studio session and directed the remainder himself
without on-screen credit)

Assistant Floor Manager
Val McCrimmon

Rupert Jarvis

Roger Cann

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Joan Stribling

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Carolyn Montagu

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Douglas Adams

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Warwick Fielding

Studio Sound
Anthony Philpott

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Colin Mapson

Bob Baker
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