17x02 - Destiny of the Daleks - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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17x02 - Destiny of the Daleks - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Episode Two

Original Air Date: 8 September 1979
Running time:25:14

DALEK: Scan the prisoner for concealed weapons.

DALEK 2: The prisoner is unarmed.

DALEK: At my command, you will move forward. Any attempt to escape will be punished. No further warning will be given. Is that understood? Is that understood? Speak! Speak!

ROMANA: Yes! I understand.

DALEK: The prisoner will be taken to interrogation.

DOCTOR: Commander, you must tell me what you're doing here on Skaro. It's vital.

SHARREL: Why? What do you know of Skaro?

DOCTOR: Well, I'll tell you when you tell me what you're doing here.

SHARREL: Very well. I don't see why this should compromise us. Our mission is directed against the force known as the Daleks. A race of evil auto

DOCTOR: Yes, thank you. Thank you, I know.

SHARREL: You know the Daleks?

DOCTOR: Oh, better than you could possibly imagine.

DALEK: Answer. Answer! Answer!

ROMANA: I don't know the answer. Please leave me alone.

DALEK 2: Detector indicates truthful response.

DALEK: We will continue.

DALEK 2: You will not remove your hand from the sensor.

DALEK: Statement. Your purpose in coming here was to sabotage Dalek operations. True or false?

ROMANA: I don't know anything about the Daleks.

DALEK: Answer true or false! Answer! Answer!

ROMANA: False! False!

DALEK 2: Detector indicates truthful response.

DALEK: Statement. You are in the employ of a space power and have been sent here to spy on the Daleks. True or false?

ROMANA: False! False, false. Leave me alone.

DALEK 2: Detector indicates truthful response.

DALEK: Standard interrogation complete. Report analysis of responses.

DALEK 2: Analysis of responses indicates that subject is category nine.

DALEK: Category nine subjects represent no threat to Dalek security. Release the prisoner.

ROMANA: Does that mean I can go?

DALEK: Humanoids are useful work machines. You have no other value. You will be assigned to labour force two.

ROMANA: Labour force two?

DALEK: You will obey all Dalek commands instantly. You will complete your work schedule. If you fail, you will be exterminated.

DALEK 2: Obey all Dalek commands.

DALEK: Obey instantly.

DALEK 2: Obey without question.

DALEK: Obey.

DALEK 2: Obey.

DALEK: Obey.

DALEK 2: Obey.

DALEK 3: Obey. Obey. Obey.

DOCTOR: Commander, the Daleks.


DOCTOR: I'm very familiar with their methods. It's vital I know what they're doing here.

SHARREL: That is precisely what I would like to know, too.

DOCTOR: But Commander, what

AGELLA: The patrol has found a prisoner.

SHARREL: Yes? Bring him in at once.

TYSSAN: (to the Doctor) Starship engineer Tyssan, serving with the Deep Space Fleet out of the planet Earth.

TYSSAN: By my timescale, I was taken c*ptive two years ago, and since then I've been a prisoner of the Daleks.

ROMANA: How long have the Daleks been guarding you?

VELDAN: A long time. I'm from the planet Sirian. The Daleks raided our settlement one day, took more than fifty of us.

JALL: (woman) I was a civilian passenger on a space shuttle. The Daleks att*cked. I was the only survivor.

VELDAN: They keep their captives in a prison ship in space. Once you're there, your life expectancy tends to be on the short side.

JALL: We thought we were lucky when we were picked to come on this mission.

ROMANA: How many of you?

JALL: About fifty. I thought there might be a chance to escape.

ROMANA: Why didn't you? The burial party I saw wasn't guarded.

VELDAN: Anyone attempting to escape and the Daleks k*ll five of those remaining. Escape plans are not as popular as they were.

ROMANA: And the Daleks brought you here to do this?

JALL: They've got huge machines to do the drilling, but when it comes to clearing up there's nothing as adaptable as a humanoid.

VELDAN: And nothing as expendable.

ROMANA: The Daleks would be far better off with machines for this job.

JALL: Perhaps they just enjoy subjugating humanoid races.

ROMANA: They used to be humanoid themselves.

DALEK: Silence. Silence. Silence. You will remain silent at all times.

VELDAN: Are you all right?

ROMANA: It's the radiation. I've got to get out of here.

JALL: We told you what happens if anyone tries to escape.

VELDAN: You'll get out of here when you're dead. Believe me, that's the only way. When you're dead.

DALEK: Keep away.

VELDAN: But she's sick.

DALEK: Continue with your work. Those unfit for work will be exterminated.

VELDAN: The only way you get out of here is dead.

DALEK: Proceed.

DOCTOR: Tyssan. Tyssan, what are the Daleks mining for? Tyssan. Tyssan, what are the Daleks mining for? Come on.

TYSSAN: They don't take prisoners into their confidence.

SHARREL: You were on a work party. You fell unconscious.

TYSSAN: I was left for dead. I've been on the run for days.


TYSSAN: I spotted you and the girl.

DOCTOR: Good man, good man. Yes. Why didn't you speak to me?

TYSSAN: I lost you for a while. Then I picked up the girl again.

TYSSAN: She seemed afraid. She backed away and fell down a shaft.

DOCTOR: Was she hurt?

TYSSAN: She was alive.

DOCTOR: Good, good.

TYSSAN: But the Daleks got her.


TYSSAN: I went to help her. They took her away.

DOCTOR: Come over here. Tyssan, it's vital I get into Dalek control. Can you show me a way?

TYSSAN: You'd be taking a tremendous risk.

DOCTOR: Never mind. Can you do it?

TYSSAN: I think so.


SHARREL: I quite agree, Doctor. We'll go with you. Agella, get some weapons.

DALEK 5: Move away from the prisoner. Return to your work.

VELDAN: She's dead.

DALEK 5: Return to your work.

VELDAN: Don't you understand? She's dead!

DALEK 5: Return to your work!

JALL: You can't just leave her here like that.

DALEK 5: She will be disposed of when the work cycle is complete. Return to your work. You will obey.

TYSSAN: (quietly) Okay, it's all clear. Come on.

DOCTOR: Go back now. No more chances.

TYSSAN: No, I'll stay. I've nothing to lose. Ever since I was brought here, I've had an awful premonition I'd die on Skaro.

DOCTOR: Well, you wouldn't be the first.

SHARREL: But why should the Daleks come here, Doctor? What is the connection?

DOCTOR: The connection? This is where they were created thousands of years ago. They ravaged the place and left it for dead, as you can see.

SHARREL: That doesn't tell me why they should return.

DOCTOR: No. No, indeed. Burrowing into the ruins of their own city for what? For what? Oh!

AGELLA: You have an idea?

DOCTOR: No. No, it'd be too fantastic even for the Daleks. We'll find all the answers we want in the control room. Come on.

DOCTOR: Come on.

DALEK: Report.

DALEK 2: Vertical drill three is in position.

DALEK: Penetration to lower level will commence immediately. Order the drilling will continue until penetration is complete.

DALEK 2: I obey.

DALEK: Report.

DALEK 3: Security sensors detect unauthorised movement in section seven.

DALEK: Despatch units four and six to investigate.

DALEK 2: I obey.

DALEK 4: Intruders! Intruders! Exterminate! Seek and locate!

TYSSAN: The main control centre, about five hundred metres up there.


TYSSAN: The place will be crawling with Daleks.

DOCTOR: Don't worry.

SHARREL: You stay and cover this exit, Lan. We may need to get out of here in a hurry.

DOCTOR: Are you three coming?

DALEK 5: Work schedule complete. You will return to internment area. You, you, remove the body.

DALEK: Report.

DALEK 4 (OOV.): Units four and six. Investigation of section seven commencing.

DALEK: Proceed. I will advise.

SHARREL: Agella, cover this entrance.

DOCTOR: Tyssan. Tyssan!

TYSSAN: expl*sives and timers. Powerful, too. They use them in the excavations.

DOCTOR: That looks interesting.

DOCTOR: Ah ha. Floor plans of the old Kaled city.

TYSSAN: Kaled?

DOCTOR: Yes. Never mind about that. This is the first underground level where we are now.

DOCTOR: That's the second. And if I'm right, the Daleks have penetrated to level there. Which means that their objective must be the third section.

SHARREL: Yes, but what is it?

DOCTOR: I have an uneasy feeling I know. Now. That's odd. There's no plan of the fourth level.

TYSSAN: Perhaps it's been destroyed.

DOCTOR: Yes. Yes. There's a shaft leading directly from the surface to the fourth level which the Daleks can't possibly know about, otherwise they would have come from the surface to the fourth level and burrowed to the third. I wonder.

DALEK 6: Advise control. Intruder located and exterminated.

DALEK 4: I obey.

AGELLA: Daleks.

DOCTOR: What? Stay calm.

DOCTOR: Quick, take cover!

DOCTOR: Come on!

DALEK: Intruders! Intruders!

DALEK 2: Exterminate!

DALEK 2: Intruders! Intruders! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!

DOCTOR: Let me see.


DOCTOR: I'm a doctor.

AGELLA: He is dead.

DOCTOR: He is?

SHARREL: We cannot allow aliens to see us in death. It is against, against our code of honour. I'm sure you understand.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, of course. It's a privilege to meet such honourable people. Let's keep moving.

TYSSAN: What's all that about?

DOCTOR: I don't know. It'd be fascinating. Shush. Shush.

SHARREL: Quick, hurry up the shaft.

TYSSAN: What about your friend?

DOCTOR: Don't worry, don't worry. I don't give up easily.

DOCTOR: After you.

SHARREL: No, Doctor, after you.

DOCTOR: You're too kind.

DALEK: Seek, locate, exterminate. Seek, locate, exterminate.

DOCTOR: If you're supposed to be the superior race of the universe, why don't you try climbing after us? Bye, bye.

DALEK: Guard this position. I will inform control.

DOCTOR: Romana. Ha ha! I thought you were dead.

ROMANA: Well, the only way to escape the Daleks was to feign death. It's lucky they didn't know I was a Gallifreyan.

DOCTOR: Good girl.

TYSSAN: Gallifreyan?

ROMANA: Yes, they taught me at school how to stop my hearts.

TYSSAN: Hearts? How many have you got?

ROMANA: One for casual, one for best.

DOCTOR: Excuse me.

SHARREL: Doctor.


SHARREL: Where are you going?

DOCTOR: Dalek hunting.

DOCTOR: Now, if I'm right, there's a shaft in here that the Daleks don't know about leading straight to the bottom level. If I'm right.

DOCTOR: Ah ha. I'm right. Now, if the Daleks are looking for what I think they're looking for, we've got to get there first. We don't all need to go. Why don't you two go back to your ship and wait for us?

SHARREL: No, Doctor. I will go back to the ship. Agella will go with you. We're as anxious to find what the Daleks are looking for as you are.

DOCTOR: All right. Come on, let's clear the entrance.

TYSSAN: How did you know how to get into this level?

DOCTOR: Call it local knowledge gained a long time ago. (to Romana) You gave me quite a start back there, you know. They've started drilling again. Now listen, we don't have much time. If I'm right, we should go this way.

TYSSAN: What is it we're looking for?

DOCTOR: Same thing as the Daleks.

TYSSAN: What's that?

DOCTOR: I'll tell you when I find out.

DALEK: Report.

DALEK 2: Combat units continuing intensive search.

DALEK: Hostiles must be located. Seek, locate, exterminate. Seek, locate, exterminate!

DALEK 2: Drilling has recommenced. Computer predicts penetration into objective area is imminent.

DALEK: Advise space command that our mission is almost complete.

DOCTOR: Just as I thought.

AGELLA: A humanoid?

DOCTOR: Yes. Davros, the evil genius who created the Daleks.

AGELLA: He created the Daleks?

DOCTOR: Yes. I could have stopped him.

TYSSAN: This creature looks as though he's been dead for centuries.

DOCTOR: Yes. Curious the tricks time plays on one, isn't it.

AGELLA: So that's what the Daleks have been looking for. Their creator.


DOCTOR: Romana, I was right.

TYSSAN: Doctor, they're breaking through.

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Lalla Ward

Tim Barlow

David Gooderson

Suzanne Danielle

Commander Sharrel
Peter Straker

Tony Osoba

Dalek Operators
Cy Town
Mike Mungarvan

Dalek Voice
Roy Skelton

Penny Casdagli

David Yip

Movellan Guard

Assistant Floor Manager
David Tilley
Anthony Root

June Hudson

Ken Ledsham

Film Cameraman
Phil Law

Film Editor
d*ck Allen

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Cecile Hay-Arthur

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Henry Foster

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Douglas Adams

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Fred Hamilton
Kevin Rowley

Studio Lighting
John Dixon

Studio Sound
Clive Gifford

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Peter Logan
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