14x20 - The Robots of Death - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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14x20 - The Robots of Death - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »




Original Air Date: 19 February 1977
Running time: 23:42

1. INT. corridor outside MODIFICATION ROOM

(UVANOV, a nasty red welt on his forehead, sneaks down a staircase and crosses the corridor into the Modification Room.)


UVANOV: What are you doing here?

(The DOCTOR stands up from examining the work bench.)

DOCTOR: Why? Does it upset you?

UVANOV: The penalty for what you have done is death!

DOCTOR: That's far enough! What are you doing here?

UVANOV: I followed you.

(V4 appears in the corridor behind UVANOV.)

DOCTOR: Ah. I'd come over here if I were you. Slowly.

(UVANOV turns to see V4, which is holding up a corpse marker. He backs away towards the DOCTOR.)

DOCTOR: Now either it followed you or else it homed in on this. It depends which of us it's going to k*ll first.

(V4, red eyed, charges towards the DOCTOR with arms outstretched.)

V4: k*ll the Doctor! k*ll the Doctor!

(It grabs the DOCTOR's throat and begins to strangle him ...)

V4: k*ll the Doctor!

(UVANOV grabs a Laserson Probe from the rack.)

V4: k*ll the Doctor!

(UVANOV stabs V4 in the head with the probe.)

V4: k*ll! k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

(V4's vision is damaged, as seen from its POV. It lets go of the DOCTOR's throat and grasps the probe, which remains stuck in its head. It dances around, out of control.)

V4: k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

(UVANOV goes to the DOCTOR, who groggily recovers.)

UVANOV: Doctor, are you all right?

DOCTOR: Finish it off before it's too late.

(The lights in the room fluctuate dim them bright.)

UVANOV: There's a power failure!

DOCTOR: The probe's stopped! Can you do it?


(UVANOV goes to V4, which has stopped still. He reaches for the probe. V4 sweeps him aside, knocking him to the floor with a shriek.)

V4: k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

(Despite its faulty vision, V4 lumbers towards the DOCTOR.)

3. INT. TOOS's cabin

(TOOS stands by her door. It opens to reveal V6, whose eyes glow red. It moves towards her as she backs away.)

TOOS: (Pleading.) No! Oh, no, please! No, please! No, please! No, don't! No, don't! Oh, no, please -

(V6 backs her onto the bed and begins to strangle her.)

V6: It is an order. It has to be done.

4. INT. corridor

(The DOCTOR carries UVANOV away from the Modification Room. He stops in his tracks when he sees SV7, whose eyes are black. The DOCTOR turns the other way and sees V5 turn towards him. Behind him, its eyes red and its arms outstretched, lumbers V4 with the Laserson Probe still in its head.)

V4: k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

DOCTOR: Don't just stand there, 7! Give me a hand!

SV7: (Eyes glowing red.) k*ll them.

V4: k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

(V5 steps slowly towards them. The DOCTOR puts the groggy UVANOV down and they shelter against a wall.)

DOCTOR: Just how fast are these robots?

UVANOV: They can outrun a human and they never tire.

DOCTOR: No, I meant fast as in nimble. Never mind. We'll soon find out.

(The DOCTOR springs forward and puts his hat on V5.)

V4: k*ll! k*ll! k*ll! k*ll! k*ll!

(V4 lumbers towards V5, who now also wears the DOCTOR's scarf. The DOCTOR and UVANOV scuttle away. V4 strangles V5, who strangles it back.)

V4: k*ll! k*ll!

V5: Do not k*ll me.

SV7: V4, that is not the Doctor.

V4: k*ll!

V5: Do not k*ll me.

V4: k*ll! k*ll!

SV7: (Into wrist communicator.) V6, come to section J immediately.

5. INT. toos's cabin

(V6 stops strangling TOOS.)

V6: (Into wrist communicator.) The order is understood.

(V6 exits, leaving TOOS unconscious - or possibly dead - on the bed.)

6. INT. corridor

(The DOCTOR and UVANOV descend a staircase, looking about.)

DOCTOR: Come on. We've got to get back to the command deck.

UVANOV: SV7 controls all the others. If it's gone bad, then they all have.

DOCTOR: It hasn't gone bad. Its command circuit's been changed.

UVANOV: Doctor, nobody could do that.

DOCTOR: Taren Capel could.

UVANOV: Taren Capel?

DOCTOR: Yes. A mad scientist. A very mad scientist.

7. INT. corridor outside toos's cabin

(LEELA runs at full speed down the corridor to Toos's Cabin.)

8. INT. TOOS's cabin

(She stops in the doorway, seeing D84 standing over TOOS. She checks her knife sheath, but it is empty. She throws V6's hand at D84.)

D84: Please do not throw hands at me. She will recover.

LEELA: What happened to her?

(TOOS squeals and sits up, grabbing LEELA in a frightened hug. LEELA squeezes her tight.)

LEELA: It's all right, he's a friend. It's all right.

D84: She was being att*cked. The Doctor sent me to her assistance.

LEELA: Well, where is he then? Where's the robot?

D84: It received a priority call to go to section J.

LEELA: How do you -

D84: I heard the instruction on my command circuit.

TOOS: (Struggling to speak with bruised throat.) The Doctor sent everyone to control deck. How many are left?

LEELA: Well as far as I know only Poul, and his mind is broken. I haven't seen Uvanov or Dask.

D84: Where ... where is Chief Mover Poul?

LEELA: I left him in the storage bank.

D84: I had better bring him to the control deck.

(D84 leaves.)

LEELA: D'you think you can make it?

TOOS: (Nods.) It isn't far.

(TOOS and LEELA cross to the door. LEELA supports the limping TOOS to walk, with an arm around her waist and TOOS's arm around LEELA's shoulders.)

9. INT. corridor

(V4 stands in a dramatic pose, immobile, in the corridor. SV7 examines V4, while V5 and V6 look on.)

SV7: The sensors are extensively damaged. I must report to our controller. (To V5 and V6.) Your orders are to find and destroy all the remaining humans. Secrecy is no longer necessary. Confirm.

V6: The order is understood.

SV7: Then go.

(V5 and V6 turn and exit, their eyes glowing red. SV7 exits, leaving V4 standing in the corridor.)

10. INT. corridor in hopper area

(LEELA and TOOS move along the corridor, LEELA supporting TOOS. TOOS coughs. They stop upon hearing a sound. LEELA listens, then points to a hopper.)

LEELA: In here.

(They race inside the hopper and shut the door behind them.)


(LEELA and TOOS huddle in the corner of the empty hopper.)

12. INT. corridor in hopper area

(V5 and V6 patrol along the corridor, stopping at the door of the hopper where LEELA and TOOS are hiding.)

V6: We must search each hopper.

V5: That is not necessary. Vs 35 to 40 have searched in there already.


(LEELA and TOOS listen fearfully, huddling together.)

14. INT. corridor in hopper area

V6: Then we must search the storage bays.

(V5 and V6 move off along the corridor.)


(LEELA lets go of TOOS as they both sigh in relief.)

TOOS: I don't understand what's happening. Robots can't harm humans - it's the first principle.

LEELA: The second principle is that humans can't harm robots. I know, I've tried, and they don't bleed.

TOOS: I think we should warn the Doctor. (Activating her wrist communicator with a tone.) Doctor, can you hear me? Answer me, please.

SV7: (Over communicator.) SV7 here. Is that you, Acting Commander Toos?

TOOS: Yes. SV7, listen. Some of the Voc class robots are running berserk, out of control and dangerous. D'you understand?

SV7: (Over communicator.) I understand. Counter measures are being taken. Report your position, please.

TOOS: I'm -

(LEELA silences TOOS with a hand over her mouth.)

LEELA: Shh! (Whispers.) In your cabin.

SV7: (Over communicator.) Please say again, Commander. I must know your present position.

TOOS: I'm in my cabin, SV7.

SV7: (Over communicator.) Please stay in your cabin, Commander. There is great danger if you leave it.

(LEELA is thoughtful. She stands up to think.)

TOOS: What was all that about?

LEELA: There's something wrong, I could feel it.

TOOS: I didn't notice anything, but ... except the -

LEELA: There was something!

TOOS: The robots are programmed to understand our voice patterns.


TOOS: My voice is in the command program. Why did SV7 ask if it was me?

LEELA: Because that wasn't SV7.


(UVANOV and the DOCTOR enter the deck and see ROBOTS immobilised as they stood on the staircase. UVANOV taps a VOC on the arm while the DOCTOR checks a control panel on the wall.)

UVANOV: Oh, good. Somebody's had the sense to hit the robot deactivation switch. Probably Dask. As Chief Fixer he is second line authority on it.

DOCTOR: Of course. There had to be one, I should have thought of it before.

UVANOV: You didn't know? I thought that's why we came here!

LEELA: (Off screen.) Doctor!!

(LEELA and TOOS run onto the control deck.)

TOOS: Doctor, you were right. The robots are out of control.

UVANOV: Not any more. We're quite safe now.


DOCTOR: Safe! Safe!

UVANOV: Well ... we'll have to send up a satellite distress beacon to get back to base, but there's no trouble.

DOCTOR: Uvanov, you remind me very strongly of a lady called Marie Antoinette. There's a robot revolution going on out there and you say we've got no problems.

UVANOV: But Doctor, every single robot has been switched off. There's not one of them working.

DOCTOR: Uvanov! (Whispers.) Look over there.

(UVANOV looks behind him. Enter D84, carrying a semi-conscious POUL and placing him on a bench.)

UVANOV: I don't understand!

DOCTOR: Shut the door, Toos. I may not have time to explain.

(TOOS shuts the door.)

DOCTOR: There's a new generation of k*ller robots about, Uvanov. The K*llers are controlled by Taren Capel. And D84 is controlled by Poul. These two are undercover agents for the company.

D84: Poul is damaged. I do not understand what has happened to him. This may be because I am not human.

DOCTOR: Yes, that's very likely.

TOOS: How did you find out about Poul?

DOCTOR: Well his body language was all wrong.

LEELA: What's body language?

DOCTOR: Well, it's the theory that a person expresses himself in the way he moves.

LEELA: I said he was a hunter!

DOCTOR: Yes, you did. D'you know what's wrong with Poul? Uvanov?

UVANOV: Yes. Robophobia.

DOCTOR: That's right. The Loid call it Grimwade's Syndrome.

UVANOV: I have seen it, Doctor. Once before. On my very first command. Young kid just ran outside the mine. I tried to save him, but I couldn't. I'll never ever forget the look on his face.

TOOS: (To LEELA.) Zilda's brother.

UVANOV: His father of course had it all hushed up. He was afraid his son would be thought a coward. But robophobia is a mental thing, right?

DOCTOR: Oh yes, yes, it is, until one gets its hands around your neck. I don't s'pose there are any weapons aboard this mine?

TOOS: They aren't necessary.

DOCTOR: They are now.

(A tone signals activation of the command speaker.)

SV7: (On command speaker.) This is SV7. We know you are all on the control deck. You have five minutes to surrender. If you do not come out, you will be destroyed.

UVANOV: (Into wrist communicator.) And if we give ourselves up, we'll be destroyed anyway. Is that what you're saying, 7?

SV7: Humans feel pain. Our controller orders that you will die slowly if you do not surrender. You have, I repeat, five minutes.

DOCTOR: Five minutes. And the anti-blast doors will hold another te - (Realises.) Anti-blast. Do you carry blasting powder aboard this mine?

TOOS: Half a dozen Z-9 electron packs, that's all.

DOCTOR: What, in here?

TOOS: Up there in the locker.

DOCTOR: They might work, Uvanov. If you could pass a positive charge through the metal plate, you'd be able to magnetise them and have anti-robot bombs.

UVANOV: Yes. Provided, of course, you can get close enough.

DOCTOR: Well, that's you're problem. I can't be everywhere at once. Toos, open this door for me.

TOOS: Where are you going, Doctor?

DOCTOR: The robot mortuary. Toos, lock this door after us and don't let anyone in, is that clear?

TOOS: Clear.

DOCTOR: D84 and Leela.

(LEELA and D84 leave off tending to POUL and turn to follow the DOCTOR.)

DOCTOR: Remember, Toos. If we don't come back, you'll have to find some other way of warning the outside world.

(TOOS unlocks the door. The DOCTOR, LEELA and D84 exit. TOOS locks the door. UVANOV descends the stairs from the raised platform, carrying Z-9 electron packs to the forward instrument panel.)

UVANOV: Come on, Toos. Let's get to work.

(TOOS joins him.)

17. INT. corridor

(Many pairs of ROBOT feet walk past the stairway, watched by the DOCTOR, LEELA and D84 from behind the stair rail.)

DOCTOR: Ten robots.

LEELA: That's what I counted.

DOCTOR: Strange. I would have expected Taren Capel to be in at the k*ll. Come on. We've got to hurry.

(They move off.)

18. INT. control deck

(As UVANOV and TOOS make anti-robot bombs, POUL rouses. DASK's voice is heard shouting from behind the door, accompanied by thumps.)

DASK: (Through door.) Help! Let me in.

(There is a rapid series of loud thumping knocks on the door. UVANOV crosses to the door.)

UVANOV: Who is that?

DASK: (Through door.) It's me, Dask. Let me in, they're after me.

(More thumps. UVANOV dithers and turns to the electronic door panel.)

DASK: (Through door.) Help me! They're after me!

(TOOS runs towards UVANOV.)

TOOS: No, the Doctor said no one at all!

(The thumps continue.)

UVANOV: We can't leave him out there with those things. You don't know what they're like.

TOOS: They may be using him to get us to open the door.

DASK: (Through door.) Help me!

TOOS: They may be waiting outside.

19. INT. corridor outside control deck

(DASK - otherwise known as TAREN CAPEL - his face fully made up like a robot's in green and silver, and wearing a robot tunic, screams maniacally.)

TAREN CAPEL: Let me in!!!

(There is no response. He turns to the three VOCS at his sides.)

TAREN CAPEL: All right, my brothers. The doors - force them open!

(He leaves the area, followed by SV7.)


(A storage bay rotates to reveal the severely damaged VOC with a blood-covered hand as the DOCTOR, LEELA and D84 look on.)

DOCTOR: D84? D'you know the storage bay where Chub kept his equipment?

D84: Yes.

DOCTOR: There's some canisters of gas there. Fetch me one, please, as quickly as you can.

D84: That will be a pleasure.

(The DOCTOR examines the severed neck cables of the damaged VOC. LEELA bends to examine the bloody hand, not shy about touching it.)

LEELA: His hand, Doctor. That's blood.

DOCTOR: Yeah. Borg's at a guess. He was strong enough to put up a struggle.

LEELA: Well if Poul saw that -

DOCTOR: Yes. That's what probably triggered his collapse.

(The DOCTOR manages to remove the VOC's head.)

LEELA: Doctor, what is robophobia?

DOCTOR: It's an unreasoning dread of robots.

(The DOCTOR takes the head to a clear space on the floor to tinker with it, removing the tape from around it and dismantling it into its main components.)

DOCTOR: You see, most living creatures use non-verbal signals. Body movement, eye contact, facial expression - that sort of thing.

LEELA: Body language.

DOCTOR: Exactly. While these robots are humanoid, presumably for aesthetic reasons, they give no signals. It's rather like being surrounded by walking, talking dead men.

LEELA: That's what Poul said.

DOCTOR: Yes. Undermines a certain type of personality, causes identity crisis, paranoia, sometimes even personality disintegration. Robophobia. At least that's Grimwade's theory. Hold this.

(He gives a robot component to LEELA.)

LEELA: What are you doing?

DOCTOR: I'm going to try and patch this communicator into Dask's private command circuit.

LEELA: Dask!

DOCTOR: Yes. Taren Capel. If I can discover where he modified this - (Snaps.) Do you have to talk so much?

LEELA: Sorry.


(UVANOV calmly adjusts one of the electron packs, making a b*mb, as TOOS runs to him from the door, agitated. The robots continue to bash against the door.)

TOOS: - the Doctor succeeds. I don't see how we can warn anyone if he doesn't.

UVANOV: He doesn't really expect us to.

TOOS: Then why did he say what he did?

UVANOV: We are just decoys to help them.

(The robots' bashing noises cease.)

UVANOV: What next I wonder?


(The DOCTOR has slots a modified communicator into the damaged voc's head. An electronic sound indicates that his gadget works.)

DOCTOR: There. That should do it.

LEELA: So Dask turned off all the friendly mechanical men?

DOCTOR: Yes. Planning to modify them and reactivate them later. Today the mine, tomorrow the world. Right now he must be a happy little maniac.

(D84 enters, carrying a slim gas canister.)

D84: Is that what you wanted?

DOCTOR: Yes. Well done, D84. Now you're going to have to stay here.

D84: I cannot do that.

DOCTOR: D84, this is the final deactivator. If I have to use this and you're around it'll destroy your brain.

D84: I am not important.

DOCTOR: What? I think you're very important.

D84: My duty is to the company.

DOCTOR: All right. But you be very careful.

D84: I will.

DOCTOR: Good. Come on.

(All leave the storage bank.)


(TOOS places her ear against the door quietly, hearing strange high pitched metallic clang sounds on the other side. UVANOV approaches.)

UVANOV: Any ideas?


(POUL rouses from his recliner seat and walks towards the translucent back entrance to the control deck, fearfully talking to unseen robots.)

POUL: No! Please! They brought me here! I didn't want to come.

TOOS: Look!

(TOOS and UVANOV embrace in fear and horror as they see the silhouette of V5 bangs against the translucent door. POUL falls to his knees in front of it.)


(TAREN CAPEL marches purposefully through a corridor, followed by SV7 and V6. He halts when SV7 speaks.)

SV7: Controller Capel. V5 reports three humans on the control deck. Commander Uvanov, Mover Poul, and Pilot Toos.

TAREN CAPEL: The Doctor. The Doctor and the girl Leela - where are they?

SV7: (Listens to internal communication.) Their position is unknown.

TAREN CAPEL: They must be found and k*lled. That Doctor is a threat to our plan, my brothers. (He speaks into his wrist communicator.) V5. Enter the control deck and destroy the humans immediately. (To SV7 and V6.) Come with me.


(V5 continues to thump the translucent door. Poul presses himself against the silhouette, pleading.)

V5: You have to die. All of you.

POUL: No! Please! Please, I'm sorry.

(UVANOV takes POUL under the shoulders and drags him away from the door, lying him on the floor.)

TOOS: Look out!

V5: You have to die. All of you.

(TOOS gives UVANOV one of the Z-9 electron packs they have modified.)

UVANOV: You look after him.

V5: That is the order. You have to die, all of you.

(UVANOV places the expl*sive on the translucent door, over V5's chest panel. He runs back to TOOS and POUL, sheltering against the floor.)

UVANOV: Get down, Toos!

V5: That is the order.

(The Z-9 electron pack explodes in a shower of sparks. The door is burned through, but V5 is irrevocably damaged. It enters the control deck through the door and falls to the ground, chest smoking.)

V5: (Voice warping with damage as it falls.) You have to die. All of you. That is the order.

(TOOS and UVANOV get off the floor, leaving POUL unconscious on the floor. They grab the remaining electron packs.)

UVANOV: You know what I think Toos? I think it's high time we went on the offensive.

TOOS: We may not be so lucky a second time.

(They duck through the burned door into the corridor beyond.)

UVANOV: The Doctor is going to need some help.


(TAREN CAPEL, SV7 and V6 continue their march through corridors. A communicator alert sounds and they halt.)

SV7: V5 is no longer registering, Controller.


SV7: There is no operational signal. Five has been deactivated.

TAREN CAPEL: How could mere humans destroy a robot? They are unarmed, weak creatures of flesh and blood.

SV7: What are your orders, Controller?

TAREN CAPEL: Destroy them, Seven! k*ll all the humans! V6, come with me. I will release more of our brothers from bondage. We will be irresistible.

(They move off.)


(Enter the DOCTOR, LEELA and D84, carrying the gas canister.)

DOCTOR: Come on.

(The DOCTOR locks the door behind them and gives D84 the final deactivator device he made.)

DOCTOR: Hold this, D84. And don't press anything.

(The DOCTOR takes the front panel from a hollow space in the wall.)

D84: What is your intention?

DOCTOR: To make life a little difficult for our crazy friend. He's bound to come back here to convert more robots, and when he does - (To Leela.) Do you think you could fit in there, Leela?


DOCTOR: Come on, try it for size.

LEELA: What's it for?

(LEELA gets into the hollow space and sits down.)

DOCTOR: Nevermind. Comfortable?



(The DOCTOR places the gas canister beside her.)

DOCTOR: Now this is a cylinder of gas. When Dask comes in, I want you to turn the valve, so. (Shows her.)

LEELA: (Tries it.) So?

DOCTOR: No. When Dask comes in.

LEELA: What will it do?


(The DOCTOR replaces the wall panel, with LEELA still inside.)

LEELA: I said what will it do?

DOCTOR: Change his voice. When a mixture of air and helium is breathed, it alters the resonance in the larynx. Didn't they teach you that in the jungle?

LEELA: So the robots won't recognise Dask's voice - they won't obey him.

DOCTOR: That's it. Come on, D84.

LEELA: Where are you going?

DOCTOR: Sh-sh. Robot hunting.

(D84 opens the door. TAREN CAPEL and V6 are on the other side. TAREN CAPEL stabs D84 in the head with a Laserson Probe. D84 grips the Probe as if in pain, and drops the final deactivator device. He falls to the ground. The DOCTOR steps towards D84, concerned.)


(V6 punches the DOCTOR in the stomach and he doubles over. V6 presses the DOCTOR against a wall as if to strangle him.)

TAREN CAPEL: Do not k*ll him, not yet. Bring him to the bench.

(In the wall hollow, LEELA turns the valve of the gas canister.)


(SV7 descends stairs, looking behind him but seeing nothing and going on his way. UVANOV and TOOS emerge from behind a decorative stained glass screen, carrying their expl*sives.)

TOOS: Lucky he had no eye for art.

UVANOV: Or much imagination. Come on.

TOOS: Where are we going?

UVANOV: We're gonna follow it. We might get a chance to use one of these.

(They proceed cautiously down the corridor.)


(The DOCTOR lies, half conscious, strapped to the workbench. Two metal plates rise from within the bench to clamp his head into place. He opens his eyes at their touch.)

DOCTOR: Hello, Dask. Nee Taren Capel.

TAREN CAPEL: I am glad you have recovered, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Oh? Why?

TAREN CAPEL: You came close to ruining my plans. It's fitting I should make you suffer for that.

(LEELA continues to release the helium, and listens for change in the voices. TAREN CAPEL clips a Laserson Probe into the clamp he used for modifying the robots.)

DOCTOR: I see. You're one of those boring maniacs who's going to gloat, hm? Are you going to tell me your plan for running the universe?

TAREN CAPEL: (His voice already starting to change.) Oh no, Doctor. I'm going to burn out your brain. Very, very slowly.

(On the floor, D84 crawls, inch by inch, towards the final deactivator device.)

DOCTOR: Dask! Dask! You look ridiculous in that outfit. Not half the robot your father was.

TAREN CAPEL: You insolent animal!

(The Laserson Probe moves towards the DOCTOR's head. He screws up his face in pain as the Probe starts to work. Lights flash different colours and a squeaky noise shows the Probe is working. The lights and noise subside and the DOCTOR's head rolls back to the bench, panting.)

DOCTOR: Losing your calm, Dask? Hm? That's not the robot way. It was your verbal and physical precision that let me spot you. Robot upbringing?

TAREN CAPEL: Yes, Doctor. I was brought up a superior being. Brought up to realise my brothers should live as free beings and not as slaves to human dross.

DOCTOR: Robots would have no existence without humans. Don't you see that, Dask?

TAREN CAPEL: No. I shall free them. I shall program them with the ambition to rule the world. And then -

(D84 reaches the final deactivator and grasps it.)

D84: Goodbye, my friend.

(The heads of both D84 and V6 explode in a shower of sparks and a plume of smoke. TAREN CAPEL grabs the Laserson Probe from the clamp and raises his arm to s*ab the DOCTOR with it. The DOCTOR grabs his arm and keeps the Probe at bay with all his strength. SV7 enters the room.)

SV7: k*ll the humans.


(TAREN CAPEL is startled, and is hurled against the wall panel as the DOCTOR grabs the Probe from him. SV7 moves towards TAREN CAPEL, seeing him through glowing red eyes and putting his hands to TAREN CAPEL's neck.)

SV7: k*ll the humans.

TAREN CAPEL: (Squeaky voiced.) Not me, you fool. Him. I am your master. Taren Capel. Your controller -

SV7: k*ll the humans.

(SV7 strangles TAREN CAPEL and casts his body, dead, onto the floor. TOOS and UVANOV enter the room, and SV7 turns towards them.)

SV7: k*ll the humans.

(UVANOV tries to plant an expl*sive on SV7's chest, but SV7 catches his hand and overpowers him. UVANOV falls to the floor with a shout.)

SV7: k*ll the humans.

(SV7 begins to strangle TOOS.)

SV7: k*ll the humans.

(TOOS gasps in pain, trying to cry out, and is driven to her knees. The DOCTOR uses the Laserson Probe to break the strap that is holding him, and stabs SV7 in the back of the head with the Probe, making SV7's voice control malfunction.)

SV7: k*ll the humans. k*ll - k*ll the.

DOCTOR: You'll be all right, Toos.

(The DOCTOR turns to check UVANOV. SV7 turns and grabs the DOCTOR's neck, strangling him from behind.)

SV7: k*ll the. k*ll the. k*ll the.

(SV7 abandons the DOCTOR and grasps the Probe in his head, trying to save himself. He cannot remove it, and ultimately falls down, deactivated.

SV7: k*ll the. k*ll the. k*ll the. k*ll the. k*ll ... k*ll.

(The DOCTOR surveys the damage.)

DOCTOR: Well, all good things come to an end.

LEELA: (With full helium squeak.) Will somebody let me out?

DOCTOR: Ah! A mouse in the wainscoting.

(The DOCTOR removes the wall panel. LEELA touches her throat in surprise.)

DOCTOR: Well squeaked, mouse.


(The DOCTOR and LEELA walk back to the TARDIS.)

LEELA: Shouldn't we stay and see that Uvanov and Toos are all right?

DOCTOR: Ah, no, there's a rescue ship on the way and it's time we were on ours.

LEELA: Doctor, why didn't the helium make your voice go squeaky?

DOCTOR: Because I'm a Time Lord. I've been around you know. Two hearts, respiratory bypass system, I haven't lived 750 years without learning something. After you.

(He gestures inside the TARDIS, and LEELA enters it.)

DOCTOR: Mouse.

(The DOCTOR follows LEELA inside and the TARDIS dematerialises.)

Doctor Who























Incidental Music by


Title Music by


and the



Title Sequence by


Production Assistant


Production Unit Manager






Visual Effects Designer


Special Sound

d*ck MILLS

Costume Designer


Make-Up Artist


Script Editor









Transcript by Lindy Orthia January 2012
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