13x11 - Pyramids of Mars - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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13x11 - Pyramids of Mars - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Three

Original Air Date: 8 November 1975
Running time: 24:32

DOCTOR: The ring, Sarah. Use the ring!

SARAH: Stop!

DOCTOR: Return to control.

SARAH: Return to control! Return to control!

DOCTOR: Are you all right?

LAURENCE: Yes, I think so.

DOCTOR: You don't deserve to be. You nearly got us all k*lled.

LAURENCE: I'm sorry.

DOCTOR: What's worse, you've probably wrecked what was my only chance of stopping Sutekh.

LAURENCE: Look, forgive me, Doctor. I was thinking of my brother.

DOCTOR: Listen! What's walking about out there is no longer your brother. It is simply an animated human cadaver. Animated by Sutekh. Do you understand? (Laurence nods.) And if Sutekh succeeds in freeing himself, the consequences will be incalculable. Stay here!

LAURENCE: Where's he going?

SARAH: To find out what Scarman's doing.

SUTEKH (OOV.): It was a deliberate attempt to block my cytronic control.

SCARMAN: I know nothing, Master.

SUTEKH: I detected electromagnetic radiation. The source was within the deflection barrier.

SCARMAN (on monitor): There are some humans here who have eluded the servicers. If work on the m*ssile is delayed, they can be found and destroyed.

SUTEKH: No! The m*ssile must be projected at the hour appointed. My freedom comes before all. Immediately thereafter, you will find and k*ll the humans.

SCARMAN (on monitor): As you direct, Master, so it shall be.

SARAH: What is it?

DOCTOR: It's an Osiran w*r m*ssile, and almost complete by the look of it.

SARAH: You mean that thing can fly?

DOCTOR: It transposes with its projection. Pyramid power.


LAURENCE: Did you find out anything?

SARAH: Only that time is short.

DOCTOR: Cytronic induction.


DOCTOR: The robots are drawing their energy from a cytronic particle accelerator which must be in Sutekh's tomb.


DOCTOR: So, put that out of action and he'd have no workforce.

SARAH: And no m*ssile.

LAURENCE: But Sutekh's tomb is in Egypt.

DOCTOR: Scarman came here through the time-space tunnel. It's a two-way mechanism.

SARAH: But if you go through it, Sutekh'll k*ll you!

LAURENCE: Wouldn't it be better

DOCTOR: No, it wouldn't. If I go after Sutekh, Sutekh will k*ll me. The missiles are aimed. Wouldn't what be better?

LAURENCE: Wouldn't it be less risky simply to blow up the projectile?

DOCTOR: With what?

LAURENCE: Blasting gelignite.

DOCTOR: Do you have some?

LAURENCE: No, but I believe Clements had a store.

DOCTOR: Clements?

LAURENCE: The poacher. I heard him fishing only a few nights ago.

DOCTOR: Where did he keep it?

LAURENCE: I'm told he had a hut on the other side of the wood.

DOCTOR: Let's go, Sarah.

SARAH: Right.

LAURENCE: Shall I show you the way?

DOCTOR: No, we'll find it.

LAURENCE: You think I'll let you down again, don't you.

DOCTOR: Mister Scarman, if you want to help, start getting the bindings off that robot.

DOCTOR: Careful. Walking into a deflection barrier is like walking into a brick wall.

SARAH: Painful.

DOCTOR: Ah. There we are. Now all we've got to do is find the door.



SARAH: As simple as that?

DOCTOR: No, not really.

SARAH: No, I didn't think it could be.

DOCTOR: No obvious booby traps. Are you going to help or are you just going to stand there and admire the scenery?

SARAH: Your shoes need repairing. I actually wasn't admiring the scenery. I was waiting for you to tell me what to do.

DOCTOR: Just hold the base. I don't want it to fall.

SARAH: Dangerous?

DOCTOR: Very dangerous.

DOCTOR: Deactivating a generator loop without the correct key is like repairing a watch with a hammer and chisel. One false move and you'll never know the time again.

SARAH: Any more comforting thoughts?

DOCTOR: Yes. Just let me know if it starts to get warm.

SARAH: Don't worry. You'll hear me breaking the sound barrier.

SUTEKH: Interference. Interference!

DOCTOR: Just to make sure. Come on.

SCARMAN: Master, I do not understand how this can be.

SUTEKH (OOV.): The barrier to the east has been deactivated.

SCARMAN (on monitor): But that is not possible.

SUTEKH: It has been deactivated. The power line has gone from my monitor.

SCARMAN (on monitor): The humans do not have the knowledge to shut down the deflection barrier.

SUTEKH (OOV.): It is clear that an extraterrestrial intelligence is operating.

SCARMAN: An alien?

SUTEKH (OOV.): Oh, I have endured an eternity of darkness and impotence. I shall not be denied now. Listen to my orders.

SCARMAN: I hear you, Master.

SUTEKH (OOV.): The m*ssile must be guarded. Two servicers must maintain constant vigilance.

SCARMAN: It shall be as you say.

SUTEKH: Once the m*ssile is projected, you will seek out and destroy my enemies. The alien who dares to intrude, the humans, animals, birds, fish, reptiles. All life is my enemy! All life shall perish under the reign of Sutekh the Destroyer!

SCARMAN (on monitor): Only Sutekh shall live!

SARAH: Just how powerful is Sutekh, Doctor?

DOCTOR: He's all-powerful. If he ever gets free, there isn't a lifeform in the galaxy that could stand against him.

SARAH: What, not even your lot, the Time Lords?

DOCTOR: Not even our lot.

DOCTOR: Sutekh was only defeated in the end by the combined might of seven hundred and forty of his fellow Osirans led by Horus.

SARAH: The seven hundred and forty gods whose names were recorded in the tomb of Tutmoses the Third.

DOCTOR: Could be.

DOCTOR: I wouldn't do that, if I were you. Could be a ferret.

SARAH: Argh!

SARAH: This looks like it.


SARAH: What's the matter? Not enough?

DOCTOR: Sweaty gelignite is highly unstable. One good sneeze could set it off.

SARAH: Sorry.

DOCTOR: No sign of any detonators or fuses?

SARAH: No, no, nothing else. Perhaps he sneezed?

LAURENCE: Marcus! Marcus? Don't you know me? I'm your brother.

SCARMAN: Brother?

LAURENCE: Your brother, Laurence.

SCARMAN: As Horus was brother to Sutekh.

LAURENCE: Marcus, you're ill. Let me help you. Trust me.

SCARMAN: Trust you?

LAURENCE: Look. You and I when we were boys.

SCARMAN: Laurence and Marcus.

LAURENCE: That's right. You do remember!

SCARMAN: I was Marcus.

LAURENCE: You still are. Now, let me help you.

SCARMAN: No! I am Sutekh!

LAURENCE: No, no. You went to Egypt and fell under some sort of mesmeric influence, that's all.

SCARMAN: Sutekh the great Destroyer. Sutekh, the Lord of Death. I am his instrument.

LAURENCE: Now that's all nonsense. You are Marcus Scarman, Professor of Archaeology, Fellow of All Souls, Member of the Royal Society.

SCARMAN: What do you know of Sutekh? Where are the others?


SCARMAN: You are being helped. Sutekh has detected an alien intelligence amongst the humans here.

LAURENCE: Do you mean the Doctor?

SCARMAN: Doctor?

LAURENCE: Marcus, your hands.

SCARMAN: What is he? What is he?

LAURENCE: Marcus, please.

DOCTOR: (quietly) It should be safe there for the moment.

SARAH (quietly): Look, this isn't going to work. You've got no detonators, no fuses, so even if you manage to place the charge without being spotted, how do we explode it?

DOCTOR: I don't know yet.

DOCTOR: Oh, well done, Mister Scarman.

SARAH: Mister Scarman? Hey.

SARAH: Oh! Doctor.

DOCTOR: Strangled.

SARAH: The mummies.

DOCTOR: Not this time. There are marks. His late brother must have called.

SARAH: That's horrible! He was so concerned about his brother.

DOCTOR: I told him not to be. I told him it was too late.

SARAH: Oh! Sometimes you don't seem

DOCTOR: Human? Typical Osiran simplicity.

SARAH: A man has just been m*rder*d!

DOCTOR: Four men, Sarah. Five, if you include Professor Scarman himself, and they're merely the first of millions unless Sutekh is stopped. Know thine enemy. Admirable advice.


DOCTOR: If we're going to do anything about that m*ssile, we're going to have to move quickly. I'll need your help.

SARAH: What do you want me to do?

DOCTOR: These bindings are chemically impregnated to protect the robots against damage and corrosion. An impenetrable disguise, wouldn't you say?

SCARMAN: Stop. Warhead trigger charge, phase one. This must be placed directly under the detonation head. Signify your understanding.

SCARMAN: Continue.

DOCTOR: Hurry up.

SARAH: I am hurrying.

DOCTOR: It doesn't have to be perfect. I shall mingle with the mummies but I shan't linger.

SARAH: Okay, that'll have to do.

DOCTOR: How do I look?

SARAH: It must have been a nasty accident.

DOCTOR: Don't provoke me. Come on. And don't forget the r*fle.

SCARMAN: The task is almost completed, Master. We need now only the target coordinates.

SUTEKH: At last. The coordinates for the pyramid of Mars. I release them.

SUTEKH: Engage the coordinates in the projection dome monitor.

SCARMAN (on monitor): Immediately, Master.

DOCTOR: You know what to do?

SARAH: Yeah. Give you time to get clear, then pow.

DOCTOR: Make sure you sh**t straight. You won't get a second shot.

SARAH: Don't worry. I know what I'm doing.


SCARMAN: Stop! Turn about. Is your relay damaged? This is the coordinate selector. It is to be placed in the projection dome monitor. Indicate your understanding.

SCARMAN: Then obey your order.

SARAH: I hit it. I know I hit it.

DOCTOR: You did. Sutekh is containing the expl*si*n.


DOCTOR: Mental power. There's only one hope left. I've got to get to him, break his concentration.

SCARMAN: I hear you, Master.

SUTEKH (OOV.): (straining) On the m*ssile loading ramp. A crude detonation device. It must be removed immediately.

SCARMAN: Another human attempt to prevent your return? They will be caught and punished.

SUTEKH (OOV.): The device! I cannot hold back the exothermic reaction for many minutes. It is taking an intense toll of available energy. Attend to the device first!

SCARMAN: It will be done immediately, Master.

SCARMAN: That device on the ramp. Remove it.

DOCTOR: (quietly) Sutekh, last of the Osirans.


The Doctor
Tom Baker

Sarah Jane Smith
Elisabeth Sladen

Gabriel Woolf

Marcus Scarman
Bernard Archard

Laurence Scarman
Michael Sheard

Dr Warlock
Peter Copley

Michael Bilton

Ernie Clements
George Tovey

Ibrahim Namin
Peter Mayock

Vik Tablian

Nick Burnell, Melvyn Bedford, Kevin Selway

Assistant Floor Manager
Paul Braithwaite

Barbara Kidd

Christine Ruscoe

Film Cameraman
John McGlashan

Film Editor
M A C Adams

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Jean Steward

Philip Hinchcliffe

Production Assistant
Peter Grimwade

Production Unit Manager
George Gallaccio, Janet Radenkovic

Script Editor
Robert Holmes

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Ron Koplick

Studio Sound
Brian Hiles

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Ian Scoones
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