12x14 - Genesis of the Daleks - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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12x14 - Genesis of the Daleks - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »

Genesis of the Daleks

by: Terry Nation

Part Four

Original Air Date: 29 March 1975
Running time: 23:38

COUNCILLOR: It's working. The Kaled dome is breaking up. Start the countdown for the rocket launch.

DOCTOR: No, you mustn't.

KAVELL: How could the Thals have found the formula to destroy our dome?

NYDER: Someone has betrayed us.

KAVELL: That's impossible. Only a handful of us knew the formula. No member of the Elite would have given the secret to the Thals.

DAVROS: Nevertheless, someone has, and his treachery has resulted in the total extermination of our people.

DOCTOR: I sent Harry and Sarah in there.

DAVROS: Switch if off. We will avenge the annihilation of our people with a retaliation so massive, so merciless, that it will live in history.)

DAVROS: Let the vengeance begin with the death of the arch traitor, the Thal spy Ronson!

RONSON: No! Davros.

DAVROS: Exterminate! Exterminate!


DAVROS: Exterminate!


DAVROS: Today, the Kaled race is ended, consumed in a fire of w*r, but from its ashes will rise a new race, the supreme creature, the ultimate conqueror of the universe, the Dalek! The action you take today is the beginning of a journey that will take the Daleks to their destiny of universal and absolute supremacy. You have been conditioned and programmed to complete a task. You will now carry out that programme.

DALEK: We obey.

COUNCILLOR: A thousand years of w*r, and now its ended. Listen, the people, they know already.

COUNCILLOR: Gentlemen, there's a great deal to be done. I must speak to the people. There must be a victory parade. And as for him, he must be punished. No, let us now show that whilst we were ruthless in w*r, we are generous in victory. Let all prisoners be freed, charges against them dropped. Issue that statement at once.

BETTAN: Did you have friends in the Kaled city?

DOCTOR: Yes. Two people very dear to me. I sent them into that holocaust.

BETTAN: What will you do now?

DOCTOR: Start again. Try and find a way to complete what I set out to do and stop the development of the Daleks.

BETTAN: Daleks?

DOCTOR: Yes. Machine creatures that Davros is developing. Monsters.

BETTAN: Davros? No, you're wrong. It was he who told us how to destroy the Kaled dome. His only interest is in achieving peace.

DOCTOR: Let me tell you something. The Kaled government was on the point of stopping Davros' experiments, and rather than let that happen, he helped you to destroy his own race.

BETTAN: You'll never convince my people of that. Davros is a hero.

DOCTOR: Yes, for how long, I wonder.

BETTAN: I must go. Under the general amnesty, you're free to leave whenever you want.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

DAVROS: That outlines the chromosomal variations to be introduced into the embryo Daleks. It is to be implemented at once, Gharman.

GHARMAN: Davros, this will create enormous mental defects.

DAVROS: Not defects, improvements.

GHARMAN: It'll mean creatures without conscience, no sense of right or wrong, no pity. They'll be without feeling or emotion.

DAVROS: Correct. Now see that my orders are carried out.

GHARMAN: But you

DAVROS: Without question, Gharman.


NYDER: The Daleks are in position. They will act on your command.

DAVROS: I see no reason to delay any longer.

THAL: Peace! Thank you!

DALEK: Exterminate. Exterminate!

DALEK (OOV.): Exterminate!

BETTAN: What are they?

DOCTOR: Keep back. Get out of sight.

DOCTOR: We've got to get out of the Thal dome.

BETTAN: Are those the Daleks?

DOCTOR: Out into the wastelands. Do you know a way?

DOCTOR: Good. Yes, they are the Daleks. Come on, lead the way.

DAVROS: The beginning, only the beginning. From this moment, all other research must cease. Absolute priority is to be given to the building of my Dalek force. Nothing, absolutely nothing, must delay this glorious project!

(Meanwhile, the smoking shell of the Kaled dome falls in on itself.

DALEK (OOV.): Exterminate! Exterminate!

BETTAN: Oh, there was no need to go that far. When our leaders saw they were beaten they should have surrendered.

DOCTOR: Perhaps they did. But Daleks accept no terms. They're programmed to wipe the Thals from the face of this planet.

BETTAN: But there must be some who'll escape, some survivors?

DOCTOR: A few, perhaps, but they need to be grouped into some kind of fighting force to strike the bunker.


DOCTOR: Well, destroy Davros and you destroy the Daleks.

BETTAN: What chance do we have against them?

DOCTOR: It's your only chance. Will you do it?


DOCTOR: Good girl. I'm going to try and get back into the bunker now.

BETTAN: Alone?

DOCTOR: Good luck.

(Mutos pounce on the Doctor. One lift a large rock to hit him with when he is tackled by Harry. Sevrin scared off the others.

SARAH: All right?


SARAH: Doctor?

DOCTOR: Harry!

HARRY: Hello.

DOCTOR: Sarah! I can hardly believe it.

SARAH: What's the matter with you?

DOCTOR: I thought you were in the Kaled dome when it was hit.

SARAH: We didn't get there.

HARRY: No. No, you see, halfway across the wastelands we were att*cked by a band of mutos.

SARAH: And that's when the rocket was launched.

HARRY: And then when the Kaled dome exploded

SARAH: The mutos just ran for their lives.

HARRY: Well, of course, I knew you'd try to get back into the bunker through the cave.

DOCTOR: You were absolutely right, Harry. It's vital we go back into the bunker.


HARRY: Because they took the Time Ring.

DOCTOR: The bracelet that the Time Lord gave me is our lifeline. Without it we can never escape from this planet.

GHARMAN: I wonder if you'd have a look at this. I'm having a problem with the dimensional thought circuit.

GHARMAN: (sotto) We must stop the Daleks, Kavell.

KAVELL: (sotto) I don't want to get involved. You saw what happened to Ronson. Davros wouldn't hesitate to have us k*lled if he suspected we were plotting against him.

GHARMAN: (sotto) Then we must make our plans so he won't suspect anything.

KAVELL: (sotto) Elite troops will stay loyal to him.

GHARMAN: (sotto) That's not important! If the whole of the scientific corps act against Davros, he can't proceed. We can then demand that the Dalek project is halted. His whole concept is monstrous. It's evil and immoral.

KAVELL: (sotto) What do you want me to do?

GHARMAN: (sotto) Spread the word. Convince those who waver how vital it is that the whole Dalek project be ended.

KAVELL: (sotto) I'll do what I can.

DOCTOR: Sevrin, would you do something for us, something important?


DOCTOR: Over in the Kaled trenches there's a Thal, a girl named Bettan. She's trying to form a resistance group. Join her with as many of your own people as you can get. Their idea is to knock out the bunker.

SEVRIN: Do you think they'll get away with it?

DOCTOR: It'll keep the Elite's troops occupied while I try to find a weakness of the Daleks.

SEVRIN: Okay. Good luck, Doctor.

SARAH: Sevrin, thank you.

SARAH: What was that?

DOCTOR: Oh, just one of Davros' experiments. We'd better stick close together.

HARRY: You're not scared, are you?

SARAH: Of course not.

HARRY: I am.

NYDER: Gharman, I must talk to you. It's of vital importance.

GHARMAN: Not now, I'm busy.

NYDER: Then soon. And somewhere we can talk in private.

GHARMAN: What's this about, Nyder?

NYDER: You know that I have served Davros faithfully for many years. I've never questioned anything he has ever done. But he has become a megalomaniac. He's ready to sacrifice everything and everyone, including us, just so that the Dalek project can be completed.

GHARMAN: You're not alone in your fears. Where can we meet in safety?

NYDER: The only place Davros never goes is the lower level.

GHARMAN: Well, there's the detention room down there.

GHARMAN: Good. I'll meet you there as soon as I can.

DOCTOR: Not much further. The entrance to the ventilation duct must be just through here.

HARRY: Are you sure, Doctor? It doesn't look familiar.

DOCTOR: Look out, Harry!


SARAH: I'll never eat oysters again.

DOCTOR: They're not very fast.

HARRY: It's obviously why Davros discarded them.

DOCTOR: Come on, we're there.

SARAH: Listen, I've been down tunnels before and I've just had a rather nasty thought.

DOCTOR: Really?

SARAH: Yes. Suppose something's waiting for us in there.

DOCTOR: That is nasty. Better not tell Harry, he's gone first.


NYDER: I had to be sure it was you.

GHARMAN: We'll make this as quick as we can. I don't want to be missed.

NYDER: What are we going to do?

GHARMAN: Now look, a number of the scientist believe as we do. When we have enough strength on our side, we'll then give to Davros an ultimatum.

NYDER: What ultimatum do you suggest?

GHARMAN: That we will only continue with the work on the Daleks if he restores the brain cells, the conscience. The creature must have a moral sense, a judgment of right and wrong. In fact, all the qualities that we believe are essential in ourselves.

NYDER: And if he doesn't accept that ultimatum?

GHARMAN: Then we will destroy all the work that has been done. Everything. It'll be as though the Dalek were never created.

NYDER: Right, I'll try and get some of the military Elite on our side. Who can you count on?

GHARMAN: Kavell, Frenton, and Parran, but there'll be more soon, I'm sure of it.

NYDER: Thank you. That's what I wanted to know.

DAVROS: That information will prove most helpful.

DAVROS: A pity. He has a good scientific mind.

NYDER: Shall I k*ll him?

DAVROS: No. A little surgery on the brain will remove these stupid emotions and still allow us to make use of his inventive skills.

NYDER: And the other plotters?

DAVROS: The same for them. But we must move carefully, not force their hands. Let us learn who are our allies and who are our enemies. Leave Gharman here, safely locked away.

DAVROS: What was that?

NYDER: It's coming from over there. There's somebody in the ventilator shaft.

DAVROS: Welcome back.

DOCTOR: You were right, Sarah, about there being something nasty waiting for us.

DAVROS: I have read the initial reports of your interrogation. The suggestion that you have travelled through space and time was utterly dismissed by the computer analysis.

DOCTOR: I imagine it had never been programmed for such a concept.

DAVROS: Precisely. I, however, I am perhaps more flexible. Though the power of such travel is beyond my scientific comprehension, it is not beyond my imagination. Why did you come here?

DOCTOR: To stop the development of the Daleks.


DOCTOR: Because having lived in what you would call the future, I have seen the carnage and destruction they have caused.

DAVROS: Then my Daleks do go on. They do survive.

DOCTOR: Yes, as weapons of hate and machines of w*r.

DAVROS: Fascinating.

DOCTOR: But there's still time to change all that. Why not make them a force for good throughout the universe?

DAVROS: I could do it.

DOCTOR: Then do it. Be remembered for that.

DAVROS: You have seen my Daleks in battle?

DOCTOR: Many times. I've fought against them.

DAVROS: And do they win? Do they always win?

DOCTOR: Not always. They have been defeated, but never utterly defeated. The Dalek menace always remains.

DAVROS: If, as you say, they become the supreme creatures of w*r, how can they lose? How can they fail?

DOCTOR: Misfortune, lack of information, sometimes overwhelming opposition.

DAVROS: Yes, but tell me, how do the Daleks fail?

DOCTOR: No, Davros, that is a question that the future must keep secret.

DAVROS: What mistakes do they make? You will tell me!


DAVROS: You will tell me!

DOCTOR: No, I will not!

DAVROS: Nyder.

DAVROS: You will tell me because you have a weakness that I have totally eliminated from the minds of the Daleks so they will always be superior. A weakness that will make you give me the knowledge to change the future. You are afflicted with a conscience.

BETTAN: We don't have much of a fighting force.

SEVRIN: I'm afraid my people won't be much help. They don't like fighting.

BETTAN: At least we have weapons and a fair amount of expl*sives, too.

SEVRIN: Are you going to attack the main entrance to the bunker?

BETTAN: As long as there are people inside risking their lives to destroy the Daleks, that's the least we can do.

SEVRIN: When will you attack?

BETTAN: As soon as we've rested and picked up any stragglers.

SEVRIN: But they need your help now!

BETTAN: We must wait until we have the strongest possible force. Then we'll attack.

DAVROS: Nyder. Let me tell you what is going to happen. You will answer my questions. You will answer them carefully and precisely. The instruments to which you are wired are particularly sensitive. They will detect instantly any attempt to lie.

DOCTOR: And if I do lie?

DAVROS: If you lie, your friends will suffer. I can create in their bodies all the torments and agonies ever known.

SARAH: Don't tell him, Doctor!

DAVROS: Now, you will tell me the reason for every Dalek defeat. With that knowledge, I will programme them. With that knowledge, they will know their errors and how to avoid them. With that knowledge, there shall be no defeats! We will begin.

DOCTOR: Davros, if I tell you what you want to know, I betray millions of people in the future. I can't do that.

DAVROS: But you can! You will tell me. You will tell me! You will tell me!

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Sarah Jane Smith
Elisabeth Sladen

Harry Sullivan
Ian Marter

Michael Wisher

Peter Miles

Stephen Yardley

Harriet Philpin

Dennis Chinnery

James Garbutt

Guy Siner

Jeremy Chandler

Drew Wood

Andrew Johns

Tom Georgeson

Ivor Roberts

Kaled Leader
Richard Reeves

Kaled Guard
Peter Mantle

Thal Politician
Michael Lynch

Thal Soldiers
Pat Gorman
Hilary Minster
John Gleeson

Thal Guard
Max Faulkner

John Scott Martin
Cy Town
Keith Ashley

Dalek Voices
Roy Skelton

Time Lord
John Franklyn-Robbins

Terry Nation

Studio Lighting
Duncan Brown

Assistant Floor Manager
Karilyn Collier

Film Cameraman
Elmer Cossey

Production Assistant
Rosemary Crowson

Visual Effects
Peter Day

Davros Mask
John Friedlander

Production Unit Manager
George Gallaccio

Title Music
Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Sylvia James

Barbara Kidd

Studio Sound
Tony Millier

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

David Spode

Film Editor
Larry Toft

Script Editor
Robert Holmes

David Maloney

Philip Hinchcliffe
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