12x03 - Robot - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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12x03 - Robot - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »


By: Terrance Dicks

Episode Three

First Air Date: 11 January 1975
Running time: 24:29

DOCTOR: Professor Kettlewell? Professor Kettlewell? Professor?

ROBOT: You are the Doctor?

DOCTOR: How do you do? I've been so looking forward to meeting you.

ROBOT: Please confirm your identity. There must be no mistake. You are the Doctor?

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, of course.

ROBOT: You are an enemy of the human race. I must destroy you. Please do not resist. I do not wish to cause you unnecessary pain.

DOCTOR: How very kind of you. Prime directive. What is your prime directive?

ROBOT: I must serve humanity and never harm it.

DOCTOR: Then you mustn't harm me. I'm a friend of humanity.

ROBOT: No, you are an enemy. You must be destroyed.

DOCTOR Mouths silently.: Extraordinary.

SARAH: No! No, you mustn't harm him!

ROBOT: He is an enemy of humanity.

SARAH: No, he isn't. He's a good man. A friend.

ROBOT: You were at the laboratory. You were concerned for me. You felt sorrow.

SARAH: That's right. And you refused to harm me even when you were ordered to. Those people are evil. They're lying to you. they've altered your programming to make you act all wrongly.

ROBOT: I am confused. I do not understand. I feel pain.

BENTON: Miss Smith, get down!

SARAH: No! No, don't sh**t!

BENTON: He okay, miss?

SARAH: Yes, yes, I think so.

BENTON: We just couldn't stop it.

SARAH: What did you have to start sh**ting for? He wouldn't have harmed you.

BENTON: You could have fooled me. It was trying to k*ll the Doctor, wasn't it?

SARAH: Yes, but that was because... Well, it doesn't matter. It wasn't your fault, I suppose. You did your best.

BENTON: Thank you very much! The US Cavalry never got treated like this.

SARAH: Listen.

BENTON: It's in there.

KETTLEWELL: The robot came to find me last night. It was in terrible distress. They'd just forced it to commit another crime.

SARAH: Yes. Yes, I know.

KETTLEWELL: Altered his circuitry so as to overcome his prime directive. They succeeded, but at fearful cost.

SARAH: He became unbalanced.

KETTLEWELL: Yes. Then Miss Winters and Jellicoe came along while I was waiting for the Doctor. They programmed the robot to k*ll him. I protested, but...

SARAH: Shh. Never mind, you're safe now.

KETTLEWELL: You know, when I think of that robot's potential... I invented the metal he's made of, you know. I called it living metal. It actually has the capacity to grow like a living organism.

SARAH: It's quite big enough for me now, thank you.

KETTLEWELL: That's how I came to make my other discovery, you know. It's the metallic equivalent of a virus. It breaks down metal into easily recyclable form. You can see what that means, can't you?


KETTLEWELL: It means that we shall be able to get rid of all the metallic waste that pollutes this planet.

BENTON: Professor?

KETTLEWELL: Thank you.

KETTLEWELL (OOV.): What's that doing there?

SARAH: Oh, I went to see them. Rather unpleasant.

KETTLEWELL: "Scientific Reform Society." Oh, yes. Just before I left the Thinktank, they persuaded me to join it. I remember I went along to one of their meetings once.

KETTLEWELL (OOV.): Very odd bunch. Didn't go there again.

SARAH: Well now, there's a meeting there tonight. Suppose you were to turn up, Professor, would they let you in?

KETTLEWELL: Very probably. I think I've still got my membership card about me somewhere.

SARAH: And if I came along too, plus my camera and tape recorder, you could smuggle me in and we could get the goods on them for the Brigadier.

BENTON: Hang on, you two.

SARAH: What do you say, Professor, shall we try it? Of course, it could be dangerous.

KETTLEWELL: If there is anything I can do to help to defeat those people.

BENTON: But the Brigadier will go spare, so will the Doctor.

SARAH: Well, one's away and the other's asleep.

BENTON: I'll go and wake the Doctor and see what he says.

SARAH: Don't you dare. He had a nasty knock on the head and he needs to rest.

BENTON: In that case, miss, it's just not on. I'm sorry.

SARAH: Oh! Mr Benton, are we members of UNIT?

BENTON: Well, no, of course not.

SARAH: Are we under arrest?

BENTON: No, miss.

SARAH: Well, what we do and where we go is none of your business, is it? Come along, Professor.

BENTON: Wouldn't it be best...

SARAH: Just you go and Blanco your r*fle or something. This way, Professor. Come on.

SHORT: Professor Kettlewell, how nice to see you again so soon.

BRIGADIER: What the blazes were you thinking of, Mr Benton? You should never have let them go.

BENTON: Well, maybe you could have stopped them, sir, but I couldn't. As the young lady pointed out, they're not under our jurisdiction. Excuse me, sir, but you did get permission to raid Thinktank?

BRIGADIER: No, Mr Benton, I did not.

DOCTOR: Then you must act without it. I know what they're up to now. Worked it all out while I was having my little nap. It's all tied up with the information stolen from that poor fellow Chambers. He must have been the guardian of some kind of ultimate threat. I don't know exactly what it is, just the kind of thing it has to be. Well, am I right?

BRIGADIER: A few months ago, the superpowers, Russia, America and China, decided upon a plan to ensure peace. All three powers have hidden atomic m*ssile sites. All three agreed to give details of those sites plus full operation instructions to another neutral country. In the event of trouble, that country could publish everyone's secrets and so cool things down. Naturally, the only country that could be trusted with such a role was Great Britain.

DOCTOR: Naturally. The rest were all foreigners.

BRIGADIER: Exactly. The destructor codes for firing these missiles were kept in Chambers' house in a special Dynastreem safe. The robot k*lled Chambers, blasted the safe open with a disintegrator g*n and took the codes.

BENTON: So what can they do with them now that they've got them?

BRIGADIER: They could set off every atomic m*ssile in the world, Mr Benton.

DOCTOR: Yes, and start a nuclear holocaust that would turn this little planet of yours into a radioactive cinder suspended in space.

BENTON: You mean... he could use the information to blackmail the world? Do things our way or we light the blue touch paper?

DOCTOR: I'm afraid so.

BRIGADIER: We think they've been using this Scientific Reform Society as a front, and I've just heard from Mr Benton here that Miss Smith and Professor Kettlewell have just gone off to try to get into one of their meetings.

DOCTOR: Kettlewell? You let Sarah go off somewhere with Kettlewell?

KETTLEWELL: Miss Smith? Are you there?

SARAH: How's it going, Professor?

KETTLEWELL: All right, I think. They were a bit suspicious to start with, but I found somewhere for you to hide.

SARAH: Great.

WINTERS: And as you know, my friends, tonight is a culmination of many years of work and planning. A brilliant and audacious scheme is about to come to its climax. You have all waited long and patiently during the years of scorn and ridicule. The days when we were laughed at as cranks. Well, now a new and better future is almost within our grasp. A future in which we, the elite, will rule as is our right! We owe it all to one man. The man whose unrivalled scientific genius has put us in the commanding position we now hold. Professor Kettlewell! He brings with him the symbol of our movement, the creature whose intelligence and power made him a fitting emblem for our scientific new order.

DOCTOR: Where is that pass? It must be somewhere. Freedom to the city of Skaro. No. Pilot's licence for the Mars-Venus rocket run. Galactic passport. (To the GUARD.)Do you travel much? Honorary member of the Alpha Centaurian Table Tennis Club. Very tricky opponents, those chaps. Six arms and, of course, six bats. It really keeps you on your toes. I'll tell you what, I'll just pop outside and try something... Oh, dear. I'm terribly sorry. You just lie there and get some rest. I'll find help. And above all, don't worry. Everything's going to be all right.

WINTERS: With the aid of this robot, we shall seek out and destroy all those who try to harm us.

ROBOT: Seek out and destroy.

WINTERS: She's a spy! Deal with her!

DOCTOR: Good evening, everyone. Now, please, stay calm. Everyone keep your seat. Now then, what can I do to entertain you till my friend the Brigadier arrives? A little song? A little dance perhaps? Not just a little dance? Anyone for cards?

WINTERS: Don't just stand there, you idiots, get him!

DOCTOR: Now for my next trick, I shall require the assistance of a member of the audience. Say, haven't we met somewhere before? Please, let me help you up. Pity. Any other sporting member of the audience? Tell me one thing, Professor Kettlewell. Why?

KETTLEWELL: For years I have been trying to persuade people to stop spoiling this planet, Doctor. Now, with the help of my friends, I can make them.

DOCTOR: Aren't you forgetting that in science, as in morality, the end never justifies the means?

JELLICOE: What are we going to do with them?

WINTERS: k*ll them of course.


WINTERS: They're far too dangerous to us.

KETTLEWELL: Couldn't we lock them up? And have them escape? It's too late to be squeamish, Professor.

DOCTOR: You see what I mean, Professor?

WINTERS: Take them away.

BRIGADIER: Stay where you are! My men have this building surrounded.

WINTERS: Where's the truck?

JELLICOE: Still outside.


BRIGADIER (OOV.): Stop! Stay where you are!

KETTLEWELL (OOV.): Protect us! Protect us!

BRIGADIER: Well, Doctor...

DOCTOR: It had to be Kettlewell. Only he could have attempted to reprogram the robot to overcome its prime directive.

BRIGADIER: Then all that business about being knocked on the head and pushed in the cupboard...

DOCTOR: Faked. Faked to gain your confidence. And they still have the destructor codes and Sarah. And now they'll hide up somewhere and try their blackmail plan, I suppose.

BRIGADIER: But how can they? If they start a nuclear w*r, they'll go up with the rest of us.

DOCTOR: I rather imagine that has occurred to them. You better find them, Brigadier, and soon.

BRIGADIER: I agree. But how?

BENTON: Excuse me, sir, there's a call for you from Dr Sullivan. Linked through from HQ.

BRIGADIER: Thank you. (On the phone.) Sullivan, are you still at Thinktank? Over.

HARRY: Yes, sir, but I may not have much time. I've managed to give them the slip and I think they've forgotten about me. They seem to be pulling out, sir. The whole place is being evacuated.

BRIGADIER: Listen, Sullivan, this is urgent. Do you know where they're going? Do you have any idea at all?

HARRY (OOV.): Well, sir, I heard somebody mention the bunker, but it seemed to be kind of a joke...

BRIGADIER: Sullivan, are you still there?

JELLICOE: We'll take him with us. He'll be a useful hostage.

BRIGADIER: No good. Broken connection.

DOCTOR: Or broken head if someone overheard him calling us.

BRIGADIER: He said something about them going to a bunker.

BRIGADIER: Well, this is the place. An atomic shelter designed and built by the Thinktank people back in the Cold w*r days.

DOCTOR: So if their bluff is called, they'll stay down there safe and sound and emerge to rule the survivors, if any.

BENTON: You really think they're in there, sir?

BRIGADIER: We'll soon find out. Right, Benton.

BENTON: All out!

WINTERS: Activate the a*t*matic defence system.

KETTLEWELL: Shouldn't we talk to them first?

WINTERS: We'll talk afterwards. First we must show them the strength of our position.

WINTERS:Put her with the other one.

DOCTOR: Down, Brigadier. Everyone get down!

BENTON: Get back.

BRIGADIER: Of all the cheek! They've got troops there.

DOCTOR: I don't think so, Brigadier. Automated machine-gun nest, I fancy, activated by body heat when you get within range.


BENTON: That's not me, Doctor. Someone's trying to get through on our frequency.

DOCTOR: Good man.

BENTON (OOV.): Greyhound leader receiving you. Over.

WINTERS: Let me speak to the Brigadier.

BRIGADIER (OOV.): Lethbridge Stewart.

WINTERS: Brigadier, can you hear me?

BRIGADIER (OOV.): Yes, Miss Winters, I hear you. Come out and give yourselves up, or we shall attack.

WINTERS: We hold two of your friends as hostages.

BRIGADIER: That will not deter me. I repeat, give yourselves up or we shall attack.

WINTERS: You'll never reach those doors alive, Brigadier. And even if you did, you'd never get through them. By now, the governments of the world will have received our demands. Unless they are agreed to in full, the destructor codes will be used. We have associates standing by all over the world. You have 30 minutes in which to surrender.

BRIGADIER: Mr Benton, take a party with grenades, find those machine-gun nests and knock them out.

BENTON: Yes, sir.

BRIGADIER: I'll show that wretched woman.

ROBOT: Do not move. If you attempt to escape, I must destroy you.

HARRY: Oh, I say. (How gallant.)

SARAH: James Bond!

BENTON: That was the lot, sir.

BRIGADIER: Right. Prepare to advance.

DOCTOR: Just a moment, Brigadier.

DOCTOR: Come along, then.

BENTON: Okay, move.

BENTON: Shall I get some expl*sives, sir?

DOCTOR: Oh, no...


DOCTOR: Must you? I really think we've had enough bangs and flashes for a bit, don't you? Hold on. Turns into a miniature sonic lance, you see?

BRIGADIER: And what do you propose to do with that?

DOCTOR: Cut out the lock for you. It shouldn't take long.

JELLICOE: They're getting through. It is impossible!

WINTERS: Very well, we shall have to use the destructor codes. Show them we're not bluffing.

KETTLEWELL: It'll take too long to set up the sequence. They'll be in here long before that. You said we'd have plenty of time.

WINTERS: Then we must gain time. We shall have to use your metal friend, Professor. And this time, he'd better not let us down. (To JELLICOE.) Is the disintegrator g*n ready?


WINTERS: Right. Then fit it and send him out. Come along, Professor. Start getting those destructor codes operational. Maybe they'll listen when the first few missiles are fired.

JELLICOE (To the ROBOT.): Enemies of humanity are attacking us. You must take this g*n and destroy them.

SARAH: No! No, you mustn't!

DOCTOR: Back, everybody back.

BRIGADIER: They may be going to surrender.

DOCTOR: I very much doubt it. Get you men back, Brigadier, if you don't want them k*lled.

BRIGADIER: All right, back. Fall back.

MAN: Fall back to the woods.

BRIGADIER: Well, I brought along something that will deal with it.

DOCTOR: I very much doubt it, Brigadier.

ROBOT: Go! Go now, or I will destroy you all!




















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