02x20 - Travel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Wiggles". Aired: 1993 - 2022.*
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Wiggle fans can join in on the fun with the beloved quartet Anthony, Murray, Greg and Jeff.
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02x20 - Travel

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

[SINGING] We know a
world, a magic world.

Come with us and see.

Anything can happen
in this special world.

It can happen to you or me.

It's where the Wiggles live.

Why don't you come along and
meet their friends as well.

There's music and dancing,
magic and games, and lots

of great stories to tell.

In the Wiggles world
in the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


Hi, everybody.

[SINGING] In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


We're going for a
picnic by the sea.

Whenever we go on a trip, we
always pack our first aid kit.

You never know when you
might hurt or cut yourself.

Now let me see,
bandages, just in case

we get hurt or scratched.

Ointment, just in case we
get nasty cuts or bruises.

Medicine, just in case
we get upset tummies.

Sunblock, just in
case it gets sunny.

I guess you could call this
our "Just in case box".


There's enough stuff
here for a month.

We're only going for the day.

Hey, Greg, where
can I put all this?

You better put it back
in the house, Murray.

There's hardly any room
left in the big, red car.

But, Greg, I need my guitar,
just in case I want to play.

And I need my umbrella and
my raincoat and my wellies.

GREG: But why?

It's a beautiful, clear day.

It is now, but just in
case it might rain later.

Oh, all right, just
put it anywhere then.

Want to give me a hand, Greg?

Anthony, what's all this?

Well, it's food and comics.

But we've packed
plenty of food.

Yes, I know, but I thought I'd
bring some extra just in case.

The sea air makes me so hungry.

Good idea, Anthony.

Well, you certainly won't
need all those comics.

We're going surfing.


Riding the ocean waves.

We're going snorkeling.


Blub blub blub blub
blub blub blub.

And we're going fishing.


I've caught a fish.

I caught a fish.

Good on you, Murray.

Hey, wait till I get the barbie.

This is no joke, Anthony.

We're going to be
so busy, you won't

have time to read the comics.

When we're actually
there, Greg, I know that.

But we might get
stuck in traffic.

We could be stuck for hours.


So at least we'll have
plenty to read while we wait.

Oh, the Adventures of
Pickle Man, my favorite comic.

Can I read this, Anthony?

ANTHONY: Of course.

I brought enough for
everybody to read.

Care for a comic, Greg?


We're leaving as soon
as Dorothy gets here.

Hey, look at this.

We're going for a ride
in our big, red car.

[SINGING] Jump in the
car and buckle up,

and we can ride
the whole day long.

Jump in the car,
put on my seatbelt,

and we can ride
the whole day long.

Ride into town, walk down the
street, get back in the car

and buckle up into my seat.

Yes, that's the way we do it,
riding in our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Big, red car.

Jump in the car and buckle up.

And we can ride
the whole day long.

Jump in the car,
put on my seatbelt,

and we can ride
the whole day long.

On holidays, we go
down to the beach.

I get back in the car and
buckle up into my seat.

Cause that's the way we do it,
riding in our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Big, red car.

Big, red car.

Big, red car.

Big, red car.

Our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Our big, red car, car, car,
car, car, car, car, car,

car, car, car, car, car, car.

Big, red car.

Our big, red car.

Our big, red car.

Big, red car.

Big, red car.

Big, red car.

Big, red car, car,
car, car, car.


Ahoy there, Wags, me heartie.

Just the dog I was looking for.


Now, Wags, there's nothing
in this here expert dog

book about dancing dogs.


Oh, there be lapdogs.

They be tiny wee little
dogs that sit on your lap.

Yeah, they're cute.

And there are--
there's guard dogs.

They be big scary dogs.



Yeah, that's it.

And there are working dogs.

[barking and panting]

You know, like sheepdogs, yeah.


But there are no dancing dogs.


Because dogs don't dance.


No, no, no, stop, Wags, stop.


Now, you're-- well, you're
too big to be a lapdog.

And you're-- well, you're
too kind to be a guard dog.

Oh, yes.

Oh, sorry, Wags.

So, you'll have to be a
working dog, a dog with a job.

And I have just the job for you.


Now, pull me.


Come on, Wags, pull me.

That's an order
from your captain.

The Captain wants
me to pull him?

OK, I'll pull him.



Oh, no, no, no, no, no, Wags.

Don't pull me.

Pull the wagon.



No, Wags.

I have to be in the wagon.



Lap dog.

Maybe I can grow a bigger lap.


DOROTHY: Yoohoo, I'm here.

Sorry I'm late.

I just decided to pack
a few extras just--

In case.

I know.

Well, I'm ready.

I'm ready.

And I'm ready.

Are you ready, Greg?


Are you ready?

Ready for what, Dorothy?

Ready to go to the
seashore, of course.

Oh, sure.


Well, how shall we go then?

I drive and the
rest of you walk?

Or should we take a bus, a
big bus with lots of seats?

Or perhaps a very, very, very
large taxi with plenty of room?

There are lots of us, you know.

But, Greg, what are
you talking about?

We don't need a bus or a taxi.

We're not going on a long trip.

Oh, we're going
to the seashore.

The seashore isn't very far.

So let's get in the big,
red car and go, go, go.


I want the front seat.



There's no room for us.

There's no room for anyone.

We're bringing too much stuff.

We'll have to unpack the
big, red car and start over.

Oh, it'll take all morning.

Where's Jeff?





Dorothy's right.

Where's Jeff?

Have you seen Jeff?

No, they haven't seen Jeff.

Maybe he's still
inside Wiggle House.

No, he isn't.

He came outside ages ago.

I wonder where he is.


Brilliant, Dorothy.

Let's call him.

You can call him too.

OK, everyone, when
I count three.

One, two, three.


One more time.

One, two, three.


JEFF: What?

That's Jeff.


Over there, I think.

No, not there.

Over here.

JEFF: I'm over here.

Where over there?

No, I don't think so.

Over there, I think.


Maybe he'll call again.

JEFF: Hello?

There, did you hear that?


But where?

Oh, he sounded so close.

JEFF: Yoohoo.


Hi, there.


Are we there yet?

GREG: Oh, we're
not anywhere yet.

We have to unpack
the big, red car.

Oh, OK.

Oh, I wanted to go for a
ride in the big, red car.

I never go anywhere.

Oh, Dorothy,
don't get so upset.

DOROTHY: Well, I am.

I want to travel.

I want to go somewhere
and see different things.

Dorothy, wants
to travel, right?


OK, let's do it.

Anthony, are you forgetting,
the big, red car is too full.


We don't need the big, red car.


Traveling is a word which
means going from here to there.

Well, why don't we just
walk from here to there.

GREG: We could.

Before there were cars,
people walked everywhere.

It must have taken a long
time to get from here to there.

I don't think they
walk very far, Dorothy.

We could also ride
horses from here to there.



What about riding a
bicycle from here to there?

Bicycle, yeah.

Oh, I love riding a bicycle.

Or you could also fly a
plane from here to there.



ANTHONY: How about take a
canoe from here to there?

[music playing]

Or what about sailing in a
balloon from here to there.

High in the sky.



You know, we can talk
all day about traveling

from here to there, Anthony,
but we're still here.

We're not there.

We're not anywhere.

Are we there yet?

Go back to sleep, Jeff.

Greg's right.

We're still here.

Can't we travel somewhere?


Of course.

We could travel the
magical Wiggle way.

The magical Wiggle
way, of course.

Good one, Anthony.

How do we travel the
magical Wiggle way?

Come on, I'll show you.

Oh, we mustn't forget Jeff.

Oh, no.

Mustn't forget Jeff.

Will you help us
try and wake Jeff up?


All set, Murray.

One, two, three.

Wake up, Jeff.

Hey, wait for me.


Ready everyone?

Ready, Greg.

Then off we go.


We're going to a fire.

Going to a fire.


This boat's too fast.

We're all getting splashed.

A billy cart is lots of fun
if you're not in a hurry

and as long as there's sun.

Choo choo.

Along the tracks we go by train.

And when we arrive,
we go back again.

Hold on, everyone.

We're flying very high.

We're closer to the sky.


Off we go floating,
floating away.

Peaceful as birds at
the end of the day.

Ready to bailout, everyone?

Oh, that was fun.

It always is when you
travel the Wiggle way.



ANTHONY: Greg, now we're
walking down the street.

We want to cross the road.

What do we do, Greg?

What do we do?

[SINGING] Stop at the
lights, look both ways,

look both ways again.

Oh, yeah.

Wait for the traffic
to come to a stop,

then cross the
road with a friend.

Could you say it again, Greg?

Stop at the lights, look both
ways, look both ways again.


Wait for the traffic
to come to a stop,

then cross the
road with a friend.

We like walking.

Do you like walking too?

Of course, we do, Greg.

Then there's something
that we all should do.

Let me guess, are you
going to say what I think?

Let's stop at the
lights, look both ways,

look both ways again.


Wait for the traffic
to come to a stop,

then cross the road
where a friend.

Hey, Greg, this is fun walking.

I like walking.

We all like walking.

We like walking.

Do you like walking too?

Well, I just said that, Greg.

Then there's something
that we all should do.

You're right.

Tell us about it.

Let's stop at the
lights, look both ways,

look both ways again.

Wait for the traffic to come
to a stop, then cross the road,

cross the road, cross
the road with a friend.

In the old days.

The very old days.

The very, very, very.

The very old days.

There were no cars,
trains, or buses.

Or planes or bicycles.

Or anything that would help
people go from here to there.


Their two feet.

Well, that's right.

People had to walk everywhere.

Or sometimes run.


people in the old days,

the very old days, wanted to
move from one cave to another,

they weren't very
happy about having

to walk so far,
especially if they

were carrying all their stuff.

Their leader sometimes
needed to give them

a very good reason to move.



So fear helped
people move from here

to there in the old days.

These days, all we have
to do is call a moving van.

I know what makes me
move from here to there.

What's that, Anthony?

Have a listen.

[tummy growling]

My hungry tummy.

I'm here, the fridge is there.

See ya.

I think we should
follow Anthony.

Let's go.

So, why'd you call
us here then, Dorothy?

DOROTHY: I have a Wiggle
way idea for a concert.

Oh, yeah.


I want you all to stand
together and face me.

Now, I want you to
watch this space.

Let's dance, everybody.

OK, Dorothy.

[SINGING] Dorothy,
Dorothy, would

you like to dance with me?

I love you.

Dorothy, Dorothy, would
you like to dance with me?

Well, first you take your hands
and you put them on your hips.

This is fun.

You're swaying from side to
side and let your backbone slip.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

Yummy, yummy, yummy,
yummy, fruit salad.

How about some of them
hot potatoes, son?

Hot potato, hot potato.

Hot potato.

Hot potato, hot potato.

Hot potato, hot potato.

Hot potato, hot potato.




Potato, potato, potato.


Wiggy wiggy wig.

Wiggy wiggy wiggy.

Gimme that, gimme
that, gimme that food.

Wiggy wiggy wiggy.


Wiggy wiggy wiggy.

Gimme that, gimme that.

Well, we've had some
hot potatoes, fruit salad,

we've danced with Dorothy.

What do we do now, Greg?

What do we do now?

[SINGING] Can you point your
fingers and do the twist?

Everybody twist it.

Can you point your
fingers and do the twist?


Well, we're going to go up,
then go down, get back up

and turn round.

Can you point your
fingers and do the twist?

ANTHONY: Here comes
Officer Beaples

and Captain Feathersword,
the friendly pirate.

[SINGING] Yes, it's
a pirate party.

Ahoy there, me hearties.

Ahoy there, me hearties.

It's my pirate party.

Pirate party, welcome aboard.

I said, it's a pirate party.

Ahoy there, me hearties.

Ahoy there, me hearties.

It's my pirate party.

Everybody welcome aboard.


Everybody clap.

Well, everybody sings.

Really loud.

La la la la.

Bow to your partner.

And then you turn.


Hands in the air,
rock-a-bye a bear.

Hands in the air,
rock-a-bye a bear.

Hands in the air,
rock-a-bye a bear.

Bear's now asleep.

Shh shh shh.

Bear's now asleep.

ANTHONY: Let's all
quack together.

[SINGING] Quack, quack, quack,
quack, quack, cockadoodledoo.

Quack, quack, quack, quack,
quack, cockadoodledoo.

Quack, quack, quack, doodly doo.

We're just getting started.

Quack, quack, quack, quack,
quack, cockadoodledoo.

Quack, quack, quack, quack,
quack, cockadoodledoo.

Quack, quack, quack, doodly doo.

Keep quacking.

[SINGING] Quack, quack, quack,
quack, quack, cockadoodledoo.

Quack, quack, quack, quack,
quack, cockadoodledoo.

Quack, quack, quack, doodly doo.

Quacky, quacky.

Quack, quack, quack,
quack, cockadoodledoo.

Quack, quack, quack, quack,
quack, cockadoodledoo.

ANTHONY: Keep quacking.

[SINGING] Quack, quack,
quack, quack, cockadoodledoo.

Quack, quack, quack quack,
quack, cockadoodledoo.

Quack, quack, quack, doodlydoo.

[SINGING] Magic and games, and
lots of great stories to tell.

In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


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