02x18 - Directions

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Wiggles". Aired: 1993 - 2022.*
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Wiggle fans can join in on the fun with the beloved quartet Anthony, Murray, Greg and Jeff.
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02x18 - Directions

Post by bunniefuu »

[music playing]

[SINGING] We know a
world, a magic world.

Come with us and see.

Anything can happen
in this special world.

It can happen to you or me.

It's where the Wiggles live.

Why don't you come along and
meet their friends as well.

There's music and dancing,
magic and games, and lots

of great stories to tell.

In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


Hi, everybody.

[SINGING] In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


Greg says there's
a rabbit in this hat.

There's no rabbit in there.

There's nothing in there.

This hat is empty.


There is a rabbit in this hat?

Are you sure?

OK, I'll have another look.


Look again?


[music playing]


Wake up, Jeff.

I'm awake.

I'm awake.

You didn't have to shout.

I'm sure there's no
rabbit in this hat.


[music playing]

Cover your mouth.

Oh no, we're on--


Sneezy Street.


We better hurry out of here.


I'm sure it's that way.

That is, I think, it's that way.

No, it's definitely
that way, Anthony.

Isn't it?

Come on, guys, it's this way.

I think.

I think we're lost.

I hope not.

We've got to meet
Dorothy on the corner

of Happy and Sad Streets.

We're definitely lost.

Stop saying that, Jeff.


Lost street.

Oh no, we are lost.


I knew we shouldn't have
taken that shortcut.

Well, what do we do now?

There's only one thing to do.



Officer Beaples?


Officer Beaples.



We're supposed to meet
Dorothy on the corner

of Happy and Sad Street.

That's right, Officer
Beaples, on the corner

of Happy and Sad Street.

Can you tell us how
to get there, please?

Walk straight ahead.


And then turn left
on Windy Street.


And then--

Wait, which way is left?

Oh, left is on the side
that your left hand is on.

But is this my left hand
or is that my left hand?

Oh, that's easy, Jeff, well,
have a look down on your hands

now and whichever hand forms
an L, that's your left hand.

Oh, it must be that
hand because there's

the letter L there.

MURRAY: Well done, Jeff.

When you need to know which
way left is, all you need to do

is ask yourself, which
hand makes the letter L?


Then all you need to do is--

Point and follow it.

So which way now,
Officer Beaples?

She's asleep.

One, two, three.

Wake up, Officer Beaples.


Officer, where were we?

Turn left onto Windy
Street, if that's right?


And then what?

Turn right on Wiggle Street.


And then?

Hey, I know which
way right is now.

Because that's my left
hand with the letter L,

that must be my right.

Good on you, Jeff.

Turn right again
on Cold Street.


And then?

Turn left, turn right,
take three steps,

and then we reach the corner
of Happy and Sad Street.


Now, how are we going
to remember all that?

Don't worry, Anthony,
I wrote it all down.

Oh, well done, Murray.


Now we're walking
down the street.

We want to cross the road.

What do we do, Greg?

What do we do?

[SINGING] Stop at the
lights, look both ways,

look both ways again.

Oh, yeah.

Wait for the traffic
to come to a stop,

then cross the
road with a friend.

Could you say it again, Greg?

Stop at the lights, look both
ways, look both ways again.


Wait for the traffic
to come to a stop,

then cross the
road with a friend.

We like walking.

Do you like walking too?

Of course, we do, Greg.

Then there's something
that we all should do.

Let me guess, are you
going to say what I think?

Let's stop at the
lights, look both ways,

look both ways again.


Wait for the traffic
to come to a stop,

then cross the
road with a friend.

Hey, Greg, this is fun walking.

I like walking.

We all like walking.

We like walking.

Do you like walking too?

Well, I just said that, Greg.

Then there's something
that we all should do.

You're right, tell us about it.

Let's stop at the
lights, look both ways,

look both ways again.

Wait for the traffic to come
to a stop, then cross the road,

cross the road, cross
the road with a friend.

Well, Windy Street
sure is windy.

Keep going, guys.

It's not too much
further to Wiggle Street.

JEFF: Whoa.




Oh, those Wiggles
are late again.

They said they'd meet
me at 10 o'clock.

It's 11 o'clock now.

Oh well, it doesn't matter.


Where are the Wiggles?

I've been waiting
since 10 o'clock,

and it's now 11 o'clock.

I've been waiting
for one whole hour.



It doesn't matter.

OK then, Wags, me
wagger and heartie.

Today, I'm going to teach
you how to walk the plank.


What's that?

You already know how
to walk the plank?


No, you don't.


Oh no, you don't.


OK then, Wags, show me
how you walk the plank.




Oh, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, Wags.

That's not how you walk a plank.

That's how you walk a doggy.

Hey, Wiggle street
is a lot of fun.

It sure is, but
we're late for Dorothy.

I wonder how much farther it is.

Well, not much
farther, I hope.

Hey, isn't that
Cold Street up ahead?


Let's hurry.

It's not easy to walk and
wiggle at the same time, is it?

Try it and see.

Now the ship's really rocking.

[SINGING] The friendly pirate
ship is rocking on the sea,

rocking on the sea,
rocking on the sea.

The friendly pirate ship
is rocking on the sea.

We're all getting tossed about.

When the storm calms down,
we'll sail the sea again,

the sea will be our friend.

We'll sail the sea again.

When the storm calms down,
we'll sail the sea again.

We won't get tossed about.


The friendly pirate ship
is rocking on the sea,

rocking on the sea,
rocking on the sea.

The friendly pirate ship
is rocking on the sea.

We're all getting tossed about.


Ahoy there, me hearties.

Oh, the Wiggles are late.


I don't mind if the
Wiggles are late.

It's such a lovely day, and I
feel so terribly, terribly sad.







[music playing]


What's wrong, Henry?

Fishettes, could you
sing higher, please?

Sure enough, Henry.


Sounds good.

Thank you.


Yeah, boss?

Would you mind playing
your saxophone lower?

No problem.

[saxophone plays]

How's that, man?

Is that cool or is that cool?

We'll see.

Let's hear you all
together, please.

OK, Henry.

A one, a two.

[music playing]

Lower on the saxophone, Jacques.

Higher on the voices, fishettes.

Too high, too high.

Too low, too low.


[music playing]


Cold Street is very cold.

Almost there.





Wiggles, you've come.

I'm so miserable.


Come on, Dorothy.

Let's go to Happy Street.

Quick, Jeff, Greg, grab
them quick and pull them out

of Sad Street.

This way.

Yes, this way.


I don't care which way.

We don't care
which way either.




We did it.

Back on Happy Street.

Oh, I feel much better
to be happy than sad.

Oh, me too.


We're doing the romp
bomp a stomp, everybody.

[SINGING] Well, you
push your arms up

in the air from side to side.

Shoo be doo.

Then the next thing we do
is sing romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Then you stamp
your feet and we're

doing the romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Well, it's Dorothy's dance.

Now we're doing the
romp bomp a stomp.

Let's do it again, everybody.

Well, you push your arms up
in the air from side to side.

Shoo be doo.

Then the next thing we do
is sing romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Then you stamp
your feet and we're

doing the romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a stomp.

Rump bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a stomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Romp bomp a chomp.

Well, it's Dorothy's dance.

Now we're doing the
romp bomp a stomp.

stomping, everyone.

Well done.

Thank you, Officer Beaples,
and thank you, Dorothy.

[music playing]

Now then, Wags,
you difficult dog,

this is how you walk the plank.

There, you see?

Easy as pie.

Just whoa, whoa, whoa.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, Wags.

The other way.

The other way.

You're supposed to-- whoa.

Wags, ooh, hey, ooh,
hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.




Oh, no, no, no, no, Wags.

You're not supposed
to dance the plank,

you're supposed
to walk the plank.



I can't see.

I can't see.

Anthony, do you want
to be a magician or not?

I do, but I can't see.

Oh, well, I'm sorry
about the cape and hat.

I asked the tailor
for large, but it

seems he gave me extra large.

Well, it seems he gave you
extra, extra, extra large.

Oh, all right, I'm sorry.

Very well.

Well, the first thing we need
to do is take off our hats

and put them on the table.

I can see.

I can see.

Please be serious, Anthony.

Magicians aren't
supposed to be silly.


Sorry, Greg.

That hat looks
very silly, Anthony.

It does?

Well, you can't pull
a rabbit out of that.

It should be the
same way up as mine.

Oh, it should be
upside down like yours.

That's right.


Upside down it is, Greg
the great, just like yours.

Now, watch very closely.



Anthony, I just happened to
be in the middle of my famous

pulling a rabbit out
of the hat trick.

Sorry, Greg.

But I want to try it first.

But you don't know--

Oh, please?

All right, go
ahead if you must.

Thank you ever so much.

Eenie meenie maccarini.



That should be a rabbit.

I know, but I prefer a pizza.

I'm really hungry.

Care for a bite?

Pizza, indeed.

[music playing]

WIGGLES: Hello, everyone.

Ahoy there, me hearties.


[music playing]

[SINGING] Lots of
great stories to tell.

In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.


In the Wiggles world.

In the Wiggles world.

You're all welcome here,
so let's give a cheer.

Welcome to the Wiggles world.
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