06x03 - Grandparents Are Grand

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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06x03 - Grandparents Are Grand

Post by bunniefuu »

Treehouse is proud to present this

program which is suitable for viewing by

all ages


here are the things she likes to do

salute to the captain back to the queen

turn her back on the submarine

just like this oh that was great Steven

thanks Jeff you are really jumping fast

now it's your turn Emily I'm not so good

at the jumping part just give it a try


ready go

see what I mean that's okay try it again

we'll go slower this time okay ready go


standing on the corner

Along Came my friend and asked me for

some sheeps in the middle cow s in the

corn jump out on the month you were born

January February March

hey everybody hey what's going on we

were playing jump rope and I'm getting

better at it very good jumping rope is

so much fun and the more you practice

the better you'll get hi everybody hi



what's that what's in the boxes Kim I

think I know it's in the big box what

well it smells like cake

it sure does well that's a good guess

because it is a cake

mmm that does smell yummy is it

somebody's birthday no actually it's a

cake for the surprise party I'm having

later today

and I want all of you to come to it

oh I really like surprises and I really

like parties a surprise party for who

it's for my grandparents for your

grandparents that's right they're always

doing such nice things for me that I

wanted to do something nice for them

grandparents are special they're your

moms and dad's parents you know yeah who

in mine visit they bring pictures of my

parents when they were little

and what's in the other box here can you

guess what it is

hmm I wonder what it can be I'll give

you a hint it starts with the letter N I

know a game that might help us guess

it's the end game

can you think of a word that starts with

an end that rhymes with the word I say

if you know a few words beginning with

them then I think we're ready to play

here goes ice


pale nail pickles

nose oh very good let's try it again

can you think of other words that start

with and that rhyme with the word I say

if you know some more words beginning

with and then let's continue to play

here we go now game

best yes


that was fun and you sure named a lot of

words that begin with N A forever just

looking for something to do we should

play this game again last time now I'm

snipe pale nail pickle nickel


now can you guess what's in the box is

it a nutcracker no good guess Steven

thanks Barney I'll give you a hint it's

something you put on the dinner

tables it's

oh is it napkins that's almost right

is it napkin rings well that's almost


I know it's napkins and napkin rings

like a girl Jeff thanks Marnie where's

the party going to be in the classroom

I'm going to decorate it and make it

look special oh boy oh boy it's a great

day for a party yes a great day a

beautiful day the kind of day that makes

me wanna say I'm glad that I'm alive I'm

happy to be me and that's the way to be

see how the clouds go Drifting by

on a day like this summer winter fall or

spring it makes me want to see it's a

great day a beautiful day

I'm glad that I'm alive

and that's the way to be

all the colors of the world see all your

friends each boy and girl on a day like

this when it's great to work or play it

makes me want to say it's a great day a

beautiful day


and that's the way to be I swear


it's beautiful no I can't wait for me

mom and papa to see the surprise I have

for them who are me Mom Pop Pop that's

what I call my grandmother and

grandfather I got my grandparents

grandma and grandpa oh I say grandpa and

Nana and I call mine Lola and Lolo we

have all kinds of names for grandparents

but no matter what you call them he

loved them just the same

you my collared grandma or maybe even

Nana or you might call her Mima too


cause loving you is what she likes to do

no matter what the name she loves you

just the same cause loving you is what

she likes to do


you might call him grandpa or Papa or

Gramps or granddaddy sometimes too but

no matter what the name he loves you

just the same cause loving you is what

he likes to do

no matter what the name he loves you

just the same cause loving you is what

he likes to do

what do you call your grandparents

maybe it's Grandma and Grandpa or Granny

and Gramps


but no matter what the name they love

you just the same cause loving you is


loving you is

loving you is what they like to do


I better get started I wanna make a big

I love you meme on pop pop sign what do

you think

this man I want to make some streamers

and blow up some balloons you have quite

a lot to do Kim I know Mima and papa are

going to be here soon I don't know if I

can get it all done in time we can help

you camp sure we do we can help you with

the sign and everything that's right we

can get this done quickly if we all work


together together


together together together

the more we work together the happier

we'll be cause your friends are my

friends and my friends are your friends


looks like we're up to a good start

thanks everybody

let's keep going and we'll be finished

in no time


hey hi Jeff what are you doing hi BJ I

was wishing I could see my grandparents

house you were oh they live in a country

called the Philippines

the belt where is that oh it's way way

way far away you can't even see it

through this telescope wow that does

sound like a long way uh-huh I really

miss my Lola and Lolo

that's what I call my grandparents uh

I'm sorry you can't see them right now

me too but maybe I can cheer you up

You Can Count On Me

I'll always be around

I will cheer you up

when you're feeling down

I like you

you like me

we have fun together


when it's sunny

when it rains in any kind of in any kind

of in any kind of weather yeah that's it


You Can Count On Me

I'll always be around

I will cheer you up

when you're feeling down

you're my buddy I'm your pal

side by side we're playing

if you ever need my help

on your slide I'm on your side I'm on

your slide

on you got it

Got It You Can Count On Me

because I am your friend

we make a happy team

together to the end

You Can Count On Me

because I am your friend

we make a happy team

together to the end

you can count on me oh I do feel better

now thanks BJ well you're welcome

and I know something that'll make you

feel a whole lot better what's that

that could make a present to send to

your grandparents just like Tim made a

present for her grandparents surprise

party that's a small idea thanks and I


did you say surprise party oh yeah I

forgot to tell you how cool surprise

parties are really fun now what should I

make I don't know what kind of stuff


I love you Mima and Papa

you all did a great job decorating


to all of you we're ready for my

grandparents surprise party now yeah

Jeff went maybe he's in the tree house

let's go see okay


I think I can make something really

special to send to my grandparents with

all of this oh yeah something really

really special

now what should I make

there's Jeff and



well this looks very interesting what

are you doing we're going to make

presents to send to my grandparents oh

that sounds like a nice idea Jeff well

they live way way way far away in a

country called oh the Philippines oh

yeah the Philippines I'm sorry I didn't

stay to help decorate for your surprise

party Kim that's okay Jeff I was feeling

kind of sad but BJ helped me feel a

whole lot better that's nice of you BJ

you know how to be a good friend

friends are special so important they

make the world go round

like helping one another in school or on

the playground

friends are there to help each other

when one is feeling sad being friends

and you'll be glad Andy it's great to

have friends like yeah


Make the World Go Round

We like helping one another in school or

on the playground

friends are there to help each other

when one is feeling sad being friends is

very special


can I make a present to send to my Nana

and Grandpa Barney oh of course you can

Emily there's plenty here everyone can

make something well then let's get


I'm gonna make a picture frames

I'm gonna put a big heart in the middle

we've got just about everything we need

don't we

I love using lots of different colors

I bet your grandparents are gonna love


looks like all of you have made

wonderful presents for your grandparents

I better get down to the playground I

don't want to miss me Mom and Pop Pop

they should be here any minute now well

let's go


PJ where's baby bop today oh she's at

home and

oh man I just remembered I promise to

take to the playground okay PJ

I'll catch the next surprise party guys


do you know what I wish I could do well

it's not Jeff sail across the ocean and

give my Lola and Lolo their presents oh

that sure is a fun way to get there I'd

love to sail on a sailing ship tell

I'd love to sail on a sailing ship and

say a little A to Z

Sailing sailing the sailing like for me

Sailing sailing the sailing life for me

we'll feel the waves

go up and down

the wind will blow

let's round and round real Wayne fellow

to the ships we know when we go out to

sea oh yes I'd love to sail on a sailing

ship and sail away to Sea

Sailing sailing sailing light for me

Sailing sailing the sailing life for me

we'll watch the whales and dolphins play

splashing in with the salty spray

as we float on our beautiful book when

we go out and see

I'd love to sail on a sailing ship and

sail away


for me


hi everyone


I'm so glad you're here we're glad to be

here we're looking forward to meeting

your friends and Senior School

Lumina pop pop this is Steven Jeff and


and this is our very special friend

Barney well hello Barnes hello it's a

pleasure meeting you we've heard so much

about you oh it's so good to meet you

too Kim has been very excited about your

visit she said she wanted to show us a

special classroom come on let's go but

you'll have to close your eyes okay

let's do it


okay you can open your eyes

oh my goodness will you look at all this

I love you Mima and papa oh damn this is

so wonderful your decorations are

beautiful I wanted to do something

special for you you're so sweet as sweet

as sweet can beat everything

me decorate well thank you all welcome

no Connie a cake and everything oh it's

time for a party



napkins and napkin rings I made them in

school this is so thoughtful of you

thank you you're welcome

and now it's time to play some games

what kind of games do you kids like to

play well we were jumping rope earlier

oh that's a great idea

you can jump rope well of course I can

young man well let's jump her up then


all right


oh it's so much fun to play together

I love to play with you run and jump all


everything we do is fun when I'm with

you let's play together

do let's play together I love to play

with you

I'm glad you're here today now we can

pretend oh we can play your favorite

games with all your special friends

let's play together is what we love to

do let's play together


well a little later here we go

when it's a rainy day we'll have lots to

do we can be inside and play as long as

I'm with you let's play together is what

we love to do and let's play together

have fun the whole day through let's

play together


that was fun you guys are really cool

just like my grandparents well we had a

cool time with you too oh Kim this was a

wonderful surprise we love you

I love you and Papa

I love you you love me

we're a happy family with a great big

hug and a kiss from me to you

won't you save you love me too

I love you you love me

we're best friends


oh we're so glad that you could come

today it was our pleasure but now we've

got to be heading home oh we need to get

your napkins and napkin rings and the

rest of your cake that's right thanks

for your help

we had a lot of fun today

it was really nice meeting you guys

see you later

we're gonna be going too

forget the gifts we made for our



hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today well

we had fun helping Kim get ready for her

special party for her grandparents at

school we helped Kim decorate the


and all of my other friends made

presents for their grandparents too

even BJ helped to cheer up Jeff when he

was missing his grandparents

Kim's Grandparents were so surprised by

the party and the presents Kim gave them

it's always great to spend time with

your grandparents they love you just as

much as you love them and remember I

love you

thank you
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