05x20 - A Package of Friendship

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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05x20 - A Package of Friendship

Post by bunniefuu »




Green Grass and clover let Kim skip over

all right


okay your turn Kim okay Green Grass and

clover let Steven hop over

he looks pretty silly Stephen you sure

did okay let's start over wait someone

has another turn yet oh

Green Grass and clover let Barney dance


oh I'm so glad you're out here playing

cause there's nothing I like more than

playing with friends oh

I like to run and jump and play there's

so many things to do

I like it even better when it's with a

friend or two being together with

friends is what I like to do being

together with friends

together the whole day through

any day anytime day or night rain or

shine together with friends like


every day I learn new things and grow a

little too

it only makes it better when it's with a

friend like you being together with

friends is what I like to do being

together with friends together the whole

day through

any day anytime day or night rain or

shine together with friends like you

being together with friends is what I

like to do

with friends together the whole day


day or nights


like you

oh yeah

yup everything's more fun when you do it

with friends hi everyone hi Ashley look

what came for us today it's a ladder who

is it from our friend Samantha she wrote

to tell us about her new home I really

miss her since she moved away Barney

would you like to read it to us I would

be happy to

dear friends I have moved into my new

house now I have a cat named Herman

I like my new school please write me a

letter soon who loves Samantha she sent

these pictures too oh let's see

there's Samantha in front of her new

house that must be Herman she's holding

and there she is at her new school

I wish we could just jump on a plane and

fly over to visit her that would be fun

your attention please


oh Barney Airlines flight number one two

three is now ready for boarding please

Stow any carry-on toys under the seat in

front of you and buckle your seat belts

in preparation for takeoffs


so very high

looking out the window we can see the

wings down below we see other things

like little tiny buildings and cars so

small it makes me feel like I'm really




pretending I'm the pilot is a lot of fun

I think when I grow up I really might be

one but for now I'm just enjoying being

in this plane safe from the snow and

from the rain oh here we go again



attention party Airlines flight one two

three you are cleared for landing on

Runway four five six and you can park

the plane at gate 8 9 or 10.

hi guys play an airplane yeah we were

just wishing we could fly off to visit

Samantha oh I remember her she was a

really cool friend just because people

move away doesn't mean your friendship

has to end why don't you all write a

letter back to Samantha that's a nice

way to stay in touch with friends who

live far away hey we could send Samantha

more than a letter what do you mean how

about mailing your a package filled with

lots of her favorite things you know

stuff that would be special to her oh

that's a terrific idea

and I've got an idea to make it even

better Barney


excuse me a moment

all right




DJ thought that while we're putting

together all the things for Samantha he

could take pictures and send along too

we could make a photo album

some pictures would be special okay what

should we put in Samantha's package


how about something sweet Samantha's

favorite sweets were lollipops and lemon

drops and gumdrops oh yum what are we

waiting for me


If All The Raindrops will lemon drops

and gumdrops oh what a rain that would


extending outside with my mouth open



If All The Raindrops will lemon drops

and gum drops oh what a rain that would






okay you guys let me take a picture okay


all righty everybody say candy candy


and some tea for Dolly my what a pretty

dress you're wearing today Louie during

any nights at this party and my cup is

empty well that's well that's cause it's

pretending and wonderful pretend tee

this is Baby Bum thank you Miss Etta

you're very welcome idea

are you having a tea party oh yes we're

having lots of fun some party well Daddy

has a piece of cake and I only get a


you should always remember to be polite

oh miss that is right scooter and that

means saying things like please and

thank you

there are lots of things we can do to be


sometimes they're hard to remember

but there are two little things you

should never forget from January through



please and thank you cause they're the

magic words use them in the morning at

noon and night because it's a great way

to people


remember please and thank you cause

they're the magic words use them in the

morning at noon and night because it's a

great way to be polite please and thank



thank you for the magic words

I guess I could be more polite would you

like some of my cookie Daddy

well that's very nice scooter oh would

all of you like to join my tea party oh

thanks but we can't right now

we're going to send a package full of

surprises to Samantha and we're looking

around for some special things we came

up to find her favorite teddy bear oh

how sweet of you well I wish I had

something to send to Samantha oh I think

you'll find something baby bop it's

usually right over here but I don't see

it now where could that teddy bear be

where oh where has that Teddy Bear gone

oh where oh where oh where can he be

he's the dearest friend in the whole

wide world oh where oh where can he be

where oh where has that Teddy Bear gone

oh where oh where can he be

he has always been there to listen and

play oh where oh where can he be


hello where can he be I just know we'll

find him I'm sure we know but where oh

where can he be

okay that Teddy is always up here I

wonder where he could be

maybe under a big floppy cat


there doesn't Teddy look handsome with

his new bow very nice hey let me get

another picture

everybody get in the shot okay that's it

better I scooch in a little more Robert

good okay everybody saved Teddy


you know these pictures were taken give

me an idea what's that Robert why don't

we make a really neat frame to hold the

best picture of the day it's a great

idea and this sounds like a job Fuller


and I found a lot of things

gizmos and gadgets Buds and ends and

even some old string

what can we make today with imagination

we'll see what we can make today yeah

we'll see what we can make today


Samantha's gonna love that oh man that

looks great especially when our pictures

in it yeah

wow this picture frame really turned out

me yeah you sure did let's put it in the

Box for now okay

there's storm in the Box we can send a

few more things

I know what is it Ashley

remember this book of Mother Goose

rhymes we made yeah Samantha helped us

draw all the pictures let's put this in

the Box too it's very special for her

yeah why don't we do one of Samantha's

favorite Rhymes oh King Cole BJ can take

pictures of us


what old Ginkgo was a merry old soul and

a Merry Old Soul was he he called for

his pipe and he called for his ball and

he called for his Fiddler's three dance

with the Fiddlers dance with the

Fiddlers dance with the Fiddler's tree


Old King Cole was a very old soul and a

Merry Old Soul was he he called for his

Queen and he called for his court and he

called for his trumpeters three

dance with the trumpeters three


oh King Cole was a very old soul and a

very old so was he he called for his

ladies and he called for his Lords and

he called for his drummers three

dance with the drummers dance with the

drummers scream


dance with the Fiddlers


I gotta get a shot of this okay

hey everybody


Samantha would be so surprised to find

all her favorite things in the package

we sent there's still one more thing

she'd be happy to get what the sound of

our voices we can sing her favorite song

into the tape recorder and we all know

which song that will be yeah I think so

testing one two three okay I think we're

recording hi Samantha this is Ashley and

Cam and Steven and Robert and BJ and

Bunny we miss you and wish you were here

to sing this song with us but when you

get this you can sing along with us okay


all right


with your hands





hey Mr Speaker



that turned out great sure did we'd

better go in and finish packing the Box

oh wait no no no yes please

I've been looking all over for something

special to send Samantha but oh I don't

have anything but you do baby Bob I do

sure it's something you carry with you

everywhere and give away all the time it

is yep and it's one of the nicest things

you could give to a friend

is it Barney a big smile

oh I do have something to send Samantha

that's right let me get a picture

okay smile


early in the morning when I get dressed

because I always wanna look my best the

first thing I do so everyone will see is

what a great big smile on me


back at me

a smile is pretty a smile is free a

smile is a gift to you from me a smile

is a present in a special way cause you

still get to keep it when you give it


I put a smile on a smile on my face




I know she's gonna love it

my my what a lovely frame you've made

for Samantha

which picture are you gonna put in it

maybe one last picture with all of us

together would be special enough for our

frame that's a great idea Kim all right

boys everybody get together

this way and Barney you move a little

that way okay

perfect don't anybody move oh I'll just

set the timer

okay everybody smile


our picture really looks nice in this

Frame and we had lots of pictures for

our photo album oh maybe before we close

the Box we should take one more song to

show Samantha how we feel about her

this is for you from all of us Samantha

I love you

you love me we're a happy family with a

great big hug and a kiss from me to you

won't you save you love me too


I love you you love me we're best

friends like friends


oh we better be going okay BJ well

thanks for taking all the pictures BJ oh

that's okay I had a blast doing it so

long everybody

I can't wait for Samantha to get this

package in the mail thanks for helping

us put together such a special present

Barney it was easy with such special



see you soon Barney


thank you

hey everybody it's time for Barney says

hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today it's

nice to get letters from friends who

live far away and you can send a letter

back to them telling all about the fun

things you've been doing like having tea

parties or pretending to fly in an

airplane you could even send a picture

of yourself with the letter or make

something special to send in a box

whether they live far away or next door

friends are very special and remember I

love you

thank you
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