05x05 - The One and Only You

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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05x05 - The One and Only You

Post by bunniefuu »




Jeff Jr dinosaur pasta supports PBS Kids


Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great


Barney's friends are big and small they

come from lots of places after school

they need to play and sing with happy

faces Barney shows us lots of things

like how to play pretend ABCs and one

two threes and how to be a friend whose

son he comes to play with us whenever we

may need



hey Kristen

Kristen Kim did you make a drawing for

the tree yeah

here's my mom and grandma my kitten

princess and me but no brothers or

sisters did you draw a picture of your

family yeah here it is and look here's

my new baby brother a new baby I didn't

know your mom was gonna have a baby well

she's not having the baby we're adopting

him wow you're so lucky I really wish I

had a brother or sister yeah it'll be

great to have a little brother but you

know what what it's great to have

friends too like you


friends are special so important they

make the world go round

we like helping one another in school or

on the playground friends


it's good to see you


make the world go round friends


it's very special be a friend


it's great to have friends to play with

I've got some very exciting news guys my

family is growing growing your family is

growing that's right Kim's family is

getting bigger oh well let's see Kim

have you and your sister grown taller

well maybe a little bit but that's not

what I mean what do you mean well see in

my family there's my mom and dad my big

sister me and now my adopted baby

brother today is the day he becomes part

of our family whoa that really is super

deep super news yeah little brothers are

pretty cool I have two brothers and two

sisters in my family oh that is a lot of

brothers and sisters you must have lots

of fun together we do how about you

Kristen well just me my mom and my

grandma I'm the only child in my family

I think being the only child in the

family would be me really why because

all the toys are yours I'd rather play

with toys with their brother or sister

while playing with my sister is fun but

sometimes we can't agree on what we want

to play well that can be a problem

getting brothers and sisters to a Greek

and being sort of hard sometimes well I

still think it would be great to have a

brother or sister each of you may have a

different kind of family they're all

very special in their own way just like

you oh

why special you're the only one you're

the only one like you there isn't

another in the whole wide world who can

do the things


you are

special special

everyone is special

everyone in his or her away


if you're in part no you really are

you're the only one like you the world

is better just because you're here you

should know that we love you oh you are

special special

everyone is special

everyone in here


here we go

oh I remember our little Nest was always

quite a flutter with my five brothers

and sisters

oh yes so do you have


Squirtle for any family my dear student

quite enough indeed


yesterday I moved out of my room and

into my big sister's room why because

now my room is going to be my little

brother's room oh so now you're going to

share a room with your sister

sharing a room that sounds great to me I

guess so so what's the matter well I'm

excited about getting a baby brother but

I'm not too excited about sharing a room

with my big sister and she's really not

too excited about sharing with me and

sometimes it takes a little time to get

used to sharing a room I know just how

you him I share a room with my

brother me too I

with both of my brothers but you know

sometimes it's fun when we play games

but other times your brothers just get

into your things without even asking

first right right well it is a good idea

to ask before you play with someone

else's toys you know I do have my own

room my own things and my own bed but I

don't have anyone right there to play

with either I think you're so lucky to

have your own room Kristen me too in

your own bed with brothers and sisters

it can get pretty crowded I can just



roll over

and one fell out


in other words


well at least one person's going to get

some sleep today

oh I remember sometimes our little Nest

was so crowded why you could hardly

squeeze a feather between us

yeah it reminds me I could use a few

good finish for my bed

where could I get some


don't even

think about it my dear boy


I guess I'm pretty lucky to have my own

room but I still think it would be

really fun to have lots of brothers and


hello Chad



what a cool hat and uniform why thank

you see I've just come from very old

England where I was visiting the palace

guards and they let me wear this really

neat uniform while I help them guard the

palace I think you look really cool well

I think

did I hear someone say they wish they

had lots of brothers and sisters that

was me Stella well that reminds me of a

story would you like to hear it

terrific but I'm going to need some help

from all of you to help me tell it now


upon a time

there was an old woman who lived in a

shoe she had so many children she didn't

know what to do oh that is a lot of


she loved them all dearly each and every

one but with all these children her work

was never done

now there was a young girl who lived in

a shoe she had no brothers or sisters

what was she to do

so one day as she watched all those

children at play she joined in their fun

and decided to stay

there are lots of friends to play with

later she discovered it wasn't all fun

the little girl wondered just what she

had done see

finding a spot at the table for lunch

was not very easy with this hungry Bunch

it's a little bit crowded

soon it was time for the children to

rest but finding a bed was truly a test

when they were finally tucked into bed

the little girl wished she was at home


so before the sun set to bring an end to

the day the girl went back home and

decided to stay

home was so quiet without all the noise

she had plenty to eat and her very own


and when it was time for bed that night

she looked out her window and oh what a

sight the old woman and her children

were so happy she could see but the

little girl smiled my home is just right

for me



thank you and I sure had lots of fun

sharing it with you I'm going to tell

that story to my new little brother

you're getting a new little brother

little brothers are wonderful I think so

too Stella oh my well I must be going

I've got to get this uniform back to the

Palace Jimmy all good friends


hey I know let's make a present for

Kim's new baby brother hope that's a

great idea Curtis yeah thanks that would

be very nice well you know Curtis since

you and Danny both have little brothers

I'm sure you can come up with a terrific

present that's for sure if we know

anything we know what little brother's

like we come on let's go and I know that

you and Kristen will dream up something

very special for a little brother too

I'm already thinking Barney we can't

wait to see what you come up with so

what should we make no oh well it's

always nice to give someone something

that you like how about a bedtime story

book then I can reach my little brother

before he goes to sleep it will be a

great gift and it'll be really special

because you both made it thanks Barney

oh well go check on Curtis and Danny I

can't wait to see what they're up to


may I see what you're making sure it's a


let's see I need the black marker to

draw the soccer ball okay thanks

let's see

would you hand me the arm please I need

to hang the football all right thanks


this mobile is going to look still

oh I hate to really know how to share



it's not so tough

to share your stuff

it's not so tough

to share your stuff

it's not so tough to share your stuff

with a friend

it's great to learn


to wait your turn

it's great to learn

to leave your turn

it's great to OLS


it's not nice to sing that's mine that's

mine that's mine my mind put it back put

it back put it back back and when you


you sure you care

and when you share

you show you care

and when you share you show

for your friends

if he wants to do what's right don't

hold your stuff too tight it's fun it's

fun and much more fair so share share

share it's not so tough it's not so

tough to share your stuff

it's not so tough it's not so tough to

share your stuff to share your stuff so

tough to share your stuff it's not so

tough to share your stuff it's not so

tough to share yourself with a friend

well it looks like you've got everything

under control here so I'm going to see

how the girls are doing all right see

you in a minute


so have you finished the book for Kim's

baby brother we sure did it's right here

hey that looks like a terrific book

thank you thanks Barney I'm gonna show

it to Danny and Curtis see you later in

a minute okay I hope Kim's baby brother

will like the book oh let him know he

will Barney I think Kim is so lucky to

be getting a baby brother I really wish

I had a brother or sister well you know

Kristen you have your mom and your

grandmother and of course you'll always

have me


you can count on me

I'll always be around


I will tear you up


when you're feeling down

I like you gotcha


count on me

I'll always be around I will I will

cheer you up

when you're feeling down oh you're my




because I am your friend

we make a happy team

together to the end

You Can Count On Me


look what Danny and Curtis made what a

neat mobile I think it'll look great in

your baby brother's room oh you two did

a terrific job thanks Barney we had fun

making it this is a cool book too your

brother will really like this yeah I

think you're right thanks for these

wonderful gifts everyone and for being

such wonderful friends of mine

let every good friend come and join in a

song singing with friends of mine so

here is a song and now pass it along

singing with friends of mine


a friend on the left and a friend on the

right playing with friends of mine

forever and ever I'm right by your side


I made something else today Barney would

you like to see it oh I certainly would

oh what is it it's my family picture

here's my mom and grandma me and of

course my kitten princess oh you have a

very special family Kristen your mom and

your grandmother love you very much and

I know princess is a perfectly happy

kitten you're right Barney I do have a

wonderful family who you all do moms

dads grandmas and grandpas brothers and

sisters too there's something special

about every family

our families people and a family is love

that's a family they come in all

different sizes and different kinds of

mine Stills right for you

Minds just right for me


I got a friend who lives with his mom

and dad with his brother and sister too

they've got a cat and a dog and a pet

bullfrog and I'm really glad they do

there's a girl I know who lives with her

mom her dad lives far away although she

sees her parents just one at a time they

both love her every day


right for me

I know a boy who's new he just moved in

he moved from Alabama and the person

who's the head of his family

reindeer old grandma


yeah mine's just right for me



there's nothing better than being with

family and friends my dear wait sure

there is Michelle sure there is no

what's that scooter why spending time

with family and friends and eating lots

and lots and lots of course


of course yeah you're getting it


well you know every family is different

but that's what makes them special

you're right Barney being with my mom

and grandma every day is pretty great

and I think having lots of brothers and

sisters makes my family really fun well

spending time with your family and

friends is a very special way to play

I love you you love me

we're a happy family with a great big

hug and a kiss from me to you


save you love me too




I need to get home because I want to see

my baby brother don't forget to take

this or this thanks everybody bye

hey Kristen do you want to play with us

thanks but I have something else I need

to do first okay absolutely



my family picture looks just right to me

don't you think so Marnie

Bye Barney


hey everybody it's time for Barney says

hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today

our families are made of very special

people and our friends are special

people too Kim's family has a new baby

brother and her friends made some

terrific gifts for him everyone's family

is different some families are big and

some families are little and your family

is special whether it's big or little

because in your family there's the one

and only very special you I really love

spending time with family and friends

and remember I love you

thank you


funding for Barney and Friends is made

possible in part by the annual financial

support of PBS viewers like you and bye

Chuck E Cheese's

where can a kid

can believe


thank you

Jeff Jr dinosaur pasta supports PBS Kids


Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great

this is

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