05x03 - Safety First!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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05x03 - Safety First!

Post by bunniefuu »




Jeff Jr dinosaur pasta supports VBS kids


Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great


Barney's friends are big and small they

come from lots of places after school

they need to play and sing with happy

faces Barney shows us lots of things

like how to play pretend ABCs and one

two threes


red lightning stop

green light means go


Marty Mr dimples

certainly Robert Emily would you like to

help me finish building a house for

Barney sure that'd be fun okay


the more we work together together

together together

the more we work together the happier

we'll be cause your friends are my

friends and my friends are your friends

together the happier we'll be

some more we work together together


some more we work together


cause your friends are my friends and my

friends are your friends the more we

work together the happier we'll be

there we're finished a nice house for

Barney he even has a window to look out

of but we forgot to build a doorway

oh it sure is good to see you sorry

about the mask

thank you

my mind

too many toys


BJ taught me lots of safety rules and

when I see something that's not safe I

blow my whistle

oh are you blowing your whistle because

we haven't picked up our toys yet that's

right if someone could fall down and get

hurt stepping on a toy we were just

about to clean everything up baby boss

excuse me safety officer baby


now it's time to put away everything

that we took out when the room is nice

and clean it makes us feel so proud you

always clean up

to show we really care


here I love it for you

we have had our lunch and meal time's

coming to one in we sure know it helps a

bunch if we can all get in we always

clean up clean up


there you go


there all picked up good job oh this

looks much better and much safer

everybody come see what I found out on

the porch

I don't know

what is it scooter



it's blue

I don't know it's a birthday

oh it's a beautiful egg I think it's

pretty too you know I've never seen a

blue egg before I wonder where it came

from well many birds build their nests

in trees oh like these

there was a home there was a hoe in the

middle of the ground

the prettiest hole

that you ever did see


the prettiest trees






well the egg in the nest and the nest on

the branch and the branch on the tree

and the tree and the hole and the hole

in the ground The Green Grass Grows




come on


here's your new home Little Egg you'll

be safe here

oh great job everybody now our egg is

neatly nestled into a niceness

that's the first bird's nest I've seen

the doll's cradle

did I hear someone say birds man

scooter found this bird's egg on the

porch we couldn't find the nest it fell

out of so we made this one oh poor

little lost egg will I be delighted to

watch over it for you children that's

great missetta I'm sure the egg will be

safe with you


come on down

show you okay be right there hey it's

Kim she has something to show us let's



thanks for reminding us baby bop never

run down the stairs it always holds a

railing to keep from falling and hurting

ourselves very good


what are you writing safety officer Baby

Bob oh

but it's fun to play




yeah it's cool thanks it protects my

head if I accidentally fall off my bike

oh it's important to be safe when you're

riding your bike or doing anything like

playing at the playground or crossing

the street BJ

so to be safe near the street it's right

baby Bob first we should remember to

cross at the corner and always look both

ways then look both ways again and then

cross the street and hold a grown-up's

hand that's right being safe while

you're near the street is very important


I always cross

at the corner


across the streets


across the streets


I always cross at the corner




okay can anyone think of another way to

be safe near the street we can let

crossing guards help us cross the street

safely every day at school that's right

Kim there are lots of people who keep us

safe or take care of us if we need help

would you like to see


like him said crossing guards stop cars

so you and your friends can cross the

street safely



there's a police officer oh that's right

police officers help to keep us safe too

they protect us if ever I'm in trouble

I'll ask a police officer for help oh

that's good

wow look at the fire engine

firefighters are always ready to put out

a fire one day a firefighter came to our

school she told us not to play with fire


we saw an ambulance once on the way to

school the little people are hurt

ambulance drivers can take them to the

hospital really fast

they're flashing lights and a siren too

lifeguards are really good swimmers and

watches when we play at pools they'll

swim to us and help if we're in trouble

in the water my mom says to stay where

the water is deep that's a good idea


to remember lifeguards police officers

firefighters and crossing guards are all

safety people you can count on



you're welcome okay let's go pick up

some fun in the classroom like what well

we could make some super duper soup

great idea Bonnie let's go oh boy oh do

you want to come baby Bob oh no thank

you I think I'll go see how our little

egg is doing okay we'll see you later


let's see what we can make

and I was standing in the kitchen

talking to my friends and we decided to

make a special soup it would be real

different because it would have

something from each food groups



we'll make very special dish and we're

gonna come with me


well everything's okay

be careful Robert I know a safety

officer Baby Bop it's not safe to go

near a hot stove or hot pot that's right

we should never touch the stove or

anything on it we might burn ourselves

but this is just a pretend stove oh


yum yum our mishmash soup wasn't too hot

it was just right oh I love to be the

soup tester before I eat soup my mom

always tests it to be sure it's not too

hot same goes with best water

what do you mean scooter Michelle is

always telling me

scooter mcnutty you'll be careful she

always tastes a while before I take a

bath Scooter's right always have a

grown-up run your bath water and test it

before you get into the tub and make

sure there's a grown-up in the room when

you're in the town well I think I'm

going to scroll up to the tree house and

check on the egg see

a nice scooter

I'm doing a special project with Clay

would you please help me oh I really

like making things with Clay well

actually you won't be making anything

you'll be helping me in another way

let's see what she means



I'll be more careful

oh really nice



can I look now not yet Barney but it's

almost finished just another little spot

of yellow yeah


okay Barney it's done you can look now

wait to see oh

that's super deep super cute oh you did

a terrific job and you remembered an

important safety rule that's right

Barney I use plastic knives and wooden

sticks to cut and shape the clay

oh it looks just like me except it's a

little smaller I don't think there's

enough play in the whole school to make

it as big as Barney




what's wrong scooter ah I was just

getting some nuts and a big hungry Crow

need help but get me took them all

uh Crow did you know him no he was a

stranger a stranger I see hmm Barney

what's a stranger oh a stranger is

someone you don't know baby bub oh

wowie how many times have I told you be

careful and never talk to strangers who

is that is right scooter and that's good

advice for all of you to remember

it's fun to be outside

it's going to run and play yeah but the

people who love you

want you to be safe so if a stranger

talks to you

here's what to do tell a grown-up friend

if a stranger talks to you

tell a grown-up friend

cause they know just what to do

you know everything's gonna be all right


here's what to do

a stranger is someone

never met before

although they may seem nice

sometimes it's hard to know

so if a stranger talks to you

here's what to do

if a stranger talks to you

cause they know just what to do

you know everything's gonna be all right



scooter I don't mean to sound like an

old grow by reminding you to be careful

so often but I just want you to be safe

sugar all right thanks Miss yellow

you're a great grandpa

true we say be careful to our friends

because we care about them saying be

careful is kind of like saying I love


saying be careful

saying be careful means I love you


saying be careful means that I love you

I do

because I care

I'm careful too that's right


that's why I watch out for you

if we get together when we

play this way sing be careful

saying be careful means I love you


I do

because I care

I'm careful too


all around us we can find special

friends who are so kind that's right


I love you too baby





it looks like our little egg is resting

safely in its nest

did it break I don't think so


the egg didn't break it landed safely on

baby box blankie I know I put it there

just in case very good baby bro you're a

terrific safety officer and here's an

official badge just for you

Danny would you do the honors sure


three cheers for safety officer baby

boss hip hip




I never knew being careful could be so

much fun Barney yes I had a great time

well it's fun to be with people who care

about you and love you

I love you you love me we're a happy

family with a great big hug and a kiss

from me to you who won't you say you

love me too

I love you you love me and we're best

friends like friends


guess I better be going me too see you

soon Barney


thank you


hey everybody it's time for Barney says

hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today

we had a great time learning about

safety today especially with help from

our good friend baby bum we learned that

picking up your toys can be fun always

wear a helmet when riding your bike and

never talk to strangers and when you're

near the street there are some special

safety rules to remember too like

holding hands with a grown-up and always

look both ways and then look both ways

again before you cross the street safety

officer Baby Buff saved our special egg

with her blankie way to go baby bop we

also learned that saying be careful is

another way of saying that you care so

be careful

and remember I love you



funding for Barney and Friends is made

possible in part by the annual financial

support of PBS viewers like you and by

Chuck E Cheese's





Jeff Jr dinosaur pasta supports PBS Kids


Kellogg's Frosted Flakes reminding you

that thinking and creating are more than

good they're great


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