04x17 - All Mixed Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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04x17 - All Mixed Up

Post by bunniefuu »


one I think it was a time I think you're


they better practice some more before

the picnic this afternoon here you go

Thanks look I brought the ring toss game

where should we set it up how about over


great this is the perfect spot this is

looking good but we still have a lot of

things to do so let's keep working I'm

just too excited to wait having a picnic

under that trees having a picnic under

the trees having a picnic we're gonna

cuts and fix our cups and plays are

lemonade a nice pink lemonade and ice

cream cookies do lemonade and ice and

cookies too

I want to go on picnics there everybody

yes what Barney later today we're gonna

have our very own picnic oh boy I just

love picnics the fresh air the sunshine

and lots of food at home and races and

games and my favorite hot dogs and how

about some ice cold lemonade what's the

first dish may I sure

I made it all by myself so what do you

think mm-hmm Wow it's certainly nice and

cool this is really unbelievable Thanks

this is awful well maybe it just needs

more lemon juice don't worry Steven

you can always start over just remember

to be very careful to follow the

directions I'm not very good at

following directions

well you can't be following directions

is easy he just takes a little practice

and can even be fun okay sure I'll show

you oh just watch it listen to me

carefully this is a song and a cracking

you learn it's so much fun to play you

can do it with a group you can do it by

yourself you can do it most everything

just listen now it's going to be your

turn to dry the clapping part you can do

it real wild or do it real soft now get

ready cause we're going to start here

you go

you're really getting it now a good

thing about this clapping is that the

rhythm will never ever change we're

going to clap on the little strange

thing about this clapping is that the

rhythm will never change we're going to

clap on little strings

the end of the club is on its own email

and just a nick is feel-good on the very

last time everybody clapped with your


Oh Barney calling directions can be fine

oh I just knew you think so you know

I'm gonna try making my lemonade again

and this time I'll be sure to follow all

the directions oh that's a good idea

Ziva I just can't wait until this

afternoon to have the picnic yeah well

what if we have a pretend picnic right

oK we've got everything we need here's

the water

yeah now we had lots of lemon juice Oh

oh my dear me are you sure you're

following the direction Steven oh that's

quite a bit of lemon don't you think I

think I've got it figured out this time

miss Etta but it just needs a tiny

Bishop yeah sugar

Oh that's certainly not much sugar sugar

now we mix them together right we just

do yes well there were a few problems

with our last try mmm but this one

should be just perfect

yeah try maybe not I just happen to know

another great picnic game what is it

Simon Says everybody ready to play yeah

all right now remember do exactly what I

say but only if I say Simon Says first

does everybody understand the directions

okay here we go

Simon Says jump I mean Simon Says who


Simon Says touch your toes

super Oh No rub your tummy that's right

your leg okay Simon Says spin around

very phones no here's a hard one clap

your hands dance a jig and rich for the

sky that was hard that was great Barney

just one problem

oh really what's that Danny you didn't

say Simon Says

oh that worked for nothing

you're right Barney following directions

is fine sounds like thunder

all day oh we can't have a picnic in the

rain it wouldn't be too sure about that

there are lots of ways to have a picnic

Oh Barney picnics are for days with blue

skies and green grass lots of sunshine

that's true Kim so sometimes we have to

find a way to make our own sunshine even

when we have to stay inside on a gray

rainy day I wish we could find a way to

make our own sunshine who only thinks is

a little work imagination and of course

a little help from Weibull even in my

dongsaeng in the town a lot of things

his goals and gadgets

what can we make today with imagination

and the Barney back yeah right yellow

paper is the perfect color for the Sun

are you cutting out a circle Danny yeah

we have to be careful when we use the


yeah that's going to look super deep we

was big and bright from all the sunshine

you've made not will we have the use by

the place to hang our side Wow I've

never seen so much sunshine

what Oh since we've got so much sunshine

what'll peaceful in the world mr. Sun

Sun mr. Golden Sun please shine come on

son mr. Dawkins let me hug a tree


mr. Gordon they shine

you're right Barney there's sunshine

everywhere you look

we can have our pretend picnic right

here after all

Oh where's Alden sunshine I've been

looking for it everywhere we made our

own sunshine Baby Bop and we're going to

have a pretend picnic right here a

pretend picnic oh boy you can't picnic

what let go don't have a picnic what

lied oh well what I do can I help please

I love picnics

it's your Baby Bop you can help I wonder

what's taking Steven so long I don't

know do you think he's still working on

the lemonade huh living aid Oh yummy

I want to help with the lemonade great

idea Baby Bop

I'll go with you okay yeah here we come

and hurry back all this sunshine is

making me thirsty

well I guess the only thing to do is try


yep and this time more sugar we're just

mixing up some wrong on a name well Baby

Bop and I came to see if you needed any

help that would be great you can help me

champ baby drop okay I can count all the

way you can all right here we go one cup

of sugar

oh dear gracious me that's an awful lot

of sugar miles please no more sugar now

we stir it up I can hardly bear to watch

oh can I taste it can I taste it oh you

better let me taste it first

okay guys here it goes

rather Barney what are we gonna do for

the you know what they say if you can't

in with the first time try and try again

if you can't do with the second time

don't give up my friend cuz we're gonna

do it some time and he will be so happy

then so try and try try and try again

see the pretty birdie way up in the sky

when we was just a little boy he didn't

know how to fly he watched his mommy

bubble wings and soar so

don't worry Steven

all you need is a lemonade expert and I

just happen to know woman yeah may I

present the world's best lemonade maker

the one the only Barney you're just too

can Oh No remember to follow her

directions and you make the best

lemonade ever better go help the others

play everybody alright young man now

let's get the word Barney I guess this

is just about everything in here there's

hot dogs and sandwiches chips and cheese

what about desserts Oh

desserts oh this is sounding better all

the time

oh but it still on a desert Barney oh

sure it is us too whoa whoa append is


we just have to follow the recipe what's

a recipe well it's the directions you

follow when you're making something good

to eat here I'll show you

oh we have to do is take it one step at

a talking number one pour the ice cream

mix into the center containers that's it

be careful you don't spill it okay foods

got strawberries very good number two

pour in the ice all around the edges put

some salt on the ice

why salt Barney so the ice will stay

very gold

number four we Chris did we drink can we

drink we happy first funny

oh sure let the ice cream

this ice cream

sir we get

I screen


Oh shouldn't we save some for the picnic

this afternoon okay the little things

seven can you tell us what we've been

doing wrong

well it's simply a matter of following

the proper directions there now may I

suggest we use my great aunt sally bells

special recipe it's crappy mom now just

follow the directions carefully step

number one get a picture of water diet

number two add one cup of lemon juice

well next add one cup of sugar now that

would be the blue Cup my dear only word

well that's correct you just won okay

each other there is that everything yeah

and now it's simply stand whistling and

you've got the best lemonade anyone's

ever tasted oh really I can't wait to

play it first on this job okay I am

feeling this is gonna be

thanks for your help scooter oil oh and

miss Etta thanks for your help a lot oh

you're so very welcome child you have

any recipes with natural tomorrow Moana

I'll fix everybody pancakes and pecan


Hey look everybody

the sun is shining oh this is still blue

now we can have our outdoor it looks


hmm this is delicious

bubu I'll say how to make it taste so

good Steven simple please miss out

recipe we follow directions

perfectly know you could do it Steven

I'm so glad you didn't give up and don't

forget me I sure did Baby Bop everybody

did their parts well I guess I better be

going now thank you for inviting me to

your picnic

thanks for helping us today Barney

you're welcome Jim yeah you really saved

the day you know it's almost like having

two picnics one inside and one out

that's right but the best part was that

whether we were inside or outside we

were having fun with the friends we love

I love you You Love Me we're a happy

family with a great big hug and a kiss

from me to you won't you say

love me

mommy you

hmm we had so much fun thanks Barney oh

you're welcome

I always have fun with you me too and

just think we fed up everything for the

picnic ourselves and all we I can do is

follow directions well it's almost time

for the real picnic I've gotta go find

my mom and dad

oh hey everybody it's time for Barney

says hello again to all my friends I'm

glad you came to play our fun and

learning never end here's what we did


Steven had a little trouble making

lemonade but when he followed the

directions he made some but tasted just

right we use the recipe to make some

yummy ice cream working together in

following directions can be a fun and

delicious way to spend the day and

remember I love you
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