04x07 - Let's Build Together

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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04x07 - Let's Build Together

Post by bunniefuu »


we call a is



you did a good job thanks here you go

barney a special spot just for you


did you see our castle see it how could

i miss it it reaches so high right up to

the sky

fairytale castles with beautiful flags

flying higher than you've ever seen

just imagine all of the things you could

see maybe even a king or a queen


magical places and musical things big

surprises and so much more


wouldn't you love to


that's an ever so lovely castle boy oh

boy what a castle i sure could store a

lot of nuts in there


i think it would be really fun to live

in a castle i don't think too many

people live in castles anymore well not

around here anyway

but some people live in some very

interesting places what do you mean

barney well we know that some people

live in houses and some live in

apartments my aunt lives in an apartment

building we ride an elevator up to her


it's fun to ride up and down in an

elevator i have a friend who lives in

the house but his house floats on water

a house

cool my cousin lives in the country in a

wooden house with lots of windows her

dad built a big barn for their animals i

know a story about a man who built a

very special house for some very special

animal friends

oh sure i'd love you to help come on



i've been known to build quite a nice

nest in my day

a lovely little house nestled on a tree


made with twigs and leaves and some old

kite strings and sometimes a ribbon for

just a dance of color yeah well i built

my house inside a tree because it's

better destroying nuts and yet you're

very very important very very very

important i can't argue with that


is everybody ready for this story

ready okay

this is the story of the house that jack


this is the house that jack built

this is the cheese that lay in the house

that jack builds

this is the rat that ate the cheese that

lay in the house that jack built

this is the cat that chased the rat that

ate the cheese that lay in the house the

jack builds

this is the dog that scared the cat that

chased the rack that ate the cheese

house the jack built


this is the farmer sowing his corn who

milked the cow with the crumpled horns

the dog scared the cat that chased the

wrath that ate the cheese

and like jack's house it's the people

and animals that live there that make

our houses special


to eat and sleep and be

with the people you love and care about

yes that's a home to me


and maybe it's a little house

or a big


house or an apartment





you know besides houses people build

many other kinds of buildings and they

build them out of many different things

some buildings are made of wood like our

tree house that's right keisha and sarah

made a brick like our school all right

again stephen my dad's office building

looks like it's made of glass because

there are so many windows my mom's

office is built like that too i like to

look out the windows and see all around

the city well let's take a look around

our neighborhood and see what buildings

we can see



in my neighborhood




and kids like me ice people

and it makes me feel good to know that

i'm part of my neighborhood



that's a strange noise what could it be

i don't know well let's take a look


hey everyone did you hear that what a

cool noise


did you see what i was making all that

noise i can't see anything but i sure

heard something

did you hear that yeah

it sounds like a big truck

where do you think it's going and what

about those other strange noises we



lots of yeah noises

well i guess there must be a

construction site nearby

barney what's a construction site


i know a way we can find out

let's take a look with the adventure



this is a construction or building

look here's the architect he draws a

picture of what the building will look



this picture is called a blueprint

the blueprint is like a map of the

building it helps all the different

workers make the building

lots of dirt

you're right kim that's a bulldozer and

it can dig up or spread lots of dirt

oh look at that tall crane a crane picks

up and carries supplies to the workers

in different parts of the building


barney there's a cement mixer you're

right pj

it's mixes and pours the cement for the

building's foundation

he goes up this long tube and back down


every building must have a strong

foundation because it holds up the rest

of the building


once the foundation is set many

different people and machines work

together to make the building

there are carpenters


what's that machine the carpenter's

using barney oh that's a power saw it's

a special tool that the carpenter uses

to cut wood

and there's the brick layer the person

who puts the bricks together

one by one

until a wall


takes a lot of people to put together a

building it takes lots of time lots of

people and lots of tools and machines to

construct a building


yeah those tools are cool

hey i know let's build something


but we don't have any tools for any hard

hats or work clothes well i can help

with that

looks like we have everything we need

well then let's get to work


look what we can do

we've got work to do

step by step one two three

build it up you and me

now we're having fun

there's work to be done

working up and working down shaping

sanding all around

see what we can make

how long will it take

when every piece is in its place we'll

have a big smile on our face


look what we can do

we've got work to do


one two three build it up you and me


remember there are a few things to do

before you just start hammering yeah

first we need to decide what we're going

to build then we draw our blueprint and

then we start building well i already

know what i'm gonna build and i know

what it's gonna look like and you know

i think it'll be better if that's a


well let's go downstairs and start

drawing our blueprint yeah guys come on

hey bj you wanna come ah no thanks i'm

ready to build


okay i'm ready to draw the blueprint

now let's see

what could we build

i have an idea let's build a castle

let's build a big one yeah let's build

it big enough for barney to play

okay let's get started how do we want it

to look

let's build it on the playset


and the tower could go right there

uh-huh oh what a good job i can see just

what it's going to look like


oh bj are you okay

can you help get the stuff off of me


i don't know what happened i was trying

to work on my surprise when all of a

sudden it all came tumbling down right

on top of me let's see maybe we can help

where's your blueprint your plans my

blueprint my plans sure we'll just take

a look at them and maybe we can figure

out what went wrong there's no blueprint

it's a surprise remember if i had a

picture of it then it wouldn't be a

surprise what

well i guess not bj but we'd be happy to

help you anyway

thanks but i can do this myself i'm

ready to try to start building again i

see just what i need to

do oh

i do wish bj would take a minute and

make a plan

i think he'd be happier in his work

how could bj be any happier just look at

him use that hammer

this is the perfect spot for our castle

what's next kim

well we've made a list of our supplies

and now we just have to find all the

things we need okay let's get started


he's a builder quite a builder indeed he

is but

what exactly is he building well

it's a

well it's uh

it's a

one night i can't tell what it is

bj are you okay

yeah i'm okay oh i think we better go

check on bj again come on everybody


i tried and tried to build something and

now i'm tired of trying

i guess i'm just not a very good builder

oh you're a good builder bj

just take some practice


if you can't do it the first time

try and try again

if you can't do it the second time

don't give up my friend

cause you're gonna do it sometime


see the pretty birdie


that's true he watched his mommy flap

her wings

and soar so


she told him you can do it

if you


do it the try time

try and try again

if you can't do it the second time

don't give up my


so try and try

try and try again


we could use your help bj really how

well we're trying to build a castle and

we need your help to get it finished


well i don't know i sure made a mess of

this come on bj we could really use your

help what do you say bj do you want to

give it a try well


i've made my surprise for another day

that's the spirit bj everything's more

fun when we all work


the together we work together together

together the more we walk


more together work together the happier

we'll be


the more we work together together



look we did it and it looks just like

our picture it's like our sand castle

only bigger

it's a super deep super

right on top of the tower


that flag is too small for our big

castle oh i can take care of that oh


you really helped out your friends we

couldn't have done it without you thanks

i have lots of fun but i better go now i

can't wait to tell all about our



was fun yeah i didn't know we could

build something like this

we can do almost anything when we work

together with our friends

i love you

you love me

we're a happy family

with a great big hug and a kiss from me

to you

won't you say you love me too


thanks for a great day barney

it's always a great day when i can spend

it with you now i really feel like a

princess well come on let's play in the



hey everybody it's time for barney says


hello again to all my friends i'm glad

you came to play

our fun and learning never end here's

what we did today

it takes lots of people and tools to

make a building

dj found out that sometimes it takes a

little practice to learn something new

and that it's always good to get a

little help from your friends

you know friendship is a terrific thing

to build

and remember i love you

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