01x15 - Barney Rhymes with Mother Goose

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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01x15 - Barney Rhymes with Mother Goose

Post by bunniefuu »


Barney's friends are big and small they

come from lots of places


hey guys

hold on

Do You Hear What I Hear it sounds like

somebody eating something but there's no

one here

let's look around for it and see if we

can see if there's anything in here look

at our stuff right here

let's look around is it it might be a

Zippity look see if it is it not no it's

not zippered


oh dear can you children help me Kathy

oh Michael over here

did you hear that someone needs help but


play there

hey everybody I'm so glad to see you all

but did I hear you say somebody needs

help help oh Barney down here help oh

what's that that's why we need you

Barney someone wants our help but

there's no one here

hmm could it be over here

oh I think the sound seems to be coming

from just about here

well that's more like it

oh hello there Barney I can't

I thought you'd never look down here boy

it's just my very good friend Mother

Goose Mother Goose that's right and I

need your help do you hear that Trump

chomping sound inside my book

well I'm afraid that there may be a

bookworm nibbling at my pages a bookworm

isn't that just someone who likes to

read books most of the time but there's

another kind of Bookworm that eats books

oh no oh yes Barney would you be a deer

and check inside my book of course I

will Mother Goose my pleasure and just

let me open it up here and see what's


there was a bookworm inside and it

chewed up all of the pages oh there goes

Humpty Dumpty and little boy blue and

Jack and Jill

well now now don't be sad we can make

things all better but it will take a lot

of imagination Barney will you put my

book down on the table oh sure I will

let's see there you go now I want

everyone to use their imagination that's

our favorite game it sure is


Mother Goose Mother Goose


if you could come and see us it would

make us quiet

Mother Goose Mother Goose



Mother Goose Mother Goose Club


thank you


hi there Mother Goose hello Barney it's

so good to see you again

thank you for using your imaginations

believe me Sean that's the best thing to

use when things go wrong how did you

know my name why I know all of you Sean

Michaels min

why thank you men

and Kathy and Teddy I know every girl

and boy who has ever looked inside my

book of Rhymes why I knew your parents

when they were little and your

grandparents when they were little oh


oh I have loved girls and boys for a

long long time


rhyme I've been around for many many

years for a very very very long time

I've been around for many many years for

a very very very long time

now what is a rhyme you ask

what is a rhyme you say

rhyming words will sound the same like

fiddle and diddle name and game like

Farmer in the Dell in the well I

like to talk in rhyme oh I'm mother

ghost and I'm here to say that I love to

talk in rhyme I've been around for many

for a very very very long time I've been

around for many many years for a very

very very long time

now some of my Rhymes are funny and some

are for sleepy time and others talk

about animals like the sheep in little

bowl peep like sugar and spice and three

blind mice I like to talk in rhyme oh

I'm Mother Goose and I'm here to say

that I love to talk in rhyme I've been

around for many many years for a very

very very long time I've been around for

many many years

for a very very very long time


things are always fun when you're around

Mother Goose oh thank you dear you're

lots of fun too oh shucks have you been

friends with Barney for a long time oh

goodness yes

oh my my what a mess that Bookworm has

chewed up all my nursery rhymes

why don't you just write them all down


and make my book as good as new

but oh dear

it's been such a long time I don't think

I can remember all the Mother Goose

rhymes I had in here

I know we can help you remember the

nursery rhymes right everybody


oh this is wonderful here's some nice

clean paper to write on thank you

Michael it's right with here's a marker

thank you dear but I always write with


is that all you need that's all I need

now where to begin

gee Where Do We Begin that's kind of a

puzzle hmm

the cat and the fiddle the cow jumped

over the moon

the little dog laughed To see such a

sport and a dish ran away with a spoon

ran away with the spoon

got it

Peter Peter pumpkin eater had a wife and

couldn't keep her he put her in a

pumpkin shell and there he kept her very



Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty

Dumpty had a great fall all the king's

sources and All the King's Men couldn't

put Humpty together again oh maybe the

king's horses and the King's Men

couldn't put him back together again but

you did Michael

you certainly did

I was very

similarious horses try to put Humpty

Dumpty together again but that King was

full of surprises and he just loved to

have a good time

which king do you mean

Old King Cole of course

was a merry old soul and a Merry Old

Soul was he he called for his pipe and

he called for his ball and he called for

his Fiddlers three




Cole was a very old soul and a Merry Old

Soul was he he calls for a screen and he

calls for his court and he calls for his

trumpeters three

the trumpeters


dance with the Fiddlers

dance with the trumpeters dates with the


dancing dancing

till you all fall down with me


Bravo you were all just Grand now let me

finish writing it all down oh this such

a special occasion

no I think the next few Rhymes in my

book were all about things to eat that's

right there are lots of rhymes like that

yeah let's have a make believe tea party

to help us remember hey that's a super

duper idea

Mother Goose would you care to be my


thank you sir I'd be delighted


drink tea

and what a lovely tea

little duck Corners that in the corner

in his Christmas pie he put in his dump

and pulled out a clock

and said what a good boy am I

oh he is a good boy

oh oh muffins

oh Do You Know the Muffin Man The Muffin

Man The Muffin Man oh do you know the

muffin man who lives on Drury Lane oh

gee I guess that's me

oh yes we know the Muffin Man The Muffin

Man The Muffin Man



cake patty cake baker's man bake me a

cake as fast as you can roll it and Pat

it and Mark it with a b and put it in

the oven for Barney and me

oh thank you


peace porch in the pot nine days old


nine days old yummy

put the

cattle on Polly put the kettle on we all

drank tea

get up again Suki take it off again

Sookie take it off again they've all

gone away

thank you


they've all gone away

here that's one two three four five more

Rhymes we've remembered and I've just

thought of another rhyme a very special

kind that's lots of fun what is it

Barney it's called a tongue twister

that's a kind of rhyme that's hard to

say out loud without making a funny

mistake like um Peter Piper

you say it and I'll write it okay okay

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled

peppers A peck of pickled peppers Peter

Piper picked if Peter Piper picked a

peck of pickled peppers then where's the

piper peeper pickle oh no

oh goodness you don't think I caught

that last part Barney maybe someone else

can tell me Peter Piper picked a peck of

pickled pepper

Peppa Pig first Peter Piper picked if

Peter Piper picked a pickle oh

let me try it again a Peter piper pecker

pickled picker oh no I wrote again

this looks like a job for Mother Goose


pepper picked a peck of pickled peppers

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper


Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled

peppers where's the peck of pickled

peppers Peter Piper picked how long


three little kittens they lost their

mittens and they began to cry oh



what lost your mittens you naughty

kittens then you shall have no pie oh




soiled your mittens you naughty kittens

then they begin to say

the three little kittens they washed

their mittens and hung them out to dry


what washed your mittens your good

little kittens now you can go and play


oh goody

oh that rhyme was just perfect

it sure was here Mother Goose you can

write it down oh thank you Michael just

pull this chair out

and sit down and

ready and we'll just right away


okay you look a lot like nana she's my



you know what

when your nana was a little girl a long

time ago she looked a lot like you


Mother Goose we're ready for more

nursery rhymes

hey here's another rhyme we can do rub a

dub dub three men in a tub and who do

you think they be the butcher the baker

the Candlestick maker

send them out names all three

oh that's a great one Sean

Jack be nimble Jack be quick Jack jump

over the Candlestick

all right now it is my turn to choose a

ride oh boy let's see if any of you can

guess this just by watching my hands

okay okay


hmm I can't guess the rhyme let me give

you a hint

here we go

one two buckle my shoes

five six pick up six seven eight lay

them straight nine ten a big fat head

can we try I don't know why not let's

all do it together okay ready okay here

we go


thank you

thank you

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch

a pail of water check fell down and

broke his crown


and Jill came tumbling after

Little Miss Muffet

sat on her tuffet

eating her curds and whey

Along Came a Spider

and sat down beside her


and frightened Miss Muffet away oh


little boy blue Come Blow Your Horn the

sheeps in the meadow the cows in the

corn where is the boy who looks after

the Sheep he's under the haystack fast


tickle tickle


Mary Mary Quite Contrary how does your

garden grow

with silver bells and cockle shells

and pretty maids all in a row

I had never heard my Rhymes done any


have a favorite nursery rhyme oh

oh my I have so many favorites

but these flowers remind me of a rhyme

and a game that I haven't thought of in

a long time

thank you

Bush the mulberry bush the mulberry bush

Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush so

early in the morning okay here comes the

cleanup heart everybody sing


wash our clothes wash our clothes this

is the way we wash your clothes so early

in the morning


this is

a little dizzy


in the morning


yep everyone looks neat and pretty now

your clothes look just fine and my book

looks just fine again too it's full of

Mother Goose rhymes thanks to all of you

oh you're welcome

that means it's really time for me to go

back to my book oh please there are so

many places they need to be getting to

wherever there are children reading my

Rhymes or or hearing my Rhymes read to

them that's where I have to be that's

okay Mother Goose we understand

but you will be able to visit with us

again won't you Mother Goose

yes all your children can look me up

anytime I'm in the book book bye-bye


hello thanks for coming oh

wow we've shared my special Rhymes it's

true Now sing me a song that's special

to you oh that's easy I know a song

that's special because it's about all of

my special friends and we all know that

one we sure do oh

I love you you love me

we're a happy family with a great big

hug and a kiss from me to you

won't you say you love me too

oh I know


best friends like friends should be with

a great big hug and a kiss from me to

you won't you say you love me too


see you next time bye


thank you




hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

never ends here's what we did today

we sure had a good time with Mother

Goose's book of nursery rhymes

in that one book there were so many fun

things to do and so many fun people to

visit with Old King Cole

the three little kittens

and Little Miss Muffet

inside that one book we found stories

Games songs and lots more and all it

took was our imagination to bring it all

to life

and you can bring books to life in your

imagination too whether you read the

words or have someone read to you or

even if you just look at the pictures

books are a lot of fun

today take one of your favorite books

and look through the pages then make

believe what it would be like if your

book came to life I just love to use my

imagination like that and you know what

I love you


thank you
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