03x02 - Episode 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wisting". Aired: April 11, 2019 – present.*
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Norwegian thriller police procedural television series based on two novels by Jørn Lier Horst, The Caveman (2013) and The Hunting Dogs (2012).
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03x02 - Episode 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Did you get to see Ingrid?
After the accident?

Yes. In Tanzania
when I picked up the coffin.

I don't understand
why I have to be here.

Can you confirm
that it's Jens, Suzanne?

You know very well I can.

There was no need
for you to drag me here.

-Were you in contact with Jens?

Nothing besides through work.

-You know, it's been a bit...tense.

Did he behave different recently?

No. What do you mean?

We found this in his mailbox.


That...can't be right.

We heard from someone
that Layla had an older boyfriend.

Could it have been Jens?

How long had Layla been seeing him?

A little over a year.

Oh my God.

I'm sorry, I can't do this.


Isn't it cool?

-Kitchen, living room, spare bedroom.

-And what's the rent?
-A bit more than we agreed.

-A bit?
-OK, a bit more than a bit.

But still cheaper than in Oslo.

And I'm working weekends.
You're working for the council.

I'm not doing
the Heyerdahl project after all.

However, I will do something
at the Bøkelia center.

-The asylum place?
-I've done some reading.

Did you know over 100 kids disappear
from those places?

I didn't even know
you were interested in that.

The girl they found in the square,
she lived at Bøkelia.

So what you're saying is
a new film about a new m*rder?

-It won't be like last time.

I think this boy knows something.
I just need to get him to talk.

-Can't the police do that?
-He won't trust them.

-But you can be trusted.
-Of course. What do you mean?

I'm just saying it.
You can be trusted.

You're such a beauty.

-Hello. Did he mark you?

-Bye. I brought you some food.

That's so kind of you.
You didn't have to.

-The others get jealous.
-You're embarrassed.

I wanted to talk to you
about something.

I've been thinking. I'd like to get
custody of Sunniva again.

Yes, of course.

I have a meeting now.
Can we talk about it at home?

-Yes, of course.
-Is that OK?


Current estimates establish
the time of death-

-was approximately
the same for both victims.

And the link between them,
psychologist and patient,-

-they are likely to be connected.

So we might be looking for
a single unknown m*rder scene?

-Jens Faldbakk was shot up close.

You still think this has something
to do with your other murders?

The brutality is consistent.
There's no link to pedophilia-

-in the other European murders.

But with vulnerable children,
we don't know what they're used for.

Hussain is examining
the note right now,-

-but it's obvious that someone
put it there to thr*aten him.

-Or blackmail.
-Or they just pull us of our track.

If the note is true, could it be
a potential victim of Faldbakk's?

-Someone out for revenge?
-We don't know if he's guilty.

Regardless of the motive, whoever
did this, has been exposed to-

-extreme forms of v*olence
to do something like that to a child.

Why sh**t him and decapitate her?

That's for us to find out.

Just one more thing,
Veronica and I found something-

-written underneath the head
in Layla's drawing.

It's easy to miss,
but it says "night man".

"Night man",
what's that, a superhero?

No, it's a historical term.

The "night man" would do
the town's dirty work.

Empty latrines, castrate horses,
remove dead animals and bury them.

"Knacker" they called it in England.

He'd be tasked with
helping the executioner.

Putting people's heads on stakes.

But why would a 14-year-old girl
write that name in her diary?

I'll take that one.

-You said you'd get rid of it.
-I haven't gotten around to it.


It's really nice here.
I love the apartment.

That's good.

And I know I haven't been
the best of girlfriends.

I get too invested in things.

Is this where I'm supposed to object?

I'll be better.

f*ck, they're stuck.

Laminate is getting more popular,
and it's become better.

But if you're willing to pay
for quality,-

-nothing beats the feeling of oak
under your feet. Or so I've heard.

-Preferably with wide strips.

Have a look at the samples,
and I'll be right back.

Sure. Thank you.

Are you not sober?

-I need a place to crash.
-I'm with a customer.

-They are out to get me.
-I can't do any more for you.

-You owe me.
-I don't want you here now.

Leave through the back.
Do you see anything you like?

Yes, absolutely.
I think I'll go for this one.




-f*ck, not you again.

-What do you want?
-I just want to talk to you.

Look at this. I don't need weed.
I need two minutes.

What did you mean yesterday,
when you said people disappear?

Do you know
what happened to Layla?

All I know, it was the same people
that took Khaled.

-Khaled? Who's that?
-Nobody gives a f*ck that he's gone.

-And it will happen again.
-Did he live at Bøkelia?

Who is taking the residents?

-I just need to...

-f*ck off.
-It's OK.

OK. So there is no chance
she was here? Thanks.

There's no trace of Layla here.

Her friend Hanan said she'd cover
for her when she spent the night.

Do we know if he had
any other properties that he owned?

He was clever enough
not to shit in his own nest.

He didn't shit in his own "reir".

Where birds sleep.

-Hello, Veronica.
-We have a match.

We found a partial fingerprint
on the letter from the mailbox.

-Someone in our register?
-At the care center at Bøkelia.


We got a match. Fingerprint.

Well done.

-Line, hello.

I just wanted to ask
how you're all doing.

Well, we try to keep busy.

-I'd like to ask you something else.
-Sure. What?

I'm thinking of making
a documentary about the kids here.

-And what does that entail?
-Doing interviews and...

Getting their stories.

Show the human side
to institutions like this.

I don't think that's a good idea.

People should know these are
normal kids who've had a hard life.

-They deserve to be seen.

Everyone deserves to be seen,
but for them not all PR is good PR.

No, I understand that, but...

Why do so many of them disappear
without people caring?

It's because we don't know them.
We don't know who they are.

-Let me sleep on it. OK?
-OK. Thank you.

By the way... Khaled Atari,
he lived here before, right?

-Why are you asking about Khaled?
-He knew Layla and disappeared too.

Khaled was sent home by UDI.
He lost his right to stay.

So why do people believe
he was taken?

Because he was.

The police came and dragged
a 16-year-old out of bed at 05.30 am.

That's how they handle deportations.

Listen, I need to get back.
See you later.

Do you have to show up like this?

The kids need normality to return.

-Is Sammy Kibo here?

What do you want him for?

I think he's in his room.

-Line, what are you doing here?
-What are you doing here?

His room is upstairs.

Could you at least tell me
what this is about?


-We just want to talk to you.
-Can you come out?

We can talk somewhere else
if you like.

Come out, or we'll come in.

-No, no...
-Touch me and I'll shank you.

-f*cking whore!
-Sammy, put down the knife.

-Calm down...
-Shut up! Don't come any closer.

-I'll shank you. You too! f*ck you!
-Don't do anything stupid.

-Shut up!
-Put the knife down.

Let me go, f*cking c**ts.

-Calm down.
-Is it you?

Are you feeding them bullshit?
f*cking punk! It hurts, damnit!

f*ck you all! c**ts! f*ck!

-Hello, Jørn.

-You have to let me be there.
-Listen to me, Suzanne.

But he is all alone.

I mean it.

What was that?

The boy's guardian is out of town.
She wants to sit in on the interview.

-She can't. She's part of the case.
-Yes, I told her.

There's a lawyer coming.

The boy's back story.
You should read it.

Hi, I was told
you need something to drink.

I'll put it here.

Just tell them what you know,
and you'll be fine.

Are you 'good cop'? You know
I'm here because I'm Black.

-That's...not true.
-Just tell yourself that.

Good Black, bad Black.

What do you think?

I think he doesn't trust the police.

-I could have told you that.
-How did you react?

-When questioned by the police?
-I've never been...


But I wouldn't have threatened
the police with a knife.

-Hello, Thomas. Can you hear me?

Sis... That's a rarity.
I thought you had lost my number.

I could say the same. Dad complains
that he never hears from you.

-Isn't it about time?
-Is that why you called?

No. Don't you read
Norwegian newspapers down there?

You worked one summer
at Bøkelia, right?

Yes, mom set me up.
It was the summer before she left.

Did a small boy
named Sammy live there?

Yes, one of the most troubled kids.
Always got into trouble. Why?

He's a police suspect.
But I don't think he did it.

-Suspect in what?

Shit. There were rumors saying
he is a former child soldier.

-What about Suzanne Bjerke?
-Does she still work there?

Yes. How was it working for her?
Is she straight?

Hello? Thomas?

Yes, she was all right, but...

-But what?
-No, nothing.

-I need to go. Change of shift.
-OK. Bye.

-Why did you try to run, Sammy?
-You're f*cking blind if you ask.

We have some questions for you,
about Jens Faldbakk.

-You were given counseling by him.
-A long time ago.

-Why did you stop going?
-How can a m*therf*cker help...

...who's sicker in the head than me?

Jens Faldbakk
was found dead last night.

Seriously? Is that why I'm here?

Have you seen this before?


-It was in his mailbox.

Your fingerprint is on that letter.
Do you have an explanation for that?

Come on.

I know that you wrote that letter.

-I want to know why.
-I need to take a piss.

-Answer my question.
-I said, I need to take a piss.

-How long has he been in there?
-Couple of minutes.

Let me get him to hurry up.

-Hey, this is the men's room.

You ever see him?

I'm sure you've had plenty
of bad experiences with police.

Probably most grown-ups, right?

I mean, either they use you, or...

...they don't have
a god damn clue what's going on.

Give us a sec!

This therapist is meant to help you,
but he abuses his power,-

-takes advantage
of a sweet, young girl.

She has no family, no support system.

If you are pissed, I get it,
you f*cking should be.

Whatever you did, you're not
the only one that should be blamed.

The kid's got something to tell us.

-I just wanted to end it.
-End what?

-She shouldn't have been with him.
-With Jens Faldbakk?

You're so right.

How did you know
that she was with him?

I followed her.


Sammy, did you like Layla?

He brainwashed her, f*cking old pig.

So you left that note,
you wanted to scare him.

That's all I did.

Sammy, you said you followed Layla?
Was it to Jens' apartment?

It was to some old house.

Do you remember where it was?

The house belongs
to Faldbakk's aunt.

He takes care of it
when she's in France.

That's nice of him.

Have you ever seen anything like it?

-There are two sets of boot prints.
-Two perps.

God damnit.


If they had a relationship, isn't it
strange she was sleeping like this?

If the therapist let her stay here,
why did we find him in the river?

He walked in on the K*llers,
they chased him outside.

Yeah. The blood in the driveway.

Either way
they were looking for something.

Hello. Hello, you.

He's been locked up for a long time.
He's really hungry, I can feel it.

Yes, you're hungry, aren't you?


Yeah, OK.

I don't know. OK.

Are those Torunn's things?

Yeah, I never got around to...

When I was here last time and we got
Godwin, I thought I'd be so happy.

But then I just couldn't get
the pictures out of my mind.

All the photographs
of all the young women on the wall,-

-that he k*lled here, because
I let him get away the first time.

Is that why you got involved
in this case?

I don't think it's a coincidence that
the victims are young asylum seekers.

Whoever's doing this knows
that they are exposed,-

-that they're vulnerable,
they have no homes, no families.

Praying on them is...
the worst kind of evil.

It never used to be this difficult.

Well, we found the m*rder scene.
That is a step forward.

We're going to get him.


After this
I could really use a drink.

Me too.
I just need to stop by Line first.

Hello. Sorry to bother you.

I'm looking for someone
to look after Jens Faldbakk's dog.

No, his aunt is not interested.

What about Suzanne?

No? Yes. Thanks.

-Sorry, I need to go now.
-OK. Hello.

-He's a good boy, huh?
-Yes, very cute.

Do you want to take him home?

-Take him home?
-Yes. Give him some cuddles.

Hey. What's going on?

No, I'm just
very allergic to this dog.

-And he smells.

Do you want him?

Do I want your stinky old dog? No.

He really does smell.

God damnit.

We can't put down
our only witness now, can we?

No, we can't.

f*ck! Let me go, f*cking c**ts!
Let me go!

Is it you?
Are you feeding them bullshit?

Hello, Line.
I'm sorry it's so late, but...

I've been wanting to see
your apartment.

That's nice.

Wow. Thanks.

Look at this. It's lovely here.

What's happening with Sammy?
Did you charge him?

-No, we let him go.
-You don't think it's him after all?

A spare bedroom?
Is there something I should know?


Wow. It's looks really nice. Really.

-Do you have time for a coffee?

Nils? Why did you want me
to come here at this time?

-I have a surprise for you.

-What is it?
-Just wait and see.

Such a nice boy.

-Look at this. Look.

This is Sissel. Ottar. Ottar, Sissel.

-OK. Where did he come from?
-He doesn't have an owner right now.

So I thought of you.

Why did you think of me?

Because he's a bit traumatized.
He needs some love.

-If you don't want him, he...
-I don't want him.

OK. Fine. I'm sorry.
I thought you'd like the company.

-Instead of Sunniva, you mean?
-No, not instead of.

Nils, listen. To get this done,
I need you on my team.

And I am.

I am on your team.

I thought we could wait a while.

It takes five years to become sober.
You know that.

Yes, but I want my daughter back,
not a f*cking pug.


Well, well, Ottar.

Let's see what Layla has left us.


Ottar, come.


-Hello, Thomas.

-Did I wake you?
-No. What's up?

I wanted to tell you something
when you mentioned Suzanne earlier.

This is hard, but...

There is something you should know.

I think Suzanne is
the reason why mom left.

When I worked at the center...

I was delivering something
at Suzanne's, and I saw dad's car.

When he came home, he told mom
he had been working late.

You're kidding me.


Well, did you say anything?

No, but mom must have known.

Why else did she not want to see
Suzanne anymore?

She just quit school
and left soon after.

-But why didn't you tell me?
-You were busy with your own stuff.

You were studying,
and I didn't want to put it on you.

But I did ask dad afterwards,
after she had left.

-What did he say?
-Well, he said...

Do you want to know
his exact words? He said:

"It's not that easy being
an adult all the time."

Is it too late for that drink?

I think I need to turn it in.

I'm tired.

Do you think Line is doing OK?
Sometimes I have a hard time telling.

I think that she's tougher
than you give her credit for.

Yeah, maybe.

-Is there something I should know?
-No. It's nothing.


Good night.

-I'm at the train station.

-There's something you need to see.
-OK. We're on our way.

It was Hammer.

Of course it was Hammer.

There you are. Both of you.

-Have you not got rid of the dog yet?
-I'm doing my best.

-Is that her?
-Yes, it's Layla.

She had a train ticket
among her belongings.

And the day before she got k*lled,
she came back from Sweden.

What was she doing in Sweden?

Have a look yourself.

She's waiting for someone.

Looks like someone stole it.
Hey, can you rewind?

Keep going, keep going.
Just to right, right there.

Hey, who's this?

That's just a homeless guy
that walks around here.

What about the other cameras?

Look, there he is. Where is he going?

Is it in there?

It's here.

-William, it's got a fake bottom.
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