03x01 - Episode 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wisting". Aired: April 11, 2019 – present.*
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Norwegian thriller police procedural television series based on two novels by Jørn Lier Horst, The Caveman (2013) and The Hunting Dogs (2012).
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03x01 - Episode 1

Post by bunniefuu »

-Hello, Peder.



Hey... She's very...young.

-How old do you think she is?
-Maybe 12 or 14.

Where could she be from?

My guess is Western Asia,
perhaps The Middle East.

Nobody in that age group
is reported missing.

Look at the edges of the wound.

The head has been cut off
with a blunt knife or...

...maybe rather a saw.

Cause of death?

I don't know. It's hard to say
before the autopsy.

-You said there were witnesses?
-Yes. In the store.

Vera Kvålsvik.


-Vera Kvålsvik?

-And you're William, right?

I think I helped you find books
one time. For your wife, right?

A Christmas present, I believe.

This is... This is Peder Salomonsen.
He runs a store up the road.

-Do you know who this girl is?
-No, not yet.

-You both started work early today.
-Yes, I...

I was going to check the stock room
for books for the sale.

And then I saw the...

Did you see anyone else in the area
before you discovered it?

No, I had just arrived,
and there was heavy fog.

I heard a car engine start...
A normal car, not a truck.

-But you didn't see it?

What makes a person do
something like this?

To a child?

-Are you ready?

-Are you ready?

-I won't have time for the viewing.
-Is it the culture councilor meeting?

What if I like the apartment?
Do I just go for it?

-Yes. Your taste is better than mine.
-That's true.

Are you sure you want this?

Give up the bar and...

What if you don't find
a job that you want?

If you can do commercial filming,
I can find something too.

Or I could go on benefits
with a sea view.

-You can't afford that in Oslo.

-It's nice here though.
-It is.

Shit... I have a present for you.

A present?

-A thermometer?
-It shows when you're ovulating.

It's very accurate.
Bluetooth, app, the whole nine yards.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

Damn, I'm going to be late now.

-I can drop you off if you like.
-Could you?

But I'm driving. I won't ride
with you when you're in a hurry.

We still don't know who the girl is?

We've contacted the CPS
and asylum centers.

Nobody has been reported missing
the last 48 hours.

-What if she went missing earlier?
-I've looked into missing girls...

...from the past two years.
It was almost 40 of them.

No match.

It doesn't make it easier
not having fingerprints or a body.

We can only hope for a DNA match.

If we find her identity,
we might find the crime scene too.

OK, Vera Kvålsvik heard a car.

-Benjamin, look into CCTV cameras.
-I'm already on it.

The m*rder w*apon was most likely
a saw, according to forensics.

And it happened recently.
Her brain temperature was 88°F.

We're only talking hours, not days.

-Is it terrorism? Racially motivated?
-Let's keep all possibilities open.

-Someone is calling you.
-We're in a meeting.

It's Maggie Griffin.
She says it's urgent.

-Hi, Maggie. It's been a while.
-Hi. Good to hear your voice.

Good to hear from you,
but this isn't the best time...

I know it's a bad time.
That's why I'm calling.

The beheading. Do we know
where the victim is from?

So you've heard about it already?
We don't have an identity yet.

-Is it a foreigner?
-We don't know, but we think so.

-Why is the FBI interested?
-I need to ask you a favor.

Could you send me the crime scene
report or a preliminary?

I would like to know a little more.

Let me get back to you, OK? Bye.


-Hi. Did you hear what happened?
-Yes, I heard about the m*rder.

But I'm busy with another project.

I'm doing something
about Thor Heyerdahl for the council.

You have just made a true crime
that will be shown around the world.

Don't waste your time
on a commercial film for the council.

I'm about to meet
the culture councilor now.

-I'll speak to you later, OK? Bye.

-Hi, this is Line.
-Hi, it's Anne-Grete Jone.

-I'm right outside.
-Sorry, the meeting is postponed.

Could we meet later this week?

Yes, sure. The Heyerdahl Museum
isn't going anywhere.

That's great. Bye.

What's up?

Maggie called from Copenhagen
and asked for the crime scene report.


The same Maggie
that helped you with Godwin?

Isn't she in Washington?

She's the FBI representative
for the Nordic countries.

She works for the embassy
in Copenhagen with Interpol.

I've got something.

The west side of the square.
A car arrives around 3 am.

But that car belongs to Cato Dalen.

-Who is Cato Dalen?
-Known to the police.

-There's the car at least.
-What was his recent arrested for?

Stolen firearms.
Talked himself out of a charge.


Wondered when you would show up.

-Why is that?
-I read the news.

It's pretty predictable.

May we come in?


Could have saved yourselves the trip.
We fight our battle.

We try to stop
the dilution of Norwegian culture.

-We don't chop the head off people.
-And who are 'we'?

We're patriots. Decent people.
You should look somewhere else.

So you may have some idea
of whom I should be speaking to.

Look up 'decapitation'
and you'll see who does that.

-Nothing more concrete?
-I have long warned against this.

Muslim mass immigration
is threatening our country.

Islam conflicts with our values.

All statistics show that eventually
ethnic Norwegians will be a minority.

And you're willing to go far
to prevent that, right?

-Where were you last night?
-I had a beer at John Wrights.

And after?


-The police want to talk to you.

They're asking
where I was last night.

Were you somewhere?

-Were you with him?

I work at a bar.
Cato kept me company.

And then I drove us home.

-When was this?
-Around 2 or 3 am.

Was there anything else?

Can you say something
about the victim's age or gender?

No, wait for the press conference.

-And witnesses?
-I can't answer that.

-Hello, Frida.
-I need to go.

-Got a new dog?

Yes. She's being trained.

-Have you found the rest of her body?

So it is a girl?

-Has nobody reported her missing?
-Didn't you quit the newspaper?

Yes, I did.
I guess I'm asking out of habit.

-Has nobody recognized her either?

I don't even think she's from here.

She's practically...just a child.

-I need to go.


Hey! Wait!


Maggie has called.

You've reached
special agent Maggie Griffin.

Please leave a message.

Ruben...never came
and picked up her stuff.

I haven't had time to stop by.

-Do you want me to...?
-No. It should be me.

Still no ID from the pathologist?

No, and no reports
of anyone missing either.

-Maybe she was here illegally.
-That doesn't make it any easier.

The FBI read the crime scene report,
and it must have triggered something.

Maggie Griffin has arrived in Norway
and is on her way here.

-To Larvik?
-Yes, she offers her help officially.

Is the FBI investigating this too?

I don't know
if this is good or bad news.

At least I get to meet her.
That lady is certainly efficient.

Hi, I'm looking for Suzanne Bjerke.
Does she still work here?


-What's happened to the trash?
-That happens all the time.

-She's in there.
-Thank you.

You're too sick for school,
but you leave without telling us.

-I just wanted to buy a coke.

Hanan, we'll continue this later.

I never thought I would see you
back here in Larvik.

You're not the only one.

-How are you?
-Good. And you?

-You couldn't stay away, could you?
-I see some things never change.

A compliment. Thank you.

-Agnes Kiil, chief of police.
-Maggie Griffin, FBI.

Wisting has praised you.
We're looking forward to working...

Sorry, chief,
but why the hell are you here?

It's nice to see you too. Shall we?

-I haven't seen you for years.
-No, not since mom went to Tanzania.

And your brother, Thomas,
he's a nurse?

Yes. Thomas is in Rwanda. He works
for Doctors Without Borders.

That doesn't surprise me.
He was so good with the kids here.

But tell me, how are you doing?

I'm looking for apartments in Larvik.
I'm considering moving back there.

-That will make your dad happy.

You've heard
what happened in the square?

So horrible.

The victim was a young girl.
Probably foreign.

The police asked
if we were missing someone.

Luckily, we don't.
We have eleven young people here.

Seven boys and four girls.

Sammy and Hanan
are home due to illness.

The rest is at school.
And everyone was here for breakfast.

-Why are you asking?
-The girl that was in here, Hanan?

-I saw her in town.

She snuck past the police cordon
and ran when I tried to talk to her.

It seemed like she was trying to get
into the police tent.


Hey. Why are you going through
Layla's stuff?

Layla borrowed my hairband.

What's her bag doing here?

Hanan? Where is Layla?

Hamburg, 2017.

He'd moved to Germany
two years before from Iraq.

This is from Manchester,
two years ago.

Teenage Jane Doe, likely from Syria.

Both of them are immigrants.
Both were displayed publicly.

The local police didn't find anyone,
no suspects or witnesses.

-You think it's the same k*ller?

We do suspect there is
some organization or group behind it.

We don't know much. I'm here
to find out if there is a connection.

What about the motive?
Is it hate crime? Racism?

These people make huge profits-

-trafficking people and dr*gs
from The Middle East to Europe.

Damn. Honestly, why are you here?

Why is the FBI interested?

I thought you handle
your own cases in your own country.

We believe they are funneling money
into anti-American t*rror1st cells.

Done by someone here? In Larvik?

-That's what I'm here to find out.
-It's from Line.

There's a young girl missing
from the asylum center.

Wait. Have you got a minute?

A farmer says
someone has stolen a stake.

OK. Look into it.
Take Veronica with you.

-What is she doing here?
-I should be asking you that.

Aren't you making a film
for the council?

-Where is Suzanne?


Her name is Layla Azimi,
and we believe she's 14.

I'm not sure she knows either,
but that's the age the UDI gave her.

Where is she from?

Sorry. This is Maggie Griffin.

She's a colleague from abroad.

She's Pashtun, from Afghanistan.

OK. And now she's missing?
How long has she been gone?

It may have been up to 48 hours.

I wasn't here yesterday,
but a friend covered for her-

-when she...wasn't here.
She said she had gone to bed.

And this morning she said
she had gone early to school.

-Why did she lie about it?
-They are friends.

She didn't want
Layla to get into trouble.

-Do you have a picture of her?

Is it... Is it her?

I can't confirm
her identity now, Suzanne.

Is it her?

Is it Layla?


-Hi. Are you Johan Eskedal?
-Yes, I'm the one who called.

-You're missing a stake.
-A few nights ago...

...I was woken up by a car.

I looked out of the window
and saw a guy in a gray pickup truck.

He was poking around
at the back in the dark.

People have stolen many things,
but never a stake.

-And the thief...
-He looked like a Muslim.

I'm a Muslim. Did he look like me?

You know what I mean.
One of those Middle Eastern guys.

I don't know how to explain it.
He had a beard, but no mustache.

So you noticed he had
a beard without a mustache-

-in the dark from 200 yards away?

I came outside when I saw him.

Then I chased him down the hill.
He stopped 50 yards ahead,-

-jumped into the truck and drove off
like the devil was after him.

Looks the same.

Can we take one for comparison?
We'll bring it back to you.

Just keep it.

What do we say in our APB?
Young, bearded man in a gray truck?

-"Young"? You need to describe him.
-What do we say? "Muslim"?

Of course not. But we need more.

"Young, bearded man in a gray truck".
That could be any local redneck.

The trauma team is on their way.
We need to speak to all residents.

I found this under the mattress.

What the f*ck?

Have you seen this before?

-It's not yours.
-No, I know.

-Could you tell me what it is?
-It's a therapy journal.

Or whatever they call it.

So... Did Layla see a psychologist?

They want all of us to see
a psychologist.

I see.

I heard you were in town today.
Were you worried about Layla-

-since you went to the square?

We usually help each other
tick one another off on the list-

-if we don't come home
one night or stay out late.

This is very, very important, Hanan.

I need you to tell me
everything you know.

She was fooling around
with an older guy.

She never told anyone who he was.

How do you know he was older?

Have you seen her jewelry?

What girl in an asylum center
wears Prada stuff?

I know that this is very hard.

Everyone here is very upset,
and that is only natural-

-because we all loved Layla.

Now we need to look after each other.

And I will do everything I can
to take care of you.

But you need to tell me
if you need anything.

Suzanne can of course be with you
during the interview if you want.

Feel free to do that.

Can I have a word?

So, how does your father know her?

Suzanne? She was
close friends with my mother.

Why are you here?

Would you believe I wanted to spend
some time in Larvik?


Heard about your documentary.

-Your father and I, we text a little.

He's very proud of you.

So, why are you here in Larvik?

My boyfriend convinced me that this
is a better place to start a family.

Then this happens.

You'll be OK.

-You have a family back home?
-No. Not really.

I put everything into my work.

You're not worried
the police will smell your joint?

f*ck the cops.

Do you know where I can get some?

Look at this white lady
trying to be a gangster. f*ck.

You shouldn't judge people
by their looks.

Did you not know Layla?

You don't seem that upset.

People here disappear
all the time anyway.

What do you mean?


Thanks for helping me speak to them.

Hey... Who was Layla's psychologist?

Her psychologist?

-It was Jens.
-Your ex-husband?

-Did other kids see him too?
-The offer is open to everyone.

Layla is one of the kids
he's been helping for a long time.

Why do you ask?

We just want to speak to him.

-Yes, ma'am.

The farmer with the stake
has gone to the newspaper.

He says we are cowards
and are giving misinformation.

"Eskedal says the police description
of the wanted person is wrong."

"Eskedal is angry
the police won't say it as it is."

"'I'm not a r*cist, but...'"

"'...you should be able to call
a spade a spade', says Eskedal."

Is that supposed to be my fault?

Yes, it is.
I said we should be honest.

This psychologist, Jens Faldbakk,
do you know him?

Well, he's Suzanne's ex-husband.

And Suzanne used to be
my wife's best friend.

Looks like
he hasn't been here in a while.

How well did you know him?


We need to find out if anyone
has seen him in the last few days.

And I'll try to get his patient list.

Nils? Send out an APB
for Jens Faldbakk.

William? Is it the guy I think it is?

Yes. I called his workplace.
He's been away for three days.

-And he's wanted?
-He's only missing for now.

Make sure you notify
border control as well.




-This is great.
-Yes. I have missed this.

Do you remember Chris? The one
you banged at the Kaizers concert?

f*ck me. That was the worst...

Heard you're back in town.
That's great.

That thing I sold you last year,
do you still have it?


-I might need it back.

-Line? Hi.
-Sorry I'm late.

-You remember Cato and Monsen?
-Yes. Hello.

-I need to go. Speak to you later.
-Yes. Hi.

Monsen has become a father of three.
Crazy, huh?

-It's absolutely crazy.

Go and get a beer.
And we'll toast for a new apartment.

-Did you get it?
-Yes. It's perfect.

A spare bedroom,
large kitchen, nice view.

-A bit expensive...
-But that was...

-It'll be fine. I've got a job.
-You have?

-Here. In this bar.

Here? That's great.

-Well done.

-Non-alcoholic beer for you.

-Dropped the condom.

-For real?

Can I get two beers
and a Munkholm?

-Hello, Line.
-Hi, Nina.

I know what I want
to make a film about.

Just tell me it doesn't involve
Thor Heyerdahl.

No. Do you know how many young
asylum seekers disappear each year?


Can I get a hug?
It was so good to see you.

-This went well.
-I agree. Very well.



-Did it go well?
-Oh my God.

She is so wonderful.

-Bye, Sunniva.

Look. She drew us as a family.

Come on, Sissel.

Let's go.

Thanks for getting back to me.

They're being very helpful.
They've given me my own office.

You know, they're sharing
everything with us.

I think we should do the same.
I hear you, I just...

-Yeah, OK. Bye.

What the...?

-What are you looking at?
-I just don't get it.

How could she know
what would happen?

Was something written there?

-Looks like it's been rubbed out.


Night man.

-Thank you. Very kind.
-It's my pleasure.

Do you want to come in for a drink?


Yes? Wisting.

Yes, I'll be there.

-It was a fisherman.

He said he found a body.

What a strange place
to dock your boat.

Salmon poacher. Second generation.

It's straight ahead.

I think I see something
right over there.

It's a person.

Oh, Jesus.

Is it her?

It's the therapist.

It's Jens Faldbakk.
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