02x02 - Episode 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wisting". Aired: April 11, 2019 – present.*
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Norwegian thriller police procedural television series based on two novels by Jørn Lier Horst, The Caveman (2013) and The Hunting Dogs (2012).
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02x02 - Episode 2

Post by bunniefuu »

-Hello, Benjamin.
-She's dead, William.

Torunn is dead.

Are you still there?

-And how are you?
-Me? What do you mean?

Ruben is here, and Arild.

No, Atle.

-His name is Atle, I think.
-He's just a little boy.

They are speaking to the doctor.
I don't know what to...

Just tell me you got the bastard.

We found both trackers.

But a leisure boat is missing,
an Askeladden 17-footer.

What's wrong?

Torunn is dead.

Thank you.

Our job as police officers-

-is to do
what nobody else can handle.

We're used to meeting people
who have experienced bad things,-

-or family members
who have lost someone dear.

It hurts, it's difficult,
but we can do it.

And even though it hurts,-

-it also feels meaningful.

When I look at Torunn's picture...

...and think of her little family...


Then it does not feel meaningful.

But people out there rely on us.

So we need to be strong.

Torunn is dead. It hurts a lot.

It affects us, but...

But we can't let it stop us.
Thanks. Kiil...

We have one or more K*llers
on the loose.

Right now nothing is more important
than arresting Tom Kerr-

-and the one or those
who have helped him escape.

I want them found.
I want them arrested.

Wisting is
in charge of the operation,-

-but I expect a lot from all of you.

All border controls in the south
have been notified.

But we take into account that Kerr
still could be in the local area.

Unformed police are going
door to door in a 10 mile radius.

We have patrols on all minor roads
and are searching the area with dogs.

And we have Mona Melberg,
Tom Kerrs girlfriend, in custody.

I will interview her in a minute.

Afterwards we'll go to Ila prison.
Tom Kerr was there for five years.

We hope that the prison guards
might give us something.

-What about arms?
-The order is to be fully armed.

A pleasure boat is reported missing
from the cabin Kerr hid in.

A helicopter will search
for it and Kerr this morning.

We know that he knows
the local area well.

The cabin owner told us
that Kerr used to live in it.

I have given you Veronica
as an extra resource, William.

He worked for a company
that installs swimming pools.

That's when he lived there,
five years ago.

I'm Idar Semmelmann from Oslo.

Washing body parts in bleach
was one of Kerr's specialties.

The grenade was
a military stun grenade.

It is used by Norway
and most NATO nations.

I removed the b*ll*ts from the dog.
They are also military, 9 mm.

I'll follow up on the weapons theft
from the military storage.

What can Kripos contribute with?

I'll join you for the interview.
We know the case better than you.


I prefer to make up my own team.

Veronica is new here,
but she has operational experience.

And you need that now since...

I should have told you in advance.
I'm sorry.

My condolences.

There is no point
in everyone moping about.


You're a f*cking k*ller!
You knew it would happen!

You're a f*cking k*ller!
Do you understand?

Look at me. Calm down.

-Get him out of here, Hammer.
-Come on.

You planned this! We all know it!

-What the f*ck was that?
-You know what.

Are you going to report it?

We have better things to do,
don't we?

We're fine. He grabbed
your laptop as soon as you left.

-We're having fun together.
-Hi, sweetheart. Mom misses you.

It's OK, Line. We can try again.

Are you hungry?
I can make you something.

-No thanks.
-Do you want to talk?

-I just want to lie down for a bit.

I don't understand why I'm here.
I only went for a drive.

We... We lost a very dear
and lovely colleague today, Mona.

Her name was Torunn.
Around your age.

And it's... It's affecting us a bit
as you may understand.

-What does that...
-Let me finish!

That lady has to be sick in her head.

Yes, or she thought
that she could save him.

And you know a lot more
than you have told us.

-Perhaps more than you realize.
-I haven't done anything.

-Neither has Tom.

Did you know
that she died when he fled?

The policewoman?


This... This is Torunn.

You have a daughter, right?
Jeanette, isn't it?

-How old is she?

-She's 17.
-Torunn also had a daughter.

-She is 15.
-Did she?

-What do you think?
-She lost her mom today.

When I see
how you react to this with Torunn,-

-I am certain
this isn't what you wanted.

Isn't that right, Mona?


I want you to tell us everything
you know in your own words.

-I didn't know that he would flee.
-I understand.

-But you visited him two days ago.

He said he wanted to meet me.

Did he tell you
about the walk-through?

Yes. He said he was scared.

He was shot and nearly k*lled
when he was arrested.

-I don't know where he is.
-But you know something.

Just say it.

I sent two letters.

That Tom gave you in prison?

He said they were to someone
who could prove his innocence.

OK. What was his name?

Theo. Dermann.

-Hello? Wisting.
-This is Veronica. The new one.

Theo Dermann doesn't exist.
Not in any register or in prison.

-And Semmelmann's database?
-Not there either.

-And the address she sent them to?
-Anton Brekkes Street in Oslo.

But it doesn't exist.

What do we do?
We need to charge her or let her go.

All we have is posting two letters.
Put surveillance on her.

She might lead us to Kerr.


-I can't lie here.
-Are you OK?

I can't lie here.

You're in shock.
You don't know how...

I can't just lie here.
I need to do something.

-I'll come with you...
-I'll call you later.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry about your colleague.
It's awful.

-Were you at work when Kerr left?
-No, I was off sick.

How long have you been
his liaison officer?

-Since he arrived four years ago.
-So you know each other well.

That's the idea. Good relations
are beneficial to the security.

The inmate should have
someone to talk to.

-What did you talk about?
-Mostly practicalities.

Such as signing up
for classes and activities.

Planning the future. You always work
towards change and rehabilitation.

And you think you've succeeded?

After you.

Did he have contact
with other inmates?

He kept mostly to himself.

I see.

Any visitors?

His lawyer and his girlfriend,
Mona Melberg.

And a Red Cross visiting friend,
Floyd Thue.

And the journalist, of course.
You know her. Line Wisting.

-How did Kerr and Melberg meet?
-The usual way.

She wrote letters, he replied.
She visited, things evolved.

Were they a real couple
with visitation?

It seemed like it to me.

It's not the first time
a simple woman falls for rapists-

-thinking she can save him.

-From what?
-I don't know.

From himself, maybe. His impulses.

Kerr sexually assaulted young boys.
What did he see in an older woman?

In here you learn
that sexuality is fluid.

Maybe he used her to communicate
with someone on the outside?

We go through all letters
and search people,-

-but within reasonable limits,
so, yes, it's possible.



If you're looking for someone
who passed on messages,-

-I would check out his lawyer.

Lawyers are coming and going
with phones and documents.

-And we can't do a f*cking thing.
-And Claes Thancke?

He's a celebrity lawyer.
Who the f*ck can touch him?

The reception is full of journalists.
I'll show you out through the garage.

The exit is here.

Why did Mona Melberg send a letter
to an address that doesn't exist?

We need to speak to Floyd Thue.
He lives nearby.

Line, there you are.

How are you doing?

Some development, huh?

Lasse has logged
everything you sent us. Right?

Lasse, could you go and buy
some coffees?


I'll pay you back.

I'm sorry.

I understand it's hard to watch,
but we need to make some decisions.

-When can we use the material?
-Not for a while.

We will get it when there is
a conviction against Tom Kerr.

-They have to find him first.
-NRK and VG want clips.

We should give them something,
enough to create anticipation.

That's impossible without permission
from Stiller and Kripos.

People died during the walk-through.

If it wasn't
for that f*cking movie...

-I understand how you feel.
-No, I don't think you do.

Line, listen to me.

What Kerr told you,
he could have told others.

What happened
wasn't your responsibility.

It's not just that.

Moments like this show
whether you are serious.

Our job is to show reality
as it actually is.

This must be worth the same
as half a block in Larvik.

-Does he have a large family?
-No wife, no kids.

At least not according to
the population register.

-Floyd Thue?

Sorry about the mess.
I could have tidied.

I should have known you would come.

-What is your job?
-Day trading.

Some stocks, but there is
more money in currency and crypto.

I'm sorry about your colleague.

I saw you on TV.

How often do you see Kerr?

Once or twice a month.
He is one of three inmates I visit.

-Why do you do it?
-It's nice to do something useful.

What I do here,
is only about money and numbers.

As a visiting friend I get
new inspiration, new perspectives.

-When did you last see him?
-Last week.

-Did you notice anything different?
-He was as usual.

-What did you talk about?
-The usual. Freedom, ethics.

-You talked about freedom?
-In a philosophical sense.

Inmates have time to think
and are fun to talk to.

At least the smart ones, like Tom.

Freedom of action is seen as
the opportunity to do what we want.

But the more we have,
the more responsibility we have.

You can flip it and say that complete
freedom is to have no responsibility.

Without legal capacity.

Freedom could be
being strapped to a bed...

Tom doesn't quite agree with that.

I guess you know that my dad was
in Ila prison when I was young.

As a visiting friend
I get closer to him.

I better understand who he was.

I try not to judge people.


Thank you.

He was in for pedophilia and incest.
He abused Floyd several times.

He hung himself in his cell in Ila.

-What do we do?
-Put him under surveillance too.

-Hello, Benjamin.
-I looked through Line's video.

I saw something new
where they argue about legcuffs.

The lawyer speaks to his client,
and Line records a window reflection.

-Then you see it.
-See what?

Thancke gives his phone to Kerr
and lets him read something.

-Could he have given him a key?
-Hard to tell.

-You have to ask him.
-OK. Thank you.

I got a hit on the stun grenade.

Drammen police found the same kind
in a raid on an MC club.

Probably from the same theft.
So I'm going there.

-Where are you going?
-What do you think?

I'm coming with you.


Hello? Maggie?

I just heard the news. Are you OK?

Well, yes. Yeah, I'm OK.

But... We lost Torunn.

Oh no, not Torunn.

-Oh my God.
-Excuse me? He can see you now.

-I can't imagine how you all feel.
-Thank you, but I have to go.

-I send my deepest condolences.
-I'm glad you called.

Come through.

This is immensely tragic, Wisting.

How are you?
Are you OK from the expl*si*n?

Yes, thanks for asking.
It's... Yes...

-And you?
-We're all affected by this.

Of course.

Is there something
you want to tell me, Thancke?


My duty of confidentiality
supersedes my duty to witness.

So that means you gave
Kerr advice on his escape.

-Are you kidding me?
-It only applies to legal advice.

You're only bound by it
if you helped him escape.

Client information is
always confidential.

But this is not an issue, Wisting.

I know absolutely nothing-

-other than this has become
a nightmare for me too.

Journalists call me at all times,
and people come up here and...

I'm sorry.

I realize that the situation is
a lot worse for you guys.

I'm sorry about that.


-Was there anything else?
-Why did you give Kerr your phone?

You gave him your phone in prison.
We have it on tape.

That had nothing to do
with his escape.

It had to do
with an insurance matter.

I had just reached an agreement
after Kerr's house burnt down.

The insurance company was
reluctant to pay. That is now sorted.

That is what I showed him.

This might not be wise to say,
but I really hope you catch them.

I do not like the idea of them
roaming around freely either.

-Tom Kerr is not alone.

Do you think so?


Can you tell me
about Theo Dermann?

Or is he your client too?


-Do you know him?
-Do you?

-He's been here.
-Here? In your office?

-What did he want?
-He pretended to need a lawyer.

He came in and showed me a photo.
It was of a cat. Dead.

Tortured in the most gruesome way.

But I recognized the cat.
It belonged to my niece, Aurora.

And then he showed me
a photo of Aurora.

Taken in secret in the school yard.

-She's six years old!
-Did he hurt her?

Not yet.

When I saw the photos,
I felt I had no choice-

-when they asked me to take
an envelope to Tom Kerr.

-What kind of envelope?
-An ordinary one.

A4, brown.

What did he look like?
Can you describe Dermann?

What do they do here?

Amphetamine, ecstasy,
selling stolen goods,-

-debt collection,
the usual stuff for these guys.

Why do they need grenades?
Isn't that more for robberies?

Just wait here.

I'm looking for a Jørgen.
Do you know Jørgen Jonassen?

Have a look upstairs.

-What happened to waiting?
-I'm bad at that.


Jørgen Jonassen?

In here.

Are you Jørgen?

-Do we know each other?

We did a raid here last fall,
and we found a grenade.

-I'd like to know where it came from.
-And her?

If I answer, can I get her number?

Sure. It's 911.

Do you want me to write it down?

The same kind of grenade was used
when our colleague was k*lled.

I think you know what that means.

We haven't seen any grenades.

Do you know what I think?

I think one of your men planted them.
Just to kick up a row.

This infantile bickering is boring.

Continue your pissing contest
without me.


What are you doing?

-What the f*ck are you doing?
-The muffler is not up to code.

The same goes
for parts on those two bikes

-You're taking my license plates?
-Either we check everything...

...tear this place apart,
or you can act a bit smart.

Someone k*lled one of our people,
someone in our uniform.

If someone should understand
how far we'd go to catch the fucker,-

-it should be you.

Some think you took Tarjei.
What's your response?


The guy with the dark, long hair?


The police asked me about him.

What did you say?

Do you...want to know where he is?


-What do I get in return?
-Helping his parents get peace.

You'd do something good, Tom.

Would that help your movie?

Hello? Mona?

How are you doing?

Yes, that's right.
William Wisting is my father.

What do you want?

He's a junkie anyway,
but you didn't get this from me.

Aslak Gleich.

-It's his car.
-Look at the steps.

It's water.


Oh my God! Let's go in.



Thank you for coming.

Everyone is talking
like Tom is a monster.

Look at this.
A monster that should be put down.

I'm afraid of what the police
might do to him.

They think he's k*lled one of them.
You need to speak to your dad.

Mona, he is guilty.
I was there. I saw it.

-He set off the grenade.
-It can't have been Tom.

He was in prison. How could he
have placed a grenade in the woods?

He didn't know it was there.

He knew he would run,
but not about the grenade.

He was set up. Now and back then,
when they did that horrible stuff.

-Him and the...

-Those boys...
-Did Tom tell you about The Other?

Do you know what, Mona?
To me Tom never seemed afraid.

Not remorseful. Not even once.

I know what he has done.

But I have seen the good in Tom.
I know what he's really like.

He can be kind too.

-In what way?
-He gives me gifts, like this ring.

He always asks how I'm doing,
about my day, how Jeanette is doing.

Did you...

Did you speak to him
about your daughter?

But I... I care for him.
He's my boyfriend.

So Theo Dermann exists?

Yes, male in his 40s.
Average build and height.

Beard, cap and glasses.
Plaster on his face.

-To cover a wound?
-Or a scar.

Thancke thought
it might have been a disguise.

-How many envelopes did he get?

He didn't want to know the content
and didn't open them.

All letters with an unknown recipient
or address are kept here-

-in the section for undelivered mail.

What if the letters
were meant to end up here?

Do you think Kerr has a helper here?

Or someone here forwards the letters.

Everything else
has been well planned.

Theo Dermann,
Anton Brekkes Street, Oslo.


Margit, you have put
something in 35C.

Here you are.

Two for Theo Dermann.

Wait a minute.

The Other Man.

You can't open them
without a warrant.

He's toying with us,
wasting our time.



Did you open a window?

It was only me.

-Aren't you happy to see me?
-You can't be here now.

I just had to see you.

It smells delicious in here.

-What are you cooking?
-Mom! Is it dinner time soon?

Yes, in a minute.
I'll call you when it's ready.

Why don't you ask
Jeanette to come here?
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