02x01 - Episode 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wisting". Aired: April 11, 2019 – present.*
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Norwegian thriller police procedural television series based on two novels by Jørn Lier Horst, The Caveman (2013) and The Hunting Dogs (2012).
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02x01 - Episode 1

Post by bunniefuu »

I hope we're in the right place.
The dogs didn't find anything.

This Tarjei might not be
in just one location.

The others were dismembered
and scattered around.

We owe it to the relatives
to make an attempt.

What do you think?

You're the one making
a movie about evil, Line.

Can you tell by looking at him?


Just don't forget the recordings
belong to Kripos.

Tom Kerr,
I'm Adrian Stiller from Kripos.

You have agreed to show us the
location of Tarjei Norum's remains.

I know what we are doing.

Everything you say will be recorded
as part of your statement.

You may confer with your lawyer,
Claes Thancke,-

-without it being recorded.

-Is that understood?
-Answer him, Tom.

Yes, understood.

Hello, Line.

It's happening.

Yes... I just need to attach
the microphone.

Let me do it.


Lift your tongue.


If only Kerr had stayed in Oslo,
we wouldn't have to deal with Kripos.

-It's not even our case.
-Can you see anything, Torunn?

-No. Only locals going to work.
-OK. Thank you.

What's that smell, Benjamin?
Is it perfume?

No, it's moisturizer.


Sweetheart, I'm at work.

You can ask daddy.
OK, what's so important?

The chocolate powder is above
the sink. Be careful when climbing.

-They're coming.
-I have to go. Only four spoons!

-Hand over the recordings after.

-Hello, Line.
-Hi, dad. I'm working.

-Do you recognize the place, Kerr?

It's that way.

OK. Let's go.

What would Maggie say about this?
A walk-through with a serial k*ller.

-Maggie thinks it's risky.
-Have you spoken to her?

I congratulated her on the new job.
She's moving to Copenhagen.

I guess you're going to visit her.


Is it much further?

It's right up here.

Then we're nearly there.

Why did you take him so far?

So he wouldn't be found.
And it worked.

OK, let's continue.

It's up there to the right.

Are you OK, Kerr?

-You can go on a bit further.
-He can't continue chained up.

He'll break his arms and legs.

OK, unchain him, Torunn,
but keep the handcuffs on.

Where to now?

-Line, Line...
-I'm OK.

-Are you OK?



Frida, the dog!

Look at me.

-Is it your belly?

Torunn, are you OK?

Stay awake!

g*n! He's got a g*n!

William, stop! Stop!
There might be mines.

I need urgent medical assistance.

A grenade exploded.
Two officers are severely injured.

We do not have the subject.
He's armed.

I need roadblocks, armed police.

And I need helicopters and boats.
And send Delta here.

And the b*mb squad.

Are you OK, Torunn?

You'll be in safe hands soon.

The chief of police
is setting up a task force.

The order is to not let
Kerr leave the area.

We're getting
all the resources we need.

William, come.
There is something you need to see.

Tripwire attached to a stun grenade.

A real one would have taken
all our heads off.

Someone has placed
a w*apon for Kerr, tripwire...

f*ck, this was thoroughly planned.

Where is Stiller?

-Not now.

I know where Tom Kerr is.
Come with me.


-What's all this?
-I know he's there somewhere.

You said you know where he is.

Kerr, yes. We followed him
through the woods onto that path.

I planted a tracker in his shoe.

-Where is he now?
-In this cabin here.

Wait. Kerr is hiding in that cabin.

He's been there nearly 14 minutes.

He'll stay there until the police
leave and someone picks him up.

The one who helped him escape.
Now we can catch him too.

Who do you think is helping him?

The one the papers called The Other.

But we scrapped
the theory of an unknown helper.

Officially, yes, but the Oslo police
and Kripos kept it open.

Someone is helping Kerr, someone
who can get grenades and weapons.

I think it's the same man who helped
him t*rture and k*ll three men.

The Other.

We can catch Kerr right away,
or wait a bit and catch them both.

But you have to decide now,
before your people find him.

Did you get this tracking approved?
You planned for something to happen.

Tracker van and trackers
are no coincidence.

-Let go of me!
-Nils, stop it!

I've got the expl*si*n
and the aftermath on tape.

Oh my God. How are you?

I'm fine, but the injured
are being taken away.

Listen, record everything you can.

As producer I'll take care of
the right to use later.

-You have no idea what's going on.
-Probably not.

That's why it's important
to document everything.

For now, just record everything.

-I need to go.
-He's using us.


-You guys remember Njål Thomle?
-The 19-year-old from Lillestrøm.

He was found dismembered
three weeks ago.

His body parts were soaked in bleach,
just like Kerr's victims.

We've never made this public.
Look at this.

The knife has been used
in the same way.

The cuts are as good as identical.

The Other exists.

He helped out the last time.
Now he's operating on his own.

And he needs to be stopped.

You need to persuade
your chief of police.

I'm here with the task force.
What do you suggest?

I think we should change this-

-from a manhunt operation
to a surveillance operation.

We know where Kerr is.

We'll wait for him to get company,
and then we'll catch both.

This is Veronica Rambøl.
Do you know his exact location?

Yes, he's at a summer cabin.
It's in the open, but...

The terrain and vegetation make it
possible to observe it.

That will require a cover operation.
We can't just pull out.

That means we'll have to mislead
the press. They're quite eager.

OK, Wisting. We'll do what you want.

But you have to talk to the press.
And keep us posted.

-Did Kiil give the go-ahead?

Are you OK?

Did you record
the whole walk-through?

-Go and upload what you have.

Then send me a link.
There might be something useful.

What if something happens here?
I would much rather stay.

Line, nothing more will happen here.
Your recordings might have clues.

-Are you saying he got away?

Line, you...

I need to see those recordings.
As soon as possible.

Hey... How are Torunn
and Benjamin doing?

I don't know.

Take my car.

Guess I'll have to take it.

-Hello, Tommy.
-Are you OK?

VG had a news broadcast.
Two were injured in an expl*si*n...

Yes, yes... I was there.
I'm on my way back.

-But you're OK?
-Yes, we're both OK. Don't worry.

-Are you sure?
-Yes, Tommy, everything is OK.

-I'll come down to Larvik.
-No, don't do that.

I'm fine, OK?

I'm at work
and don't need a babysitter.

It's not being a babysitter.
I'm allowed to care.

Yes, of course, but I'm fine.

-You should just forget that job.
-My movie, you mean.

Your baby, you mean.


The subject is at a cabin
one mile from here.

-Do we have visual confirmation?
-No. But before Kerr left...

...a hidden tracker
was placed in his shoe.

Hi there.

The chief of police
wants us to do a mock maneuver-

-where we withdraw from the area,
so it looks like a failed manhunt.

There's the cabin,
and we have three officers out there.

-Could he have found the tracker?
-He actually has two trackers.

I attached one on the inside
of his waistband to be sure.

We're picking up small movements
from both trackers. He's there.

Someone from the Oslo police
will be arriving with material.

He wants to speak to you.
Someone called Idar Semmelmann.

-Do you know him?
-Semmelmann is from Vice.

He led the hunt for The Other.
They were a group, now it's just him.

-Any good?
-Then we wouldn't be here now.

Tell him we'll meet him
at the station.

-We'll take care of you both.

It shouldn't have been possible.
Kerr shouldn't have known the day.

Then he couldn't have planned it.

We had to find a day
that suited his lawyer.

We're monitoring
all his letters and phone calls.

-What about visitors?
-Not up to us.

-But who has visited him?
-Two people.

A female pen pal
and a friend from Red Cross.

A female? An admirer, or what?

Mona Melberg, 43, lives in Hokksund,
has a daughter, grocery store worker.

-When did she last visit him?

-I see...

He could have asked her to help,-

-instructed her to get a g*n
and a grenade, put up a tripwire.

Melberg is hardly the type
to put up booby traps.

She hasn't been there
the last 24 hours.

We're tracking her van.
Two plain clothes are following her.

She just drove past Drammen.

You've planned this all along.
We should get you as an accomplice.


Larvik was in charge of security
for the walk-through, not Kripos.

I took precautions in case something
went wrong. You should be grateful.


You can't let him get away.
Tom Kerr will k*ll again.

-Sorry. Idar Semmelmann from Oslo.
-William Wisting. You are certain?

Tom Kerr enjoys hurting people.
He has five years of pent-up need.

So yes, he will k*ll again. Soon.

-You had something to show us.
-I brought everything when I heard.

This is Njål Thomle,
this is Tim Polden,-

-and that is Mehmet Haddad.

The last two were the ones
Kerr was sentenced for.

And internally,
we and Kripos, believe-

-that there were two perpetrators,
Kerr and The Other.

This is Tarjei Norum,
who we fear is another victim.

You were searching for him today.
This is Finnur Bengtsson.

Tom Kerr paralyzed him
with an electroshock w*apon.

-He tried to pull him into a van.
-But Bengtsson is alive?

Yes, thank God. A taxi driver
intervened along with the passenger.

This Other one...
Where does he come into the picture?

The taxi driver said
the van drove off at the same time.

I believe The Other was
behind the wheel of the van.

In four years Tom Kerr
has never mentioned The Other.

I think he can be found in here.

This is a list of all the people
Kerr had a connection to.

-How many names are there?
-A little over 700.

People he has worked with, gone
to school with, friends, relatives,-

-the plumber who replaced his sink.

-Hello, Benjamin. How are you?
-I'm OK.

They're placing Torunn in an induced
coma. She's awake right now.

They're placing Torunn
in an induced coma.

-Why are they doing that?
-To look for internal injuries.

-How is her condition?
-Good under the circumstances.

I have to go, Benjamin,
but keep me posted.

OK. But did you catch Kerr?

No, but we know where he is.

-Stiller planted a tracker on him.

Yes. You just need to focus
on your recovery.

I'll speak to you later today.

This is Mona Melberg
from Hokksund.

She has visited Kerr in prison,
and now she's headed this way.

This is live
from the surveillance car.

Could you drive side by side
to confirm that she is alone?

Is she on her way to meet him?

That's our theory.

We can see that she's alone.
Thanks, just follow behind her again.

I'm late to the press conference.
Tell the roadblocks about Melberg.

Treat her like everyone else,
so she doesn't get suspicious.

I just hate to lie.

Ask Kripos for help.
They are good at that.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

-He had a key in his mouth.

-Kerr had a key in his mouth.

For the handcuffs.

This is right after he fell.


But we searched him, his mouth too.

Could he have picked it up
along the way, when he fell?

-Are you going to wear this?

No, I'm going to...

-Alpha, Delta 2-0.
-Delta 2-0 copy.

-Are you in position?
-Delta 2-0 confirm, Alpha.

-Alpha, Delta 3-0.
-Delta 3-0 copy. Securing the back.

Delta 1-0, Alpha. Cabin is secured.
No visuals of the subject.

Alpha, requiring visuals.
Awaiting orders.

I am William Wisting, investigation
leader at Larvik police station.

Kripos' department for old cases,
also called the "cold case group",-

-today investigated new leads
in a five-year-old disappearance.

Convicted k*ller Tom Kerr
was showing us where he had buried-

-the remains of Tarjei Norum.

During this Kerr managed to evade
the security arrangements.

He is armed
and must be regarded as dangerous.

Did Tom Kerr escape?

-Yes, that is what I'm saying.
-And you don't know where he is?


Did he get help?
Are there accomplices?

We don't know. However,
Kerr was wearing a dark top...

-...a jacket with white lapels.

-Torunn? Is Torunn Borg here?
-Who are you?

-Ruben Borg, her husband.
-She's in here.

We're hearing reports of sh*ts
and injuries from an expl*si*n.

How serious are the injuries?
Are they life-threatening?

It's always serious
when officers are injured on duty.

We'll have to get back to you
about the details.

The police will soon remove
the roadblocks in the area.

People who live there
can return home.

Does that mean Kerr has got away?
Are you giving up the search?

We've searched the area thoroughly
and will expand the search tonight.

I want to stress that Tom Kerr
is armed and dangerous.

If anyone sees Tom Kerr,
we ask you not to approach him,-

-but to contact
the police immediately. Thank you.

Mona Melberg was stopped
and is waiting at a gas station.

She had no good reason to be there,
said she was just out driving.

There was nothing in the car, but...

A genius used a thermal scanner
on the cargo hold. He got a hit.

It's very likely
that someone is in there.

-The Other?

Shouldn't we just search the van?

And then what?
What do we arrest him for?

Riding illegally
in the hold of a van?

We need to continue as planned.

Let's see what Melberg does
when we remove the roadblock.


-Hi. The cabin is there.

Delta is filming it now.
Zoom in on the door again.

There are signs
of a possible break-in.

Both trackers are in there.
We've seen small movements.

Our guys have looked in there,
so Kerr thinks it has been searched.

-The other cabins?

Mona Melberg is on the move.

Let's head out. I want to be there.

If Melberg is going to the cabin,
she needs to take a right here.

There. f*ck! She drove past it.

-She might be doing a recon.
-She's driving around randomly.

Wait. She has pulled over.

She wants to see
if someone is following her.

-No movements in the cabin.
-He's lying still, waiting.

Stenberg? Can you see
the subject inside the cabin?

We have no visual of the subject.

She's driving back.


Stenberg. A van is coming your way.
Female driver.

A person might be in the cargo hold
based on thermal scanning.

-Any weapons?
-Be prepared.

The driver might have been coerced
into this, so be careful.

-She's doing better.
-I will stay here until tonight.

-They're saying she's doing better.
-That's good.

The doctor said
mommy is doing better.

Confirmed. There is one driver.
Female. No one else is in the van.

-What is she doing?
-She seems to be waiting.

Can you see the subject in cabin?

No. Negative.

The GPS is showing motion.
There is movement in the cabin.

Can you see the whole van?
The back door?

Yes. We're trying to use
the thermal scanner now.

We need to get closer
because of the steel panels.

Careful. Not too close.

-Thermal scanner shows a hit.
-She's waiting for Kerr.

-She's getting back in the car.
-She has spotted us. f*ck!

What do we do now?

-Stenberg? Can you see the subject?

-Any electronic signals? Cell phone?
-No, nothing.

Go in!

Armed police!

Clear on the left.


f*ck! She's coming this way.

Block the road!

Stop! Armed police!

Turn off the engine!

Throw the keys out of the window.

Throw the keys out of the window!

Put your hands on the steering wheel.


Armed police!

Come out!


The cabin is secured. Negative.
There is nobody here.

Beginning cleaning cycle.

I'm sorry, Line.
There is no heartbeat.

Can we call someone for you?
A boyfriend? Your father?


The heart has stopped.

Put this on.
Get the medication ready.

-Yes, preparing shock.

-Charging now.
-Shock being applied. Stay clear.

-1 mg adrenaline.
-Shock being applied. Stay clear.

Shock being applied. Stay clear.

Shock being applied. Stay clear.
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