01x07 - Episode 7

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wisting". Aired: April 11, 2019 – present.*
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Norwegian thriller police procedural television series based on two novels by Jørn Lier Horst, The Caveman (2013) and The Hunting Dogs (2012).
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01x07 - Episode 7

Post by bunniefuu »




Why didn't you look into Haglund's alibi?

Have you accept Aksel Presthus' statement?

What you think of Haglund now?
- Any comment on today's story?


What the f*ck is this?
- Journalism.

A witness who turns up after 17 years?

This isn't your story.
- It's just words against words!

He called the police back then,
the phone records prove it.

I did my job,
checked and double-checked.

Have you considered the police
might haven't found him trustworthy?

The police must check every lead.

If they don't, we write about it.

Drop that "truth champion" tone
and look better into the facts!

You think you can do whatever you like in here?

I must respond when...
- You must focus on your job!

Let Morten do his.
- That's not good journalism...

Morten is doing exactly
what he's supposed to do!

You got a m*rder to follow.
Bring me something or else take a day off.

What are you waiting for?


Terje? Hi, I'm Torunn Borg.
I'm in charge of the investigation.

Terje Nordbo.
- Welcome, you can come with me.

Who was that?
- Internal Affairs.

That looks good!

You can stay here.
- Yes.

You can sit there if you like.
- Thanks.

We have a coffee machine,
if you like coffee.

Also brewed coffee,
if you prefer.

If you have any questions, come to me.
I'll answer as best as I can.

William Wisting is a hero around here,
you may find some resistance.

But we know how serious this is and
we're willing to cooperate.

Torunn Berg, right?
- Borg.

Let's wait for the formal interviews
to discuss this, ok?

- Yes.

Hi, Marianne. I have to meet with...
- Come in.

I have no access badge...

Hi, William.
- Hi.

You wanna come in?
- Yes.

He was concealing something in his diaper.
He was so sore in the ass... hey!

Hi, William.
- Hi.


This witch-hunt... I don't understand it.
- Yes...

So, who let you in?
- The same who let YOU in, I guess.

Shall we talk?

Terje Nordbo, Internal Affairs.
- William Wisting.

Yes... you're being painted as a hero.

Except for the papers.

The hero status expires soon these days.

You're suspended,
therefore you shouldn't be in the station.

You cannot contact anyone
who was involved in Vidar Haglund's case.

Cecilia was your first m*rder case.
- Yes, as lead investigator.

It was first treated as a missing person case
but it soon turned into something bigger.

It was big... a good girl
and a well-known father.

The whole country followed it.
- The quick solution was a boost to your career.

A huge pressure, just after Ellen's case.
- Damn right.

Two families were waiting for answers!

and a wife alone with two twins.

You're saying I rushed things
to go home early for dinner?

Vidar Haglund.
You must have been absolutely sure.

- Yes... but looking at it now, seems all a bit odd.

It was Haglund.
Who else could it be?

It's not what I'm questioning here.

The case you built against Haglund
was based on weak evidence.

There was plenty of circumstantial evidence.
- But nothing really definitive.

I wanna help rectify any possible mistake
that might have been made under my direction.

A man was imprisoned for 17 years on fake evidence.
We're not in front of a camera here.

Should I stick my head in a pillory
in front of VG?

We need to restore trust.

under your leadership.

So you're accusing me personally?
- You risk up to 21 years in prison.


Why are you so happy?
- Don't bother going to the press conference.

With the police?
Don't tell me they found something usable.

They never do... but check this.

I was pretending to look around
and I took a photo of table from behind them.

What's that?
- A phone log, you can clearly see the last calls.

Torgeir Roxrud... who might that be?

"You're amazing, Erik!
Smart, brave, independent!"

"What would I do without you?
You're also handsome!"

Ok, Erik, you're an amazing stealthy photographer.

We must find this Roxrud guy.

Are you ok?

What you want?

A 19-year-old girl is missing.
Her parents want to talk with a detective.

They're here?
- Yes and they look mad.

She'd already reported a stalker.
Linnea Kaupang.

Send Benjamin, I have a meeting.
- They rather speak to a bit older detective...


- Hi, William... everything ok?

Yes, I'm alright.

- Yes?

I want you to know I believe
you're up to the job.

- You need to restore people's trust in us.

So, she never came home last night.
- No.

At that age, they often need space
and not always inform parents.

She always tells.
- It's school time now.

There's always some party going on.

Maybe she met a boy or...

...maybe she went to some concert you
wouldn't approve... her phone battery died...

If she's with other people
she could borrow a phone.

She always tells us where she is,
she talks about everything with us.

She's very thoughtful.
- Go home, she'll probably turn up there soon.

Just tell me who Linda meets with usually...
- Linnea.

Sorry... Linnea.

Excuse me a second.

Benjamin, can you take care of this?

She's not taking it seriously.
- She trusts Linnea's ok.

Tell my colleague all the contacts.
We'll be on the case right away.

- Hi.

My name's Benjamin Fjell.

Have you got contact info?

You've reached Line Wisting.
I can't pick up right now...

Hi, love, it's dad.

I'm going to the cabin for a few days
just to clear my head.

Call me if anything comes up, ok?

Didn't she talk to you
when she was here last time?

Yes, it was this winter.
She thought someone was following her.

And you did nothing, right?

No... at the time it seemed more like a feeling...

There was nothing concrete.
- And what do you think now?

We have one 18 mm. on the right
and one 20 mm. on the left.

You mean just two eggs?

I took much higher doses.

There may be eggs in the smaller follicles.

Sorry... this might be our last attempt.

Don't worry Torunn.
- Yes...

We'll take more samples tomorrow.
You need to take this slow.

I'll prescribe you a week off work.
You need to rest and relax.

Roxrud... what kind of photos you want?

Grim and bleak... kinda like this place.

Torgeir Roxrud?

It was Tiedemann who contacted us.

- Jonas' dog, named after his favorite tobacco brand.

What happened to Tiedemann?
- I know Falck took him.

I'll call and ask if he can stay here.

Did he have many friends?
- Not that I know.

What was he like?
What did he talk about?

Mostly about dogs.
He also liked old motorcycles.

Nothing more personal?
Like a woman, for instance?

I think he had a wife before he moved here.
It's all I know.

He moved here? Where did he use to live?
- Vestfold, near Larvik.

Someone decided this is all William's fault.

It's surely up to him now
to have all facts laid on the table.

They jumped to the conclusions,
that clown Nordbo.

It's easy for everyone
when you find a scapegoat.

As always, William is carrying the heavier load.


I don't know what to do, Sissel.

What would he do
if it was you at the stake?


August 17, 2001.
Copy of Cecilia Linde's recording.

My God... I'm locked inside the trunk...

He was waiting for me at Stallteigen...

He wears a leather jacket...
everything happened so fast...

He drives an old, white car...
he smells sour, smells like cigarette smoke...

I think I saw him before... help me!

- Tommy!

It's been a while.
- Yes.

Where do we start?

We could start from your eye.
Your boyfriend hit you?

Accident at work.
- So you got no boyfriend?

No, I do not.

What you're up to?
- I'm a reporter for VG.


Did you make it professional diver?
- No, I quit that.

I took my certification
then I realized it's too dangerous.

One thing is diving in Mexico
but here in the fjords... it's too damn cold!

So, what do you do?

It's a secret.

- Hi.

I see you're swinging here...

Need some help?

You've been busy!

Everything alright at work?

You mean us?
It's a constant party...

We walk around mostly.

And Torunn...?
- Yes...

She takes it very seriously and
checks every detail with her usual fingertip act.

I'm afraid the sense of responsibility
will k*ll her eventually.

Then you have to help her.
- I'd rather help you.

To go back the way we were.

You know who has access to the evidence?

You'll get in trouble if
Nordbo finds out you're helping me.

I know... but I'm not gonna tell him.

Can we forget about Haglund for a bit
and revise all this stuff?

These are the kidnapping theory,
the girlfriend theory and the corporate theory.

You're having doubts?

We dropped everything when
Haglund came in the picture.

All evidence was against him.
- Circumstantial.

Come on... the farmer saw him.
He was smoking and waiting for her.

You got pictures from the lineup?
I remember him pointing at Haglund.

What if the farmer was wrong?
What if Haglund really had an alibi?

Henden can prove that Aksel Presthus called us
and that the alibi was never checked.

Who says that?
- Line.

Frank used to handle phone tips back then.

You think he might have... "missed" that one?

He was convinced it was Haglund from the start.
- We all were.

What now?
- I'll talk to Presthus.

He's a damn accountant,
getting presents from the taxi companies.

That don't make him a liar.
- If he thinks we didn't listen to him...

...he better say it to my face
instead of blabbing to Philip Henden.


Nice car.

Your choice...

You can watch me bent over your car hood...
or you can leave it here and come with me.

Nice car.




Karsten Brekke?
William Wisting.

Do I know you...?
- Yes.

You identified Vidar Haglund in a lineup,
in relation to Cecilia Linde's case.


You seem uncertain,
it was Haglund you saw?

I thought so.
- And now?

What if I was wrong?

Why you pointed him out
if you weren't sure?

He was the one who most
resembled who I saw.

Did they tell you the man you had seen
wasn't necessary in the lineup?


Seems like the Russians
will have a kick-off party tonight.

There's a lot of comments in Linnea's blog.

No one saw or heard anything.
- Her phone is off but it's still in Larvik.

When she first came
saying someone was following her...

She had nothing,
it was almost ridiculous.

- Not in that sense... you understand...


...drives an old, white car...
smells sour... smells like smoke...

Something else too...

Sorry... am I interrupting?
- No, no...

I was checking something.
Can I help you?

No... it's probably nothing, but...

...Linnea Kaupang came here last winter,
claiming she was followed.

Then I hope the matter
was looked into properly.

Yes, if...
- I trust you, Torunn. You'll do a great job.

I'm on it.

Hammer, four.

Robekk, Hammer.

Find out where the party is
and send me the address.

Ok, the alibi was bullshit.

Presthus saw someone who looked like Haglund...

...fishing by the lake
hours after Cecilia disappeared.

He had time to take her
and then go fishing.

What are you doing?
- We got nothing, Nils.

We have DNA on a cigarette butt
and an identification in a lineup.

The lineup brought us to the DNA test...

...but those stubs were manipulated
and Brekke is not even sure he saw Haglund.

He was sure then.

You never told him the perpetrator
might not have been in the lineup.

Henden will have the lineup dismissed
as manipulated.

You're talking about our chances
in a possible new trial.

What about all the evidence?

Ok, it's wrong to manipulate evidence
and we could have been more thorough...

...but raping and k*lling is much worse!
- I know...

...but what if we got the wrong man?
Followed the wrong instinct?


You mean me?
- I pushed you too much to get evidence, it was my fault...

I should have been more methodic.
Some statements now might look like...


Ok... wow...

Looks like I'm some idiot who misreads your orders
and takes things in his own hands.

f*ck this.

Is your father home?
- No.

You're sure?

I can't believe you still like me.

No, I didn't speak to Isabell.
They follow each other on Instagram?

Anything on the guy
chatting in her blog?

Ok. Good.

Hey! Isabell?


Hi, I'd like to talk to you.

Don't worry, just come with me.

Linnea reported a possible stalker.
- I thought she was making it up.

When did you last see her?
- In school, the day before yesterday.

You didn't talk to her since?
- I called her yesterday but she didn't answer.

What time was that?
- About 9...

My God! She did it!
- What is it?

She did it!
It's on Instagram!

Let me see.
- Oh, shit! - Let me see!


Linnea just posted this.
"I give up. Thanks for everything."

My God... she k*lled herself...?

She posted it now?
- Looks like Farris lake.

Maybe she hasn't done it yet.
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