01x10 - A Fitting Finale

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Elsbeth". Aired: February 29, 2024 –present.*
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Follows an autistic and astute but unconventional attorney who, after her successful career in Chicago, utilizes her singular point of view to make unique observations and corner brilliant criminals alongside the NYPD.
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01x10 - A Fitting Finale

Post by bunniefuu »



I'm here with the legendary Matteo Hart,

director of the Festival of Fashion.

Hello, darling.

What can you tell us about
Nick Garrison's collection

- we're about to see?
- Get ready. High fashion.

Drama. And a powerful statement

on climate change.

Now, this will be Nadine Clay's
final walk on the runway.

Nick and Nadine are in
the process of divorcing,

yet she's ending her
modeling career in his show.

What does that say?

Love is complicated.

MAN: God, you are beautiful. Ugh.

Now, remember, you're representing
the dying coral reefs,

so there's no smiling.

I want you to feel used up

- and empty.
- NADINE: It's easy.

Just pretend to be married
to him for 12 years.

- Nobody asked you, Nadine.
- That's their mistake.

Oh, well, Francesca here is ready.

- Why aren't you?
- I don't want to put on my shroud

until I absolutely have to.

In the meantime, I'll take
care of the other girls.

Come with me, Francesca.

You're saving her from me, is that it?


Gisela, thank God. We were
about to give away your seat.

- Not even remotely amusing, Matteo.
- I know you wouldn't miss

Nadine's final walk.

I won't miss your show either.

Oh, I wish you would.

I just threw away my whole collection.

Oh, Matteo, not again.

Our friend, little Miss Nadine,

said it reminded her of
Alexander McQueen 2004.

- Oh.
- I had to start over.

Find new inspiration.

- And have you?
- Not yet.

Oh, man, who let you in?

Someone needs to show you
hacks how to take a picture.

Oh, yes, the great artiste
is gonna teach us.

What's the matter...
no action at Belmont today?

- Hey! He jostled me. Did you see that?
- I'm not...

- He jostled me! You saw that?
- I didn't jostle you, Paul.


We've got to hold for a few minutes.

- There's some trouble in the pit.
- What kind of trouble?

There's a guy they're all mad at
or something. They're animals.

- You let him in, didn't you?
- I'm getting in the zone.

- Give me space.
- Okay.

When you're out there,
I won't even watch.

- I hate you.
- So I've read.

♪ ♪


Where's Nadine?

Does anyone know where she is?

No, and I don't see Nick either.


♪ ♪




Wow. You all look so incredible.

Ugh. I wish I had a
better fashion sense,

but, you know...
[CLICKS TONGUE] my knees.

So... where exactly would you
wear something like that?

And do you have to have it dry-cleaned?

KAYA: There you are.

I was trying to blend in.

- So, Donnelly's taking lead on this.
- Okay.

Ooh! I recognize that person.

That's Gisela Mott,

- fashion editor of Dress Up.

Thank you for calling me.

Mm. I figured you'd want to see
the Festival of Fashion up close.

I do.

Oh, everyone looks so tall and creative.


The victim, Ezra Tate,

a photographer shot during
Nick Garrison's fashion show.

And there were no witnesses?

Mm-mmm. Apparently, the lights
and sound were too distracting.

Huh. That happens.

- Yeah.
- PAUL: Everybody hated him.

I'm not saying the guy wasn't talented,

but he pissed it all away.

- How'd he do that?
- Guy had a gambling problem.

That's why the great
artiste spent his time

using a telephoto lens to take pics

- of celebrity cellulite.
- So, he was here,

taking pictures,

- when he got shot?
- PAUL: In the back row.

No one noticed he was dead

- till the show was over.
- Ugh! That's a shame.

All those cameras,

- and they were facing the wrong way.

What I don't get is who
gave him his credentials?

Nick and Nadine have tight security.

No, it can't be. It was Ezra?

Someone k*lled Ezra?

Can you believe this is happening

on your final appearance?

NADINE: No, no, that
doesn't matter now. Oh...

Did he have anything with him?

Was it a robbery or-or just a m*rder?

We found the g*n used.

The prints were wiped clean.
There was nothing else.

- Did you know him well?
- Who are you?

- Elsbeth Tascioni.
- She's with us.

There's no point in going into it.

So, you were friends?

Or was it just, you know,
photographer and supermodel?

No, we were students together at FUNY.

- Fashion University of New York.
- Along with my husband,

but that was 20 years ago.

Some of my best pupils.


So, during the fashion show,

were you on stage the whole time?

No, I was backstage until I
made my entrance. Why?

No... no reason.

So, were there other people
around, backstage?

NICK: Backstage is chaos
before the show.

There's no way to know who
was where at any given moment.

Which works out well for designers

who like to screw the models.

NICK: Why are you still wearing that?

Just 'cause your career's over

doesn't mean you have to trash mine.

Ah, yes, this is going to be
a huge seller at Talbots.

Are those two married? Because
they sound like they're married.

Getting divorced.
It's all over Page Six.

Man, that is some way
to end your career.

An old friend being m*rder*d

and working with a man
you no longer love.

Oh, I don't know about that.

What do you mean?

Well, the opposite of love
isn't hate, it's indifference.

And those two are
definitely not indifferent.


Have a hunch?

I usually do by now, don't I?

But I don't.

NICK: Way to end your
career with a bang.

That's not funny.

Well... problem solved.

I suppose so.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- Hi.
- Oh.

Hi. I wasn't sure you were coming in.

Yeah, neither was I, but, um...

Oh, wait. Are those...

They really do help you think
more clearly about a case.

[GRUNTS SOFTLY] Yes, they do.

[SIGHS] But we still don't
have much to go on.

Ezra was a bit of a loner.

True. But Nadine seemed to have
really intense feelings about him,

- so I... Aah!
- Ms. Tascioni.

Captain Wagner.

I didn't know you were there.

I work here. But what
are you doing here?

No, don't answer that.

Follow me. Both of you.

You can answer now.

Why I'm here?

Yes. Why are you here?

I called Elsbeth and invited
her to the crime scene.

Out of habit?

Yeah, I guess...

And because she's good at it.

Ms. Tascioni has helped us so much.

I was just doing my best to
support the department,

according to the consent decree.

The consent decree?

I thought that was a ruse to hide
what you were really doing,

which was investigating me.

I guess I was here to
do two things at once?

I will check with the
Department of Justice.

Oh, thank you.

But as far as I'm concerned,
your work here is done.


Internal Affairs is clearing out
Lieutenant Noonan's office.

I'll have some officers help
you clear out yours, too.

Don't leave... without saying goodbye.

You're not really going
back to Chicago, are you?

Well, I can't really stay here,

as much as I'd like to.

Although, I do love New York, but...

no, I'm gonna go back where I'm wanted.

What about your new apartment and Gonzo?

I mean, she's such a New York dog.

Oh, she's pretty resilient.
She's like me that way.

Can we still talk about the case?

Um... I can't really think
about that right now.


- You may not have a choice.
- You.

I have things to say.

You asked me questions yesterday,

and I wasn't completely honest.

I wasn't myself,

and not just because I was
made up like a melting glacier.

Oh, that's what that was.

There was just so much going on.

My career ending,

uncertainty about the future.

Oh, I know how that is.

- My career's in flux, too.
- Really?

Well, we should talk transitions.

We should. What's your
new career gonna be?

I'm establishing my brand

of sustainably sourced
beauty and office supplies.

- My team has developed

responsible personal products
for working women.

- Hmm.
- Like combination nail polish

and staple remover.

Sounds like a winner.

So, you had, uh, a lot on your mind.

The truth is, Ezra and I were more
than just students together.

We were madly in love

- for two very intense years.
- KAYA: Hmm.

Did you know he would be at the show?

I arranged for the credentials.

You did? Why?

Well, Ezra called me a few months ago,

and he was in very a bad place.

He said he owed money to people,
that he feared for his life.

He even pawned his camera.

I thought that maybe
if he worked the show

and sold some photos,

then perhaps he could
get back on his feet.

And you didn't mention
any of this yesterday

because you were worried
about your brand?

NADINE: And because Nick was there.

He was always jealous of Ezra and me.

If he knew I was helping
Ezra, he would be furious.

But I just had to.

I believe strongly in kindness
and second chances,

also in the healing power of
the sun and certain textiles.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I'm spending a few days
with a friend out of town.

DONNELLY: Okay, well, just
let us know where you'll be,

in case we need to
talk to you some more.

NADINE: Yes, of course.

You should check who Ezra owed money to.

I think he was involved with bad people.

Thank you for that very
specific suggestion.

I'm a giver.

I believe strongly in that.

MAN: Dead?

Well, I can't say I'm surprised.

He was involved with some bad people.

We keep hearing that.

We got copy of Ezra's phone records.

- He called here a lot.
- MAN: Yeah.

Whenever he was desperate for money.

Whoa. [SIGHS]

It's a sad part of my business.

Isn't it the entirety of your business?

Did he give you any details?

Just that he was in the hole
and guys were trying to collect.

- Oh.
- Oh, what?

I heard some flunky was
sent to shake him down,

but no one saw him again.

Everyone assumed Ezra paid him off.

- It was strange.
- Did he ever pawn anything valuable?

Just his camera, but he
bought that back a week ago.

Said he was putting the squeeze
on someone else for a change.

Gonna get himself out of the hole.

- Blackmail?
- I don't know.

He just said something about Pangaea.

Pangaea? Do you know what that is?

Sure. Pangaea was the ancient
supercontinent land mass

that broke apart at the end
of the Triassic Period

into the seven continents we know today.

Right. But do you know what
Pangaea meant in this context?

Oh. Uh, yeah, no idea.

Why would Ezra be talking
about an ancient land mass?

I don't know, but it sounds like
Nick Garrison's next fashion show.


Oh, we got something.
Forensics traced the g*n.

Registered to a one Robert Domingo.

Goes by Bobby, 28,
recently reported missing.

Ooh, could that be the flunky

who went to collect from
Ezra, then disappeared?

Maybe Bobby Domingo came out of hiding

- to sh**t Ezra.
- Hmm.

That doesn't make much sense.

Oh, please, do tell us.

Well, why would this
Bobby guy leave a g*n

that could be traced back
to him at the crime scene?

Send a message?

Or maybe the real k*ller was
trying to throw us off the scent.

Well, seems to be working.

And why would somebody that Ezra
owed money to want to k*ll him?

They'd never get the money back.

Send a message?

But there are easier
ways to send messages.

Ezra went to rescue his camera

and thought he was
about to get out of debt.

- But that couldn't be from selling

a few pictures from one of the most
photographed events of the year.

He owed way more money than that.

What was Ezra doing there, really?

More news.

Someone offered to claim Ezra's body

and pick up any personal effects.

- Who?
- Nadine Clay.

Wha... I thought she was out of town.

Well, she stopped by the
morgue. So now what?

I'm not sure, but Nadine
is acting very strange.

Okay. You let us do the police thing

based on the evidence.

You do the "cozy up
to the suspect" thing.

I don't respect it, but it works.


NADINE: Okay, fine, I take it back.

Your collection looks nothing
like Alexander McQueen 2003.


You said 2004.

Now you say 2003.

See? I don't even know
what I'm talking about.

I have to do a show in three days

and I have nothing!

I have my legacy to
think about, you know.

Your legacy is secure.

Besides, who cares if your
designs reminded me

of some others I loved?

Face it, at this point,

there's not anything on earth

that hasn't already made
its way down a runway.

- What on earth?

It's that odd woman with the police.

Oh, she's funny. Let her in.

Hi. I'm Elsbeth Tascioni.

- Oh, you certainly are.

We weren't formally introduced

with all that nasty
business at the festival.

- Matteo Hart.
- Oh, yes. [CHUCKLES]

I know.

Icon. [LAUGHS]

- Oh, hi, Nadine.
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, are those chocolate chip cookies?

Now that I'm retiring from the runway,

I'm eating everything
I couldn't eat for 25 years.

Good for you.

I didn't know cookies were so
delicious. Do you want one?

- Yes, please.
- Mm-hmm.

Thank you.

- Mmm!
- Mmm!

Um, you said that we should,
um, talk about our life transitions,

so I figured I'd just come find you.

I hope you don't mind.

Oh, this place is so beautiful.

Thank you.

I decided, like many do,

that once I was successful,

I would live in my favorite
part of New York:

- Connecticut.
- Oh. [LAUGHS]

Matteo's letting me hide out here
while Nick removes his belongings

- from our apartment.
- Oh, that's hard.

Not really.

How's the investigation going?

Well, this is a tough one.

It seems that there's
no shortage of people

who had a bad history with Ezra Tate.

Uh, you like what you see
there, sailor? [CHUCKLES]

Has anyone ever said you
have a singular style?

Uh, all the time, although
not in those words, exactly.

I get "hodgepodge" and "hot mess."

You are my inspiration.

I'm going to build my show around you.

The entire collection.

In fact, you must walk the runway.

- Me? Oh, gosh.
- I love it!

You will teach those Amazon depressives

how to take a nourishing
bite out of life.

Um, this is all so, so flattering,

but, um, runway modeling
is really, really not my thing.


- Nadine will be your coach.
- She will?

MATTEO: It will help
her get over her grief

for both Ezra and her marriage.

Oh, well, I have my
new business, so, mm.

Combination mascara
and liquid paper can wait.

It would be nice to spend
more time together.

I mean, we're both so alike.

NADINE: Now, chin up.

Stand up straight.


- Sorry, I tend to lean into things.
- Yes, I've noticed.

Now let your feet fall heavier,

- like a clomping donkey.
- Oh!

That's fun. Okay.

- Clomp, clomp.
- No smiling.

- Sorry.
- Now turn.

- Okay.
- All right, all right.

You're getting better.

- Now watch me.
- Oh, okay.

Wow. You're so good.

Well, I've been doing it since I was 14.

- In Paris, London, Milan.
- Oh, Europe.

Is that why you talk that way?

- What way?
- Oh. Just... elegant.

- Gosh.

I had no idea that modeling
was such hard work.

No wonder you're retiring.


Of course, it's scary...

starting something new,

wondering if it'll all work out.

You know, afraid some past mistake

could jeopardize everything.


These heels.

Well, I've always tried
to be a good girl,

and I believe strongly in clean slates.

Well, then why did you
try to claim Ezra's body

and his personal effects?

Ezra meant a lot to me

at a very pivotal moment in my life.

Right. But is that all?

'Cause you cared so much about
getting your hands on his... stuff.

Well, if you must know,

Ezra took some intimate...
nude... photographs of me

when we were together,
and I wouldn't want them

to get in the wrong hands. All right.

- Your turn again.
- Okay.

- No, this way.
- All right.


- Wow, that is so interesting.
- What is?

Well, that you would be so
afraid of some nude photos.

I mean, nowadays, that's no big deal.

And I saw your Sports

That bathing suit totally showed your...

What are you getting at?

I'm just thinking out loud.

I had nothing to do with Ezra's death.

But I have a good idea who did.

Right, the gambling bad people.


I've given it more thought.

I think Nick k*lled Ezra.

I didn't want to think it.

Yes, Nick and I are getting divorced,

but he was still someone I loved.

Someone I considered
having children with

before I rejected the idea.

And thank God I did,
because Nick k*lled Ezra.

But wasn't Nick backstage
when Ezra was k*lled?

Well, you heard him. "It was chaos.

Who knew where anyone was?"

And Nick and I had a
fight before the show.

- What about?
- I caught him with one of the models.

He stormed off,

and I have no idea where he was

until he came onstage for his bow.

He had plenty of time to k*ll Ezra.

But where did he get the g*n?

Well, I can't figure out
everything for you, can I?

Elsbeth, I'll see you at your show.

Now, remember. Chin up.


- Well?
- Uh...

I have a fitting in Connecticut.

Thank you for letting me bring Gonzo.

She loves wide open spaces.



I love that name.

Oh, she used to belong to a reporter.

I think she was named after
Hunter S. Thompson.

Ah, yes.

"Never let the truth get in
the way of a good story."

Words to live by.

As long as it's your story to tell.

Well, Gonzo is always welcome.

I do miss my Sebastian.

- Aw.

Well, I'm just amazed that
you can do all this work

with all those impressive
rings on your fingers.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, these old things?

I've had them forever.

I tell my students,

if people notice something about you,

pay attention, use it.

So you taught Ezra, Nadine and Nick?

I did, and I still do.

Did you help Nick with his show?

A little. The lights, music.

Nick's work needs drama.

Do you remember what they
were like back in school?

Oh, that was 20 years ago.

Before Nadine had an accent.

- Oh.
- And before they broke apart

and went their separate ways.

Just like Pangaea.

- What did you say?
- Pangaea.

The ancient supercontinent.

But it means something else, doesn't it?

Ooh, I can see that it does.

I haven't asked Nadine
about it yet, but I will.

Can you tell me about it first, though?

The Pangaea Project was cooked up

by Ezra and Nadine.

He, the budding photographer,
she, the budding model.

I'd given some assignment,

exploring different cultural
modes of fashion.

They took it upon themselves

to produce this elaborate pictorial,

with Nadine made up completely
as different ethnicities

from all around the world.

- [GASPS SOFTLY] You mean...
- Oh, yes.

Blackface, yellowface, redface,

each one more offensive than the last.

An earnest but horribly
misguided attempt at high art.

Even in that still-blinkered era,

I knew that they had
made a terrible mistake.

I told them to destroy the photos.

Nadine didn't care,

but Ezra was an artiste.

He took the lesson awfully hard.

Do you think maybe he
didn't destroy the photos?

- It's possible.
- Nadine thinks that Nick k*lled Ezra.

Does that make any sense to you?

Maybe Nick k*lled Ezra for those photos.

After all, if the Pangaea Project
were to be made public,

Nadine's brand would be worthless,

and Nick wouldn't be able to get
a penny from her in the divorce.

Well, I guess they both wanted
to get their hands on

whatever Ezra was holding on to.

My hands and my emotions are raw.

Shall we call it a day?


Time to go, Gonzo.

There you are.

What are you sniffing at?

Oh, she's found Sebastian.

That's where he's buried.


- You and Gonzo remind me of him,

always digging.

Oh, thank you so much for all of this.

You have really taken my mind
off some other troubles.

Thank you, Elsbeth,
my new friend and muse.

Good luck with Nick.

He's always been gorgeous, talented

and slippery.


So she says I did it?

[CHUCKLES] Okay, I'll play.

LAWYER: Mr. Garrison, wait a moment.

Might I have a word with my client?

You're my divorce lawyer,
not my m*rder lawyer.

Do you have a m*rder lawyer?

- Do I need one?
- Not yet.

Good. So I can speak freely.

I think Nadine k*lled him.


And at this point,
I'd like to turn things over

to my divorce attorney, Gavin Haste.

HASTE: Yes, I am
representing Mr. Garrison

in his divorce proceedings,

which have been, shall
we say, complicated,

by his wife's personal
financial arrangements.

- Meaning?
- We have filed a motion

to compel financial discovery

after finding large sums of
money unaccounted for.

She's been moving money around.

And at first, I thought it was to
hide it from me in the divorce.

But then it hit me...
she's been taking out money

to pay off Ezra.

- For what?
- I don't know,

but it must have been big.

She thought better of it.
She kept the money

and k*lled Ezra instead.

Well, she was backstage,

about to take her final
walk down the runway.

I saw her sitting backstage in a robe.

- She had plenty of time.
- WAGNER: So where are we now?

We have evidence that points
to the missing Bobby Domingo,

to Nadine Clay and to Nick Garrison.

Yeah, not to mention, uh,
motives for rival photographers

and various bookies that
Ezra owed money to.

I see.

Ms. Tascioni? What about you?

- Me?
- This is usually the point

at which you share your theories.

So, what have your instincts

and powers of observation
been telling you?

I don't know. I'm sorry, I'm stumped.

I think it's probably
because I'm still very upset

about what's happening
here in the office.

Well, I'm not sure I know
what you mean by that.

- What?
- Are you upset

because your job is coming to an end

or because you didn't take
down your original subject?

- Captain.
- ELSBETH: I came here with an assignment

from the Department of Justice,

and maybe you think I
was wrong to accept that

because you think you're above blame,

but I did my best to be fair,

and, you know, there
was plenty of evidence

that made you look bad.

- To you.
- Yes, to me,

to the DOJ, to Martin Wali,

to the CEO of FlairAll.

And why did you get Teddy a job

when I never asked you to?

- To be nice to you.
- Who's the hypocrite now?

Yes, I wanted to get closer to you

because I had my suspicions,

which were proven to be correct.

Okay then. I guess you're
right, as you always are.

My work here is done.


I put aside seats for all of you

at Matteo Hart's fashion show.

You know, the one I'm in.

- I'll be there.
- Thank you.

I suppose it'll be a fitting finale

to my time here in New York.

What was she supposed to do?


♪ Another time ♪

♪ You'll see my face ♪

♪ When you're not looking ♪

♪ And run to me ♪

♪ To blindly ask ♪
♪ What's on my mind ♪

♪ Another time ♪

♪ You'll find me in a game ♪

♪ And ask if you can stay ♪

♪ And play along... ♪

I never thought I'd say this,

but I'm gonna miss you.

♪ Already gone ♪

♪ Another time. ♪

MATTEO: Remember,
think buoyant, think light,

think Elsbeth.

Is something wrong?

[SIGHS] You know.

- Career transitions. [CHUCKLES]
- Yes.

Uncertainty can be uncomfortable.

Like I thought the police would
have arrested Nick by now.

I know about the Pangaea Project.

No, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Nick's attorney says you've been
hiding large sums of money.

- Oh, God.
- Why did you get Ezra his credentials

and then you ask about the missing bag?

Were you expecting him to
show up with the awful pictures

- in exchange for the cash?
- God.

So Nick is trying to pin
this on me, is he?

That's ridiculous.
I would never k*ll Ezra.

I mean, yes, he was blackmailing
me with Pangaea,

but now I think he was bluffing.

Okay, well, what about
the missing money?

Oh, that? I was hiding it
from Nick in the divorce.

Well, don't you believe me?

I don't know.

I think... I think I've lost my mojo.

No. Kundalini breath of fire.


I can't do it.


- All right, all right.

All right.

- Do you have people here?
- I do.

NADINE: Oh, that's good.

I believe strongly in friendship.

That's really why I'm
doing this, for Matteo.

We've been through so much together.


Like when Matteo's, uh,
dog Sebastian died?

Oh, he was a wreck. That was awful.

Why couldn't it have
happened after lockdown

so Matteo didn't have to be alone?

- Places, please. We're going.
- Oh, gosh.



♪ Nobody can tell ya ♪

♪ There's only one song worth singing ♪

♪ They may try and sell ya ♪

♪ 'Cause it hangs them up ♪

♪ To see someone like you ♪

♪ But you've gotta make
your own kind of music ♪

♪ Sing your own special song ♪

♪ Make your own kind of music ♪

♪ Even if nobody else sings along ♪

♪ You've gotta make
your own kind of music ♪

- ♪ Sing your own special song ♪

♪ Make your own kind of music ♪

♪ Even if... ♪

That was wonderful.

Maybe a bit rushed at the end.

I know how to figure this out.


My muse!

The response to our show
has been tremendous.

The astonishment, the-the accolades.

The-the buyers are hounding me.

So why do you look so glum?

- What is this?

Oh, I wish I didn't have to do this.

And I almost didn't.
I was so off my game.

I let so many details go by.

- Details?
- You helped Nick

put his show together with all
those sound and lighting effects

to distract from the m*rder.

And you said that fresh spot of grass

where Gonzo was sniffing was
where Sebastian was buried,

but Sebastian died over four years ago.

- Why did you lie?
- I'm old, darling.

Time collapses.

And if you have questions
about the grass,

talk to my gardener.

Well, we can get a warrant and dig up

- who's really buried there.
- Warrant?

On what basis?

Ezra Tate was m*rder*d holding a camera,

but it was facing the wrong way,

so the k*ller's image wasn't
captured, or was it?

- I don't follow.
- I got ahold of the pictures

from Ezra's extremely
high-resolution camera,

wondering if maybe, just
maybe, he captured a clue

in some reflective surface right there.

Officer Blanke, if you please.

Those are your rings, Matteo.

"If people notice something about you,

pay attention and use it."

The moment I saw those Pangaea
Project photos 20 years ago,

I knew there would be trouble.

Nadine would be fine.

Nothing can stop her.

But Ezra's talent was too fragile.

When he showed up at my
door a few months ago,

my heart went out to him.

I let him stay,

if only to give him a chance
to get back on his feet.

I even gave him money so he
can get his camera out of hock.

Then one night,

I come home to find a
stranger with a g*n.

He was threatening Ezra
for the money he owed.

I didn't think.

I defended my former student.

I grabbed a poker from the fireplace,

- and...
- You k*lled Bobby Domingo.

I had no choice.

And, yes, we buried him in the back,

where your intrepid Gonzo was sniffing.

Oh, why didn't you go to the police?

A jury would have understood.

And what would that
have done to my legacy?

I would forever be that
foolish, older gentleman

who took in a handsome,
desperate young man

and was involved in a deadly scandal.

That would have been the
story of Matteo Hart forever.

And that I simply couldn't abide.

KAYA: But why k*ll Ezra?

He had the same secret to keep.

When Ezra told me about his plan

to blackmail Nadine with
the Pangaea Project,

I knew he would make a mess of it.
He made a mess of everything.

So, I took the opportunity

to destroy the whole horrible
history once and for all

with Bobby Domingo's g*n.

Except one cannot escape history,

especially when that
history is out of fashion.

Take him.



Goodbye, muse.

Goodbye, Matteo.

I have something for you.

KAYA: Let's go.

CELETANO: The way I see it,

the investigation took
an unexpected turn,

but was ultimately successful.

Is that your idea of an apology?

The Department of Justice

doesn't issue apologies.

Only indictments and reports.

Lieutenant David Noonan was indicted,

and Captain Charles Wallace
Wagner was cleared

in our report.

I would appreciate it
if you wouldn't repeat

what C.W. stands for too often.

Understood, Captain.

Well, I'm gonna head back to Chicago.

I assume Elsbeth Tascioni
will be joining me.

That must be a relief.

Agent Celetano, let me ask.

Was the consent decree ever real

or was it all just a cover story?

What exactly are you asking?

I'm asking if the DOJ really
cares about corruption

or was this all just a chance

to investigate Charles Wallace Wagner?

I'm sorry I suspected you for so long.

It's just, you were acting so strangely.

Well, I was being blackmailed
and hiding money,

so you were picking up on real lies.

It's just not every lie is about m*rder.

Hmm. Oh.

Matteo asked me to give this to you.

Now that Ezra's dead,

the photos belong to you and only you.


- Did you look at them?
- I did.

You know, the way Matteo described them,

I thought they would be really awful,

but, actually, they're far
worse than I imagined.

I take responsibility.

I believe strongly in that.

But it was totally Ezra's idea.



I will make up for my
youthful indiscretion.

I believe strongly in redemption.

I promise, I will do the work.

Good luck with that.


It's funny,

without my stuff in it, this
room looks even smaller.

Well, I guess this is it.

Thank you, Elsbeth.

For teaching me how to... notice things,

- and for being my friend.

Thank you.

I know a bunch of people died,
but we did have a lot of fun.


Ms. Tascioni.

I want to congratulate you
on solving another case.

And on your fashion show.

- I think mittens might become a thing.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to
be fully honest with you,

but I did come to the right conclusion.

You're a good man.

Officers, please remove
Ms. Tascioni's things.

Oh, um...

Oh, wait, uh, I can do that.

Oh, well, thank you. Wait...

Wh-Where are you go... where
are you going with that?

Uh, I don't understand.

I talked to Celetano about funding
a more permanent position.

You mean...


I thought about it.

You were sent here to root
out corruption, and you did.

Not to mention, you keep helping
my detectives solve cases.

- I do, don't I?
- Mm-hmm.

And Noonan's not using
the office anymore, so...


What will I do with all this space?

Well, I'll help,

- and my desk is right outside.

For the time being.

Officer Blanke,

I'm putting you on the fast
track to become a detective.

It's time.

Thank you, sir.

I won't let you down.

You'd better not.

Oh, Captain Wagner.

- Now we really should hug.
- All right. Make it quick.

[GIGGLES]: Okay.

Back to work.

Aye aye, Captain Charles Wallace Wagner.

I read the report.

- I won't mention it again.


♪ ♪
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