02x06 - Super Compilation 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "StoryBots: Super Silly Stories with Bo". Aired: Jun 26, 2022 - present.*
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When Bo the StoryBot attempts to read her stories to a bunch of imaginative kids, they hijack the narrative and take it in all kinds of crazy directions.
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02x06 - Super Compilation 2

Post by bunniefuu »

- Ta-da!

♪ Hooray, it's time ♪

♪ For super silly stories with Bo ♪

♪ Our favorite time ♪

♪ Where all the stories ♪

♪ Sorta, kinda, almost rhyme ♪

♪ Nearly ♪

(Bo gasps and giggles)

(machine whirring)

- Hello, kids!

- [All] Hi, Bo!

- What's your favorite animal?

- I love dinosaurs. - Oh!

- Dinosaurs.

- I love dinosaurs.

- Oh, well I kind of meant modern day animals,

but I, yeah, sure!

Can you, can you name a few?

- Um, T-Rex,

- Uh huh! - Triceratops

- Gallimimus.

- Oh! - Diplodocus. - Uh huh! - Amargasaurus

- Titanosaurus

- You guys really know your dino-

- Spinosaurus

- Oh okay.

- Eoraptor

- Ampelosaurus, ankylosaurus

- (indistinguishable)

- Oh, okay uh...

(children talk over one another)

- Uh huh. Yeah, I'm gonna have to cancel lunch.

(children talking over one another)

(cat meows)

- Oh, I meant to tell you.

This is Mr. Snuggle-whiskers-muffin-paws.

(cat meows)

He's here for today's story.

It's called...

(Bo groans) (cat growls)

- A Home for a Stray.

No scratching.


No scratching.

When Pete and Jane were playing at the park in mid-July

they heard a sudden mewing from a little Bush nearby.

They approached it very carefully to keep

from getting bitten

and hiding there behind the bush they found the cutest-

- Velociraptor.

(Pete and Jane scream)

(Boy imitating dinosaur noises)

- Oh no, we're not doing dinosaurs anymore.

This should be a cute animal.

Hmm? Like hint, hint, hint, hint.

Hint, hint

Hint, Meow. Hint. Hint. Meow.


- Velociraptors can be cute!

- I'm pretty sure there's a whole series

of films that say otherwise

- It's so cuddly.

- Can we keep 'em? - Please?

- Pleaseeeeeeeeee.....

- Oh,

well, oka- okay.

I guess it could be a Velociraptor.

(kids cheer with excitement)

- Okay.

Now where were we?

They knew she must be hungry.

She was looking very lean.

So they took her home to feed her

and she wolfed down milkings

- Kitchen cabinets

- Huh?

- Oh, right.

Because Velociraptor.


Okay. She ate

- The sofa

- And? - The walls

- Till she was plump and puffy.

- "She needs a name" said Jane to Pete.

I know, let's call her

- Velociraptor Steve.

- Ah

- Now, velociraptor Steve was very playful.

- She would zip around the house.


- They gave her toys like

- Laser tag

(laser beaming)

- Um, and a squeaky little

- Airhorn!!!

(airhorn sounding)

- She liked to pounce on

- School teachers.

- I just wanted to pass on my knowledge.

- And before the day was

through she'd scratched up all the..

- Universe!


- As velociraptors often do,

but still the children love the way

she'd snuggle in their laps, they could not

resist her cuteness when she'd settled down for

- Raptor dance!

- Raptor, dance, dance with Raptors.

- We haven't thought this through.


- Scientists don't think that Raptors can do dances.

- Oh, well they're probably fine then.

She was such a sweet companion though.

She sometimes acted awful.

- "I think she'd like a friend," said Pete, "let's go

adopt a -"

- Dragon!

- In the car.

- Mailman! - What am I doing here?

- Flying monkey. Ooh Ooh Aah Aah.


- Ice cream truck!


(kids cheering)

- Next time We're shaking things up

with the catcher in the

- Rhinosaurus.

- Well that just looks uncomfortable.

(upbeat music)

(machine whirring)

Hello kids!!! (all exclaim)

- I'm so excited about the new story I've written.

It's all about a night and a princess and

- Bears.

- What? No, this one's not about bears.

It's about a night and a prince-

- Could it be about bears?


- Big scary bear. RAWRR!!


(all kids roaring)

- RAWRR, I'm a bear!!.

- I think I can already see where this is going.

Today's story is called-

- Trivy. The Tale of Sir Kettlecorn.

(slight singing)

- In England.

In those Merry days.

Where hearts were bold and bright.

There lived the good sir Kettlecorn.

A brave and gallant.

- Grizzly bear.

- Yep. There it is.


- Okay. He's a grizzly bear night.

I'm not even arguing.

He's a bear.

You get a bear and you get a bear and you get a bear.

- Yayyyy. - Now, no more bears.


- Uhhh, yes.

- We promise, we promise


- Upon his fine and noble feet, he'd roam from here to there

whilst singing tender balance, for he loved a maiden-

- Bear!

(donkey squeals)

- I walked into that one.

(donkey cries)


The maiden loved the night as well.

Her name was princess Alice,

but her father wouldn't let them meet.

He'd keep her in his-

- Bearmobile (laugh)


(pop) (silly music)

- Bearmobile, is that even a thing?

- UH, Mmmm


- Trust me.

It's a thing.


- And so, there came a-

- Basketball.


- Okay. So it's usually a dragon that comes for the princess

- Basketball dragon.

- Uh, I'll take it.

A basketball dragon came.

It dragged, no, it bounced her to its cave.

- Fear not, I'm off to save her.

- [Bo] Said sir Kettlecorn the-

- [All] BEAR!!

- Big brown boogeying bear!

- I'm a big brown boogeying bear.

- Roopa Doo Roop Roopa Doo.

- Oh that's actually catchy.

Someone should write a song.

The hero bravely charged ahead.

The vicious creature roared.


- I'm not sure that's a noise that the dragon makes.

- It actually makes that sound.

- OK, but do you mind doing it a little quieter

because I think you broke your microphone.

- No, it actually makes


- Right.

- The vicious creature roared.


- But when the princess held it back,

he pierced it with his

- Bear claws, bear teeth, and bear everything!

(pop) "COCKA DOODLE.."


- Hurray, (inaudible)

- [Bo] Exclaimed the king.

- You fooled the wicked beast.

The two of you may marry now.

We'll have a wedding.

- Thank your rally.

(pop) (motorcycle engines)

- Well, at least it wasn't a bear and go our story.

And it's now their love just grew

and grew and they were very happy

- Very happy.

- Okay. They were very happy, for their dreams

had all come true

- Until the dragon came back.

(omnious music)

- Well, that's a story for another time.


- YAYYY!!!

- That story was so sweet.

I could BEARly stand it.


What? You guys did it.

Next time, I'll be reading the classic fairy tale.

Little Red Riding H-

- Mower!


- Well, the wolf's in for a shock.

(upbeat music)

(machine whirring) Hello kids.

- Hiiii!

- I've brought a special friend me today.

Meet rainbow unicorn.

Oh my goodness.

I love unicorns.

They're so beautiful and

magical and glittery and glittery

and they can fly over rainbows.

And they can make great music and AHHH HAHAHA!

(heavy breathing)

Okay, I'm sorry.

I got carried away there.

So uh, I'm sure you can guess what today's story is about.

- Food trucks.


- Oh, I'm so excited!


This story is called...


- No, okay wait. I wanna do it!


OH, Yes! Yes! Yes!

A unicorn came to young MiMi McBride.

- I'm Sparkle.

- She told her.

- Hop On for a ride.

We'll fly over mountains and wide open spaces.

I'll take you to marvelous magical-

- Cleveland!

(pop) (cars honking)

- Danny, there's a horse in the sky again.

- Um... (kids laughing)

- Well that's not the first place I thought of. (laughing)

Let's just say they stopped there for gas or something.

(laughing) Now sparkle was graceful and swift

as she flew. She was-

- Glittery

- Fluffy!

- [Bo] And gray flowy too!

And so cute and adorable and she gives us rainbows.

And she's sparkly and- (heavy breathing)

- BO! - BO!

- HEHE, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..


- [Bo] And then they flew on

They were thrilled as can be!

When they flew over mermaids who played in-

- A rockband!

- I got a tail! It can hit every scale!

And I'm wailing harder than a k*ller whale!


- Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun duuunnn..

- [Bo] Across the wide ocean, they soared for a while.

Til, they came to-

Oh my goodness this is my favorite part.

The fabulous unicorn isle.

Oh my gosh! Can you imagine a unicorn island

with pretty unicorns running free and dancing

and doing magic and being all powerful

and cuddly and sparkly!

- What happens next?

- Oh, oh! All right, Sorry.

Then MiMi saw dozens of unicorns there!

On the beach and in meadows!

And saw them on

- Bowling alley!

- Oh! What a wonderful break!

- Magical scene! When the girl got to meet with the unicorn

- Janitor

- You'll pick up your trash there.

- Oh come on guys! I really wanna see the unicorn queen!

AH, AH! When the girl got to meet with the unicorn

- Bus driver! (pop)

(bus honks) (kids laugh)

- [Bo] NOOOOO! The unicorn- - Playing dress up

(kids laughing)


- The, that was too hilarious.




(pop) - [Bo] UHHHH!

(kids laughing) - That was so hilarious!

- I will grant your wish!

- Said the queen with a bow. - Whichever you want

You can have it right now.

It's been lovely. Said Mindy to wander in Rome.

But right now I just wish to be back in my home

- But also with the princess crown.

- Diamonds and rubies!

(popping) - And a palace!

- [Bo] And a thousand more unicorns!!! (popping)



- Next time I'll be reading the classic novel

The call of the-

- Telephone! (bark)

- We've been trying to reach you about your

cars extended warranty (gibberish)

- Hmm. Needs more unicorns...

(theme song plays)


Kids??... - BOO!

(scream) (falling) - HAHAHA, okay, you got me.


- Hey kids.

So what's everyone dressing up as for Halloween.

- I'm gonna be a vampire.

- Oh! - You have these pointy teeth and they drink blood.

But I would never drink blood because it's gross.

- Oh. - It tastes Yuck!

- Oh, well thanks for the heads up.

You know what I'm gonna be on trick or treat night?

A goblin! Get it? Because I'll be gobblin', my candy...


(screeching) (drumming)

Okay! What are we reading?

This story is called (loud thunder)

- The Calamitous Creature of Dr. Clive

(omnious music) (evil laughter)

- Prepare to hear a chilling tale to make you shake

with fright!! (shocked)

- It started at a castle on a dark and stormy night.

The smart but foolish Dr. Clive made up of rightful lamb.

- I've gathered all the pots.

- He said

- To make an eight foot

- Sandwich.

- Ooh.

- A sandwich, No. let me break this down.

He's in a lab and he creates a monster of a

- Salad. - Big sandwich. - big, heavy salad.

- It's like this big...

- What? Oh

- Well, okay.

Let's see where this goes.

The storm was raging, lightning flashed.

The thunder loudly cracked

- It's alive

- Cried Dr. Clive. The sandwich then att*cked!

- Sandwich!! Sandwich!!!

- Wow. This is unexpected.

- It thrashed around

- Sandwich! - [Bo] And threw a

- Van!

- UHuhUH Where did you even get that?

- It howled in monstrous rage.

- God

- But the doctor drove it back with

- An egg beater!!

- [Bo] And locked it in a

- Clothes dryer! (groaning) (kids laughing)

- [Bo] But believe that night, the faint escaped.

- Use the door

- And staggered into town.

The people shrieked in terror when it knocked a

- Moose! - On stilts!

- I was just getting the hang of that.

- Whatever can this creature want?

- The frightened people cried. The sandwich said,

- Me lonely sandwich.

Me need a loving

- Chocolate Shake! - Oh, I love milkshakes!!

- Oh, that's my favorite food ever!!!

- Well, that wouldn't go together.

- My mom makes these really good ones

with frozen fruit and um, Leafs

and it tastes so good.

But not leaves from trees, I think it's from plants.

Yes! Plants..

- So back to the story.

- No. Make it

- Said, the doctor feeling touched and rather tender.

He gathered his ingredients and mixed them in a

- Pelican. (gargling)

- Uhhh, He added

- Mustard.

- Hot dogs!!!


- Shampoo!

- Gravel!

- Piano!

- MMM, MMM, MMM...

- Till it was time to pour

- Yummy, yummy, yummy.


- The sandwich cried

- Sandwich, not lonely anymore.

- And soon they had a wedding.

So it turned out for the best.

They both were happy as could be.

And so was every

- Vampire! - Werewolf!

(howling) - Ghost.

- Slime monsters.

= Mummies

- Oh now you get monsters..

- Skeletons! -Goblins! - THEEE END!!!


- Thank you so much.

- Next time.

The quirky classic James and the giant

- Sandwich.

- Sandwich......

- I think I've created a monster.

(upbeat music)

(machines whirring)

- Hi kids.

- Hello!!

- Do any of you play an instrument?

- Yeah.

- Yeah

- Yeah. - Oh!

(guitar strumming)

- Wow.

(chaotic music)

- Oh wow! Well listen to this!

(ukulele strumming) I'm ready to read, ready to rock.

Don't look now it's story o'clock!

UKE SOLO!!!! (ukulele)


Ahah... I guess you guys are ready for me then..

Today's story is called....

- [Singers] Mr. Grand and his Band, Mr. Grand and his band.

That's the title though.

We are ready to go.

- Wow. - Great song!!

- That's the best song ever.

- I thought my song was pretty good.

Well... That's fine.

- I'm starting a band.

- [Bo] Said Marcellis B. Grand.

- It's gonna be awesome.

The best in the land, the greatest musicians

from near and from far will be rare to join

When I play my...

- Neighbor!

- We should really do that games night sometime.

- No! No No No No No!

It at least needs to be an instrument like a..

- Potato.

- What?

- Potato. - Potato. - Potato.

- But, but, but, but how is he gonna play a


(kids laughing)

- Oh! (laughing continues)

- That was the funniest one you ever done.

- Anyway.

- I like it.

- [Bo] Said Jayna, as she popped up the street.

- That melody is sweet and I'm digging the beat!

but it needs something more. You're in luck...

Here. It comes.

Check out how it sounds.

When I add in my.....

- Coocoo clock


- This is going to be an unusual band..

- Your clock sound is encentier.


- The musicians then came from all over the place.

There was Pete on the..

- Jack hammer. (drilling)

- And Lisa on.....

- Police sirens! (sirens alarming)

- There was Cam who played

- Hopscotch!

- Since the day she was born,

and the sound was amazing when Sam blew his

- Nose (blowing) (laughing)

- They soon had their very first concert to play.

- But we don't have a singer...

- They cried in dismay.

- Relax! - [Bo] Said Marcellis.

- I've made a great choice.

Matilda Lavash has a beautiful...


(mooing) (kids laughing)

- We need more cow bells!

- [Bo] They dazzled the crowd when they meet their day view.

- Oh, oh, it's awful.

- Their fans love the, the, and

(sirens) (mooing)

- UGH MY EARS!! - It's just awful.

- And soon they were famous.

They toured all around for everyone.

Loved their magnificent

- Vacuum cleaner. - Bob horn. - screaming cake

- Cement truck. - Dinosaur

- Helicopter!!


- Until they're difficult second out.

- Ahah. - That was so fun!

- Next time, I'll be reading the classic fairytale, Cinder--

- Blocks!!

- I'm not sure the slipper's gonna fit...

(upeat music)

(machine whirring)

- Hi kids!!!!!!!

- Hi Bo!!!

- I have a special surprise for you today.

My new story has a little of everything.

- Does it have unicorns on the moon?

- Well, no...

- Does it have mermaids on the moon?

- Uh... (inaudible)

- Well, it's not really a moon based story.

- Does it have bears??

- Oh, No! Not that again!

- How about it explode?

- No! No! Okay. It doesn't have everything.

What I mean is, this is a story about stories

- It's called - A Trip to Story Land. O'Lay.

- Okay. I don't know why we went for Spanish

but I really liked it had some flavor.

- I've got magic story book.

- Said young Samantha Lee. With that, she quickly jumped

inside to see what she could see

She gazed at all the wonders there and who should then

approach, but the lovely Cinderella in her fancy

pumpkin... - Helicopter

- Papa Charlie we're cruising a 10,000 street visibility

Good over. (kids laughing)

- Oh, well, well that it would get them around faster.

- Go the helicopter.

- Oh okay. - Hop in!

- The princess sweetly said.

- I'll take you everywhere.

Come meet my friend Repunzel now.

Whose letting down her

- Komodo Dragon

- Now you can't go to the fun fair.

- Don't wanna let down

- Not gonna get tangled in that. - gooey...

- And soon she met red riding...


(metal clunking)

- I'm a robot.

- With goodies to enjoy.

- Please enjoy my goodies

- And Pinocchio, the puppet who became a real life...

- Unicorn!

Oh, wait, uh. Does his hair grow the horn?

- YUP!!

- Or does his nose grow the horn? - YUP!!!

- You're just sayin yup too anything I say, aren't you?

- YEAH!!

- Well the more unicorns, the better.

Oh unicorn, I love you.

(singing) (kids exclaiming)

Oh! Sorry about that.

There was Jack Who climbed up

- A cactus!


That grew from sturdy roots.

She met the little mer-

- Mouse

- And the cat whose in...

- Underpants.

- Wow. (slight giggle)

- At last they reached the final paint.

The princess he decide and said

- It sounds delightful,

but it's time to say goodbye.

(walkie talkie voices)

- [Bo] Samantha then jumped out again.

- It sure was fun. - [Bo] She said.

- I know I'll be returning soon.

But now its time for...

- Komodo Dragon fun fair!

(fun music)

- Oh, that looks like fun!


(kids excited)

Next time, I'll be reading Charles Dickens classic

- Goat!

- Expectations

- Are you expect to goat?

(goat mumbles)

- Okay, whatever...

(loud whirring)

(ending theme music)
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