04x05 - Sportsball!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "StoryBots: Super Silly Stories with Bo". Aired: Jun 26, 2022 - present.*
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When Bo the StoryBot attempts to read her stories to a bunch of imaginative kids, they hijack the narrative and take it in all kinds of crazy directions.
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04x05 - Sportsball!

Post by bunniefuu »

hello kids

do any of you play sports yes I do yeah

I love to do gymnastics oh I think we

have a video of that Gerald can you run

VT you got it Bo Leighton what is your

favorite thing in the whole wide world


oh that's that's so impressive I wonder

if I could do the splits

cool sports game I once saw

it's called


I remember it like it was yesterday

reporting live from StoryBots Stadium

commentator bow it's a beautiful day not

a hint of a cloud the fans are excited

just look at that crowd but which team

will win today who'll wear the crown

here at StoryBots stadium in the heart

of the uh nobody knows

what wait a second nobody knows where

the stadium is nobody knows where it is

it's hidden somewhere in Michigan


we're getting off track early here let's

just say people look it up on the

computer where it is okay


but but

um you can't look it up because

um other people who like made it there

and they forgot to like

put on the website

over there huh

or even Travelers tried to find it but

they can't and then they end up

in aha oh

at home

so what you're saying is it's an empty

Stadium yeah

oh boy it's newts versus hedgehogs the

tension is thick

the notes win the coin toss and here

comes the donut

I've never seen anything like it at all

but Patterson has it well under control

he sh**t the pajamas who goes for the

world's fastest guinea pig

has moves that'll put up the shame a

trash can and look it's trash talk in

the elf it's out of the game and is off

to the dump

team town

oh why I'm sorry yes yes

that's so polite okay sure and robot a


okay okay both teams have yetis and

robots and paint and butterflies with

laser cannons and a gorilla and more but

the hedgehogs are really behind in the

score the newts are just waving their

arms around

maybe like this



that's bad

the home team has won what do you win

well a donut well that would fit and

they and they put unicorn powder in it

oh now you got my attention oh Christ

stay tuned for sports ball of the day

for hours of meaningless chat

honey that's not at all how I remember

the game

bye from here

next time I'll be reading everyone's

favorite The Little Engine That Couldn't

be bothered

oh yeah I'm totally blowing this off

huh I guess I'll be taking the bus
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