31x02 - Survivor MacGyver

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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31x02 - Survivor MacGyver

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor," you will get a

Second shot.

After being picked by america,

20 Former players travel to


They've been given a second

Chance to change the way they

Played the first time and to

Finish what they started.

Welcome to "survivor:

Cambodia--second chance."

I'm here to win $1 million.

When it's all done, I'll pray

For forgiveness.

Jeff: the ta keo tribe --

Did you see my bag?

My bracelet is inside.

Jeff: abi was battling


It's so hard for me not to

Pull out my things.

The bracelet.

Jeff: but the real battle

Was between two styles of play,

Old school and new school.

The new school was all about


I want to pull away people I

Want to work with and just lock

It down.

Jeff: while the old school

Was about relationships and


It doesn't get any more old

School than me.

Jeff: it was the veteran

Who found himself stuck in the


I don't care who is pulling

Me in the woods.

Yes is your answer.

Jeff: at the bayon tribe,

The strong men bonded together,

But stephen didn't fit in and

His tribe became suspicious that

He was looking for a hidden

Immunity idol.

I think he's trying the look

For an idol.

Oh, really?

Jeff: in a "survivor"

First, kelly found an idol

Hidden at the immunity

Challenge, but it was joe who

Found success.

Joe wins immunity!

It only got worse for ta keo.

We are heading to tribal council

Right now.

At tribal council, varner had to

Decide which way to go.

This is my second chance.

I don't want to screw it up.

In the end, abi got four votes.

First person voted out of

"Survivor: cambodia" -- but

Vytas got sent home.

Now that you've been to tribal

Council, fire in the form of

Flint will be waiting for you

Back at camp.

19 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Tribal council was


I didn't expect varner to flip.

It kind of sucks to be on the


It's not how I wanted to start

Out the second chance.

My group need to get their crap


They set the space.

We have to start defending

Ourselves or we're didn't here.

Yesterday we went from the

Challenge straight the tribal,

So I need the find some time to

Read my idol, which I've been

Holding on.

To I don't even know what it

Looks like.

I don't know what the clue says.

The idol.

This second chance season is

Already insane.

I'm so glad to have a little bit

Of security.

It's a beautiful thing.

I'm so excited.

Oh, my god.


Oh, my god.

This is a great day.

Playing a second time, having a

Second chance, I just want to do

Everything that I didn't do the

First time, and I want to be

Aggressive, and I want to be a


It's really important to me.

This is a second chance.

Go big or go home.


We have a good group, you



I would like to decide who is

Next now.

Shouldn't it probably be like

Someone in the race?

It's fine with me.

After vytas went home, there

Was definitely a sense that the

New school got the better of the

Old school on the first vote.

Wigles worth missed the vote.

I blind sided them.

I hope that shows you loyalty.

There's nine people on this


With abi we have five.

We shouldn't worry.

Spencer and shirin are quite

Comfortable, but I'm not so sure

They should be as comfortable as

They are.

My whole plan with voting out

Vytas was to teach the old

Schoolers to play this game

Finally and to get the pace to

Get rid of shirin and spencer.

They're playing way too hard


I want to get one of them out of

The mix.

I didn't want abi to go.

I don't think abi's the right

One to go.

Abi's easy.

This game is moving like

Lightning, terry, and all of

These threats have got to go.

It can't be like names in


That's old school.


This is a new day.

I do not want us to look like we

Don't know what we're doing.

That vote last night was a

Wake-up call.

Get off your ass and play this


This is not 2001.

I want to vote out spencer or


Those two are players.

They got to go.

If I'm going to the end with a

Group, I'm going with y'all.

I'm not going with them.

I left tribal council feeling

Like crap, but varner is hitting

The beach hard and playing the


"Survivor" has changed.

My second chance includes terry

Obviously having to play a

Social game or I will see my

Butt voted out.

You understand what I'm

Saying in.

We're going to do this thing.

I'm looking for a spy shack.

I can do anything I put my

Mind to.

I want to have fun out here.

I want to do stuff.

No one likes sleeping on the

Bamboo, so I said, yeah, I think

I'm going the make a hammock.

The last time I played I was the

Biggest threat, no questions


So coming into this season, it's

Nice being in a role where I

Feel like I am providing a


This don't suck at all.

I want to be someone that

People need and want around.

Island paradise.

Oh, heck, yeah.

Take a big one.

Then we'll give you a little


All right.

Are you sure you don't want

Another one?

Not right now.


Joe is always coming up with


What can I build next?

What new, amazing contraption

Can I build to make "survivor"


It's crazy being on a tribe

With joe.

He's survivor macgiefer.

He's always building a hammock

Or going fishing.

I got some fish.

Throw some shrimp on the


Joe's too good for his own self.

He's too much of the golden boy,

Beautiful threat.

Joe is really good at island


I mean, yeah.

Joe's a guy who is perfect at

The beginning, wins all the

Challenges, builds the shelter

And then you slit his neck right

When we get to the merge.

You feel okay, right?


All right.

I'm just very aware.

I'm not done.

At tribal council, I got four


If it was me back in "survivor:

Philippines," I would have


I'm working on it.

I try to act like the new abi I

Want to be.

How did you do the chimney in

China on the fire?

So basically block oit all

The wind around it.

It's easy to keep going.

So what's going on?


What's going on?

We're building a fire


Just relax.

We're seriously building a fire


Abi is an absolute drama


The fact that I have to trust

Someone like that to protect my

Interests is the most

Frightening thing I've had to do

In all of "survivor."

You guys okay?

Of course.

I'm fine.

I'm just trying to connect with

This friendship we have going


I feel like I am in a good

Position, but abi is like the

Permanent liability.

She will always be this body

Weight that you have to lug


So I watch up to them again.

Why not?

I'll be annoying.

Abi is here the start fight,

And that is cancer for a tribe,

And it's deathly cancer for an


Here she comes.


I offered you one.

You didn't get it.

I want to be part of the


Abi is our own brazilian soap

Opera that we can turn on and


There are buttons you push.

What are you whispering


There are things that go on

That you don't have to hear.

Oh, yeah?

I see abi as someone everyone


She's the perfect fool to help

Me win $1 million.

If you want to follow me, you

Might hear a little more, but I

Don't think you can run that


Oh, my god, this is


Who needs food when you have


I was in chicago.

One of our clients was playboy


I met my wife when she came to

My office.

On my desk was all these

"Playboy" magazines.

How did you meet your wife?

So my wife was a top model in

South africa in a lawsuit, and

She won a beauty contest and the

Prize was a trip around the

World, and she stopped in

America to see my roommate.

They were friends.

I'm on trial.

I come home with my suit, and

There's this most gorgeous

Brunette I've ever seen in my


And I nearly fainted.

You could take a knife and cut

The chemistry between us.

It's like from across the room.

It was unbelievable.

Then she went to california and

Then she came back and... She's

My world.

Oh, my goodness.

So she came back.

She came back and we were

Married three months later.

That's awesome.

Great story.

My last season my fellow cast

Members were horrible.

This time some of these people

Are great people.

So if they make me a better

Person and a better player, I'll

Take it.

That is so sweet.

I think you have to have

Feelings in this game.

And that was a fault in my prior

Game is assuming everyone had

Compartmentalized this and we

Were going to go play poker and

Someone was going to win.

I realize not everyone behaves

In that manner out here.

We're real people and I'm going

To be a real person throughout


Be all business.

Bringing up that story with his

Wife, yeah, it touches you, you

Know, it makes you think.

My wife is pregnant.

I just want to see her stomach,

You know what I mean?

I want to be there to see it


I'm not telling anybody.

I got so much riding on me

Anyway, I know they're going to

Come after me as a physical


And you're going to add on that

My wife is pregnant, no one is

Going to want the take me to the


I got to control this a little


Val knows how much this means to

Me and to her, you know?

She's the reason why I'm doing

This, you know?

What's that?

Are we all concerned with


Are you?

Here's the thing about

Stephen, first reaction is

Jeremy's looking for an idol as

Opposed to jeremy has a

Wonderful wife and kids, maybe

My story affected him and he

Needed some private time.

That just tells me that fish is

Playing the game 24/7.

All he cares about that idol and

It's all about the game, no


Your story, man, about your


It hit you hard, too?

Get it out.

You got to get it out.

Stephen's asking if you're

Looking for an idol.

He comes up to you and says



That just shows you where his

Head is.

He's kind of lacking in some of

The things that really mean

Everything to me and my tribe,

Morals and values, loyalty,

Dignity, courage.

Whether I like the guy or not,

His time out here, if it's up to

Me, is going to be limited.

I asked her to get some of

These seeds to put them in the

Rice, and she's like, my back


I'm done, my back hurts.

She's sitting there in the


I heard everything you just


Why didn't you say it to me?

I'm so sorry that you don't like

Me and that I annoy you and you

Can't stand me.

There's nothing else I can do.

I'm having a conversation

With peih-gee.

Abi overhearsay it -- abi

Overhears it and it erupts into

A fight.

You were going around telling

Everybody you thought I stole my


How does that make me feel, huh?

I wasn't talking about you

Behind your back.

That's not what I heard.

How would you feel if your

Name was put down four times.

Abi is talking about the

Votes for the millionth time.

I started walking away.

It was all very awkward and

Painful to watch.

Maybe we got off on the wrong

Foot then.

Yeah, I guess so.

See, this is the thing, when

You do that, oh, whatever.

What do you want me to tell


You already made your decision?

You know what, abi, I can

Work with everybody.

Our friendship has nothing to do

With numbers.

Of course I was embarrassed

To have been caught talking

About somebody behind their

Back, but everybody is fed up

With her, okay.

She doesn't have a single friend

On this island.

Are you okay?

That felt good.

The people I thought I was

Aligned with are laughing at me

Right now.

And the reason why I wanted to

Work with her is because she

Felt like nobody had her back on

Her season, and I feel really

Weird right now.

I feel alone.

I was like, calm down.

Abi goes off to the beach.

The eight of us are in the

Shelter, and she's getting

Laughed at by her people.

And no one stood up for her.

You know, she's annoying and

She's an emotional train wreck,

But there is another human being

Out there floundering, that's

Just wrong.


Right now I'm kind of open to

Or whoever is going to protect


Something started to really

Click between me and abi, not

Only personal-wise because we

Made that connection, but

Strategic-wise in the talking we

Were doing there.

Maybe it's the old school

Thing, but if we move on

Together, I got your back.

The opportunity sprang from just

Being thoughtful about somebody.

Sitting here by myself, all

Alone, who came the talk to me?


Jeff lit a little fire under

My ass.

I knew I had to come to the

Beach with social game.

I was slow on the uptake at

First, but it's starting to come



I don't want you to go


I think you're fabulous.

That is music to my ears

After my whole alliance is just

Letting everyone just make me

Feel like a fool.

And now I feel so good that

People actually want to work

With me.

And that they actually find me,

You know, a joy.

We both agree.

I'll get terry to do it, kelly

To do it, me and you.

That's five.

And those people who turned

Their back on you...

They are going to have...

We will help you.

Can we shake on that?

Terry saw the crack, and he

Jumped right on it.

My old alliance will definitely

Regret not coming to me when I

Needed them the most.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Bayon getting your first look at

The new ta keo tribe.

Vytas voted out at the first

Tribal council.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: all right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?




Jeff: for today's challenge

Both tribes will car race across

A series of a-frames carrying a


You will use that rope to pull a

Heavy crate to the finish.

Two tribe members will then use

The pieces inside that crate to

Solve the puzzle.

First tribe to finish wins

Immunity, safe from the vote.

Losers go to tribal council

Where somebody will be the

Second person voted out of

"Second chance."

In addition you're playing for


Want to know what you're playing


Yes, sir.

Jeff: it is a "survivor"

Toolkit, and it is pretty

Sweet -- hammer, axe, chisel,

Saw, bamboo and rope.

Plus waiting for you back at

Camp, materials that will vastly

Improve your shelter.

This should make sleeping better

And protect you from the rain.

Big reward.


Bayon, you have one extra


Sitting someone out.

Who is it going to be?


Jeff: one more thing.

I forgot to grab the idol.


Second chance for me to get this


Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

Ciera take a spot on the sit-out


I'll give you a minute to

Strategize and we'll get


Here we go.

For immunity and reward,

Survivors ready?


Got to get up over that first


Go, guys!

Good job, good job.

Help each other.

Jeff: bayon flying over it.

Ta keo taking more time.

That's going to leave a mark

When you skid down that wood.

Bayon in the early lead.

Second wall, everybody, let's


Go, go.

Jeff: this one's going to

Take some more work to get up.

Help each other out.

Good job, guys.

I got it.

I got it.

Come on, come on!

Jeff: head to that next

One, but you got to wait on


A lot of skids coming up.

Varner takes a big fall.

Go, bayon!

Go, ta keo!

This will be the toughest wall


It will require a lot of


Use that rope if you need it.

There has been a lot of skin

Left on this wood.

This is why you are out here,

For your second chance at this


Losing more skin.

Definitely some injuries and

Some very hard falls.

Huge fall.

Joe, go.

Four people on the crate.

Four people on the crate.

The other five to the mat.

You got to tie these ropes


You'll use the ropes to pull the


We're very even right now.

Here we go.

Both sides pulling now.





Jeff: that crate is very


Spencer, dietz and varner are


Bayon is back.

Two puzzle makers.

Everybody else on the matt.

There you go, there you go.

Come on, guys.

Jeff: ta keo has a lot of

Time the make up.

It is kass and kimmi working the

Puzzle for bayon.

There it is, go.

Big lead for kimmi and kass.

Are they on the right track, is

The question?

When your puzzle is right, every

Piece will connect to the next


That's perfect.

Kelley when worth and peih-gee

Going to start working on their


Can they make up the lost time?

Immunity and a big reward on the


Go, go, go!

Jeff: spencer trying to

Come in to make a difference.

Can he pick up the pace?

Can he close the gap?

We got it.

Jeff: too much communicate

Canning cause chaos and


Everybody on ta keo is yelling

At spencer and peih-gee.

Joe going to come in now for


He thinks he knows what needs to


Jeremy is coming in for kass.

He's had time the study it.

Do you want me to come in?

It's now shirin and spencer.

Shirin taking over, moving

Pieces around.

No, you can't.

Stop it.

Oh, my god, I can't.

Jeff: panic starting to set


God, this is a nightmare.

Jeff: this puzzle only goes

Together correctly in one way,

And when you do, everything

Lines up.

The design will flow from one

Piece to the next.

If it doesn't flow, it's wrong.


Spencer now starting to make

Some progress with something


Is he right?

There you go, there you go.

Jeff: spencer and shirin

Continue the make changes.

Yes, yes, yes!

Yes, spencer, yes!

Jeff: this would be a

Massive come-from-behind victory

For ta keo.

Joe now moving pieces.

He has an idea where he wants to

Go with it.

Both tribes moving pieces very

Quickly trying to get to the


The question is are either of

Them right this time?

He's still here.

He's still here.

Jeff: it is a race to the


Put that there.

Put that there.

You got it.

You got it.

Yes, yes!


Jeff: ta keo thinks they

Have it.

That is not right.

Bayon thinks they have it.

Bayon is right!

Immunity and reward for bayon

Sending ta keo back the tribal


Byron bayon!


Jeff: bayon,


Immunity again.

No tribal council tonight,


Nobody going home from this


In addition, pretty decent


Come grab it.

Enjoy the night off.

Thank you, jeff.

Anchor: ta keo, all I have

Is a date with you tonight at

Tribal where someone will be the

Second person voted out of

"Second chance."

Grab your stuff.

See you tonight at tribal.

That challenge was a trial.

But spencer and shirin had their

Fate in their own hands.

One of those two is going home


How poetic.

Good effort, you guys.



You did good.

No worries.

Tough break.

Everybody did their part.

Second challenge in and we're

Already getting our asses


I'm very happy to have control

Of the game with shirin.

I relate to shirin more than

Anyone else out here.

My old "survivor" experience of

Being on the bottom and

Suffering and not having anyone

I can play with and trust is


Have you done a scrub?

Do it.

I'll let you scrub me.

I'll scrub you if you want.

My whole thing is get rid of

The threats as soon as you can.

Spencer is a huge strategic


That kid is the smartest young

Man I've ever met in my entire


Shirin is all of that, plus

She's emotional.

She knows how to talk to you

Like your best friend.

She's a salesperson.

They are two heads on one snake,

So it doesn't matter which one

We chop off.

Would you vote shirin or


You know what, I'm going to

Go where the numbers are.

I would have preferred to vote

Out abi, but currently I'm

Siding with the larger majority,

Which seems to be everyone

Except for shirin and spencer.

I think they're both a little

Bit dangerous, and I don't want

To be on the wrong side of the


I'm telling you what, this


We're a mess.

We are a mess.

Oh, abi's devastated that shirin

Didn't stand up for her last


I know.

Terry dietz sat up with her

All night long like her father,

So she woke up completely loyal.

Who is good right now, you,

Peih-gee, woo...

Everybody but shirin and


It's over.

If you're on board...

I am.

Okay, varner, you're not going

To see me talking to her today.

I promise you.

It's very hard for me to

Think about voting for shirin or

Spencer because those are my

Original allies.

Unfortunately things shifted

Over the course of 24 hours, and

Now I find myself in a different

Alliance, which I don't

Necessarily like, but I have to

Go with the flow.

So shirin and spencer are in

Deep crap.

Even though we lost the

Immunity challenge, I feel

Really great going forward

Because we have me, spencer,

Kelly, jeff varner, but, you

Know, I want to make sure that

Abi still feels good.

She is always all over the


How are you feeling today?

I feel good.

I feel good today.

I'm sorry about what happened

Last night.

I'm sorry I didn't stand up for


I wish you had because I'm a

Loyal person, and when I give my

Word to an alliance, it's 100%.

I was expecting one of you guys

To at least come and check on


Who came?


Terry came.

He spent two hours with me, two


I'm so sorry.

I tried, shirin.

I tried.

I tried having your back, but

You know what, with me you're


You guys left me there all by


Abi, I gave you my word.

I voted with you?

What more can I do.

I was crying in front of you.

I was made a fool of.


This is really awkward.

Varner is on board.

Kelly is on board.

They want to vote you and

Spencer out.

Are we still in this


Not my style.

Spencer and I were in the

Majority that voted out vytas.

We should be riding high, happy,

But somehow some way we've ended

Up in the minority.

We're screwed.


Can you explain...

Look, I don't think we have

Time to mince words here.

Varner and abi are going to vote

With old school.

Right now I'm swinging like a

Pendulum between frustration and


One minute ago I was in a

Perfectly fine position, and now

Nothing is nearly as high a

Priority as keeping myself safe.

I just have to make it a

Priority to make it three more


I want to talk to you.

Here's what happens to you, if

It's all old school, you,

They'll keep you around for

Challenges for now, but you will

Be at the bottom, and if you're

Lucky enough to make the merge,

You will be the biggest threat

And you will be picked off as

Soon as you don't win immunity.

All of a sudden spencer and

Shirin have the audacity to

Think, you know, like I'm going

To drop my tribe, jump in with


Hey, I'm sorry, majority rules.

Like I'm in the saying I don't

Trust you...

You don't know me.

This is the first

Conversation you're having with


You're throwing a lot at me.

I never break my word.

I feel sick to my stomach about

The fact that I very, very well

May go home.

The only option I have is voting

For spencer.

I don't want to vote for


I will make you any deal you

Want right now.

It boggles my mind that not

One time did you ever pull me


Now you come to me asking me for

A vote.

I'm just kind of sitting back

Like, absolutely not.

My situation is getting weaker

And bleecker.

This was going to be my second


I wanted to have a very

Different experience, but I'm

Being brought hard back to my

First experience where

Everything starts going really

Well and then all of a sudden it

Collapses in front of me.

Every single person other than

Shirin and I is in the numbers

Against us.

I mean, shirin's been my only

Solid person, and now I feel

Like there's no move I can make

Other than screwing over the one

Person I wanted to play with.

Jeff: so, varner, what is

The vibe of the tribe right now?

I think we're all exhausted.

I think today really sucked a

Lot out of us.

That was an intense challenge.

Jeff: spencer, it's one

Thing to want the play again,

But then you get out here and

You're reminded, oh, yeah, this

Is an ass-kicker.

Yeah, I think we deal with

Some kind of amnesia for however

Many years it's been since we

Played the first time.

Then we get back here and it's

Like, oh, this sucks.

It's going to kick your ass.

Jeff: shirin, it's

Interesting what spencer just


You remember "survivor" being

Awesome until you get back out


I don't remember it as being


I had a really rough time first

Time around, and I'm starting to

Have a rough time the second

Time around.

Jeff: all right?

Yeah, already.

Jeff: tell me about that.

There was some fighting and

Some people have lost some trust

In me.

I think I'm on the bottom.

I hope I can fight my way back

Into the game.

Jeff: kelley, what is

Shirin referring to?

There was a disagreement

Between abi and peih-gee, and I

Think that's what shirin is

Talking about.

Jeff: abi, what was it


I was sitting at the beach

And peih-gee and shirin were

Talking about me.

I felt betrayed in a way because

We were all in an alliance.

And I am very, very gracious

Toward terry.

He was the only one that rescued

Me when I was feeling very

Lonely, when I felt that I was

Going to be voted out tonight


Jeff: shirin, that's almost

Verbatim what you said in your


You said it about mike, that he

Was the only one who rescued me.

Abi said it about terry, but in

This case, she was upset with


I agree that I should have

Been there for her.

I should have gone to her right

Away and fixed it.

I didn't.

And the game changes very


Jeff: dietz, you're nodding

Your head.

Yeah, you know, because I was

On the bottom a couple days ago,

And because of what happened the

Other night, it ended up with

Abi sitting on the beach, and

She and I just made a


You know, it wasn't this

Hard-core strategy thing.

It was just about building a

Relationship, and a lot of good

Things came out of it.

Jeff: to the point where I

Don't think I'm on the bottom


Jeff: spencer, shirin says

She feels so on the bottom.

Is that a consensus that she

Might be in trouble?


I mean, I don't see any reason

To beat around the bush, but I

Am also concerned.

Jeff: why would you be a

Target tonight?

There are a lot of reason,

But one is talking too much

About strategy and too little

About getting to know all of

These people.

Jeff: jeff, are shirin and

Spencer right to be concerned?

Have you guys narrowed it down

To one of those two going?


Jeff: spencer, that

Confirms that.


I don't think there's any reason

To speak about it in code.

It's going to be one of us going

Home, but I'm telling you,

Wiglesworth, terry, peih-gee,

Jeff, abi, woo and kelly, if I

Am here tomorrow, this change

Will happen.

It's not about forming an

Alliance here, I'm forming an

Alliance here, it's about

Connecting with people.

It's about forming relationships

That have a basis, and that's

What I'm here to do from here on

Out, and I mean that.

Jeff: it is amazing, the

Two people in trouble tonight,

Shirin and spencer, are having

Very similar stories to the

First time you both played.

Spencer, that was almost the

Speech you gave your season.

I'll just work with anybody who

Will give with me, just give me

A chance.

And shirin you were in the

Middle of controversy about

Being excluded on one side or

The other.

What do you make of that,


What does that say about second

Chances and the ability to

Change or the situation that we

End up putting ourselves in time

After time after time?

Change is hard.

This is a second chance to be

Able to chip away at it.

It doesn't mean you're going to

Change overnight.

I made some very clear mistakes.

So if I go home tonight, that's

On me.

I did that.

If I don't go home tonight, if I

Stay, that's a third chance.

That's once-in-a-lifetime.

Jeff: all right.

It is time to vote.

Wiglesworth, you're up.

I know you're writing my name

Down, too.

I don't have a bad thing to say

About you.

Anchor: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want the play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

The person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, spencer.




Three votes shirin.



That's three votes spencer,

Three votes shirin.


That's four votes spencer, three

Votes shirin.


We're tied again.

Four votes shirin, four votes

Spencer, one vote left.

Second person voted out of

"Survivor: second chance,"


Bring me your torch.


Anchor: shirin, the tribe

Has spoken.

I meant every word I said.

Thank you, guys.

Jeff: well, this season

Offers a second chance to change

What didn't work the first time.

But if you don't change, history

Is destined to repeat itself.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor," in a season where

Adapting is everything...

Being someone who will not

Change is the death of you.

Jeff: everyone better be

Ready to change.

Drop your buffs.

We are switching tribes.

For two tribes to three tribes.

Oh, my god.

I feel like I really didn't

Get to seize my second chance.

I struggle to change in a lot of

Key ways to make this game work

For me.

I was in a total fine position

And went crazy and blew up my


I had an awesome opening act and

Then k*lled myself.
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