02x05 - Therapy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Maestro in Blue". Aired: 13 October 2022 – present.*
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Orestis, a troubled musician, travels to the Greek island of Paxos to direct a revival of the local music festival where he meets Klelia, an ambitious 19-year-old girl who wants to study music.
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02x05 - Therapy

Post by bunniefuu »


I gave you the money.
Now I need you to help me.

- How?
- I don't know.

- I'm not doing well.
- Why didn't you donate to a state shelter?

Where would I say I got the money?

Where did you get it?

This is a shelter. Stay if you want.

I don't need a shelter.
It's other things I need.

I pretend to be okay, but I'm not.

I know that what I went through is hard.

I know that it's normal
for me to feel lost.

What I don't know
is how to live with all this.

I need help.

There are many official shelters.

They help women who've been through
what you've been through.

The hardest part for the women

is deciding that they need help
and asking for it.

Not being afraid.

Sadly, some of them come here
for just a short while,

and once the storm passes,

they go back
to where they were being abused.

You're fortunate to have taken this step.

It's because I can't go back.

Even so. Okay, listen.

Give this man a call.

I'll set up an appointment for you.
He's in Athens.

But you can meet with him online too.

A psychiatrist?

Yes. He's helped plenty of women.

He's a real professional.

The money you gave us

will cover a lot of the shelter's
maintenance expenses.

It'll also go towards paying him.

Can I ask you something?

Why do you do this?

I'll put you in touch.

Call him as soon as you get home.

I'll ask him to schedule
two weekly sessions with you.

Talk to him.

Tell him everything that's on your mind.

- What's your name?
- Leta.

Thank you very much, Leta.

I really mean it.

Thank you.

You did something no one else would.

You're helping so many women
with this money.

Make sure you help yourself too.

Bye, Maria.

Just to be clear,
I've taken lots of beatings in my life.

Most of the time, I tried not to think
about what I was going through.

It wasn't easy, but I managed to do it.

Now I realize
that avoiding it got me nowhere.

So I'm open to receiving
the help necessary for my recovery.

Even if it's sat in front of a screen.


I've never undergone psychotherapy before.

I've only taken vitamins.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Back again?


- It's on you today.
- Excuse me?

I bought you a coffee yesterday.

Oh, really? Thank you.

Can I sit?

Are you kidding me?

- Why?
- Is this a prank?

Not at all. There are no free tables,
and my back is k*lling me.

I come here every day. This is my office.

Would it be so terrible
if we shared the table?

You're so aggressive.


You're a musician?

Do you know much about music?

I haven't had time
to practice for my rehearsal.

The French horn?

We have a rehearsal
with the Theodorakis Orchestra.

Good for you.

- Are you here alone?
- I'm waiting for a friend.

- You're tourists?
- Yes.

From the old folks' home?

You're from here, right?

You've got a sense of humor.

Unlike you.

- Why did you buy me a coffee?
- Am I not allowed to?

You are,
but it's not something people do anymore.

I'm old school.

In my day, when we saw a beautiful woman,
we'd buy her coffee.

How old are you? We must be the same age.

How old are you?

Born in 1960.

Nice save.

Why are you upset
that I bought you a coffee?

I'm not. I thought it was a nice gesture.

Were you flattered?

You women,

always playing it cool.

You came running to see
who bought you a coffee.

I bet you're smitten by me.

Okay. It was nice to meet you.

- Why are you leaving?
- I've heard enough nonsense.

Wait. I need a favor.

- What is it?
- It's important. Sit down.

You're unbelievable.

There is a pharmacy across the street.

Could you grab me a pain relief patch
and a Sanolim?

It's the only anti-inflammatory medication
that works.

I can't move. My lumbago's acting up.

I've been stiff this whole time.

I can't get up.
I'll make a fool of myself.

Please. I'm not kidding.

Take some money.

Don't worry about it.
It's on me. Instead of the coffee.

The first guy
to buy me a coffee in 30 years,

and he's broken.

Serves me right. What an idiot.

- Is this it?
- Yes.

Can you get upstairs?

Yes. The meds have kicked in already.

Great. Okay, bye.

Hold on.

If you're free tonight, do you want
to come to the Museum of Asian Art?

- We're rehearsing there. You'll like it.
- I'll see. Thank you.


- Haris.
- Nice to meet you.

You too. Bye.

There's a thrill in being so bad at it.

I have no intention of becoming good.
I'm just keeping busy.

I can't sing, yet I'm in the choir.

I've got no rhythm,
but I'm always dancing.

I have no musical talent at all,
yet I'm learning the French horn.

Well, you must have some talent.

- You wouldn't be drawn to music.
- So I was good?

No. But the others were.

I wasn't involved in any of this
before my wife passed.

- How long has it been?
- Four years.

The first five are difficult.
Then you get used to it.

- Do you have children?
- No, I don't like them. You?

A daughter. And grandkids.

So at least you're not on your own.

Not really. They have their own lives now.

And you're alone.

At first, I hated it.

Now I'm really starting to enjoy it.

I don't have to answer to anyone.
I do what I like.

I'm more carefree.

I hadn't been to Corfu in ages.

Now I'm like a tourist.

If you'd like,
we can get coffee again tomorrow.

Then I'll take you
to Corfu Reading Society's library.

After that, we'll see Pontikonisi.

Typical old people stuff.

Are you getting bored
because you're retiring?

You have no idea.

Thanks for today.

I'm glad you came.

Me too.

How long are you in town?

I don't know.

Not long. But I'm close by.

- Where are you from?
- Paxos.

Have you been?

Yes. It's very nice.

- Is that where you live?
- Yeah. Why?

No reason. It's really nice.

I'm getting bored here.

Should we grab a drink?

Are you out of your mind?

I have a friend who sings at a bar.
You'll enjoy it.

He sings foreign stuff too.

Come on. Don't overthink it!

We'll get a cab,
and then I'll take you back to your hotel.

- If you want, we can sleep together too.
- Oh!

Don't act so surprised.
I used to be very good in bed.

Thank you very much.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- What can I get you?
- A tea, please.


I don't know what else to say.

Yes, we were married.

For 35 years. Yes.

He's missing.

I'm sure he's dead.

Can you see me clearly?

I'm glad. I've got fast internet.
One hundred mega "pipi."

For better image quality.

I can't remember when he proposed.

I don't think he asked me. He didn't.

It was taken for granted back then.

How could I live alone?

Aren't you going to say something?

I don't know what to say. I'm speechless.

People say either yes or no.

Give me a few seconds. I mean...

Are you proposing?

- Forget it.
- No, wait.

- Are you kidding me, Klelia?
- You took me by surprise.

Okay, then.

You want us to get married?


- I don't know if I can.
- Why?

Because... I'm 20 years old.
It's not something I had in mind.

It's so sudden. I don't...

Nothing would change.

No, things would change.
And you want that.

You're making me feel bad
for being honest.

Because it's not what you want to hear?

Because you've got one foot out the door!

- Is something going on?
- No.

- So why don't we move forward?
- With what?

Us. I love you.
We have a nice life together.

I give you everything you ask for.
I don't see what's holding you back.

Everything I ask for?

- Not this again.
- What do you mean?

It's a fact.

- What is?
- Don't you have a comfortable life?

- You think I'm with you for the money?
- Don't be so touchy.

- I'm talking about stability.
- And money.

- Isn't that important?
- I've always had enough money.

And that's the last reason
I'd be with someone.

Fine. So why are you with me?

You're too stupid to answer.

- Watch it.
- You can't be that apathetic!

You have no idea
why the f*ck you're with me!

For f*ck's sake.
You'd be happier if I got you a piano.

- I didn't ask for anything.
- I do it because I want to.

That's your problem.
I don't want to get married.


I'm waiting. Why are you with me?

Why don't you leave?

Apparently, you don't care.

You want to marry
some stupid apathetic girl?

- I didn't say that.
- You did.

- I don't think that.
- You do!

When I give you something,
you throw it back in my face.

You make me feel like an assh*le.

You won't like this, but yes,
you are stupid and apathetic.

You're just a pretty face.

You don't even know why you're with me.

And I bet you're f*cking Orestis
behind my back.

Why did I stay, right?

I didn't know that I wasn't okay.

I didn't know what abuse was.

The word only became popular
a few years ago.

Although I think some people
must have always had an abusive side.

Who knows?

I'd like to think
that kids today are different.

Although it's not a matter of age.

It's a matter of fear.

And education.

I had a lot of fear and no education.

And most importantly,

I had no one to talk to.

- Why are you with him?
- Because I can't be alone.

You're not alone.
You have people who care about you.

You may disagree with them,
or run away from them,

but deep down,
you know that they'll be there for you.

I don't want to be
just some stupid apathetic girl.

- He called you that?
- He might be right.

Can I tell you what I think?

You're a girl
who's been devastated by a relationship

and disappointed by her family.

Now you're pretending
that none of it is real.

You're anything but apathetic.

No one as talented
as you can be apathetic.

What would you do?

If I told you to leave him, would you?


Then give him a chance.

But, baby, you don't have to marry someone
just because he's there for you.

Don't waste too much time on something
that doesn't make you truly happy.

And this is coming from someone
who is 25 years older than you

and still hasn't found a way to be happy.

A happy moment with Charalambos?

I think all the beatings erased them.

Charalambos was never faithful.

He had no morals. He'd lie to me
and cheat on me behind my back.

I don't know why some men are like that.

Constant infidelity
is another form of abuse.


It shows disrespect.

I don't know. Really, I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.
I don't know what got into me.

I didn't mean it.
I'll wait as long as you want.

I don't want to pressure you.
Or act like a jerk.

Really. I mean...

What happened yesterday isn't...

That wasn't me.

You got plans later?

- Me?
- Yeah.


You usually leave after the gig.

- Are you in a relationship?
- Me?

Want to grab a drink?

- Me and you?
- Yeah.

I'm sorry, Yiannis,
but as we've gotten to know each other...

do you want to grab a drink as friends?

So the apps made you forget
how to have a conversation?

Yeah, sorry. I don't understand.

I'm slow.

I have dyslexia, I'm hyperactive,
and I'm completely out of it.

Are you hitting on me?

Yeah, but never mind.

No, wait a minute.

Let's try again.

Yes, I'd like to get a drink.

But I'm scared.
I've had some bad experiences in Athens.

Okay. See you later.

But since we're in a bar,
we could get a drink here later.

The party is on Saturday.

Give me a break.

There's a party every Saturday. Really?

- Let her speak.
- It's always the same.

- Will you ever study?
- Hold on.

Last week you went to a party,
and we saw just how much you studied.

Now there's another one?

- No. Whose party is it?
- Maria's.

- You're going alone?
- No, with my friends.

Which friends?

I'm sorry to interrupt,

but didn't you go
to another party last week?

When will you have time to study
if you go?

You said you have to study
for the exam on Monday.

- On Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon.
- Yeah, right.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry. Really sorry.
I couldn't find a way out.

- I'm sorry.
- Why is he apologizing?

I'm claustrophobic,
and I couldn't stay in the room for long.


- Hello...
- Antonis.

Hi, Antonis. I'm Yiannis's mom.

This is his father and his sister.

We are sorry for yelling.

Get him some coffee.

Antonis and I work together.

He's cute.

Come. Sit down. Have some breakfast.

We're off to work. We'll leave you be.

No, that's all right. Thanks a lot.

I need to go. Nice to meet you all.

I'm sorry.

- Well, I need to go.
- Wait a minute.

- I'm off to work.
- We had a guest.

Wait a minute. Enough with her parties.

Sorry. I thought they'd be gone
by the time you got up.

I didn't realize you lived
with your family.

- I was too embarrassed to tell you.
- Are you in trouble now?

Trouble? No, man. It's okay.

They're okay with it now.

They're normal folks. My mom's a teacher.
My dad's an accountant.

I moved back home because I'm broke.


Nothing. I envy you.

I'm going back to bed. I'm b*at.

See you tonight at the bar.

- I had a good time.
- Yeah, me too.

I don't know
what's normal for every family.

I guess normal
is what makes you feel good, right?

In my family, none of us felt good.

If his father was okay
with our son's choices,

maybe Spyros
wouldn't have suffered so much

and wouldn't have made others suffer.


Do you like being like this?

What's wrong?
Not into the blonde style anymore?

Come to think of it, I'm over it too.
It's overprocessed.

That's not what I mean. Are we happy?

- I am.
- By doing what others want?

What's the problem with that?

We live with other people, not alone.

What about you? Do you think I'm happy?

Honey, you were never happy.
Why would you be now?

Do you like being with a man
who's never happy?

This is getting too serious.

I'm just trying to have a conversation.
Help me. Don't play dumb.


I'll stop playing dumb. Talk to me.

Do you miss Antonis?

Why are you bringing Antonis into this?

He's always involved.

- Why are you talking like that?
- Didn't you want to have a serious talk?

You don't have to be aggressive.

All right. Listen.
Let me make something clear.

I like my life the way it is.

I'm not ambitious.
I'm okay with what I have.

Yes, when something doesn't go my way,
I play dumb.

Isn't that sad?

Fine, Spyros. Fine.

Since you're so happy,
share your secret with me.

Why don't you teach me how you do it?

f*cking hell. This is ridiculous.

Never mind.

I'm sorry.

I've always discarded thoughts
that didn't fit in with others' ideas.

My surroundings
did not allow such concerns.

Instead of fixing things
for my child's well-being,

I chose to do what most people do.

I lied.

I covered for him,
like my son had done something wrong.

That's how he started blaming himself.

I created yet another person
with complexes.

Who was the victim? Me?

He was the victim.

Because he had parents like us.

I envy my son, yes.

Because he experienced a love I never had.

I envy those who experience such love.

Even if it doesn't work out.



What's this now?

How are you?

Why did you want to meet up?


- I had no one else to talk to.
- And you wanted to talk to me?

Not about anything specific.
I just wanted to see you.

If you wanted to see a girl
you dumped a year ago,

you're definitely not okay.

You're right. I'm not.

Is the baby all right?

She's fine.

And you weren't just some girl.

Didn't you come to me
whenever you felt bad too?

I was so in love, I wasn't thinking.

You look really sad.

I am.

I'm sorry about the Conservatory.

I've tried to explain
to them that it's not true.

- Don't worry about it.
- I do worry.

I know how important it is to you.
It's not fair.

See? No one would get it the way you do.
Maybe that's why I wanted to see you.

How are you?

I'm not sure.

It's beautiful here.

Yeah. I haven't been here in 20 years.

So since I was born.

That was mean.

I'll tell you something
that's hard to admit.

I've never been in love.


I don't know that feeling.
I've never felt it.

Not in my body, not in my soul.

Being in love is an unfamiliar concept.

Can I tell you a story
that's kind of related to you?



I met a girl
while enrolling at the Conservatory.

Her name was Zoe.

We practiced together.

For a month, we were together 24/7.

We were inseparable.
It was the first time I had a best friend.

She was a ray of sunshine.

On the day of the audition,
she didn't show up.

She'd been out
on her motorcycle the night before.

She dropped me off, and on her way home,

a car ripped her in half.

She d*ed instantly.

I still haven't gotten over it,
and you're the first person I've told.

I haven't talked to anyone about it.

I'm sorry.

And how is that related to me?

The eggs someone threw at your house?

Her idea.

It was pretty bitchy, I know.
But we had a great time.

Zoe was the person who helped me deal
with how sad I was over you.

And in a way, thanks to her,

I found the courage
to talk to you back then.

I wanted to tell you.

I owe it to her.

- I lost my parents in a car accident.
- Hey. That's not funny.


I was on the phone with them.

I was 20 years old
and had just moved to Athens.

You never told me.

Too depressing?

If you're lying, that makes you a jerk.

I'm not.

Since that day,

no matter what's happened,
I've been nothing more than a bystander.

And little by little,
I've become a complacent assh*le.

Maybe you just don't care
about what's happening around you.

I'm pretty much the same.

I failed.

I'm 48. I don't have a single friend.

I lost my job.
My opinion counts for nothing.

And the one great love that I found,
I didn't get to see it out.

So what have I gained?

You have your daughter.

Whose mother wants to take her from me.
Maybe she's right.

I don't know what to tell you.

But I definitely wouldn't have fallen
for a complacent assh*le.

When I lied about you
at the Conservatory,

I felt terrible.

Me too.

What's that? A rehearsal?

Yes. They're reopening the theater.

Want to go see?

I have to go.

Will you be okay?

Yes. Thanks for coming.

I mean it.

I'm glad we talked.

Even if what we talked about
wasn't that nice.

On a lonesome beach

If we could only spread

Our life's gait

And it's fine that so many kisses

Before they grow old

Will be washed away by the wave

And at the edge of the shoreline

We'll be giving away

Our old pieces

To those that were so small

But that cast shadows

To resemble palaces

I miss music. A lot. But I have the sea.

I sit on the beach for hours.
All year round.

I feel like I'm washing away
my sorrows in the sea.

I met a person who changed our lives
here on the island with his music.

It's incredible how sometimes,

when people find a reason to unite,
we are capable of doing our best.

And the very next moment,
we can destroy it all.

I want to focus on the good.

The salvation of the soul

Carries great weight

Like taking a pleasure trip

With hidden trauma

The salvation of the soul

Carries great weight

Like taking a pleasure trip

With hidden


- Chrisoula?
- Yeah?

Can you send this express to Athens?

I've got the name and address here.

Tell Babis to send it today.

It's important. It's fresh.

It's going to Eginitio.
Mental Health Department.

Here's the name of the doctor
and all the details.

Okay? Take care of it, please.

Don't spill the syrup. Careful.

- You've got it, right?
- Yeah.

Bye. Thank you.

I had to make something for you too.

I know it's not customary,

but I wanted to do
something more personal.

It's no big deal.

Just dessert.

When I talk to someone,
I like to treat them to a dessert.

Since I couldn't go there,
I sent it to you.

Let me do something personal.
Something I'm good at.

There's a fly in here.

I'm even using Zoom to talk to a stranger.

What about you? Are you married?

It's been 24 hours
since I sent you a request.

I have to make an offer by 5:00 p.m.,
and I haven't received yours.

What the f*ck is going on?


Who told you that?

The world isn't very fair towards women.
I've come to realize that.


No degree, no career. Nothing.

I wasn't one of those women.

I envy them.

Why do you want my father as a guarantor?

You've worked with my firm for years.

What's going on?

Why don't you trust me?


Can I talk to my father?

He was supposed to call me back.

Yes, it's urgent.
Please ask him to call me.

Thank you.

Thank you, Annie.

This is so pretty.

- Kiki.
- What's the matter?

- It's an emergency. My roots.
- They look fine.

I need a touch-up, a blowout,
a mani-pedi, and a facial.

- What do you mean? You look fine.
- Come on. Trust me!

I have my reasons.

What just happened?

Don't overthink it, Maria.

I was and still am
a product of this f*cking society.

You accepted it too.

You nurtured it and maintained it.


Because some people love being afraid.

And you more than anyone!

That's how the world is made.
For people to be afraid.

And now you're looking for peace
and all that bullshit.

The priest didn't help,
so you're seeing a shrink.

Do you think you'll figure it out?

Do you know how many votes I'd get
if I ran for office? You have no idea.

Do you know how many people like me
there are out there? Genuine ones.

I wasn't born a bully.

I was allowed to be one!

Tell that to your shrink!

Remember the chain I used
to b*at some sense into the kid?

That chain is v*olence.

You used to b*at him too
but in a different way.

You let him grow up with me.

If you manage to break that chain,
then maybe you'll find some peace.

v*olence is like stupidity.

A chain. One thing leads to another.
Is that too hard for you to grasp?


You destroyed my life.

And you dare to say that I nurtured
and maintained this situation?

I'm like this because of you!

No one allowed you to!

You gave yourself permission!
You thought you were entitled to.

You filled me with wounds!

You were nothing but an uneducated pig
who only knew how to b*at people up.

Are you looking for excuses?

There are none.

I've been trying
to figure out what I did wrong.

What traumas caused me
to let you do this to me.

I didn't maintain anything.

I didn't nurture anything.

And if you think
that this is how society is,

I don't want to be part of it!

I don't want to be afraid anymore!

I don't know where you are...

but I hope you're dead.

People like you never live long.

Do you know why?

Because you're a coward.

I despise you.

With all my heart.

Find the courage to admit all this, Maria.

Tell that to the shrink.

Otherwise, you'll be scared

whenever anyone knocks on your door.

Mrs. Bantis?

- Yes. That's me.
- Hello.


Demosthenes Kouvas. I've been sent
by the Corfu Investigation Department.

Do you have a moment?

It's about your husband.



- What happened?
- He was found.

My name is Demosthenes Kouvas.
I've been sent here from Corfu.

It's about your father's case.

- Is he alive?
- No.

He was m*rder*d.

I realize it's a difficult time.
I'm really sorry.

However, I'm required to let you know
that there will be an investigation.

I'll need to talk to you.

Please do not leave the island.

How did he die?

He was sh*t.

We can send you his remains for a burial,
if you wish.


I'll ask them to contact you.
It's a procedural matter.

I won't keep you any longer.

I realize this must be hard for you,
but it's my job.

If you need anything,
you can reach me here.

I'd like you to help me
with our investigation.

This is the prosecutor's order
and the paperwork from Corfu.


Of course. I'll help any way I can.

I've been trying to get
to the bottom of this, but to no avail.

Where was he found?

In Italy. Then he was sent to Albania.

Then he came to us, in Corfu.

Someone was stalling.

They wanted to avoid
an investigation here.

It's happened before.

The autopsy has clearly shown
that it was a homicide.

He was sh*t, dumped in the sea,
and carried away by the current.

Has his family been notified?

I was just there.
They were upset, of course.

I'll pay them a visit later.

I want to talk to anybody
who had dealings with him.

I need to get statements.

Of course. I had dealings with him too.

He was your associate.

He was a freelancer.

He worked for me occasionally.
He transferred tourists.

We didn't have a great relationship.
He was a violent man.

I imagine you got that
by talking to the family.

In small towns, these crimes are usually
committed by someone close to the victim.

Yes. But his wife and son are good people.

I don't think they're capable
of doing something like this.

I was hoping that he'd taken
some money and gone abroad.

This is a small, quiet,
and peaceful island.

Anything bad that's happened so far
has come from outside. Not from us.

I know.

I've been around for quite some time.

But sometimes, we can benefit
from these bad things too. Am I wrong?

No. Unfortunately,
you're absolutely right.

- Very nice to meet you.
- You too.

We'll be in touch, Mayor Milonas.

I'll be glad to help.

And your wife and kids?

My children are studying in Athens.
My wife is visiting them.

- When will they be back?
- My kids?

And your wife.

They can come if needed.

I'd like them to, yes.

You see, anybody who was here
and had dealings with Mr. Bantis

will have to testify.

Of course.

I heard a festival was taking place
when he was reported missing.

Yes, we have it every year.
Was it around the same time?

Yes, it was, actually.

I was busy with my campaign.

It was an exceptional festival.

Can I get the details
of anyone who was here?

Of course. You can have
any information you want.

But what does the festival
have to do with it?

As far as I know,
his wife and son were at the festival.


- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

- Yes?
- Good morning, Michalis.

It's Fanis.

Can I talk to my wife, please?

Her phone is off.

What is it? Who was it?

Tell him to never call me again.

I don't care what you have to say. Listen.

Get your boyfriend and come back here
with the kids. It's important.

They found him
and opened an investigation.

They sent an investigator from Corfu.

Come back quickly.

What is this?


What the f*ck? What can I do?

Talk to your mother.

She should know the truth

so she doesn't slip up
and say something different.

We can't keep hiding it from her.

Are you sure that the shotgun
is hidden somewhere safe?

Didn't you say they'd never find him?

Spyros, I promise
none of us will be in danger.

So why's the cop here?
Why are they investigating?

I don't know yet.

I'll talk to my people.
I'll make sure this is over soon.

You said that last time.

We have to be very careful
with the deliveries.

What? Are you kidding me?

I want nothing to do with that.

The cop is looking into everything,
not just my father.

Now you want to drag me into this too.

Spyros, what do you mean?
We've got to stick together.

No, we're not working together.
I'm not going anywhere. Find someone else.

And if you try to pin this on me
or my mother,

I've got the g*n, and I'll rat you out.

Is the officer just here for Charalambos?

Or for you too?

I think he knows something.

Giovanni came to my office.

I don't know how far they'll go
to protect their business.


I'm more scared than ever.

Turn yourself in.

- Take the blame. I'll support you.
- I've considered it.

You haven't.

You keep trying to drag people into it

so that you can continue your business.

I'm not doing it for my sake.
We are all in danger.

Do you think
I'm worried about Charalambos?

f*ck him.

If I was out of the picture,
it would all be over.

But here you are.

I tried.

Ask Giovanni for a meeting.

Talk to him. Ask him for help.

There is no other solution.
He'll find out anyway.

Let him find out from you
and find a way to resolve it.

Will you go with me?


Are we sure
that Antonis won't talk to the police?

We've got to keep an eye on him.

How is he?

If the children or Michalis
find themselves in real danger...

Or anyone I care about...

Then, please,

make sure you die.

My darling!

How old is she now?

Three months.

She's so sweet!

She looks like a boy.

When is the christening?
Will she take your mother's name?

I don't know. I haven't decided yet.

Where is the help?

Isn't the cook here?

It's their day off.

And I fired the cook.
I do the cooking now.

Did you see this coming, Orestis?

Alexandra cooking.

I'll put her to bed.

How long are you staying?

I see. This will be fun.


You learned how to cook. At last.

I've got time
since you made sure I ran out of work.

Why are you being so dramatic?

It was a business move.
You'd have done the same.

You could have left me my ports.

I worked my ass off for those clients.

- And they dumped me for you.
- Tough luck.

Times change, players change,

and it's an opportunity
for you to live like a normal woman.

And mother.

If you want your clients back,
you know what you have to do.

What is that?

This food needs salt. Did you add salt?


do you remember when we first met?

Where was it?

- When she brought you to Geneva, right?
- Yes.

We talked about artists.

Remember what I told you?

That I don't worry about Alexandra.
She's more of a k*ller than both of us.

Well, she's not.

I think she still is.

You didn't make the cut, Orestis.

You never fit in.

You wanted to,

but it didn't work out.

Are you here to insult us?

You've both failed.

What you've built here has failed.

Get out now.

I hope your daughter
doesn't talk to you like that one day.

I hope she doesn't feel about me
the way your daughter does.

Yes. True.
That's what I should wish for you.


do you know what debunkering is?


It's the process of removing
poor quality oil from a vessel.

Oil we need to get rid of

before it leads to problems
with the insurance.

You should think of yourself
as this faulty material

which can cause a huge problem

and ruin the vessel.

You know that my daughter
is a member of the board,

my sole heir, and the sole shareholder
of everything I own.


And you got her mixed up in a m*rder?

Are you that stupid?

I heard from Petros
that your meeting didn't go well.

You didn't handle that correctly either.

Let's not drag this out.

You're in trouble.

And they might get you into more trouble.

I don't want my daughter to have anything
to do with it because then I would too.

You signed a prenup, right?


We'll come to a good financial agreement
and get you a divorce.

Your daughter will have all she needs.
You'll see her often.

Growing up with just her mother
may have its effects,

but it's not uncommon.

By making a compromise now,
you'll enjoy the benefits in the future.

It's an investment.

I told you so.

We've made this world the way it is.

It would be very nice
if you could be happy together.

And if this didn't affect anybody. But...

Just look at her.

Get up and leave now.

Get out of my house.
Throw him out, or I'll lose it.

Come on. Get out. Now.

As you wish, kids.

If you're okay with your choices, then I...

With what?

Did you say "our choices"?

Our choices?

Get the f*ck out of here! Get out of here!

With our choices?

Why? Did I ever have a choice?

Was I ever free to choose
anything other than what you wanted?

I'm like this because of you,
you son of a bitch!

You made me like this, not him.

Instead of defending your daughter,
you sold her out.

Then you blackmail me in my own home?

Get the f*ck out!

Your child? Your own child?

My father knew it all.

He knew what I was going through
and considered it normal.

My father betrayed me.
He's the reason I ended up like this.

How many times did you want me
to handle your dirty business?

I did everything you asked!

I even got the lawyer.
I do everything the way you want me to!

What else do you want?

And all this for what?

Why? I'm just your daughter, right?

Right? Why would you care?

Even if I had all the power in the world,
you'd never accept me.

You'd always find a way to put me down
because I'm a woman. Why, damn it?

God damn it, why?

He was also violent.

Get out!

Get out of here!

So I wasn't shocked
the first time Charalambos hit me.


I don't want to go to the funeral.

I don't want to.

We need to talk.

I want them to take him back.

I don't want him here.

I need to talk to you.

It's important.

Did you do it?


I have to cancel our sessions
for a few days. I'm sorry.

Some things have come up. I can't make it.

I'd rather not lie to you.

I'm not up to it.

I'll call you when I am.

Thank you very much. Bye.


And this one?

Thank you. Thanks so much.

- Welcome.
- Thank you.

You're welcome.
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