36x09 - My Precious Cacao

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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36x09 - My Precious Cacao

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on the amazing race...

With seven teams eliminated,

the remaining six teams' quest

for the $1 million prize

continued on the island of Barbados.

Definitely harder than it looks.

Angie got into the swing of things

at the roadblock.

- Yes, mom! Come on!
- Yes!

But breaking an amazing race rule...

You're not supposed to lose your crew.

Lost her and Danny valuable time.


Juan and Shane appeared to be sunk.

- My god.
- I didn't see any route markers.

But the m*llitary pilots muscled their way

through the detour, passing four teams.

Come on. Please, please.

- Pilot boys just left.
- Damn it.

Boyfriends Ricky and
Cesar continued to dominate.

Another first-place
finish. Congratulations.


Rod and leticia were stumped...

- How?
- What are we missing?

And stuck.

My goodness.

But in the end, Angie
and Danny came up short.

We've been "philiminated."

- You have been philiminated.
- Philiminated.

Coming up tonight... Whoo!

Welcome to the jungle.

The final five compete for a spot

in next week's finale.

Why I can't throw right?

Who will make it in, and
who will be going home?

We're freaking lost.

The driver has no
idea where we're going.

- This is no good.
- Yeah.

That's what I literally said back there.

The five remaining teams are now flying

to the island of hispaniola.

In another amazing race first,

teams will race here in
the Dominican Republic,

the world's largest
producer of organic cacao,

where the national sport is baseball,

and where you'll find the tallest mountain

in the west indies.

- Let's go!
- Come on, come on, come on.

Okay, right here, man. Come on.

All right. Route info.

We're leaving in group one with,

- lo and behold, Ricky and Cesar.
- Geez.

"the Dominican Republic.

"Make your way on
foot through the jungle

and search for your next clue."

"You have 1,500 Dominican
pesos for this leg of the race."

- Sweet. Let's do it. Come on.
- Okay.

Every day, that prize gets more realistic.

We're not gonna forget
who we're doing this for.

And we're certainly not
doing this for ourselves.

Nice, easy pace, bro.
Nice, easy pace. Yeah.

This last few legs, we are competing

with a different fire

because we have families
at home that can benefit.

The only thing that's fueling
me right now is just the thought

of seeing my wife and
my child and hopefully

bringing home something
to make 'em a little proud.

To say that we would
want to race against

a certain two other teams in the final,

should we be lucky
enough to make it there,

I don't know that we can,

'cause everybody is
super strong at this point.

They deserve to be here,

and we take them very
seriously... each one of 'em.

Come on, come on, come on.

It's fun to run with Juan
and Shane, because

when you have a team
that is strong and, like,

that competitive right next to you...

It motivates you to push
yourself a little bit harder.

I see it.

I think there hasn't been

a point during the whole race

where we felt safe. And I think

if we keep doing our best,

we may still falling in first and second,

but at this point, it's just

to make it to the finale.


"Who can see the writing on the wall?"

Tainos are the indigenous people

of the Dominican
Republic who lived here

more than a thousand years

before this island was
discovered by Europeans.

These taino symbols depict
elements of their daily lives.

This roadblock requires
one team member

to make their way down
this canyon and spot

ten taino petroglyph symbols.

Then, after identifying which
side of the stone is a match,

they must lay out all ten correctly.

If they don't, they'll have
to keep on canyoning

till they come up with a match.

- Dude.
- What do you want to do?

- Me. Me.
- You.

- This is probably a you thing?
- All right, I got it.

That sounded like a memory challenge,

so that's Juan's realm. So we decided

that he's gonna be the one taking this.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

- "Choose an available guide."
- All right, who's the best one?

- Let's go. Come on.
- Let's go. Let's go.

Hello, hello. Buenos días.

Vamos. Gracias.

All right, buddy. Hey, you got this, man.

Shane, I got it. Let's go.

We got to the location

where we had to put on some life vests

and a helmet, and then we started

what I would anticipate was

a mile-and-a-half to a two-mile trek

uphill to get to the water.

Good luck. I love you.

- All right, Juan.
- Love you, too.

So, at that point, I kind of built a little bit

- of space between me and Cesar.
- Let's go!

It's gonna be a memory challenge.

Cesar's got it in the
bag. As long as he can

forge ahead and really

focus on the challenge, he'll be fine.

"Make your way on
foot through the jungle,"

"and search for your
next clue along the path.

"You have 1,500 Dominican pesos

- "for the leg of the race."
- Come on.

Last leg wasn't our best
leg, but at the same time,

I feel like we're one of the
strongest teams.. Let's go, baby.

There's only five teams left.

- Yes.
- So it's crunch time.

This is road to the super bowl.

So right now the pressure's on.

We're not going home without that prize.

So today we're here to show everybody.

We're definitely making final four.

- Yeah, baby.
- Whoo!

Last leg, we did really well.

We're just gonna continue to do that.

- Baby, where you at?
- Let me lead, Vincent, please.

Make sure that I listen to her

while she also focuses on
not giving any tone or attitude.

Vincent, slow down.

I just need to communicate

assertively, not aggressively.

There it is.

I need to listen to him and

not be so stubborn and
hardheaded, I guess.


"Who can see the writing on the wall?"

- Want to knock it out?
- I'll knock it out. Let's go.

- I'm gonna do it.
- I'm gonna do it.

It's getting down to the
wire, but we're feeling good.

Obviously, we want to be

the next all-girl team to win.

Follow me. Come on.

Hold onto that, please.

We're both very
independent, strong women.

We have a lot to learn in terms of

unifying our two worlds.

- This is perfect for you.
- In real life, we're actually

fun and loud, but when
we race, we are sort of like

this silent team sliding under the radar.

Which one are you gonna choose?

Other teams are loud or just

visually have a dominant presence.

Choose one, babe.

- You got it?
- Yeah.

We're okay with the eyes on them while

we do what we need to do.

Wait. My god. This is far.

So, right now, Cesar's right behind me.

I'm gonna keep pushing.
Hopefully, I keep this lead.

But I'm gonna be
smart about my stamina.

This isn't gonna be easy.

I may want to keep my eyes on Juan.

Going up the hill was exhausting.

And of course, like, Juan seems

to be in a better shape than me, but I

I just pushed myself
to keep it in eyesight.

These steps are gnarly.

I hear water. Means we're getting close.

Here. It looks like it.


Yeah. Ready to jump.

- Okay.
- Let's go, baby. Whoo!

Let's go, baby. Whoo!

Going up the hill was exhausting,

but the reward was,

once I got to jump on that first pool...

This is for you, Ricky. Whoo!

That feeling, the water
was perfect... Which way?

'cause the day is warm, and
the water was cold and blue.

What a cool experience. And
then once you start jumping,

it's not only jumping, but
there's some slides there.

Like, natural water slides.

We started going through the
waterfall-esque kind of area,

which was gorgeous.

I had never had that kind of
experience before in my life.

And it was pretty freaking awesome.

Getting to a point
where there are symbols

hidden, basically, in plain sight.

Come on. A symbol.

It's got to be here somewhere.

I don't know exactly what I'm looking for,

so I'm just looking around.

I don't see it.

Looking for some kind of symbol.

You never know. It's a race,

so they could be anywhere.

We first started out
together, jogging it out.

Let's go.

So I just jumped in front
of everybody, and I'm just

running up the hill.

I didn't know how far
that run was gonna be,

but I just felt like me seeing
if I could make up time

would've been perfect for us.

I spent 45 days in the
Dominican Republic

to protect then-vice president biden.

So I've literally been
here, done these waterfalls.

I knew that it entailed a pretty long hike

to get up to the start of it.

I'm a really strong
hiker, I was gonna run it.

I thought I was leaving everybody behind,

but after a while, I figured
out that that run was gonna be


I keep looking back. The burgundy team

she's right behind me, just
running her little heart out.

I was so amazed

'cause she actually was keeping up.

I ran the whole thing, which was fun,

caught up to rod. He kept...

He kept looking back,
he could see me coming,

and I just didn't stop, I kept going.

I was proud of myself.

I kind of got a little
discouraged because I was

behind the other two
teams that I had left with.

So I was like, "crap."

We have a chance of
winning the million dollars, and

we're in a lot of debt
'cause of grad school,

so that would definitely

help us financially,
paying off student loans.

Let's go, baby!

Let's go.


Man. There's a big jump.

There was a jump, and,
like, I don't know what it is.

Maybe it's becoming older,
having kids, but with age

has come a little bit of hesitation.

I don't love heights.

Before, I would have
jumped at the chance.

- Pun intended. Yeah.
- Nice. Yeah.

I would have jumped at the chance

to be able to do that kind of stuff.

Not that bad. Not that bad.

All right. What do we got?

I'm looking for a station
to work on. I found it.

I'm supposed to pick out what I saw?


This is awesome.



Finally, we need to log it.

Check. So I just lined up
five that I saw at the end,

and hopefully that's it.

Sorry, your answer is wrong.

Okay, so, answer's wrong, so
I'm gonna put these guys back,

and I'm gonna go again.

And then I have this
turtle. Okay. Check, please.

There's some extra ones.
There's literally five extra ones.

Sorry. Your answer is incorrect.

It's stand-up time. Let's go.

Let's work out. Time to figure out

what I'm looking for.

All right, here we go.

Check, please?

Sorry. Your answer is incorrect.

It's all right, buddy. Let's go!

It's just, they blend in really
well into the background

and the nature, so it's
really hard to see 'em all.

I... there's got to be just one more.

I got to be missing just one
'cause I got seven on here.

- Check, please.
- There's three more left.

My god. At this point,

rod can catch up. I see rod.

I think I see Melissa.

Sorry. Your answer is incorrect.


My god.

What am I missing?

We have been trying to
run the race on our own.

Here. Here, here.

But I know Melissa is
really detail-orientated.

Rod! Rod, come here.

So I decided to ask
Melissa to work together.

I didn't see that one.

Yeah, this one's up there, too.

I don't know what they're
doing, but I'm glad rod's doing it.

I'm gonna try, yeah. Can I get a check?

I'm trying to work with
rod. We think we can get

through this together quick and move on.

Four of 'em right here.

Sorry. Your answer is incorrect.

Okay. If nobody else is waiting.

I noticed that there was
a drawing on the back

that was very similar but not exact.

That's gonna play a part.

Frog, pikachu, lizard.


I'm trying to get the symbols correct,

how I seen 'em coming down
the waterfall and the slides.

I'm trying to make sure
I got the angle right.

Rod, listen.

Is that... That's different.

The rocks were two-sided.

There was, like, very
subtle differences between

one side of the stone and
the other side of the stone.

I'm good at memorization,
but these are tricky.

Like, the eye's on the left side

and the eye's on the right side here.

So I'm just gonna do
process of elimination.

I didn't see a few of these. These are...

Some of these... I didn't see at all.

This was...

- Yeah, this one was...
- Okay.

I was working with five symbols,

which were the ones that I saw first.

I don't know. I mean,
I-I didn't see those two.

But once I talked to Melissa,
and she saw another three,

then I saw, definitely, the possibility

that they could be all of them.

All right, we'll see...

Once I realized that, I knew that

I needed to go back...

All right, he's going back to the water.

Dude, this has got to be friggin' hard.

At this point, it's getting really challenging

because all the teams are there.

The pressure is on.

My god.

This is gonna be tricky.

Man, you wouldn't think
this would be that hard.

Shh, shh, shh.

- Okay.
- But you have to focus on the details.

Yeah. Let's put our minds together.

We got to work together.

Let's go, juancho!

Let me get one more check,
and then if it doesn't work,

I'm just gonna go back.


Sorry. Incorrect.

Melissa, where did you see the spiral?

The spiral is... I saw it, over here.

- Okay.
- Frog, there.

- Look. That's the fun bus.
- Okay. There it is.

- That's the bus.
- Okay.

- What do you see?
- Come on, come on, come on.

Good job.

- We can do this, Cesar.
- Yes.

I think these are just distracters.

I don't remember seeing these at all.

Can I get a check?

- Sorry, that's incorrect.
- Okay.

I don't want to do it again.

I have no clue if-if I'm right or wrong.

Let's go, baby!


How we looking? It look good.

- Sorry, that's incorrect.
- No go.

All right.

Use this... across.

Two legs. Three legs.

I think the one that I
had wrong was the bird.

I might have figured it out.

- Congratulations. It is correct.
- My god. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Let's go! Let's go!

Okay, Cesar. Whoo!

- Cesar.
- Thank you. Thank you.

I don't think I'm far off.

- Exactly.
- Yeah.

The left?

And then flip it.

Okay. Thank you, Cesar.

I love you so much.

- My god. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- No.

- Good luck, guys. - Hey, man.
- Good job, good job.

- Okay.
- I helped Melissa.

Okay. Route info.

"Catch a ride with a local
farmer who will drive you

"to Don Manuel's finca
de cacao -Cesar: "De cacao

- to find your next clue."
- To find your next clue."

- Let's go.
- Okay.

Okay, it's a bit of a trail, okay?

You k*lled it.


Let's see.

- Sorry.
- Okay, that's okay.

So it doesn't have a tail.


So we got left eye. You can look at them.

We got left eye, three
scale, x. There's... I...


I know.

- Hola, hola.
- Hola.

- Come on, Ricky.
- Get in, get in, get in.

Despacito. Come on.
Get in, get in, get in.

We want to get there,

keep our-our time advantage right now.

They're struggling, all of them.

I-I don't know how that's gonna play.

I helped Melissa, so I'm
hoping that she gets it right,

and they are second, and
they are right behind us.

Detail. I'm looking for detail.

We got this guy up here.

And he's got the star...

- Facing up.
- Facing up.

Yeah, I did notice that one
of the swirls start on top.

It goes top to bottom.
We're looking for top-bottom.

- Okay.
- Top-bottom.

Process of elimination at this point.

I'm gonna leave that.

Can I get a check?

Sorry, your answer is incorrect.

I need to figure out if this one has a tail

and this one has a tail, and
then where the asterisk is.

That one got a tail.

This one does have a tail, yeah.

X, three, left.

Can I get a check?


- Yes! I got it. All right.
- You're correct.

Let's go, Juan.

"Catch a ride with a local farmer."

- Let's go, baby.
- Finca de cacao.


- Dude, that was so hard.
- Good work, Juan.

We anticipated

I had bought us essentially
no more than five minutes,

so let's pick up the pace, let's run it out.

We're literally almost there.

Shane was smoking me. He just...

He has the lungs for it. I
was out there trying my best.

Hopefully, I, like,
separated us a little bit more.

But we knew that the other
teams were not far behind,

and we had to make
every single step count.

All right, let's go.

Clockwise. Hopefully
this is right, 'cause...

It appears like it should be right.


- No.
- Sorry.

Okay. Thank you.

I don't know.

I think I changed that one to a tail.

He said that one got a star.

This one's pointed clockwise.

All the rest of them are right.

Check, check!

Tell me some good news.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.

Baby, let's go!

I just switched a few
around that were wrong, so...



- Check!
- Coming.


- Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- You are correct.

Okay, looks like she got it.


Man. I don't know. I
might have to go again.

Baby, I'm so proud of you.

- Yeah.
- I'm so proud of you.

Let's go.

Dig deep, Juan. Dig deep.

All right. Come on.

Thanks for pushing me on that run back,

'cause that run back gave us an edge.

When you get in that car,

I need you to tighten up
that shoelace, all right?

- 'Cause your-your foot's...
- Just stop talking.

Breaker, breaker,
one-two, one-two, let's go.

Car's over here, babe.

Let's go. Let's go.

Vámonos, man. Got to b*at him.

We're ahead of rod and leticia.

They're the next truck behind us.

So the burgundy team
was still back there.

I don't know what she
might've had messed up.

- Did she get it right?
- I don't know. I never saw them.

Amber and vinny were
the only ones that came up

behind us when we were running out.

I don't know. Check.



Check, check, check.


You got it, bobo.

Just stay calm. You got it.

I still don't have it.

Check. I'm just gonna
start permutations, so

I wasn't gonna go back up
because I knew I was so close.


Sorry. Your answer is incorrect.

Let me switch this. Let me
switch this, let me switch this,

let me switch this.


Sorry, that's incorrect.

- Check.
- I'm here, bobo. You got it!

Do I have to change this one?

- Congratulations.
- You're correct.!

- Thank you.
- Good job, bobo.

I don't even know what was right.

If you asked me to do it right now,

I wouldn't be able to do it.

All right, let's do it.

Knowing that all the other teams had left

- it was tough.
- But it's still early in the race.

We can overcome a ten-minute deficit.

They didn't leave very
long ago, so we're fine.

"Don Manuel's finca de cacao."

The fact that we're first right now

we're gonna do our
best to keep it this way.

We're arriving.

Let's go, Ricky.

- Are these cacao trees?
- Look at the cacao! Wow.

My god.

- Clue. So much cacao.
- Wow.


- Route info.
- Route info.

If it wasn't for this prized fruit pod,

there would be no such
thing as delicious chocolate.

Cacao is the key ingredient

in the world's favorite chocolate treats.

Teams will find out that inside
these prized pods are dozens

of slimy cacao seeds
which they need to harvest.

Using a long-handled scythe,

they must cut down ripe
pods from the trees at this farm

and then remove the seeds

before spreading them out on a tarp.

Once they've completely
covered it with slimy seeds,

they'll get a clue.

Okay, that's amazing. Let's go.

- There's a finished example.
- Over here.

- Got it.
- cr*ck 'em open.

- Spread 'em out.
- Yeah. Vamos. Vamos.

- Take our bags with us.
- Okay.

Aquí, careful, Ricky.
Careful, Ricky. Careful.

Okay, got it.

Do you want to do it
and I hold the bag, Ricky?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Okay.

This one over here.

Ooh, that one looks good.

Careful. You can push it, Ricky.

If not... Okay, let me try, let me try.

As a kid, I hit a lot of piñatas.

So, the blade was sharp on both ways.

So, you can either pull

or just push, and it will cut, as well.

We probably need at least 15 or 16.

Careful with the spiders.

This is gorgeous.

So right now, we're headed

to Don Manuel's finca de cacao.

- It's a cocoa... cocoa ranch.
- A cocoa?

A cocoa bean.

Yeah. What they use to make chocolate.

It's game time. Time
to put our heads down

and close the gap
between us, Ricky and Cesar

and maybe catch up to 'em.

We're going to Don
Manuel's finca de cacao.

It's a farm... A farmers market maybe,

or it's something about
chocolate beans, farm...

Coffee beans or something.

Yeah, at least we're not driving today.

- I know.
- We could be totally lost here.

We're in fourth place right now.

I don't see another truck, so hopefully

the burgundy team is far behind.

Now it's like, you know,
it's every man for their self.

Our goal today is to
get back to that top team.

We're trying to get first.

We're trying to knock out the teal boys.

I don't want to be
chasing for fourth place.

I want to be in first.

All right, up the... Up the road, right?

Yup, up the dirt road.

Light jog, light jog. I like it.

Let's go, Ricky. Let's go.

We might be good.

All right.

"Harvest cocoa pods
and prepare the seeds."

- Juan and Shane just...
- Juan and Shane just arrived.

The example, the example.

Come on. Come on, Ricky.

We kind of made an
assembly line. I was smashing,

making sure they're
open, and he was pulling.

I was spreading everything, just

pulling all the seeds out.

- That smells so good.
- It smells so good.

There's a clue.

Come on, let's get it, bae.

"Harvest cacao pods."

"And prepare the seeds for processing"

"processing to chocolate
to receive your clue."

All right, let's go.

Are those ripe or no?

Juan, Shane, baby, how y'all doing?

- Yellow and orange.
- What's up, baby?

All right. Yellow and
orange, yellow and orange.

All right, yellow and orange.

All right. Come on,
bro. Come on, come on.

Grab 'em and put 'em in there.

- We'll cr*ck 'em later.
- Okay.

That's not ripe!

Come on.

I feel like you're not
good at using that tool.

You do it. I'll bag.

I'm picking up... Yeah. Come here.

The strategy is to get 'em all out now.

Save us some time when
we get back over there.

Look at these.

Okay, we're about a third.

- We have to get more.
- Let's go, Ricky. Let's go.

- You want to go to the same side?
- Yeah.

No, no, no! My precious cacao.

I'm right here...

We're trick-or-treating,
man, we're trick-or-treating.

It's like hitting a rich neighborhood

- when you're a ten-year-old.
- Yeah, dude.

These people have
full-size candy bars, for sure.


There's another one.

Babe, I think we should go start.

- Okay. Do you want to try?
- Yeah.

Being tall helps sometimes.

I was in Superman mode.

I started jumping up,
grabbing 'em off the tree.

I was picking them
things as fast as I could.

I knew today was the day
we had to make up time.

For sure, this is a situation

where rod's stature is very helpful.

It's not enough, but...

Yeah, I know, but that's it. Here.

They have to be spread enough

- that they actually dry.
- Yeah.

Let's see, we're going
to finca de cacao, so

I'm hoping we get to
make some chocolate,

or maybe just taste-test.

I'd prefer just to
taste-test some chocolate.

That would be nice.

I'm hoping it's something
that we're good at

'cause that's how we will catch up.

We're not that far behind.

- Gracias.
- Let's go.

- We can do this fast, bobo.
- Yeah.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

We got way far behind.

"Prepare the seeds for processing

to receive your clue."

Yvonne and Melissa just got here.

We saw Yvonne and
Melissa arriving last,

so I don't know what happened
on the previous roadblock,

but at that point we need
to focus on ourselves.

Okay, we're halfway.

- Ready?
- Yes.

I'm gonna have a hell of a time with this.

These are hard.

This thing is gnarly.

- Come on, we got to move fast.
- I know.

All right, Juan.

How much do we have?

'Cause look at. That's about half.

You think we got more than that?

Yeah, I do.

So... I don't know why, but
these seeds smell really good.

And it was, like, kind of like
this mushy, gooey texture,

which is whatever. I
mean, you're not even

thinking about that in the moment.

We were just cracking and going.

- Like, we were moving, so...
- I thought about it.

You thought about it? Yeah.

That first one... I cracked it open.

I'm like... Yeah.

Ooh, we getting nasty today.

Bro, I think we're gonna
catch up to Ricky and Cesar.

- I think so, too.
- I think so, too.

We have to fill up the whole tarp.

Okay, come on. Come on.

- We got to go get more?
- Yeah.

- Where's your tool?
- I don't want the tool.

The tool is worthless.

I'm gonna climb, babe.
I feel better climbing.

One more.

Okay, I'm getting the hang of this.

Another one.

Yeah, it's on the other tree.

Babe, no. We need to find a better area.

This sucks. This is not a good area.

There's a bunch right here, though.


I... they're up here. I
just got to get to 'em.

You can't just climb the
trees all the way to the top.

- Yes, I can.
- Please be careful, babe.

Babe, I grew up on
the trees, baby. I'm fine.

Thankfully, I-I feel
comfortable climbing around.

I used to do that as a
kid, so I climbed right up.

- Babe?
- Yes.

Make sure that I'm
looking when you drop it,

- 'cause they get...
- I need you to look.

- You got the sack. Get the sack.
- I got it, I got it, I got it.

- Push, push, push.
- Okay, let's go.

- Where are you?
- I'm over here.

Toss it.

Boy, let me tell you something.

This some work right
here, but I'm getting it done.

Come on, let's go.

Feeling good. We're almost there.

But everyone seems
to be catching up, so

we really have to get out of here first

if we want to keep our lead.

I don't know what
these are, but they're like

super gooey seeds.

Okay, check.

Check, check, check, please.


Okay, let's spread them.

And make sure that they
are not stacked on top.


Welcome to the jungle.

Here. Come on.

That's a big one.


Can you give me a
heads-up if you're going

to actually throw something at my head?

- Check.
- Check.

Yes. Thank you. Thank
you very much. Thanks.

Muchas gracias.

- Ooh, and chocolate, Ricky.
- Damn.

Route info.

"Make your way to estadio"

"bartolo colón,"

"and search outside the stadium,"

"for your next clue."

Okay, let's go.

Estadio bartolo colón.

Okay, estadio bartolo colón.

It looks like we were the first ones out...


Okay, that was fun. I wish...

You-you should have
tried one... one seed.

- -Cacao...
- Fresh cacao is so good.

- But are hands are so dirty that...
- Yeah, I have

the last thing we want
in the race is getting sick.

Come on, babe. We
almost there. Come on.


- Hey, buddy. Look.
- What's up?

- My lord!
- Yeah.

The heavens opened, and...

And a beam of light, like, rained down

on this tree full of fruit.

There's a ton right here.

Get it, get it! Just go!

They look, and they
go, "dude, look at that."

And so we meet at the
tree at the same time.

And we're all just, like, grabbing.

It was a fun competition.

- Whoa. I'm so sorry. You okay?
- It's okay. It's okay.

We're almost there.

- Come on.
- I'm tired, babe.

Well, you're exerting all your energy

by climbing the damn trees.

At this point, I felt like

we were kind of falling back

'cause we just kind of got to the point

where there was none
left at the lower levels.

- I swear, if you fall...
- Babe, can you stop?

All the ones down here are gone.

Well, I told you to get your tool.

We might not have
picked the best location.

In my head, I'm like,
"well, the other teams

are probably somewhere
where there's more of them."

- Come on.
- I'm coming, baby.

I'm very high.

It's pretty stressful.

I definitely want to get out
of there as fast as possible.

Come on, man. You're acting crazy.

- Yeah, I didn't mean to do that.
- Let's go.

- Think we have enough?
- Are you sure?

- No, I don't want to come back again.
- Go.


- So this is only...
- Barely... half. -Yeah.

So we got to do at least
another, like, full, full bag.

Right now, we're almost
done. I'm just spreading.

This is the only... this is the
only little patch we have left.

- I think we got it.
- All right, call him.


Tell me something good.

- Yes!
- Yes!

Let's go, my guy.

Yeah, baby!

"Search outside the
stadium for your next clue."

- My gosh.
- See you later, baby. Let's go.

- Damn, rod's fast.
- He's so fast.

He's faster than you.

Yeah! Let's go!

We in second, baby.

We are in second position right now.

We just passed the pilot boys

and Amber and vinny, who b*at us there.

We gonna be in that
final four today. Yeah.

For sure.

I like to work. That's the part

of the amazing race that sets you apart.

How... how hard are
you willing to grind for it?

And I feel like me and
my wife just showed

we deserve to be here.

We deserve to be here!

We're going to estadio bartolo colón.

- Baseball, football?
- It is baseball.

- It is baseball.
- Baseball.

Come on, Ricky. Come
on, come on, come on.

Bartolo colón.


- Another roadblock. Okay.
- Roadblock.

"Who wants to play ball?"

I want to play ball.

Baseball isn't just the number one sport

here in the Dominican Republic.

It's a religion.

Outside the United States,

no other country has
more active major leaguers.

The best players often return home,

inspired to give back
to the next generation,

like pitcher bartolo colón,

a 21-year major league
veteran who funded this stadium.

This roadblock requires
one team member

to join a training session
and complete three drills.

Field a ground ball at second

and make a perfect throw to first,

catch a high fly ball in center field,

and to cap it off, hit a bottle
cap with a broomstick 25 feet

part of a traditional game,

invented on the island, called vitilla.

Once bartolo thinks
they're ready for the majors,

he'll give them a clue.

"Enter the stadium
through the marked doors."

It kind of threw us off, seeing
that it was a second roadblock.

We sort of have the
formula... like, either roadblock

- or detour first.
- Road or detour, you know, and you...

And it's going to happen that way.

And at that point, it was like,

"okay, well, you're doing this one."

Here, give me a kiss.

You have to do what?

- Three drills.
- Okay, have fun.

I played little league, so
I understand the game.

I've watched baseball.

I've played catch, I've swung a bat.

So I'm pretty comfortable
with the idea of baseball.

I was excited about the Jersey.

Ooh, look at that.

I know. He was like, "look, we got jerseys

with our name on 'em and hats."

Ready? Ground ball.
Throw to first, yeah?

I kind of just jumped
right into the first one.

I do it once, I throw it,

and then the guy
gave me the thumbs up.

Go, Ricky!

So I move to the second one,

catch the fly ball on the first try... Good?

Throw it back, and I go
straight to the third one.

We're fixing some of the
sides, and we'll see if...

We'll see what happens.

Okay, ready to go?

- You think it's good?
- For now.

- One and done.
- Nice and spread out.

Can we get a check, please?

Please. Por favor.

All the way to the edge.

Let's go get more. Come on.

We're close. We just
need, like, four more.

It says that we have to go to a stadium.

You're a professional athlete, too.

I'm a professional athlete.

He shines on the stadium, so...

Man, I grew up with
baseball. What's crazy about it,

baseball probably was my first love.

He had a scholarship for
baseball, but he chose football.

Yeah, I was getting letters in
baseball 'cause I was pitching,

throwing almost 93 miles
an hour, I think, in high school.

And I was getting letters
from the cardinals, Yankees.

But baseball just wasn't my sport.

- Football was it.
- You good, babe.

- It brought you here.
- Vámonos. Vámonos.

It brought me to you, baby.

Baseball probably would've,
too, since it was fate.


So the third one is
vitilla, which is essentially

playing baseball with a broomstick.

Thankfully, growing up,

I actually played a very similar game.

We called it stick ball,

and we used half tennis balls.

First one, I hit it, and it was like

five inches from the line.

I was like, "okay, let's focus again."

Second one was short. It, like, hit my leg.

And the third one, I just, like, went for it.

That's it?

Go, Ricky!

I'm gonna hit that home plate.

Did he do that that fast?

My goodness.

My god.

- He's getting a couple extra kisses.
- Boom!

- Did you really do it?
- That's right.

Good job.

Bartolo colón handed me our clue,

and it was his stadium, so it was

kind of cool to see him, and we saw him

on the statue, like, where the clues were.

- Route info.
- Route info.

"Take a taxi to"

"paseo de doña blanca
to find your next clue."

- A taxi. We need a taxi.
- The first one.

Wait, wait. We need to
go paseo de doña blanca.

Okay, the first one.

He knows?

How many do we have left?

Think that's it, bro.

- That's all we got.
- Think that's all we need.


- Thank you. Thank you.
- Yes. All right.

- Thank you. Thank you very much.
- Thank you so much.

- Chocolate.
- Hell yeah.

- Take some of that. Okay, that's weird.
- All right.

Yeah, I don't even want
that anymore. That was weird.

- Let's go.
- Damn.

This chocolate's actually
banging. You don't want any?

No, I don't want any.
You put your mouth on it.

- It's gross.
- My god, you're being such a diva.

Think we're making good headway.

Hopefully that's it.

We're the last two there.

All the other teams have left.

I definitely want to get out
of there as fast as possible.

Spread these out.

I'm just going to be
as efficient as possible.


don't really know how far rod
and leticia are in front of us.

I know they were... they had
left somewhere around our time,

but it doesn't matter to us.

We're-we're gonna get there,

and we're gonna do
whatever challenge we can

in the most expeditious manner possible.

If it's something athletic, I think.

- Juan and I are gonna be just fine, so...
- Yeah.

- Giovani.
- Giovani.

Giovani, mucho gusto.

He's saying that...

His name's Giovani,
and, he lives around here.

That's his house right there.

- That's where he lives? Wow.
- He lives right... yeah.

- ¿Es su casa?
- Hell yeah.


It's another roadblock.
This is gonna be for...

This should be your last one.

- "Who wants to play ball?"
- I want to play ball, baby.

- Let's go.
- Let's go.

Who want to play ball?

And it's, like, well, obviously.

Look out. Watch out.

Is he throwing balls...
crazy balls already?

He's got some power...

Yeah, that's what
he's known for, for sure.

Come on, rod.

Make a good throw.

I hope he doesn't hit
me with a ball over here.

Babe, I cannot throw the ball down.

I think I just been out the game too long.

You think you've been
out of the game too long?

I should have let you do that roadblock.

You probably should have.

Man, this is crazy.

Go, baby!

Let's go.

Why I can't throw right?

What is happening?

How is this taking me four throws

to throw a pitch to the first base?

Since I've been with him,
he hasn't played baseball,

except when we're playing
around with the kids in the backyard,

but it's definitely, probably
been a really long time.

Baby, this is crazy
that I'm taking this long

to throw a ball to first base.


It took me four throws
to throw to first base.

Who does that?

Damn. My bad, baby.

I mean, I've seen you
play a couple things...


You think that you're
the man in, and I be like...


So if you're watching
amazing race, don't k*ll me.


Don't k*ll me. I haven't
played baseball in a long time.

- Come on.
- Okay.

Then we had to hit these little,

little cylinders, which was hard,

'cause we had to hit
'em with a skinny stick.


All right, here we go.

- Roadblock.
- "Who wants to play ball?"

- I got it. I got it...
- You got it.

- All right.
- Let's do this.

So, opening the clue and seeing it,

like, mlber bartolo colón

is going to give you your clue.

So I knew this guy
was a big-time MLB guy.

- Where's the dugout?
- Right here.

Yeah. Let's do this.

All the way to the edge.

- Check?
- Chequear, señor.

Please, please.

- Yes. Thank you.
- Yeah.

Thank you, thank you. All right, come on.

Well, we don't have to
fight for things anymore.

This is harder than what it look like.

- Hey, good luck, Shane.
- Thanks, buddy.

That's one. That's one.

Let's go.

I cannot hit this thing.


I should've had that last
one. That was super bad.

All right, there it is. There it is.

- It might have took me about 14 tries.
- 14?

- That's a lot of tries.
- It was a lot.

I think I was swinging too hard, baby.

So your strength and power

helped with the cocoa beans

- but not on the baseball field?
- No, it did not help.

You know, baseball's a
little more graceful skill.

You... yeah, you got to be more graceful.

It's not the football field.

Yeah, thank you. Appreciate
that, my guy. Let's go.

"Travel by taxi to paseo de
doña to find your next clue."

- Let's go.
- Today is a day.

- That passed, that passed.
- That's good.

That's good. Let's go.

- That was quick.
- Thank you very much.

How you doing, sir?

Super grateful to be
able to meet bartolo colón.

When he handed me the
clue, I-I did take an extra minute,

I said, "I'm super grateful to
meet you. I thank you so much."

It's an honor to be shaking his hand.

So we got to take the taxis.

Cab right here. Can we go?

- Hey, let's go, dude.
- Rod...

My gosh. They're passing us. Come on.

- Paseo de doña blanca.
- Blanca? Yeah? ¿Sí?

Okay. God, I wish I
could keep this shirt on.

My other shirt smells like beans.

Rod and leticia were there.

And rod finished just before Shane.

I would say maybe 30 seconds before.

The difference was so small
that when we got out to the taxi,

they were still getting in theirs.

So we might actually be in front of 'em.

Pas... paseo de blan... blanca?

Paseo de doña blanca.

We don't know. You
got to tell us where to go.

- You tell us. Which way is it?
- Is it that way?

- You don't know?
- You don't know?

¿Yo no sé?

- My god.
- No, my guy, do you not know where to go?

We got to ask somebody,
baby. We can't just drive.

Pull over right here,
right here, right here.

Excuse me. Paseo de doña blanca?

Is it that way or that way?

Appreciate that.

We're back in the game, baby. Let's go.

- Good?
- Yeah.

- Check. Check.
- Por favor. Por favor.

- Okay. - Check. Okay?
- Yay.

- Thank you. Thank you.
- Look at this.

- No, no. Gracias.
- ! Muchas gracias.

- Every second counts.
- Sprint!

Señor! Señor!

- !¡vámonos!
- Señor!

Gracias, señor.

If this were the beginning of the race,

then ten minutes behind a
team wouldn't be that bad.

But because we're
now such a small bunch,

ten minutes could be a difference maker.

Let's see what this next thing is,

and hopefully we can
make up some time.

- We have an advantage right now.
- We have our advantage.

At this point, it's just hoping for the best.

We're just trying to survive another leg.

This has got to be it up here.

"Who wants to play ball?"

- You want to do it?
- Me?

- It's up to you.
- Me. Me.

All right. Vincent's gonna do it.

We get to the stadium,

and it's a roadblock. And I
wasn't expecting two roadblocks.

And I got nervous, and I was
like, "Vincent's gonna do it."

But then I was like, "...,
I should've done this,"

'cause I played softball, growing up.

But whatever. It is what it is.

We need to be in the top four.

And so I'm putting

a lot more pressure on myself physically

and mentally and emotionally.

Yes. Nice. Good job, babe!

We are last, but the game ain't over yet.

- We still in it.
- Yeah, we're still in it.

Good job, babe!

I never played baseball in my life.

I guess I would consider
I'm a little athletic.

I played a bunch of video
games when I was a kid,

so kind of knowing what
to do with your hands

and trying to control 'em
with what you're seeing.

That's good. Let's go.

I got really lucky off the first swing.

Let's go, baby!

- Did you get it?
- We're done!


Let's go! Let's go!

Paseo de doña blanca.

What? He doesn't know?

- ¿No sé?
- Vincent,

if he doesn't know, we're screwed.

Why is he turning left? Come on.

He obviously knows where we're going.


Open it.

- Open it all the way.
- Roadblock.

"Who wants to play?"

I think, I think you do it. You got this.

As soon as we entered
the stadium, it was clear

no one else was there.

- Fast, fast.
- Okay. Okay. Primero.

I have faith she'll do it.

I just hope she does it, like, right away.


Good job, bobo! Look at her running.

I think she has to catch
a pop fly now, it looks like.

Good job.

Yvonne just moved on to the next stage.


These are thin.

Small bat.

This is... I'm not used
to. This is not a bat.

This is a broomstick.

You got this, bobo.

I heard it.

Baby, we still rolling.

My guy rolling.

That's what I'm talking about. Steady-o.

- Shane...
- We got, we got...

- Rod and leticia. Yeah.
- Rod and leticia behind us.

- Yeah, yeah. Vámonos.Go. Yes.
- Yes. Yes. Yes.

Rápido. Rápido.Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah.


- Yes!
- That's my guy!

- So now our taxi just passed...
- Our taxi driver made up, boy.

- He just passed 'em.
- The fly boys.

So we back in second place.

What the heck, man?

- We got passed.
- He's got to hurry up.

Let's go.

Okay, this is paseo de doña blanca.

- Okay.
- Sí.


I see the clue box.

Come on, come on, come on. Okay.

- De... no, route info.
- Route info.

Merengue is the Dominican Republic's

national dance, which
teams will get to experience

here at the pit stop.

Anfiteatro de puerto plata,

a popular amphitheater
right next to the ocean.

Today, it is the pit stop
for this leg of the race.

The last team to check
in here will be eliminated.

Anfiteatro de puerto plata.

Okay. We're gonna go straight,

and then it's a left, and then a right.

All the way to the water,
and we're gonna see it.

- Sí.
- Muchas, much as gracias.

- Okay. Gracias.
- Gracias.

Okay, Ricky. Come on.

- This is cool. This is very cool.
- This is very cool.


It's a little less than a mile.

My technique's not working.

I know she's getting
frustrated over there.

Was it close? Gracias.

- Muchas gracias.
- Good job.

Okay. Okay.

We're at the bottom. We got to go.

Doña blanca.

Sí.okay. Let's go with him.

Let's go with him.

¿Dónde es paseo de doña blanca?

Los... ¿yo sé?

- No.
- No?

- Where is he driving?
- Is he just driving?

- Yeah. ¿Dónde está or a?
- Where are we going?

- That's what I said.
- So, we have to go

to paseo de doña blanca.

¿Tiene UN teléfono?

Yo necesito dirección.

Petrom. Ahora. Señor.

- Why did we...?
- My lord.

We're freaking lost.

The driver has no
idea where we're going.

And I said that back there,

when we got in the car,
and he said he didn't know.

Melissa and Yvonne
were, like, not far behind us.

They can catch up to us and pass us.

- This is no good.
- Yeah.

That's what I literally said back there.

If you think you have what it
takes to win the amazing race,

go to CBS.Com/casting and apply now.

My god.

We're freaking lost.

The driver has no
idea where we're going.

That's so freaking annoying.

- This is tough, dude.
- Should've listened to me.

Make up some time.

Our taxi driver's making up time.

- Muy bien, señor.
- Muchas gracias.

Gracias. Gracias.

There we go. There we go.

Muy bien.


- That's them?
- Yeah, that's them.

Bien, papi. Bien, bien, bien.

We just got to a traffic light, and we just,

we saw rod and leticia's car,

so we caught up to them.
We're seconds behind 'em.

If this guy passes 'em, even better.

Driving behind us?

- Yeah. They're behind. They caught up.
- The car. They're behind us.

We're hoping that,

the pink team, the burgundy
team are still far behind.

- Don't lose 'em.
- Yeah.

Are you sure this is right?

- Follow him.
- Follow him, follow him. Yeah.

- No, they're right behind us still. Yeah.
- They are?

We'll fight it out for two and three.

Paseo de blanca.

- Come on, let's go. I paid.
- She already paid.

Come on, buddies.

What's up, fam?

"Race on foot to
anfiteatro de puerto plata."

"Last team to be checked
in will be eliminated."

- Sweet. Let's do it.
- Okay, bro. Let's go.

Come on, rod.

- Okay.
- Gracias.

- Okay. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
- Okay. Okay.

Right on the stage. Right on the stage.


One, two, three...

Welcome to puerto plata,
to Dominican Republic.

- Thank you.
- Gracias.

Ricky and Cesar, I am pleased to tell you

you are team number one!


As the first team to arrive,

you have won expedia one key cash

that you can use for
a five-night trip for two

to Seoul, Korea.


- Nice.
- That's so cool.

Expedia experts are gonna
design a unique local experience

with a traditional Korean cooking class,

a guided visit to the royal palace,

a gwangjang market tour

and a paju wine-tasting experience.

That sounds awesome.

- That's awesome, man.
- Right down our alley.

You are in the final
four of this amazing race.

Final four!

If you can arrive in the
top three in the next leg,

you will be able to race to that finish line

for that $1 million prize.

This is insane.

We have gotten six first places.

- Six.
- And three second places.

We started with 13 teams,

and now we're down to four.

And it's, like, it's so
close, we can touch it.

We want to make it to the top three,

and as long as we can keep
up our pace, it should happen.

Come on. They coming.

They coming. Let's go.

All the way down and to the right.

- We got to run it out, baby.
- They catching up with us.

We need to cross the
street. Come on, rod.

- Hey, sir. UN momento.
- ¿Amigo, anfiteatro?

- Yeah?
- Here. Yeah.

- Look, look...
- Straight ahead.

- Come on. He said straight.
- Come on.

- Okay. Got it. Gracias.
- Okay. Thank you.

He said all the way
down, like five minutes.

He on that water right there, baby.

- Nice pace. Keep going.
- Yeah, let's keep a jog going.

Let's go. We got it. Come on, come on.

Señor, or a. Necesito dirección.

¿Dónde está paseo de doña blanca?

Where was he driving?

- Was he just driving?
- Yeah.

He didn't know.

- ¿Entiende o no?
- He's saying let's go.

- Okay, my friend.
- Gracias, gracias.

He knows where we're going.

I just hope we didn't lose a lot of time.

Paseo de doña blanca.

Yeah, we got to be on the lookout.

- They're across the street.
- Yeah.

- Listen to me.
- What?

Anfiteatro means "theater."

- Okay.
- Cross first, and then we'll ask.

Come on, man. Come on.

Let's go. Let's go.

Come on. He this way.

Hey, go, go, go. Just go.

It's all the way at the end of this.

I'll try.

- Yes, you can.
- I can.

We got to run it out, baby.

- They're catching up with us.
- Wait for me, wait for me.

- I can't keep your pace right now.
- Okay.

I'm really tired.

Hey, come on now.

Here they are. Here they are.

That was a race.

My wife pushed through.

She did not stop, didn't give up.

So proud of her.

She smoked me. She
didn't need any head start.

Rod and leticia, I'm pleased
to tell you that you are

team number two. I'm pleased to tell you,

Juan and Shane, that
you are team number three.


That's what I'm talking about, Phil.

That means you are in the final four.

You got a 25% chance
right now of going all the way,

winning this race.

Ricky and Cesar, I don't know

what it's gonna take to b*at them.

Yeah, they not running
into too many stumbles,

but right now we're
just gonna keep pushing,

'cause you never know.

There might be that one
thing that makes them stumble.


And then when they stumble

that's your chance to slip on by.


Let's go, let's go, let's go.

There's only one behind us.

"Find Phil on the mat."

"Last team to check
in will be eliminated."

Let's get directions.

Anfiteatro de puerto plata.

Turn left at the "t."

There was another street,
babe, that you missed.

- Right out of here.
- We don't need to know that.

- Please don't...
- Okay.

- All right, we good?
- And then we go to there.

- Thank you so much.
- Gracias. Gracias.

- Let's go down this way.
- All right, let's go.

- Muchísimas gracias, señor.
- Aquí. Mira.

Okay. Let's go.

There it is. I see it. Come on, come on...

"Race on foot to
anfiteatro de puerto plata."

- Okay.
- Babe! Slow down!

As fast as you can.

I'm trying.

- Okay. Muchas gracias.
- Okay, gracias. Let's go.

He said it's a left and a right.

It's on the right-hand side,
once we get to the water.

Where are you going, babe?

- This is not right.
- San Felipe. San Felipe.

Down here.

Where am I going right at?

Right at the end.

Are you sure?

Babe, don't do this again.

You're not the one who knows directions.

Doesn't seem right.

On the right-hand side.

Are you sure, babe?

- Yes.
- You better be right.

Muchas gracias.

- Book it, babe. Come on.
- Which way?

This way.

I think... I don't know if
that's Phil down there.



Yes! Let's go!

Let's go.

Amber and vinny, what
a day you have had.

You knew it was on the line

to be in the final four, and I'm pleased

to tell you that you have done it.

You are the fourth team to arrive.

You will be racing in the next leg.

- Yes!
- Hard-fought battle today.

What was the secret to
your success, vinny, today?

Just to stay positive.

Make sure that I wasn't grinding into her.

She was having a hard
time at that first challenge.

I-I just don't want to
let him down. Like, i-i...

At the end of the day, like,

as long as I don't let
him down, I feel good.

That's a lot of pressure
to put on yourself.

You're standing here not
because of what vinny did,

but because of what you
did together as a team.

If you're gonna get to that finish line...


- You got to do it together.
- That's right.

And there's our other team.

- Good job, guys.
- Good job.

Amber and vinny, I'm gonna
let you guys go get hydrated.

Go get rested up.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

Yvonne and Melissa, today
you are the last team to arrive.

Got it. Figured.

Unfortunately, I do have to eliminate you.

Got it. Thank you.

Did this race give you what you wanted?

This race has actually
brought us closer together,

so it's been great doing
this with the woman I love,

and I just, you know,

I can't wait to continue on
more adventures with you.

We wanted to work on us
as a team because we're both

so independent, and
that was important to us.

We keep calling this our
relationship boot camp

towards family, and,
you know, what's next.


And so this was a big milestone for us.

I have no doubt that our
future's gonna be great,

and we are so happy we did this race.

- Thank you, Phil.
- Thank you.

- Thank you. Yeah.
- Got it?


There are now only
four teams remaining

in this amazing race.

- You're almost there, buddy.
- You're almost there.

Finish it up.

With it coming down to four teams,

every second counts.

There's only two people
that are getting paid

- a million bucks.
- Yeah?

- Yeah! Yeah! Let's go!
- All right, baby. Yeah.

Juan and Shane, you
are team number one.

- Let's go! Yeah!
- Yes! Let's go!

We're gonna do whatever it takes

to better our and our family's lives.

This is it, Juan. This is it.

That's really the only reason we're here.

That's a dangerous fire.

- It burns hot, so...
- Yeah.

We're gonna leave it all on the field,

even if it kills us.


The dream has always been

being in the amazing race.

Now it's winning the amazing race.



My goodness. It's gonna be tricky.

We have been learning
from our own mistakes

and other people's mistakes.

Ricky and Cesar, you
are team number one.

You are first place.

Number one.

I know we have the best track record,

the best odds of winning a million dollars.

This girl actually knows
how to take these things off.

She's a badass chick.

We're the most balanced team here.

We got physicality and brains.


We have everything we need to succeed.

Yes! Babe, we got it!

We've overcome a lot of
hardships in our relationship.

I'm just trying my best, and
it's not working out for you.

I really want to make her proud...

Yeah! Let's go!

Make her family proud.

That's amazing.

Let's go!

I love you!

Nothing's gonna break us.

We're gonna walk away
with a million bucks.

Let's go.

Team number one, right now.

I'm on top of the world, baby!

To the top, baby. Just what I like.

We started this race

to see if we was
capable of going in there

and whupping everybody
for the million dollars.

Rod and leticia, you
are team number one.

That's what I'm talking about.

And so far, we've done

exactly what we came on this race to do.

I think you are the first team to arrive.

My god.

Come on.

You can't stop us, baby.

We love y'all, but end of the day,

there only can be one winner.

- That's it.
- And that's us.

That's what being strong do sometimes.

Captioning sponsored
by CBS and Toyota.

Captioned by media access
group at wgbh access.Wgbh.Org.

Next time, on the season
finale of the amazing race...

Let's go.

- Taxistas.
- Rápido, rápido.

- Whoo!
- Let's do it.

Come on, babe!

It all comes down to this.

$1 million on the line.

Ricky! I love you!

You are literally ruining
this for us right now.

Yeah! She just did it.

Who has what it takes
to win the amazing race?

Every mistake counts.

They do have weaknesses.

The most stress I've had the entire race.

The most stress I've had the entire race.
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