02x45 - Trains and Brains and Rainy Plains

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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02x45 - Trains and Brains and Rainy Plains

Post by bunniefuu »

hey hey here's a coming between the lion





bringing the rain to Kapiti play by

Verna Artemis illustrated by shadow

light productions this is the great

Kapiti play of fresh and green from the

African rains a sea of brass for the

ground birds to nest in and patches of

shamed for wild creatures to rest it but

one year the rains were so very belated

that all of the big wild creatures


then keep at help to end that terrible

drought and this story tells how it all

came about


leona drought dryness aridity a lack of

moisture a desiccation part sadness oh

yeah you don't understand how oh how

about this that long time no rain this

is the grass all brown and dead that

needed the rain from the cloud overhead

the big black cloud all heavy with rain

that shadowed the ground on Kapiti play

this is keep at who watched his herd as

he stood on one leg like a big store

bird keep at whose cows were so hungry

and dry

they mood for the rain to fall down from

the sky to green up the grass all brown

and dead that needed the rain from the

cloud overhead the big black cloud all

heavy rain that shadow the ground one

can be play this is the Eagle who

dropped a feather a feather that helped

to change the weather this is the arrow

keep at put together with a slender

stick and an eagle feather this is the

bow so long and strong and strung with a

string a leather thong a bow for the

arrow keep hat put together with a

slender stick and an eagle feather this

was the sh*t that pierced the cloud and

loosed the rain with thunder

it fell near keypad who watched his herd

as he stood on one leg like the big

stork bird so the grass grew green and

the cattle fat and keypad got a wife and

a little key Pat who tends the cows now

and sh**t down the rain cloud shadow of

he play Cubs watch where you're pointing

those imaginary arrows I just notice if

you put a tee in front of the word rain

in the Kapiti plain book you get

bringing that rain to copy deeply oh of

course you could also take out the tee

and put a bee in and yeah bringing the

brain to Kapiti plays you have got a

very good brain glee oh my little picnic

ham and now Walter and clay pigeon look

at Barnaby B Buster filled the Third's

brain okay Buster let's see your yeah

brain absolutely not

come on open up yeah open up Buster we

want to see if you have all your

novels yeah leave my brain alone alright

and now mark the reader in the bowels

will be a sound made by the letters A I

in the word page





hate pain a plane



let's ride the a I train with poet Lisa

Jesse Peterson two vowels in the

alphabet I must put your thinking caps

on and use your brain as we take a

little ride on the a I train all aboard

I train I train - - water indistinct

goes down the drain water from the sky

we call it rain if a bumble bee stings

you outs that's pain the more books you

read the more knowledge you gain all


ai ai ai game pain pale name

snail and now timeless classic

masterpieces presents another chapter

from that saga of the sea Moby duck in

which Captain Ahab with the crew of the

good ship B pod continues his endless

search for Moby a great white duck

only scatterbrained but I maintain that

the duck is as close as paint on a

paintbrush may thinks a long search was

over do you see him mr. Starbuck do you

see the duck nay captain scatterbrain

all I see is the sea


and the seas be rough argh


wait captain Darcy quacks Moby the great

white duck

ah at last name mr. starbuck but not

be the great white duck argh argh no no

look see the print on screen there SN a

I L the letters a I in the middle make

the sound a snail that be Daisy the

entertaining white snail ha argh I be

sorry captain all this is a pain in me

brain well like I always say at the end

of every chapter step out of it Behe

Moby the great white duck be near very

near methinks our search will soon be



yes trains by Elaine Ainsley Twain why

do we need earring angry trains train

block because we're going to take a

twink dye mean train out of this book

and put it into the bringing the rain to

Kapiti plane I mean

plane book and it's going to change to


do is pick the tree me too it's perfect

would you please drag-and-drop this

train into that book you worry too much

anyway there was dad's idea bringing the

train to be plane applause for mouse no

thanks don't wait wait wait wait wait

wait wait

there is one more thing

dragon drop us into the Train


dragging and dropping can you drive this

sure how hard can it be it's only

illustration this is the great Kapiti

plane all fresh and green from the

African range and this is the train that

caused such pain on that terrible day on

Kapiti plane this is the spark from the

smokey train that started the blaze on

Kapiti plane

I'm sure I smell smoke there what over

here I thought was my breakfast but

what's that train doing in the book now

factoring yesterday click get that train

in those Cubs out of a book


yeah we're okay but Kapiti planes on




Oh err err err hair hair hair

hey fam



rain flying off the shelf once again

it's the continuing daring and dangling

Adventures of cliff hi today's adventure

number 2498

cliffhanger and the rain


excuse me excuse me we find cliffhanger

where we left him last hanging from a

cliff can't hold on much longer

suddenly it begins to rain and rain and

rain cliff strains to reach into his

backpack and soon obtains his trusty

survival manual using his expert

decoding skills cliff begins to read hmm

rain grain ah here we are

rain if it rains and rains and rains

don't complain jump into the water I


can't complain is this it has

cliffhanger finally gained his freedom

look a chain

can't hold on much long and now from

sister Sybil sensational Pub sassafras

the sibilant song stylings of the sultry

Miss Cleo Lyon thank you thank you so

much and now I'd like to sing you a

little song about a very special letter

that can do a very special thing it

makes a lonely lion - lions it makes one

little lamb wouldn't it be hard to

imagine a world without an S the bees

would be one lonely buzzing bee

the trees would be one little bitty tree

and whoever choose one shoe instead of

shoes can't even have two one hair on

your head instead of one steel no sticks

one brick bricks one chick but no chips

without a net he's so much fun turn toy

to toys and turn a friend into

we got the letter s to sit right on to

the one single little rolls becomes rosy

one so love little nose becomes nonsense

even the Blues would be blue

even the blue without a name




everyone everyone don't panic this is

just an illustration on the other way

there is no dairy no water be your ruin

the book look can't you see it's not a

real fire

no it's an illustrated fire right man

let's go get the illustrated hose with

the illustrated water

I don't know Leona dad what's gonna

happen too greedy plane I don't know

what'll Cleo

what is going to happen to Kapiti plane

there's only one way to find out let's

read the book everything's all right

this is the fire that burns

caused by the spark from the smoking

train this is keep at who watches his

herd as he stands on one leg like the

big stork bird and he watches the flames

as they b*rned near by sending clouds of

smoke up into the sky in Eagle is going

to drop a feather kept asking to make an

arrow and then he's gonna sh**t down the

rain and the rain yes are you willing to

sacrifice one of those feathers to save

a book well yeah sure why not right


Wow feather that hopes to change the

weather huh

click feather into book please

it falls near keypad watches his heard

as he stands on one leg like the big

stork bird and he watches the flames as

they burn near by sending clouds of

smoke up into the sky where a big dark

cloud all heavy with rain shadows the

ground this is the arrow he packed puts

together with a slender stick and a

pigeon feather look at the sh*t that

pierces the cloud it loosens the rain

with thunder

and while keypad watches the falling

rain it puts out the fire Haan kabhi T

blade so the grass was green and the

cattle fat can keep hat got a wife and a

little keep at who tends the cows now

and sh**t down the rain all goes to

show you what does it go to show you you

have to be careful when you introduce

technology into an ecosystem clover a

book for that matter because it can

disturb the balance of nature and the

plot right sometimes if you're not

careful and you change things they can

get pretty messed up you know I think we

ought to think the real hero of the hour

Walter Pidgeon

yeah who's better we could not have

saved this precious book


I'm a hero and I have one thing to say


ouch each oh oh oh that smarts you did a

good thing

you saved a book I must say it's hard

for me to admit but Walter Pidgeon you

did a great service to this library I

wish there was something I could do for

you in return

hey there is you can show us your yeah

very well as a reward you may see my

break oh wow clay hey look at ya hey

Buster hasn't lost all his uh yeah hey

hey get out of there what are you doing

hey now that's a beauty whoa hey let's

go play with it hey come back here with

my marble

there are games and stories at the

between the Lions website abs kids org

or America Online keyword PBS kids can

you guys be my designated readers sure

have a book about a dollar why no who

took the dog books out




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