16x40 - Episode 40

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x40 - Episode 40

Post by bunniefuu »

They survived the Battle of the Block twist, they survived the Team America twist, and

they survived the Big Brother rewind twist.

Now, either Victoria, Cody, or Derek will walk out of the house a half million dollars


The most twisted summer ever comes to an end tonight.

Welcome to the live season finale of Big Brother.

This season on Big Brother.

At the beginning of the game, an eight person power alliance was created.

The goal is to get out all the floaters that potentially could be very dangerous.

The freaking b*mb squad.

But secretly, Derek and Cody formed an alliance within the alliance.

How about the hit man?

Dude, you don't see it coming.

When one of the b*mb squads founding members went off the rails.

This is the thing, there's no more alliance.

There's no more alliance.

We're done.

Devin, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

After rebranding themselves the detonators, they started blowing up people's games.

You are evicted from the Big Brother house.

When Zack att*cks, erratic behavior finally became a liability.

Well, you fruit loop dingus, I bet you didn't see this coming.

The detonators decided to take out one of their own.

Zack, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

With Derek secretly controlling the game, he began targeting his biggest threats.

I got a lot of other people telling me stuff.

A lot of other people's field you pull them in.

I know he's lying to me.

So first the cop took out the groundskeeper.

Donny, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

And after Nicole compared Derek to a Big Brother legend.

You're the closest thing to Dan that I've ever came across.

Derek had no choice but to send her packing too.

Nicole, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

With Victoria posing no threat.

Victoria looks dag gone straight up pitiful.

The guys thought they had a clear path to the final four.

The final four?

So the bombinators gave Christine the pink slip.

You are evicted from the Big Brother house.

With the end in sight, the hitmen decided their best chance at final two

was to turn on their strongest allies.

Gotta take the shot we have.

So they took out one of the most dominant players of the game.

Frankie, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

And then they gave Beast Mode a devastating Judy chop.

On day two, we made a final two alliance called the hitmen.

Our best chance is sending them out of the house today.

Caleb, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.

With only Derek, Cody, and Victoria remaining,

the stage was set for the final three-part head of household competition.

Now, after a summer of outrageous behavior…

Oh, you're afraid now, are ya?

Yo, show them what your name is.

Ariana Grande?

Glad he's your sister.

She misses me.


Give him the money.

I'm wasting my time right now.

He's ex-military.

He is, isn't he?

Yeah, I knew it from the moment he pulled his socks up.

Oh, wait, dude!



Will you marry me?


It's the best feeling in the world to know that you're here.

Hey, over here.

Mama, baby!



I got to stand in the same house where a lot of the greats had played.

You can't trust me!

We can't.

That's just money.

Thank you guys so much for being here.

And epic battles.


That was beautiful, Cody.


One more, baby, yes!

It all comes down to this.

Who will become the final head of household?

And who will make it to the final two?

and tonight, nine must make a difficult decision.

Who will be crowned the winner of Big Brother

and walk away with a half-million-dollar prize?

And who did America vote as their favourite house guest?

Find out tonight,

live on the 90-minute season finale of Big Brother.


Final three.

Final three.



Good evening.

I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to the live season finale of Big Brother.

Fans have said that Derek strategised his way to the end.

Cody flirted his way to the end,

and Victoria floated her way to the end.

But no matter how they got here,

the half-million-dollar grand prize is now within their reach.

After 97 days, 44 competitions and 14 evictions,

it's time to crown the winner of Big Brother live tonight.

But first, when we last left the house guests,

they were flying high in part one of the final HOH competition.

Whomever wins will automatically advance to part three

live later tonight.

Is that water or paint?

You want to be a big brother, right?

Winning this HOH cup is crucial.

Cody and I have worked this whole summer on this final two deal,

and we have a chance right now to make that happen.

If Victoria wins, this would be a disaster.

That's brutal!

I made it to the final three, but I'm not stopping now.

The $500,000 is right around the corner, and I'm ready to win it.


Go, Whitehead!


One, two, three, go!


My hands are like…

Keep going, keep going, girl.

Don't flip me.

Keep going.

Just my nose.

Don't drop.

Come on, you're there.



This rain is no joke.

It's a torrential downpour, and this wall is intense.

It's tilted all the way forward.

We're almost parallel with the ground.

This is excruciating.

Oh, that hurt.


I am in so much pain.

I cannot feel my fingers.

Oh, my God.





Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

I just feel like I lost a golden opportunity to control my own fate in this game.

This is the worst feeling in the world.

Don't be upset.

Part one of our plan just came true.

Victoria's out.

What are you thinking?

What do you want to do?

How confident do you?

I obviously feel better about you and the mental than me.

You know better than me, but if you don't want to come down,

I'm not going to sit there all day.

It's completely up to you.

If you don't feel confident, that's not good.

We knew going into this competition

that it was most likely going to be an endurance comp.

So the plan was for me to win this first endurance comp,

and then him to go take care of Victoria in the second part.

I have a feeling that it's going to be a physical comp.

Ultimately, you're going to win it,

and then I'm going to have to go against her in the mental one.

What do you think?

Do you want this one?

Kind of, dude.

Endurance made me feel good.

It's up to you.

There's no doubt you're starting to feel better.

How do you feel about this?

I just go over it with you.

That's fine.

That's what you want to do.

Is that what you want to do?

No, I actually don't feel confident.

You don't.


I don't know if you can beat Victoria.

There's no doubt you know better than me.

There's no doubt.

You know, I've been with Derek this entire game,

and we have each other's backs.

I know that.

But the fact that Derek's having these doubts is extremely frustrating.

How are you feeling, Derek?



I can't feel my hands.

I am relying on Derek to hopefully pull this one out and win this thing,

because we do have a final two.

I got to be honest.

If I can convince Cody just to throw this one to me

so I can automatically advance to part three, I'm all for it.

But it doesn't seem like that's going to happen.

So, Cody, you can have your first endurance comp.

I'll face Victoria in part two.

Good job, Cody.

Did you see that guy?


If I win the part one of the HOH comp, I'm so pumped.

Straight to part three for me, I don't even have to worry about part two.

All Derek has to do is beat Victoria in the second part

and get there with me, and the hit men are going to be sitting in the final two.

I feel it.

Good, but me too.

Answer it.

Yeah, they're blue and, like, I can't feel them.

This is the worst-case scenario.

I have to compete against my best friend and number one ally in this house, Derek.

I need to win the second part of the HOH.

It's more important than ever.

I cannot put my destiny in any of these boys' hands,

and I have to guarantee myself a spa in the final two.

Up next, Derek has secretly been playing Victoria all summer long.

Now he must play against her in part two of the final HOH competition of the season.

Then, former Big Brother winner Dr.

Will Kirby is back to debate

as the jury gathers to discuss the merits of the final three.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to the season finale of Big Brother.

Cody has already won part one of the final head of household competition.

Now Derek and Victoria must face off in part two.

The winner of this round will move on to compete against Cody live tonight

to determine the final HOH of the summer.

Oh, my word.

I walk into the backyard, and it really feels like I need my hat and my whip

because I'm about to go find the crystal skull.

This is unreal.

And then I look up, and there's this golden wall, and man, it's intimidating.

What up, King Tut?

Welcome to part two of the final three-part head of household competition.

To begin the game, step off the sacred stone,

then race up the wall and begin searching through the tiles to reveal different faces.

The goal is to place the faces of the two houseguests that were on the chopping block

on the night each eviction occurred.

You'll place each pair of nominees in the correct order from first to 14.

The houseguest that correctly places the 14 pairs, then steps on the stone

in the fastest time will earn the right to battle Cody

in the final head of household competition of the summer.

Get ready to play Ancient BBJ.

This is the second part of the final HOH, and this competition means everything.

I have to win this one because this gets me one step closer to bringing home that half a million

plus that 50,000 Team America bonus for my family.

I have got to win this.

Here's a beer, y'all.

This competition is extremely difficult.

Not only do you have to remember who was evicted,

you have to remember who was sitting on the block next to them when they were evicted.

In addition to climbing up and down this huge wall.


Seeing myself done up as a Pharaoh really puts a perspective

how good of a game I played this year.

I was a nominated once through 55 noms and renoms.

I always wanted to be Spider-Man.

Just got turned up.

I definitely think I did well, but I'm not really going to know until I see Victoria's time.

At this point, I'm just hoping my best was good enough.

Victoria's been nominated nine times.

Anyone's going to know this competition is her.

I have to beat Derek and I have to put fate into my own hands.

So I am guaranteed into the final two.

If I can barely remember your face, you're probably one of the first people that went home.

So my strategy is to figure out whose face I can barely remember and go on from there.

The hardest part about this competition is going up and down these walls.

I'm slowing down because I am going ledge by ledge and that is taking a lot of my time.

I flip over Hayden's face and automatically I know he was a seventh person evicted.

I need one more face, Nicole.

I finally found it, but I have to go across to the other side of the wall.

Finally got my board full.

I think I got them all right.

Today I just have to get down as quickly as possible and step on that stone.

It's time to find out who won the second part of the final head of household competition of the season.

Derek, your time is…

Good job, Derek.

My stomach is in my throat right now.

Please let Derek have pulled this one out.

All right, Victoria, you need a time faster than 15 minutes and 29 seconds to beat Derek.

Victoria, your time is…

This means Derek, you will compete against me in the third part of the final HOH of the summer.

Good luck, buddy.

This just sucks.

Now I have to just hope that Derek will honor the final two deal that we've had since the beginning of the game

because there's nothing else I could do at this point.

I got them all right the first time and that still took me 15 minutes.

This is amazing that Derek wins the second part of the HOH.

The only way that Derek and I don't make it to the final two is if the biggest backstab of Big Brother history goes down on finale night.

And as far as I'm concerned, that's not going to happen.

I hope.

So Derek will now face off against Cody for the chance at winning it all.

But ultimately, the winner of Big Brother will be chosen by the jury.

We have an important task tonight.

We're going to be discussing the final three contestants.

So we need to know who the final three are.

Who do you think is going to be joining us tonight as a juror?

Beast Mode Cowboy.

Cowboy, yeah.

Why do you say that he's completely outnumbered and no one's going to send Victoria home?

Because why would you send Victoria home?


Johnny, are these guys right?

Yeah, absolutely.

I think it will be Beast Mode Cowboy tonight.

Actually, I'd love to see Cody walk through the door.

Cody didn't do much this game at all.

Yes, Cody.

Well, let's find out who it is.

Let's see who it is.

Oh, wow.

Nice to see you, man.


Look at you.

Thank you.

You're welcome, buddy.

Have a seat, everybody.

Thank you.

Thank you, Dr.


I missed you guys a lot.

This is what happened.

I couldn't play in the HOH.

Derek ended up winning it.

Cody ended up winning the veto.

Of course, they told me I was safe all week.

Next thing you know, Cody gets up and he says that him and Derek have had an unopposed match.

And he's been in an alliance since day two called the Hitman.

Jocasta, what do you think about this?

Oh my, I think it's quite interesting you got rid of Frankie.

Because he's really worked with you this entire game.

Besides when he tried to get me thrown on the block with Nicole.

You know, Caleb, I mean, actions speak louder than words.

My actions in this game have never been disloyal to you, ever.

You walking up to Nicole and saying, hey, you've got to put Caleb on the block.

That's an action.

Caleb, that's not an action.

It's a word.

I pulled you off the block twice.

I would have taken you to that final three, Caleb.

You know that.

In your soul, I would have gotten you to that final three.

Guys, I'm fascinated by this, but we do need to get back to discussing the people who are still in the house.

Let's talk about Derek specifically for a moment.

What is the most powerful aspect of his game?

Derek thinks a lot before he speaks.

And that's, you know, a great aspect.

He is a…

Boggagli, I don't even know if I can say it right.

Manipulate him.

He uses such strong things like his child.

He did it to me with my grandfather and his grandfather.


See what I'm…

I would never backstab you because we both lost our grandfathers in this game.

And that brings us closer than anything else possibly because he's so likable and he's the family guy.

It's got him through the whole game.

Yeah, you feel guilty when he betrays you.

You feel guilty.

and I'm going to be so disappointed in myself.

I don't know anybody that has made it to the final three

and has never been on the block, not one time.

We forgot about that.

Especially being with a B.



with four people being nominated every week.

He has not been on the block one time.

That's crazy.

Impressive statistics.

Impressive statistics.

So at the end of the day, is he a master manipulator

or did he just have an alliance with everybody

and eventually something was…

Okay, there you go.

Like there are other people in the house that tried that theory and it did not work.

Right now.

So the fact that it worked for him means that he is a master manipulator

because none of them blew up in his face.

But he stabbed these friends in the back

and he tried to work them as they was going out the door to work the jury.

He has enough in this jury that he has lied to and huge lies

that I would say, I don't want to send six of my friends in the jury

that I have immediately lied to because they probably won't give me my vote after that.

He was fake praying with me.

That's something you don't do with me.

I don't play that.

So you're going to hold that against him?

So I'm going to keep it.


I'm going to hold on to it, squeeze it tight, pour all the lemon out of it.

It's going to stay bitter.

Ain't no sugar going to come in that baby.


Is there anything wrong with outright manipulation, lying, pulling on your heartstrings?

Is that allowed here?

I said I would lie, cheat, steal and k*ll to win this game.

So I respect his game a lot.

Everybody praises Derek more so than Cody and I think they're equally worthy.

Cody does a lot of talking for Derek.

And Cody was more capable of winning competitions than Derek.

Cody, he did not show his full potential at the beginning of this game.

When there was less people, he shows up.

The kid is smart.

He's very smart.

He really did play under the radar for a while.

I think he had found a good person to align with.

He threw competitions.

He started winning when he had to.

I have nothing against Cody.

He is flawless.

You should win the game.

I believe his best move was getting so much information and not saying a thing about it.


Caleb, who flipped you against me?

You know, is it Derek or was it Cody?

As an honest answer, it was both of them hammering me.

I think since day two they decided to stick together and they played each and every one

of us to get there and I am so impressed.

You guys said that there was a lot of strategic moves that Derek made, but was his one best move.


I can't, I mean I can't think of one right off the bat.

I have not heard that.

If you're in the final three, you've done something right.

No, no, no, no.

I was a whole nother ball game.

Honestly, the girl was on the block nine times.

Both times I was on the block I had complete nervous breakdowns.

She went on the block nine times.

That takes strength.

Victoria thinks she's at summer camp.

You guys are in the jury house.

You're at summer camp.

She's playing big brother.


Oh, yikes.

I think, I don't think Victoria is very smart, but I do think she is definitely dumbing down

her personality in the house.

She has moments where she releases this extra bit of smartness.

Yeah, she does.

She's never seen it.

You know, she'd done something right or she wouldn't be here.

You have to act dumber and survive.


Guys, it's a strategy.

She's not acting dumb though.

I think a little bit.

She is dumb.

She has no idea she's playing big brother.

She hasn't won a competition.

You don't have to win things to be the best at big brother.

Victoria has no chance in winning.

I am going to vote for her because I'm sorry.

That would be amazing.

Victoria, Dom got you far.

That means she's very smart.

I'm going to tell you guys now that Victoria is in that final two.

Giving her speech, I'm voting for her.

Simple as that.


But that's because of a personal burn, right?

Because of Derek and Cody?

I wouldn't say it's a personal burn.

It's just the fact that no one thought that she would ever get there.

Wait, what are we voting for?

Just who we want to win or who played a better game?

I think that's an excellent question.

What's the most important factor in choosing a winner?

To me, competitions are huge, but I think playing people without getting caught.

Social game?

Yeah, social game.

Okay, so social game.

I'm just overwhelmed right now.

I don't even know what I'm going to do.

This is making me think ten times deeper than I ever have.

Guys, there's still a lot of game left to be played

because we don't know who the final two are going to be.

And in a moment, you guys are going to get together as a jury

and decide which questions to ask them.

Our conversation tonight, in conjunction with those questions,

will carry extreme weight,

so please choose your questions very wisely.

Coming up, we'll crown the final head of household live,

Derek or Cody.

Who will guarantee themselves a spot in the final two?

Plus, you've been voting all week for America's favorite house guest.

I'll announce the winner of that $25,000 prize later in the show.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to the season finale of Big Brother.

It's time to crown the final HOH of the summer.

This HOH will have to immediately decide whom he wants to evict

and whom he wants to face off against for the half million dollar prize.

Let's head to the backyard and get things started.

House guests, for the last time this season, the power is up for grabs.

Cody, Derek, as winners of the first two rounds of the HOH competition,

you are the only ones eligible to compete tonight.

It's time to see how well you know the members of the jury.

This competition is called Scales of Just Us.

And here's how it works.

I will read the beginnings of statements made by each of the eight members of the Big Brother jury.

For each, I'll give you the choice of two possible endings.

You must decide how you think the juror completed that statement.

The answer will be either A or B.

For every correct answer, you will receive one point.

Whoever has the most points at the end of eight questions

will tip the scale in their favor and be crowned the final head of household.

Are you both ready?

Yes, Julie.

Then let's begin.

Question one.

Caleb said, my favorite moment in the house was A,

when I went on that amazing date with Amber.

Or B, when Dad gum Brett Eldridge sang in the frickin' backyard.

Answers, please.

I need an answer, Cody.

Let's hear what Caleb said.

My favorite moment in the house was when I went on that amazing date with Amber.

Which makes the correct answer A.

Derek, you get one point.

Reset, gentlemen, as we move on to question two.

Frankie said, the fatal error I made in the house was A,

putting my faith in beast mode coward.

Or B, convincing everyone to push that stupid button.

Answers, please.

Let's hear what Frankie said.

The most fatal error I made in the house was putting my faith in beast mode coward.

Which makes the correct answer A.

You both got it right.

You both get a point.

Reset, question three.

Christine said, the house guest who I think needs a reality check the most is A, Frankie,

he only thinks about himself.

Or B, Donny, I'm not buying his nice guy act.

Answers, please.

Let's hear what Christine said.

The house guest who I think needs a reality check the most is Frankie, he only thinks about himself.

Which makes the correct answer A, you both got it right.

You both receive a point.

Reset, gentlemen, as we move on.

Question four.

Donny said, the most annoying thing in the house was A, no one believing that I'm just a regular old groundskeeper.

Or B, getting people to be quiet when it was my bedtime.

Answers, please.

Let's hear what Donny said.

The most annoying thing in the house was getting people to be quiet when it was my bedtime.

Which makes the correct answer B, Cody, you get a point.

And we have a tie as we move on to question five.


Zach said, the house guest that made the worst nomination decision was A, Frankie, because I gave him my big brother life and he stabbed me right in the heart.

Or B, me, when I put up my own alliance member, what was I thinking?

Answers, please.

Let's hear what Zach said.

The house guest that made the worst nomination decision was, me, when I put up my own alliance member, what was I thinking?

Which makes the correct answer B, Derek, you get a point and you take the lead by one as we go into question six.

Nicole said, the moment in the house that I'm afraid to have my friends and family see is A, doing my unitard strip tease, sorry, mom and dad.

Or B, kissing Hayden, so awkward.

Answers, please.

Let's hear what Nicole said.

The moment in the house that I'm afraid to have my friends and family see is, kissing Hayden, so awkward.

Which makes the correct answer B, we have a tie.

Reset question seven.

Hayden said, the most shocking moment in the house was when A, Jocasta was blindsided at the double eviction, sucked for me too.

Or B, Caleb took the $5,000 over the veto.

Answers, please.

Let's hear what Hayden said.

The most shocking moment in the house was when Caleb took the $5,000 over the veto.

Which makes the correct answer B, neither of you got it right.

Reset, we still have a tie and this is the last question.

Jocasta said, ranking my game play on a scale of 1 to 100, I'd give myself A, 100.

Can't do no wrong with Jesus by your side.

Or B, 90 of course, a girl don't go lower than that.

Answers, please.

I need an answer, gentlemen.

Let's hear what Jocasta said.

Ranking my game play on a scale of 1 to 100, I'd give myself A, 90.

Of course, a girl don't go lower than that.

Which makes the correct answer B, you both got it wrong.

We're going to a tiebreaker question.

Grab your boards.

The answer will be a number.

The person who comes closest to the correct number without going over will be the final HOH.

If you both go over, the person closest to the correct number will win.

Here we go.

In seconds, how long was part one of the final HOH competition from the starting horn to when Cody won?

In seconds, how long was part one of the final HOH competition from the starting horn to when Cody won?

Answers, please.

Cody, let's see your answer.

The correct answer is 3,671 seconds, which means congratulations, Cody.

You are the final head of household.

It's now up to you to decide whom you would like to evict and whom you want to sit next to when you face the jury later tonight.

I'll be back with just a few moments for your decision, Cody.

Will Cody choose to stay loyal to Derek or take Victoria, a potentially easier route to the half million dollars?

Stay with us.

Thank you.

Welcome back to the season finale of Big Brother.

Just minutes ago, Cody became the final HOH of the summer.

Now, he must choose to evict either Derek or Victoria, automatically ensuring the remaining house gets a spot in the final two.

Let's head to the living room for his decision.

Cody, congratulations.

Thanks, Julie.

You are now guaranteed at least second place and the $50,000 prize, but you have a big decision to make.

By deciding whom to evict, you're also deciding who will stay and sit next to you when the jury votes for the winner of Big Brother.

This could be a half million dollar decision.

You ready to make it?

This is my ride or die guy.

Started with him on day two.

Got to make it to the final two.

I'm so sorry, Victoria.

You know I love you, but I have to evict you.

It's official.

Victoria, you are the last person to be evicted from the Big Brother house.

Good luck.

Hey, crush it.

Hey, good luck, guys.

Crush your final speeches.

Congrats to the hitman.

Thank you.

Love you guys.

Love you too, girl.

Go out there and get a big chair.

Keep those doors open.

Get it.

Get it, girl.

Get it, girl.

I don't even want to look.

Don't even keep it open.

Go, girl.

Oh, my God.


We did it, man.


You ready for this?

You ready for this?

I'm not.

We're about to get it.

Hold on, hold on.

Wait, wait, wait.

It's got to go black and white, all right?


There it is.

Last colored face.

Last colored face.

Victoria, a lot of people would say you didn't play this game.

You floated to the end.


What would you say to those critics?

I definitely played this game with my heart.

I fought.

I have been nominated week after week.

I think when people are nominated, as Frankie was, you freak out.

No one realized that.

I was nominated the first week, and it just kept happening.

I fought as hard as I could, and I stayed extremely loyal.

Didn't throw anyone under the bus, and I am extremely proud of my game play.

Well, you are the missing piece of the puzzle on the jury.

We'll see you back here in just moments when you vote for who you think should win.

Big brother.

Thank you, Victoria.

Up next, the final two is revealed to the jury, and the jury wants some answers from them.

Their live interrogation is next.

Stay with us.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Welcome back to the season finale of Big Brother.

The face of Cody and Derek now rests in the hands of the jury.

Please welcome back, Jocasta.







And Caleb.

And just evicted from the Big Brother house, we have Victoria.

Well, hello, jury.

Take a seat.

Let's bring everyone up to speed.

Just so you know, moments ago, Cody became the final HOH.


And obviously, he chose to evict Victoria and not Derek.

Now, in just a few moments, each of you will lock in your vote for who you think should

win, big brother.

But before you do, you will have a chance to ask the final two a question.

You've been asked as a group to come up with three questions for each finalist.

Have you all agreed on those questions?


I believe so.

Then let us get started.

Cody, Derek, I'm here with the jury.

And in just a few moments, they will be voting for the person they want to see win, big brother.

But before they do, they have some questions for the two of you.

Kristina's up first.

All right.


All right.

Derek, my question is for you.

So throughout this game, you have denied your responsibility in sending anyone home.

But we all feel like you sent all of us home.

Which is it?

When we stand up for this one, the answer is yes.

I never wanted to be the forefront of anything.

But I always had influence.

I was playing an intricate part in every nomination.

And it was part of my strategy to stay behind the scenes.

So I was never having a blowback from any of the decisions that were made.

All right.

Frankie, your question?

Well, hello, Cody.

We the jury feel that Derek has been the puppet master of the Hitman Alliance.

And you merely his puppet.

Won't you tell us if we're wrong?

You know, obviously, I played a huge game, a huge social game.

That was kind of what I was doing.

Frankie, I'm actually really glad you asked that question.

Because I had the single hand in sending you home.

So it's really nice hearing it from you.

Because I convinced your best friend in the game to flip on you and send you out of the house.

So I think that I played as good of a game as he did.

I do appreciate that, though.

Thank you, guys.


All righty.

Caleb, you're up.


I'm going to stand for this one.

A boy, Derek.

That's it, V-spo, baby.

You know what?

I didn't memorize it.


Derek, a lot of us, thank you, use your family to manipulate us.


Yeah, that's right.

Do you feel doing so, cross the line?

Absolutely not.

You know, there were different things done in this game that you have to do to get ahead.

But by no means did I ever use my family as a strategy.

I think you guys all know they mean the world to me.

And regardless of what happens tonight, I know I'm going to be seeing them very soon.

But by no means did I use it as a strategy.

Hayden, what is your question?

My boy Cody.

We have a question.

What was the biggest strategic move you made personally in this game?

Snap back.

Probably one of the biggest moves was the week that everything was going down with Zach being on the block.

Kind of going to Derek and being like, something definitely feels wrong, man.

I need to call Christine out because that's one of my best friends in the house.

Doing so, flipped the script, we kept Zach and essentially sent a good amount of people that were targeting Derek out of the house.

I feel like that was probably the big point in the middle of the game that I kind of made a decision that kept me to the end.

All right.



Hi, Derek.

Hi, Nicole.

Why do you think you deserve to win over Cody?

You know, Nicole, you're one of the few people actually initially that acknowledged what I've done in this game.

I've gone 55 nominations without ever being nominated.

And I don't know if it's ever been done before, but it's never been done with that many nominations.

And it was the plan all along.

So for that reason alone, I think I deserve to be the next winner of Big Brother.

Get it.


All right.

This is for you, Cody.

Why should you win over Derek?

You know, Derek is my best friend in this game.

I'm really not going to say anything to Basham, but my social game was a huge part of us getting to the end because a lot of people in the house early before the jury were feeding me a lot of information.

And I feel like the information that I was getting and relaying to Derek and, you know, making decisions together was really what was kind of pushing us past the point because I had the trust of pretty much the entire house.

And that's how we made a lot of our decisions.

All right.

Now, Victoria, being that you didn't get to weigh in on what got to be asked of the final two, here's your chance.

You can ask any question.


Derek, was it your plan all along to remain loyal to the hit men over me?

You know, Victoria, me and you are friends.

And I wanted to bring you as far as I could in this game without jeopardizing my own.

And I think getting you to the final three, I did that.

But as far as the strategic part of this game, Cody is with me on a lot of decisions.

And as a friend and an ally, I couldn't betray him and expect the jury to still vote for me in the end if I had that opportunity.

But regardless of what happens in this game, you're going to be a friend to me outside this house.

Members of the jury, we say thank you.

Cody, Derek, I'll be back in just a few moments when you'll each have an opportunity to make a final statement to the jury.

Love it.

When we return, Cody and Derek attempt to sway the jury.

A half million dollars hangs in the balance.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to the live season finale of Big Brother.

The jury is just moments away from casting their votes to determine who will win Big Brother.

Before they do, let's check back in with Cody and Derek.

Gentlemen, it's now time for the jury to cast their votes.

But first, you each have a chance to tell them why you deserve to win Big Brother.

Cody, you're first.

How's it going, guys?

Good to see everybody.

You know, hearing that I was viewed as the puppet, that hit me a little bit in the heart, but I respect what you guys are saying.

You know, I kind of played this game, gained the trust of about nine of the jury members there,

and heard information from just about all of you that had a lot of the decisions made in the house.

So, to be honest, the puppet that sends a beast Caleb out, a beast Frankie and a beast Donnie out,

and then brings us to the final two, in my book, that's no puppet in any play.

Thanks, guys.

All right.

Derek, you have the floor.

All right, guys.

I'll keep it short and sweet.

You guys know I came in here to play the best social game that I could play, and I think I accomplished that.

Like I said, through all the nominations, my key was never removed from that memory wall, not once.

And in addition to that, I still was able to win four HOHs, and I did that on my own, and that's why I'm sitting here,

and that's why I think I deserve to be the next winner of Big Brother.

All right.

Thank you, Derek.

Thank you both.

Jurors, it is now time for each of you to vote for who you think deserves to win Big Brother.

One at a time, you will step up to the voting box and insert your key for the person you think deserves to win this game.

Shakasta, you're first.

I love you, Jay.

Don't get him, girl.

Oh, my goodness.

Hi, guys.

Hi, Mama Jay.

Love you both.

Love you, too.

And I guess fake praying works, right?

I don't like the fake praying.

I still love you, Mama Jay, either way.

That's tough, though.

That's tough.

Thank you, Shakasta.


Tough act to follow, but…

Act to follow.

All right.

I hate you both, but I am voting for the person who I think is going to give me the best tip on my petty cap.

Thank you, Hayden.

Zach Attack, you're up.

All right.

Hey, I love both of you guys.

I wish I could vote for both of you Fruit Loops.

I got to say, I love New Jersey, but Rhode Island is where my heart's at.

Love you, Zach Attack.

Get the man.

By the way, don't reveal your vote, Jurors.

Don't do what Zach did, in other words.

Unless you're pulling our legs, it is Big Brother.

Donnie, it's your turn to vote.

I hate I left my Skittles at home.

Thank you, Donnie.

I have nothing cool to say.

You guys both played a great game.

I love you both, and I'm just voting for the person that I think played Big Brother the best.

Thank you, Nicole.

Christine, you're up.

The last thing I am is a bitter juror.

I am so impressed that I got duped by the hitmen, gentlemen.

So this was honestly a very hard decision for me, but I'm going with my gut.

Thank you, Christine.


Cody, you look really hot.

But I've still had better.

Good luck, and may the best houseguest win.

Thanks, Frankie.

Thank you, Frankie.

But the only thing I will say is you're both welcome on behalf of the b*mb squad to be exactly where you are.

And also who I think played a better game.

Thank you, Caleb.

You're welcome.

And finally, Victoria.

Love you guys both, and I am very proud to be considered the hitmen's little sister.

I am voting for the person who has remained loyal to me since day one in this game.

Thank you, Victoria.

And with that, the voting is now complete.

Up next, they may have left the game early, but Joey, Paola, Devin, Brittany, and Amber return as we reveal the secrets of the summer.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to the season finale of Big Brother.

Please say hello to Joey, Paola, Devin, Brittany, and Amber.

Welcome back, former houseguest.

Welcome back.

It's lovely to see all of you here.

Now, when each of you got evicted, you each got to go home and watch the entire season unfold from the comforts of your own home.

However, the jury over here is still in the dark about a lot of things.

And you guys know that, right, jury?

Well, remember at the beginning of the summer, we said this is going to be one twisted summer?


Well, there is one twist that very few of you know about.

It was called Team America.

Team America was consisted of three people in a secret alliance who pulled off missions on behalf of America.

Are you with me so far, Nicole?


You sound a little sad.

May I ask you, Nicole, who do you think were the three members of Team America?

Oh, gosh.


No way.

Okay, Frankie, Zach, I don't know.

I have no idea.

You know what?

Let's take a look and find out.

I'm talking to Derek.

Oh, okay.

Hello, houseguest.

Donnie, Frankie and I had a big secret all summer long that you guys didn't know about.

Congratulations, Frankie.

You have been chosen by America to take part in this summer's interactive twist.

America has voted for you to be part of a secret alliance called Team America.

For every mission that Team America accomplishes, each member will receive $5,000.

We didn't even know who was in the alliance until we got our secret code.

To find out who the other alliance members are, go to the wait bench tonight at 9 p.


sharp and create a sentence using the following code words.

Bald Eagle and Apple Pie.

Amber, what's your favorite dessert?

Cookie dough.

What's your favorite dessert, Frankie?

I'm really partial to apple pie.

Donnie, what's your favorite dessert back home, buddy?

I'll show you.

Good old apple pie.

Apple pie.

What's the bird that's on the back of a quarter?

Bald Eagle.

Bald Eagle.


Once Team America was formed, the fans voted between two options.


Whatever got the most votes became our mission for the week.

America wants you to keep the spotlight off Team America by getting three other houseguests to spread a rumor that someone in the game is related to a past match.

Last big brother contestant.

She was leaving to you that Zach is related to Amanda.

Donnie told me that Zach told Pao Pao that he's actually Amanda Zuckerman's cousin.

Intel says Zach is Amanda Zuckerman's cousin.

Amanda Zuckerman's cousin just told me that you're actually Amanda Zuckerman's cousin.

Pao told Donnie that I'm Amanda Zuckerman's cousin.

Are you her cousin?


Are you her cousin, baby?

America wants you to create a distraction by hiding a favorite piece of clothing from each houseguest that organizes a neighborhood watch program to keep it from happening again.

Dude, where's his hat?

My data search!


The neighborhood watch.

The neighborhood watch.


Yes, Cody.

I'm Batman.

I'm watching you through the night.

America wants you to wear down the competition by convincing everyone there's a rodent in the house and keep them up all night trying to catch it.


Like that long was back there.

Shut them up!

Oh my god, who's under the sink?

You guys are a dink!

Can we put like a trap or something?

Yeah, let's do some trap.

Oh my god!

It was a fire extinguisher.

Thanks for playing along, houseguest.

Thank you, America.

Alright, Zach, I gotta start with you.

So, Zach, you own up to being related to Amanda and it's not even true.


Why did you do that?

I was bored.

I was very bored in the house and it gave me some excitement, you know?

Cody, let me turn to you in the house.

Out of the three members of Team America, Cody, who surprises you the most?

I don't know.

My right hand, left hand man in this game.

Didn't want to tell me that we were…

Whatever man, I'm over it anyways.

Well everybody, there is one secret in the house that only one person knows.

I'm going to take this opportunity to throw it to the floor…

throw you the floor, Derek,

to reveal this secret.

Guys, let me start by saying everything I told you about my life and my family, it's all true.

But I didn't want you to judge me before you had the chance to know me, so I did omit one fact.

I'm not a Parks and Rec coordinator.

I've actually been a police officer for ten years and I was an undercover detective for three years

and I used that to develop my strategy in this game.

You were right Frankie.

Hey, and Nicole, thank you for saying I was too cool to be a cop.

I appreciate that.

Now, everybody here should know…

The cover detective…

That Derek had this sneaky little plan before he set foot in the house that he was going to keep

his identity, his profession as a secret and that was going to be his strategy to win, as you just heard.

We have the proof of it in his casting interview.

Take a look.

I might tell people I'm a police officer, definitely not telling about undercover, absolutely not.

Basically my job was lying to people, finding their common interests, learning how to exploit them

and then using them against them.

I want to be the guy behind the scenes and that goes back to profiling everybody.

Finding out what their motivations are, finding out what their likes and dislikes are.

Try to develop a common interest with all of them and then use them against each other if I can.

Victoria, what's your reaction?

I am shocked!

I thought I knew Derek.

Oh my God!

I called him out and I was like, I bet I don't know anything about you because he tried to prank me the other day saying that he smokes cigarettes.

Who knows if that's even true or not?

It's not true.

I don't smoke cigarettes.

Up next, it is the moment of truth.

Cody or Derek, who will be crowned the winner of Big Brother?

Stay with us.

Welcome back to the season finale of Big Brother.

After a record-breaking 97-day battle, it is finally time to crown the winner of Big Brother.

Cody, Derek, I'm about to reveal the jury's votes.

The winner will receive $500,000 and the runner up, $50,000.

I will pull the keys from the box revealing whom each juror chose to win, Big Brother.

You will need at least five votes to win.

The first vote comes from Jocasta and it goes to Cody to be the winner of Big Brother.

Hayden's vote goes to Derek to be the winner of Big Brother.

One vote Cody, one vote Derek.

Zach's vote goes to Derek to be the winner of Big Brother.

Donny has cast his vote for Cody to be the winner of Big Brother.

We currently have a tie.

Two votes Cody, two votes Derek.

Nicole has cast her vote for Derek.

Christine has cast her vote also for Derek to win Big Brother.

We have four votes Derek, two votes Cody.

It takes five votes to win.

Frankie's vote goes to…

Congratulations Derek, you are the winner of Big Brother.

Gentlemen, come on out.

You have a lot of people waiting here.

Thank you.

When we return, I'll reveal America's favorite house guest, David.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

A big congratulations again to you Derek.

Very well played and just for the record, Caleb voted for Derek as did Victoria.

So you won seven to two.

Now, you will all be very happy to hear that there is one more prize to hand out tonight.

And that is for America's favorite house guest.

Now, the person who received the most votes will take home $25,000.

And I can tell everyone that we received more than 10 million votes.

That is the most in the history of America's favorite house guest.

I will now reveal the winner.

However, the top three vote getters were…

Zach, Nicole and Donnie.

With more than five million votes, the clear winner is…


Congratulations Donnie!

You are the winner of America's favorite house guest.

And you're getting $25,000.


All right.

Donnie, come on over.

And Derek, as we get Donnie over here, what are you going to do with half million dollars?

Jana, you let me know.

I have no clue.

She runs my life.

I had to play the game in this house, but she's the boss.

So whatever she decides, she's got it covered.

I want to say a big thank you to all of our house guests for an incredible season.

And if you want to be a part of Big Brother next year, go to CBS.

com right now.

And by the way, you're coming on The Talk tomorrow to talk about how you did it.

From outside the Big Brother house, I'm Julie Ched.

We will see you next summer.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.
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