16x28 - Episode 28

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x28 - Episode 28

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother…

Donnie tried to turn Cody against Derek.

Look, we're hating that right now.

Look, we're Nicole's at right now.

They trusted Derek.


But word quickly got back to the undercover cop.

You know, he told me the final thing was yesterday.

You, Derek, and Frankie.

I'm in a group with everyone.

I'm working with you.

I'm working with her.

I'm working with Frankie.

With Nicole back in the game.

Congratulations to Nicole because you are back in the game, lady.

She quickly joined Donnie as an outcast.

We need to win the enjoyage.

I'm in wicked crash.

Game on.

In an epic fight for head of household…

Sorry, Christine, you've been eliminated.

Donnie knocked out every detonator.

I'm sorry, Derek, you've been eliminated.

Except for the Italian stallion.

Congratulations, Cody.

You are the new head of household.

Derek tried to extend an olive branch to his fellow Team America member.

Contrary to what you may believe,

it's been my best interest for you to stay here.

But Donnie refused to come clean about targeting Derek.

I got a lot of other people telling me stuff.

And a lot of other people spilled you for the night.

I know he's lying to me.

At the nomination ceremony, the outcasts were center stage.

I've nominated you, Nicole, and you, Donnie.

With being on the block for a sixth time,

can the veto King Donnie pull off another miracle?

And tonight, Team America gets a new mission.

Somebody's got to get in here, get a medic in here.

Plus, a medical emergency rocks the Big Brother house.



All this right now on Big Brother.

Good night.

Donnie's definitely my number one target this week.

This guy's been slipping off the block a lot.

And so we need to make sure that this guy doesn't slip off the block yet again

when he's getting targeted.

I would never target you by myself.

Nicole is the person I had to put on the block this week

to a certain point in time.

She just came back into the house.

If she wants to play it again, she's going to have to really earn it.

Well, it sure does feel familiar.

If I hadn't have been nominated, I would have been more surprised.

It's extremely important to win veto this week.

If I don't, I'm probably going home.

I'm sorry.

So I have a second chance at winning this game,

and this is deja vu all over again.

This just happened to be two weeks ago.

You need the bathroom?

I already know what Donnie's going to be trying to get Nicole

to get us all to turn on each other.

Right, he's just going to tell her things.

I think Donnie, something about him, but he's smart.

He's a genius.

When he's sitting there pondering, his eyes are like this.

You know, what was he doing?

His eyes are constantly…


When you're so genius and you're so smart,

you have to be thinking while you're not thinking.

If he's not a genius, he has a mental issue.

What does that mean?

Have you ever seen Rain Man?

You know those people.

Could that be something from the military, though?

It's not gangrene.

He was probably intelligence.

Like, when you're special intelligence in the Army,

yeah, very few select people get those positions.

I just read people very well.

And I'm telling you, the guy's a freaking genius.

I guarantee he's got an IQ of probably 150-something.

I guarantee it.

What up?

Do you think if Donnie's the one that comes down,

I'd be able to put up a Frankie, or would that be terrible?

Is he sending him home?

But then if Donnie wins HOH, he puts you up next to me.

Well, even if he doesn't put you up next to me,

then he has Nicole, he's got to flip Christine.

And then he has a vote.

And then Caleb might be pissed that you sent Frankie home,

and you're going home.

So, do I think you could do it?


Do I think you should?


And I know it sucks, but you're still getting a huge target out of the house

that will come after us, eventually.

Cody's thinking big moves, and I love it.

I've got to give the kid credit.

But if we do this wrong, it could blow up in our face.

I'm literally sitting here being like,

who would put us up next to each other?

I think Frankie would try to, and I think Christine would try to.

But I'm just looking at it, if it was me,

if you take both of them off and they're both safe the following week,

now Nicole or Donnie can win HOH and put you up.


I trust Derek 110% in this game,

but I need to look at what's going to be best for my game in the long term.

So, I'm looking at everything right now.

Team America, your previous missions have started rumors,

start-up drama, and impacted the game.

But this week's mission is up to you.

Team America must work together to create and attempt their very own mission

that will impress America.

If the majority of the voters are impressed,

you will each receive your $5,000.

If they are not, you will receive nothing.

You have until the end of the veto meeting to complete this mission.

Good luck, and God bless America.

If it was up to me, I would make this mission

to try to keep all of us Team America members together.

Wish me luck.


America is allowing us to come up with our own mission.

They will vote on if it was a good enough mission

and if we completed it.

It has to be done by veto meeting.

It's everything you want.

It's just an impressive thing.

I think we can do it.

Oh, absolutely.

I was hoping we could keep Team America together.


Since America did vote on us to be together,

that could be the one.

Because I am on the block.

That would be the three of us working together.

It wouldn't be, wouldn't it?

We've got to get Frankie up and think about it

and then obviously we have to agree on something.

I believe from the bottom of my heart

that America who chose us to be together

would want me, Frankie, and Derek

to make this mission around trying to keep all three Team members in this house.

That's so cool.

I was hoping, of course, you know me on the block.

I was hoping, you know, America has voted for the three of us.

And I was hoping somehow it could be to keep me safe.

It could be as easy as, you know, trying to throw it to me.

It's not obvious or as easy as you winning it, not using it,

but agreeing to get the votes to keep me before the veto meeting.

That's so interesting.

That's cool though.

I really need to win veto this week,

but if not, Team America is my only hope.

I need them now more than ever.

Is it weird if I wear sunglasses inside the house?


Don't worry about it.

It just feels like it makes me less swollen.

Take the sunglasses off.

God, I'm nervous.

I look swollen.

Over the last couple of days, I'm noticing that my wisdom teeth are coming in.

I can barely open my mouth to talk.

This is stinging, horrible pain, and this completely sucks.

What the…

Why did that just happen overnight?

It went on.

Can you even open your mouth wide enough for me to see?

Oh yeah, oh my God.



That side, you can see it in that side swollen.


Victoria's not doing so hot.

Her head is starting to look like the shape of a soccer ball.

And I looked back there, and I'll tell you what,

their her wisdom teeth are popping out of her gums, and it's disgusting.

What hurts right now?

Just the bottom two?


Have your top teeth started coming in yet?

I don't know.

They have.

Ugh, my face.

It's so embarrassing.

This is honestly the worst.

I feel like I literally gained 50 pounds in my cheek.

Victoria, please go to the guidance room.


I hope there's a doctor in here!


Poor Victoria, she looks like a chipmunk.

And it's kind of concerning to me because I want her to stay in this game

and continue to vote our way, do nothing, and not be a threat to me.

Can't even tell.

You're just in a lot of pain, but you look great.

Her face is massive.

It's jacked up.

I don't think Victoria's going to be able to compete today.

Did you see her?


She was in pain.

Hey, beautiful.


How's your face?

Not good.

Hey, Victoria.

Victoria, are you okay?

Do you need something?

Oh, God, are you okay?



We need to get help for Victoria.


Hey, somebody's got to get in here.

Somebody's got to get in here.

Get a medic in here.

I'm going to pull you out of the bathroom, okay?

I have a doctor on the way.

I do have a string.

Keep your eyes open, okay?

I got you, Victoria.

Please don't bring me up.

I don't feel good there.

Just keep talking, Victoria.


Victoria, keep talking to me.



The medic's here, Victoria, okay?

Victoria, you here?



Did you pass out at all?

I am a nurse, but when I do take care of people that I know,

it's way different than seeing a stranger.

It makes me super emotional.

This looks super serious.

Are you having any trouble breathing?

I'm just…

I'm just doing this with everyone.

Is your face okay?

Can you give me a hand?

We'll get her in the diary room.


Can you sit up for me?


I was very scared for her, and I said a little prayer for her.


All right, let's lay it back down, okay?

You need us for anything else?

That's it.

Thank you very much.

Okay, I appreciate your time.

Bye, Victoria.

We love you, Victoria.

We love you.

Love you, Victoria.

You're in good hands.

I thought I was gonna chill down your spine, man.

That was crazy.

I can't imagine being in this house with that type of pain.


I am feeling a little bit better, hopefully, with eating and with the right medication.

I should be up and on my feet, ready to compete.

You okay, Victoria?

Yeah, I am good.


I sure was worried about you.

Thanks, honey.


You look a lot better.

You're feeling better?


I am extremely thankful for everyone who came and helped and was concerned, and this just

showed me how much my big brother family do care and how much they do love me.

I am very happy about this.

I am very happy about this.

I am very happy about this.

This is pretty easy.

This is money about…

Did he tell you his suggestion?

Of course.

He wants us to throw it.

Donny's idea for Team America's mission is to save himself, and I'm on the fence about

this one.

I haven't had a chance to talk to Frankie, and I need to see where his head's at.

No, he said that it could be just us influencing the vote.

No, but then he told me, he's like, if you guys get picked for the veto, you guys can

throw it.

Or not play…

He said you guys could not play as hard.

No, he's…

I'm not doing that.

It would never be like, save Donny.

So, it would be like, get a physical threat removed from the block and replace it with

a non-physical threat, you know, something like that.

So, that's a no.

I'd rather do something funny, like, kind of like we did last time.

Except that everyone's very high alert.

I know, true.

Come on, you're the creative one he is.

Oh yeah, I think it's nice.

I was like, Frankie's got this.

I will.

It's gotta be…

they're gonna vote on it.

Who's gonna vote on it?

America, once we do whatever we decide, America will vote to see it.

We decide whether or not it was enough.

Yeah, save Donny.

I don't think that that would be an acceptable mission.

I'll figure out how to figure out how to make fun.

Hey guys, it's time to pick players for the Veto competition!

Only six people will participate in the Veto competition.

The head of household, the two nominees, and three other players selected by random draw.

Will the nominees please join me up here?

As HOH, I will pick first.

I really need my nominations to be kept the same this week.

But if one of these nominees take themself off the block this week,

I may have to make a big move and put up someone for my alliance.


Can I get over here?


I am the last person to draw my chip, and I just hope it's not Frankie.

He has won a lot of competitions this year.

It exists.

Sure enough, I picked Frankie.

I got a pick!

I like the players I can pick for the Veto competition.

At the very least, there's four alliance members up here competing,

and I'm happy with that.

Big brother will inform us when the competition is to begin.

Good luck!

What up?

You alone?



How are you feeling?

Well, I think I feel, uh…

You know, like last week, uh, you were saying, you know,

it's looking pretty decent.

You keep me posted.


I'm torn, man.

I'm so torn.

I'm so torn.

I've never done anything against you.

And you probably haven't done nothing against anybody in this house.

And I haven't.

I sleep.

I go outside and sit by myself.

I shake my foot, and people have been so paranoid.

And I've never done nothing to none of them.

No, no, I…

They're scared of you.

How so?

Because, Donny, you have more heart than anyone in this house.

And you're an intelligent man, and you're a great guy,

and if you're in the final two with somebody,

I'm giving the money to you,

because you deserve it more than anybody in this house.


You know?

Are you guys having a bad time?


I've got that, yes.

They want us to do something fun and simple,

and they want to give us this money.

We could do like a Big Brother play.

I don't know.

I just don't know if that's gonna…

I just feel like to save you, if that was the mission,

we would have to take active parts in that saving,

other than just…

Well, voting, it would take three votes.


If y'all were two of them.


When y'all convinced that third person,

that would be completing the mission.

Us having a heavy hand in it,

I think it would be too obvious.

The entire house wants Donny Gunn.

In order for Derek and I to flip the house,

honestly, it would put up huge red flags,

and it would be very, very bad for our game as a whole.

You sent the code home before me last time,

you could just send her home before me again,

and send me home next, and we all get 5,000 dollars.


Or we can put on a play and get 5,000 dollars,

and then worry about that on Tuesday.

Frankie don't think like the rest of us.

He's always been up here.

He's never been on a Donny level in his life.

You know, here's an opportunity to work for America,

and he wants to put a play on.

I guess Operation Save Donny is just something

that they're not interested in.

I think we can agree that you going home is not a done deal.

I agree.


But I do want this 5,000 dollars,

regardless of whether you go home or not.

So collectively we have to decide, do we do a play?

I think we can do it.

Let's go check again.

What kind of play would it be?

We would make scenes and think we can play it up.

It's not a guarantee we're going to get the money,

but I don't think anything is.

All right, Derek.

I appreciate our conversation.

He's not as on board for it as I am,

as you can probably see.

But I'm telling you to your face,

and believe it or not, I'm not so much an evil.

I got to figure out not only what's good for my game,

but what's good for my conscience.

Understand, y'all have already made arrangements,

and it would make you look different.

No, you're right.

I just appreciate the conversation,

and I hope you can get a good night's sleep, okay?

No, no, no, don't give up on the fight we got.

Don't be sad.

All right, thanks, buddy.

All right.

You're a good guy.

Thanks, buddy, you too.

I'm torn.

You have Donny's part of Team America,

and obviously wants us to save him,

and then you have Frankie, who's part of the detonators,

and he wants no part of that.

I have to make a decision between what the detonators want

and what's best for my personal game,

and at this point, I don't know what I'm going to do.

Hey, everybody!

It's time for the Veto competition.

Get dressed and meet me in the backyard.

Well, like, if it's a stand-fold one,

if we just have someone stay every round.

I am a huge Big Brother fan,

and I know one competition hasn't happened yet,

and that's the counting competition.

Are you going to stay or fold?

If we can throw it to someone who's good with numbers,

then we have a better chance of getting our target out this week,

and that's Donny.

I'm very confident with my comp counting abilities.


I'd be okay with stay.



This fall, CBS's new series, Scorpion,

premieres Monday, September 22nd.

Inspired by a true story,

Scorpion follows an eccentric genius

and his network of brilliant prodigies.

Their task is to deal with the complex threats

of the modern age.

In today's game, you'll try showing that you've got the smart


You have a few minutes to soak in the items

amongst the cafe, toy store, and market.

Oh, this is awesome.

You see smaller amounts of items with larger amounts of items.

This is the counting veto.

We already have a stay-and-fold strategy as a team

so that we can get Donny out.

This is perfect.

This veto competition is a must-win for me.

The wolves are on the prow,

and I've got to fight back against the pack.

I'm on the block.

The only way to ensure my safety is to win this veto,

and I'm freaking out.

The object of this game is to earn three clearance badges.

To earn a badge, I will ask you a question about one of the three shops.

You will write down what you think is the correct amount

after everyone answered,

you must decide if you want to stay or fold.

If you fold, you won't earn a clearance badge,

but you get to stick around for the next question.

If you stay and you're closest to the actual answer,

you'll earn the badge.

But be warned, if you stay and you're furthest from the actual answer,

you are eliminated from the game.

The first player to earn three clearance badges

will win the power of veto.

As a special luxury,

the winner will also choose two people to join them

for an exclusive advanced screening of the premiere episode of Scorpion.

Oh, man!

Not only do I want to win for my safety,

but I would like to win to watch this television show,

because I love some TV.

Are you ready to play Sting Operation?


Perfect, because I'm ready to sting Donnie right in the butt

and send him out of this house.

Round one.

There are 12 pinwheels standing in the small pinwheel display.

How many pinwheels are standing in the large pinwheel display?

I am amazing at numbers, okay?

This challenge was made for me,

so I just multiply my little pinwheels,

and I put my number down, and it's done.

See you later, Donnie.


Please lock in your answers.

Cody, what is your answer?


I really hope you're throwing this competition with that number,

because that is just horrible.




And Frankie.

How confident are you in your answers?

Are you going to stay or fold?

Please lock in your answers.

Cody, Christine, Derek, and Nicole, you have all folded.

You are out of this round, but you're still in the game.

Just like according to plan, everyone folds,

but Frankie and Donnie stay.

This is perfect.

We could actually maybe get Donnie out the first round.

Now let's see who earns the badge.

There are 227 pinwheels standing in the large pinwheel display.

Congratulations, Donnie.

You are closest to the correct amount and have earned a clearance badge.

Frankie, you told me you're the best counter in the world.

What the heck happened?

Frankie, since you were furthest away from the correct answer,

you have been eliminated.

Perhaps I should just stick to the entertainment field

and leave the counting and mathematics to anyone else.

That's a win for old Donnie boy.

I can win this competition after all.

You're a genius.

You all knew it.

I don't know what it is with us trying to manipulate these competitions,

but we suck at it.

Round two.

There are eight espresso cups hanging on the back wall of the cafe.

How many espresso cups are hanging on the side wall of the cafe?

Our plan failed miserably.

Donnie wins the security clearance.

I need to really pick this thing up to make sure that this guy doesn't win the power veto.

Please lock in your answers.


Are you going to stay or fold?

Please lock in your answers.

When I heard everybody else's answers, Cody was 460, and Nicole's was 497.

So since I was sandwiched on both sides that close, I folded.

Christine, Derek, Donnie, and Nicole, you have all folded.

Cody, that means you just earned a badge.

The strangest thing happens.

Everyone folds except Cody.

Bingo, the plan is back on.

Cody's our man.

There are 482 espresso cups hanging on the side wall of the cafe.

Nicole, if you would have stayed, you would have earned a security badge.

Thanks, man.

Round three.

There are 60 pieces of fruit in the crate on the basket.

How many pieces of fruit are in all the other fruit containers combined?

I multiply 60 by 15.

I add a few.

Does everyone keep on folding?

And I'll keep staying and make this a lot easier.


Please lock in your answers.

I have no confidence in my ability to play this game, so I decide to fold.

I can't afford to go out.

Christine, Derek, Donnie, and Nicole, you have all folded.

Cody, that means you've earned your second badge.

Donnie and Nicole are playing completely scared right now,

and this is exactly what I hope keeps happening.

Keep folding, guys.

You fold yourselves right out of the game.

Cody is currently in the lead with two badges,

and Donnie's following right behind him with one badge.

So now Cody's got two security clearances, and I only have one.

I've got to pick this thing up and get my tell and order.

Round four.

There are 24 donuts on the table.

How many donuts are displayed on the counters?

The donut was one that I was kind of scared of because they were so scattered behind the counter,

so I was a little panicky about that one.

Please lock in your answers.

Cody, reveal your answer.

Cody only needs one more security clearance to win the veto,

so I know that Donnie and Nicole are going to stay this round.

I mean, they'd be idiots not to.

Are you going to stay or fold?

I'm going to stay.

Christine, Derek, Donnie, and Nicole, you have all folded.

Cody, that means you have earned your third badge and the Golden Power of Vito.

So I'm glad everyone played this game extra soft and handed me this Golden Power of Vito on a silver platter.

And I get to watch this new show called Scorpion.

It doesn't get any better than this, and I just got to figure out what I'm going to do with this bad boy.

Thanks, everyone.

All right, Cody, who would you like to join you for the private screening of Scorpion?

Oh, I forgot.

Oh, God.

A couple of us hungry.

The two people that I made that I nominated and made have-nots for the week.

Oh, that's so sweet.

Thank you.

Thank you so much, Cody.

I appreciate that.

I lost the best chance to save myself in this game.

I feel like I just went down without a fight, and that's not me at all, and I want to cry.

That's wonderful, ain't it?

I don't know what I've done to these people in here, but it seems like I've been their number one target for weeks.

Whatever happens, I will walk out with my head high.

I'd done the best I could.

Thank you.

Jodie and Nicole, are you going to be able to go to screening of Scorpion?

Not only did I win the Power Vito, but I also won a luxury screening of CBS's new show Scorpion.

Thank you so much, Cody.

You have made our day.

I can invite two house guests, and since I put Donny and Nicole on the block and made them have-nots,

I figured I'd give them a little treat before sending one of them home.


Holy smokes!

I'm just freaking pizza-ed.

I'm mighty glad to be invited to the screening, since I've been on slop.

Pizza and snacks sure do look good right now.

And who knows, this might be the last real meal I get in this house.


Wow, I'm so excited about this show.

I ran checks on all of you.

Mechanical prodigy, world-class shrink, a human calculator.

If you want to do something meaningful, here's your chance.

Oh my God, I'm so-

It's about a group of geniuses trying to save the world.

I love smart people.

They're so attractive to know what they know.

Oh, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.


Holy moly, this is a television show.

That was incredible.

That was great.

Scorpion was amazing.

This show was ridiculous.

Definitely something that I'm into watching.

It was a great experience.

I appreciate it.

Oh, cool.

Let's do something fun tomorrow.

I want to do an activity.

Let's plan something.

Just make fun.

Like what?

Whatever they put on a show.

For sure.

Let's do that.

What do we all put on a show?

Our mission this week for Team America is to make up our own mission this week to impress America.

Let's put on a show.

Let's put on a show.

This is so fun.

I know.

Why haven't we done this earlier?

I came up with this brilliant idea to put on a play called House Swap.

What would happen if the eight current house guests were actually the eight evicted house guests and each of them would be playing a character?

I will go first.

I am Joey.

Not gonna lie, I tried to form an all-girls alliance except then I went and I told all the boys that I wanted to deal with.

I tried to stay an all-girls alliance and I'm sorry.

I have no idea how I'm still here.

Frankie did such a good Joey.

Wait a second, who's Joey?

I've never seen a show.

I've never seen a show.

Go Devin.

Well, uh…

I'm a competition monster.

I'm toting everyone on my back to the end.

That's pretty much how I got here.

Oh my God.


Well, you know, like, you know…

Freaking petty cab driving, bro.

Caleb's a horrible Hayden.

This is the coolest job in the world, you know what I mean?

He does not talk like that.


He is doing it all wrong.

My one and only!

Sorry, Caleb, but Hayden's actually a guy that can get a girl in the big brother house.

Joe Costa!

Hold on, I just had a competition.


Oh, thank you, Jesus.



Obviously, I'm into that, baby, because I love to wear lingerie.

My lingerie and my boobies.

I've never seen Amber walk out of that room with just lingerie on.

My boys!

We're getting some weed.

Yeah, I mean…

So there you have it, America.



Broadway presents House Swap.

I hope this impresses you, America, because if it doesn't, it's on you, Frankie.

I think my mission would have been better.

What do y'all think, America?

I want to see Victoria do another skit.

Yeah, I bet you do, Donnie.

Frankie, Caleb, and Christine have not left Cody's side since he became HOH.

It's frustrating because without conferring with him and making sure that we're on the same page,

it's tough to know where his head's at.

I literally haven't been alone with you for longer than five minutes in two days.

I was going to wait until you came up here.

I was trying to talk to you last night and then they wouldn't leave me alone.

Frankie's watching your stairwell.

I have to separate them.

Caleb and Frankie.

They're going to just keep saving each other and the vetoes, if they win,

they're going to try to get up me and you up.

We're going after them.

The sh*ts coming, dude.

It's coming.

I know what you're saying.

I want to use the veto and put up Frankie.

We could get him out because if I use the veto and put up Frankie,

the three numbers that we need are you, the person that's coming down and Victoria.

But Christine's in on it too.

Oh, I don't trust either of them.

She's a floater.

Yeah, I don't think she's throwing comps.

I genuinely think she just sucks.

In this game, it's k*ll or be k*lled.

And the person that takes the first strike usually is the person that ends up winning.

I don't want to be that guy that misses a chance to take a shot at a huge player.

And then the next week, be the one sitting on the block looking at eviction.

Honestly, frankly, I don't trust anyone.

And if we can't get him for some reason, you see, we got to send Christine home.

Dude, should I throw one of them up tomorrow?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I'm waiting a lot of options right now because I want to make the most out of my HOH.

So I don't know where I'm at right now.

If I don't pull the trigger this week, I may be the next one going home.

This is a really big decision for me.

Hey, guys, it's time for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Donny and Nicole have been nominated for eviction.

But I have the power to veto one of the nominations.

I want to give both of you a chance to tell me why you think I should use the veto to save you.

Donny, you can go first.

All right.

Congratulations on winning the power of veto.

I love this game of big brother, and I would love for you to use it on me.

However, if it's not in your game plan to use it on me, I can respect that.

Thank you.

You're dying.

Nicole, it's your turn.

First off, I'm so grateful to be back in this house.

Obviously, I would love for you to use it on me, but I don't expect it.

But you know what they say, expect the unexpected.

I have chosen not to use the power of veto.

I had reasons why I made my nominations at the beginning of the week.

You know, I'm going to stick to that.

And I wish you guys both a best of luck.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

Right now, everybody wants Donny out.

And if I don't pull the trigger on him this week, they may cause way too much questioning for my game in the future.

But that move may come back to bite me in the butt.

I'm sitting on the block next to my best friend in the house, Donny.

It really stinks.

But at this point, I have to do what it takes to save myself.

My plan to get through this week is to kind of keep the target on Donny's back.

I mean, I just have to be super careful with what I say and kind of just go with the flow.

I'm still on the block, but I've been up here many a times.

My biggest thing is Team America.

If Team America could bond together, I would definitely be safe this week.

I've got to get out there and campaign and swing a few votes.

This isn't over for Team America.

Donny's still on the block with a huge target that we've already sent home once.

We still have some tricks up our sleeve.

Let's see what we can do.

Tomorrow at 9, 8 Central on Big Brother.

We'll be right back.

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