16x26 - Episode 26

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x26 - Episode 26

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight, the double HOH comes to an end, but the most twisted summer ever continues

as Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole, and tonight's Evicteep battle live to get back in the game.

Welcome to Big Brother.

Previously on Big Brother.

There was a master plan to get Donnie out of the house.

Put Donnie with someone on one side, they lose against two of our alliance members.

But when Zach refused to be a pawn.

I understand that I will be guaranteed safety, but I just can't do that.

He upset his fellow detonators.

Donnie wins the POB, I say we send Zach back.

Let's hope it doesn't happen, but if it does, he's available to be back door.

So Christine went up with Donnie.

I have nominated you Donnie and you Christine for eviction.

I have nominated you Caleb and you Cody.

With a plan to let Cody and Caleb win the battle of the block.

But the plan backfired.

Have you got one?

No, I can't find one anywhere.

And Donnie won safety.

Congratulations, Christine and Donnie.

You have won the battle of the block.

Leaving Victoria as the only non-detonator who could go home.

I guess to win the video.

Yeah, I have to do the video.

Take off to whoever.

Yeah, exactly.

And say goodbye to Victoria.

Yeah, no, that's simple.

But Derek tried to convince head of household Frankie he should go after bigger fish.

If I win, I'm taking down Caleb.

And then put up Victoria.

That's such a waste of your each a waste.

It's such a waste.

At a singtastic veto competition.

Oh my God.

Frankie earned even more power.

It's my first veto.

I'm so happy.

And he contemplated making a huge move.

Do I want to turn on the detonators and get somebody out of this house?

It's been bad for my game since the very beginning.

After Team America initiated their new mission.

You want us to hide a personal item from each one of the house guests to create a distraction.

The house got worked up into a frenzy.

Hey, sh**t!

Hey, sh**t!

It's you!

It's not.

It is.

It's not.

In this country, you're innocent until proven guilty.

But we'll show you Thursday.

You're proven guilty.

Making Frankie's decision that much easier.

Now that everyone thinks that Zach is the saboteur, I think this is too big of an opportunity

to pass up.

I have to get Zach out of the game this week.

So he finally called it quits on Zanky.

Zach, my friend, please go and have a seat.

It's time for you and Julie Chen to finally meet.

Tonight, either Cody or Zach will be evicted.

Plus, the jurors go to battle.

And one of them will return to the Big Brother game.

All this live right now on Big Brother.

Wait, I gotta go out there.

Something's going on.

Good evening, I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to Big Brother.

It's day 63 inside the Big Brother house.

And for the first time this summer, a member of the powerful Detonators Alliance will be


But their game may not be over.

That's because tonight, a juror will be returning to the house and the others have no idea.

So who will get a second shot of the half million dollars?

We'll find out soon enough.

But first, betrayed by his best friend and turned out by his alliance, does Zach have

one last attack left in him?

My best friend in the house puts me up on the block.

It's not a good feeling.

I need three votes to stay.

I'm down by a field goal.

You know, it might be a 62 yarder with the wind in my face.

Anything is possible.

I am extremely happy that Zach is a replacement nominee.

He's a lunatic.

He drives everyone crazy.

And this is what I've been waiting for all summer.

This is the first time I'm on the block.

And it feels pretty crappy.

I mean, I'm not going to sit back and then just hope that no one's flipping on me.

Wow, really good.

Thank you.

I came over there in the bath last night.

Making Zach the replacement nominee was difficult, but at the same time, this is a game and he

has proven time and time again that he is not to be trusted.

My biggest concern is that he's going to try and pit us all against each other even harder

than he was before.

My whole body is shaking.

Look at the gray in my beard right there.

That wasn't there when I was back home all day.

All that gray?

Donnie and I have been talking a lot this last week.

I really hope the bearded one has my back.

You're about to keep me?

Oh, absolutely.

I promise.

I promise.

That makes me feel a little better.

I promise.

You got my vote.


So now you need to think about who you've got here that can help you.


Because I'm one person.

As long as I have your vote, I'll feel comfortable.

Oh, you definitely.

So maybe I found a true ally in old Donnie Joe Thompson.

I know I got at least one vote.

I got to go out there and try to get two more.

So if I told you I would never put you up and I would never vote you out, would that change

your decision at all?

For me, no, probably not.

Why do you think it's better for your game that he stays over me?

I think you would put me up over him.

I would have your back over Cody's back.

I'd have your back over Christine's back.

Frankie, do you agree with me?



We've already experienced your multiple ways of getting us to hate each other.

Zach's antics since the beginning of the summer have caused not only all of us to distrust

him, but have caused everyone in the alliance to start distrusting each other.

And that's bad for everyone.

I don't want you to come out here.

I don't want to come out here either.

No, but it's fine, dude.

No, I don't want to.

I'm going to come out here and I'm going to try to campaign.

I have nothing to lose.

It's a f*** you.

I just don't know why you…

like why I went up and why.

Because you told all of us in that room that you don't trust us and that we're not to be

trusted because of what we did to you.

So just because I said I wasn't going to throw the competition, that's why I'm going home.

That's how this game works.

You smile and you go on the block.

You'd have proven your loyalty.

Put your hand in the air.

Let's say we're drawing Candy out of a bag.

And if that had happened, we wouldn't be here this week.


We're on patrol.

We're on patrol, buddy.

I'm by myself.

I was looking for her man.

I'm by myself.

This week for the Team America mission, we've already stolen an item from every house guest.

Now we're on to the neighborhood watch.

I don't want to be by myself.

I don't want to be accused.

It's just unbelievable.

Cody's into it.

Yes, Cody.

I'm Batman.

I'm watching you through the night.

We knew Caleb would be into it.

Oh, you're just going to follow me around?

Someone will.

You ain't taking no more of my stuff.

I don't think this is going to be a problem to keep this watch for 24 hours.

Want her to unlap?

Full alert.

Let's do it.

Let me see my little slash lights.

This is so much fun watching the entire house band together to do this neighborhood watch.

Things will be no thieving on my watch.

Paul, who goes there?

State your name, rank, and serial number.

Cody, serial number 828264.

Don't say it if it's just so skewed.

What do you think?

One more round for good old time's sake?


Let's do it.

Let's do it.


Victoria, come here.

Moving a little fast through the intersection there.

Ma'am, hands right here, please.

Ma'am, hands right here.


All right.

You're all clear.

Keep it moving.

That was a very quick patting.

I got to be careful.

Try an actual TV.

Oh, that's so cute, babe.

Is that for me?

What would we do without love?

You and I?

I would be nothing without you.

I love you.

Zach literally picks on me every chance he gets, and now I'm just completely over it.

The pink hat that Zach has been wearing all summer is my pink hat, and he borrowed it

the first week and just never gave it back.

It's time for payback.

What is she doing?

Christine, Christine, get me a knife, please, now.

Don't run with the knife.

This is my hat, sorry.

Yo, just want to take my hat?

Who took it?

Was it Victoria or Christine?

You want kind of the hat back?


Now you're going to keep it?

It's my hat.

All right.

We can play those games.

There's no games.

It's my hat.

It's all right.

All right.

Let's see how it is.

Got a lot of balls, Victoria.

This whole hat thing, not going well.

Victoria's a voter.

She's kind of kicking me while I'm down.

Pretty sure I don't have her vote this week.

Your hair looks really cute.

I hate it.

I need a hat.

What do you mean?

I need a woman's hat.

Victoria, you don't want to give me the hat back?


Are you going to wear it?


You're not going to wear it.

You just don't want me to have it, right?

You treat me nice.

You're just doing it just to piss me off.

Not really.

Yeah, you are.

I'm not stupid.

I'm not an idiot.

You're doing it to piss me off.

And you're doing a good job.

Zach, it's my item.

You're not going to wear it.


This is the most satisfying thing that I have done all summer.

Sorry, buddy.

You went out of your way to piss me off.

I need my pink hat.

I'm nothing without my pink hat.

This is gone.

This house is going to give me a heart attack.

It'll do it.

It will, absolutely.

Who can you trust?

What if I'm trusting the wrong person?

So I see Christine over here looking at the memory wall.

Seems like her gears are turning right now.

So I figure it might be a good time to let her know

what I think she's going to do.

We can get rid of Zach.

But, I mean, look at Teddy up there.

You have to think to yourself, who is he loyal to?

There's someone that's not a target and never will be.


Does that make sense?


And they're not going to get rid of Victoria because it's a numbers game.

Them two are together, Caleb and Ricky.

Zach is alone.

I am alone and I feel that you are alone.

If some way Zach stayed, that would be someone to fight against the other side.

What do you think?


I know if I was in a big alliance and I stuck with that alliance until it was just us

and I was the first person to leave, I would feel stupid.

There's so much to think about.

Maybe Donny has a point.

Derek and Cody aren't with me, they're with Victoria instead.

Frankie and Caleb have gotten like this this week.

I'm not here to play for fifth place.

I want to win.

And at this point, I'm very confused.

I don't want to be the person that's played like a film.

All right, Frankie.

What's the difference between sending me home and Cody home?

In your eyes.

The difference is that you are more unpredictable.


I need to give it one more shot with Frankie.

He's been my best friend in the house, we've had our ups and downs,

but he has a lot of pull over everyone else.

And if I can influence him, he can maybe change the mind of the rest of the voters.

But Cody's predictable.


And that's a bad thing for your game, right?

I mean, do I think that he wants to go with me to the end?

Probably not.

I have thrown you under the bus.

I'm not going to disagree, but I think it benefits your game more if I'm here.

I don't disagree with you.

Once I leave, you're the biggest target in the house.

That is not necessarily an understatement.

Someone like Cody's HOH, and he has a choice of getting you or Victoria out.

He's going to pick you every time.

If I was HOH, you know I'm not coming after him.

You know I'm not putting you up, and you know that you're completely safe.

Things better for your game if I'm here than Cody.

Cody has no enemies.

Everyone is going to go up on the block before him.

Yeah, I mean, it's not a bad pitch.

It's getting pretty late in this game, so I think at this stage what I have to do is what's right 100% for Frankie and only Frankie.

I just think you should maybe rethink about who you're sending home.

And I know you don't have any votes, but you have a lot of power.

You know I don't want you coming.

Coming up, either Cody or Zack will be evicted, but they could be walking right back in the game.

The live battle to get back in the house is just around the corner.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Let's go to the living room and talk with the house guests.

Hello, house guests.

Well, everyone, during this week's Battle of the Block competition, you were all left in the dark.

Let's take a look.

Oh my god, I'm scared for my life.


We've got to go through this cage.

Let's go straight.

Come on.

Come on.

Just follow me.

Caleb, you and Cody lost this competition.

What went wrong?



You know, I don't know.

I was in the dark, Julie.

I really couldn't see good.

And I wasn't born with night vision, so that comp was a little hard for me.

Couldn't find Beast Mode, cowboy.


Christine, Donnie put all five bones in place to win it, and he saved both of you from the block.

Why was this competition so difficult for you?

It was pitch black.

Really completely pitch black and a lot of the…

I don't know.

I was touching a lot of goo and eyeballs.

It did not look fun or easy.

But it was fun to watch, I have to admit.

Well, I have some news for everyone.

That competition was the final Battle of the Block of the Summer.

That means the double HOH twist is also over.

Derek, how does it change the game knowing there will now only be one HOH each week?

I think it's a benefit to all of us.

It puts in place a strategy that we probably came in here with, and we've had to change that with the initial twist.

So I'm happy to hear it.

I'm happy to hear that it's over.

Well, everyone, it's now time for the live voting to begin.

Cody, Zach, in just moments, your housemates will cast their votes to evict live.

But before they do, you each have a final chance to sway their votes.

Cody, you're first.

Uh, Julie, you look stunning.

I just want to say what's up to my dad, my mother, my sister and brother.

Bill, you're the biggest.

Houseguests, I love you guys.

You know, this journey's been unbelievable.

And the memories that we've been able to go through together have been something that I think we'll all keep with us.

And I'd love to make some more.

So please go in there and vote to keep me.

Thank you.

Thank you, Cody.

Zach, you're up.

All right.

Um, Mom, Dad, Pizzle, I love you guys.

Can't wait to see you.

Two Fruit Loops.

I say I hate all you guys.

That's not the case.

I strongly dislike all of you, and I hate one of you.

You all suck.

And I might not be walking out of here with 500K, but I'm leaving a winner.

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter.

Rancypants, R-A-N-C-E-Y-P-A-N-T-S.

Julie, I'll see you shortly.

Okay, then.

Thank you, Zach.

Houseguests, it's time for the live voting to begin.

Frankie, as head of household, you're not allowed to vote.

I know.

Neither are the two nominees.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room and cast your vote to evict.

Derek, you're first tonight.

Please go to the diary room.

Derek and Cody have a tight final two alliance.

It would be surprising if he voted him out tonight.

Hi, Derek.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict my man, Zach Attack.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Christine, listen to Donnie's pitch to keep Zach in the house.

But did it sink in?

Hi, Christine.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Zach.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Donnie assured Zach he would vote to keep him.

Will he keep that promise tonight?

Hi, Donnie.

Hey there.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote evict Zach.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It's official.

With three votes to evict Zach, Zach will leave the house tonight.

But let's see how the other votes fall.

Hi, Caleb.

What's going on, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict my boy, Zach Attack.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Victoria cut up Zach's hat and there's no doubt she'll cut him loose tonight.

Hi, Victoria.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict my number one hater, Zach.

Thank you.


All of the votes are in and with five votes to evict Zach, Zach will leave the house tonight.

When we return, we'll give the news to the house guest.

Then it's the biggest battle of the summer as Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole and now Zach compete to get back into the game.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

By a vote of five to zero, the house guests have just voted to evict Zach.

But they will soon find out that the Zach Attack might be coming right back into the game.

Let's return to the living room and reveal the results of the vote.

House guests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the evicted house guest will have just a few moments to say goodbye, gather his belongings and walk out the front door.

By a vote of five to zero, Zach, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

You heard him laughing?

He saw him.

Do that dance, buddy.

Do that dance.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Listen to that.

Well, he's dancing around right now.

Yes, I got the same.

She was like, see you never.

See you never.

Fives, congrats, buddy.

No, I appreciate it.

All right.

One, H, a win.

Zach Attack.

Love you, baby.

We'll see you in the back of the queue.

Yeah, seriously, we'll see you in 10 minutes.

Talk about an exit.

You were prepared.

Did you expect anything less?

No, I didn't actually.

You're right.

Let's talk about the game.

You were the founder, the founder of the detonators.

Yet you were the one who got blown up tonight.

Oh, yeah.

Why do you think they turned on you?

One reason, because I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

So you're saying it was your own fault?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

I can't blame anyone except myself right now.

You said in your last plea speech, I dislike all of you strongly, but I can't stand her.

I hate one of you.

Oh, Victoria.

I want to make that clear.


She stole my pink hat from me, Julie.

It was her hat.

I know, but she said I can have it.

And you know what?

No one gives good haircuts in the house.

I needed a hat.

She took it back from me.

She kicked me while I was down, and that's uncalled for.

Truly, what was it about her?

Was it really just over the hat?


It was a laundry list of things.

Care to share any of the things?

Yeah, I know.


Let's talk about Frankie, because he's the one who put you on the block.

Yeah, what the heck, man?

Yeah, what the heck?

What happened to Zanky?

I don't know.

I honestly really don't know.

Where did the two of you go wrong?

I put all my trust in him.

I put my game in his hands.

He had my game in the palm of his hands.

Put all my eggs in one basket.

And we were talking in the HOA room about how great everything's going.

Everything's going perfectly.

And you know, I guess I didn't see it coming.

You weren't exactly perfect in the relationship.


You even admitted to him, look, I know I've thrown you under the bus.

I mean, how big of a role do you play in the breakup of the Zanky showman?

Yeah, you know what?

He's a great person, and I put it all on myself.

I really did.

I couldn't keep my mouth shut, and I talked a lot of crap about people, and that was my game.

And I'm not going to stray from who I am, and it bit me in the butt.

Wait a minute.

You said that was your game, and you're not going to stray from who Zack really is.


So that wasn't strategy.

I mean, Zack, we saw in the house.

Is that how you live in the outside world?

No, that's not how I live in the outside world.

It's really not.

I'm a very lovable guy, but I don't know, Julie.

I just didn't know what to do.

I didn't know how I was going to play the game.

And I thought if everyone hates me enough, they won't give me the satisfaction of sending me home.

Clearly that was not the case.

Let me say this.

Getting back to the Zanky showman.

When you guys were tight and things were good, it was probably the greatest showman this show has ever seen.


You guys said that?

I said that.

Thank you very much.

But I want to hear in your words, when it was at its best, what exactly was this showmance between the two of you?

It was a great friendship.

He's the smartest, funniest person I've ever met in my entire life, and those are two traits that really mean a lot to me.

And he's just a great person.

No hard feelings.

No hard feelings whatsoever.

In the event you were the one evicted tonight, your house makes taste of goodbye messages.

I can't wait.

Watch and listen.

Alright, let's do it.

Zach, you play out this mean, bully persona, but honestly, you're the biggest crybaby I have ever met in my life.

And I am so grateful that I don't have to be a babysitter anymore.

See you never.

Zach, oh buddy, you may have went off on a lot of people and made them mad, but I've enjoyed every minute of it.

You are definitely the most entertaining person in this house this summer.

I will truly miss you, buddy.

Miss you too.

Zach, I love you so much.

We are Team Zanki forever, inside and outside of this house.

Unfortunately, I had to kind of honor what the group was asking me to do.

Go give them hell in the jury house, and I cannot wait to see you again.

I miss you already.

I just want to tell you one thing.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Oh, and by the way?

I deserve that.

Look what I have.

Have fun in jury, Zach.

You look crestfallen.

Final thoughts?

Final thoughts.

It was a great summer.

I won the day I got the key.

I have no regrets.

And I walk out the door with my head held high, and there's nothing more I can do.

Let me ask you this.

If you had survived tonight and you were still in the house, who would you be gunning for?

I don't even know.

I would throw the HOH competition.

I don't even know.

I would say Victoria, but she's going to end up being there for a while because she can't win a competition of her life dependent on it.

Well, Zach, you better decide because in just moments, you and the other three jurors are going to battle it out.

And one of you is going back in the house and back in the game.

Remember to get your game paid in.

Stay right there, Zach.

Up next, Shakassa, Kate, and Nicole and Zach go head to head.

The winner will return to the game with a second chance at winning it all.

Stay with her.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Zach has just been evicted and is eagerly awaiting his chance to get back in the game.

It's an opportunity that's weighed heavily on all of the jurors' minds as one by one, they moved into the jury house.

Being in this jury house is giving me time to think about my eviction.

I don't want to see Hayden or Donnie come to the jury house.

It would be bittersweet.

Mama J!

What's up?

I came right after you.

In the jury house right now, I've got Mama J.

It's good to see her again.

It's been a little while.

And it's going to be a nice little party here.

Who won to put you up?



It's a mental competition too.

Donnie won the veto.

Oh my gosh.

Congratulations, Donnie.

You have won the power of veto.

How Donnie won this blows my mind.

Must have been Jesus.

Who do you think is coming in the door?

Maybe Victoria.


I'd rather see Derek and Cody.

Derek is a very good manipulator and Cody is a very good actor.

They're playing a really good game.

I just wish that I wasn't a part of the casualties.

But I'm getting back in the house.

I'm going to start doing some damage.

I'm already set on it.

Please, not Donnie or Nicole.



No, no, no!

Nicole coming into the jury house is the most bittersweet thing I've ever experienced.

I would love to just see her in the house still fighting, but at the same time, I am excited that Nicole's here.

But what happened?

After you both left, me and Christine won the HOH competition.

Who would you put up?

Caleb and Frankie.

And Frankie also whips out that he's Ariana Grande's brother.

And it's true.


Oh my gosh.

Caleb was super upset at Frankie and he wanted to throw the cup.

So he actually sat out and didn't even play and Frankie still won.

Are you serious?

Amber's gone because of you.

You lied.


I love it.

I'm not playing this game with you.


With their best friends.

Oh my gosh!

I ended up getting bic'd or it is HOH.

This sucks watching.

I'm going to take this knife out of my back and I'm going to return it to its owner knowing that it can't be used again.

So I'm sorry, Nicole.

I'm going to have to ask you to take a seat.

I'm going to take this knife out of my back and return it to its owner.

She'd be my target if I went back in obvious.

I would love to win that chance to get back in the house and kick Christine right out.

I think that's why I'm actually in an okay mood.

I was going to try and think of a pickup line, but.

Dang it.

You don't got one.

I am really happy to see Hayden.

I really did miss him a lot.

It's a lot cuter than I remembered.


You're the most awkward person I know.

I'm only awkward around people that I like like, I think.

You like me?


I do.

I like you.

I miss Nicole a lot.

I didn't know how I was going to feel getting thrown out of the house and being separated from her.

But it's good to have her back.

Close your eyes.

Keep them closed.


Keep them closed.

Please welcome back to pasta, Hayden, Nicole, and tonight's Evicty, Zach.

Hello, jurors.

Well, in just moments, the four of you will compete head to head live in the competition.

The winner will be back in the game as if you had never been evicted,

which means one of you could still win the half million dollar grand prize.

Now, the house guests, they have no idea that this game-changing twist is about to be thrown at them.

So what do you say we break the news to them now?

Break it to them.

All right.

House guests, I need everyone to please gather in the living room right away.

Just wait right here with me.

When we hear the door, we have a doorbell.

Here we go.

Here, there's one shot.

All right.

You're all there.

Now, remember two weeks ago on Double Eviction Night when I told you just because you're out of the house,

you're not necessarily out of the game.

Well, I warned you that this is the most twisted summer ever.

And you're about to find out exactly what that means.

Let's go, Julie.

What's up, man?

What's up?

What's up?

What's up?

What's up?

It's not breaking.

Let's do it.

You're going to be so stupid.

What's up?


Why did you have that funny twist this season?

I missed you.

Finish both.

What are you doing?

You guys did that right here.

That was an exit.

House guests, I need everyone to please head to the backyard right away.

It's time for the jurors to battle it out.

The winner will be back in this game.

Up next, it's the biggest competition of the summer.

The winner gets a chance for revenge

and a second shot at the half million dollar grand prize.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

It's now time to find out which juror will return to the game.

Let's head to the backyard and get things started.

Members of the jury, this is your shot to get back into the Big Brother house.

The winner will reenter the game and have a second shot at winning the half million dollar grand prize.

The losers head back to the jury house.

This competition is called comeback fight, and here's how it works.

This game will be played in seven rounds.

In each round, slide one disc down your lane to the spinning turntable.

But here's the catch.

When the bell sounds in each round, the gate to your lane will only be open for five seconds.

The winner of this competition will be the jury member who has the most discs left on the spinning turntable at the end of the seventh round.

If we have a tie for first place, the juror with the disc closer to the center will be the winner.

Each round will begin at the sound of the bell.

Does everyone understand?


Jurors, it's time for round one.

All right, everyone got a disc on the spinning turntable, so we have a four-way tie for lead.

Jurors, grab a disc for round two.

We have a four-way tie.

Again, everyone has two discs on the spinning turntable.

Go ahead and grab a disc for round three.

Sorry, Nicole.

So right now, in the lead, we have a three-way tie between Zach, Jocasta, and Hayden, with three discs each on the spinning turntable.

Go ahead and grab a disc for round four.

In the lead is Jocasta with four discs on the spinning turntable.

Jurors, grab a disc for round five.

Jocasta remains in the lead with five discs.

Jurors, please grab a disc for round six.

Nicole, Zach, and Jocasta tied for first place right now.

Jurors, grab your last disc for the final round.

Again, the winner gets back into the game.

Get ready for your seventh and final round.

Oh, Jocasta, you won.

Oh, geez.

It's either you or Nicole.

It's a tie.

Yeah, it's whoever is closer.

Nicole, you won.

Nicole, you won.

Oh, Nicole, it's a tie.

Can I go keep them?

I don't know.

We're judging to see who has the closer disc to the center, and we have to say congratulations to Nicole,

because you are back in the game, lady.

Zach, Jocasta, Hayden.

Unfortunately, it's back to the jury house with a three of you.

Jurors, these eggs at the backyard now.

So, Nicole is back and now faces the challenge of re-entering the house.

And earlier today, I got a challenge of my own from Leslie Moonves, the president and CEO of the CVS Corporation, who, by the way, is my husband.

Take a look.

I accept the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and I challenge more Carmen and the entire cast of NCIS and my beautiful wife, Julie Chen.

But I'm upping the stakes and challenging her to do it live on Big Brother.


Welcome back to Big Brother.

Tune in Sunday to see how Nicole's return shakes up the house and who will become the first solo head of household.

Then Wednesday, who will win the power veto and will it be used to change the nominations?

And on Thursday, it's the next live eviction.

For now, let's eavesdrop on the house guests.

But first, I have been nominated to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

We should have right after.

I accept this challenge, and I now challenge every single house guest who has ever played this game to do the same.

Let's do this.

Who's got the bucket?

Ladies and gentlemen, Bill Arnett from the 6th CVS Common, the Meller.

I gotta say, I don't think this is a good idea to do this to the boss's wife, but I'm gonna do it.

You are a brave man.

Let's get on in here.

We've got an Apple box for you.

From outside the Big Brother house, I'm Julie Chen.

Good night.

How's my hair?

Who used to be friends?

Your shorts are really unflattering.

You could be an all-nighter.

That's not me.

No, they look like you.

Could be.

There's no way they're finishing it.

Is there have-nots still?


They're only two, though.

How come?

Oh, picked?

Oh, you picked.

Just two?

So no, like, 5th-minute stuff?

Okay, wait.

So were you guys telling me what happened this week?

With the cops and stuff?

Yes, absolutely.

Okay, Zingbot.

And Kathy.

And Kathy.

That was crazy.

Zingbot, when he first came in, he was giving us all compliments.


We did the black box.

We have to pitch black and we have to search.

We have to pitch black and he got a call right again.

Did you speak anything?

No, because whoever, Zach would have brought us the tape.

The only thing I saw was what already happened.


Thank you.
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