16x25 - Episode 25

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x25 - Episode 25

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother.

While Sankey reunited,

Christine and Cody were also getting close.

They're always touching each other.

My husband, I love you so much, I'm not doing anything stupid.

I'm literally just trying to win us $500,000.

With Frankie and Derek as the heads of household…

The two of you are the new heads of household.

The detonators were in control of the game.

Looking at the numbers in this house,

it's not too hard to figure out who our targets are.

And Donnie is number one.

But with the numbers dwindling,

some alliance members would have to go on the block.

There's only eight people left in the house,

and there's six people working together.

So we gotta figure out who's going on the block this week.

So they devised a plan to get Donnie out.

But Donnie with someone on one side,

they lose against two of our alliance members.

But Zach refused to throw the battle of the block.

Not only do I not feel comfortable,

but it's too late in the game to throw competition.

I understand that I will be guaranteed safety,

but I just can't do that.

Upsetting some of his alliance members.

I have chosen to go on the block,

so none of you guys would have to three times now.

So they let colorful candy decide their fate.


Leaving Christine to be the one to sabotage the comp.

I'm sitting next to Donnie on the block,

and I have to throw the competition,

which isn't something I'm 100% confident in doing.

But it was Zach, not the candy,

that left a bad taste in their mouth.

Donnie wins the P.



I say we send Zach back.

Let's hope it doesn't happen, but if it does,

he's available to be back door.

At the nomination ceremony.

I have nominated you, Caleb, and you, Cody.

Operation Grounds Keepers Gotta Go was set in motion.

I have nominated you, Donnie, and you, Christine, for eviction.

In the final battle of the block of the summer.

You'll race to find bones hidden throughout the box.

Christine did her best to bone Donnie's game.

Have you got one?

No, I can't find one anywhere.

But it was not enough to stop the beard.

Congratulations, Christine and Donnie.

You have won the battle of the block.

With Donnie safe and Derek dethroned.

Will a detonator become the new target?

Plus, Singbot is back,

and he brought Kathy Griffin to help dish out the Zings.

I'm here for a Zinger-vention.

All this right now on Big Brother.

Mama, baby.

I am so tickled that I just won the battle of the block,

but I have my suspicions.

My partner didn't find any bones,

and I even handed her a bone to her hand.

My feelings are hurt deeply because I'm sure Christine throwed it.

It's an awful pain.

I've been nothing that nice to these people,

and I'm sure they were all in on it.

You guys split up?


We should have split up.

I pretended to not find a bone here.

He's going to know something's up.

I am so pissed off that Donnie just won this battle of the block by himself.

And the thing is, I was expecting him to lose,

so I wasn't really caring about how I sabotaged him.

He completely knows it was me, like 100%.

He knows that I did that on purpose.

I tried.

I'm so very lucky.

This is a total joke.

Two weeks in a row, our plan to get someone out blows up in our face.

I feel like we're the g*ng that can't sh**t straight.

He definitely thinks nothing of.

But we can't roll on each other because I'll put us up next week.

Well, not only am I dethroned as HOH,

two of my strongest allies are on the block.

To be honest, this is the first week that things haven't really gone my way.

And it's not a good feeling.

What we got to say now is as long as Victoria don't win the veto,

we should be golden.

Which will not happen.

I wish we could see what went down in there.


I mean, this is Big Brother.

This week could have been so simple.

And now, two of my best alliance members are up on the block

and could be going home this week.

I can't let that happen.

My only hope is to win that veto myself,

pull one of them off, and put up a new target.

But my replacement options are limited.

I'm nervous I'm going to have to do something that I don't want to do.

I mean, I'm going to try my hardest to win that veto in a while.


You know?

Shouldn't play.

Yeah, right.

Of course, of course.


Safe another week?

Hey, uh, perfect.

But now we're good.

We got Frankie up there.

As long as he doesn't put me up, we're good for the week.

Victoria's target.

She goes home.

So I did tell Donny when I put him on the block that he wasn't my target.

If Donny has suspicions that Christine threw the battle of the block

and even more suspicion that I was involved with it,

the trust between him and I is gone.

And he could potentially come after me next week.

At minimum, I'm just trying to get a read on him.

I had a feeling you guys were going to win.

You okay?


People in this house may think I'm a country bumpkin,

but I'm very aware of what's going on.

Derek has blowed smoke up everybody's tail this whole season.

And when he tells me that he figured I could pull this one out,

I knew he was blowing smoke up.

I'm not going to act too excited out here, obviously.


All right.

Donny doesn't trust me at all.

With that being said, Team America aside, if you're not with me, you're against me.

And with this veto coming up,

he could potentially throw a monkey wrench in our plans.

Did he talk to him at all?

I went in there.

I was like, hey, nice job.

I walked out.

I forgot my socks.

I walked back in there.

He was looking up at the camera, like, basically mocking it.

So he knows.

He knows that Christine threw the competition.

He doesn't trust us.

You don't want to work with me.

That's fine.

Trust me.

Don't trust me.

You're going to have to beat me.

This week is going to be fun, though.

This week, this could be interesting or it could be a good week

if you're able to win the veto or Caleb or Cody is able to win the veto.

It's huge, you know.

Even Christine, it's huge.

Anyone else, you know, Donny.

He wins POV.

He's not going to use it.

I know.


Zach could say, when you're going home, I'm making a move.

He certainly could.

I'm terrified right now that someone like Donny or Victoria

will win the veto and not use it,

leaving my fellow detonator slash b*mb squatter, Cody or Caleb, up on the block.

This is the most critical POV of the year, and I need to win it.

If I win, I'm taking down Caleb.

Yeah, and then put up Victoria.

That's such a waste of your each-a-weech.


It's such a waste.

I mean…

Literally, she can never win a comp.

But, I mean, if…

But it's a necessary use.

There's nothing I can do.

So this is a tricky situation.

Obviously, Victoria and Cody are both numbers for my game.

Really, the only option that I have for a replacement nominee

that makes sense for my game is Zach.

But I have to be subtle because I don't want to show my hand to Frankie

at this point.

We just got to get it in our possession, you know.

Got to win it.


You pull it out again, you son of a…

I hope you get drawn for V-Toad and win.

And you want me not to use it?

Well, I haven't heard nothing.

I'm always out of the loop.

But for your sake, you know…

Yeah, I know you're right.

Yeah, so they don't back door me.

But I didn't say anything, and I haven't heard anything.

But I'm just trying to think of you.


I like Zach.

So I'm sharing this with him to gain some credibility with him.

I know they pretend that he's in their clique.

But I think he's not.

I'm wanting to befriend him and gain some of his trust.

Maybe he and I could work together.

You are a beast in veto, so hopefully you'll get drawn.

Donny brings up a good point.

He really wants me to play in the veto and win,

so I don't get back door this week.

He's scaring the…

out of me.

I have no idea if I'm actually gonna go up,

and he's really just putting the idea in my head that, you know,

my alliance is against me.

You're an animal.

Thank God, and good luck.

Oh, my God, dude.

Okay, hypothetically.


Victoria wins the veto.

Use it on Cody.

Stop with that scenario.

Oh, my God.

Not gonna happen, right?


It's just like, excuse me, the chill is like,

thinking of Victoria wins it.

We are.



You have to win the veto.

Yeah, I have to win the veto.

Take off to whoever.

Yeah, exactly.

And say goodbye to Victoria.

Yeah, no, that's simple.

Yeah, I don't want to have to make any other decisions.

I think Derek beats anyone.

Oh, I'm sorry.


Hands down.

Including me.

I don't think he knows that.

I think he's smart.

He's using the final two.

Oh, he's winning.


We're almost at that point, dude.

I know.

I'm not stupid.

I know I caused a ton of trouble in the house.

Zach att*cks, blown things up, torn things down,

and aggravated every single person in the house.

If he was smart, he would try to get out me, Cody,

or Derek, to better his game.

I'm just praying that he goes through with the plan

to backdoor Victoria.

I just…

You can only promise so much to so many people.

You know what I mean?

So, America, we've let you down twice.

But this week, we plan to make this mission happen.

You want us to hide a personal item from each one of the house guests

to create a distraction.

Then, you want us to organize a neighborhood watch

to prevent it from happening again.

I'm thinking everything goes into a garbage bag,

and it goes below the garbage bag that's currently in the recycling bin.

Is that…

That's my fault.


Is that really…

Are you serious?


So, I mean, that's the only spot in this house.

No one would look.

So, collectively, all three of us have to be involved.

This is a fun mission.



It's just way too expensive.

Yeah, it's crazy.

It doesn't have a hard drive.

So, how do you put a CD in from the back?

The back.

I walk into the fire room.

I see Victoria's robe.

Item number one.

Go on.

She wears this robe every day when she's doing her makeup,

when she's getting ready.

So, this is probably her biggest item,

and she wears it on a daily basis.

So, this is something she's definitely going to notice.

That's one.

Hiding these personal items from people,

you have to be stealth.



So, I stole Caleb's cowboy boots.

And put that into the recycling bin.

My job was to take Cody's blue-flowered hat.

Now, taking people's stuff is pretty easy.

It's a pretty tricky business.

You're watching for whoever you're taking it from,

but you've got to make sure who you're not taking it from

ain't seeing you taking it from someone else.

Okay, America.

Now, since we've got everything stolen,

we've just got to sit back and wait for them

to find out things are missing.

Hey, guys!

It's time to pick players for the Veto Competition!

Only six players will participate in the Veto Competition.

The head of household, the two nominees,

and three other players selected by random draw.

Will the two nominees please join me up here?

Going into picking players for the Veto Competition,

the only person that I really, really want to get picked

is Derek, because I know if Derek gets picked,

he can use the Veto on me.

As HOH, I will pick first.



Dirty D!

I want to win Veto and take some color-coded candy

and choose to see whether I use it or not.

Veto King!


So the players are drawn for the Veto,

and my name doesn't get picked.

It's out of my control at this point.

Big Brother will inform us when the competition is to begin.


Didn't plan out how we wanted it to.


It's the worst-case scenario that Donny wins it.

Don't use it.

And then me and Cody are sitting next to each other.

At that point, honestly, I felt like I would go home.

I just hope she doesn't win.

If she wins it.

I'm seeing one of us going home.

Right now, all we need is for somebody to use the Veto.

But I have no idea if Donny or Victoria would even use it.

And if that happens, myself and my boy Cody

are still sitting on a Dac g*n Block Come Eviction Day

and another b*mb Squad plan blows up.

We know she's not going in.

There's no way in hell what she could win.

She's not going in.

Not happening.

I'll try my best.

It's just too easy for them to say they're not going to be Victoria up.

They don't want to give her up because she's weak in competition.

They want to keep her around.

So I'm hoping they don't go breathing.

But don't say nothing to them.

Because who knows that they might keep them.

We hope so.

I'll try my best.

I'll try my best.

Keep her on the top.

Got you back.

The BB paranoia is really setting into my brain.

So I'm just praying that Frankie goes through with the plan

and puts up Victoria and we send her out the door.

There he is.

Zing box.

Every season of Big Brother he comes storming in and all he does is make fun of everybody.

That is so cool.

You all look more attractive in person.

Oh, hey.



Right off the bat I noticed something was different.

He sure was a whole lot nicer than he used to be.

Maybe his circuit's getting a little overheated.

He ain't acting right.


I love your beard.

Thank you.

But I wish it didn't cover your handsome face.

Oh, that's so nice.



He's the props spot.

Oh, I don't like this.

We're standing around the kitchen table waiting on Zing Box to start crushing folks.

Hey, this guy starts throwing out props.

He's giving everybody compliments.

Come on, Zing Box.

This ain't you.

So confusing.

I don't know where I am.

What is it?

Who is it?



Oh my God!

Golly, Grieven!

Oh my God!

I love her so much.

Hey, it's double Emmy and Grammy award-winning comedian, Kathy Griffith!


I've been watching the live feeds and I got here as soon as I heard.

There's something seriously wrong with Zing Bot.

He's only dishing out compliments.

I'm here for a Zingervention.

There's nothing wrong with me.


Zing Bot, you're supposed to be zinging people.

Let me show you how it's done.

Dude, we thought he was bad.

Now I know it's going to be bad.

This lady rips people to shreds.


Destroy us.

You and Amber have something in common.

You think she's drop dead gorgeous and she wants you to drop dead.

Sorry Caleb, but truth hurts sometimes, bud.

Kristy, there's a belief that glasses make people look smarter.

Thanks for disproving that.



I would zing you, but I'm only supposed to zing people that are actually playing the game.

Oh my God!


What the heck?

My zing didn't even make any sense.

Obviously I'm playing the game.

I'm still here.

I made it to top eight.

What do you call someone who's not afraid to cry, wears pink, and cuddles with men?

You call them Zach.

Who is that?

No, it's Zach!

Oh my God!

Oh my God, she's so good!

She's so good!

Usually I can take whatever people dish out of me, but Kathy Griffin ripping me to shreds

is not something I prepare for in life.

Oh my God, she's so good!

We have to reboot Zingbot.


Now get dressed and head to the backyard.



So we're walking to the backyard, we see Zingbot, Kathy Griffin, and all I'm thinking is, let's

get Zingbot fixed because Kathy is ripping us apart right now.

This lady's too vicious.

Hi, houseguest, miss me?

I need your help to reboot Zingbot to his spiteful zinging self, the way he's meant

to be, the way I was born.

On go, you must connect a series of cables through the four circuit boxes.

Light up each bulb along the way.

You'll do this by following the circuit paths and plugging in cables to make sure electricity

can flow to each light on that circuit board.

When you think all the lights on a box are connected, hit your button.

If you're right, all the lights on that box will turn on and you can move on to the

next one.

The first person to light up all the lights on the board will win the golden power of


And let's face it, you all kind of need it at this point.

Zingbot, it is time to enter the reboot chamber.

Oh my God!

Good luck, players!

You're all winners in AI!

Yeah, gag!


What a beautiful chamber!

Hopefully you'll zing again.

The stakes this week for me are huge.

I want to retain all the power so I can take down one of my alliance members and put somebody

else up.

This Vito is monumental.

There's no way I'm going home.

My first time on the block, one and done, would suck.

One of the four b*mb squad members playing in this Vito competition has got to win it.

And if we don't, one of us is going home.

The game begins on the sound of the horn.

The goal of this game is to correctly connect your wires in each circuit box and illuminate

all of your lights in your lane.

The graphics on top of the circuit board are like a maze and they show which lights are

connected to which ports.

Once you think you have all your wires connected correctly, you press your button.

And if everything lights up, you move on to your next circuit board.

Frankie has completed his first circuit board.

The first person to light up all four circuit boards wins the golden power of Vito.

Donny has completed his first board.

Frankie has completed his second board.

Donny has completed his second board.

My strategy in this game, surprise, surprise, is to go slow and steady and try not to panic.

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with building robots.

I was soldering.

This actually might be in my wheelhouse.

Caleb has completed his second board.

This Zingbot game is extremely difficult.

I'm following lines on the bars.

The lines seem to go nowhere.

This is the hardest challenge we've had to date.


Oh my gosh.

Victoria possibly being a dim bulb.


I'm never going to get this.

I was just getting extremely frustrated because I kept pressing the button and the lights not coming on.

Do you think I ever wanted to be an electrician?


Victoria's still needing to light a bulb of some kind somewhere.

Oh my God.

What is going on here?

This is honestly getting ridiculous.

So I'm watching my two closest allies in the house competing in this competition.

What did I get myself into?

Not exactly the brightest bulbs if you know what I mean.

Come on Donny, pull this one out.

I need you, bro.

Win the veto, leave the nominations the same, and ZachTak will have your back for the rest of your big brother life.

The last person that I want to win this veto is Donny.

I don't think he would change the nominations and I don't want to lose one of my boys.

So out of the corner of my eye I see him getting ahead of me and I'm thinking, pick it up, Frankie.

Beast Mode Cowboy is coming from behind.

Beast Mode is a lot more than just a physical competition.

He's got some brains in here too, people.

I'm good at puzzles, I'm good at lighting up light bulbs, I'm good at circuit boxes.

Frankie has completed his third circuit board.

I didn't get stumped until I got to my third circuit board.

I got bum puzzled.

I know electrician, I'm just an old groundskeeper.

I might get electrocuted or something.

Donny gets stumped at the third circuit box.

Beast Mode Cowboy ain't getting stumped today.

I've got to win this veto competition.

It's down to the wire.

This is it.

Neck and neck between Caleb and Frankie.

Good job, Caleb.

This is pretty hard.

Beast Mode Electrician.

I can't even really think about that though because it's my HOH, I want the power, I want to win.


I push the button, everything lights up and then goes dark.

And I'm like, what happened?

I got this dude.

One's on the ground.

One of my connectors fell out at the last minute.

Congratulations, Frankie, you have won the Golden Power of Vito.

Thank you, baby.

Thank you for the gays.

The LGBTQI2s, baby.

Frankie, you have won the Golden Power of Vito.

I'm so happy.

Now I have all the power this week.

So we'll see who I end up using this on.

Losing this power of Vito while I'm sitting on the block is the worst feeling in the world.

And honestly, I had a chance to save myself and I just blew it.

I'm a little bit bummed.

Right now, I'm just hoping my boy Frankie puts the veto around my neck.

That way I'm not sitting on the block anymore.

So Frankie wins the veto and I should be really happy, but I'm actually kind of nervous that Frankie and I have had our ups and downs.

But we're extremely close because I don't know what he's going to do.

And I don't want to go up on the block this week and get set home.

I feel different.

Something's happening.

I hope Zingbao has been rebooted.

Frankie, that's a nice 10.

But I'm surprised you get any sun at all.

Considering how much time you spend in your sister's shackles.

You have to take Zingbao.


This is a house of good-looking dudes.

There's not one unattractive man in here.

Oh wait, I didn't see you there.


I'm glad my wife married me before she realized I was ugly.

Daddy, your look is very Duck Dynasty.

Too bad your social game is more like SUCK DINY DY!

Maybe Zingbao is trying to tell me something.

I need to get out there and start mingling.

Watch out, house.

Here comes old Donny boy.


You're such a nice guy.

You haven't made any enemies this summer.

Except for maybe Christine's husband.

Zingbao smoked Cody.

It was by far one of the best zings that I've ever heard of the history of this show.

Zing, zing, zing!

There's absolutely nothing going on there.

We're just really, really, really, really, really good friends.

Believe me.

Congratulations, we fixed Zingbao!

Please, when you get out of here, download my new comedy CD online.

Alright, good luck everybody!

Good luck!



Frankie, please keep me off the block.

I'll do anything.

I think it's like, the one that's like, you should have just…

No, why?

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter.

I don't think that I wanted Cathy Griffin to put the Zoner name.

No, it doesn't matter, dude.

Yeah, exactly.

You know I'm just kidding.

There's no…

I'm gonna say it for you.

You're my peaceful kid.

Evolve power.

He has all of it.

All of it.

I hate these moments.

I hate them.

Actually, there's a little kitty-saver too.

Frankie, shut up.

Can you meet me in the H-Rage?

You have to wear an H-Rage.

Are you serious?

I have a H-T.

I'm not gonna get you to come with me.

I promise.

At least for the next two weeks, bro.


No, you gotta go.

At least for the next two weeks.

I have been thinking about what to do this week constantly.

Do I really want to send home Victoria this week?

Is she really a threat to me getting to that $500,000?

Or do I want to make a big move and turn on the detonators

and get somebody out of this house who's been bad for my game

since the very beginning?

Dude, where is his hat?

This hat.

Do we have a hat thief?

I think we have a hat thief.

Honestly, I don't know where this hat could be.

So our task this week was to steal and hide a personal item

from each house guest.

Dude, something's up.

And then when they notice something is missing,

start a neighborhood watch and keep that going for 24 hours.


There's a hat thief in here.

This thing grew legs and walked off or someone came into it.

It's a saboteur, bro.

Oh, a saboteur stealing hats.


Shut up!

Shut up!

There's a saboteur.

There's a saboteur.

There's a saboteur.

My gator shirt!



It wasn't that serious when the hats were going missing.

No big deal.

Caleb's cowboy boots go missing.

Kind of a big deal.

That's one of the cowboy's boots.

Then my gator shirt goes missing.

Now it's a really big deal.

It's victorious!

Everyone's panicking.

Everyone's throwing around accusations.

This is exactly what I need to drop the line and see if they take the B.

A neighborhood watch.

A neighborhood watch.

A B.



neighborhood watch.

A neighborhood watch.

Everyone is out right now.

My glitter is not in my bag.

Your joke.

I swear to God.

It's a saboteur!

It's a saboteur!

Everyone was consumed with rage, paranoia, fear.

I mean, this is so easy.

The B.



neighborhood watch has officially commenced.

Okay, so what does that mean, the neighborhood watch?

What does that mean?

That means, honestly, I am not sleeping until I find my f*** and I figure out who did it.

That's what it means.

We're doing shifts.

All right, I'm on the first shift.

Who's with me?

I'm doing a shift.

Let's go!

Let's go!

We barely had to even suggest a neighborhood watch before Caleb and Zach were completely

gung-ho about being on patrol.

We're going to find this saboteur and we're going to take him down.

And I was like, yay!

Listen, they've taken each of our prized possessions.

I'm not leaving!

We got their head on a f*** stick!

Oh, this is unbelievable.

There's a rat in the big brother house and if it ain't up to me, it's up to my boy here

and sniffy up there.

Where can I find him?

I'm going to smell him now.

Hey, two people wearing the helmets are on patrol.

So there you go, America.

The neighborhood watch has started.

Now we just have to keep it going for 24 hours straight.

Where are they?

Where are they?

They're steaming.

I have no idea.

I think it's either you or Kobe.

Where are they?

It's you!

Oh my God, it's Zach!

It's Zach!

I know where he's at!

It's not me!

Saboteur, who could it be?

Zach is the ultimate troublemaker.

He's went against the grain in the alliance numerous times.

Who else could it be?

It's gotta be Zach.

It's you!

It's definitely you.

It's you!

It is, it's not me!

Oh, it's you!

It makes so much sense!

Everything makes sense!

Now, they brought you in, Amanda Zuckerman's cousin, to ruin the season and take all of our stuff and be the Saboteur.

I swear it wasn't me.

I didn't hide people's stuff.

I'm not the Saboteur.

But what the hell am I gonna do, man?

How am I gonna prove to people that I didn't do it?

You took my butch, you jimoke.

I wish.

I'm gonna go take a nap.

You guys enjoy yourselves.

I'm good.

I need three men on him at all damn times!

Now that everyone thinks that Zach is the Saboteur, I think this is too big of an opportunity to pass up.

I have to get Zach out of the game this week.

Another thing?

Another thing which could be very Saboteur-ish.

Put up an alliance member.


That could have been a thing.

Instead of putting Donny up, you put Christine up to throw everybody off.

That's a…

To make us mad at you.

That's a Saboteur-ish thing.

That's something a Saboteur would do.


You're caught.

Am I though?

You're caught!

You think we're stupid?

Hey, if you're so smart, we're just…

I don't need to be smart.

I don't need to be smart.

I'm getting pulled off the block.

I feel a little bad about the whole Zach thing, but I've been wanting to get Zach out.

Everyone's working up into a frenzy, and this could be the perfect opportunity to actually do it.

You're caught.

It was I caught.

You're caught.

Because in this country, you're innocent until proven guilty.

We'll show you Thursday.

You're proven guilty.

This is an extremely serious situation because people honestly are actually starting to believe that I am the Saboteur.

Like, I don't know what to do.

I swear to God, if I can put on the block, because you guys think I'm the Saboteur.

We're on to you.

I think someone should go look in the big garbage can and lift the trash up and look under.

Let's do it.

Do we look in the trash cans?

We need to find it, dude.

We need to find it.

And no…

Oh my God!

I found it!

I found it!

Wait, I gotta go out there.

Something's going on.

No way!

Are you serious?

Where's my boots?

There's two bags.

There's two bags.

What's happening?

My boots!


My boots!

My boots!

I found it!

I found it!

I found it!

My covers!

Here's later.

Help me!

Yeah, what's up now?

What's up now?

We got them.

Oh my…

Oh, say now?

You guys do it!

Do it!


I am going to the FBI straight after this!

It wasn't me, dude.

What a horror story.

Oh my God!

Weren't they finding it?

Under the trash like Cody said out there, remember?


I love how everyone thinks it was me, dude.

Well, of course we didn't get to you, Rose.

It wasn't though.

Oh, come on.

It really wasn't.

Zach, just stop.

You're so good, dude.

Zach is my best friend and I really do love this kid,

but he has caused so much trouble in this house.

I mean, he put up an alliance member,

he tried to get me evicted.

I mean, he's really been terrible for my game.

I mean, sure, it would be easy to put up Victoria.

It would be harmless.

I would get no blood on my hands,

but I don't know that I can trust Zach anymore in this game.

This is one of the hardest decisions that I've had to make

and I'm completely torn up about it.

Hey, guys.

It's time for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Cody, Caleb, you both have been nominated for eviction,

but I have the power to veto one of those nominations.

I love you both so much.

With that being said,

I have decided to use the power of veto on Caleb.

It is now my responsibility to name a new house guest as a replacement nominee.

I'm going to take a page for my best friend Zach Attack,

but I'm going to do it better because you was kind of wack.

I love you so much and it'd be fun for you to stay,

but if I don't put you up, I'm going to look cray cray.

So, Zach, my friend, please go and have a seat.

It's time for you and Julie Chen to finally meet.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

You know, now that Zach is the replacement nominee,

I'm fully expecting another Zach Attack,

and most likely he's going to try and throw every single one of us

under the bus to each other,

and I know there's going to be some fireworks coming from Zach.

Frankie uses it on his man, Crush Caleb.

Really not surprised.

I've gotten assurances that I'm 100% safe this week,

but this is big brother.

You're never 100% safe until you hear that the person that you're sitting next to

is going to be waiting and hoping that no one's lying to me.

I feel betrayed by Frankie straight up.

I've been with this guy since day one.

As friends, as an alliance member, I've had his back,

and this is how he treats me.

It's the worst feeling in the world.

Who will be evicted from the big brother house?

Zach or Cody?

Plus, the most twisted summer ever continues

as the jurors battle it out,

and one will return to the big brother game.

It all happens live Thursday at 9, 8 central on big brother.


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