16x24 - Episode 24

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x24 - Episode 24

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother.

The detonators had Donnie in their sights.

I just really am very, like, into sending Donnie home.

That's logical.

After Zack spilled the beans to Victoria about the secret alliance…

Four weeks ago, you meet another alliance.

Me, Derek, Cody, Christine, and Frankie.

He panicked about his betrayal and tried to cover his tracks.

I told her to pull up and pull a lot of stuff.

She told Victoria.

But Derek's interrogation revealed the truth.

I just want to know what's going on because I…

I lied to you and told you that she said it, just in case if she told you that you would think it would come from her and not come from me.

And an innocent bystander became the new target.

Zack told Nicole that me, you and him are working together.

It's a huge problem.

So the guys convinced Christine to backstab her friend.

I'm going to take this knife out of my back and I'm going to return it to its owner knowing that it can't be used again.

So I'm sorry, Nicole.

I'm going to have to ask you to take a seat.

At the live eviction, October 5th finally met her match.

By a vote of six to zero, Nicole, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

At a zombie infested head of household, Derek and Frankie had the brains.

The two of you are the new heads of household.

Tonight, Derek and Frankie each nominate two people for eviction.

And the detonators are forced to resort to drastic measures.

All right, then.

I'm volunteering.

Plus, it's a battle for survival in the final battle of the block of the summer.

All this right now on Big Brother.

The correct answer is A, three times.

Congratulations to Derek and Frankie.

The two of you are the new heads of household.

I am so excited.

I want HOH this week.

I can't even express it.

But at the same time, there are only eight people left in the house, six people in my alliance,

which means alliance members will go up and some feathers will definitely be ruffled.

That went on on the first question.

The b*mb squad is in control once again.

And after looking at the numbers in this house, it's not too hard to figure out who our targets are.

And Donny is number one.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

Donny and Victoria are the easy targets this week.

That's what the alliance wants.

I'm going to play ball with them and make it seem like it's what I want as well.

With that being said, I don't want either of them to go home.

So even though it looks like I'm playing ball, I have other thoughts in mind.


Oh, my God.


Those were hard, guys.

I completely showed my loyalty to the detonators this week by getting Nicole home.

She was my best friend and they knew that.

I'm hoping that they return the favor this week because I got her out for those boys.

Those were hard.



Not being HOH this week, I feel disappointed and sad for the fact that I will probably go on the block again for the fifth time.

I am definitely outnumbered, but I am not out yet.

Got to figure out all the logistics of what we want to do later because it's going to be not tough, but there's going to be a lot of detail to it.


It's how we put people up one side.


What do you want to put Zag and Don?

We can't just tell Zag, like, you're going up.

I still don't want to volunteer for it.

He's already a little bit nervous about it.

We have to put someone up there that will throw the cops out.

Me personally, I would like to be on the block for once.

Would you be comfortable with going up with him?

Not with Donny.

I am the founder of the b*mb squad.

And the fact that I have nominated myself three times so other people didn't have to in the alliance, it kind of pisses me off.

It makes me think of my trust for people.

As an alliance, we tried to throw the bat of the block last week and everyone saw how miserable that one went.

So right now this whole throwing of competitions isn't really my cup of tea and I'm not really liking how it's working.

I volunteered for the block what?

Three times now.

That's what I'm saying.

I want to have everyone in the room, including Christine, because Christine can be in the conversation too.

She's eligible and she can throw it.


So everyone talk with Frankie and figure it out so when everyone leaves the room, we're all happy.

We know exactly what's supposed to go down.

Dude, you're sitting so pretty.

Victoria's hitting up my ass.

What I might do is be like, listen, you're safe this week.

Go to bed.

I'm not putting you on the block.


I'm like, I talked to Frank.

We're not in need of one of us to put you up and giving you a week off.



Victoria has been on the block a million times.

It's very stressful to be on the block.

I now know that.

So I'm really happy that she's safe for the week.

Or for now.

Come on in.

Just so you know, we're safe and everybody, we've already talked about it.

You're not going on the block.

You've been on enough.

At all?




You already agreed to it.


I'm going to hire him for real?

Yeah, that's for real.



Mom, they didn't get brought up.

I just told them right out.

I'm like, I'm not putting Victoria up.

So if you're not, I was like, the girl goes on the block every week.

She's not my target.

I don't want there to be like people coming up to me recommending for her to go up because I'm not putting her up.

And he's like, no, I'm not going to put her up either.

I trust Derek.

And if he's telling me I'm 100 percent safe, then I am 100 percent safe.

And one more week for me in the Big Brother house.

Just trust me.

I got you.

You should be happy.

You're doing it.

I'm extremely happy.

I love you.

All right.

I love you too.

Just do it with me.


Great week.

Great week.

I just washed my hands.


Because we know Donnie's got to go up.

I trust you more than anybody in here, not because of the game, but because of the bond with our grandfathers.

I don't think you would ever go against that because that thing to me means a lot.


I'm not going to do you wrong.

I would hope you wouldn't do the same.

I would never.

I trust you.

My life.

You don't have to worry about me.

I'm not going to back door you.

It's not even in my vocabulary.


I will stay HOH.


That's what I was thinking.


The only person that I can say I trust 100% is Derek.

So I'm okay with being taken down this week and then being allowed to play HOH again next week.

For our game, who do we want next to Donnie?

You know, Zach is wonderful, but he's very volatile.

All right.

Caleb has been up three times.


Cody has been up zero.

Cody has never been on the block and that makes him a big target.

But I have a final two deal with him and I have to try to circumvent my way around that one because that's the last thing that I want.

Long-term game, it's not good for Frankie and Derek to go up to Cody and be like, you need to go up.

Because he's gonna be like, you guys are conspiring against me.

Ultimately, if we're in a group and you voice your opinion because somebody else already voiced it, that's okay.


That's why I think it's good that we're on a room so there's no shenanigans.

I mean, it might get a little hinky for a little while, but we're at the final set eight right now.

That's gonna happen.

We know Donnie's gonna go on the block and we want to keep Victoria off.

That being said, we want to get as little blood on our hands as possible.

So it's important to get with all of the members and discuss who's gonna bite the b*llet this week.

It's gonna be a fun week.

It will.

Who wants a 3-0 HOH win?

Hey, wait for me.


I'm ready, buddy.

I love this picture so much.

She's beautiful.

This is the first time in my four HOH wins where I can actually not be nervous that my sisters Ariana Grande, that I am who I am, that I have the most incredible family on the planet.

Oh, it's awesome.

She's a smoke b*mb.

Frankie's sister is a frickin' smoke b*mb.

Goodbye, Zanky.

Hello, Zariana.


Beautiful, beautiful.

When Caleb calls my sister beautiful, I'm like,

Oh God, no.

No, please.

He's gonna be obsessed with her.

That's my brother.

We were real young there.

God, his brother looks just like him.

Did she look like me?

No, it's heavy.

Oh my God!

She's gorgeous!

I told you.

Not being there right now for the small milestones in Tenli's life is very difficult, but seeing my daughter recharges me and prepares me for the second half of this game.


Hey, babe, if you're reading this letter, this means you're HOH again.

Woo hoo!

Thank you.

And of course, I am so proud of you.

Tenli is growing and changing by the day.

Right now, her most popular word is no.

So, as you can imagine, that's been a lot of fun.

I want you to stay focused and know that Tenli and I love you more than anything, babe.

See you soon, XO, Jaden, Tenli.

Good letter!

Good letter.


That was a real good one.


Frankie, we are so, so, so ridiculously proud of you.


We all cried hysterically when you won that BOB competition all on your own.

I was literally on the floor.

I just wanted to hug you so badly.

I'm writing you this from my first rehearsal.

Your little sister is opening the VMAs!

I have so much I can't wait to tell you.

Prepare yourself.


Keep going.

We are so proud.

I love you with all my heart.

My name is Yurian.



Is there anybody in there?


Derek and myself are both Team America members.

I wanted to pull him aside and see where his head was at about this nomination.

Because there's not a lot of people to pick from.

There's not many people in the house.

That's going to be the issue.

Most of them are going up.

I mean, all but two.


Obviously, you're not my target and you're not Frankie's target.


Donny is going on the block this week because the detonators want him up there,

but I can't let him know that.

I just want to prepare him for it and let him know that I do have his best interest at heart.

Team America is number one.

So I have to find a way to keep you here without showing that I'm keeping you here.


So we just have to find a way around it where it doesn't look suspicious,

but it gives you an opportunity if you do go up to stay.

Because if you went back to the block to save for the week,

I hate to even say put me up, but you know, like if I was up with a basement or cannon boy.

Is that who you'd want to go up with if you made your choice?

I mean, I don't know because you never know what kind of competition they are.

I think I can convince them to put Zach up.

He's a little irrational, but he's a good competitor.

You're guaranteed to play with somebody better than her.


That'd be a good idea, keeping her off.

That might be the way.

That might be the way.

Derek tells me that I'm not his or Frankie's targets this week.

I hope not, but you never can be certain in this game.

Que paso?


Let's see what this is.

Team America, it's time to go on your next mission.

America wants you to create a distraction by hiding a favorite piece of clothing from each house guest

then organizing a neighborhood watch program to keep it from happening again.

The neighborhood watch must be active for 24 hours.

The rest is up to you.

Good luck.

God bless America.

That is ridiculous.

This is a fun mission.

As a police officer, it's nice to be a thief for once when I know I'm not really hurting anybody.

Once again, thank you, America.

I'm ecstatic about this one.

I think it's going to be a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to getting started.

Let's get it going.

Essentially, our mission this week is to steal a personal item of clothing from each of the house guests,

one of their favorite items, and hide it from them, including ourselves, so that it's not suspicious.

Then we have to organize a neighborhood watch program, and we have to be on patrol for 24 hours straight.

And then we have to start a neighborhood watch for 24 hours straight.

That would be down in Facebook, California to try to catch them.

Oh my God.

We have to talk about what item we're going to take from each person and why.

There's stains.


Cody, he always wears that rucker sweater.

Well, the bunny slippers is definitely a kiddos.

Zach would be his gator shirt.

Oh, yeah.

That's hysterical.

Dude, we were looking for something fun.

No, no, this is great.

I'm really excited about this mission.

I mean, it's definitely going to be tough, but it will also be very fun to get the house a little stirred up.

I'm going to be a little bit of a saboteur this week.

There's no way we don't get this done.

Thanks, buddy.


Focus for me.

That's okay, though.


So there's only eight people left in the house, and there's six people working together.

So we got to figure out who's going on the block this week.

So I think the best way to do this, obviously we have two targets in the house,

Tani and Victoria.

Say Tani were to win the veto, then he could use it on Victoria, and then we're at…

So the only way to guarantee that one of them goes home is to keep one of them off the block.

They lose against two of our alliance members.

That's the plan.

What's your opinion on the whole situation?

In my opinion, not only do I not feel comfortable, but it's too late in the game.

To throw a competition, I understand that I will be guaranteed safety, but I just can't do that.

I've done it.

Just last week, I've done it.

We knew we were going to get to this point at one point, right?



I don't want to go on the block.

You don't want to go on the block.


Going up and tossing a competition isn't easy to do, especially in the ninth week of the game.

Well, we need to figure it out.

We're six people strong, and we just have to make moves.

And whoever decides that they're going to volunteer this week, then they don't next week.

That's the way the game has got to be put.

There's no other option unless you literally just want to fight it out on the block,

which I think is ridiculous.

There's no feasible scenario where not everyone in this room is safe.

It'd be a great plan if one of us were willing to throw it.


So this strategy meeting feels like an exercise in silence.

No one is speaking.

Of course, I will do all the talking if I need to, but that's not the point.

I'm looking for people to step up to the plate.

Come on, people.

We all knew at one point it was going to come.

It was going to, it's going to come to this.

If the only option is whoever's up with Donny throws it, let's play rock, paper, scissors, sh**t,

and let's figure out if it's going to come to this, right?

Yeah, but that's the thing.

I mean, we could do rocks, paper, scissors, but that person doesn't have to throw it.

Then I'm going home next week.

Not necessarily, because you can win HOH next week and then it's just flip-butts.

Exactly, because there's variables in every single situation.


I have myself chosen to go on the block so none of you guys would have to three times now.

It was to get Frankie out.

Yes, because Nicole told him something that was not true.

There was a bunch of stuff.

There was a bunch of stuff.

The whole Amber thing, I was told that he lied about Amber.

Not only that, he threw me under the bus.

Why would I not?

At one point in time, everyone in this house was trying to vote you out.

At one point in time, you were running about and throwing us all under the bus.

You've done it more than once.

You're still here.


Because of us.

Without us, you'd be gone.

You'd be hanging out with your brother right now.

But I do not want you out now.

And if I look at you in your face and tell you I don't want you out,

you're going to get my vote to stay.

All right, then I'm volunteering.


But you don't have to do that.

Because you guys have been just attacking me the whole time.

No, but we're not even up.

It's me, me, me, me.

You're missing it.

I'll volunteer.

And I'll trust that you guys keep me.

No, I don't want you to volunteer.

How do we want to go about deciding who goes out?

Nominations, drawing straws, picking skittles out of the box.

Do the support of the skittles.

Is everyone good with that?

Just literally just pour a bunch of skittles in there.


A bunch?

Why not just one of each color?

Yeah, that's what I'm going to do.

Yeah, we're each a color.

And the person that comes out is the person that has to go with Donny.

Are you kidding me?

We are only a few weeks away from a half a million dollars

and we're now picking nominations based on candy drawn out of a hat.

Okay, those are four colors, man.

Is that really what this game has come down to?

That nominations are decided by the color of the rainbow.

What color do you want?

Oh, red.


Orange, red.



Purple, I guess.

Okay, let's check it out.

First thing's drawn.

It goes up next to Donny.

Two additional names drawn.

They go up on a team together, they win it.


Alright, Christine.

Of course the purple candy, which is my piece of candy, gets drawn first.

That means I'm sitting next to Donny on the block and I have to throw the competition,

which isn't something I'm 100% confident in doing.

Next two are going to go up on the other side.

You have to go on the block.

You've got to win it.

Next two, they get drawn.

Next two get drawn, they're going on the block.


Call zone.

My candy gets picked and I am sweating b*ll*ts.

I don't feel good about Christine being on the block throwing a competition with me on the other side

because if she doesn't do it the right way,

I'm going to be the one staying on the block with Donny, our number one target,

safe for the entire week.



Go figure.

Zach's name doesn't get picked out of everybody in that freaking room that I wanted to go up,

you know, and it's more so just to see where he lies.

I trust Zach just as far as I can throw him.

So quite frankly, a human body, I don't know, maybe three or four feet.

It's a little grope.

I don't know why we just didn't do that 30 minutes ago.

I couldn't be more stoked that I don't have to go on the block,

let alone throw a competition and let my fate rest in the hands of the people that wanted me out of the house two weeks ago.

Everything is wonderful.

Good night, guys.

Good night, Victoria.

I love you.

I'm way too exhausted for life right now.

Yeah, I'm exhausted.

It's 3.


Yeah, we got to go to bed.

Give me a hug.

I love you.

Yeah, me too.

It's crazy how much I love this h*m*.

It's crazy.

I mean, Zach, if you want it, just come and get it.

I mean, just come out, come out, wherever you are.

I'm waiting.

Does it make me gay if I'm in love with a h*m*?

You know, I don't think that makes you gay.

I think the other things associated with it will, and I'm happy to explore those options.

Frankie, you're the gay guy of the group.


What are we doing wrong?

All the guys are over here, all the girls are over at Xcoding.

I'm probably evicting them one by one.

That's my take on it.

My last girlfriend I remember, she's like a crazy good kid.

That's good for you.

I showed her some of my moves.

Christine is always playing with his hair.

That's a little weird.

If I'm going to play with a wild hair, it's going to be my wife, right?

Yeah, it doesn't make sense.

It doesn't make any sense.

They're always touching each other.

Christine, do you have a staring problem or something?

You're such a model.

To me, you know that.

You're mean.


Cody and Christine's relationship is very interesting.

We all know Christine is married and Cody will flirt with anything that has a pulse.

So it is a little strange that they are constantly flirting with each other.

It is slightly bizarre.

No, not going to lie.

There he is.

How do you feel?

Good, I guess.

I feel good this week is just going to be really hard.

You're a new seeker.

I've never in my life seen married women play with young boys' hair and touch and hold hands.

You know, I ain't saying nothing.

I'm just saying it's a little surprising to me.

Drew, this knot right here?

Is that a knot?

You don't even cheer for me anymore.

You're more of like the…

It's so hot over here.

Hold on, I got your back.

You straight up look like a cool alabair.

You're the mama cool alabair.

Mama baby.

I love Cody as a person.

He is awesome.

But if I have to get a little flirtatious in order to go further, that's what I have to do.

My husband, I love you so much.

I'm not doing anything stupid.

I'm literally just trying to win us $500,000.

It doesn't make sense.

It doesn't make any sense.

Unless he said it was all right for a strategic…

Yeah, maybe.

That's possible.

I wouldn't put it past that at all.

Not only that, but it's not her strategy to play with Cody's hair.

She just wants to be touching Cody at all times.

Zach knows that I don't like him.

I think he knows that by now.

Yeah, I think that's pretty evident.

Quite frankly, I'd love it for him to go home before Victoria, to be honest with you.

Neither of us are going to disagree with you.

I'll tell you why, because if he wins the XOH next week, I guarantee it, he's going to pick a bigger target than Victoria to put up.

Of course, but she can go home anytime.

I'm okay with Zach going home before Christine.

Yeah, I'm fine with that too.

I hate what he's done to all of our…

No, listen, we need numbers for why we need them.

We don't need them anymore.

For my personal game, I don't want to see Donny leave, and I don't want to see Victoria leave.

But when I hear Zach, hey, that might not be too bad for my game.

Donny wins the POV.

I say we send Zach back.

Let's hope it doesn't happen, but if it does, he's available to be back door down.

That's what I'm saying.

I'm cool that I'm going up, because I know 100% I'm safe for the week.

Simple as that.


Every week, we've kind of stepped up.


And don't we had to do it.

There's one person that has not at all.

And he talks like we all have your back when you literally…

All of us.

Good morning, good morning, good morning.

All right, well, you start.

You start?


I like her better.

Well, Victoria's a target this week.

That's everyone's general consensus.

If Victoria's the target, all she has to do is stay off the block this week.

And she's susceptible to go home.

She can't win the battle of the block, correct?

I essentially said, okay, how do we make affairs?

Draw them out of a hat.

We had Skittles.

And we pulled Skittles out of this hat right here.

You got pulled with Christine.

Caleb and Cody got pulled.

And it was all by chance.

We literally did it in front of everyone in the house except you, because you were sleeping.

But they all agree that Victoria's got to go home this week.

But we'll definitely get smoked in a battle of the block.

Not necessarily.

No, I don't definitely agree with that.

When I hear people say we are they, I assume they're working together.

Frankie and Derek, when they talk to you, they usually say, well, we've done this, or…

Well, they said, so it leads me to believe they're together.

So, like, Zack and Victoria stayed off the block.


I mean, you're not our target.

Our target?

Oh, not my target.

Definitely not Derek's target.

So hope that you win.

I mean, like, you know what?

I do.


All right.

Win the battle of the block, please.

Well, I will try.

I have tried every time.

That sounds…

All right, let's do this.

Sounds as good as it can be.

Let's do this.

I appreciate it.

Having my fate decided by color-coded candy lets me know that I am expendable to the

other members of Team America.

Goodbye, you women.

Goodbye, you women.

My two nominees this week were chosen by candy in a hat.

Literally, it was drawn, and that is the strategy behind my nominations this week.

This is the nomination ceremony.

It is our responsibility as heads of household to each nominate two House guests for eviction.

Based on a random draw, I will reveal my nominations first.

The first House guest I have nominated is…

The next House guest I have nominated is…

I have nominated you, Donny, and you, Christine, for eviction.

I think we can all agree that this battle of the block twist this year has been tough on all of us.

With that being said, you two now have the opportunity to go out there, win, and guarantee your safety for another week.

The first House guest that I have nominated is…

Good job.

The next House guest that I have nominated is…

I have nominated you, Caleb, and you, Cody.

All summer, both of you have been teasing me with your amazing abs, your perky pecs, your sensual smiles, and your bubble buttocks.

And I can take it no longer.

Also, I picture candy out of his hat.

This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

So here I am, nominated again for the fifth time.

I'm up here with Christine.

But I'm not going down without a fight.

Good luck, brother.

I'm glad there's no hard feelings.

I'm on the block, but hey, I expected it.

I'm up with my boy, Cody, and not only that, me and Cody got a few compliments along the way.

Now all Christine has to do is throw the battle of the block.

That way we can kick Donny's old butt out of this house.

Block buddy.

All right, Mr.

Cuddles, let me get in there.

Our alliance has decided that since I'm sitting next to Donny, I have to throw the competition.

And that is terrifying.

I'm literally throwing out a week of safety for my alliance members.

They better think they're lucky stars.

I'll tell you that much.

Maybe it will be a sweeping and pouring coffee.

Maybe it's a drink making challenge.

Maybe it'll be a singing competition.

I've heard him sing.

If it's a passing gas competition, we've lost.

Weird scene to face on the wall.

I'm like, what the?

I'm like, oh.

He talked to Donny.

He wasn't behind it at all, so he does better.

I'm playing on it.


What was he saying?

You guys drew names out of a hat and everybody was there.

I'm like, yes, Donny.

We did.

Even though I'm supposed to be safe this week, I'm still going to fight my heart out

because I want to make sure I win and get myself off the block and keep Donny and Christine there.

It's time for my battle of the block debut, and let's make this one a W.

It's going to have to be hardcore.


Time for the battle of the block.

Get dressed and meet me in the backyard.

Let's go.

Oh, wow.

This is pretty much it.


Oh, it's a pitch block.

Oh, my God.

I'm so happy.

So I walk outside for the battle of the block, and I see the one, the only, the big black box.

Before you is the black box.

In this competition, Frankie's nominees will battle Derek's nominees.

The winning pair will earn safety for the week and dethrone the HOH who nominated them.

Frankie, Derek, this means one of you can go from being HOH to evicted this week.

Like Nicole?

Just like Nicole.

Here's how the game works.

In a moment, both teams will enter the black box simultaneously.

When the horn sounds, you'll race to find bones hidden throughout the box.

Once you find a bone, return it to your scoreboard.

Donnie and Christine, you're going for the starboard.

Cody and Caleb, you're going for the circle board.

Each person may only take one bone at a time to their scoreboard.

The first team to place five bones on their scoreboard, then hit their button, will win the battle of the block.

Be careful, as there are some bones you find that may not fit.

Are you ready to enter the black box?

By luck of the draw with Candy, I am standing here with Donnie, battle of the block.

I'm completely screwed, because if I throw the competition, then I'm still on the block and I'm not safe.

If I don't throw the competition, then I am next week's biggest target.

So this battle of the block is extremely important to my alliance.

We do not want two alliance members sitting on the block this week together at all.

Going into this battle of the block, things may be stacked against me, but I'm not going to give up.

I'm going to go in this black box and pull out a win.

Have fun, guys.

Good luck.

Oh my God, I'm so scared.

Oh my God, it is…

Holy crap.

Oh my God.

Oh my God, I'm scared for my life.

What is this?

The object of this battle of the block is to go in this pitch black box and find all five bones.

The first team to complete their bone board wins and they're safe for the week.

Let's go on your first one in a minute.

It's dark as heck in this room, so Cody and I had this bright idea that we would hold on to each other,

find two bones, take them back to the bone board and see if they fit.

Who is this?



Where's the chain?

Where's the chain?

Where are we at?

Right here.

All right, you got a circle.

There's three circles, so go straight up from the last circle.

Yeah, got it.

Oh, I got my name.

Is this the first one fit?


One of the hardest parts of this competition is that there's a bunch of bone pieces that don't fit into your puzzle board.

So when you find a bone, you have no idea whether it's going to fit into your board because you can't see anything.

So then they're not all fit.

Yeah, so let's move.

Hey, just think, where you at?

Right here.

Have you got one?

No, I can't find one either.

All right, go under the cage.

Go under the cage?


Donnie has no idea what I'm doing, so I can do whatever the hell I want.

Is there something beyond this fence?

Where am I?

My strategy is to take one hand and fill up the wall and the floor with the other hand and do my best to find those bones.

What is this?

What is this?

The bone.

It's a bone.

Turn, turn, turn, turn.


Come on, Z.


Where are they?

I'm going to the other side.

I'm feeling around and I hit a button and an air horn goes off and puffs air at me.

Lord knows what I'm feeling because I can't see a thing in here.

Oh, that's not my guy.

Where is it?

Where you at?

Let me right here.

Okay, hold on.

Where are you finding them?

You got something?

No, I'm just digging in this.

Your feet.


Oh my God, where are you even seeing?

We got to go through this place.

Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick.

Go on in.

Um, I'm stuck.


Where's my bone?


I don't have my bone anymore.

Where did you drop it, Kristine?

Donnie is yelling at me.

It is pitch black in here.

And I'm like, it's not like I'm trying to hand it off to Caleb.

All right, I got one.

You want to split up now or no?

I got one.

All right, check it out.

Check it out and I'll find you.

Even though Caleb and I feel like we have kind of a good thing going right now, he has a bone in his hand and I can't find one.

So he's going to go back and he's going to try to put his piece into the board.

And I'm going to stick on my own and now we're going to split up.

I'm doing everything I can to fit this dadgurn bone in the freaking hole.

Backers, forthwards.

Can someone please throw a piece mode of bone and preferably a good bone?

I'm coming back.

There you go.

Come on.

I'm going to wait here.

You found my boy.

Come straight.

Come straight.

Right here.

Let's go.

Look at that.

Here it is.

Got it.

How many?

How many?

Cody slams the third bone and it fits.

We only got two bones left.

The game will be over.

Money, baby.

As I put the fourth bone up, I realized that I found all four of these bones.

And then I realized that Christine's not helping me a bit.

She's basically throwing it.

So I know I only have one more bone, so I've got to hurry and find it.

Please stop.

Oh, no, no.

Oh, yeah.

Here, right here.

Oh, is that Christine?

Come on, come on.

It's too slow.

Go, go, go, go, go, go.

What the heck is this?

Oh, no, I'm not pressing that.


Donnie, where's your final of those bones?

Oh, my.

We won!

Oh, my God.

Congratulations, Christine and Donnie.

You have won the Battle of the Bloc and are now safe this week.

That was anti-five minutes.

Literally, I couldn't find anything in there.

Crazy, dude.

Good job, guys.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

I feel amazing that I'm safe for the week.

I know it's impolite to brag, but I feel I won the Battle of the Bloc by myself.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

I am so happy that I'm safe for the week.

Amazing, Donnie.


But at the same time, that means that my alliance's target is also safe for the week, which makes

things a little complicated going into this veto.

One of my alliance members has got to win this thing.

Unfortunately, Derek, you are no longer the HOH, and you now must enter the Black Box.

Oh, no!

I trust Frankie enough that he wouldn't put me on the Bloc, but this is not the way we

planned it.

I have a Hitman member on the Bloc, and I also have Caleb on the Bloc, who's been nothing

but loyal to me up to this point.

Oh, God.

They're going to murk you.

Oh, goggles.

You don't get them.

Get in there.

This is a complete disaster.

For the second week in a row, a planned throw of a competition doesn't work.

And now I'm sitting on the Bloc with the potential of going home this week.

With Donnie safe and the detonators in trouble, the power of veto is more important than ever.

Plus, the Zingbot returns and gets some help from Kathy Griffin.

All this Wednesday at 8, 7 Central on Big Brother.

Thank you.

Thank you.
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