16x22 - Episode 22

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x22 - Episode 22

Post by bunniefuu »

I did the exact same thing, popped a bubble in my head.

Causing Frankie to become paranoid.

Caleb started to doubt me.

Doubt in his house spreads like wildfire.

And all I can think is, I have to win this next HOH.

When Nicole and Christine became the new heads of household.

The girls are bringing it home.

Frankie's paranoia got the best of him.

So he turned on the detonators.

If you put two of the four up, Caleb, Zach, Cody, Darrin,

each of you, regardless, we have the numbers.

But when Zach unloaded his secrets to Nicole,

He made the detonators like two weeks ago.

Two weeks ago.

She decided to throw Frankie to the wolves.

Frankie already came in here.

Don't be lying.

I need to put him on the house.


Is that a cue?

After it spread to the rest of the guys.

The question is, what do we do about it, boys?

If one of us had the balls, you'd say,

put me up on the block next to Frankie.

They came up with a plan to get him out of the house.

I hope it's a challenge.

I decided to put myself up as a pawn against Frankie.

I wanted to be the guy that kicked him out of this house.

So put me up next to him.

At the nomination ceremony, Christine chose her targets.

I have nominated you, Donny, and you, Zach for eviction.

While Nicole set the house's plan into motion.

I have nominated you, Caleb, and you, Frankie.

At an NFL-themed battle of the block,

Caleb gave Frankie the bad news.

I'm not playing this game with you.

So Frankie was forced to compete solo.

Apparently, I am public enemy number one.

But when Zach and Donny couldn't get in sync…

Googoo googoo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo goo.

We're not in sync right now.

Frankie overcame the odds.


Congratulations, Caleb and Frankie.

You have won the battle of the block.

Tonight, with the house in turmoil,

the veto is more important than ever.

Plus, what will the house guests think

when Frankie reveals all?

I need to tell this entire house my big secret.

Who I'm related to, Ariana Grande.

And here come the fireworks.

This is Big Brother.

I know, and I'm calling you a liar.

I know!


Why were you crying to me?

I wasn't!

He betrayed me.

Of course!

Okay, what do you want me to do about it?

All this right now on Big Brother.


Well, guess what?

I'm a safe liar.

Let's go!

Thank you!


Oh my god.

Wow, wow.

So I won the battle of the block.

By myself.

But clearly, everybody in this house hates me enough

to get somebody to throw a competition to get me out.


Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

I really don't have much choice.

I kind of have to play my ace card,

which is the truth,

to get everybody back on Team Frankie.

This is the worst possible scenario

coming out of battle of the block.

Why I'm no longer HOH, I'm dethroned.

I can only hope that Christine honors our deal

from yesterday and doesn't back door me.

Can we agree to not hate each other?

Yes, yes.

I know, but that's all that I can think about.

We were close, Zay.

It doesn't matter if you're close.

I really wanted to send Frankie home this week,

but he won the battle of the block

now I could be going home this week.

You know, Frankie was my best friend in this house.

I feel absolutely betrayed.

I'm hurt.

I'm heartbroken.

I'm extremely pissed off.


Stop staring at me.

Zach, if you're gonna be like this,

then go somewhere else.

I'm right here.

In my living room.

What have you heard?

You've been talking about me this entire time.

That's not true, I've had your back.

No, you haven't.

Unlike you.

Yeah, unlike me.

Are you serious?

Come on.


It sucks.

It does suck.

It sucks when you lose.

You lie to everyone, dude.

You go behind all of our backs.

Oh my God, it's Big Brother.

I'm just saying, I'm calling you out for it.

Fine, I'm gonna admit to it.

If you shut up, this is Big Brother.

I know, and I'm calling you a liar.

I know.

Okay, I'm glad that everyone knows that now.

I'm sorry.


Are we done now?

It's Big Brother.

Everyone's a liar.

Fine, sure, I'm the king liar.

But the s*** that I'm hearing is not true.

Dude, you're lying right now.

You're lying right now, bro.

I think we're suiting up for a long night, Donnie.

I think this is happening, honestly.

I've had your back this whole time, bro.

You knew that.

I knew it back before.

No, you haven't though.

You're still here because of me.

You're not the reason why I'm here.

I am.

There is girls in the house

that are in power that say you said

you gotta put Caleb, Zach, Derek, and Cody up.

Is that true, Frankie?

Is that true, Frank?


Okay, it's f***ed.

That's all I need to hear.

I understand that that is not exactly the best thing

that could possibly have been said by me.

You think?

It's literally pathetic.

I'm done with you.

Like, it's over.

Did you not?

Well, I, I, yes.

You're a huge manipulator, and you turn your back

on the four people that had your back.

I've given you literally my Big Brother life on f***ing platter.

I have.

You know that.

You guys are all grown-ass men.

Hash it out, but hash it out behind closed doors

with all of you, but just so that everyone else

who wasn't involved with it doesn't hear it.

That would be lovely.

You know what I mean?

Do we want to go in this room by ourselves?

In the fire room?

I mean, I don't think that would be nice.

Yeah, let's go.

I mean, it's a good idea.

You know, clearly this isn't going well.

It's not how I imagined my big coming out moment

to be on this show.

So I need to try and calm everyone down,

get centered so that they will hear and listen to me

and understand why I did what I did

and hopefully forgive me.

So I've been lying to you the entire game

since I walked into this house.

I'm not who I said I was.

I was on Broadway many years ago.

I no longer am.

I'm a YouTuber and a TV personality

and a social media mogul.

I walked into this house with 1.

Oh, my God.

My sister is a mega, mega pop star.

Shut up.

This is a lie.

What is my last name?

Grandy Marcioni.



Graty's your sister.

She's my sister.



Did you guys buy that?

I absolutely buy it.


Is that Ari?

Ari, yeah.



I thought Ari was a dude.

No, Ariana.

I'm playing this game really paranoid

and I started to lose it.

I started to lose it.

So why the sudden change of heart?

Like, why are you telling the songs right now?

I'm apologizing.

This is an apology.

I'm hoping that if I tell them the 100% honest truth,

it will distract them and will buy me enough time

to reform some relationships

and figure out how I'm going to get to the end of this game.

There's a lot of lies going around.

So we can go figure that out.

Go figure.

You're a freaking pop star's brother.

Man, if we were out of this house,

I would have kicked you straight in your teeth.


If we were outside of this room.

Why would you be…


Because honestly, most of us are who we say we are.

We all are who we say we are.

Honestly, I care about gaming, gaming, gaming.

I don't get what the hell you do on the outside of the house.

Frankie exposing his background to the house.

I think he's basically throwing a line

and hoping somebody grabs on.

I know you're convincing you're just as a millionaire,

whatever it is, but you're not going to ruin it

because I'm just saying, we're not millionaires.

So just if you're going to tell the truth…

I'm not a millionaire.

I am playing this game for a charity

that I represent.

It's called Build On, and I'm using the money that I get

from this show to build schools in Africa.

Are you even gay?

I'm very gay.

All right.

Dude, honestly, I think I'm going to say it first.

Frankie, you've built a house of lies.

You betrayed me.

You hurt me.

I don't even know what to think anymore.

Who are you?

Who do you want to work with?

In this house.

You voice.

I understand what I did.

This is the end of me that I will walk out to my life through

and I will enjoy it, but I love you all.

Come on, Nicole.

I'm so excited.

I'm so excited.

So now that I told the guys, the hard part is over,

I really just want to go and have a good, fun time

telling the girls because I think they're going to think

this is super exciting.

And also, I haven't done anything wrong, Andy,

so I'm not really apologizing.

Okay, so I have been lying to all of you the entire game.

I am not who I said I was.

My name is Frankie J.


No, you're so full of it.

What's my sister's name?



And your sister?


My sister's Ariana Grande.

So I have been…

Holy crap!

I've been lying the whole game and it's really been bothering me.

Wait, so you're just, you're freaking famous.

I know.


Oh my god!

I'm going to k*ll you!

Oh my god!

Frankie thinks he's going to win over the whole house

because his sister's a pop star.

He is boasting and Frankie is going to get a lot of backlash.

There you go.

It's out there.

After what I had to just do out there,

there is nothing left for me to hold a secret.

What does this mean for my game?

I mean, Frankie, you're using your sister's fame

as an escape goat in this game and I don't think it's working.

I'm not going to k*ll you.

So he tricked me.

He tricked me once.

He's going to trick me again.

That's what I'm saying.

That's why I don't…

I don't know.

But it is extremely relevant

that he's donating all his money to charity.

Is it upset you or make him happy?

Obviously it's a strategy if he's telling us

because he didn't have to tell us that.


So although I do think this is a great move,

I do think it's 100% strategy.

Frankie's extremely intelligent.

He realizes that his back is against the wall

and he needs something else to spin this house around.

He kind of diverts all the attention from the fact

that he's told a bunch of lies these last couple of weeks.

Obviously all of us wanted the money for ourselves and for our family.

He's using that against all of us.

It literally hit me for like a millisecond.

He's playing for a charity.

The more you talk about it, it's the more that it's going

to have pull for people.

I don't think anybody really cares about it.

I have no chance.

I have no chance.

This kid's playing for children in Africa.

Why wouldn't he win?

That wasn't right.

This guy already won fan favorite.

He's donating the money to kids in Africa.

Why the f*** is he not going to win?

Give him the money.

I'm wasting my time right now.


What up?

Are we supposed to treat him different now?


You're playing a game just like he is.

He ain't going to take you to meet her after this.

He might never even talk to you again, regardless of what he says.

I've been cultivating a relationship with Victoria for quite a while.

It's obvious that Victoria's alone in this house

and it looked like she could use a friend

and I could always use an extra vote.

And believe me, I've had to sit through a lot of tears.

Hey, is there anything I can do for you?


You sure?

I'm so stressful.

I can't take it.

I'm so thirsty.

I just look so foolish.

Well, you can't declare that.

If you think they're that, they're going to win.

It just sucks because it's my sister's birthday.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If you win the money, you can buy a really nice birthday present.

I've definitely been a shoulder to cry on, kind of a big brother.

And in return, she's definitely a vote if I'm on the block.

And in a way, kind of my secret w*apon.

And I've even told Victoria I would go to the end with her.

I also have a final to deal with Cody.

And I intend on being loyal to that.

But if we get to the end and he's not around anymore for whatever reason,

I always have Victoria.

She's definitely not going to win over me.

You're both playing a game.

It's no hard feelings.

It's nothing personal.

Is he still everyone's target?

Yes, and that's what he knew.

So this was his last ditch effort to say,

hey, hopefully I get some suckers in here

who think that I can introduce them to celebrities

and they'll keep me here for longer

because he knew everyone was against him.

Right now, this little situation with Frankie

is just one more little crisis that I have to walk her through.

My daughter's going to love me either way,

but I'm here for one girl and it ain't Ariana Grande.


We'll talk later.

Hey, everybody, it's time to pick players for the veto competition.

Only six people will participate in the veto competition.

The head of household, the two nominees,

and the three other players selected by random draw.

Will the nominees please join me up here?

I don't even care who plays in this competition.

I'm a heartbroken man.

My best friend in the house just betrayed me.

It doesn't even matter.

Whoever gets picked gets picked.

As HOH, I will pick first.



My name's Derek.




Big Brother will inform us when the competition is to begin.

Good luck.

Hello, Houseguess!

It's time for the veto competition.

Get dressed and meet me in the backyard.

If you don't win, one of us got to win.


We win when we keep the same year staying.

Alright, kids.

I'm pissed off right now.

It couldn't be worse, but I just need to stay focused and keep my head in the game.

My bros say that I'm safe.

And Donny's a target, but you can't trust anyone in this game.

The only person who can win is Donny.

Let's go.

I walk out of the backyard and it's like a tropical paradise.

I see a giant tortoise.

I see parrots.

Then I see a penguin.



It's Otev.

The yard looks great.

Blah, blah, blah.

Could you move a little faster?

I don't have all day.

No way!

Give a coffee!

I'm Otev, the pissed off penguin.

I've been sweating my beak off in this scorching heap.

And all I want is an ice cold beverage.

Is that too much to ask?

No, Otev.

Here's how it's gonna work.

In each round, I'll ask for a drink named after an evicted idiot.

I mean, pouskis.

You'll slide down the waterfall and search the island for the drink that I am craving.

Once you think you've found the correct drink, race back up the waterfall, kneel on a rock,

and present me with the drink.

But you'll have to move fast because in each round, there will be one less rock to kneel on

than there are morons.

If you are the last player to bring me the drink I asked for, you will be eliminated,

and you will officially be the dumbest person in a house full of dumb-dumbs.

We'll continue until only one player remains.

Not only will that person earn themselves a drink, they'll also win the Golden Power of Vito!

Round one!

This drink's inspired by a hot, sexy sap.

Who gives a crap?

I hear 2400 goals?

That's my girl, Brittany.

I would really like to win the Power of Vito just so I can keep the nominations the same

and get Donnie packing and kicking his rock.

I've been feeling alone in this house.

I feel like a deer in hunting season.

If I don't win this Vito and save myself, it's not looking that good.

O-Tev is a lot like musical chairs.

There's stumps that we have to kneel on,

and there's always one less stump than there are people.

So you don't want to be the last person up the waterfall because you could be eliminated.

The stakes are huge.

I want Zach out that door this week.

I'm going to be the last person up the waterfall.



Nice face plant!

Christine and I are searching hard as we can, and I cannot let her win.

So finally I find a Brittany cocktail, and I try to get back to that waterfall as fast as lightning.

But I see that everybody has beaten me.

What drink have you brought, O-Tev?

Brittany sour!

Brittany sour!

Brittany sour!

Brittany sour!

Brittany sour!

The correct drink is Brittany sour.

Sorry, Donnie.

You have been eliminated.

I'm very disappointed, but I gave it my best shot.

It's not looking good for me.

This could be the time they take me out.

Round two!

This drink's inspired by the loser first to jury.

Her ugly bow ties sent me into a fury.

It's horrible!

What are you waiting for?

Bring me that drink.

Yeah, buddy.

That doesn't make a scene to us.

You kidding?

My brother watches this show.

The one person who had the ugliest neckwear in the history of Big Brother, Jocasta.

You are evicted from the Big Brother house.

That's insane.

This competition is huge for me.

I've been dethroned as HOH, so I'm not safe.

I feel like I could be back door this week.

Yes, Nicole!

Nice climb!

What drink have you brought, old Ted?

Jocasta Kazi.

Jocasta Kazi.

Jocasta Kazi.

Jocasta Kazi.

Jocasta Kazi.

Sorry, Nicole.

You have been eliminated.

This drink's inspired by a muscular tool.

He won BB Ranger, but left here a fool.

I hear muscular tool.

I thought of myself there for a minute, but I'm not a fool, so I knew exactly who he was talking about.

Oh, Devin.

I start digging in this dirt like a truffle pig.


Devin comes up out of nowhere.

Thank you.

I remember seeing a couple of Devons in the dirt area near the swamp, and it's not there.

Right now, where do I look?

Go up there!

This stinks.

What drink have you brought, old Ted?

Devin and Devin.

Devin and Devin.

Devin and Devin.

Sorry, Christine.

So I'm eliminated, and it stinks.

The last thing on the planet I want to have happen is Zach win this competition.

This drink's inspired by one who's not bright.

When she spelled Kaltaru, I knew I was right.

As soon as I hear that word, I know who it is.

Pow Pow.

I don't know what the heck it means.

Beast Mode Cowboy and Derek.

They're my bros and all.

However, they were trying to get me out of the house last week.

I got to win this veto and flip the script this week.

I look to my right and I see Zach, and he's still looking pretty frantically, so I figure I got to switch it up and go to another spot.

Beast Mode!

Work Zach!

What drink have you brought me?

Paola Colada.

Paola Colada.

Sorry, Derek.

And now it's time for the final round.

Hey, you know you can't be put up this week, so if you want to take your time, go ahead.

Because you know you can't be put up now.

Yeah, right.

Beast Mode Cowboy is done throwing competitions.

You're going to have to win this one on your own.

Good luck, Beast Mode.

Good luck, bud.

This drink's inspired by one whose brains were a-lacking.

Her looks couldn't save her.

Nine votes sent her packing.

Beast Mode Cowboy's little princess that never was, Amber.

With nine votes to evict, Amber, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

I just cannot find my old girl, Amber.

She's tripping me up again.

Go figure.

Get it, Zach.

I know that I saw an Amber here.

I got to find it.

I got to get back.

Got to win this veto.

No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Holy God, this is crazy.

Oh, good job, kid.

Good job, Zach.

Zach, what drink have you brought me?

OTAB, you fruit loop dingus.

I brought you Amber Ita.

The correct drink is, Ambarita.

Congratulations, Zach.

You have won the power of veto.

Take that penguin.

You're a freaking punk.

Congratulations, Zach.

You've won the power of veto.

So here it is, boys and girls.

The Golden Power of Veto.

When Zach Attack needed it, he got it.

I'm married this thing.

I'm gonna make y'all wear it.

Come on, bro.

Okay, hug me.

Zach wins the power of veto.

It's bad news for me.

Now I know my fate is in what OTAB called those morons hands.

And that's not a very safe place to be.

So the worst possible outcome, this just means more blood on my hands.

I don't know what I'm gonna do this week.

Oh my God, that was so fun.

I'm so happy to win.

I've been pissed if I would have lost, but…

Well, because I figured that once you won and you were safe for the week, we could actually have a conversation.

Yeah, we definitely need to have a conversation.

Yeah, you and I.

I love you as a person.

But right now, I hate you as a game player.

Well, what you did to me yesterday was no…

That was after you tried to get me out.

Fine, Rose.

Not for now.

You have three best friends again.

We are best friends.

You know what?

The two characteristics I look for in people is brains and humor.

And you're the smartest audience person I've ever met in my entire life.

I was like, hurt, bro.

I feel like my wife just cheated on me.

I know, I know, I know.

But how do you think I felt?

I can do a little acting myself.

If Frankie wants to hash it out, come back to old Zach Attack.

Everything can be all gravy.

Let's do it, boo-boo.

However, if I get a chance, I'm gonna take him out.

When we spent that week up there in the age-weight room, everything was golden.

It was.

Now we're stuck on the wire.

I hope so.

I really hope so.

What's up?

I'm so happy for you.

I'm so happy.

I'm so happy.

I was so pissed off by Frankie.

But he was just like, listen, like, blah, blah, blah.

Like, we're still good, right?

Like, yeah.

But you were trying to get me out last week, but yeah, we're good.

So you trusted when this came to you?

Him and I were like this.

He got paranoid because he was lying to everyone about his sister.

Did you really think that that's true?

That's right.

You're right.

So I just won the veto.

I'm safe for the week.

Everything's gravy in Zach Attack's world.

However, I can't forget that a couple of my Alliance members were plotting to get me out of the house.

It's time for me to get some other people on Zach Attack's back.

I will tell you everything.

Me and him had a final two deal.

I was in like two alliances with him.

This is between you and me.

And I'll tell you everything.

Because I trust you that you will open your mouth.

The first week, there was a big alliance.


Okay, you're good.

Four weeks ago, we beat another alliance.

Me, Derek, Cody, Christine, Frankie.

You don't know about that.

You have no idea.

We were in an alliance and we still are in an alliance.

I told Nicole everything.

I now told you everything.

There's nothing for me to even tell you.

Like that was my whole game.

I'm trying to take all this information in.

It's registering.

But honestly, I feel extremely betrayed by Derek and my heart is broken right now.

Christine, this is between you and me.

Honestly, just please don't tell Derek or whatever.


What's up?

You just put all the cards on the table.


What did he tell you?


Oh my gosh, I told you.

I don't know what to say or what to do.

I felt like straight up a lie too.

Oh, you don't know about Derek?

Oh, yeah.

I literally want a bunch of everything that he's going to say now.

I'm going to throw it in the trash.

I feel so stupid.

It sucks trusting people and then having them make a fool of you, I know.

After more than a month, it's fifty two days, Nicole.

My hands exploding.

I thought that it was just me and him, so I'm just really freaking confused.

I just feel alone.

I literally feel like I've just been cheated on.

I have.



Because the fire you told me.

About what?

The Alliance.

Oh my gosh, I told you that then.


Everyone knows.

I worked you in planes with him.

No, I told him everything.

About what?

About everything.

About game, about everything.

I'm so hurt.

I don't know what to do with that.

He's been your best friend this whole game.

Best friend in my ass.

Making a five percent alliance.

That's a perfect friend.

He didn't make it.

I understand the theme is about cheating and this and that, but…

Yes he has.

Just because he didn't tell you that, he's just detecting his game.

And if he finds out that I told you, I'm…

And you're…

He's had your back.

He still has your back.

If this comes out, we're the next two people to rule.

I know.

I'm a little bit panicky.

I just was an idiot telling everything to Victoria.

Last thing I want to do is take down my alliance members.

I need to cover my butt right now.

And now it's just getting really…


It's getting really dirty.




Obviously you know Nicole.

The guy told Nicole a bunch of…


I told her about Nicole a lot of stuff.

She told Victoria…

About the detonators that you had involved.

Maybe it's the cop of me, but Zach's not exactly what I would call a credible source.

I got to get to the bottom of this so I can protect my game and my relationship with Victoria.

She was like, I can't hear him.

I was crying like, Derek betrayed me.

You betrayed me?

He's had your back this whole time.

I'm just giving you a heads up.

I'm just like upset with you.

I'm just letting you know.

I just want to give you a heads up.

No, I was talking.

It was in this.

A couple things.

I'll make it real quick because this is not what I came here to do.

Zach goes, I need to talk to you right now.

He says to me, listen, there's something you need to know.

Nicole just pulled Victoria aside and told a bunch of lies about you to Victoria.

And Victoria's upset with you now.

No, that's not true.

I want everyone to know that if you're going to throw somebody under the bus to me about me,

I'm going to confront that person on it.

Zach is blaming me for everything he told you and that's bull crap.

I know.

I know.

Just let me finish.

Just let me finish.

I know, Nicole.

The story is completely untrue.

I'm not working in an alliance with Zach.

Zach is getting called out.

I've been nothing but loyal to you.

I've been like a big brother to you.

This is the ultimate telephone game.

Zach's telling me Nicole said it.

Nicole's telling me Zach said it.

Victoria's telling me Zach said it.

I don't even need to be a cop to know that Zach's lying.

He's a potster.

This is just another example of it.

But in this instance, he's about to be blown up.

When he told me that there is an alliance and Christine is involved,

so I did feel betrayed completely.

Because Zach told you?

I can tell you right now, if I was in something that I didn't want people to know about,

the last person I would tell would be Zach.

How can I turn this negative situation into a positive situation?

Zach, I got to talk to you.

We can do it right now because it's going on up here right now.

Actually, why don't you guys come up too?

There's nothing like putting a group of people in the room, letting them meet face to face,

and find out who's really telling the truth.

All right, well, essentially it's really easy.

Obviously, you know I've been playing this game.

I've been pretty straight up.

You're one of my closer friends in the house.

I trust you.

You told me something.

She can easily go spread that to other people so I can front her on it.

About what I told her two days ago?

No, about the fact that she told Victoria a bunch of, for lack of a better term, damaging stuff about me.

So I just want to know what's going on because I lied to you and told you that she said it,

just in case if she told you that you would think it would come from her and not come from me.

I respect you.

You can tell the truth.

Thank you.

That's it.

I mean, bottom line is, I told her right out.

That's Big Brother.

That's the game.

That's why some of us are just taking it a little too out of control and making it a little bit too much more difficult.

So what I said to Victoria…

I didn't even say anything, Zach.

I did not say anything to anyone.

I got called up in here because you said something to Derek,

and that's how everything started.

Before that, no one knew anything.

She did not come to me.

Why were you crying to me?

I wasn't!

You were crying to me and said, of course, you cheated on me.

He betrayed me.

Of course!

Okay, what do you want me to do about it?

Why would you go and tell Derek that Nicole said lies?

I tried…

When you told me not to say anything, I said, okay, I'm going to keep my mouth shut

and that's why I came to you and I didn't go to him.

and that's why I came to you and I didn't go to him.

But then when you go to him and tell him that and then he confronts her,

of course, he's going to get around.


So, mission accomplished.

Right now, everyone in the house knows Zack's a liar

and Nicole loves me right now because I just made her look good to the house.

Victoria thinks everything's her fault and she betrayed my trust.

It's a win-win-win.

Team America Mission this week requires us to work together to convince someone to go on the block as a pawn

and then vote them out.

With Donnie on the block, that's just too risky.

Unfortunately, you're on the block this week, so for you to go to anyone in this house

and ask them to volunteer to go next to you, it wouldn't make sense.

I'm on the block this week.

Unfortunately, I'm in no position to complete this mission.

Hate to let you down, America, but you threw us a tough one.

It doesn't look like this mission will be able to be completed this week.

I've confirmed with Donnie that we're not able to complete the Team America Mission this week.

Now I just have to go talk to Frankie and I'm sure he's feeling the same way.

Knowing what we know about who's going to help, there's nothing that can be done.

No, nothing.

So, sorry, next week.

So, Zach wins the paravito and he knows he's safe, and now he's just going to run around and run his mouth.

But can it hurt us though?

I'm here for 500k, can it hurt us though?

Zach told Nicole that me, you and him are working together.

It's a huge problem, because if Nicole wins HOH, she puts me and you up against each other

and because she realizes that we're working together, that we're working together.

You do get what I'm saying?

There are only four people that can go up as a replacement nominee this week.

Myself, that ain't happening.

Cody and Victoria, two people I trust.

Then there's Nicole.

She won three HOHs this year.

Sounds like a pick to me.

Christine's putting on Victoria.

That's what I'm saying.

That's what I'm saying.

If Zach told her that we're all working together, Nicole's going to put us up.

I tell you one thing that would fix that is I'll go to Christine right now and I'll say,

hey, I just want you to know, that girl right there made a deal with me that if I threw that competition, she would back door you.

So, I gotta go spend some one-on-one time with Christine, whispering some lies, to make sure that my b*mb squad's safe for the week.

I think Christine needs to put up Nicole.

Getting to Christine right now is the most important part, because she's the one that holds the power and who sits in that chair.

Come in.

What up?

What up?

Right now, my only concern is keeping the b*mb squad together.

I think it's time to remind old Christine who butters her bread in this house.

I've been wondering if I should tell you.

I can't remember who told me, but someone was like,

hey, you guys need to watch out what you're saying to Christine, because it's going straight to Nicole.

No way.

And supposedly Nicole's telling other people in the house that you're saying stuff.

So, that's why I've been…

I have a little more info on that too.


I know.

But supposedly you and Nicole made up and you are working together.

I made her a deal because she was the second nature witch and I went back door.

That was the only thing that was made.

She made a deal that she wouldn't back door me.

She told me, Caleb, if you sell the competition, I'm going to back door Christine.

Okay, so I twisted the truth a little bit, but Christine doesn't need to know all that jazz.

As long as Nicole gets put on the block, hey, my job is done.

The goal is for Frankie to go home, but you were the backup plan.


She's lied straight to you.

She's lied straight to me.

She's lied to all of us.

And now it's done with.

Every single person in the house assumes that you and Nicole are a duo.

Right, right, right.

That's really true.

And if you do not put her up tomorrow, that will just make it that much more believable.

And it's putting a bigger target on your back.

This sucks.

I have no idea who I can trust.

If I don't put Nicole up, then the detonators aren't going to trust me anymore.

And if I do put her up, then I lose my best friend in the house.

And you can't plan the next day, George.



So if you don't do that.

Hey, Fruit Loops, time for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Donnie and I have been nominated for eviction.

However, I have the power to veto one of the nominations.

Donnie, you're a huge bro.

There's no denying that.

However, this bro's got to look out for Namor Aouno.

So I've chose to use the veto on myself.

Christine, since I've just vetoed one of your nominations for eviction, it is your turn to name a houseguest as a replacement nominee.

Things change hourly in the Big Brother house.

So I'm going to take this knife out of my back and I'm going to return it to its owner knowing that it can't be used again.

So I'm sorry, Nicole.

I'm going to have to ask you to take a seat.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

I had to choose a side.

I chose the detonators.

I don't know if it was the right side.

If I'm leaving next week, obviously it wasn't, but I had to choose a side at this point and that's what I did.

I'm still up here on the block, but now I'm sitting up here with sweet little Nicole.

That's a tough one.

I don't know why they would choose to keep me here over someone as nice as her.

Good old Donnie boy might be in trouble this week.

So now that we have Nicole and Donnie on the block, we have to decide which one's going home.

Is it Donnie the king of the veto or Nicole the queen of the HOH?

Christine says something about being stabbed in the back.

I don't know what exactly she means.

Clearly she wants to believe whatever she heard, whether it's true or not.

Oh gosh, I don't like her at all.

I don't even want to be around these people.

Hold me honest.

Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house, Donnie or Nicole?

And the power is up for grabs in a battle for head of household.

Plus, Frankie, Christine and Caleb will be leaving the Big Brother house for the first time this summer for an amazing NFL experience.

It all happens live tomorrow at 9, 8 central on Big Brother.

Thanks for watching!
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