16x11 - Episode 11

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x11 - Episode 11

Post by bunniefuu »

One is obsessed with power, the other obsessed with a girl.

Tonight, one of these obsessions will cost Caleb or Devin $500,000.

Welcome to Big Brother.

Previously on Big Brother.

Heads of household Nicole and Derek had one goal in mind.

My main target to get out this week would absolutely be Devin.

After learning Amber was getting nominated for eviction.

She's like, Amber put me up.

She's like, so I put her up, I get no blood.

And to be honest with you, she's right.

Caleb volunteered to go on the block.

Got my queen on the block, Kings gonna come up and save it.

Simple as that.

So he threw the battle of the block to save her.

He is throwing it, but he's doing a pretty good job of hiding it.

Amber and Donnie, you have won the battle of the block and are now safe for this week.

Caleb thought his chivalry would win him a trip down Lover's Lane.

You could be my day to the finale.


What else do I have to do?


But Amber sent him to the friend zone instead.

If he thinks that since he threw the battle of the block, I'm gonna change my mind,

I'm not going to.

As Cody and Amber became closer.

Pass out?


Caleb became jealous.

I don't know why, but I swear I feel like you and Amber had something going on.

I don't know why.

Dude, come on.

With this kid's ego, he'll come after me just out of spite.

So Cody talked to Derek about possibly sending the cowboy to pastor.

If he can't pull himself on the block and get him wins it,

he'll get the house to get him out.

Caleb's going home.

Costa was too sick to play in the veto competition.

But it was Devin's life that was on the line.

This veto competition means everything to me right now.

It's my lifeline in this game.

In the end, the groundskeeper moved down the competition.

I'm sorry, Devin.

But you have been eliminated.

Congratulations, Donny.

At the veto meeting,

I have decided to use the veto to save you, Jocasta.

The guy who looks like the Rock hit the block.

On behalf of all the house guests, Devin, take a seat.

Tonight, who will be evicted from the Big Brother house?

Devin or Caleb?

And the battle to crown two new heads of household begins.

Plus, Jeff Schroeder visits Donny's family and friends.

This is even more exciting than Big Brother.

It all happens live right now on Big Brother.

Um, broke the door handle.

Good evening.

I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to Big Brother.

For three weeks, the b*mb Squad Alliance dominated this game.

Now, it lies in ruins,

and two of its founding members find themselves on the block

battling each other for survival.

So, who will be the first member of the b*mb Squad's scent packing?

We'll soon find out.

But first, if history has taught us anything,

it's that volunteering to go up on the block can be a very risky move.

Taking Jocasta down was a no-brainer for me.

She's a close friend in this house.

She was sick, couldn't fight for herself.

So, I felt like it was my duty to fight for her.

Praise God.

Real risky move put myself up on the block.

But if Devon goes home, it could be my biggest move in this house yet.

If it goes south and Devon stays,

it could possibly be the dumbest move in Big Brother history.

But at this point, it's all in the house guest's hands.

Yours truly is up on the block.

But I'm a fighter.

Caleb has some areas that I could pick apart.

It may be worth seeing how people feel.

Oh, thank you, Jocasta.

Oh, praise you.

Donny, thank you.

Your word is your bond.

I appreciate you using this on me.


I will return the favor for you in any way that I can.

And hopefully we will be together at the end.

I'm just so happy.


That girl's gonna get so freaky.

The things you do for people when you like them.

I put myself on the block.

I give them only two covers I got.

I think at the end of the day, I'll win a day with her.

I'm gonna have 13 people.

Caleb's kind of like…

I think that…

He's a liability.


He's proven to not really be a competitor.

Like he says he is.


He's proven to be a competitor.

But he'll do anything in the world for Amber and anything.

But that's the thing is that his game is so blurred by her

that he doesn't make proper decisions.


I don't even know what he was thinking.

Like, we're never gonna put him up with her.

With a volunteer.

Why would you volunteer?

He probably wanted her to think that he was gonna throw it

to get points.

That's just a gamble.

Devin is definitely still the target.

But on the other hand, I still feel like…

No one's catching a lot of heat from Caleb.

And it's actually making me feel pretty uncomfortable in this game.

I really think that there's enough people in this house

that I could go and talk to and maybe get Caleb out of the house

before Devin.

When do you think a good time to take a shot at him would be?

Sooner or later?


That's what I was thinking, but…

He'd die for.

The only thing that made me kind of sway from that

was how bad he's been at competitions.

Yeah, but there's gonna be something about holding on

or cutting flips that no one…

No one's gonna beat him.

Caleb is a beast in competitions,

but the Amber thing is another reason.

If she wants someone out, he'll back her.

If she gets put on the block, he'll try to protect her.

If anybody says,

I'm gonna protect someone no matter what,

that's one version right there.

Two votes.

That would have been cool as hell.

That would have been sick, but…

It would have been lucky for him.


Yeah, girl!


Oh, look at you in those legs, you girl!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!



Yo, Shoddy, what's your name is?

What's your name is, girl?

No, seriously, what's your name?


This week's been kind of weird.

This one knocked me out a little bit.

I was in a relationship for such a long time,

I got used to always having somebody.


In the past year and a half, it's been nothing.

Wanna be my friend?

Where are any friends?

I was waiting for them to come back.



So here's Caleb, creeping around.

Every single time I'm with Amber,

this kid just always happens to pop into the room

and just walk by to check up on her.

It's definitely starting to get under my skin.

Dude, like Caleb, I was like laying in my bed.

Amber comes over, sits right next to me.

Caleb comes behind, it's like the kid looks for her

to see if she's around and then he always sees her around me.


I mean, it's kind of pissing me off, to be honest,

because he's acting like a little bitch.

I'm being dead ass, seriously.

If someone was doing that outside of this, I'd be like,

yo, man, no.

He definitely doesn't get it.

It's evident that Caleb is head over heels for Amber

and right now he's thinking about his heart

and his head's not in the game.

This could result in him becoming a big liability

and that could be a problem.

The thing is, who's the target?

People are going to target who they think is best for their,

not good for their game.

I was just telling him, Caleb, walk past Amber and I.

Dude, she's looked at all this stuff, like picked it up,

walked away, he like jet-fied.

He hates you.

But like, for what game?

No, because Amber likes you.

And she doesn't like him, right?

That's why.

So this love triangle going on between Caleb, Amber and Cody

is very dangerous for my game and for Cody's game.

I don't want to lose an alliance member over a stupid love triangle.

I just think that Caleb and Amber is not a good look for us.

Caleb's walking around saying he has the numbers right now.

That's when you make mistakes.

He's in the Devin situation right now

because he thinks he's got everybody like the b*mb squad,

but essentially he has none of the b*mb squad.

And no one likes him.

I'm so happy I have a boy to cuddle with in the baby house.

You guys have no idea.

It wasn't in the plan, but…


I'm sure he's hatin'.

I'm pretty happy I have a girl to cuddle with in the baby house.

You are?

Wasn't in the plan.

Hit me with a kiss, Sugi Lips.


I'm finally starting to make some moves.

Nicole seems like she's warming up to me.

Please, let me get a kiss.

Are you a good kisser?


What if you're really bad and no one told you?

Are you a sloppy kisser?


You're like one of the nicest guys in the world, I think.

Your hair smells so good.

I eat it.



You smell good.


I've had it today.

You guys are making out.

No, I swear to God.

We didn't even kiss.

He didn't tell her we didn't even kiss.

You may not feel like three hours.

Do you mind if I go to sleep?

Go to sleep.

Hey, Tori, are you really going to bed right now?


Wah, wah, wah.

I'm a huge LaBardian.

When's his contract up after this season?

This summer.

Wade will never leave.

He shouldn't.

That would be the dumbest thing in the world.

He runs out of the city right now.

You know, he has full custody of his two sons, his two kids.

What do you have with your…

We never went to court.

We had a parental agreement that we both signed.

My whole goal is when I get out of here, I want to finish my degree so I can provide

for my daughter.

with him more, and I think that he could be an asset to me staying in this game potentially.

And one of the things that scares me is when I went to rehab, dude.

There'd be people in there that were like 50 years old that were still battling with

either drug addiction, alcoholism, and things like that.

They would say, it's great that you're in here young and you're getting this while

you're still able to be shaped and molded.

I'm gaining a newfound respect for Devin right now because, you know, this is a sign that

I saw really early in the game and then it disappeared for a really long time.

I still think he's a good person that just really got caught up in the craziness of this game.

I want to learn to communicate and do things better before I get too old and then I'm stuck in my ways.

Me and Devin just had a long ass combo.

Me and Devin?

Yeah, he's actually…

Dude, he's gone through so…


So, like, I know he's not a bad person.

He's not.

He came into this game and played it really bad.

Really bad game.

Now I'm just saying, I had a dream that Caleb went home.

You know what, dude?

He knows that Amber's into me.

So, like, it's not a good thing.

Not a good thing.

Definitely isn't a good thing.

You know, here's the thing is, didn't you want Caleb up more than Devin?

Because if you cut the head off, then Amber and Devin will scare you.

Do you think Caleb will?

I want to.

I think I will too.

Devin's sitting in those orange chairs on the block.

He's always been my target.

But at this point, Devin's really alone in the house.

Caleb's a beast.

This could be a prime opportunity to get Caleb out while we can.

We don't want to think about it.

Is there another play this week?

There is.

We don't need Caleb at all.

No, we don't.

We're not going to have any chances to freak him out, you know?

And then we just deal with Devin next week.


I mean, I like it.

I like it.

It's a good move.

It's a big move.

You know, he's letting the girl cloud his judgment.

I know.

And he's going to get fit in the ass for it.


Is there another play this week?

What do you mean?

Caleb goes on.

Is that what you're saying?

Yeah, well, what do you think?

Is there a plan to get Caleb out there?

Because if there is, it's smart.

So if we're talking straight up truth,

what makes you think that there's a plan to vote Caleb out?

I'm hearing from a couple different people.

That they're thinking about voting out Caleb?

That, yeah, that there's the move is in this motion.

If Caleb goes home this week, Devin still remains the largest target in the house.

He's always going to be a larger target to me as long as he's in this game.

And that's never a bad thing.

As far as the Devin thing, Caleb might be going home.

That's fine.

If it happens, it happens.

Caleb is so blinded by Amber that he has no idea that people are making moves around him.

And honestly, I think it's going to get him voted right out of this house.

And Caleb has no one to blame but himself.

No, I'm good with it either way.


I just wanted to talk about it.

But I do think we're golden.

No, we're good either way.

I was just Devin, right?

Coming up, Big Brother legend Jeff Schroeder takes a trip down south to meet those who know Donnie best.

Then it's the third live eviction of the summer.

Caleb or Devin, a power player goes home tonight.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Donnie's been suspected by his housemates of being an actor, a professor, and even ex-military.

So Big Brother legend Jeff Schroeder went down south to visit those who know him best.

I'm Jeff.

Good to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

You must be Donnie's brother and sister, right?


Mom and dad.

Mom and dad, okay.

So do you watch him on the show?

No, we go to bed.

How come you guys don't watch Big Brother?

Come on too late.

And really, I just think they've got interest in them kind of shows.

I like cowboy pictures and I like g*n smoke and I like bonanza, which I've seen them all.

How about watching your son go?

He dresses different on there than he does out here.

I never seen him in shorts until I saw him on there.

You don't like him in the shorts?

No, I don't.

Well, you know, we're going to show you guys some clips of your son.


Well, hold on to that couch because you guys seem like you're going to spring right off of it.

No, I'm just playing with you guys.

All right, guys, you ready?


All right, let's roll it.

You don't have hair from here down.

Yeah, that's from Taller Drink of Water Song.

Holler at us whenever, man.

Army boots that rubbed his hair raw.

He's ex-military.

What's your first taste of Big Brother?

Did you like it?

No, I don't.

So what do you guys think about the houseguests thinking Donnie's in the military?

He always wanted to be.

He's got them full.

Remember three weeks ago when I said that Donnie was an actor?

He does have a Harvard shirt.

Why would you have Harvard Medical if you just visited Harvard?

We just get like a Harvard shirt.

So he was a doctor and…

That's what I think of Professor or something.

I just did not think of Professor Liar.

He's not a liar.

He's a genius.

Where does he get these one-liners?

He's got a million of them.

That's how he is.

He's fine.

He's witty.

It just comes to him naturally.

The weirdest Las Vegas show, girl.

You sure are a Taller Drink of Water Song.

There's a sticker on it.

That was a blank.

You just bit the sticker and you're eating it.

That was a good sticker.

You see me get a little emotional.

Yeah, yeah.

This is not because of the defeat.

When I feel emotional like this,

it's because I've got people like y'all that care about me.

I don't think it's sad.

I think that's how he is as a person.

Where does he get that positivity from?

Just the way he was raised.

He's very good feller.

Do you worry for him or do you think he's going to stay strong through it?

He'll be strong.

He'll be strong.

He'll be strong.

The first time I ever rode a bike, I kept falling off.

He watched me do that, so he knows you don't give up.

I told you about my brother, right?

He's a school teacher and he don't have a left arm.

He only has a right arm and it don't look like this.

Oh, and he teaches.

He teaches, drives a car.


I miss my brother.

Me and him go to church every Sunday morning.


How about emotionally not having Donnie around?

It's very tough.

He does things on a daily basis that I always took for granted.

So now I'm going to really make sure that I let him know that I appreciate it.

So this last week, Donnie got called a rat.

Never in my life I've heard that word to him.


We might have caught him a little past, but not a rat.

Why do you think Donnie is part of Team America?

He's just so likeable.

He's so good hearted.

You ever think that he's going to go to his head?

I think after this, knowing him, he's going to be just ready to come home

and get back to his normal routine and job.

Every morning, Donnie will get up.

He'll leave himself a pop-tart.

And at work, he's a groundskeeper.

And since he gets home before I do, he'll still sit and work on a Sudoko.

Sudoko, how have you pronounced it?

I don't know either.

This is even more exciting than Big Brother.

We should vote this guy out.

Let's get rid of him.


He wants you out of here.


Let's go to the living room and talk with the house guests.

Hello, house guests.

How's everyone doing tonight?

So good.

Nicole looking good.


Jocasta, how are you feeling tonight?

Oh, Julie, I'm feeling a lot better.

Death is not knocking at my door anymore.

I'm alive.

You look great.

Thank you.

You look like you're feeling great.


Well, Jocasta, you were unable to play the veto competition this week,

yet Donnie, when he won it, he used the veto to save you.

Praise God!

What did that mean to you?

Oh, that meant so much because I was feeling so down,

and then I was feeling extra down because I couldn't play

and didn't know if I was gonna win or what was gonna happen.

I was like, Donnie, please, thank you, Jesus.

So I had prayed about it.

You know, it was good.

It worked out nicely for you.

Hello, Zach.

Three weeks in, what has surprised you the most

about living with all of these people in such close quarters?

You know what, Julie, I'm not the friendliest person,

and, you know, there's a lot of people on this earth that I really don't like.

These people right here I especially don't like,

and, you know, I'm biting my fingernails every day,

trying to get over the fact that all these people are extremely annoying.

Well, you're doing it with a nice attitude.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.


What's up?

Hard bed, cold shower, slop.

What's the worst part of being a have not?

There is no worst part.

Oh, it's great.

I love it.


Yeah, is Survivor still hiring?

Oh, nice audition.

Well, for the rest of you, I have great news.

This week, there will be no have nots.

However, as you all know, you should always expect the unexpected.

See you soon, house guests.

What the house guests don't know is that the next group of have nots

will be selected based on their activity levels over the course of the next week.

To see how many steps your favorite house guest is racking up,

go to cbs.

com slash bbtracker.

Coming up, Caleb or Devin, who will be the next house guest sent packing.

The live vote begins next.

Stay with them.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

One has been blinded by love, the other blinded by power.

Now, the fate of Caleb and Devin lies in the hands of their housemates.

Let's return to the living room and begin the live vote.

House guests, it's now time for the live voting to begin.

Caleb, Devin, in just moments, your housemates will cast their votes to evict.

But before they do, you each have a final chance to sway their votes with one brief statement.

Caleb, you're first.

I thank him so much.

Mom, the brothers, I love you guys.

See you later.

You know, I think everyone in here knows that we're both beasts in this game.

We're the two toughest competitors in this house.

One thing that I have not been is a backstabber, a liar, a cheater,

someone to throw you under the bus.

You know, at the end of the day, we know what Devin has done.

He's done some things to these people in this house that none of us agree with.

All in all, he's an awesome guy, great guy.

And at the end of the day, you know, if you want someone like him to continue in this house, choose him.

And if you want B-Smoke Cowboy in this house to, you know, cowboy it up, I'm the guy you want.

B-Smoke Cowboy out.

Thank you, Caleb.

Devin, it's your turn.

All right.

There's no doubt that I've had some highs and some lows in this game.

Given the chance to do some things differently, I most definitely would.

Some things for you guys to think about before you go in and cast your vote.

And Caleb, would you rather have somebody like him who's already made a final two-pack with Amber

and has proven that he will do whatever it takes to protect her, including nominating himself for eviction?

Or would you rather have somebody like me that is willing to admit his faults, right his wrongs,

even if that means using a veto on somebody that I've nominated?

Caleb, no doubt, is a physical competition beast, but I have proven that I am a physical and mental competition monster.

And I would carry any one of you down to the finals.

So just think about that.

If you want to keep me, I promise I will stay out of the storage room.

I won't eat up all the food.

And Nicole, you are the best-looking frog.

Thank you, Devin.

Thank you both.

All right.

It's time for the live voting to begin.

Derek, as head of household, you are not allowed to vote.

Neither are the two nominees.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room and cast your vote to evict.

Jocasta, you're up first.

Please go to the diary room.

Jocasta was saved from the block this week.

Who will she keep safe with her vote?

Hi, Jocasta.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.


Hi, Connor Dillon, Mommy, Chris, Jessica.

I vote to evict Devin.

Sorry, Devin.

Thank you.

Donnie and Devin have had their ups and downs, so does Donnie trust him enough to keep him?

Hi, Donnie.

Hey there.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Devin.

Thank you.

Nicole was in on the plan to back door Devin.

Will she follow through tonight?

Hi, Nicole.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I happily vote to evict Devin.

Thank you.


Hayden has aligned with Nicole.

Will his vote align with hers?

Hi, Hayden.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Devin.

Thank you.


The vote is zero votes to evict Caleb and four votes to evict Devin, but Cody and his allies have yet to weigh in.

Have they decided to switch targets?

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

The House guests are voting live to evict either Caleb or Devin.

So far, it's zero votes to evict Caleb and four votes to evict Devin.

Let's continue with the live vote.

Zach had a dream that Caleb went home, but will this dream become Caleb's nightmare?

Hi, Zach.

Hey, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Devin.

Thank you.

Cody and Caleb are at odds over Amber, but is it enough to send Caleb packing?

Hi, Cody.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Devin.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It's official.

With six votes to evict Devin, Devin will leave the House tonight, but let's see how the other votes fall.

Hi, Victoria.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I happily vote to evict Devil Devin.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Frankie feels Caleb's judgment is blinded by his feelings for Amber.

Will Caleb be blindsided by Frankie's vote?

Hi, Frankie.

I do declare, Julie, you look ravishing.

Why, thank you so much.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Devin.

Thank you.

I love you.

Caleb, through the Battle of the Block to keep Amber safe, will she return the favor with her vote?

Hi, Amber.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Devin.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Christine sees both nominees as a threat, so who does she feel should go first?

Hi, Christine.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I gladly vote to evict Devin.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Devin saved Brittany from the block last week.

Will she be compelled to thank him with her vote?

Hi, Brittany.

Hello, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I'm voting to evict Devin.

Thank you.

All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the house guests.

House guests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the evicted house guest will have just a few moments to say goodbye, gather his belongings, and walk out the front door.

With 11 votes to evict, Devin, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

Thank you.

You guys.

Good luck.

Good luck.

Thank you.

See you guys.

I'll see you guys.


Thank you so much.

I'll see you guys.

Make you open as a Julie.

Drop your bag.

Have a seat.

This is gone.

Ricky Green.

Ricky Green again.

Can I change?

Oh, my God.

Say you're strong.

Told you.

Did he get hoes or what?

He got hoes.

He got hoes?

He actually got a big ass.

Because you know what?

You stirred it up in here.

Otherwise, you'd stir it up.

Caleb gave you something on the way out.

Can we see it?

What is it?

What's the story?

Oh, no, no, no.

My girl, Brittany gave this to me.

Oh, yeah, right.

But she didn't give you a vote.

She did not give me a vote.


Are you surprised that you didn't get one vote to stay?

I'm not surprised at all.

Why not?

You know, I played this game hard from the start, and I knew that that was a dangerous move.

It's been proven in the past that people that play hard tend to go out early, so…

That's true.

Let's talk about the b*mb squad, because it seemed like as soon as things didn't go your way,

you decided to out everyone and blow it up.

You know, when I was up in the HOH room, a lot of paranoia takes place.

You know, you get a lot of blood on your hands.

And for me, I saw a lot of moves being made in the house that, you know,

it's hard with eight people in your alliance to meet and congregate and to actually talk.

So moves are made on the side.

I saw some side moves being made, and I wasn't included.

So I got paranoid, and I thought that the alliance was turning against me,

especially with me nominating Zach.

And so I decided the best option for me was to take the big target off my back

and put a bunch of little ones on everybody else.

You talked a lot about playing this game with integrity in the house.

How hard was it to play big brother knowing your daughter is watching?

It was very difficult.

I had, you know, a lot of mixed emotions.

Coming into this, I said I was going to play it with integrity and honest as possible.

As soon as you walk through that door, you see a house where, you know,

your favorite game players have ever played, and they didn't always do things the most honest way.

So you definitely start to think about some things, and you have to change up your game.

Real quick, a lot of theories have been talked about of what Donny does for a living.

Some were…

Is he who he says he is?

He was a college professor, Navy SEAL, ex-military.

Before I tell you the truth, what do you think he is?

I think he wears that Harvard medical switcher.

I think he has something to do with Harvard.

He wears all that camo gear.

I have no idea what he does.

What does he do?

He is a groundskeeper.

Good old Donny.

In the event you were the one evicted tonight, Devin,

your housemates taped some goodbye messages.


Let's watch a listen.

Oh, Devin, Devin, your army that you formed turned against you,

and that's so sad.

But you get to see your daughter, so God bless you.

See you soon, not too soon.

I just wanted to let you know, man, I really think you're an awesome guy,

but inside the house you've made some bad choices.

You've caused some damage, so not only did you put a member of our alliance up,

but you blew the alliance up, and at that point, man, you know,


you're hard to trust.

You're possibly the worst player in Big Brother history

because your social game was God awful.

Goodbye, my friend.

Devin, I know you've done me wrong the first week.

The second week, you made it right by not nominating me

when you was head of household.

I wish you the best of luck,

and have a great rest of the summer with your daughter.

Thanks, darling.

You have a beautiful baby daughter waiting for you.


Go take good care of me.

Thank you so much, Devin.

Soon we will begin the battle to crown the next two heads of household,

but before the competition begins, we need them to team up.

Hello, houseguests.

In just a few moments, we will begin tonight's live head of household competition,

but first we need to form teams of two.

That's right, everyone.

The winning duo will be the heads of household.

Now, your teammate may be your closest ally or your biggest threat,

but regardless, your fate at this HOH competition will be in their hands.

Earlier this evening, you randomly drew numbers 1 through 12

to determine the six teams.

I will now reveal them to you with number 1 and 2 being teamed up,

numbers 3 and 4 being teamed up, so on and so forth.

The first team is Victoria and Christine.

Please take your place at cage number 1, ladies.

The second team is Kaylin and Nicole.

Please take your place at cage number 2.

The third team is Brittany and Jacosta.

Please take your place at cage number 3, ladies.

The fourth team is Amber and Zach.

Please take your place at cage number 4.

The fifth team is Donny and Hayden.

Please take your place at cage number 5.

And of course, that leaves Cody and Frankie.

Please take your place at cage number 6, gentlemen.

I need everyone to face forward, turn around and yeah, that's right.

We want to see your faces.

We're on TV live.

I'll be back in just a few moments to begin tonight's competition.

They may not be with their ideal teammate, but one thing is certain,

this is bound to be the most heated battle of the summer.

Stay with us.

Thank you.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

It's now time to crown two new heads of household.

Each must nominate two house guests for eviction.

Who will become the two most powerful house guests in the game?

Let's head to the backyard and get things started.

House guests, the power is up for grabs.

Derek, as outgoing head of household, you are not eligible to compete.

This competition is called Deviled Eggs and here's how it works.

Each team will have to work together to maneuver their eggs through the course

to the slots on the other side.

The first team to get all 12 eggs safely into their slots

will be the new heads of household.

Does everyone understand?



I've enlisted a little help to get this competition underway.

The competition begins now.


Let's go.


Oh, where?


Here, next one.

Grab it.

Just me?

Yeah, I got to move this one.

Yes, you are.

There we go.


Frankie has successfully passed first egg over to Cody.

Amber is passing the egg back over to Zach.


Victoria makes the transfer slowly.

The battle for HOH is underway, but there is another more covert challenge

taking place in the Big Brother House.

It's called Team America and they are ready for their next assignment.

So what did you choose to be their second secret mission?

Find out next.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Team America is ready for their next secret mission.

Last night you were asked who you wanted Team America to get on the block

next week and the winning answer is someone they believe is a physical threat.

Tune in Sunday at 8.

As Donny, Derek and Frankie get the news.

Plus, which two house guests will become heads of household

and whom will they nominate?

And on Wednesday, the power of veto is back up for grabs.

Will it be used to change the nominations for a third straight week?

Then, one week from tonight, you don't want to miss the next live eviction.

For now, let's rejoin the Head of Household Competition already in progress.

Hello, house guests.

Looking good.

Just to do a quick recap,

Amber and Zach have one egg in the slot, as does Cody and Frankie.

Now, as you know, where there's smoke, there is fire.

And where there's fire, there's bound to be ashes.

Goodnight, house guests.

Thank you.

Thank you.
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