05x06 - Why Can't We Get a Camel?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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05x06 - Why Can't We Get a Camel?

Post by bunniefuu »

- [Phil] Previously on "The Amazing Race,"

seven teams started from St. Petersburg, Russia,

and raced to Cairo, Egypt.

Front runners, Colin and Christie,

went for the fast forward.

- Not bad.

- [Phil] The task led to tension.

- [Christie] You never trust me.

- [Colin] Don't say I never trust you.

- [Phil] But they still checked in first

with a commanding seven-hour lead.

The rugged terrain worsened an old injury.

- Marshall's legs are k*lling him.

- [Phil] While the desert winds

lifted Charla and Mirna's spirit.

- [Mirna] It was everything we imagined Egypt to be.

- [Phil] The moms and twins ran into a sandstorm of trouble.

- We do not have a plan, we're clueless.

- [Chip] You can follow us, come on, we gotta go.

- [Phil] Former enemy, Chip,

gave information for redemption.

- [Chip] Forgive me now, Kami.

- [Kami] Okay, you're redeemed.

- [Phil] Giving the twins of boost.

Your team number six.

- All right.

- [Phil] Last place Linda and Karen were given good news.

This is the first of four predetermined non-elimination legs

and you're both still in the race.

Then learned of a new twist to the race.

Give me all your money.

In addition, the start of the next leg of the race,

you're gonna receive no money.

Will Linda and Karen remain competitive

without a penny to their name,

and who will be eliminated next?

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

This is Cairo, Egypt, the largest and most populated city

on the African continent, and on the outskirts of Cairo,

the Giza Plateau, home of the great pyramids and the sphinx.

This was the fifth pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period and have no idea

what's in store for them next.

Linda and Karen, who arrived last,

were not eliminated because this pit stop

was the first of four predetermined non-elimination points,

but they were stripped of all the money they had accumulated

since the start of the race and will not receive any money

for the coming late.

- [Karen] It was a really rough day.

This is real tough.

I won't give up.

- Oh, she won't.

We never give up, you can tell.

- [Phil] Will Linda and Karen be defeated by this obstacle

or will they be able to beat the odds and stay in the race?

And can Colin and Christie maintain their seven-hour lead

over the rest of the teams?

Colin and Christie, who were the first to arrive at : AM

will depart at : PM.

- Make your way to the entrance of the great pyramid.

- [Phil] Teams must now make their way to the great pyramid,

the sole remaining wonder of the ancient world.

Once there, they will descend feet

through a narrow shaft to the chamber below.

Known as the creation room,

this subterranean chamber is located

at the geographical center of the earth.

It is here that teams will find their next clue.

- Okay, we're gone.

feet into the earth, that's badass.

That's stories down.

We have about a seven-hour lead on the second place team.

Christie and I definitely feel very good.

I'm more than confident

that we're gonna be the team that wins.

- [Christie] So you know which one's the great pyramid.

- [Colin] It's one of these two.

- [Christie] What makes you so confident

of one over the other?

- [Colin] Just 'cause I know, give me a little slack.

- Colin and I both always think that we're right.

If we don't try to work together,

it could definitely hurt us in the race.

[dramatic music]

Yep, I see flags.

- Oh yeah.

Oh great.

This is : AM.

- Second place team didn't come in until :

and the pyramid opens at six.

We don't have a seven-hour lead,

but we still have a -minute lead on the second team.

It's few extra hours to sleep,

which we both probably really need.

[chanting in foreign language]

- [Colin] We're just ready to go and blow baby.

Let's go, baby.

Gotta make our way down to the bottom.

Come here and watch how I do it.

When you do the cross step,

you just go one and then the down step you go two.

- [Christie] Oh my God.

- [Colin] Baby, come on, baby.

Yeah, come on, come on, come on.

Baby, come on.

- Wait up for me. - Okay.

- According to Egyptian mythology,

this chamber is the center of creation.

Now make your way to the mound of creation,

the Karnak Temple in Luxor, Egypt.

- [Phil] Teams must now travel over miles

to the city of Luxor.

To get there, they must make their way

to Cairo's domestic airport known as the old airport,

where they may take any available commercial flight

or travel on a charter flight

scheduled to depart at : AM.

Once in Luxor, teams must make their way

to this ancient structure, the Karnak Temple,

also known as the mound of creation.

It is here they will find their next clue.

- [Colin] : AM right now.

We can get an eight o'clock flight or something, you know.

Old airport.

The name of the charter company is Luxor Air.

If we take that one, there's two airports, right?

- [Driver] Two airports.

- Yeah, we need to go to the old one.

- [Driver] Okay, sir.

- All the teams are gonna catch up with us

unless we can find a earlier domestic flight to Luxor,

which hopefully we can

because it's only about : right now.

[mysterious music]

- Descend feet to the creation room.

Okay, let's go.

Charla, come on.

Initially everybody wrote us off.

Slowly but surely each team awoke to the idea

that we are a strong, competitive team

and started going ballistic because they became so jealous.

We have to go so we don't see which one we're going to.

- Make your way to the entrance of the great pyramid.

- [Nicole] I think we got our money.

- Got it? - Let's go.

Brandon is an awesome partner.

As long as we can just keep the calm and cool attitudes

that we have, we're on our way to winning.

Ask this guy.

- [Brandon] Is this the entrance to the great?

- [Man] It's this.

- This way. - This one right here.

- , , , , , , , all right.

- Okay, great, come on.

Chip is definitely the leader on this team.

I feel bad because I don't think that I have been

a huge contribution to this race.

I personally need to build my confidence

in doing some more of the activities.

- [Chip] Okay, let's go.

- [Kim] Oh, this is beautiful.

- [Charla] Oh, the other teams caught up to us, Mirna.

Come on, Mirna.

- [Mirna] I don't even know how to do this.

- [Charla] Calm down, relax.

- [Mirna] It was so low down underground

that I was a little bit worried.

- [Brandon] How cool is this?

- [Nicole] Oh my gosh.

- This is fun for me.

This is just my place.

- I'm gonna like freak out. - Come on, Mirna.

- Now make your way to the mound of creation.

- If you cannot get on earlier commercial flight,

be sure to leave enough time to get to the charter flight.

It was really hot down there, so I just-

- [Nicole] Stripped.

- [Brandon] Took my shirt off until we got back out.

- Brandon looks great with his shirt off.

- Brandon is cute.

I realized that and I appreciate it.

- [Nicole] Brandon, you got your clothes on?

- [Chip] This is really scary.

Make your way to the mound of creation.

- We have to go old airport, got it?

- Yeah, I know.

- Old airport, old airport.

- [Kim] Yeah, there you go.

- [Colin] We're gonna run in here to the old airport

real quick and see if there's any flights leaving earlier

then Luxor's : charter flight.

When is the next flight out, the Luxor?

- :.

- [Colin] Can we make the :?

- No, closed now.

- Do any of the other airlines fly to Luxor?

- [Man] To Luxor, no, just Egypt Air.

- Just Egypt Air.

It kind of sucks because we cannot find

a earlier domestic flight to Luxor.

That's great.

This means that all the teams are gonna catch up with us.

- [Marshall] Make your way to the entrance

of the great pyramid.

My knees feel significantly better

than when I came in on the last leg.

The nerves are irritated underneath my kneecaps.

Oh, this is gonna be interesting.

- [Lance] Because if you go down, you have to go back up.

The question is, can you get back up?

- [Marshall] Right.

Not once has Lance gotten angry about the fact

that I can't go any faster.

- [Lance] Careful of the camel.

- [Marshall] Why can't we get a camel?

- Marshall is going to beat in some serious pain

with his knees.

It will straining on my knees in that

and I don't have any knee problem.

- [Marshall] This is not, oh my God.

Oh boy, I don't know.


- [Lance] Go down or drop and then try to climb back up.

- [Marshall] I see the light bend all the way down.

My knees are k*lling me.

- Okay, shukran katid. - You're welcome.

- [Nicole] Is this terminal two?

- [Mirna] Where's the charter flight?

Are we at the correct terminal?

- We don't know if it's this terminal or the other one.

We gotta take the charter.

- [Chip] We can't buy a ticket here?

- Have you tried terminal one?

- A gentleman who was speaking Arabic told me

to go to the other terminal,

so we think let's wait for the next team to come

and we'll take their cab to take us to the next terminal.

- It's called domestic call terminal two,

but we can go in and see.

- You wanna go check?

- You wanna tell him to wait.

- Let me just, I'm just gonna leave my bags,

but I'm gonna go check.

- [Charla] Mirna, they just arrived.

Let's take their taxi.

- We'll catch their taxi. - Mirna.

- [Charla] We need to take the taxi.

- Yeah, sorry, this is our cab.

This is our cab right here.

- [Mirna] Well, you left it.

- No, we never left him, sorry.

Our is in the car, my bags are in the trunk.

- I know.

- [Colin] Sorry, my bags are in the trunk.

- [Christie] Yeah, we were holding him for a, no, no, no.

- [Colin] My bags are in the trunk, he's not there.

- [Christie] No, get out, that is so rude.

- We get Taxi.

- The audacity of these people.

- Look, I got my bags in the trunk.

- [Charla] All right, go then, what you waiting for?

- It's like I feel like I'm back in junior high,

having bullies try to put me down, they disgust me.

- [Colin] I knew that our backpacks were in the trunk

and we hadn't paid the taxi driver yet,

so they had very little chance

of driving away with this taxi.

- I can't even get over that, really, that is so rude.

- These people are maniacs, they're maniacs.

- [Lance] You've gotta tell me,

I don't know what you feel like.

- [Marshall] Let's do it.

- [Lance] You ready? You sure?

- [Marshall] No, but let's give it a shot.

To be honest, this doesn't hurt as much as walking.

- [Lance] This is it.

You have to just scoot down your butt.

There you go. - Woo.

There's a charter flight scheduled

to take off for Luxor at : AM.

- [Lance] Keep coming, come on.

- [Marshall] These things are nice,

take all the pressure off my knees.

- [Lance] We're almost there.

- [Marshall] I can't believe that we made it.

- [Lance] Me neither, come on.

We should have no problem catching that flight

and catching up to everybody else, let's go.

- Well need the terminal two.

- We're supposed to be on a charter flight to Luxor Air.

- Yes. - This is it?

- Yes. - Okay, good.

- [Chip] After the confusion lifted,

we find out that Luxor Air is actually where we're standing.

- Okay, good. - Okay.

- Descend feet to the creation room.

How do we get to the entrance?

- You go inside? - Yeah.

- This way. - Okay.

- Karli and I are just confused.

Most of the time we read the clue,

we don't know if we're reading it clearly

and I think that's why we're doing so poorly.

I don't know what to do.

- Just go. - Descend.

- [Marshall] This is the old airport?

- [Lance] Yes, it is.

- There's a charter flight

scheduled to take off for Luxor at : AM.

We have to go fast.

- Six teams will receive $ for this leg of the race.

One team will receive zero, that is us.

Okay, let's go.

The new twist in a non-elimination round

is Phil takes all your money away

and you have to start the new leg of the race with no money.

It's gonna be very hard.

- [Karen] Being an Egypt and the country is so poor,

we decided we were gonna try to hit the tourist up.

- We have no money for taxis, so we are begging for money.

- [Karen] Can you help us at all?

A small amount? - cents?


Thank you, anywhere. - Thank you.

- [Linda] Oh my gosh, this is hard.

- Okay, thank you. - No problem.

- Bye. - Bye.

- [Linda] How am I gonna get these people to give me money?

Oh, look, Karen, look, look, look.

Oh crud, this is the mother load.

Oh my God, they're coming at us.

We'll give you apples for like little.

- [Tourist] I'm gonna give you a though.

- [Linda] Oh my God.

- [Tourist] Is that okay for you?

- [Linda] That is like the best, are you kidding me?

Thank you so much.

You don't even know how happy you made me.

We gotta get a taxi so we can leave.

- [Karen] Thank you so much, thank you.

- Thank you.

I feel so guilty doing this.

I've never done this in my life.

Thank you so much, here.

Thank you, thank you.

[Linda and Karen screaming]

We're still in there!

We got money!

That really was a boost for both Karen and I.

After that, we were like, "We can do this."

We're still in it.

- There is a charter flight

scheduled to take off for Luxor :.

- The clue said we needed

to get to the airport by : and it was :.

You know, I don't even know how far it is,

but we're just thinking get to the taxi as fast as we can.


- [Chip] Do you know what time my moms got in last night at?

- [Kim] No.

- Okay, we need to go to the old airport.

You understand old airport, yes?

- [Driver] Old, old, yes. - Okay.

[dramatic music]

- [Mirna] The other teens had arrived.

There was only the moms left.

Everybody was hoping and praying

that the moms wouldn't show up.

- We're cutting it very close right now.

The plane leaves at :,

the driver just said we're minutes from the airport.

[dramatic music]

Come on, come one.

We have five minutes, this is too tight.

Right here, stop right here, good.

Come on, Karen, hurry!

We need to get Luxor Air.

- This is new airport only for international.

- Oh my God, no way.

- This is the new airport.

- [Karen] We told him we wanted to go to the old airport.

- Well, hurry, we don't have minutes.

I want the old airport.

- [Driver] Yes, okay. - Okay.

- And we've been telling him old airport

and he's been saying he understands

and he takes us to the new airport.

It's over.

It's unbelievable.

[dramatic music]

- I knew the guy didn't understand.

I knew it from the beginning and sure enough,

he takes us to the wrong airport.

I want the old airport.

- [Driver] Yes, okay. - Okay.

Well, we missed :.

What are we gonna do? I don't know.

Okay, let's go.

We're gonna make sure this is it, Karen.

They're still here, Karen, I think.

No way, hurry up, hurry up.

Go fast, we have to go fast.

- That flight should have been at least taxiing away.

I think all the teams were stunned.

Hi, everybody. [laughing]

- Our plane was supposed to be gone

and next thing you know,

they walk in at about :.

Everybody was starting at ground zero again.

- We had hours of lead on some of the later teams.

- And it's gone.

- [Phil] Seven teams are now traveling

over miles to Luxor, Egypt.

Once they land, they will race to the Karnak Temple

to find the next clue.

- Karnak Temple.

Habibi, you know Karnak Temple?

- [Driver] I know, I know.

- Good, okay, good, fast, fast, fast.

- We're behind Mirna and Charla.

- But we have a fast taxi driver, he's good.

- We just gotta be fast, go, go, go, go, go.

- In front of us right now is the twins,

the moms and Mirna and Charla.

- [Kim] We're all together.

- We're going to the Karnak Temple.

- Go. - We're outta here.

- [Chip] We went to get those cars, it's a competition.

- [Kim] Fast, as quick as possible.

- Whoa, oh my, oh my God.

- How many cars you let pass you?

- No, you gotta go, you gotta go.

- Whoa. [Kim laughing]

- Hey, we picked the right one.

- [Chip] Oh my God.

- Fast, honey, fast.

- Oh, damn.

- Yeehaw!

We just passed everybody.

We are number one now.

[dramatic music]

- [Kim] Hurry up, babe, got to go.

- [Charla] Mirna, come on, come on!

- We need to buy tickets, where do we go?

- [Colin] Lets run, baby.

Baby, come on.

- Karnak Temple.

- Over there, it's that one.

- Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

- [Kim] Are the tickets right there?

- Thank you.

- [Kim] Here we go, babe, over here, come on.

- We need the change.

- [Linda] Get the change, Karen.

- Get out of my face.

Don't push me like that again.

- [Man] So that's it?

- Where the hell did that guy go?

I think Colin's jealous of me

and he has a Napoleon complex.

This crazy person is trying to as*ault me.

His girlfriend is submissive and he's able to dominate her.

- I see it. - Yeah, I see it too.

Go, go, go.

- I don't care.

- Detour.

- Herd it or haul it. - Herd it or haul it.

- A detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams have to choose

between herd it and haul it.

In herd it, teams travel a long distance,

five miles by calash to Banana Island and load sheep

on a traditional boat known as a felucca.

Then they must sail across to the west bank of the Nile

and deliver them to the shepherd who will give them

their next clue.

Dealing with the sheep could be frustrating,

but once they get to the boat,

it should be smooth sailing to the end of the task.

In haul it, teams also a travel by calash

a shorter distance, three miles to Pigeon House Farm

and use a traditional device known as a shadoof

to haul water from the river.

Once they have filled an urn,

they must transport their water by donkey to the farmhouse

and fill one of these large jugs to the marked line.

Getting the water from the Nile should be easy,

but transporting it along and unpaved path by donkey

will be difficult and teams may have to make several trips

before they're done.

- Let's just do that.

We chose to collect the goats and the sheep

because we thought it would be faster.

- [Kim] Sheep and goats.

- [Chip] That's what we're doing now.

- [Christie] Colin.

- I'm looking. - Are you looking around?

- [Colin] Yeah, I'm totally looking around.

- [Christie] Just respond to me.

- [Colin] Look, they got it right here.

- It's a detour.

- I don't wanna load sheep and goat.

Say we haul it.

- What are we gonna do? Come on.

- [Brandon] Let's just haul it.

- To the right, it's not that far down.

Not this right, not immediately.

- Thank you.

- [Mirna] sheep, let's do the sheep.

- Herding the sheep would be easier.

- Which one's the fastest? - Which one's the fastest?

- Let me go, let me go.

We gotta get sheep and goats.

We are going to load sheep or goats into a boat.

That should be exciting.

- Let's go.

We're gonna herd it, I guess.

And that's getting sheep or goat into a felucca

and take it with the cacheta across the molacho.

I don't even understand any of these doggone words.

- Sheep and goats. - I guess so.

- [Marshall] We decided to take the goat and the sheep

because the other one,

it seemed like there was more walking.

- Pigeon House farm. - Yes.

- Okay, thank you.

- Wait, Pigeon House Farm.

You see anyone in front of us?

- Christine and Colin.

- Yeehaw! Woohoo!

- [Mirna] Fast, honey.

- Oh my God, we have to carry sheep.

- [Linda] This one's good right here.

- Do you know where Banana Island is?

- Yes. - Okay.

- Okay, good, go, go then, that's where we wanna go.

Right now Karen and I are on a high.

We're back in it, it's square one.

- [Driver] Welcome to Luxor.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- Beautiful day. - Fantastic.

- Pigeon House. - This is it.

- Colin and Brandon's right behind us.

- Come on, run, run, run, run.

Come on, babe.

Gonna fill it all the way up.

Here, come here, babe.

- [Christie] Oh my gosh.

- [Colin] That way, maybe.

Yeah, take that path, take that path.

Pull his ass over there.

I'm the one that gets stuff done

or when tasks need to be completed,

Christie leaves that up to me

and I kind of take care of her.

You okay, baby?

- [Christie] Uh-huh.

- [Colin] Okay, good job.

[donkey braying]

- [Brandon] Pulling too hard, Nic.

Don't pull all that hard. [donkey braying]

- What are you talking about?

How am I pulling?

- [Brandon] Hold on, hold on, hold on.

- [Nicole] What?

- I need you to hold the Donkey.

- [Nicole] Baby, what do you think I'm doing?

- Put this down.

- [Nicole] It frustrates me when he's impatient with me.

We just need to really focus on being kind to each other.

You wanna go slow?

- [Brandon] Whoooaaaaa.

Whoa, baby. - Baby.

- [Brandon] I wanna have kids.

- [Driver] Banana island.

- Yeah, yeah. - Okay, sure.

- [Marshall] My leg's k*lling me,

but we're not gonna give up.

- You know where we're going, right? Banana island.

- Banana? - Yes, Banana Island.

Banana, yes, we need, okay, okay.

Got to be specific when we get in here.

- Yeah, well, neither one of us know what we were doing.

- I knew what we were doing.

- Did you know that we had to go to Banana Island?

- Yes.

- Banana Island. - Let's go.

- [Kim] They're right here at the end.

- [Chip] Do they bite?

There are or so sheep and goats

from little baby goats to these big old horse-size goats.

We just need ? - Yeah, we need of them.

- Okay.

Whoa, you're heavy.

Stay, stay, stay, stay, stay.

Kim, you keep 'em on. - Okay.

- [Chip] One.

- We gotta follow that path across.

See this farm house, slip through there.

You're looking good.

- More.

[man speaking in foreign language]

- More?

- More, more, more, that's good.

- [Colin] We need to go back.

- [Brandon] It's okay, donkey.

Looking good, guys, looking good.

- [Man] Hello.

[man speaking in foreign language]

- There we go.

One more.

- Okay, here we go. - Keep 'em on, baby.

- I wish I could say that I'm doing my part

in contributing more.

I probably could have helped him lift

some of those goats in, but they were so smelly and funky.

That's seven, so three more.

- You gonna pick one, Linda?

- Which one of the sheep? - Just pick, come on.

- We'll take this one right there, yes.

- [Mirna] Oh my God, how we go down?

- Can we go down? - Yeah.

- Two more.

Hi, baby, hello.

Last one.

Okay, we could go.

Let's go, we're ready.

How can we go? - Let's fast.

- [Kim] We gotta go fast, we gotta beat them.

- Okay, we're the first one out the water.

- Woo! - Yeehaw!

- [Colin] If this fills it up, this is gonna be beautiful.

[man speaking in foreign language]

Oh yeah, baby.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, bravo.

- Read info.

- Take a marked taxi to the Habu Temple.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Teams must now travel by marked taxi

to the Habu Temple, an ancient structure

filled with carved symbols of Egyptian mythology

where they'll find their next clue.

- [Christie] Marked taxi.

[man speaking in foreign language]

- [Brandon] I want it to hit the bottom.

- Whoa, bravo, bravo, bravo!

- [Brandon] Take a marked taxi to the Habu Temple.

- [Colin] Yeah.

- [Christie] Habu Temple.

Do you know Habu Temple?

- [Christie] Does he know where we're going?

- That had to be faster than loading up a bunch of goats

and going across the Nile.

- The Nile River, baby.

South Central LA to the Nile River, woo! Yeah.

For us to come over to the motherland to Egypt,

it's just unbelievable, the time that we're having.

We just feel blessed.

Wow, I'm on the Nile River.

Oh my God.

- No, I don't think so.

Here you are, Mommy.

- [Linda] You're halfway, five more, five more.

- I need seven more.

Mirna, the babies, it's easier.

Get the baby.

- [Lance] Karen, come on, you're doing so good.

- Come on, baby, come on, join your friend.

- Four more, Karen.

- Come on, come on, come on.

We only have a four to go.

We have to haul butt.

- [Linda] One more, we've got to hurry.

- Okay, go, go.

- [Linda] Go, go, go, go.

- [Karen] Do we know where we're taking them, Linda?

- Yeah, across the way, follow that boat, go.

- No, no, no!

I can't.


Mirna, I'm scared of them.

Mirna, wait one second.

Wait, this one is the bad one.

- Careful.

This last one.

- Go.

- Let's go.

- The cousins are behind us

and I think I'm allergic to poop.

- How many?

- Three, four, five, six, seven, seven.

- [Man] Seven.

- Charla. - What?

- I'm dying, I'm gonna die.

- Mirna, I don't know what to do.

You have to hurry up, Mirna.

- [Mirna] Charla, we're so behind, we're so behind.

- Mirna! I can't be here forever.

- [Mirna] This is just too hard.

Charla, I'm gonna die.

Charla, I'm gonna die.

This is just too hard.

Good job, Mirna.

Remember, we're smart. - I know we are.

- [Charla] We're strong.

I know it's hard work, Mirna, don't give up, one more.

You're not going nowhere, baby.

Mirna, Mirna, come because they're gonna run out!


Eight, nine, .

- [Mirna] We did it.

I don't even know how we made it.

Fast, fast, fast!

Please, please, I'm tired.

- This is it.

Marshall's legs are hurting him

and I'm behind him all the way.

I have enough energy for the both of us

to get us to the next point.

That ain't so bad.

- [Marshall] How many do you have, Lance?

- [Lance] Think seven.

Get your face that outta my grill, come on.

I got , I got the right amount, let's go.

- [Marshall] I'm proud of Lance, he did a good job.

- [Chip] Come here, boys, okay.

- Baby, are you getting your workout today

and you're welcome.

Thank you so much, we appreciate you.

Okay, next two.

- Take the marked taxi to the Habu Temple.

- Habu Temple.

But our taxi driver's going fast,

so we're looking pretty good right now.

- You gotta go very, very fast.

- [Chip] Go to the Habu Temple, okay?

- Wonderful. - Okay.

- [Colin] I don't see anyone here.

Gotta keep that lead.

- Roadblock. - Roadblock.

- A roadblock is a task that only one person may perform.

In this roadblock, that person has to engage in an activity

that Egypt is most famous for, archeology.

In this roadblock, the person must choose

one of these large dig sites and use any of these tools

to search for a scarab, a stone carving of a beetle,

an important symbol in Egyptian mythology.

Once they find the scarab, they'll receive their next clue.

- This task requires keen eyes and a lot of patience.

- Okay, I'll do it.

- Keen eyes, a lot of patients, okay.

- [Colin] A scarab, what's a scarab, is that a sword?

Which one? - The middle.

- Ancient scarab. - It's a sword?

- [Colin] think so, oh wow.

Hey, we need to know what a scarab is.

Is this it? - That's a rock.

- This could take hours and hours and hours.

- Take a mark taxi to the Habu Temple.

- [Nicole] I see it, I see it.

- [Brandon] It's a roadblock, do you want me to do it?

- [Nicole] Okay, yeah, do you do it?

- [Christie] Here comes Nicole and Brandon, okay.

Hey, guys.

- [Brandon] What in the heck is a scarab?

- Just hop on in, baby.

- [Brandon] Baby, I don't know what a scarab is.

- [Nicole] I know, just toss whatever it is to the side.

- Woo! Smell my hands.

- Well, we know that Chip and Kim are head of us right now.

- We have the twins and Charla and Mirna behind us.

- Take a marked taxi to the next Habu Temple.

Come on. - Okay.

- Here we go.

- Lot's of patience, that you, you're finally doing one.

- Please, Lord, get some help here.

- This sucks.

- Take a marked taxi to the Habu Temple.

- [Colin] Do you guys know what a scarab is?

- [Kim] No.

- Woo hoo hoo!

Great, hey, it looks like this.

Oh my God, we finally got lucky.

- Good job, sweetheart.

Make your way to the West Nile Ferry Port

and water taxi launched.

- [Phil] Teams must now hire a water taxi

and make their way to this place, Crocodile Island.

This lush plantation on the banks of the Nile

is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here will be eliminated.

- Yeah! - All right.

We'll go down this way.

Must go very fast.

- Come on, let's go.

- That's it.

- Take the marked taxi to the Habu Temple.

Your next clue can be found in the main colonnade.

The Habu Temple.

- This task requires keen eyes and lots of patience.

- That's gotta be you.

[dramatic music]

- [Brandon] Dang it.

- [Nicole] You're doing fine.

- Yeah, keep doing that, that's perfect.

- [Kim] I'm just digging and digging and digging

and I'm not finding anything.

I'm starting to get discouraged.

- Okay, boo boo. - Mm-hmm.

- Try right over here.

- Oh, there they are.

Come on baby, you can do it.

- [Brandon] I'm trying, baby.

- What is, Karen? - What's what?

- [Linda] A scarab.

I don't believe this.

- This task requires keen eyes and a lot of patience.


- Okay.

- [Kami] Okay, you're looking for the scarab.

- [Karli] What the hell's a scarab?

- [Karen] Oh God, here's the twins here.

- [Nicole] Here come the twins.

- [Brandon] Doing my best.

- [Nicole] Baby, that's all that matters.

- The twins are hot on our tail, boy.

- Is that a piece of poop, dried? Ugh!

- What do I do?

- It depends on you, do you have good eyes?

Do have your glasses?

- I have my glasses.

Charla, come on.

- [Karen] Here comes Mirna and Charla.

- [Linda] Here we blew our lead.

- Please, Lord.

Keep praying for me, Nikki.

- I am baby, I've been praying this whole time.

- Just shovel right in there, Mirna, shovel in it.

- [Karen] Come on, Linda, we gotta find it first.

- [Linda] Trying, I'm trying, this is ridiculous.

- [Kami] You're looking for the scarab.

What the hell's a scarab?

- [Chip] Then when you get it, don't let anybody see it.

- Your eyes have to be good, what is it, a little thing?

A bug?

- [Chip] Ah, get it, baby.

- Hold on, hold on.

- [Kim] Where does it go? Where does it go?

- Oh, oh, it's like, it's a, it's a, it's a,

it's a rock or something.

- Ah, dang it.

- Thank you.

What now?

- The last team will be eliminated.

Is the pit stop.

- [Kami] Gotta be fast.

Dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it, dig it.

- Come on!

Hurry your ass up, dig.

Dig your ass over, dig.

- So I finally just completed my first roadblock.

Thank you.

That makes me feel a little better

that I have started to contribute to this race.

- So where's Crocodile Island?

- Right here. - Oh, okay.

- I'm sorry, baby. - Baby, it's not your fault.

- [Brandon] I'm always kind of had an issue with insecurity.

Nikki really helps me believe in myself.

- You're doing terrific, don't even worry.

- It's gonna end up being the last stinking place we look.

- Is it this thing?

- I'm telling you, I just feel like right around here.

- Okay.

Right here?

- Yeah, where you put all your sand.

- Oh, sorry.

- Woo! Yes.

- She found it.

- [Brandon] Dang it.

The girls found that stuff before I did.

- Just keep going.

- Somebody else find it? - Oh, the twins did.

- Yes.

- Up the Nile to the next pit stop, Crocodile Island.

- Woo!

- [Mirna] Charla, I'm digging my heart out.

I don't know what I'm looking for.

- Look at this whole area over here you haven't dug.

- Just keep going.

- Please, gotta help me find this rock.

- [Karen] Make sure you get it out, Linda.

Don't give up on me.

- [Charla] Dig.

We wanna get outta here.

- Ah, here it's. - You did it.

Oh, yeah, come on. - Let's go.

- [Karen] They found it, Brandon found it.

- [Mirna] Maybe my eyes are no good.

- Make your way to the West Nile Ferry Port.

- Where could it be?

I can't find it.

- Just have to concentrate on yourself in finding it.

- [Linda] Gosh darn it, Karen, I can't believe this.

I'm so mad.

I quit.

- [Charla] You are so slow, unbelievable.

- [Mirna] Okay, Charla, I'll go a little faster

after I carried those damn sheep.

- [Charla] Don't give up.

- [Mirna] I'm not gonna give up,

I just, I can't find this damn thing.

- [Charla] Just dig.

It is gonna be a long night, Mirna.

[upbeat music]

- [Karen] Oh, Linda.

- [Linda] Here, I am trying so hard.

- [Charla] Dig, Mirna.

- [Linda] This sucks!

- [Charla] Oh, finally.

- [Linda] How the hell did she find it

and I can't fight, huh?

- [Charla] Good job, Mirna, good job.

- Warning, the last team to check in will be eliminated.

- [Charla] Let's get our ass outta here.

- Let's see if we can't find the flags.

I see the flags and I see the pit stop, baby.

Land ho!

[dramatic music]

- Welcome to Luxor, Egypt.

- Ah, thank you, thank you. - Thank you very much.

- Colin and Christie, you're team number one.

- Woo!

- Now I've got some good news for you.

As the winners of this sixth leg of the race,

you've won a vacation to exotic Mexico,

compliments of American Airlines website, AA.com,

which you can enjoy after the race.

- All right.

- [Phil] Does that sound good?

- That sounds wonderful, Phil.

- Great.

- Woo hoo! We're going to the pit stop.

Baby, stop trying to get all gussied up

as if you can come off the Nile Queen Nefertiti.

- Oh my God, look at this sky. - I know.

- Oh my God, this is so cool.

- [Nicole] We're on the Nile.

- Well, I'm feeling good.

- I'm doing great.

- [Mirna] Where is the crocodile?

We go.

[dramatic music]

- [Linda] Tell me where to go.

- [Karen] I have no idea.

I don't know where it is, Linda.

- I've tried everywhere.

You know, if the brothers come and find it in two seconds,

I'm gonna be pissed.

- This test requires keen eyes and a lot of patience.

I don't know, I guess me 'cause I don't know

where the hell you're gonna have to.

- Chip and Kim, you're team number two.

- Yay! - Woo!

- [Karen] You're supposed to be the lucky one.

- [Linda] I just couldn't find it, I was getting very tired.

- [Karen] I felt so bad for Linda.

It was taking her so long.

- [Lance] Where's the dig site?

There? - Yeah, straight.

- Kami and Karli. - Yes?

- You're team number three.

- Woo! - Woo!

- [Linda] I thought this wouldn't be that hard.

- [Lance] Keep coming, come on.

- Brandon and Nicole, your team number four.

- All right. - That's great.

- Where could it be? - I don't know.

- [Karen] Oh, Linda.

- [Lance] Come on, we're almost there.

Keep coming, come on.

Not that far away, really.

- Charla and Mirna, team number five.

- Oh, that's good, awesome. - Pretty good.

- [Lance] Just keep going.

- [Marshall] I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.

- [Lance] Just keep going.

- [Linda] Brother's gonna walk up, find it and beat me.

I'm gonna be so mad.

- [Linda] Karen.

Got it, no, I found it! - Good girl, come on!

The last team to check in may be eliminated.

We wanna go to Crocodile Island.

- [Marshall] I was increasingly feeling more pain

in my kneecaps.

I couldn't walk.

It's definitely disappointing that we were able to compete

pretty easily with the rest of the pack until this happened.

- [Lance] If a scarab's a rock, I found it.

[Marshall laughing]

- Linda and Karen, you're team number six.

- Yay! - Yah!

Oh much better than last leg.

We started the race with no money, this leg.

We finished the race without being eliminated,

so we're back in it.

[sand scratching sifter]

- [Lance] How many sets have been dug? Six.

- Six, yeah. - Yeah.

[sand scratching sifter]

- Wasting my time.

Okay, game over.

Finished, we are done.

[dramatic music]

We see that six of the dig sites had been dug and completed

and we're obviously the seventh team,

so we know at this point that the amount of pain

that he's in, Marshall couldn't do it.

Game over, we've lost.

[reflective music]

- Marshall and Lance.

Understand that you guys wanna quit.

- We've had enough.

My knees are k*lling me so I could not continue.

- Well, this is a very unusual situation

'cause this is the first time in the history of the race

that we've ever had a team who's been physically unable

to check in at a pit stop,

and certainly the first time

that I've ever had to come out to a team on the course.

Even if you could somehow muster the strength

to make it to the pit stop and check in,

you would be the last team to arrive.

So I'm sorry to tell you,

you've both been eliminated from the race.

- I'd like my brother to know that I really appreciate

the fact that he pushed on and spent the last two

or three days in absolute agony for me

and that means a lot to me.

- I'm proud of the way Lance ran the race.

There was no quit in him and I apologize

for ruining his chance to win a million dollars.

- You've had a good sense of humor through it all,

I have to say that.

- I was contemplating kicking the chair out from under him.

No. [Marshall laughing]

- [Phil] Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

On the next episode of "The Amazing Race,"

Brandon and Nicole argue with the locals.

- Don't hit me.

- [Phil] While Chip and Kim befriend them.

- [Chip] Everywhere I turn people look like me.

It's not something that we get to experience every day.

- [Phil] And Colin and Christie

and Charla and Mirna get physical.

- [Mirna] Colin.

- [Charla] Bitch, move out of at the way.

[dramatic swooshing]

[dramatic music]
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