05x04 - Who Says Pageant Girls Don't Eat?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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05x04 - Who Says Pageant Girls Don't Eat?

Post by bunniefuu »

- [Phil] Previously on the "Amazing Race",

nine teams left a cattle ranch in the Argentine countryside

and raced to the rugged mountains of Patagonia.

Along the way, alliances were formed.

- [Brandon] Can you help us?

- [Mirna] We have to help them because they're our allies.

- [Phil] And Broken.

- Right, but they're buying tickets for you.

Is that what? - No. No.

No one's buying tickets for us.

- And then we put you on the : flight as well.

- [Phil] Cousins Charla and Mirna

fought with brothers Marshall and Lance at the airport.

- Really you guys, it's none of your business.

- Don't talk to me.

I'm talking to them.

I hate her so much.

I can't even begin to explain to you.

- [Phil] Not realizing they got the wrong tickets

until it was too late, Jim and Marsha were left behind.

- [Jim] We didn't get on that flight.

- At the Detour, teams threw caution to the wind

and lept for a mountainside paraglide.

- [Guide] Run, run, run.

[Colin cheering]

- [Phil] And in the end, Jim and Marsha

couldn't recover from their early mistake

and were eliminated.

Eight teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next.

[energetic theme music]

[energetic theme music continues]

[energetic theme music continues]

[energetic theme music continues]

[tense music]

This is San Carlos de Bariloche,

a small town in the Patagonia region of Argentina.

The third pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period that allows them to eat,

sleep, and mingle with the other teams.

Will Chip and Kim continue to languish

near the back of the pack?

And will Brandon and Nicole

continue to make short term allies

only to leave them in the dust?

Colin and Christie, who were the first to arrive at : PM

will depart at : AM.

- "The g*ns of the battleship Aurora fired the first shot

of the Russian revolution." - Wow.

- "You'll find it in St. Petersburg, Russia."

[tense music]

- [Phil] Teams must now drive themselves to town

and travel nearly hours by Buenos Aires.

From there, they'll fly more than , miles

to St. Petersburg, Russia.

When they land, they'll have to find the battleship Aurora,

[bell rings]

where they'll receive their next clue.

- [Christie] Going to Russia.

Starting out number one is great,

but in order to stay ahead, we need to make sure

that we will be the team that makes

the least amount of mistakes.

- [Both] St. Petersburg, Russia.

- [Charla] The last leg, Mirna and I had to defend ourselves

because Marshall and Lance were attacking us.

- [Mirna] Come on.

Being a lawyer, I have to deal with despicable human beings

on a constant basis.

- St. Petersburg, Russia.

- Oh my God.

- [Nicole] That even though we are Christians,

and we do wanna share the love of the Lord

with other people, when it comes down to winning,

I'm gonna wanna be as ruthless as I can possibly be.

- "The Russian Revolution."

We've already knocked off a couple strong young teams.

I'm looking forward to knocking off a few more.

- [Colin and Christie] Terminal De Omnibus.

[door creaks]

- [Mirna] Look, look to the left.

That other truck is there.

Let's go.

[door claps]

[Colin speaking foreign language]

[local speaking foreign language]

[Colin speaking foreign language]

[local speaking foreign language]

[Mirna speaking foreign language]

- Can you not see me talking to this person right now?

- I do, but I'd like to speak to him too.

He's the only person here.

- We've got hours and hours. - It's a wait.

- So go stand over there. - Okay.

Actually... - Or stand right there.

- I'm gonna stand right here.

You can do whatever the hell you wanna do. [chuckles]

- [Colin] Mirna might possibly be the rudest person

I've ever met in my life.

And I don't wanna have anything to do with her.

- You have $ for this leg of the race.

Running this race with a twin sister

can be an obstacle because we both have the same strengths.

And we have no one to balance out our weaknesses.

But we can do this.

- St. Petersburg, Russia.

Oh my gosh.

I would much rather start the race in first through third.

I feel like we're playing catch up every single time.

- "The first shot in the Russian Revolution."

- Woo. - Woo hoo.

- [Chip] We are so tired of being bottom feeders.

We've been in the bottom all three times.

- [Kim] We need to run the perfect race.

[tense music]

- [Linda] There's a sign, Karen.

Uh oh, I think we're going the wrong way.

- There it is.

- Let's do this.

- [Joyce] Bus terminal. Right here.

It's right here.

Yours? - Yep.

- [Mirna] Why would you make fun of someone's accent?

- Good morning. Good morning.

[bags shuffling]

- [Karli] Okay, let's go.

- [Marshall] "St. Petersburg, Russia."

Get the winter gear out.

Lance and I, in our normal every day work lives,

we fight and scream and yell at one another here.

Here, we've actually pretty much agreed on everything.

- [Kim] What street are we on?

- [Chip] October?

- [Kim] Oh yeah.

Did we miss it?

- I'm thinking that we did.

Uh oh.

- [Lance] Grab your bag.

Oh. - Oh, hey.

- [Kim] All right.

Oh, that's the moms.

Oh, we caught up with the moms.


- [Karen] Where do we get our tickets?

- [Joyce] This is the bus.

- [Karen] Oh wait, we gotta wait in line, okay?

- Right. - Okay.

- [Joyce] One, two, three,

four, five, six, seven.

- Oh, we got numbers.

So we're being good.

- [Kim] So what time does this open?

- [Joyce] It looks like :.

- [Kim] Okay.

[suspenseful music]

[Colin speaking foreign language]

- Company Via Bariloche.

[local speaking foreign language]

- It turns out there was gonna be two buses.

One bus that left at : in the morning

and arrived at : the next morning.

Then there was another bus that was leaving at noon,

but also arriving at : in the morning.

So it was a faster bus

and it was much, much more comfortable.

[tense music]

- Follow Colin and shut up.

- [Lance] Here we go on.

- [Mirna] Okay, I wanna know - [Charla] Come on, Mirna.

- [Mirna] what's going on.

- Let's keep the numbers. - Yes, keep the numbers.

- [Bob] Let's keep it civil here.

- [Chip] What is this?

- [Colin] If we can buy tickets,

y'all wanna just do in the same order?

- Same order. We're not gonna mess with that.

- [Christie] Yeah. Nicole and Brandon,

you guys wanna come up here?

They're three.

- [Bob] Let's do it, guys.

We're fourth. - But let's do it orderly.

- [Mirna] We were actually the first people here.

- Don't talk to me.

Don't talk to me. - Oh, okay.

- Are we all gonna respect each other's order or not?

Because I'm tired of being pushed back.

- What was the order?

- It's a different line.

We're gonna maintain that order throughout the whole day?

Why would we do that?

- [Kim] If we don't have that kinda peace,

then I'll just be up here.

- [Bob] You're not kidding anybody, Chip.

We know what you're doing. - Yeah.

- Well, you know, Bob?

- This is is a big setup. - Let me tell you something.

Let me tell you something.

- A big setup, buddy. - I'm in front of you.

I'm in front of you for sure.

- [Bob] Big setup, buddy.

- The fact that you - You were following us.

- cut in front of us. - We're not sassy.

We didn't cut in front of you.

- It means I'm not willing to do you a favor now.

- We didn't cut in front of you.

- Have you ever done anybody in your life of favor,

to do us a favor? - Are you kidding me?

- You hate us. - Are you kidding me?

- We have God and we have ourselves.

We don't need a favor from you.

[Colin speaking foreign language]

- I wanted to ensure that Mirna and Shmirna

would not be on the same bus as us.

So I went ahead and just bought four team's tickets

because that was how many seats were left on the bus.

We bought tickets for the brothers,

Nicole and Brandon and Chip and Kim,

because they were right behind us.

We basically have two sets of teams now.

The four of us

and everybody else.

- I am so happy to not see that criminal's face

for a little while.

I can't stand criminals.

- Hey guys, since our four teams are together,

should we just research

and get on the same flight to Russia?

- Yeah.

- Why don't we just go right - All right, let's go find

- to a travel agency? - the closest one.

There we go. - Let's go.

- [Bob] Thank you very much. Thank you.

- [Mirna] They're walking to a travel agent?

Well we have three hours, I don't blame them.

- I know. - They're smart.

- They're smart.

- [Colin] We need to buy a whole bunch of plane tickets

to St. Petersburg, Russia.

[agent speaking foreign language]

- [Agent] You arrive to St. Petersburg, :.

- [Colin] Let's book that.

- [Agent] Yes, we're doing it.

- And then let's keep looking.

- [Agent] Yes. Okay. - Okay.

[tense music]

- [Joyce] Yeah, okay, let's go then.

- [Bob] We can take them on?

- [Joyce] Yeah, we can.

- [Karli] And we are stuck on a bus.

No cell phone, no internet service.

We don't have any control

over our situation right now.

[dramatic music]

- One team can go earlier than the rest of the teams.

- Exactly.

We have no problem with them going.

They bought us a ticket to the bus.

Are you in agreement?

- It feels great knowing that we got on this bus

on our way to Buenos Aires with tickets in our hand

that will get us all the way to St. Petersburg, Russia.

[dramatic music]

[tense music]

- [Driver] Bye bye.

- [Charla] Taxi!

- [Mirna] Let's go.

[Mirna speaking foreign language]

- International airport, muy rapido.

- Taxi's out here.

- [Joyce] Aeropuerto. [speaking foreign language]

[taxis driver speaking foreign language]

- Buenos international airport. Rapido.

- Yes. - Yes.

[Karli speaking foreign language]

[suspenseful music]

- We're just kinda second guessing ourselves

and the plans we made for Russia.

We wanted to not get caught up in groups.

[dramatic music]

- [Nicole] You and I can do whatever we wanna do.

- [Kim] Whoa.

- [Colin] Gracias.

[suspenseful music]

- Four? Four.

Where's the other?

Do you have any idea where Brandon and Nicky are?

- No.

- We're definitely gonna try not to let anyone know

what we're doing when we get to the airport.

[tense music]

- Okay, gracias.

Let's go.

[feet racing]

- [Charla] How many tickets do you have available

to St. Petersburg?

- The flight is completely full.

- [Linda] We need to go talk to somebody.

That's we gotta do first.

- [Mirna] Can you put us on priority standby?

- I can put you on the priority list, yes.

- Please. Please. [speaking foreign language]

[door claps]

- [Joyce] Gracias. Gracias.

- [Karli] Hold on. Here's the moms.

- [Linda] The twins are there, Karen.

- [Karen] Oh, you wanna stay then?

- [Joyce] We need to buy a ticket to Russia.

- [Agent] We go to Madrid.

- [Joyce] Okay.

- Ticket to where? - The tickets...

The first plane out to Madrid.

- Did you find something?

- No. - No.

- [Karen] Linda and I decided we were gonna work together

with Karli and Kami.

- [Kami] We love Linda and Karen.

They play fair.

They play hard and they're great people.

- Okay, you are on the waiting list.

- [Mirna] Thank you so much for your help.

- You're welcome. - We appreciate it.

- [Charla] Thank you very, very much.

Thank you. - Okay. Okay we come back.

- I'm so glad that we got this.

All right. Thank you so much for all your help.


[dramatic music]

- We're gonna make a phone call

to our travel agent in Bariloche.

This is Brandon.

I was with Colin's group yesterday.

We wanna see if we can get on the flight

that gets you St. Petersburg earlier than : PM.

[ethereal music]

:, British Airways.

It's gonna really work to our advantage.

- [Nicole] Let's go check in.

- [Colin] We need to check in.

[agent speaking foreign language]

- Christie and I have tickets

on the earliest possible flight.

Christie, we gotta go.

Feel fast.

- [Phil] Colin and Christie are traveling to St. Petersburg

via Sao Paulo, Brazil and Paris.

- [Lance] Do you have your passport?


- [Kim] Brandon and Nicky are over there.

- We have a confirmation code to get on a flight

to St. Petersburg.

[dramatic music]

- [Marshall] What's going on guys?

- He's checking a spot on British Airways.

- So it arrives tomorrow at :?

- Russian time. - Okay.

- All right, guys. - Here we go.

- [Agent] Yes. Yes.

- You're telling me there are no more seats on there.

- [Agent] No, because the flight is full.

- [Kim] We can't be mad at 'em.

- [Chip] They're playing the game.

- [Kim] They're playing the game.

- I'm not mad at 'em,

but they're scumbags. [laughs]

[tense music]

- [Phil] Brandon and Nicole are flying to St. Petersburg

via Sao Paulo and London.

- [Mirna] Did anything open up?

- The flight is full to St. Petersburg.

- Oh.

I was really counting on the Swiss Airlines flight.

We really messed up.

Come on, Charla, hurry up.

We have to look for tickets.

[airplane zooms]

- [Phil] Marshall and Lance and Chip and Kim

are traveling to St. Petersburg via Madrid and Frankfurt.

- Love you. - We're just screwed

at this down here I think.

- [Joyce] Argentina Airlines confirmed our reservations

with Air France.

They could not ticket us.

Can you give us tickets?

- [Agent] Yes. - Yeah.

- Yeah. We want to pay for everything.

- [Bob] Everything.

These confirmed reservations are wrong.

The ticket agent cranks out the bill.

It's business class.

- [Joyce] On the race, there is a rule.

You cannot buy business class tickets.

They must be economy class.

- There's no tickets available?

- On economy, no.

- Don't get, you see, you're getting down.

Start thinking positive thoughts.

- I'm not giving up.

Again, I am depressed, but I'm not gonna give up.

- We need to go to Russia right now.

- [Agent] The flight is full.

- [Mirna] We have no tickets.

We have no tickets.

They're all booked. There's no flights left.

I don't know what else to do.

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

- [Agent] We have nothing with St. Petersburg.

- [Bob] Economy flight to get us into St. Petersburg?

- [Agent] Lufthansa arriving in St. Petersburg.

- [Joyce] Economy class.

Okay. Put us onto that one.

- [Agent] Yes. Okay.

- Okay. Here we go.

[tense music]

- Hi guys. - Hi.

- Hi girls. - Hello.

[airplane zooms]

- [Phil] Linda and Karen, Kami and Karli, and Bob and Joyce

are flying together from Buenos Aires to Madrid,

while the twins and the bowling moms

connect to St. Petersburg through Paris,

Bob and Joyce will be taking a later flight

through Frankfurt.

- [Mirna] Maybe there's a cancellation?

- [Agent] A group has canceled.

[Charla laughing]

I can give you seats.

- [Mirna] Thank you so much.

We think we're at the end of the pack,

but we're just gonna do our best to get to the front

and then surprise everyone once again.

[airplane zooms]

- [Phil] Charla and Mirna are flying to St. Petersburg

with only one stop, Frankfurt, Germany.

[tense music]

- [Lance] Right now, we just got to Madrid

and we're going to be getting on a flight to Frankfurt.

[wheels screech]

- Let's go.

[suspenseful music]

- Oh my God.

- That's Mirna and Shmirna.

- Looks who's here. [chuckles]

Our best buddies are here.

We're so happy now.

And we're still in it.

We're ready to rumble in Russia. [chuckles]

[airplane zooms]

[tense music]

- [Colin] Let's go.

- [Christie] Very fast.

The battleship Aurora.

- [Nicole] Holy cow.

- [Brandon] To battleship Aurora?

[tense music continues]

- [Christie] I think I see it.

Open the door?

Watch out. Don't fall.

No one fall. - I know.

Come on, baby.

[envelope rips]

- It's a, what is it? - Detour.

- Okay, "Block five sh*ts or drink one shot."

- A Detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this Detour, teams have to choose

between two activities that are particularly Russian.

The choice, block five sh*ts or drink one shot.

In block five sh*ts, teams go a relatively short distance

to this hockey rink, put on protective gear,

and step into one of the goals.

Then working together, they must block five slap sh*ts

from a team of professional hockey players.

In drink one shot, teams travel a longer distance

to Anichkov Palace, where they'll have to grab a saber

and perform a Cossack tradition.

Balance a shot glass of vodka on the blade

and tilt the sword so they drink the shot

without dropping the glass.

- We gotta do the vodka one.

- Okay, yeah, yeah. For sure, for sure.

Come on. - [Christie] Anichkov Palace?

How many miles? - It's okay.

- "Block five sh*ts or drink one shot."

Let's go to the hockey rink.

- [Nicole] I'm thinking we should do the shot.

- [Brandon] I don't think we should.

- Brandon, they're professional hockey players.

We're blocking pucks.

- [Brandon] I don't feel comfortable with drinking vodka.

My faith is absolutely the most important thing to me.

I want to live a life that's an example to others.

Just do it, okay?

- That's fine.

[gentle suspenseful music]

- [Christie] Is that it?

- Da. - Oh.

[cultural folk music]

[performers chanting]

[performers singing and chanting]

- [Christie] Colin, go.

You're doing great, baby.


[dramatic music]

[stick slaps]

- [Nicole] I really don't wanna do this.

One drink is all we had to do.

- Baby.

- I'm not kidding. - Look, we're committed.

- You're such an idiot.

[cultural folk music]

- [Colin] Just push your mouth against it.

Just hold it with your lips right now.

Hold it with your lips right now.

Hold it with your lips.

[performer whistles]

There you go.

- Oh, there!

- Yes!

Good job. Mwah!

- [Christie] Woo!

[performers cheer]

- Thank you.

- "Find The Bronze Horseman."

- [Phil] Teams must now head to the middle of the city

and find this monument to Peter The Great,

the founder of St Petersburg,

where they'll get their next clue.

- [Christie] Wait, there's a taxi right here.

- [Colin] Okay. Come on.

[tense music]

[curious music]

- [Brandon] Have you ever ice skated?

- [Nicole] when I was like five.

[referee yelps]

- [Brandon] You okay?

- [Nicole] Shut up.

I don't even want you to talk to me.

- There it is. The bronze horse.

We're running?

"Make your way to the Old Tower Restaurant."

- [Phil] Teams must now travel out of the city

to the town of Pushkin, and find the Old Tower Restaurant

where they'll receive their next clue.

- Come on, baby.

- [Christie] Okay.

- [Nicole] If this hurts, you're in a lot of trouble.

[skate scrapes]

- [Brandon] All we have to do is block five.

- [Nicole] Holy cow.

Oh my gosh.

[dramatic music]

[sticks slaps]

- [Nicole] Brandon!

- [Brandon] Did I block that? [buzzer buzzes]

- [Nicole] I dunno. - [Brandon] It hit my stick.

Nice, baby!

[stick slaps]

[buzzer buzzes]


[spectators applauding]


- [Nicole] Holy cow.

- Bring it!

Bring it!

[buzzer buzzes]

[stick slaps]

[buzzer buzzes]

Nice. Is that five?

- [Nicole] That's five. [whistle blows]

Holy cow. - You see how good

you were at that, baby?

"Find The Bronze Horseman."

You know? - Okay. Okay.

- [Nicole] Yay. Let's go.

- I feel good about what we just did.

- Baby, I'm worried that took a lot of time.

[tense music]

- Okay.

- Let's go, baby.

Three on the plane and now we're the first off.

We're off and away.

- [Marshall] Okay. Battleship Aurora, here we go.

- [Lance] Okay, this is a race.

- As usual. [laughs]

We are bringing up the rear.

[tense music]

- [Nicole] There it is. [envelope rips]

- [Both] "Old Tower Restaurant."

- Can we find that?


- Yeah right here, right here. - Right here.

- Right here.

[envelope rips] It's a Roadblock.

- "Who's got a taste for the good life?"

- A Roadblock is a task that only one person may perform.

In this roadblock, that person has to eat

one kilogram of caviar.

That's just over two pounds of fish eggs.

Once they've finished eating,

the waiter will give them the next clue.

- Can you do it?

- I don't know.

I don't know if I'm gonna be able to

make it go down my throat.

- I'll do it. - Okay.

Oh my God.

- [Christie] This whole thing?

[dramatic music]

- [Colin] Just take your time.

It's okay. Don't try to eat so much at once.

- [sighs] Can you pour me some of that?

- [Colin] This juice?


Here's some juice, baby.

What about literally putting half and half

and then just drinking it?

You wanna sit down?

Do you wanna try to mix it with the juice?

Why don't you wanna try to do that?

- Because.

Just leave me alone.

[tense music]

- Where's the g*n? - It's a big cannon.

- Let's go.

Come on, Marshall.

- The Detour. - Get...

Oh, we have to hide. - All right.

- We have to hide.

There's another team here. I heard them.

- [Charla] Let's go back down.

- "Drink one shot."

- [Mirna] Don't let people see us.

- Let's go drink sh*ts. - Okay. Let's go.

Come on.

[tense music continues]

- [Mirna] Come on, Charla.

- Come on, let's go.

- [Kim] Let's go up in there. Quick.

- [Chip] Okay. - [Kim] Come on.

- Okay. Come on. - Let's go in here.

- Be careful.

- Anichkov Palace.

- [Marshall] Anichkov Palace.

- [Both] "Drinking vodka from a shot glass."

- Okay, yeah. Let's do that. - Vodka shot.

- My instinct first told me the hockey.

But I didn't wanna always be the one

deciding what to do.

- Okay, then I wanna do hockey.

- So where you said, "Shot", I said "Okay."

- I wanna do hockey, actually.

Let's just go do the hockey.

[dramatic music]

- [Colin] Like what's stopping you right now?

- It tastes so bad. - I know, baby.

You gotta try taking just a bunch of little tiny bites.

All right, close your eyes.

Close your nose.

Hey, it's okay.

It's okay.

Just one bite at a time and don't think about it, okay?

A little more.

- Oh my God.

[curious music]

- [Mirna] What the heck is that? Jock strap? [giggles]

- My ass is too big.

Okay. I feel so protected.

Thanks a lot, Mirna, for not drinking vodka.

[tense music]

- Yeah. [performers cheering]

[tense music continues]

- "Find The Bronze Horseman."

- [Lance] Good, we're great?

Come on, bud.

- [Marshall] So Lance, over here. Over here.

- [Lance] English?

- Yes. Yes. - Okay, you can take us?

How far is it?

Okay. We have to hurry.

It's a race.

[tense music]

- This is Anichkov?

[playful cultural music]

- [Mirna] This is crazy.

- [Charla] So tiring and I haven't even started.

- [Mirna] I give you kiss if you take easy.

Woo. - Ah.

[buzzer buzzes]

- I dunno what happened there. - What? No goal.

[stick slaps]

- Woo! - Woo!

[spectators whistling and applauding]

- [Kim] Hurry, hurry, hurry hurry.

[tense music]

- Do you know where this is or not?

I mean, you gotta be honest with me,

'cause this is a race.

- Yay!

- Yeah.

Yeah. [speaking in foreign language]

[performers cheering]

- [Kim] Taxi.

We need to go to the Horseman?

[dramatic music]

- [Marshall] Lance, how far?

- I don't know, Marshall.

I don't speak the language. - What'd he say?

- [Lance] He said minutes.

- Stupid. Don't walk for miles and miles, wasting time,

when you can jump in a [censored] cab

and be there in five minutes.

[tense music]

- Get it. Quick. Quick. - Okay, real quick.

- What's it say? [envelope rips]

- "The Old Tower Restaurant."

[playful cultural music]

[spectators cheering]

- [Charla] And that's five!

We win!

[spectators cheering]

- "Find The Bronze Horseman."

[dramatic music]

[Lance panting]

- [Lance] It's right there. It's a horse.

- [Marshall] My knees are k*lling me.

People that are heavy tend to have problems

with their knees and I just have to fight through it.

- "Find the Old Tower Restaurant."

Dude, your legs are that bad?

- You have no idea the pain I'm in.

[suspenseful music]

- You've got a taste for the good life, baby.

You are Miss Texas.

- [Nicole] Brandon and them are right there.

Great. - [Brandon] Baby, caviar.

It'll go like that. [finger snaps]

[dramatic music]

- Oh no.

- Is it gross?

- Yeah.

- Ugh.

Oh, that's disgusting.

- [Brandon] Is it that nasty?

- It's like it...

Swallowing a giant loogie.

[Christie sobbing]

- [Christie] I'm just seeing the whole thing

flash before my eyes.

This is over.

I can't do this.

- [Colin] It's okay. Just go on.

- I can't. - It's okay.

- [Nicole] Oh, man.

[Christie crying]

[dramatic music]

[Christie sobbing]

- Holy moly.

- I'm sorry. - Don't feel bad.

- [Charla] Oh, there's is the bronze.

- [Mirna] Okay. Okay.

- "Find"

- [Both] "The Old Tower Restaurant."

[door claps]

- So it would be nice to have dinner. We're starving.

[dramatic music]

- Like I'm full.

- [Brandon] I don't think anybody's

gonna be able to do this.

- [Colin] I do.

I think everyone's gonna do it.

If you have the motivation to do it,

you're gonna get it done.

[tense music]

- I wanna get to the front of the pack somehow.

The way we're gonna do it is on the Roadblocks.

- [Kim] Okay. There it is, right there.

- [Chip] Aw, thank you.

- [Both] "Who's got a taste for the good life?"

- You do.

- Oh my God.

They're already here.

- What, is that?

All of this?

- [Kim] Just see the fast. Go.

[suspenseful music]

- Isn't it nasty?

- Oh!

- [Colin] Baby, you gotta just do it.

- You make it sound so simple.

It's not that simple. - It's that simple.

You cannot quit.

- [Kim] Just do it.

- Want me to do it?

Oh my God.

About to bing nip that in about seconds.

Watch this.

Oh my God.

- I'll do it.

I hate caviar.

- [Mirna] Shut up. Shut up. Shut up, Charla.

Don't say anything.

- [Colin] Oh my God.

Mirna and Shmirna are here.

- Oh, I have to eat all this.

- [Mirna] Charla, you love it.

It's delicious.

- All this?

Oh my God.

- [Mirna] A little bit at a time, Charla.

A little bit.

[tense music]

- Dude, I can't believe how quick

you're getting through that.

- [Kim] There you go. One. Come on.

- Look at him.

- [Kim] There you go.

Okay. That's it. [spoon clangs]

Thank you very, very much.

- [Lance] Chip's the man. Wuss.

- [Kim] Baby, come over here.

- Oh my God.

[envelope rips]

- Okay.

- "Choose a sleigh outside the restaurant

- Oh. - and make your way

to the next pit stop."

- [Both] "Catherine's Palace."

- [Phil] Teams must now choose a horse-drawn sleigh

and travel to Catherine's Palace.

Built by Peter The Great for his wife, Catherine,

this year old palace is the pit stop

for this leg of the race.

The last team to check-in here will be eliminated.

- [Kim] You wanna take these?

- Okay. Yeah. This one's cool.

Okay. Number one.

- Oh. - [Chip] We're number one.

We are number one. - You think so?

- I think so, Booby Cooper.

- Just, you can do it.

You're almost done.

Almost done, you're doing so good.

- Yummy.

- I'm sorry, Colin.

It's not easy.

- [Mirna] It's no big deal.

- [Colin] Oh my God. I can't take it.

I can't take that.

- Delicious.

- This is so much.

- Just eat.

Just eat.

- [Mirna] You're doing so good, Charla.

You're doing so good.

She's the strongest of the women here.

- I hate that woman.

We gotta get outta here.

We gotta get outta here.

- Mmm. This is so good.

- [Colin] We're so close.

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music continues]

- That's one last bite.

We're outta here.

- Good job. [clapping]

Good job. Good work.

- Oh God. [sniffling]

- "Catherine's Palace."

"Warning. The last team to check-in may be eliminated."

- [Mirna] Concentrate on what you're doing.

Put the damn thing in your mouth.

Shove it.

- Ugh.

[sleigh shuffling]

[tense music]

- [Kim] Is that it?

- [Chip] Yeah. This is him. - [Kim] Oop.

- Come on.

- Oh, the caviar!

The caviar.

[tense music]

Oh! Oh! - Oh!

[Chip and Kim panting]

- Yeah.

- Welcome to Pushkin, Russia.

- Chip and Kim, you are team number one.

[Kim screams]

- [Chip] No way, man. Damn.

Being number one feels awesome, because right now,

I'm a front runner, baby,

I'm no longer bottom feeding.

Number one is where we need to stay.

[suspenseful music]

- [Mirna] You're doing great, Charla.

[dramatic music]

- [Brandon] You okay?

- I just feel so sick.

- [Brandon] Here babe, do you wanna drink

some of this water?


- [Nicole] I feel like I'm about to pass out.

- [Brandon] Baby, it's okay.

- I'm so dizzy.

- [Brandon] I'm here with you.

[spoon clanging]

- [Marshall] Good work.

[Feet sloshing]

[dramatic music]

- Colin and Christie.

Team number two.

- I wish that I had chosen to do the Roadblock

instead of Christie, but I don't think

I would've been able to do that.

So, in that way, she is much stronger than I am.

I'm very proud of her.

- [Nicole] Ugh. I'm so dizzy.

- [Mirna] Scoop it up real good.

- Mhm.

- Okay, good. - Gone.

- [Mirna] Come on. Let's go.

[suspenseful music]

Come on.

This way.

- Baby, I don't know if I can do it.



[suspenseful music]

- [Brandon] Nicky's really sick.

She's literally about to pass out on me.

- [Nicole] Oh.


[tense music]

- [Linda] We'll get two cars.

Come on, we'll take this one.

- Get in. - We have to stay up

with this team, so we're not the last ones.

- We need to beat the other car.

- Pass 'em. Pass 'em.

- We're friends and we all get along,

but they're gonna do what they need to do

and we're gonna do what we need to do.

The race is on.

- Marshall and Lance, you're team number three.

- Wow.

[tense music]

- All right, thank you. - Thank you.

- I see other people right there.

Thank you so much.

Come on. Scoot.

- Vodka shot.

- Okay. - Let's go.

- I can use a shot of vodka right now.

- "Drink one shot."

Can you drink vodka? - Okay, yeah sure.

- Come on.

- [Karli] Let's go. Come on. Come on.

- [Linda] Really fast. Really fast.

Beat those girls.

[airplane zooms]

[tense music continues]

- [Joyce] Take us to the Aurora.

- Hurry please.

- [Joyce] Hey, were keeping in there.

- [Bob] We're totally within the realm of possibilities

that we are not out of it.

- Charla and Mirna, you're team number four.

- Oh. - Yay.

- Thank you Phil.

- You're gonna hug me, oh.

- We're gonna block five sh*ts.

All right, let's block five sh*ts.

- Let's go. Let's go.

CKA Hockey Rink.

[tense music continues]

- [Kami] You got it. You got it.

- [Linda] Woo hoo!

[performer whistles]

- Take it easy, no.

Take it easy. No, easy.

Okay. - Come on.

- "Find The Bronze Horseman."

- "Bronze Horseman."

[upbeat music]

- [Joyce] Come on, Bob. We can do this.

[goal post dings]

Okay, one!

We gotta get up, okay.

All right. Another one!

Come on. Give it your best shot.

[stick slaps]

[goal post dings]

Oh, that's two!

All right.

[goal post dings] That's three.

[stick slaps]

[goal post dings]


All right. One more to go!

[goal post dings]

Cool. Isn't that five?

[whistle blows]


[spectators applauding]


Bronze Horseman?

- [Karli] Grab it.

- [Kami] God, we gotta hurry.

[envelope rips] - Statue.

- [Kami] They're already here I think.

- [Karli] Are they? - [Kami] Yeah, they're here.

- [Karli] Okay.

- Come on, come on, come on.

Come on.

- "Find the Old Tower Restaurant."

- Alright. We gotta go fast. - Okay.

- [Linda] The twins are ahead of us.

[somber music]

- [Brandon] Here baby.

Why don't you sit up and drink some of this?

[tense music]

- I don't know if there's one team behind us or what.

- 'Cause We don't know

if Bob and Joyce - You never know.

- are behind us.

- "From here, make your way to the town of Pushkin."

Yeah. [speaking foreign language]

We are in a race. - A race.

- Please hurry. - Speed.

- Okay? - Da.

- [Bob] Maybe we still have a chance.

[somber music]

- Wanna go in here and just take another bite

and see what you feel like?

- Yeah.

- Why don't you try a bite

and see how your body responds to it?

You can do it, babe.

[suspenseful music]

Come on, Lord.

Help her.

You're gonna do it. Don't stop.

[clapping] Don't stop.

You're so close.

You're doing great, babe.

Just punish that.

We are at the goal line.

[suspenseful music continues]

You have so little to go.

I'm so proud of you.

You have like three more big bites and you're done.

All right. Are we done?

Can we get a check?

- Thank you. - Thank you.

[gentle triumphant music] - [Brandon] You did it.

- [Nicole] I don't feel good.

- I love you. - I love you.

[gentle music]

- Brandon and Nicole, you're team number five.

[Brandon and Nicole exhale]

- [Nicole] Brandon is so supportive.

I'm starting to see now that our relationship

really lifts me up and I'm really fortunate

to have Brandon as my partner.

[tense music]

- [Karli] Go, Kami. Come on, go.

- [Linda] Let's go. Come on.


- "Who's go a taste for the good life?"

Karli. - It's gotta be you.

- [Kami] How many do you have to eat?


All of it.

You got it.

[tense music]

- [Bob] We've got a shot at this.

- [Joyce] You must never give up hope

because maybe somebody would get stuck on a challenge.

- Control your shaking.

Just gather yourself. Good job.

- [Karen] She's really struggling.

You're almost done, Linda.

You are so there.

- [Kami] If I could do this for you, I would.

I swear to God, I would do this.

- [Karen] Okay. Okay, you're done.

- We're done?

- [Karen] Yes. Oh yes, you did it.

- Thank you. - This way.

- [Linda] Okay, go.

- We beat the twins at an eating contest.

Imagine that.

[both laugh]

- Linda and Karen, you're team number six.

- Oh! - Yes!

[dramatic music]

- [Kami] You gotta get it down.

Time is of the essence.

- I hate it, just ahhh.

- [Bob] We're making good time here.

I'm feeling really good now.

I think we're gonna catch up.

- [Joyce] I hope you're right.

[triumphant music]

- [Kami] Eat that spoonful and we're probably good.



Let's go.

- This has gotta be it.

Old Tower.

[dramatic music]

- Kami and Karli.

You're team number seven.

- Yay! [clapping]


This is good.

[gentle music]

- Yeah, I can do it. - You're doing it?

All right.

How is it?

- Salty.

- Finding a second love is an opportunity

that few folks get.

Joyce and I got that opportunity.

It's been wonderful.

It's something that we are truly blessed with.

You're the most amazing person I ever met.

- [Joyce] Bob gives me understanding, patience, solidness.

Bob completes me.

- This is fun. You ever had a sleigh ride?

- [Joyce] No. - [Bob] Yeah, me neither.

This should be smooth.

- For a long time, I thought I was gonna be

alone in the world.

And every day I get up thanking God that I've met Bob.

I wanna be with him for the rest of my life.

- Bob and Joyce.

You're the last team to arrive.

- I know. - I'm sorry to tell you,

you've both been eliminated from the race.

- That's okay. That's okay.

We gave it a good run.

- I'm so proud of her.

Joyce is my second chance.

She builds me up every day.

She is the rest of my life to me.

[gentle music continues]

- [Phil] Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

[intense music] On the next episode

of "The Amazing Race", injuries abound.

- Ow! - Oh, Linda.

- Ow.

- Marshall's legs are k*lling him.

- Oh.

- [Phil] While Brandon and Nicole grow closer.

[Brandon speaking foreign language]

- [Phil] And Charla braves the depths

of an underground tomb.

- [Mirna] Charla, everything okay?

[energetic theme music]
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