05x01 - Clearly, I'm More Intelligent than You

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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05x01 - Clearly, I'm More Intelligent than You

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: I'm standing off the coast of southern California,

near the city of Santa Monica.

From this historic coastline,

teams will embark on a race

around the world for $ million.

Life guard transport vehicles

are now carrying the teams to the Santa Monica pier.

Each team is made up of people

with an existing relationship.

The teams are--

Brandon and Nicole,

who recently moved to Los Angeles

after dating long distance for a year.

The other teams are going to see that we are committed Christians,

but they're also going to know that we play hard and we play to win.

Nicole: Last year I was crowned Miss Texas U.S.A.,

so I think that's going to be an advantage that I have.

That I have been in such a competitive situation.

Phil: Kami and Karli, identical twins from Eugene, Oregon.

I don't know how to describe

the nonverbal language that Kami and I have.

I just know that it's there.

Kami knows every single thing about me.

Part of this race will include doing

what we are good at, which is manipulating.

Phil: Linda and Karen.

Best friends, mothers, and amateur bowlers.

We are your bowling team,

the bowling moms from Palmdale.

Whether we are bowling or cooking,

it doesn't matter, we always try to outdo each other.

Our biggest advantage would be our competitiveness.

We go in to win.

Phil: Marshall and Lance,

brothers who run a pizza restaurant in Dallas, Texas.

There's no doubt we will fight,

we will yell, we will come close

to k*lling one another at different points throughout this race.

I'm very abrasive. I'm very loud.

I'm not really ever looking to offend someone.

I'm just being myself.

Phil: Charla and Mirna,

cousins from Baltimore, Maryland.

When most people see Charla,

they see somebody who is short.

They automatically assume she's going to be weak,

but Charla is tough. She's feisty.

Charla: "The Amazing Race" is a great opportunity for me

to break all stereotypes about little people.

I can do anything and everything anybody else can do,

if not better.

Phil: Dennis and Erika-- formerly engaged,

and now trying to find their way back together.

Erica does stress me out. She's very high maintenance.

She has to have things her way.

I can see us definitely having a few blowups.

"The Amazing Race" will definitely be our ultimate love test.

And I think that the race

will just amplify who we both really are.

And we will see if those personalities are compatible.

Phil: Bob and Joyce, widowers who found each other on the Internet.

Having lost both of our spouses to cancer,

we've gotten a second chance at love,

and we're having a wonderful time.

Bob: Other teams will definitely underestimate us

but we are physically fit and we are intelligent enough to win this race.

Phil: Colin and Christie, dating from Corpus Christi, Texas.

Christie: I think that Colin and I

are two very stubborn, very aggressive leaders

who are used to being in control.

Colin: I'm just a very intense person.

I think that I could possibly be

the most intense person that's ever run this race.

Phil: Chip and Kim, married parents

who started their own computer company in Orange County, California.

Our strength would be that we spend hours a day

with each other and no matter what,

we are going to get through whatever obstacle we have.

Chip: We grow in love and respect for each other.

Plus, she is so dog gone beautiful,

it's just like a blessing piled on top of a blessing.

Phil: Jim and Marsha, an ex-military father and his daughter,

hoping for a closer relationship.

My dad has guided me a lot.

I still depend on him for advice,

but he refuses to see me as anything other

than a -year-old little girl

that needs to develop focus--

Well, I don't see you as a -year-old little girl,

sometimes I see you as a -year-old little girl.

Oh, that's perfect.

Phil: Alison and Donny, dating off and on

for years from Pennsylvania.

I was on "Big Brother" and I came in second place,

and I did a lot of bad things.

Donny saw me lie, he saw me cheat,

he saw me flirt and he saw me kiss another guy.

And we got in a lot of fights about it.

Donny: Alison and I fight a lot.

We break up a lot. We quarrel a lot.

We do things that would tear us apart.

But for some reason, we stay together.

Phil: Can these people stand up to the stress

of traveling together across more than , miles?

Who will come up with the right strategy,

the right combination of brains, brawn, and teamwork,

to win the $ million?

These are the questions waiting to be answered

as we get ready to begin "The Amazing Race."

Phil: In just a few minutes you will be leaving

on a race around the world.

There are legs in this race,

and as you travel, you have to complete various tasks.

At the start of each leg of the race

you'll receive a small amount of cash

that has to cover all expenses except airline tickets

which you don't pay for.

At the end of each leg of the race,

there is a pit stop.

of these pit stops are elimination points,

so you'll need to get to them as fast as you can

because if you are last, you will be eliminated.

Everybody understands that?

As for the other pit stops,

you don't want to be last on those either.

If you are, you won't be happy

because there is a new twist in this race.

And that new twist will make your lives very, very difficult.

Your first clue is waiting inside the envelope

on top of the luggage you brought with you.

When I give you the word, you can run to your bags,

read the clue and run to one of the marked cars

waiting in the parking lot.

The first team to cross the finish line

at the end of legs will win $ million.

Is everybody ready?

All: Yeah!


The world is waiting for you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.


Charla, come on. Come on.

Come on, Charla, run. Run.

"Find the hand in the sand in the country of Uruguay."

"You may only travel on one of these flights."

Charla: Here I come.

We're almost there.

"Hurry, seats are first come, first serve."

"You have $. for this leg of the race."

OK, got it.

You can do it, baby.

Let's go!

Did you see me get tripped?Yeah.

What was that about?


Here. Take this. Get in the car.

All right.


We're going to Uruguay.

Uruguay, here we come!

We're looking good.

Got to get your ass there.


Christie: Go. Go. Go. Go. Make a right here.

Everyone else may get on .

Let's hope nobody else knows Lincoln.

Good thing you used to live here, baby.

Good thing you used to live here.

The airport, what is the fastest way?

We have flights that we can depart from.

I don't know if it is smarter to take the first or the second.

I wouldn't have gone this way

but the twins are going this way.

American Airlines. United Airlines.

One of them could be slower.

All right, there's cars,

we're the fourth car going this way.

I can't believe he tripped you.

Who was it? Did you see who it was?

Yes, it was Texas.

He kind ran into me.

But like, it didn't trip me.

He got up quick and came after me.

So I think he's OK.

Alison: I think he pushed you.

I don't know. I was all caught up.

How do you trip somebody from behind unless you push them?

Joyce: Open up the hood.

I don't know where the hood is.

Marsha: Where's the trunk release?

Where's the trunk release?

Bob, find the hood.

I can't find the hood.

Is there is a way to manually open it?

We have to get on American Airlines flight .

All right. We'll make it. Don't worry.

Let's go.

We're leaving.

We're gonna to the . Let's go.

We know where we are going.

I'm bleeding like a god--

Are you really?


Oh, Dad!

It's all right. Just go, baby, go.

Coming out of the gate there,

I think I hit one of those dog gone nails

that was sticking up out of the wood planks,

and I just went down on my right knee.

My dad is a tough military guy.

He has a never give up attitude

and attitude can make this race.

I got it. Yes.

OK, get it in, go.

You have the money, right, Bob?

Got the money. Are we the last ones?

Yeah, we're the last ones, let's go.

Last ones. Oh, boy.

OK, we gotta be quick.

Chip: OK, we caught up with one of the cars.

We have one team behind us.

Honk, babe. You are an L.A. driver.

Brandon: Oh, my God. We are so golden.

Now I'm going to cruise all the way down Lincoln, right?

I feel like Colin is my best friend.

I feel that I can do anything that I put my mind to

because he is there for me.

He is my rock.

I see the LAX bridge already.

We are going to go on the , so you want to get in the middle lane.

This is where we could actually get ahead of a bunch of people.

You get stuck in this traffic, you just gotta keep moving.

We're losing these people.

They got women driving back there.

See, they're getting ahead of us.

Yeah. Get over.

Are you sure?

Damn it, when I say get over, get over.


I'm sorry, but when I say get over, get over!

Get in the right lane.

Kami and I get along for the most part,

but when we don't get along,

we really take it out on one another.

It's vicious.

Go, now. Both lanes.

Both lanes, and don't let them over.

They are not going to be that aggressive.

They're not too bright.

"Hurry, seats are first come, first serve."

Read it. Tell me which one.

"American Airlines , departing :."

Dennis, please don't lose them.

If they get there ahead of us

then we're on the second flight,

and we're already in the last group.

Dennis and I definitely broke up because neither of us

were ready to be engaged.

We just had pressure from family and friends.

Neither of us really wanted to be in that position.

If we get through this, I think we can make it through anything.

We'll see signs. Don't worry.

What's the place called again?

Christie: Park One.

Park One. Airport parking. Right here.

Let's get to the shuttle quick.

American Airlines?

Phil: There are enough seats on the first departing

American Airlines flight for only teams.

The other teams will have to take

the United Airlines flight that departs later.

However, this United flight is faster

because it has a shorter layover.

Once a team receives tickets, they may not return them.

Lance: Century Boulevard Airport.

Get in the right lane.Come on people,

move it. Move it.

Hon, go right, please.

Honey, there is a double turning lane, OK?

And it starts.

Shut up.

I seriously don't know why me and Alison are still together.

I don't know if it's God just playing a weird joke on me

or what it is, but for some reason,

we really just can't be without each other

as much as we can be with each other.

Here. Come on.

Karli: The shuttle stop is right there.

Donny: Go left.

Get ready to go here.

All right, I'm totally hyped,

I'm ready to go.There are the boys.

Here is another team. Try to pick up the pace.

OK, we've got to get on that shuttle.

Come on.

Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.

Let's go, Marshall.

OK. Let's do this.

Let's go. Let's go.

We've got to get on that shuttle.

No, no! Keep going. Keep going.


Come on. Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it.

American. American Airlines right here.

Not one other team is here yet.

Hurry, you guys, we don't want anyone else getting on.

Do you guys want to swap flights?

Do you guys want to work together? Yes.

Donny and Alison and the twins and Erika and I

decided to break up who would go to what flight

to decide which flight would get in first.

There's still a lot of teams out.

We have to divide flights.

We still got the midget to worry about, come on.

Ha ha. Shut up!

Oh, sh**t. Did we go the wrong way?

Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

God help us.

We need all the help we can get.

Look for airplanes. Hey, that works.

Don't see any.

Got a ways to go.

Entrance to Park One that way, honey.

Here we go.

There's the guys.

Hey, guys.

Oh, wow.

What is going on?

Where are the flags?

Where are the flags?

Where are the yellow and red flags?

There's yellow and red flags?

Read the thing again.

"When you arrive at the flagged airline counter."

United, United, down this way.

Karli: It's up there.

I see it.

This is American? International.

International? Yes.

Yes. OK, flight number .

Do you know what time it arrives?

I need other teams also, with ours.

Clerk: Are you going to have any bags or anything?

No. We are not checking anything.

Can you check if American Airlines arrives there faster?

This one will get there first?

Tickets to Uruguay, please.

Can we get tickets towards the front?

The very front, if possible.

So everything is set.

Go down this way to gate B.

Good job, you guys.

OK. Where is it?

No one saw the flagged area.

Down here, right?

Where are the flags? I still don't see flags.

Oh. Right there.

Do you know how many people

have gotten tickets?

So far we know us,

the twins, and the blonde and brunette.

They're on this flight?


So teams already?

We're the first ones to book. They already

put their seat orders in,

but then they ran to the bathroom.

They ran to the bathroom.

The girls will come back, though.

I promised Alison and Donny and the twins

that I would hold their tickets for them,

and I didn't want to break my bond with them.

Erika? What?

Where are the girls?

We are going to get Erika and her boyfriend

because we made a pact with them.

And hopefully they haven't bought tickets yet.

I need other teams also with ours.

Holy moly.

There's like a million teams coming right now.

Where are the girls? Where are the twins?

Total bull... that's what is going on.

For some reason, I think that this guy's booking seats

for other teams. We'll see.

What?Which one?

Dennis, where are they? Point to them.

They're in the bathroom. They're coming.

They're coming!

They have been in the bathroom a long time.

We might not be able to go because of Dennis.

We cannot hold this line up anymore.

We've piled it up for minutes.

Every other team hates us right now.

They're all screaming at us.

Hey, there are no rules against it.

A scumbag is a scumbag.

I'm not a scumbag.

Yeah, you didn't break the rules!

Dirty is dirty.

Right off the bat I'm like the bad guy,

and I thought I was usually the nice guy.

Bring it! You bring it!

You guys are definitely not getting on this plane now.

Oh, we're scared!


You want to start up with the scumbag.

Marsha: We're going to United.

I think the bleeding stopped.


All right.

OK. Ready? Get in line.

Do you see them? We need to go get them

before they buy their tickets.

That's faster.

That's faster?

Yeah, it leaves like an hour earlier.

It is an hour faster.

Than this one?

Yeah, we had her compare the two.

Are you sure? That is impossible.

It gets there an hour earlier.

They both meet in Miami,

and it gets there an hour earlier.

So should we book this other one?

No, we can't!

Colin: We got ours.

Thank you so much. We appreciate you guys.

Mirna: Park One!

Oh, my God. What is our problem?

Are we blind? It can't get any bigger.

OK. Come on. The shuttle is going to take forever.

We didn't get on the first flight to leave L.A.

But that's OK.

We are going over to United now

and they will have a ticket for us.

They will have one there.

Clerk: You're all set here.

You're checked all the way to Montevideo through Miami.

OK. You are good to go. Good luck. Enjoy.

Thank you.

OK. Let's go. Let's do it!

Thanks for traveling the friendly skies.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

This flight gets there earlier.

Oh, no way!

You've gotta be kidding.

Thank you very much.

You've got blood on everything.

Oh, that looks bad.

Jim, are you OK?

Right there.

Jim: So, we are at the ticket counter,

and one of Los Angeles Airport's paramedic

calls me over to the side

and says he would like to look at my knee.

I was extremely, extremely worried.

Oh, this looks bad.

Definitely need stitches.

I need to catch a flight.

You may not be able to travel.

We're just going to take him over to the medical clinic.

All right, let's get a cab.

Or this Thrifty guy. Maybe this Thrifty guy will take us.

My dad just, like, busted his knee.

He needs stitches really bad.

We're trying to make a flight.

Where are you going?

The emergency medical clinic.

Get in. Get in.

Oh, right on!

Hey, Dad.

What's your name, buddy?


Vincent, you are the b*mb. Thank you.

I don't feel good about right now.


It's really disconcerting to be on the slower flight

because we'll be behind other teams.

Thank you.

Jim: We have about an hour.

I'm worried about making the flight.

Oh, please, what's up with this traffic?

Is this traffic going to be like this the whole way?

If we miss this flight, we lose the race.

Thanks, Vincent. We're going to call you.

It's pretty bad, so we're a little nervous right now.

The flight is at :.

We are out of it if we don't make the flight.

It's so vicious. guys got trampled on.

And they were like big guys.

One needs stitches now.

We are lucky that we didn't get k*lled.

Jim: They wrapped it up real good.

Uh, stitches.

There's Vincent.


Vincent, you are the man. Give me your pack.

They are boarding. Oh, my goodness.

You guys are all set. Have a great trip.

Thank you very much.We love you.


Uruguay, here we come.

It pulls away from the gate at :.

You have the tickets, right?


Need a hand?

Thank you, Vincent.


No more surprises.

Make a hole, people. Make a hole.

OK. There we go.

Is it a full flight?

Now it is. Yeah.

Jim: Well, we made the flight.

Probably would have been quicker to amputate the leg.

Amputate it from the neck down.

Phil: All teams are now traveling over , miles

to the South American country of Uruguay.

Teams on the first flight to arrive

are Alison and Donny,

Kami and Karli,

Jim and Marsha, Brandon and Nicole,

Bob and Joyce, Charla and Mirna,

and Linda and Karen.

Teams arriving last are Dennis and Erika,

Colin and Christie,

Marshall and Lance, and Chip and Kim.

Once in Uruguay, teams must find this place.

The hand.

This statue sits on a beach next to

some of the roughest waters in South America,

and the fingers jutting up from the sand

represent the last that thing you see

of a person before they drown.

To get here, teams will have to travel miles by bus

to the city of Punta del Este.

Will the teams at the back

figure out how to leap ahead?

And who will be the first team to be eliminated?

Where do we find bus information?

Where is the bus terminal?

Bus to Punta de la Este?

Autobus. Punta de la Este.

The bus leaves in like minutes.

We gotta get the hell out of here.

It's right up here.

We're very independent women

and we like to take charge and conquer whatever we set our minds to.

Punta del Este, you go?

Whoo, we cut that close.

Everybody is here now.

Mirna: Oh, my God. We better get the hell on this bus.

Let's go. We got things to do, people to see.

Here. Give me that.

Just go wait by the bus.

He'll know which one it should be in over here.

I have never traveled.

I have never been able to see different cultures.

I think that this is gonna really open my eyes.

We live in the desert

where it's brown, and not beautiful like this.

It is very beautiful here.

We are in good shape. The other teams

on the American flight they didn't catch this bus

So we've got at least a half- hour head start on them.

So things are great.

We're a little bit concerned

about the fact that we are in the back of the pack.

Here it is.

Do y'all see it?

There it is. I see it, I see it!

Come on, Mirna!

Give me the backpack.


You see a flag?

Yeah, there it is right behind it.

You can do it, come on.

Read it.

OK. "Clue."

"Get to the Gorriti Island."

"Once there, look for the clue box

at the end of the pier."

Phil: Teams must now travel by ferry

to Gorriti Island, a former hideaway for Spanish pirates,

where they will find their next clue.

Isla Gorriti. Come on.

Isla Gorriti.

A ferry. We are taking a ferry.



That's it. The yellow cars.

Let's go.

We are in a race. We have to go quickly.

Let's go, let's go.

Muchas gracias. Muchas gracias.

Taxi? Taxi?

Charla, get your whistle out.


Taxis are right there!

Stop. Taxi, taxi, amigo!

Help me.

You want to help me? Gracias.

Strangers love to help me.

They see me and they think, oh, she can't do anything.

Let me just do it for her.

That's going to be saving us a lot of time.

Can we walk or do we need to take a taxi?


We need to get to the ferry.

Look. There they go.

All right. Let's follow them.

Everyone is in cabs!

Baby, it's OK.

Let's catch a cab.

We gotta save our money.

I was upset that he didn't include me

in the decision to walk instead of take a cab.

I think the of us together

could make wiser choices.

How far is it? Can we walk?

Yes, let's go, come on, Karen.

Where did everybody else go?

I don't know.

Oh, gracias, senor. Gracias.

Maybe we have to take a boat there.

Yes, that's what a ferry is.

Where is the ferry?

He is driving us to it.

I'm the brains, he's the brawn.

Clearly I'm more intelligent than you.

Sorry, no offense.

Gracias, gracias.

Hey, all right. All right.

Hola. Oh, here they come.


Hurry, hurry, hurry.

OK. Let's go.

OK. Push off.



Run. Run. Run. It's leaving.

Good-bye, let's go.

Let's go.

Por favor.

I'm pissed. I just don't like it

when people are on a boat saying, "Go, go!"

because the fast girls are coming

and they're about to jump on.

At the end of the pier. Down there. Down there.

Oh, Dad. Your knee.

Come on. Give me your hands.

We're the last one now.

No, we're not. You don't know where the teams are.

But we gotta focus on making smart decisions together.

I need you to support me, Nic.

Yeah. And I need you to include me on our decisions, Brandon.

What Nicky needs to understand

is that we are trusting the Lord

and He is going to protect us

and just trust that God's got our best in mind.

See those boats? That's a harbor.

Vamenos. Vamenos. Vamenos.

You guys ready? Come on, come on.

"Get to Gorriti Island.

"Once there, look for the clue box

at the end of the pier."

OK. Let's go.

We're the last team, baby.

"Search the trees in that area

for a ticket to the ferry."

"There are different ferries."

"Each leaves at a different time."

Phil: Teams must now make their way to this wooded area

and search nearly marked trees

for tickets on ferries

leaving the island tomorrow morning

at departure times--

: A.M., : or :.

Once a team rips a ticket off a tree,

they may not change their minds.

Start looking for times.

Look for times before you rip it.

: A.M. departure.



:, Donny, I got an :.

Let's look over there real quick.

: A.M. Let's mark this one.

: A.M. Departure.

Ferry ticket.

Shh. Quiet. Quiet.

OK, we found . We found an : and a :.

We gotta go find our : one again.

I have not seen any other taken. Sweet.

The other one I saw was : A.M.,

so at least it's ahead of that.

Take it.

How many numbers did you see?

At least like .

What numbers?

: and above.

There's only ferries.

Why didn't you yell that?


Departing at : A.M. On the ferry.

Go. Go, Charla, go.

I say we work together, you guys, if we can.

We are going off this way, guys.

It was the father and daughter and us.

And I basically went to the father and said

let's work together.

The daughter didn't want to hear it.

Charla, can you hustle?


Ah, : A.M. Departure.

Got one?

Yes, for : A.M., though, keep that in mind.

Did you guys find one?

No. We haven't found one yet.

Jim: Where is the one you found?

Shush. I told them I didn't find one.

:. Dad. :. Let's take it.

Let's take it.

Good girl.

Charla, :. I found :.

Let's just pull it. Let's take it.

Nobody is helping us. Has anybody helped us?


When we see somebody help us

we will love to help them.

But until that moment,

everybody fend for themselves.

They're playing nice, but they're not.

Linda. Found an : and a :.

I found a : A.M.

You think we should grab a :?

No. I don't, actually.

There has to be better than that.

Should we just grab the :?

Take the :.

Take it.

Brandon, we can't afford to get on the :.

There has to be something else left.

We've seen : A.M.'s.

They're still looking for theirs.

What do you think, Bran?

You make the call.

Brandon, have you guys seen any later than : A.M.?


That's the latest, right?

That's the latest.OK, great.

Yes, we took it.

You got yours?

Let's take it.

All right. Grab it.


We were on the first flight but on the last ferry.

If this cost us I would be really upset.

I felt like I had let Nicky down.

I didn't listen to her.

I just tried to do things my way.

Take it. The last one.

We're in last place again.

Oh, man, we leave before everybody.

We leave at...:.

We finally got the ticket that said :.

We said, uh-oh. There we go again. The bottom feeders.

[All talking at once]

This is our mattress. Give me a break.

You know what I'm saying?

Oh, my gosh. It is so nice today.

It's going to be a good day.

Thank God we are getting off

this hell hole of an island.

No kidding, this place sucks.

Worst night's sleep of my life,

and bugs...I can't wait to get out of here.

Phil: Teams must now travel on boats

from Gorriti Island to the Punta del Este dock

where they'll get the next clue.

The first boat carries Alison and Donny, Bob and Joyce,

and Linda and Karen.

The second boat, minutes behind the first,

carries Kami and Karli, Jim and Marsha,

and Charla and Mirna.

The last boat departing one hour after the first

will carry Marshall and Lance,

Colin and Christie, Brandon and Nicole,

Dennis and Erika, and Chip and Kim.

Come over here, come over here.

"Make your way to the city of Maldonado."

Phil: Teams must now make their way

to the suburb of Maldonado

and find the Jose Francisco Gonzalez meat warehouse

where they'll receive their next clue.

Should we get a taxi?

What is the best way to go, taxi?

Bus? Omnibus.

Up here, up here!

There's the bus!

Doing great.


Gracias, senor.


Can't find the flag.

I don't see any flags.

Do you see anything, Dad?

Mirna. Mirna.

Charla has the eyes of a cat. A tiger.

Make your way to the city of Maldonado.


We didn't see anything down there.

You guys, it has to be right in front of our face,

I know it. Maybe we are just looking too hard.

Where did Charla's team go?


I'm sure we went right by it.

Keep going straight.

You see anything, Dad?

Let's keep looking for the flag.

They were all teaming up

and nobody went to help us.

And they didn't want to even talk to us,

and that's what they get for it.


OK. There's the route marker.

Charla knows.

How the hell did they get here?

Charla and Mirna were on the ferry behind us

so that half-hour lead that we had we just lost.

The first team is here.

The first group that left half an hour before us.

"Deliver one side of beef."

"The butcher will give you the next clue."

Phil: Beef production is one of the largest industries in Uruguay.

Teams must carry a -pound side of beef

a half-mile to this butcher shop,

the La Rosada Carniceria.

As payment for their delivery,

the butcher will hand the teams their clue.

Alison, take this.

Let's go. Let's go.

I'll never make this.

I'll never make it.

I'll help you with the beef. I will.

I'm gonna cry with this beef.

Oh, man. This is heavy.

Are you OK?


You've got a dog following you.


Slow and steady, hon. Slow and steady.

Take deep breaths, babe.

You are doing good, honey.

I'll help you.

No. I got it. Just tell me which way to go.

Donny, that's the yield.

Phil: There is only one yield on each leg of the race.

The team that uses it

may force a team that's behind them

to stop racing for a pre-determined amount of time.

Any team that's being forced to yield

must turn this hour glass upside down

and wait for all the sand to run out

before they continue on

even as other teams may pass them.

However, teams can only exercise the yield power

once during the race so they need to decide

when it is in their best interest to use it.

We are not using the yield

on anyone, we're not being yield.

The yield is too valuable to use at this point of the race.

We are in the front of the pack already.

It is really pointless for us to use it right now.

Close to the water.

See a boat over there?

Oh, wait. We ran right past it.

Let's walk over here.

OK. Make your way to the city of Maldonado.

The other teams are about to disembark.


"Route info."

All right, go.

Looking for the city of Maldonado.

We know it is more blocks.

There's another team right behind us.

We are not stopping again.

OK. It's right up here, Bob.

They are stopped.

And the butcher is right up here.

Thank God.

Oh, there. Just carry it.


Let's roll.

Take your time. Slow and steady. We'll get there.

Are they still walking up there with the beef?

Yeah, they're still walking, hon.


Come on, Bob. It's up here.

Come on, we're wasting time.

Charla, please help me.

I'm trying!

You're not letting me.

The beef was disgusting. The cow smell.

I don't eat beef cooked let alone this raw beef.

This beef weighs pounds.

I can't believe we didn't use the yield.

We said we were not going to help these people.

I got it. Let's go.

We're going to get there.

Is that it, Donny? That's it.


Carniceria, right there.

If I can do this, you can do that.

That's all you have to think about.

This is so heavy.

Charla? Yes?

You have to do it with the gloves, Mirna.

You have to.

I can't hold it with the gloves.

I will get mad cow disease.

It is so heavy. Oh, God help me.

God help me. Please, God help me.

This is so heavy.

Charla, wait, wait, wait.

Charla. Charla.


I can't hold it.

You are a strong girl.

You are stronger than these other girls.

I'm just dripping in sweat.

I used every ounce of every piece of energy I had

to carry that beef.

Carniceria, right there.


Clue me, baby.

Your next clue is waiting across the street

from the blue and white hotel at this address.


Punta del Este.

Phil: Teams must now return to the city of Punta del Este

where across the street from this blue and white hotel,

they will find their next clue.

Punta del Este.

I don't know if that's it, Linda.

We gotta cross.

It's right here. I hope we get a shower after this.

Punta del Este.

We gotta go to Punta del Este.

Let's try to find a cab.

Muy rapido.

Punta del Este.

Really quick.

[Speaking Spanish]

No, not this. That one bag.

OK, put that on my shoulders.

No, no, you can't--

Yeah, yeah, I can.

Charla, you can't do this.

Let me try it!

We have a good lead, you can do it.

You can do it. You are the strongest woman here.

Where is the beef butcher place?

I don't see it.

Nobody is walking this far.

God help us.

Nothing like a big chop of ass in your face.

Can't go much farther.

Can't go much farther, OK.

I'm carrying the meat, and I'm getting tired,

and my leg's giving out.

We have to find this butcher

and get rid of this meat.

We can do it all on our own.

We can do it. We don't need anybody.

We never do.

This is nothing. We can do this.

No problem.

Here, here, is it here?

La Rosada Carniceria.

Oh, my God, we came streets too many!

It is right up here.

I can't do it.

Run, run, run.

Put it on my shoulder.

This way, amigo.

You guys, here is our chance to catch up with Mirna.

Yeah, here's our chance to catch up with Mirna.

There it is. There it is.

This is the longest butcher.

You have to put it in the freezer.

I'm so proud of Charla. She is working so hard.

She has so much determination.

More than anybody.

Punta del Este.

Punta del Este.


Oh, Daddy!

Give me your hand.

Your next clue is waiting across the street

from the blue and white hotel.

You didn't give me the clue.

I'm not going to let you hold that pack anymore

if you can't do this.

Oh, here it is.

Yeah, do you want to apologize?

Sorry.Don't do that.

You can't stand not being in control.

I love controlling you.

Blue and white hotel across the street.

Bob: Stay with them.

Joyce: Stay with them, yeah.

[Whistles]Muerte, muerte.

Charla, after we carry that beef,

we cannot lose because we can't find a damn taxi.

How are we going to find a taxi!

Ask for the clue, Colin.

Where is the clue? Where is the clue?

Come on.

Colin, I have the clue.

Erika, let's go.

"Across the street from the blue and white hotel at this address."

Find it. Let's go.

Get us a taxi.

Si, si. Gracias. Gracias.

OK, he is going to call us a taxi.

Hopefully it's going to work.

Are they calling them?

How many teams do we have here?

We have , , , , .



We are at the taxi stand

trying to get a taxi back to Punta del Este.

There's teams here.

The twins were here first and so we are going to let them go first.

And we're just gonna work it out amongst ourselves.

Baby, we made it. Come on.

Right in there.

Right through that door.

The other groups walked all the way up that way

but they said they are going to the taxi station,

but there's no taxis up there.

Can you call one more taxi?

Andele, andele.

Is that a taxi?

Taxi! Yay.

Nic, Nic, come on.

Rapidamente, por favor.

Punta del Este.

Guys, keep your eyes open, you know?


Taxi, finally.

God, I have to say a prayer,

because I'm either going to lose it--

Calm down.

Are we screwing them if we take the next taxi?

It all depends. I don't know.

Taxi. Taxi.

Come on, Christie, right here.

This one's mine.

Let them get the cab just as a good faith gesture.

That's great.

You know? You know.

Ah, gracias.


Are you cool with that?

No. I'm not, but what choice did I have?

Eventually it is every man for himself.

I don't know why in the world

you would let them take the taxi first

when I saw the other one first.

It's not like it was an agreement like,

"Oh, if we see a taxi, you guys go first."

If they were being nice -- I saw the taxi.

At the airport, everyone thought I was a big scumbag

and everyone hated me.

I thought I wanted to prove to everyone that I'm a nice guy

and I thought we'd give the cab to Colin and Christie.

We need to go. We are in last place right now.

Now we are in dead last place right now.

We are not in dead last place.

Who is behind us?

I feel like I sometimes I disappoint Erika.

Other teams have been passing us because of my niceness.

And I feel like I'm responsible for that.


Mr. Fair Play over here had to play fair game.

So now it is all my fault.

It is always your fault.

It is always my fault?


We'll see.

The next clue is waiting across the street

from the blue and white hotel.

Stop. Stop, park!

Trunk, senor, trunk.

See it, anywhere?

I don't know if this is it. It says a clue.

I don't know but there are flags.

Let's go, right now!

Right now, run, run!

Gracias. Come on!

It's the blue and white hotel!

That's it! All right! It's the blue and white hotel.

Pay attention.

It's got to be down here.

I think we're the first ones.

Go. Go. Hurry.

Bring it here.

Here, Bob, read it.

Oh, my God. Detour. OK.

"Zips or chips."

Phil: A detour is a choice between tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams need to choose between zips and chips.

In zips, teams make their way

to the top of this high rise,

then pull themselves across this horizontal zip line

while dangling feet above the ground.

Once on the other side,

they plummet down the second zip line

to the pool stories below.

It is a frightening task,

but if they've got the guts

they can finish it quickly.

In chips, teams make their way into this casino

and receive chips to play roulette.

They'll get their next clue only if they hit their number.

There is nothing scary about the task.

But what is scary is the gamble,

because if they lose their chips,

they'll have to do the zips anyway

and they will have wasted a lot of time.

Let's go zips. Come on.

Zips? Are you sure?

All we have to do is hit one number.

In roulette! What are your chances of hitting the number?

"Zip line down to the pool, stories below."

Let's hit the zip. Let's go.


Take the elevator to the th floor.

[Car honking]

Gracias. Gracias.

I'm scared. I'm the big chicken.

I got Karen to go first because if she went first,

I could see how it's done.

That's why you got a helmet on.

Hurry, hurry, hurry. Go. Go. Go.

Hurry, Donny. You gotta hurry.

I think we're first! Everybody's behind us.

It just said your clue is waiting across the street

from the blue and white hotel.

There they are. Go, go, go, go.

We are not sure where to go

because we haven't found a clue box.

I look over to the left and saw flags.

Go, Kami, go!

So we go to the flags, we go up the stairs.

We walk into the casino,

and we are supposed to play this game of roulette.

OK, ? Bet all of them or just ?

Oh, my gosh!

I'm so afraid of heights.

There's just a piece of fabric holding me up.

One more pull, Linda, one more.

One more.

You're there! One more pull and you're there.

I'm trying to get Karen to tell me

how much farther I had to go.

Then I see little Alison who weighs nothing

just going right by me.

Go, Joyce, go. Go, Joyce, go.

Come on, Bob. Come on, honey.

You're doing it great!

Bob: Joyce is supportive, strong, fast.

I can't imagine anybody having a better teammate than Joyce.

That was fabulous.

She was so terrific.

We get to the zip line and we're looking down at that,

we're like, oh, my God, are you kidding me?

or stories down.

, , , go.

Oh, my goodness.


These are tight. These are tight?

I was so scared. I was just afraid,

but I love Donny very much and I don't want

to be the one that's going to keep him behind.

Ahhhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!

Good job. Swim to this first one.

Haul ass.

"Travel by taxi to the pit stop."

Phil: Teams must now travel miles by taxi

to the town of Punta Baillana,

and find this place, Casa Pueblo.

This one of a kind homestead

is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here will be eliminated.

OK, we just need a taxi.

We need to tell them.

How do we get out--

how do we get out of here?

If we lose on the first leg,

it's going to be very embarrassing.


I don't see it.


Oh, my gosh!

That is so cool!


Come on, Linda!

Go, Linda!

Whoo! How come we hit so hard?

The other teams are going to see us as your average mom.

We're just going to keep going and just surprise people.

They're gonna go, "Oh, my gosh.

I can't believe those mothers did that!"

"Go by taxi to the pit stop."

Dealer: black.

I have never played roulette before

so I don't know the premise behind it.

No more bets.

Whoo! Whoo!

, you win.

Luckily we won by chance. I don't know how.

Travel by taxi to the pit stop.

This is our taxi.

Stay here. Stay here. Stay here.

We've got to find it.

Baby, I looked over there.

Did you look all through here?

The directions said "Across the street

from the blue and white hotel."

Oh, there it is.

There's the flag right there.

We were so excited to see

the yellow and red marker at the hotel.

So we just immediately run up the stairs.

Dealer: No more than .

I was wondering why would they give us chips.

Let's go, Marshall.


When I got to the chips

it was about gambling, playing roulette.

Well, I love playing roulette.

And naturally, I consider myself pretty lucky at roulette.

Let's go check that.

for C.J., and then for Kristen

is, uh--

One more.

And then .

red. red.

OK. We have to do this--

OK, Lance and Marshall.

Lance and Marshall, OK.

Only the numbers.

Marshall, what do you got? Start yelling out numbers.

, ,


I play roulette all the time when I go to the casino

and I always play family birthdays.

No more bets.

Oh, yeah! Yes!

Thank you.

"Travel by taxi to the pit stop."

Let's go.


Come on, Karen, run.

We've got to just get in a taxi and go.

Taxi? Where are the taxis?

, , , , and .

Yes! Yes!


Thank you. Thank you.

"Travel by taxi to the pit stop."

Punta Baillana.

That's Chip and Kim.

Where are the taxis?

Get in, Kami.

Andele, andele.

I'm really surprised we didn't have a detour.

Was that the address that they dropped us off at?

Yeah, and it said on the other side of the blue and white--

Was there a blue and white hotel?

Right behind it.

Did it say across the street?

Pit stop. Let's go. Come on, honey.

"Zips. Make your way to the roof of the blue and white hotel."

So we gotta go up there.


Zips. Let's do zips.

We have to get up to the roof.

I say we go in the hotel.

Chips. Go to the casino and play a game of roulette.

We're in the casino every other week.

We don't get much money.

Charla, this is a sign.

Zip line. Up there. Come on. To the roof.

We are gambling phenomenons.

OK. Let's go. We'll try.

I just have a feeling.

I don't, but we'll try.

Come on, baby! Go!

We need to take an elevator.

We might have to go back downstairs.

I'm just going to work my way.

And you just do not freeze, OK?

I was worried.

I just stared at the line

and forgot where I was at.

You got it, baby!

Colin has a lot of faith in me.

He's motivating me.

Whether it is physical, mental.

That's my girl.

I think this is a great opportunity

for us to learn to trust each other,

learn to not take our relationship for granted.

Good job, baby.

Good job.

Do it all in one shot.

All in one shot.

Oh, wow, ooh. La la la.

OK. Mucho dinero, mucho dinero.

. No good, no good.

. And one .



, our lucky number!

Can we do one hand of blackjack?


Come on, Charla, we'll double the money.

"Travel by taxi to the pit stop."


We've gotta go.

Kami, go, go, go. Come on, Kam-kam.

Come on, babe.

Wait, baby, wait for me.

Come on.

Welcome to Punta del Este.

Thank you.

Chip and Kim, you are the first team to arrive.

No way, man.


However, you did not pick up a route marker,

and you must go back and get it before you can check in.

We couldn't believe it.

It just threw us for a total loop.

We realized that we didn't go

to the route marker that had the detour.

We are so dead. It is unbelievable.

Man, I just said, oh, my God. This is it.

We're sunk, honey.

Kami and Karli,

you did not pick up a route marker.

Do we need to go back and do that?

You must go back and get it before you can check in.

Move, Kami, go, go, go!

So we need to go back to the hotel.

We gotta go.

Andele, por favor, please.

This will be a miracle if we are not out.

The only way we have a chance

is if we have somebody as equally as--

Lame as us.

I'm so sorry.

That's OK, Kami. We are not out of it yet.

Come on, Brandon.


Look at that butt!

"Travel by taxi to the pit stop."

There's an arrow.Where? Oh, yes!


Yeah, baby!

Ahhh! Ahhh!

"Travel by taxi to the pit stop."

Welcome to Punta del Este.


Alison and Donny,

you are team number one.


Now, I've got some good news for you.

As the winners of this first leg of the race,

you have won a vacation to beautiful Hawaii

compliments of American Airlines' website, AA.com,

which you can enjoy after the race.


Donny: To be number one right not feels great

because we're gonna kind of lead ourselves

and lead everyone else in the pack.

Donny and I are fighting.

We fight when we are frustrated.

I want to work out a healthy relationship

instead of such a dysfunctional, fighting relationship.

Let's go. Let's go. It's right over here.

Let's do zips.

We got up to the zip line.

And we're thinking these teams are all on our tail.

Then we see Erika and Dennis and that made us nervous

because we are a little gimpy right now.

Marshall and Lance,

you're team number .


If you would have told me she was here,

I would have been here a lot quicker.

There she goes.


Linda and Karen,

you are team number .


Now we have to go back to across the street

from the hotel. We are sunk.

Don't give up.

We didn't start...

at a clue box.

So we knew we missed something.

Andele. Por favor. Please.

Go, yay!

Bob and Joyce--


You are team number .

Whoa. We made it.

We made it!

I can't wait to see Phil. He's gorgeous.




Charla and Mirna,

you are team number .

Oh, that's OK. That's pretty good.

We thought we were .


Yeah. We carried the cow like extra blocks.



Watch your knee.

Jim: Going into a pool of water

with stitches that are one day old

is not the thing to do.

OK, "travel by taxi to the pit stop."

What about over there? No.

There it is over there.

"Detour. Play a game of roulette."

We've already done that.

We can go to the pit stop.


Let's go, let's go.So what was our next clue?

Go to the pit stop? Yeah.


OK, senor.

Mas rapido, por favor.

Brandon and Nicole,

you are team number .

Oh, my lucky number.

We gotta, we have to--

Muy rapido.Muy rapido.

We gotta go, go, go.

If it takes Erika and her boyfriend

as long as it took us or maybe longer to get a taxi.

Let's go, let's go.

Colin and Christie,

you are team number .


We did a little catching up.

All right.

We got to stay calm.

We don't know where Kim and Chip are.

They might be last.

I want us to just be team number or team number .

I just don't want to be last.

At least we have a driver who knows exactly where he's going.

Yeah. We'll be fine.

Chip and Kim,

you are now team number .


We've done everything that you can possibly do wrong

and we're still here.

Once we start operating with our power working with us,

we're going to be awesome.

Do not tell us we are last.

Kami and Karli...

you are now team number .


Thank you.

Great. Good. OK.

I wonder what number we are.

I can't believe it's coming down to this.

I wish we had more of a buffer.

This is for the gold.

See flags anywhere?

Jim and Marsha...

you are team number .


Just barely.

Oh, yeah.

Jim: Pain is not a factor.

You know, nobody's ever died from pain.

We still think we can win this thing

and the experience goes on.

What's up, Phil?

Dennis and Erika...

you are the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you,

you have both been eliminated from the race.

I didn't think it would come down

to being the first ones eliminated.

That was like my worst fear,

to be the first ones gone.

We knew our downfall was Dennis' kindness.

but, you know, I would rather be with a nice guy than a jerk,

so, if that's why we lost, then oh, well.

This race has brought us so much closer

even in the short amount of time.

I really am sorry.


I mean, we lost because of me though.

It doesn't matter. You did all the work.

So we couldn't have lost because of you.

Erika is a great girl. I love her to death.

I really feel the race showed us that we're really meant for each other.

I can't imagine myself with anybody other than Dennis.

He's amazing to everybody,

and I wouldn't want to be with anybody other than him.

Phil: Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Phil: On the next episode of "The Amazing Race,"

Alison and Donny's relationship is brought to the boiling point.

I don't even want to look at your face.

I hate your face.

Phil: While Charla and Mirna

dance their way through Buenos Aires.

[Speaking Italian]

Phil: And Chip and Kim get tough with the twins.

She won't allow me to go first,

and I won't allow her to go first.
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