04x13 - It's Like Adam Building His First House

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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04x13 - It's Like Adam Building His First House

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: Previously on The Amazing Race...


teams set out from Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles...

and raced more than , miles across continents

to Ellis Beach, Australia.

Along the way, teams came together.

I'm making steps for Dave.

I wouldn't run this with anybody but you.

My dad is still my hero. He's an outstanding guy.

Phil: And fell apart.

Let me take it.

I want to hurt you right now.

Move your ass.

If you yell at me again, I'm going to [beep] die.

Phil: Some conquered their greatest fears.

I can't believe I did that.

Debra: I did things today I didn't think I could do.

Phil: While others endured devastating setbacks.

It makes you not breathe. Oh, God.

They were behind us.

I'm sorry. It's a race.

Don't say [bleep] to me.

Phil: teams fell by the wayside.

Debra and Steve, Amanda and Chris,

Cindy and Russell, Steve and Josh,

Steve and Dave, Monica and Sheree,

Tian and Jaree, Millie and Chuck,

Jon and Al, you are the last team to arrive.

You're both eliminated from the race.

Best friends David and Jeff survived travel troubles...

It's sold out.

faltering alliances...

If you are going to tell us--

I don't know what to say.

Phil: And turbulent tides...

Hold on, David!

Making them a force to be reckoned with.

Good work, man.

Engaged couple Kelly and Jon,

the only co-ed team left in the race, struggled with each other...

Kelly, go [beep] yourself.

You will not talk to me like that.

Touchy situations...

Somebody's grabbing my butt. I want off the train!

Phil: And near-fatal mistakes.

Kelly: Somebody took the fast forward.

Other schwucker.

We're out.

Phil: But their determination...

Hurry, hurry, hurry! You got it, babe!

and faith in one another...

Catch me, Jon.

I got you.

Good job. Give me a kiss.

propelled them to the front of the pack.

Good job, man.

Married couple Reichen and Chip

persevered over adversaries...

You guys think you're privileged.

Don't question my integrity.

language difficulties...

Reichen: He missed it.Oh, my God!

This is so frustrating.

Phil: And challenges that were hard to swallow.

The plate was moving.

Are we allowed to vomit?

Phil: Relying on each other...

I'm really lucky to have him as a partner.

to pull themselves into the final .

Tonight, one of these teams

will win The Amazing Race.

Phil: This the is the tropical north coast of Australia--

a seaside paradise unlike any other in the world.

At the edge of the Coral Sea, Ellis Beach,

the th pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the race for a mandatory rest period.

David and Jeff, who arrived at : p.m.,

will be the first team to depart on the last leg of the race.

Drive yourselves to the Tjapukai Aboriginal Culture Park.

Phil: Teams must drive themselves

to the Tjapukai Aboriginal Park.

Here, they will join in a traditional ceremony

in which fire will signal tribesman

to bring them their next clue.

Let's get it.Let's go.

Jeff: David and I are going to win the game.

We performed exactly the way we wanted to.

We have probably made the least amount of mistakes

of the teams that remain at this point.

You have $. for this leg of the race.

One buck.

Let's go and do it.

Chip: I think a lot of people didn't expect us to get this far

because we are gay.

Reichen: People perceive all gay people

as queeny and effeminate.

But I want people to look at us

and see strong, prepared, and out to win.

"Aboriginal Cultural Park." Yeah, so this is it.

Hours of operation, a.m. to p.m.

Maybe if we pull in the parking lot.

Steve: All right.

Chip: Well, there it is right here.

Tjapukai Cultural Center.


All right.

Uh-oh. We only have a buckaroo.

a.m. to p.m. We can still catch up.

Oh, doesn't that stink for the boys?

Let's go.

I can't believe we made it this far.

That freaks me out

because not only do I think

that we don't deserve to be here

because we are so stupid,

I think it is so surreal

there is an actual $ million pot at the end.

The strictest competition is gonna be ourselves.

Why, thank you, Mr. Corsoe.

Whoo, let's go.

Jon: The ceremony didn't start until : in the morning,

so everyone caught up to each other,

and it was an even playing field again.

Man: Please follow the lights.

Kelly: It was nice to stop and check things out

and actually enjoy something for a change

because we have been racing like crazy.

It was a nice break from the race.

For thousands of years,

Tjapukai people have used

message sticks to carry messages.

You will find your clue in these sticks.

Drive yourselves to the General Aviation Terminal at the Cairns airport.

Phil: Teams must drive themselves miles

to the airport in the city of Cairns

and search for the General Aviation Terminal,

where they'll find their next clue.

Got it.

Let's go.

All right, bro. Everyone's on each other's ass.

Jon: Racing out of the parking lot.

It was pouring rain. Nice and wet.

Dave drives right out in front of me,

and Chip and Reichen are right on my behind.

He is pushing me out of the road behind me.

Kelly: He is not pushing. You are in front.

Everybody is trying to gain position.

I'm from Jersey. Nobody is going to get around me.

Chip: At this point in the race,

Jon has become irritating.

Everything is trying to play on my seriousness,

so therefore, I figured out how to get in front and how to get an edge.

Reichen: It makes me completely petrified

when I'm in the backseat and Chip is driving.

It was raining and wet,

and Chip decided he was going to pass Jon and Kelly.

Kelly: Oh, my God!

Reichen: Chip, oh, my God!

Keep going. They're OK. They're fine.

I knew. I knew that was gonna happen!

Slow down, Jon. Oh, my God.

Kelly: They're back behind us. Oh, my God!

You can't do that again.

Chip: No.

General Aviation.

Kelly: General Aviation, left.

Here it is.

Jeff: Here it is. Get in here!

Get in here! Get in here!Come on.

We got it.

Let's go. Get out of here.

Kelly: Hurry, hurry. Be number !

i got it.


Wing or Wander.

Phil: A detour is a choice between tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

Teams have to choose between Wing It and Wander.

In Wing It, teams get into a plane,

climb to a height of , feet,

and sky dive in tandem with an instructor to their next clue.

The task is potentially frightening,

but teams can finish fast.

In Wandering, teams drive to this mango forest,

find this boat, and use it to navigate out of the forest

and to the sky dive landing zone

to get their next clue.

There is nothing frightening about the task

but completing it will take a very long time.

Wing It.

We're going to sky dive.

Sky dive? Let's do it.

Kelly: Anything that gets the adrenaline pumping,

Jon gets off on.

For me, my stomach was in my throat,

and I started to get nervous.

Steve: This is actually the first time

either of us sky dived.

We are it sitting in this tiny plane with no seats,

and the door is wide-open.

I was like, oh, God.

There is no turning back now.

It was really intense.

Reichen: I was sitting in the airplane

thinking, I'm not going to be afraid of this.

I would rather do this

than sit in the back of the the car

when Chip is driving.

Kelly: I thought I was going to be OK

until I actually looked down and saw how high we were,

and then I started to freak out.


Kelly: The feeling of your stomach

literally being caught in your throat

is almost overwhelming.

Kelly: I tried not to let it show,

but I was scared to death.

I knew I couldn't do it.

Kelly: I was in panic mode for sure the whole time.

If our guys had given me a few seconds,

I would have backed out.

He didn't give me the opportunity,

he just dumped me out of the plane.


Holy crap.

Steve: The whole parachuting experience was awesome.

It was so beautiful.

The water and the mountains and the clouds.

It was the perfect place to do it.

Kelly: The coolest part of the whole thing was

as soon as I jumped, Jon jumped.

I see Jon over the water.

The water was so clear, you could see the fish swimming.

It was amazing.

That was unbelievable. Holy cow.

That was sweet.

Fly to the island of Hawaii.

Phil: Teams must travel , miles

to the island of Hawaii, also known as the Big Island.

When they land, they will have to choose one of these cars

and drive themselves to Kaulana Bay,

the southernmost point of the United States.

Steve: Taxi! To the airport.

Cairns International.

We might want to check her pants.

I think she might have taken a leak.

Oh, my God, was I scared.

I didn't think I would be,

but once we looked down and saw the ground,

I started flipping out.

It was really awesome.

Fly to-- Hawaii!

Jon: Taxi!Taxi!

Jon: Can you take us to the airport?

Thank you. International, please.

Whoo! Where's my boy?


Fly to Hawaii.

Reichen: Taxi!


To the airport as quickly as possible.

Domestic. Yes, sir.

We should get to Sydney.

That is where all of our options will be to get to Hawaii.

Thank you much.

I thought Qantas is hubbed out of Sydney,

and you have the most options and flights there.

Excuse me, do you fly to Hawaii?

Thank you very much.

Kelly: Hi, guys. Hello.

All right.

Reichen: We knew all the other teams

would be at the international terminal desk

fighting for tickets to Hawaii.

Chip: Reich and I are pretty well-traveled,

so we knew Qantas is very good and they help you no matter where.

We came here, and no one was here.

Just us.

So we've kind of taken the counter over.

Reichen: We need to get to Honolulu as fast as possible.

We are in a race.

Kelly: Dave and Jeff are intense guys.

At the counter, they were looking at us, looking at the lady.

They did not want us to hear.

Let's go over and ask this girl.

Fly me to Hawaii as fast as possible.

There is a Sydney flight leaving right away,

but she's saying we are going to miss the connecting flight to Honolulu.

So, that is no good.

We have to figure something else out.

What can we possibly do?

Connect from like Tokyo or something?

Yes, please. Tomorrow from Sydney to Honolulu?

To Honolulu tomorrow?

Thank you very much. We appreciate your help.

Excuse me.

We got one option that will take us all to Honolulu via Sydney.

In Sydney we will try to establish a quicker route.

Here it is slow. There's one person helping.

I don't think we will get that sort of assistance

at helping us look at all of our options.

I think that Dave and Jeff

just jumped on the first flight

to get out of here, not really seeing the big picture.

I think that was a mistake. We'll see.

Woman: That's what you need?

That's what we need.

We are getting on a flight from Cairns to Tokyo.

We are going to purchase a set of tickets

on United from Tokyo

that gets us in to Honolulu in the morning at :.

This is gonna be on Qantas Airways to Tokyo.

Is there availabilty on the United?

Tokyo to Honolulu.

The United one shows plenty of seats.

So let's get it, Jon, let's get it.



Thank you so much. Have a good one.

We have to walk to the international terminal

and get our boarding passes for our flight to Tokyo.

We're in Sydney trying to get an earlier flight.

A flight to Honolulu tomorrow.

I want to go to Honolulu now.

Did you see Chip and Reichen are on our flight?


I don't know if it makes me feel good or bad.

Reichen: If we get to Tokyo on time,

we just have minutes

to connect to the United Airlines flight.

We have to go get our boarding passes.

Thanks. Bye-bye.

Let's go to C.J.L.

Woman: Did you do it?

No, but there's a J.A.L. flight

that may get us through to Tokyo.

Let's check it out.

We understand out of Tokyo there is a flight tonight.

Steve: That was the first dagger

that doesn't quite k*ll you,

but it tells you

you better start working harder not to die.

Jeff: There's got to be a way.

There's nothing available?

Jeff: Dave and I worked for about hours

trying to find alternative connections through New Zealand,

some of the French Polynesian islands,

Singapore, Beijing.

We've got to find a way. What about another airline?

Steve: How about Seoul?

From Seoul to Honolulu. There is nothing on the :.

What about the :?

Unfortunately the airlines don't have a flight available.

Kelly: The connection in Tokyo to Hawaii leaves at :.

So we have like minutes to catch this flight.

Let's go. We have to make this plane.

Jon: Excuse me. Is this United?

Terminal one, United Airlines.

Terminal one?

Terminal one. Where do I go?

I went to some Japanese lady, like, where is United?

She's like, you have to get on the tram.

Kelly: Jon, make sure.

She ran all this way waving us.

You have to look at the screen

before you make a rash decision.

This one. Gate . Gate .

Is there any way to get to terminal one besides this bus?


We don't have boarding passes,

but we jumped on a train

and went to a different terminal.

Is this United transfer desk?

United, yeah.

I have to get on that flight. It's an emergency.

Can we call so they can input the names, and we can run over?

Here we go. Here we go.

Tell them emergency.

Boarding. Leaves in a half hour.

Jon made a rash decision to leave the last terminal.

Now we are in a different terminal,

and there is no tram. We have to take a bus.

Right here. This is us.

Reichen: Gate .


Where do I get the boarding passes?

All right. Come on.

It was ridiculous how their system worked.

We have to be there by :,

so we have minutes to make this flight.

This one little Japanese lady, she helped us.

She called a special bus,

running in high heels as fast as us.

Puts us on the bus, tells the bus driver to haul ass.

Please, please, let us make this.

Do we need to get our boarding passes?

Thank you. Thank you.

minutes. We gotta be there.

Jon: .

Reichen is on a roll today. He's doing awesome.

I think it's his gorgeous face and sweet demeanor.

Kelly: Chip and Reichen are right there.

Ok, let's get on.

Jon: These people traveled with us.

They got on the flights.

Are you in charge of the flight?

We have names down.

I mean, it is so important

we get on this flight. I can't tell you.

Is there any way you can speed it up?

Our names are in the computer

as far as on the flight. I just wanna...

It's a race. If they get on this flight--

I'm sorry.

Our little sweet lady was speaking back to him,

and he would say, "No!"

She would say something else, and he would say, "No!"

I know, but this is the flight we have to be on.

Time is of the essence.

The other people we were with got on.

We went to the wrong terminal.

She ran us all the way over.

Jon: Oh, my gosh.

We got on the flight. Kelly and Jon didn't.

The best part was we purchased economy,

but in the big rush,

they seated us in business class.

So we just racked out in style and drank champagne.

This is unbelievable.


We just missed our connection.

Throughout the whole race,

Chip and Reichen getting on that flight without us

was the lowest point for me.

Maybe they are all going to get

a serious case of diarrhea on the plane.

They're gonna have such severe cramps,

and they won't be able to run.

Those damn Chippendales. They get us every time.

I was trying to look at the whole situation

as positive as you could being in our position.

It is going to be a long leg.

There's a few different times to catch up.

Right here. :.

Gets in at : a.m.

Compared to that other one that got in at : a.m.

So an hour and minutes later.


Here we go again. Another flight.

There we go. I got them. All the wayt to the left.

Let's just take this one.

The white one? Yeah.

Reichen: Nice and easy.

Reichen: Drive yourselves to the southernmost point

in the United States, Kaulana Bay.

It feels really good to be back home.

I'm so glad we are in the U.S. again.

I know we are ahead of Kelly and Jon.

I have no idea in what position we are in because e haven't seen Jeff and David.

But I'm sure Jeff and David found a way to get here.

Jeff: Having not seen any other teams come into Sydney,

we have a good hunch

the teams have moved north to Honolulu.

We can only hope that maybe they make a mistake

that allows us to catch up.

Oh, this sucks. We are stuck behind

a big, long line of traffic right now.

Jon. Follow me.

Come on.

Kelly: Take the south point turn

and follow it to Kaulana Bay.

Reichen: We are behind the biggest loser

who has ever driven a car.

This guy will not let us go by him.

Chip is the intense guy of the team.

Almost too intense. It is scary.

Chip would cut somebody's throat to win.

I'd probably cut somebody's throat, too, so...

Reichen: You can go as fast as you want,

just promise you will slow down

before any corner or turn.


Oh, here we go.

There's the marker. I see it.

Chip: Go for it.

Road block.

Who is a strong swimmer and good with a hammer?

Phil: A road block is a task only one person may perform.

In this road block, that person has to swim

to one of these floating tiki heads,

dive to the rock below,

and get the rock back to the beach.

Once on shore, they'll have to smash the rock open

to retrieve the clue from inside.

Yeah, I do. I think you're better.

All I have to do is pick the rock up?

You have to bring the rock back. That's it.

Reichen: He's got it. He's got the rock.

Jon: South point.Kelly: Here, it's here.



A time constraint for Chip and Reichen up in front of us.

Hopefully they can get delayed a little bit.

This is not working.

That's all we need.

We just need that one shot,

and we won't make another mistake.

Reichen: When I see Chip getting frustrated,

I feel the urge to take over and get us through.

But I've definitely learned he is extremely motivated,

and I can rely on Chip to get things done.

Break open, son of a bitch.


Drive yourselves to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

Phil: Teams must drive themselves miles

to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

and find this lookout point,

then follow a marked path

across a field of hardened lava

to this route marker.

You did so awesome, OK?

This is it.

It's just about not making any mistakes

and getting to the finish line.

Kelly: This is it.

Road block.

I can't swim with the sharks today, baby.

Is that OK? Yeah.

If you want to go naked, go naked. I dare you.

Kelly: That's a full moon, baby!

Be very, very careful.

Don't damage the merchandise.

Come on! Dive!

Kelly: Look at that big rock!

You have to use your tools to open it.

Babe, do you want to put your panties back on?

Come on, baby. You're doing good.

Kelly: It is like Adam building his first house.

Oh, my God. I have Chain of Craters Road on this map.

This is unbelievable.

OK. I've got exactly where we need to go.


Kelly: There it is.

Drive yourselves to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

Come on, babe. Come on.


We are going to the volcanoes of Hawaii

on Chain of Craters Road,

so I'm looking for that.

Reichen: Chain of Craters Road.

It's right there. There's the flag.

Make your way to the anchor

of the U.S.S. Arizona in Phoenix, Arizona--

your final destination city.

Phil: Teams must now travel , miles

to their final destination city,

Phoenix, Arizona.

Once there, they must search for this monument,

the anchor from the U.S.S. Arizona,

one of the ships sunk during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's here they will get their next clue.

There were airports we could have gone to on the Big Island.

One was Hilo, and the other was Kona.

Kona was on the other side of the island.

So let's go to Hilo and try to get out of there.


Make your way to the anchor

of the U.S.S. Arizona in Phoenix, Arizona.

This is it.

This is it.

This is it.

I have the flights right here from Kona to Honolulu.

We have flights to choose from

if we can get our asses there.

If we go to Hilo, there's only one flight on Hawaiian.

I say we go to Kona.

I know it's further, but it has more flights.

We could be back in the race.

This is it.This is it.

I don't see those guys sustaining the lead.

Reichen: Hi.

I have to get to Phoenix, Arizona.

To Phoenix?

Can we please buy that now?

Jon: That's the airport over there.

Departures, Jon. Ticketing.

Where?Left, left, left.

We are trying to get on a flight to Honolulu

which leaves in, like, five minutes.

We made the flight.

Whoo hoo. Thank you.

It is really important to have seats in the front of the airplane

because as you get out, you get the first cab

and have a -minute head start on the team.

Thank you so much.

Reichen: So the lady gave us seats

at the very front of the aircraft. Awesome.

Kelly: Hi.

We just booked a flight on Hawaiian Airlines.

Leaves Honolulu at :

and goes straight to Phoenix.

We're in a race, obviously.

These guys are in front of us.

We want to know if they are on our flight.

This guy. Chip and Reichen.

OK.Thank you.

We know Chip and Reichen are on this flight,

so it is do-or-die now, baby.

We don't know where we are going once we get to Phoenix.

Chip: We needed to know where this anchor was.

Not just that it was in Phoenix--

precisely where it was.

There were gentlemen,and Reichen and I just approached them,

asking for help in a nice way.

We need to find the anchor of the U.S.S. Arizona.

Do you know where that is? No?

I'm feeling pretty confident

about the information we're getting.

One guy knew it from memory.

This guy just called some people on the computers

who looked it up.

Hello. Do y'all know Phoenix well?

Do you know where the U.S.S. Arizona...

anchor is?

West Washington Street.

Man: The cab driver is going to get you there.

Just give the address.

That is awesome. Thank you very much.

Babe, we're boarding.

There's the Chippendales.

Jon: Reichen won't look at me.

Reichen: They don't like how we're ignoring them, I don't think.

Chip: We really like Jon and Kelly,

But Reichen and I, the last two legs,

we just basically ignored them completely

because chitchat is not what we need to do right now.

It gets our guard down.

Jon: And a chance to win $ million

doesn't come along often

and probably won't happen again,

so I really have to capitalize

on the situation we have.

Jon: Right here. This is it.

We're both just fried right now.

Just knowing that it's the end is so stressful.

I just want to beat Reichen and Chip.

Show them who is boss.

It is just such a roller coaster of emotions.

You want to stay focused,

but you are thinking one mistake will cost you the race.

I was praying to God.

It is going to come down to racing in the airport like animals,

crazed animals going for the gold.

We did our homework,

and we know exactly where we need to go.

As fast as possible.

Here comes Kelly and Jon.

Come on, babe, sprint it out.

Let's go. Let's go.

Excuse us. Emergency. Thank you.

Kelly: Hurry, hurry, hurry!

They are right behind us.


Where is a taxi?

Taxi! Taxi!

Taxi, taxi.

There is a taxi. They're in line.

Here they come.

Kelly: Let's go!

Let's go. Let's get in.

Jon: Excuse me. Taxi!Kelly: Taxi!

Ok. Go, go, go.

Kelly: It's here.

We are in a race.

Jon: Can we go as fast as these guys?

This is a matter of life and death for us.

bucks to get there

as fast as we possibly can, ok.

We are going to the U.S.S. Arizona. The anchor.

West Washington.

The U.S.S. Arizona Memorial.

You know, the anchor?

We have to go to that anchor.

Them sitting rows in front of us was huge.

Just so you know I'm for real,

here's the first bucks.

That's how quick we gotta get there.

There is another taxi that will try to beat you.

Are there any side roads that will be faster?

Reichen: I think is a bad idea. Don't you?

This time of day, what do you think?

I saw traffic and was packed when we flew in.

We can take Washington.

It will be a huge anchor with a flag pole.

Chip: West Washington.

I don't see any flags or anything.

Jon: I don't think this is it.

Do you know where the U.S.S. Arizona anchor is?

Reichen: Is that the anchor? Yes.

They have the exact address, I'm sure.

I got it. You got it?

You've come a long way from Dodger Stadium,

and you're almost there. Make your way to the southeast entrance

of Sun Devil Stadium. Sun Devil Stadium.

Kelly: There it is.

Jon: It's right in the center. Go straight.

There it is, Jon, to the right!

The southeast of Sun Devil Stadium.

Go, go, go, go.

Sun Devil Stadium. Fast.

The critical thing is the southeast entrance.

Here is another to keep your motivation.

Excellent. You're awesome.

I have another bucks in there if you drive like a madman.

There it is.

OK. Let's go in here.

Southeast. Here it is.

Taxi driver: Right here?

Reichen: Right here. Stop the car.

Turn the car around.

To find your next clue,

solve the following puzzle...

happy Valentine's Day, plus white, plus white.

Phil: To solve the riddle,

teams must translate the date February

into the number .

They must figure out white plus white refers

to the players whose names White

are written on the stadium wall.

One White is number ,

and the other is .

Using all these numbers,

teams must figure out they need to get

to section ,

row , seat

to get their next clue.

Reichen: is the section, right?

Chip: What does white and white mean?

How about section , seat ?

Reichen: White plus white.

What does that mean?

Kelly: There it is.

Let's go. Beat all these cars.

We have to get in front of all these cars.

Chip: Here's section , row .

No? No.

Damn it.

Just go around these guys and blow this light.

Kelly: The southeast entrance.

Make a right in this parking lot.

The section is here. Reichen.

Ah, coming.

The s are upstairs.


Chip: to this way.

Reichen: Look for white and white or something.

is the section.

Plus white plus white.

White and white.

Reichen, I see it.

You got it? Yeah.

Good job, Chip.

Quick. Stay there.

OK. Get it. Come down.

We have to get out of here.

Ok. Run. Get out of here.

Run across.

Kelly: There it is! There it is is! Stop.

Make your way to the parking lot

of Papago Park.

Choose mountain bikes and ride the path

until you see a bike course to the finish line.

Jon: plus white plus white.

What the hell is that?


Danny White.

Kelly: .

So plus .


, .

would be the second level. Come on.

Papago Park.

The west entrance of Papago Park.

Reichen: Does that make sense to you? Yes.

Jon, , row , seat .

Just try it.

Here we go.

Kelly: That's it?Yep.

All right!

Good job, babe.

Ride the marked path...

until you reach the end of the bike course,

then run to the finish line.

The finish line!Ready?

Jon: Papago Park. Do you know where it is?

All right.All right!

Traffic is starting to build. It's :.

Go straight. Go straight.

Get it, get it, get it.

Whoo hoo. We have to go as fast as possible

because we could be in the lead.

Papago Park.

Where is that?

We are looking for the west entrance of Papago Park.

Reichen: OK, not here.

We don't know which position we are in.

We're just hoping for first.

Papago Park. Next right.

Reichen: There they are. See the bikes?


Chip: Are you ready?

Come on. Come on. Come on.

Teams: Whoo!



, miles...

Reichen and Chip,

you are the official winners of The Amazing Race.

Phil: You are the winners of the $ million.

Congratulations, guys.

You have won The Amazing Race.

We just won $ million.


The hardest part of this race was

to open up to the other people on it.

This shows the wonderful people that are here

that we're just like them.

We are Americans.

We are teammates of these guys,

and we just happen to be gay.

And we love to be here in this mat, Phil.

Teams: Whoo!

Phil: Kelly and Jon,

you are the second team to arrive.

Congratulations.Thank you.

It's all right, baby.

With Kelly being the last girl in the race,

I don't think there is anyone

who wouldn't be impressed

with what she accomplished.

We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her.

The race is a test of love.

It is a test of faith.

Because when the chips are down,

all you can do is lean on each other.

It was nice to have all the tests along the way.

Because until this race, I don't think I realized

just how much John loved me and I don't think he realizes how much I loved him.

Are we first? Are we the first team?

Ha ha ha ha.

Reichen and Chip have crossed the finish line.

The race is over. Kelly and Jon came in second.

Oh, really.


Plain and simple, it sucks coming in third.

We did not anticipate ourselves to be in this position,

but The Amazing Race gave me the opportunity

to realize I have a great lifestyle

relative to how the rest of the world lives day-to-day.

And I'm going to not take things for granted

as I probably have in the past.

Even though we came in third place,

I'm very happy I did it. It was a blast.

Good job, man.Good job.

This race was about a lot of things.

It was about competitiveness.

It was about showing the world

that gay people can do anything anybody else can do.

But the most important thing I learned is

I'm very loved by my partner,

and I can feel safe

and happy and protected when I'm around him,

and I trust him implicitly.

There is no way I could have gone through this

without Reichen's support and patience.

I realized in the race

how much I need him, how much he needs me.

In the end, people look at Reichen and myself,

and they see love and realize that Reichen and I are partners

and together, we can do anything.
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