04x10 - That's Me. That's My Face. Just Hit My Face. Hit My Face!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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04x10 - That's Me. That's My Face. Just Hit My Face. Hit My Face!

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: Previously on The Amazing Race,

teams set out from this Malaysian island

and traveled over miles

to this picturesque nature resort.

Navigating the back roads of Borneo caused tension.

The speed limit's . You're going .

Dude, [bleep] off. I can't go any faster than the car's gonna go.

Phil: And got Millie and Chuck severely lost.

Have to figure out what I've got here.

Phil: In a race to claim the fast forward...

We're doing the fast forward.

Phil: Reichen and Chip emerged victorious.

Chip: His hands feel like my hands.

Last place Kelly and Jon thought all was lost.

Oh, mother trucker.

Kelly, go [bleep] yourself.

You will not talk to me like that.

Phil: But when they caught up to Millie and Chuck,

Jon went head to head against Chuck in the road block.

Kelly: You are right there with him!

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

Millie: No, he's not Chuck.

Phil: It was an all-out road race to the finish.

They're right on our asses.

Phil: In the end, Kelly and Jon managed to stay alive,

and Millie and Chuck...

You're the last team to arrive.

Were eliminated.

Now teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Phil: This is Borneo, a mysterious island

of lush rain forests and exotic wildlife.

And on the northern coast of the island,

the Sepilok Nature Resort--

this was the ninth pit stop

in the race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period that allows them to eat,

sleep, and mingle with the other teams.

Will Reichen and Chip maintain their lead

and finish first for the second straight leg?

And will the all-male teams

overwhelm Kelly and Jon,

the last co-ed team in the race?

Reichen and Chip,

who were the first to arrive at : A.M.,

are the first to depart at : P.M.

Make your way to the Puu Jih Syh Temple

in Sandarkan.

Phil: Teams must now drive themselves

to the Puu Jih Syh Temple--

the largest Buddhist temple in Malaysian Borneo.

Once there, they must search

through thousands of tiny Buddha figurines

for the one with their names on it.

Hidden behind that Buddha is a key to a rattan bag

that holds the next clue.

Reichen: Now the competition is on,

and we have to watch our backs,

and we have to watch every little thing we do,

because if there is one mistake made,

it's all over.

Chip: The Puu Jih Syh Temple?

Man: Yes.

OK. Let's go.

This is amazing.

I like everything I know about Buddhism.

The Buddhist temple was really beautiful,

and there was just a sense of peace

throughout the entire temple.

Oh, there they are.

These? Yep.


You don't think it's written in Malay?

No, it's written in English.

Reichen and Chip. I got it.

Reichen and Chip. Right here. I found it.

All right, we have to find the rattan bags.

Where are the bags?

Here they are.

Exactly how do these work?

"Fly to Seoul, South Korea.

"When you land, Namsan Park in Namsan Tower

equals your next clue."

Phil: Teams must now travel , miles

to Seoul, South Korea.

When they land, they will have to find Namsan Park

and make their way to the base of the Seoul Tower,

where they will find their next route marker.

Vans for the airport

arrive every minutes starting at midnight,

but each van can carry only one team.

So let's chill and enjoy this.

This is absolutely so stunningly beautiful.

I'm just going to say a prayer

for the rest of the race.

It was probably the first time

since I was a really small child

that I actually felt this protective,

spiritual feeling come over me.


"Make your way to the Puu Jih Syh Temple in Sandarkan."

Let's go!

My friendship with Jon is better than ever.

Just doing the race with him brought us closer together.

Come on. Got to hustle.

And we're %. After everything we've overcome,

we are so capable to take this.

Puu Jih Syh Temple in Sandarkan.

Come on. We've got to go.

We've got $ for this leg of the race.

Hit it. Let's do it.

I look at it as we're always the underdog.

Remember, minutes count.

We need to picture ourselves as being absolutely last.

'cause if you put yourself in that kind of pressure situation,

you tend to be more keen to the opportunities

that present themselves to you.

Kelly and Jon.

This is it because these are people's names on here.

Just get it. Just get it.

Jon and Al.

Jon and Al's over here.

Seoul, South Korea.


Slow. Uh-huh.

Stop. .

Is that us? Uh-huh.

"Route info. Fly to Seoul, South Korea."

Jon: How was the Buddhas?

I know you're happy to see us.

Korea, baby.

Al: Be careful, fellas.

You guys, too.

I think our biggest threat is the clowns.

They're smart and strong.

That combination is pretty powerful.

Make your way to Puu Jih Syh Temple

in Sandarkan.

Kelly: All these teams are serious competition.

And now that I am the only girl,

I'm gonna have to bust my butt.

So we're going to fight, but we're going to do whatever it takes.

We're going to give those boys a run for their money.

To the airport.Drive.

Oh, these.

Holy cow!


This is a lot of Buddha.

Jon, here we are, Jon. Right here.

All right.

Fly to Seoul, South Korea.

I've gone along with our strategy

of being very relaxed,

but now that we're in the top ,

I want to win,

so I want to get his butt in high gear here

and get moving.

The wrath of Kelly

is fixing to come out.

Yeah, I think the wrath of Kelly

is fixing to come out on Jon.

As soon as possible. It's an emergency.

Malaysia Airline to Singapore,

and Singapore to Korea.


We have booked flights

to Singapore, and then to Seoul.


Reichen: We got competition behind us.

Woman: Yeah.

Reichen: We've realized that there's really no reason

to have an alliance anymore

because it's got to be every man for himself.

Jon: So the guys that were just here, they booked a flight?

Al: They're going to Singapore?

Singapore to Seoul?

Yeah, we'll take that right now.

Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

Was there taller American guys buying tickets?

Man: They're doing the same thing as you.

They're doing the same thing we are? Singapore, then Korea?


Kelly: Hey, babe. Here, let's go in here.

Oh, dude, they're in there. The goats are in there.

This is good news.

We caught up to them. That's cool.

Let's do Singapore.

Let's do the ticket to Singapore.

These are the best of the best.

Jon and Kelly, guy and girl team, very, very strong.

Chip and Reichen are very cunning.

And David and Jeff don't give up.

Is there any other way to get from here to Seoul?

We get in to Singapore,

and we just start calling all of the airlines

trying to figure out an earlier connection into Seoul.

Let me ask you. What about going to Hong Kong to Seoul?

And they were all oversold.

So we're going to purchase a stand-by ticket here

for Singapore to Hong Kong.

We couldn't sit around.

We still had hours left to try and work on stuff.

Al: It happened to be that us and the goats had the same idea.

We'll go on stand-by and hopefully get on the plane.

Relax, man. You're getting me nervous.

Stop, man.

The advantage of the Singapore Airline flight

would be getting us in an hour before the rest of the teams.

What's our gate babe?

Everybody's on our flight, we think.

We just don't see anybody around here.

Now it's time to eat some American food.

Go stand there and see if there's availability on stand-by.

Do you want to?Yeah.

What? When I came up, "I said we want to be on stand-by."

You said "OK, but you can't be on stand-by

unless you purchase a ticket."

I said ok,then we'll purchase a ticket.

Right. Wasn't that the obvious agreement?

You sold us a ticket without putting us on stand-by.

So I don't think that was very fair.

Since we did pay full fare,

then we weren't put on stand-by,

in consideration of that, can we get on the flight to Hong Kong?

I appreciate that.

Is she checking on something? Yes.

OK, thanks.

Woman: OK, I can put you on the flight.

Thank you.

OK, we're on?Yeah, we're on.


Oh, my God, oh!


We'll follow each other.

We're going to Namsan Park. Man: Huh?


Namsan Park?

The language barrier is very intense.

It's very difficult.

[Man speaking Korean]

It's obviously a completely different culture,

the way that people act and behave.

Americans really stand out.

[All talking at once]

And you follow each other, OK?

Jeff: It's called the Seoul Tower.

We're almost there, right? Yeah.

Jon: I see it. I see it, Al.

Jon, up here. Jon!

"Make your way to Rafting, Korea."

"Gyeongbokgung in the Sundam Valley."

Phil: Teams must now travel over miles

to the rural Sundam Valley,

only minutes away from the North Korean border.

Once there, they must find this route marker

located on the bank of the Han-Tan River.

Rafting Korea?

Can you get us there?


That's only one way.

Guys, we should share.Yeah.

We're gonna go for it, take the taxi there.

It's a sure thing.

And just all compact into one taxi.

Let's go.

I guess our plane came in few minutes early.

Jon: Being in South Korea--

it's a scary feeling knowing we're only

probably about kilometers away

from the border of North Korea.

We're going to the Namsan Tower.

Reichen and Chip are right behind us.

We have no idea where the other teams are.

It's so stressful not knowing where they are.

There's taxis there.

Reichen: I definitely did not think we were

coming to South Korea.

You speak English?

Yes? English?

Oh, boy. Here we go.

Namsang--Namsan Park?

Namsan Park?Namsan Park?

Do you speak English?

Namsan Tower.

Yeah? Namsan Tower. He knows.

OK, let's go. Let's go.

Kelly: There it is.

It's up there on the roof.

There it is.

Jon, come here.

"Make your way to Rafting, Korea."

Chip, they're at the route marker.

Kelly: Hi, boys.

"Make your way to Rafting, Korea and Gyeongbokgung."

All right, let's go. Let's go.

Rafting, Korea? Gyeongbokgung?


In Sundam Valley.


Reichen: Our driver had no idea what we were asking him to do.

Sir, do you speak English?

Can you read this?

Sundam Valley.

Excuse me. Do you speak any English at all?

Can you call somebody?

This is why I wanted to get in a taxi that speaks English.

Not just run in any old taxi.

Now we're [bleep] the whole day.

We had no English-speaking driver at the Tower.

We were dead last.


Drive to hotel.

We've got to get another cab driver.

We can't do this. OK.

We need a cab driver that speaks English.

OK? So can you get us one immediately?

Do you speak English?

English? He doesn't speak English.

He does not speak English.

He doesn't speak English. We need somebody--

We need English. Someone who speaks English.

He can? All right. Let's go.

He speaks English.

This race has been a lot about learning from your mistakes.

We're a lot smarter than we were.

We're in a competition,

and we need to get there as fast as possible.

We're right here.

And we need to get up here. Oh.

[Speaking Korean]

David: This is not good.

Jeff: Driver told us he knew how to get there.

Lo and behold, he pulls over

and stops and starts asking for directions.

Military. Military.

What's this?

OK, turn left before bridge.

OK? You got it.

Do you know where you are going?

You're sure?

Go. Let's go.

We're in a rush, a big rush.

Our taxi driver, Lee, has the hazard lights on

to let everyone know that this is an emergency.

We can knock mirrors off.

We can run red lights.

Probably hang our asses out the side of the car.

And it'd be fine.

It's legal with the hazards on.

Yeah, we're out of the valley now,

so...army tanks.

Isn't this the bridge we weren't supposed to cross?

Are you following the map, driver?

This can't be right!

D.M.Z. Turn around.

We're very close to the border of North Korea.

Being from the United States,

you're not used to seeing tanks lined up

and military people with r*fles and g*ns

and bunkers set up. It wasn't a good feeling.

Turn around. Turn around. Go back.

We finally circled back because we overshot the mark.

Guys, let's look for the sign.

We got a bunch of eyes here.

It's got to be right around here somewhere.

Just pull over and ask.

[Speaking Korean]

Rafting, Korea.

Rafting, Korea.

[Speaking Korean]

Get ready to run your butt off to get the tag.

If they're there, I'm gonna be mad.

g*n Tan Ri?

In the Sundam Valley.

Look, look. See that brown sign in front?

See, it says, "Sundam Valley, . kilometers left"?

So let's turn left.

Chip: Stop, stop. Look at your map.

Jon: Most of the times we were in foreign countries,

we were able to navigate with a map. On this leg of the race,

we had a map, but we still couldn't figure out

where the heck we were.

There they are. Go, go, go.

We just saw the goats.

I think that's them in front of us.

Stay down.

Go, go, go.

Follow them.

Go around.

Good, good, good.

Man, I can't believe these guys caught up to us.

Rafting, Korea.

Keep going.

Good. There's the flag.

No way. We're number one.

How the hell are we number one?

Because we got a cab driver who knew where he was going.


We got here first because of you.

Because of you.Because of you.

Kelly: All right. This is it.

We're number !

Give me .

Al: Hello.

Reichen: David and Jeff have obviously

formed a small alliance with the clowns,

which makes them an even bigger threat.

We're kind of hoping

that Kelly and Jon stay on

because we don't see them as that big of a threat.

Which of you has the colder personality?

Phil: A road block is a task that only one person may perform.

In this road block,

that person must plunge into the frigid water,

fight the current,

and swim underneath this frozen river to the exit hole.

Once their body temperature rises to a safe level,

a doctor will clear them to leave,

and they will receive their next clue.

Me. OK.

Which of you has the colder personality?


I'll do it.

Which one of you has the colder personality?

That's you.

Yeah, I think Jon knows what I'm going to wind up doing.

Oh, no!

Strip to your skivvies.

Enter the frigid water through the hole in the ice.

Swim under the ice to the exit hole.

Let's do it. What are skivvies?

That's just ridiculous.

Man, I don't want to do this.

Think about the big picture-- what it's all about.

Good luck, man.

Al: Everybody was a little tense.

Everyone was quiet.

Jon: Come on, guys. Come on.

[Both singing]

Al: So we started breaking into song and dance

just to ease the tension a little bit.

Everybody's serious.


No hearing problems.

Deep breath, please.

I was afraid for him.

I didn't know what to expect.

Kelly: Come on, Chip. You can do it.

Come on, Chip.

There he goes.

Oh, my gosh!

There he goes.


[All cheering]

Reichen: Way to go. Way to go.

Jon, you're next. Go.

Chip, awesome.


Reichen: Feel the heater blowing on you?

Put on your long underwear.

Take off your underwear and put it on.

Let's get this sleeve off.

As soon as I got out of the water,

he supported me, dressed me,


and I think that's the type of stuff

that brings us a lot closer.

I'm real lucky to have him as a partner.

Here we go. OK.

There's a route marker in subway station .

Phil: Teams must now travel back to Seoul

and find subway station --

one stop among hundreds

in the city's maze of subway lines.

Somewhere in this crowded station,

they'll find their next route marker.

Subway now.

Jon: It was definitely a shock knowing what we had to do.

You've been in water colder than this.

You're jumping into frozen water,

and it's going to be, like, degrees.

It's just a lot of mental preparation.

He had to swim under the ice,

so you never know what could happen. He could freak out.

Kelly: Easy. Just like Florida.

Jon: Your body is not made to have that kind of experience.

The whole thing locks up like you're having a heart attack.

You can see how thick the ice is.

The ice is probably a foot thick.

Good job! Yay! Yay!


Are you OK?

Are you OK?

You have to warm yourself up.

Can we get that heater going?

Jon: Once I got out of the water, it took a while

for my body temperature to get back to where it was.

You did awesome, Jon.

Come on, babe. Here you go.

There's a route marker in subway station in Seoul.

Find it. Let's go.

The worst part was seeing teams go before

and the anticipation of having to do it.

Come on, bud.

Go all the way under the ice.

Make sure you do it right.

Jeff: Your body temperature lowers so much,

it kind of makes you a little disoriented.

Yeah, baby, yeah! Good job, Jeff.

Ah. Good?

Sit by the heater, man.

I'm going, man, you jump in the freezing cold water,

how does your body react?

There's a route marker at subway station in Seoul. Find it.

I put my feet into the water,

and it took my breath away.

Yeah, yeah, baby, yeah!

My toes felt like they were ice.

They felt like they were falling off.

Jon: Get him out.

Yeah, yeah, baby!



Excellent, Al.

Very cold.

Good job, Al.

Jon: A friend is a person that you can count on

under any kind of conditions.

Al is an amazing guy,

and I'm glad to be doing this with him.

Excellent, man. Excellent.

Jeff: It's going to be really inefficient to travel together.

We've got to separate.

We shared a cab with Jon and Al,

which was a huge mistake.

David: It's become so cumbersome to travel

and try to account for both teams.

We'll split. We've got to do that.

This is about survival.

There is a route marker in subway station in Seoul. Find it.

We're doing it. Let's go.

The goats took off?

I don't know.

OK. Let's go.

Jon: We only had one cab when we went there.

As we were going up the hill,

we didn't see our taxi.

Thanks, man.

What we'll do is we'll find another cab, and then we'll split.

What do you think?


Jon: We realized that we're in trouble

because teams are ahead of us

and there's teams tied for third.

How are we ever gonna to separate ourselves before the pit stop?

Station .

We're going back to Seoul.

Man: ? Yeah.

Seoul University.

Seoul University.

We're gonna find another cab and split up

because it's going to be really inefficient

for us all to travel together.

Oh, here's one. Here's one.

Stop, stop, stop.

Cab! Taxi!

He pulls up. We load all our gear.

While we're doing that,

their van takes off,

so we lose a couple of minutes.

We now have to work extra hard to stay in the race.

Chip: How do we get there faster? Is there another way?

Because this traffic.

Jon: This is so frustrating.

We left, what, hours ago?

I don't even think we were going miles per hour.

Which is faster?

Car or subway?

[Speaking Korean]

We're communicating so well there.

Al: Let's do subway. Tell him to pull off.

We're going to do the subway, sir.

Look at this. It's gonna be start and go.

I think we catch a train.

Could you take us to the subway station, please?


How long to University Station on the subway?

How many minutes?

The traffic was so bad

that we asked him to drop us off

at a subway station.

Seoul University?

This is definitely faster than the traffic.

This is crazy. Jon, let's get out at the next subway station.

Kelly, we've got to get across the river.

The subways go across the river.

Really? Yeah.

Just get my magic carpet,

and I'll just jump on that and just slide across the river.

Listen, I'm not going to put up with your lip right now.

We've been here for nearly hours.

Thank you very much.Thank you.

Being in that taxi for so long,

our morale started going down.

Because if you haven't seen any other teams,

it's very scary and psychologically can get the best of you.

Maybe if you would light a fire under your ass

and get a little bit excited

and get a little bit stressed, we would move further.

You think stress is going to make

these cars disappear, Kell?

Maybe it would help us get ahead, John.

I'm tired of coming in last. Tired of it.

How is it?

I'm tired of it.I would rather not come in than come in last.

Right here? Thank you.

Let's go.


This side?

How do you know there is not a subway station here?

What we've got to do is go across the bridge,

and the bridge doesn't have traffic on it, Kell.

There you go. There's the subway.

You know what?

I hope you get eliminated just to prove a point--

just to prove that ass... never finish first.

That's what I hope happens.

And lucky me, I'm engaged to the ass...


Trying to cut across to get to as quick as we can.

We take this one? But that's the purple.

I don't understand.

We've got to get on, dude.

This transfer may be a bad idea.

Excuse me. National University?

We just jumped on and realized

after the train started up

that we were going the wrong direction.

Damn it.

Let's just catch a cab, dude.


We're going to National University, Seoul.

Do you understand?

Reichen: We're cruising through the city right now.

This is a good thing.

Here we go. This is our stop.

We're gonna get off and look for the marker.

Jon: See? .

All right! Look at that.

This is station .


Chip, do you want to check the end?

You walk that side; I'll walk this side.

Hold this a minute. Thank you.

Reichen: We ran up and down the lower level

looking for the clue. It wasn't there.

Chip, which staircase did we already go up?

That one and that one.

Jon: It's right here.

There's all of them in there.

"Detour. Strong hands or strong stomach?"

Phil: A detour is a choice between tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams need to choose

between strong hands and strong stomach.

In strong hands,

teams follow a map to this martial arts center.

Then, using the ancient art of tae kwon do,

each team member must break sets of wooden planks.

Breaking the planks may seem daunting,

but if they master the skills they're shown by the instructor,

they could finish quickly.

In strong stomach, teams follow a map to this restaurant,

where each team member will have to eat a Korean delicacy.

What they'll find out when they get there

is that the Korean delicacy is live octopus.

There's no skill required for this task,

but teams will finish only as fast as their stomachs allow.

There's strong stomachs right there.

We'll walk to it, or otherwise we'll have to get a cab.

It's going to be like butt lickers and like--

No, let's break the board. Taxi!

"Detour. Strong hands or strong stomach?"

Strong hands is far away. Let's go to the restaurant.

Can you take us to this street?

This place?

Ok. Let's go.

I got it. I got it.

Perfect. Take our shoes off.

OK. Stay inside.

Remember, just guzzle and go.

Kelly: Where? Oh, there's the flag!

Nice, nice, nice.

Is this is it?

Yeah, right here. Come on.

Sir, it's like / mile from here.

Seoul Station.


Seoul Station.

He has no idea where we have to go to.

Chip: The strong stomach event

that Reichen and I decided to do

was a plate full of freshly cut octopus.

The plate was moving.

Reichen: The first octopus that I put in my mouth,

I tried to swallow the head of it,

but by that time, its tentacles

had all attached themselves it my teeth,

so I had this web of octopus in my throat.

It's sticking to my mouth.

Are we allowed to vomit?

No throwing up.

I guess we'll get used to them.


No, don't.

I just want them to die.

That's what I want. I want them to all die.

Chip: One or are OK,

and probably we could have gone through that easily.

But we had full plates.

It was more than either of us really wanted to deal with.

This is truly disgusting.

Kelly: Just go through the board. Go--

Wow. Did it hurt?

Jon slammed them.

First try, he broke all the boards.

Holy crap.

Then we realized we had more piles to do.

So that kind of freaked me out.

Jon: That one hurt.

Oh, my gosh. How am I going to do all of them?

Kelly, you can do it.

You're done. You're done.

Jon: Get lower. Get your base lower.

Shut up.

My first punch didn't do a thing to the boards.

Are you all right?

She hit the boards, and they didn't move,

but I knew she was in some pain.

The tears wanted to flow so badly.

Chip: You're doing awesome.

Chip was telling me I was doing well,

but I felt like I was going to throw up at any second,

so I had to really slow down

if I was going to finish this task.

Remember our wedding?

I do. We made oyster sh**t.

Like oyster sh**t.

That's the way to do it, actually.

Chip figures out you can just take

small bits of this octopus,

put them in a glass with some cold water.

sh**t it all the way to the back of your throat.

Like an oyster sh**t at our wedding.

And he kept feeding them to me as sh**t.

Kelly: I knew I couldn't go back and eat the food.

It was do or die at that point.

Nice! Whoo!

She's tough. She's a tough cookie.

She's going to do whatever it takes.


I saved you half the time because--

Shut your pie hole, please!

Get pissed off, Kell. It's me. Just hit my face.

Hit my face.


And that's all he had to say. I did it clean.

You got to wait for something, Kell.

I think Kelly is doing great.

I'm so proud of her

and what been doing of what she's been accomplished.

I couldn't ask anything more of her.

Thank you very much, sir.

Hey, right here.

"Make your way to the next pit stop."

Phil: Teams must now drive across town to Gyeongbokgung Palace,

the largest royal residence in all of Seoul.

This pavilion on the palace grounds

is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

Let's go.


Oh, man.

I am bleeding everywhere.

Jon, I got it! Jon, run!


Strong hands or strong stomach?

The hands.

Strong stomach's right there.

I can't do that.


The last piece of octopus that I had to eat

was the major whammy.

So finally, I said, "Chip, we have to rip this thing apart,"

and I did more sh**t.

Thank you very much.

"Make your way to next pit stop."

Gyeongbokgung Palace? Yes?

Station. Train station.

. Stop.


"Strong hands or strong stomach"?

Pick whoever has a strong stomach.

Are you hungry?

Yeah.Let's go.

My God.

Jeez Louise.

Every clown around on the Ringling show

can chop through a piece of Styrofoam, you know,

but nothing like that.

Hopefully the Korean delicacy is pizza and Budweiser.

Oh, here's the flag. Yes, right here.

Oh, my God. They're alive, David.


There were live octopus sitting on a bowl at the table.

We were like, "Wow, what is this?"

We hear this meat axe in the back going chop, chop.

And like, all of a sudden,

she slides this plate in front of me.

Dude, your plate's moving.

Tentacles still work, bro'.

One's like climbing off my plate.

We've gotta eat the whole thing?

What do you think?

I don't think this is such a good idea.

They suction on your teeth while you try to chew them.

That's a big plate of it, too.

Dude, there's like eyeballs and stuff.

This is disgusting.

If everything else wasn't bad enough,

we knew we were behind.

It wasn't happening.

I don't think I can do this.

Jeff: This is disgusting.

Either we're going to pound them down

or we're going to go karate, tae kwon do.

We chose strong stomach because it was closer,

but it was octopus chopped up with eyeballs, head, brains,

everything still there.

You want to?Yeah.

If I had had or more bites

I probably would have puked.

"Make your way to next pit stop."

Gyeongbokgung Palace.

We were both ready to take some aggravation out.

Good work, dude.

At least I could do something right.

"Make your way to the next pit stop."

Let's do it.

Thank you.

Let's go, bro!

That's it, straight ahead.

You see it?

We need to go over there.

No, no, no.

No? OK.


This is where we're going.

Honk your horn.

This taxi driver was a wimp.

He wouldn't pass anybody.

This is it.

This is the palace, Kell.

I know, but I don't see any flags.

We'll have to be running

all the way back down here, you watch.

That's it?Yeah.

Can we go under there?

Go there, drop us off?

This isn't it, Jon, I'm telling you.

It was back where we were.

We should have just listened to our first instincts.

Yeah, here. Go, go, go!

Can we--can we-- we can get out.

It's a maze, Jon.

We're never going to find it.

I say we make a left

and then you come through the center.

Get out.Over there.

No, no.


This isn't it, Jon.

OK, look for route markers and we'll drop our packs.

To the right.

Let's go right around the front.

You think?

Come on, Kelly.

Ok. OK. Let's go.

Welcome to Seoul, Korea.

Kelly and Jon,

you're team number one.

Get out of here!

Oh, my God.

I didn't break my hand for nothing.

Are you kidding?

I've got some good news for you.

As the winners of this th leg of the race,

you've won a vacation to the sunny Caribbean,

compliments of American Airlines' website,

which you can enjoy after the race.

All right!

You guys are number one.

This our first time, we're virgins.

Does that feel good?

It's a surprise.

She's the only girl

and she just kicked all their butts.

All right, yeah!

You kicked their ass.

That's it right there, that's it.

There it is, come on.

Go, go.

Reichen and Chip,

you're team number .

Oh, look at this.

It's not gonna stop.

Go fast!

We have to get there quickly.


Is that the Gyeongbokgung Palace?

While we were going to the pit stop,

we didn't have a very good feeling in our stomach.

We knew it was very possible

for all teams to get ahead of us.

I don't know what will happen,

but I'm just going to be optimistic. Yeah.

Although we're keeping a positive attitude,

we're preparing ourselves that the race is going to be over.

Phil: Jon and al...

you're team number .

Oh, oh!

Oh, thank you!

Jeff: There's Phil.

David and Jeff...

you're the last team to arrive.

I'm happy to tell you, however,

this is the second of predetermined non-elimination legs

and you are both still in the race.

You're the man!

Thank you.

Do you feel like you have been given life

now that you are still in the race?


That's why we ran all the way here.

We figured you never quit until you get under the mat.

We gave it our best shot,

but we were going to be eliminated in this round,

and it gave us a shot of adrenalin.

I really hadn't considered anything but winning since we started.

There is no option for second place.

I want to win real bad.

We are going to kick their asses.

Phil: Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Phil: On the next episode of The Amazing Race--

it's a tense battle to make it into the final .

We're stressed, man. Big time.

Can this not go any faster?


Phil: Kelly drops face first--


Phil: Into her worst nightmare.

Oh, my God.

Phil: Will Reichen sleep with the fishes?

Watch out, Reichen!
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