04x08 - The Priestess Reminded Me of My Grandmother. She Was Very Old but Still Very, Very With It

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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04x08 - The Priestess Reminded Me of My Grandmother. She Was Very Old but Still Very, Very With It

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil keoghan: previously on "the amazing race".

Teams set out from the gateway of india, in mumbai,

And traveled nearly , miles to ernakulam junction.

Tian and jaree took a terrifying cab ride.

We're on the wrong side of the freeway

And he's in the middle of the road.


Phil: while kelly and jon got nasty.

I think the mole is growing throughout the race

Just because of the stress.

Phil: the roadblock introduced teams

To indian-style bull racing.

I didn't want to think of what was going into my face,

What was going into my mouth.

Phil: tian had trouble holding on.

You're a surfer chick.

Surfer chicks hang on, man!

Phil: in the end, it was a race between teams.

Faster. Go, go.

Race, race. Go.

Phil: and tian and jaree were eliminated.

Maybe arguing was better,

Because we stopped fighting and now we lose.

Phil: now, teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Phil: this is alleppey, a rural town in southern india.

And at the edge of town, punamata lake.

This was the seventh pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

For a mandatory rest period that allows them to eat, sleep,

And mingle with the other teams.

I loved the air force,

And I got out because I'm gay.

Chip and I had our one year anniversary today,

So we were excited about it

And decided to tell everyone who was left on the race

That we were a couple.

So it's really hard for me to just--

To just say that I'm gay.

I met chip about years ago

When I was still in the air force.

And he kind of, like, helped me through the whole thing.

We actually got married in california,

And today's our anniversary.


Chip: I thought it was important for reichen to talk

About what was going on, and us, and who we are.

Reichen: it's really important to me

And it's just very emotional.

It got down to the final teams

And was just a chance to put aside the race

And just get to know each other and just talk.

Millie: chuck and I dated years.



Except we're virgins, too.

I can't believe I'm sitting next to a -year-old virgin.

That's great.


Who cares about you guys.


Bring it on.

Let's get intothis.

We just got engaged before the race started.

Have you set a date yet?

We have been living in sin for years.

Had sex the first week.

Jeff: the race really isn't about your sexual preference

Or whether you're a virgin or not a virgin or a whore in the bedroom,

It's really about people working together

And taking advantage of their strengths that they have.

Every team that is here is very competitive.

The best team will ultimately win.

Phil: david and jeff, who were first to arrive at : p.m.,

Will depart at : a.m.

"Fly to the city of kota kinabalu, in sabah, malaysia."

Phil: teams must now fly more than , miles

To kota kinabalu, malaysia.

Once they land, they must make their way to this native village

Where they will find their next clue.

You have $ for this leg of the race.

Good. Got it. $.

Let's go.

Malaysia, baby.

We're going to malaysia.

We need to go to the airport.

Got to hurry up. The clowns are going

To be right on our ass.

Malaysia, baby. Malaysia.



We've learned that there's definitely

Times to clown around,

And joke around, and be silly,

And there's definitely times

Where you've got to be serious

And focus on the task at hand.

Malaysia. Where the hell is that?

That's east of us, isn't it?

Malaysia. Sabah, malaysia.

Off to malaysia.

The international airport.

Is it cochin?

Ok. Worth knowing.

Jon: there's the clowns ahead of us.

This is great. I love it.

Jon and kelly are ahead of us and they just passed us up.

So I guess we're going to the airport.

We should have $.

, , , , .

The nearest international airport.

Yes, thank you.

Let's go to malaysia.

All right. Let's go.

Cochin international airport.

How far to the airport?

Can you get there faster?

Is that chip and reichen?

Probably. Go, go, go, go, go.

Right behind him.

Follow that car very quickly.

The malaysia airlines.

Right here. Yeah. Right here.

Here, david. Let's go.

Thank you.

We're trying to buy tickets to malaysia.

Kelly: there's the goats.

Jon: do you want to stay with them?

Let's follow them.

Jet airways.


What time? :?

Jon: says there's no international flights going over there.

We're here. Good morning.

How was your taxi ride?


Take this.

I have to fly to kota kinabalu.

Where do I buy that ticket?

We get to the airport, we go to the international terminal

And see only chip and reichen.

Thank you very much. It leaves what time?

Reichen: is the fastest way to malaysia

To go through bombay first?

We're going to talk to this guy

And find out what flight they're getting on

And see if we can get on the same one.

Chip: but from bombay, do they fly to malaysia?

Can you find out?

We were just working with the people in those offices,

Trying to get as much information as possible.

This--so, now, cochin, tonight.

Chip did a lot of work to get a lot information.

He didn't want other teams to get it.

There is a direct flight from singapore to kota,

Where we need to go.

Can you hear anything?

Millie: reichen decides he wants to close the door,

So as he closes the door,

My foot happens to go in front of the door.

Chip: millie is holding the door with her foot trying to hold it open

So she can hear the information we were getting

And he was trying to shove the door shut.

Reichen: millie, I'm not going to do anything

If you keep the door open.

I was going to do all this work

And all she had to do was write down

What I was going through.

I wanted them to do their own work.

Now we're trying to buy the tickets

To get from where we are to the airport in mumbai

So we can fly to malaysia.

We're all going to end up in mumbai

And we'll take it from there.

We were here first, ok?

You guys cut in front of us.

Be polite.

You guys. You have to slide back.

We were here since :.

Yes, you were obstructing.

Then stand over there.

Can I get in here?

I need to get in here.

Can you check to see if it's full, that flight?

There was one slight possibility through madras,

But that was very risky.

I'm freaking out.

I want to wait and see what flight they decide to go to.

Can I get this flight here?

Can you book this?

Madras to kuala lumpur?

Going to domestic, right?


We've got to go to mumbai anyway at this point.

That's the biggest airport around here, with the most options.

We decide to go to the domestic terminal

To get the first flight out of cochin to mumbai.

We can buy tickets here to mumbai for :?


Jon, did you get them?

I'm getting them right now.

That was easy.

He's got the tickets.

Thank you.

As long as we're on the :.

There are plenty of seats, right?

Thank you.

Thank you.

Jeff: we all got on basically the same flight to mumbai.

We all figured we would get a better connection

From mumbai to malaysia.

Millie: I'm so tired of worrying about what everybody is doing.

We just have to--

I feel like I'm having-- I feel like I have

To make the bulk of the decisions,

And then when it doesn't go well you get mad at me.

I'm not mad at you.

Or you blame me, and I can't help it, you know,

I'm doing the best I can.

Thank you. Thank you.

Millie: al, what flight are you taking?

Flight .

Jet airways?

Let's go.

We definitely trust both al and jon.

Really good guys.

Very trustworthy.

Can you help us, possibly, book a reservation

From madras to kuala lumpur

On malaysian airlines?

You can't?

Chip: they weren't extraordinarily helpful in this airport

To book any other airlines except air india and jet airways.

Can you get me a travel agent?

Thank you very much. You're very kind.

Can we go with you?

Chip: while we were standing at the ticket window

This travel agent appears,

So he offers to take us to his office.

The problem was his office was an hour away.

If this works, we could actually get in

Before the other teams could get in.

If it doesn't work, we could be eliminated.

I think both chip and I are playing our own game

And doing our own thing and not worrying about other people.

Reichen and I spent a lot of time doing research

And decided not to get on a flight to bombay

And figured that we'd go through madras.

The only problem is we don't know if we can get on the flight.

Reichen: is that open or closed?


The guy was supposed to be here

And he's not here.

As happens in less developed countries.

This is very important.

No. You have to do it now.

Did you tell him it was an emergency?

The guy was supposed to be here,

And he's not here.

Did you tell him it was an emergency

When you called him before?

What if he doesn't come?

Days a week--

That's the days of service.

Is that him?

Hello, sir. Let's go, let's go.

Ok. Thank you.

We need to be in kota kinabalu.

It's malaysia airlines flight out of madras.

That's the one we need.

Once we got to mumbai, everybody dispersed.

We're trying to get information,

We're trying to reserve tickets.

All the teams basically split up.

Does india air fly into kuala lumpur or singapore?

Let's book it.

Thank you very much.

Come on, chuck.

Hi, do you speak english?

Chuck: we're going with the air india.

We're getting mumbai to singapore to kota kinabula.

Let's do kuala lumpur.

Joy, you see me in the eyes?

Is this the fastest way to get to kota kinabalu?

You're sure?sure.


Shake. Ok, book it.

Do you have any flights from mumbai today

To kota kinabalu?

Ok, wanna take a look?

Then there is a direct flight

From singapore to kota kinabalu?

We would like the earlier one.

That's the earliest?that's earliest.

We should just go with what we have.

We'll take those tickets.

Thank you so much.

You're very helpful. Good-bye.

Dude, we couldn't have picked a better airport to sleep in, huh?

We were at the singapore airport

From about : in the morning

Till about--our flight didn't leave until :.

So, a long time.

We got a full hours of sleep on the carpet.

We had a great flight,

But we are thinking there is a better flight.

And so we were trying to frantically call every airline

And get the best flight.

Is there any faster way to get to kota kinabalu?

Chuck: millie calls and calls

And won't take no for an answer.

It's an emergency.

We have to get there as soon as possible.

Thank you so much for your help.

Ok, got it.

And she gets the better flight.

Well, that was huge.

Ok. When are we going to board?

Good morning.

Do I take good care of you or what?

Ahh! There's the goats.

We think that millie and jeff are with us our flight.

She was running around like a freakin' mental patient last night.

Millie: we get into kuala lumpur,

We had to get on that connection to kota.

Counter "b."

Millie. Millie.

I'm not trying to leave you,

I just want to make this plane.

We have the power walker.

What? Why do you do that?

I hate it when you do that.

Chuck: millie is fast but she doesn't think sometimes.

She's just go, go, go go, and I'm slow and deliberate.

I don't think you could find more completely opposite people.

Everything that comes with this race,

I hope that marriage is not that.

I want him to be happy.

And if it's not me...

I want him to be happy.

And I know he wants that for me.

There's chip and reichen.

I can't believe that they're still here.

As soon as I saw chuck and millie,

It was kind of a feeling of,

Ok, we're all stacked up.

So we were behind,

And we finally were able to catch up.

Got on the plane to kota kinabalu

And found out there was a couple other teams on this flight.

Ok. Let's go.

Here you go.

Sir, do you know where this monsopiad cultural village is?

Ok, thank you.

Monsopiad cultural village.

We have to take a cab.

Chip: it feels fantastic to finally be at the top of the pack,

So it's anybody's game still.

Reichen and I made a small mistake in india.

This whole race is about a comedy of errors

And accepting each other's errors

And making up for them later.

Quick. Very quick.

Phil: teams are now making their way

To the monsopiad cultural village

Where they will receive a traditional malaysian good luck blessing

And their next clue.

Cultural village.

Main entrance is right here.

This is it. This is it.

This is it. Stop, stop, stop.

Let's go. Thank you.

Open the trunk, jon.

Fast, fast.

Millie and chuck pulled up, they jumped out and ran,

So they got in front of us there.

Where? Look for signs.

We're behind them.

I see a sign up there.

Take a left?

Monsopiad cultural center there.

He missed it.

Can you please turn around?

Oh, my god.

Reichen: he had to go, now, a mile down the road

To take a u-turn because the medians don't allow you to turn.

This is really funny.


It's kind of scaring me.


Millie: being christians, it was just a little unusual.

I mean, what could they be saying?

They could be putting a voodoo chant on us.

Thank you. Thank you.

Got to go faster.

"Make your way to the kota kinabalu boat jetty."

Phil: teams must make their way across kota kinabalu

To the city boat terminal.

When they arrive they'll have to take one of these marked boats

To this fishing trawler where they will find their next clue.

Let's go. Let's go.

We gotta go. Boat jetty.

The blessing makes you stop, relax for a moment,

Think about your surroundings and what's going on.

It was special for us.

I mean, it was excellent.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Kota kinabalu boat jetty.

We're going to monsopiad-- monsopiad village.



We're in a big, big hurry.

Very fast.

Is this it? Ok, good.

Thank you, thank you.

Just calm down and have fun.

Reichen: it was really a moment for me.

I felt like chip and I

Were getting married all over again

And I just kept looking over at him and smiling.

It was just a really cool thing,

And I think it gave us some more strength and energy

For the rest of this leg of the race.

"Make your way to the kota kinabalu boat jetty."

All right. Let's get in.

Let's go, let's go.

That's fine. That's fine.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you. You did good, very good.


Oh, my shoe's untied.

Ok. "Choose a marked boat."

There they are.

Hi, is this boat good?

No break down?

We've got to go to the flagged fishing trawler.

Ok, we're here.

Can you run?


David: the princess reminded me of my grandmother.

She was very old, but still very, very with it.

Oh, they're done already.

Kelly: bye, guys.

Right here is good. Stop.

That's good. Excellent. Thank you.


I'll hold the boat.


"Detour." Net or trap?

Phil: a detour is a choice between tasks,

Each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams need to choose between net and trap.

In net, teams have to take their boat to this fishing platform

And use a net to catch fish out of these marked pens

In order to receive their next clue.

The task doesn't require much strength,

But catching fish with a pole net requires skill.

In trap, teams need to take their boat

To this group of lobster boats.

Then, they have to pull one of these weighted lobster traps up

To get the clue that's inside.

There's not much skill in lugging the traps out of the water,

But raising the traps will require a good deal of brute force.

Lobster trap.lobster trap.


Lobster trap.

We need a lobster boat.

Fast, fast.

With flags, with flags.

Got the clue. Go.

"Detour, net or trap."

I say we do the trap.


Kelly: I thought the blessing ceremony was really pretty cool.

I was moved by it.

Meanwhile, jon's over here looking at his watch,

Going, "let's go, lady."

Thank you very much.

I don't know what you said but that was really nice.

"Make your way to the kota kinabalu boat jetty."

Boat jetty.

Boat jetty.

Go, go, go.

Hey, lobster boat?

This ain't lobster.

These are fish.

These are fish. This is not lobster.

We told him to take us to the lobster boats.

He took us to the fish boats.

Not lobster.

"Choose one pen and use pole nets

To catch fish from that pen."

Chuck: once we got there we were like,

What the heck, let's jump in

And try to net out some fish.

We like to fish a lot.

Don't start till--ok. Look.

Look. Look. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Get the bucket. Get the bucket.

Right there.

We've got to pull it up, jon.

Weighted lobster trap.

No problem. We can pull it.

Ready? Go. , , , Go.

, , . Go!

, , . Aah!

, , . Aah!

The yellow.

So, it's more physical.

Let's do it.ok. Lobsters.

I can't get them. You just watch the--

It doesn't say we can't get in there.

Let's get in there.

Millie: it was very murky.

The fish were darkly colored.

You could not see them.

Go, go, go.


All the way. Go on.

Hold it. I see it.

, , .


We're almost there. I've almost got it.

Hold it.


Oops, you got it?

I have no energy.

"Have your boat driver take you to manukan island."

Phil: teams must take their boat to nearby manukan island

And follow this marked path to their next route marker.

Ok, let's go.

Good job, man.

This way, quick, quick, quick.

Reichen, are you ready?

Yeah.lobster, right?

Where's-- this is fish.

Where is lobster?

Where is lobster?

Lobster boats.

Go. Go.

I'm trying.

They get stuck in the net.

Start pulling.


Step on the card.

, , . Pull.

, , .


We've got to drain this water, chuck.

Don't let them out. Millie!

Come on now!

Chuck, you're the one that didn't drain the water, ok?

They're splashing out.

, , .

Let's go. Let's go!

"Have the boat driver take you to manukan island

And follow the pier to your next clue."

Manukan island.

Go, go, go.



You count.ok.

Millie: so we started getting nervous.

I got it, I got it.

I have a huge fear of losing.

Don't drop them, baby. Please.

We knew everybody was gonna pretty much catch up.

It was a nightmare.

Is that manukan island?


Manukan island, quickly.

Go, go.

Just get them out, please.

I'm trying.

I've got to count them.

I think we've got .

Thank you so much.

Let's go.

Thank you.

Come on, jon.

I see the flag.


"Whose skills are the most on target?"


Phil: a roadblock is a task only one person may perform.

In this roadblock that person has to hit different targets

Using traditional malaysian weapons--

A bow and arrow,

A blowpipe,

And a spear.

Once they've hit all targets successfully,

They and their partner can race down the beach and check in here,

The pit stop for this leg of the race.

Ok. Where do we go?

Over here.

Al: the blocks-- just get one of those arrows in there.

Oh, great.

Come on, jon.

It's very difficult to sh**t this arrow.

That was close.

Follow the pier to your next clue.


Whose skills are the most on target?"

Chip, do you want to do it?


"Whose skills are the most on target?"



Millie: you're good at this, chuck.

Come on. Wow.

Reichen: all teams at this point were sh**ting arrows.

It was chuck, chip, and jon.

Everyone was having trouble.

Take it.

Let's go, let's go.

As fast as you can go, buddy.

You're getting closer than anybody else.

Chuck, you can do it.

Millie: if he doesn't get threatened,

He will be good at this.


Let's go.

Al: "choose a blowpipe and use your blowpipe

To hit any of the hanging targets."

Millie: come on, baby.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

Yes! We got it!

Good job. Let's go.

Al: make it count. Make it count.

Yeah. Yeah!

Spear throw. It's a spear throw.

Come on, baby.

All right. Get this thing, chuck. Get it.

Millie: this could be it.

Oh, you're getting closer.

Millie: I was agonizing over every lost arrow

Because I was so scared he was going to get in that downward spiral.

Oh, my gosh, and then just not be able to perform.

Push off.

"Detour. Net or trap."

We're doing net.

Fish. Fish.

Take us to the flag floating fish pen.

Oh, it's on the side.

Grab it, jon.


Going to trap the lobster.

Throw your spear into the banana tree target.

You can get it.

This way?

That was good.

This is crooked.

Come on.oh, come on, charles.

Right here, right here.

Are you kidding me?

Is that heavy?

You've got to get the gloves on.

Only choose one, dude.

I saw a lot over here, dude.

Right here's a bunch.

There's .

Jeff: we had fish that were the size of about a dime.

They're little. You've got to scoop through them quickly.

There's . There's in there.

, , .

All right. Let's go check it out.

Up here.

Excuse me.

You have not get the right fish.

It's the bigger fish.

We think we caught our catch

And they're like, "no, you've got to get bigger fish."

Ok. That was good.

Don't get stressed, babe.

Millie: chuck is drained and depressed

By constant worry and tension, and he internalizes it.

It fuels me and it kind of wears him out.

We'll work together. Work together.

Get behind me.

Oh, my gosh. This is heavy.

How many are in there?

I don't know. I've got to count.

Just run them over to the fish guy.


Come on, kel.

Kelly, you've got to get a grip.

Kelly: I think my biggest fear in this race is

That I let jon down.

I definitely want to pull my weight.

Take your time. Don't rush.

Yeah. Like that.

Oh, my god.

Come on, man, they're right on my ass.

If I don't do this, I'm an idiot.

That's in. That's in.

Go. Go.

Throw your spear into the banana tree target.

In it?

Quickly, quickly.


Arch it, man.oh, my god.

Come on, chuck, please.

Go, go, go, don't worry about your bag.

Yes! Let's go.

Come on. You can get it.

That's what you want. That's what you want.

The path.this must be it.

Wait, wait, wait.

What does it say?

It just says, "you and your partner

May check in at the pit stop."

Look for it, look for it.


Nice and easy.

Go! Run, run, run.

Go, go.

Here they are.

That's no fair.

Run it. Run, run, jon.

Jon, let's win together.

Really nice.

Welcome to kota kinabalu, malaysia.

Jon and al, reichen and chip,

You're teams number one and , respectively.


Yes! Awesome.

Jon and al, as winners of this eighth leg of the race

You've won a vacation to exotic mexico

Compliments of american airlines website

Which you can enjoy after the race.

Congratulations.thank you very much.

Go, go, go.


This is it. You can do it.

Chuck: it can be very draining emotionally

When you're both just so intense

And you want to keep moving forward.

If we don't do it right,

It drives you freakin' crazy.

This is embarrassing.

Let's just get these things trapped.

We do we lack? One more?

Hand over hand.

Do we have it?

We've got it. Let's go.

Let's go.

Manukan island.

I can't do it anymore.

All right. Hold on. I've got it locked.

No, I don't. No, I don't, kelly.

Come on. Grab it!

Jon, I can't.you let it go.

I tried. It's too heavy.

I'm sorry.

[Bleep] damn it. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Babe, it's ok. We just go over here.


Ok. Go back.

Back over there.

As fast as you can.

Kelly: we jumped back in the boat,

Because we couldn't do the lobster.

And we went over to do the fish, the net.

There was no other choice.

We are going out to manukan island

We're going to a the pier,

And we're going to run up the pier

To find the next clue.

"Choose one pen and use the pole nets, jon, to catch fish."

Ok, push them over here to me.

Has to stick in, chuck.

Push them over here to me.

They're all right there, kelly.

Jon, I'm trying.

They're jumping out.

He jumped out. That's not fair.

I need you to help, kel.

I mean, you farting on the fish,

I mean, is not helping too much.

We're going to rock 'n' roll.

Thank you.

Look where we need to go?

I see it.hey, hey.



Whose skills are the most on target?"

There is a bow and arrow over there.

I'll do it.


All right, cool. Grab that. Grab the basket.


Jump in, jump in, jump in.

As fast as you can, buddy.

Very fast.

Hit targets using traditional malaysian weapons,

A bow and arrow, a blowpipe, and a spear.

No problem.

Millie: don't worry about them. Focus on you.

Come on, baby, come on, chuck.

You can do it. You're good at this.


Good job, good job.

That was awful.

That was hard.

Welcome to malaysia.

Both: thank you.

Millie and chuck...

You're team number .

Thank you.

Oh, nice shot.

Get just a little bit higher,

You're going to hit it. Overshoot it.

Ah ha ha! Nice job. Ok.

Babe, at least we're going to have a good ending.

I'm betting the race on non-elimination right now.

Yes! All right.

Choose a spear throwing lane.


You've got to pierce the target, dude.

I'm not getting enough downward motion on it.

You need to come over the top like a football.

I had him tell me the whole time,

"A little more trajectory, come overhead,

Get a little stride, run and jump."

I'm like, "shut up!"

We're not losing, kel.

I was feeling a little bit helpless

And a little bit concerned

That jon and kelly were going to come screaming up

In their boat any minute.

Come, come, come.

"Whose skills are the most on target?"

Kelly is.

All right.

That's good. It's good.

Good job, dude.


Welcome to kinabalu, malaysia.

So that's how you say it.

David and jeff...

You're team number .

Thank goodness.

Be the arrow.

Jon, get out of my--

Be the arrow.

All right, be the bow.

Jon, go away, please.

Be the arrow.

Please let me hit it so jon will shut up.

Yes. Make jon shut up.

Jon is dying to shut up.

There you go.

Oh, oh.

Oh, my gosh. Thank god.

Go to the next one.

Stick that thing in your mouth

And just start blowing it.

It's stuck.

This is the hardest stuff I have ever done.

It's just the--the--the--

I don't need you to coach me.

You're gettin' it.


All right, go, go, go, go.

Run up and get your feet almost under that thing.


Put him down, put him away.

Aw, yeah!

Good job.

I did it.

Good job. Give me a kiss.

Kelly and jon...

You're the last team to arrive.

The good news is this is non-elimination--

Yeah, baby!

This is the first of predetermined non-elimination legs,

And you are still in the race.

I bet the house on it, phil, I bet the house.

I was very relieved when phil said

It was not an elimination round,

But I also wanted to slap the smirk off of jon's face

Because I hate it when he's right.

High five, phil! Whoo-hoo!

High five, little lady!

Kelly and I plan on being around on the th leg.

We're going to give it our all.

It's nothing personal. It's a competition.

And we've just gotta fight hard.

Chip and reichen are competitive.

They're pretty relentless.

They will do just about anything to gain an edge.

Millie and chuck are not just innocent virgins.

We've got to watch out for them.

They might have halos over their heads,

But the halos get bent every now and then.

Things are getting intense.

Things are getting nasty.

I think the next leg is every team for themselves

Trying to find every angle they can.

Even though we didn't get eliminated,

Knowing we were dead last

And that the other teams feel like we're a weak team,

It's going to change. You watch.

The next leg he's going to be all over it.

They're not going to know what hit them.

Phil: stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Phil: on the next episode of "the amazing race"--

Teams struggle to climb to the top position.

A bad decision causes tensions to boil over

Between kelly and jon.

Kelly, go-- yourself.

What did you say to me?

Come on, chuck!

Phil: and a road race to the finish...

We can beat them.

Comes down to seconds.

Holy crap!
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