04x02 - It Doesn't Say Anything About First Come First Served... and We're Bigger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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04x02 - It Doesn't Say Anything About First Come First Served... and We're Bigger

Post by bunniefuu »

PHIL: Previously on "The Amazing Race"...Go!

teams set out from Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles

on a race around the world for $ million.

Each team is made up of two people

with a special relationship.

Some family.

Some friends.

And some dating.

Tempers flared early when Steve and Josh

helped Steve and Dave jump past two other teams.

You know what? Don't say... to me.

PHIL: Their first stop was the Italian Alps,

where teams braved a perilous crossing...

and then took a leap of faith.


A rigorous trek brought

air traffic controllers Steve and Dave

to their knees...

and dating couple Amanda and Chris to each other's throats.

-I swear to God---If you yell at me again,

I'm gonna [bleep] die.

PHIL: Three teams--

Millie and Chuck, Amanda and Chris,

and Steve and Josh tied for first place.


Tian and Jaree overcame the altitude...

Come on, just hold on!

and each other...

Just let me catch my breath.

Jaree, what is wrong with you?

PHIL: To barely stay live.

And married couple Debra and Steve

were the first team to be eliminated.

I did things today I didn't think

I could ever do in my whole life.

It was wonderful.

PHIL: teams are still in the race.

Who will be eliminated tonight?

PHIL: These are the Dolomites,

an enormous snowbound mountain range in northern Italy.

And at the base of the peaks, the hotel.

This was the first pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period that allows them

to eat, sleep, and mingle with the other teams.

Will the alliance between the first place teams

keep them in the lead?

And will Tian and Jaree rebound from last place?

Amanda and Chris, Steve and Josh, and Millie and Chuck,

the first teams to arrive at : A.M.,

will depart at : P.M.

Make your way to the bottom

of the Trampolino Olimpico...

and take a raft then to the top of the hill...

and snow raft to your next clue.

PHIL: Teams must now travel a mile and a half

through the streets of Cortina to this Olympic ski jump

and take part in a favorite local pastime,

snow rafting.

To do this, they get into a van which will transport them to the top

then, they pile into an inflatable raft

which will take them down the hill at breakneck speed

to the next route marker.

JOSH: My dad and I had that terrible relationship

where we didn't get along and disliked each other immensely.

We're finally going to have to rely on each other.

One mile, but left?

CHUCK: Millie and I, we're both very competitive.

We can both be very stubborn.

If being virgins for years

doesn't show our determination and endurance,

I don't know what would.

Yeah, that takes a lot of willpower.

CHRIS: I think my aggressive competitive nature,

with me going, "We need to go faster, we need to move now,"

might make Amanda upset.

MILLIE: We stepped on the mat with Steve and Josh and Amanda and Chris.

We agreed to form this alliance.

That thing is steep, y'all.

This is going to be fun.

One team per raft.

Who's going first?

We'll go.

The other teams are going first.

They're going to wait for us when they get down.


I'm so excited.


Two, one, go!





That was awesome.



Make your way to the Ponte Della Guglia bridge in Venice.

PHIL: Teams must now travel to Venice.

They must depart from one of train stations, Calalzo or Alpi.

The Calalzo train station is closer, about a -minute drive.

The Alpi is further away but has an earlier train.

Once in Venice, they must make their way

to the bridge to get the next clue.

One! Let's go.


Holy crap!


Venice! Whoo!

Hold me, I'm so scared, Daddy.

-No, you may not fly.-That's fine.

We don't need to fly.

All right.

Let's find the hotel.

I think there's a hotel up here on the right.

What's the fastest way to Venice?

Thank you so much.

Ladies, gentlemen, let's go. We need to get out of here.

We're waiting to get on the train which is not gonna be for quite a while.

And we really don't know even when the train leaves.

I think that all the teams are gonna catch up with us.

So, that makes me nervous.

Make your way to the bottom of the Trampolino Olimpico.

Be careful. This is really icy.

MONICA: Sheree and I are best friends.

And although we have the luxury

of being married to professional athletes,

we would like to prove to the world

that we are very strong women.

Let's make sure we got a taxi coming up here.

MONICA: we're going to the bottom

of the Trampolino Olimpico.

You have $. for this leg of the race.

Could you call for a taxi? Just pick up the phone.

STEVE: we're both hurting pretty badly.

Dave wrenched his knee yesterday.

Mine was abused, too.

We need to get a little gas back in our tanks.

Looks like we're going to do some snow rafting.


-Oh, look at this.-Oh, this is too cool!


Open it.

Let's go.

Jon, we can't chance walking. Just quit being cheap.

This isn't the time.

KELLY: Jon and I are engaged now,

so I feel like I can't let him down on this race.

I need to show him that our lives together

can be just as exciting as his bachelorhood.

I think Kelly is really blossoming with the race.

She's having a great time.

Let's go.

We're going to wait for the next team to come,

then we're gonna steal their cab on the way out and go to the train station.

Come on.

Where's the top of the hill at?

-Actually--oh, crap.-What? What?

Our taxi drives us right to the top.

So where's the raft van?

Do we have to go down there?

We have to go down there.

We're sitting here waiting for a cab,

figuring another team has to make their way to the bottom.

And apparently, they didn't read the route instructions.

Just climb in, then slide.

Just roll me. Ha ha!

You're crazy!

Oh, no.

Boy, I hope he doesn't get hurt badly.

Oh, my God. I can't even see him.

What an idiot.

Oh! Oh, my God, oh, my God!


I want to see who these two idiots are.

Yeah, that's Kelly and her boyfriend.

I did not think they were that stupid.

Let's go. Let's go. Come on.


[man speaking Italian]


Al: Jon and I tend to fool around and have a good time.

We're both circus clowns.

JON: We're the morale-makers.

We do crazy things just to keep the spirit up.

-Can you take us to the bus station? -Si.

KELLY: We thought we would take the bus, save money

because we've spent so much money.

My butt's a little sore.


Make your way to the bottom of the Trampolino Olimpico.

CINDY: I'm very attracted to Russell.

He's very smart.

I have very strong feelings for him.

We haven't been in a romantic involvement in this race

because I wasn't traveling , miles for sex.

The bus to take you to the train station?

I need you to show me the way. Let's go.

Look at where we have to go.

That means we haven't gone anywhere.

That's what I was asking.

CINDY: instead of just walking minutes to the right,

we ended up walking , feet straight up the mountain.


All right. We're at the train station.

Looks like some other teams came straight here.

You guys have been doing great, awesome.

Let's go.

OK? Do you know where that is?

REICHEN: We started off really wanting to run an honorable race.

And in the very beginning we saw people cutting in line

at the Los Angeles airport,

and that really set the tone for us.

If they're not going to honor lines,

then I'm not either.

I'm make an executive decision here

that we're going to cut our losses

and quit hiking through the woods.

Otherwise we're out of the race.

There's the route marker. I see it.

So, we need to go to Venice.

Looks like we're going to be outside for a while.

Let's go.

DAVID: We're in the last group, obviously, today.

We could have ended up eliminated.

We're against some really strong teams.

We're just going to keep competing, doing the best we can.

Come on. We're very late.


That was just a ride from the train station.

What's up, guys?

What's up?


-That's going to be the train. -Ok.

They're all here.

We're all caught up.

We're all in the same spot.

You see those two really tall pretty boys,

we want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

'cause they're a big threat.

They're huge competitors.

They really are starting to scare me.

Wheezer and Geezer tried to get us out of the race on the very first day.

They tried to screw us by buying tickets for their guys behind us in line.

They made enemies way too soon.

Hey, how are you doing? Is there a line?

REICHEN: When we got to the train station

we didn't get a very warm welcome.


Let's get out of here.

Dang this altitude.

Come on.

TIAN: to get what I want from Jaree,

I'm going to have to push her.

We do have a liability,

and that's that she can't run very fast.

We need to lighten the load, and it's a constant battle.

It's pretty far.

They're trying to get rid of both our teams right now.

We found out through the girls, that are our moles,

that everybody's gunning to get rid of us and the other two guys,

which is, you know, disturbing.

They were trying to tell me there was a line.

I figured it was just a big mental game

and I wasn't going to honor it.

STEVE: When Chip and Reichen came,

they were holding the door handles

and my backpack is there and I said, "Hey, guys, my backpack is there."

is that your backpack laying right up there against the door there?

Can you imagine that?

Seems to indicate anybody had position earlier, but, you know.

REICHEN: Did you guys have position in line at LAX?

Was there ever going to be a ticket for you on Swissair?

Was there ever going to be for you,

if you had stayed in your place in line?

If you had stayed in your place in line,

don't stand there and lecture me

about his backpack and a spot in line.

Give me a break.

REICHEN: I got into a confrontation at the door,

and I said, "No, not this time.

I'm not letting people

who had the advantage in the beginning stay ahead of me.

So, I just held that door and it was really childish.

But I thought it would help.

Oh, no. No, no. I do-- certainly do not want to push you.

I absolutely do not.

Hola, everyone.

Yeah, baby!

Yeah. That was so much fun.

Let me ask this guy.

This bus shows up and Al speaks Italian,

so Al runs over to the driver and asks where it's going.

There's a bus going to Alpi.

From the Alpi train station,

we'd be able to get the quickest train down to Venice.

He's leaving in minutes.


Let me just catch my breath for two seconds.

No, we're not calling a taxi.

We're literally / of the way there.

Here's where we're going.

These are canals.

CINDY: When we had to figure out a task.

Russell would turn immediately

to the other teammates and leave me standing there

and decide what we should do.

You start wondering, is this the partner for me?

Dad! Dad! Come on.

We're still missing teams.

Not that I'm complaining.

Where is everybody? In here?


Ok. So we are going to Calalzo.

JAREE: I've got it all written down already, Tian.

Let me show you, 'cause I'm like--

back off.

TIAN: If I want to find out information, let me.


Where the Hell is everybody?

Where the Hell are all the people?

Seriously, Jon, where else would they be?

Obviously these teams are M.I.A.

They've, like, disappeared off the face of the earth.

We are on a train to Venice.

We have a hour head start over any other teams there,

but I think there's teams here.

So, there's only teams that aren't with us.

Is this the first train?

Is there one before?

Oh, my God.

We can't catch up to them.

-We don't know that.-We do know that.

I need to take a nap.

Jonathan, we need to get to work here.

It's not to your advantage for me not to know what your plans are.

You're being really ultra-controlling here and you're not informing me.

'cause you don't need to do all the work.

-Well--really?-There's actually of us here.

You haven't seen me get mean.

I wasn't planning on it,

but you talk down to me one more time...

you are talking down to the wrong person!

-We'll be minutes back.-This one?

There it is!


PHIL: A detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams need to choose between two ways

of traveling around the ancient and complex city of Venice.

Their choice, waterway or pathway.

In waterway, teams travel by gondola,

using a map to guide their gondolier

along the canals to this small plaza.

For locals, the gondolas can be a fast way to travel,

but the teams must navigate using only the map

and without asking for directions from anyone.

In pathway, teams must travel by foot to the same small plaza.

Walking the city's complex web

of narrow streets and bridges can be confusing,

but these teams can ask for directions from the locals

and if they use the information correctly,

they could complete the task quickly.

Shall we take this one?

Let's go. Gondola.

What do you want to do?

We want waterway, right?

Let's go. Come on. We gotta go.

CHUCK: We went down to the gondolas.

And we were in line and or teams were ahead of us.

Let's see where it is because we can run.

CHUCK: We both started thinking, I don't know.

We got nervous because so many teams were already ahead of us.

OK. Come on. Let's go.

We're going to run it.

We have to guide him to Campo Fiorini.

Where are we now?

Down this road.

OK, we started at the Lista.

Come on. We're gonna follow them.

So, we need to go out.

I know exactly how to get there.


This is just too cool. I'm sitting on a gondola in Venice, man.

So you went for the skinny guy.

Nice job, Rudy.

We got Rudy.

He's built like a massive semi.

Rudy, you're doing beautiful, man.

Your guy rocks, man.

Paddling that boat with your two heavy asses in there.

Get closer so I can go kick his ass.

Oh, my God, that guy is passing us with Steve and Dave in there.

Do you sing?

♪ O solo mio

OK, are we close?

Come on, please?

Turn right on Santa Maria Formosa?

OK. Grazi.

Give me this 'cause you suck at this.

CHRIS: I'm going to do whatever it takes for us to win.

AMANDA: This is so cool.

It's not cool if we come in last.

If I have to be mean about something, I'm going to.

AMANDA: do you know why it doesn't upset me?

If we would have walked the streets,

we wouldn't have been able to see any of this.

I realize you want to win,

but this is really beautiful.

We'll pay you money if you walk with us.

Oh, OK. You're working.

Run, Chuck! Run!

We got it, guys.

Right here. Right to it.

Look on your map.

You want to go left.

Follow them. Follow them.

Jeff and David are way up there.

Turn, turn, turn, turn.

Anyone speak English?

How can we get someone to help us?

Santa Maria Formosa?

At the end, take a quick right.


He can't do it?

He thinks he can't make the turn in the gondola.

Russell, what's the matter?

Just go up one street.

It's too small, he said.

They're pulling out of that canal.

CHRIS: Everybody else went down a canal that was blocked off.

Us, being the last one into that canal, that put us in the lead.

Yes, yes, please, grazi.


CHUCK: We were very blessed.

This one lady came up to us

and basically showed us the way to the first route marker.

Thank you!

Make your way to the route marker outside Palazzo da Mosto.

PHIL: Teams must now make their way across the city

to the Plaza da Mosto where they'll attend a party.

The party doesn't start until : P.M.

Make a right turn here, and there should be another bridge.

We might be in trouble here.

Get that power boat out of the way!

Yes, I see it. It's right up there.


We kind of just took off and went our own way,

but eventually we got there.

There it is, right there.

Go, go, go, go, go,!

Make your way to the marker at the Palazzo da Mosto in Venice.

Right there.

Make your way to the route marker

outside the Palazzo.

Look, look.

STEVE: There it is, the flag.

Other people were going all these other ways

they thought would be easy and we got right there.

Oh, grazi.

All right.

We see the route marker, guys. Straight ahead.

We get out right there.

Ok. We'll get out right there.


See, it's right there.

This way.

Ok. All right.


Make your way to the route marker outside the Palazzo da Mosto.

Why don't you give me an idea?

You know that we can't beat Kelly and Jon in a foot race.

No, I don't know that.

You can't keep up.

Every foot race we've done so far,

you're always in the back.

I feel like she's definitely judging me

but not for any other reason but to make herself look good.

Quit trying to demean me, OK?

They're fighting.

We're not faster than the guys.

We're not faster than these girl-and-guy teams.

We're not ever going to be.

Let's go.

Gondola is here.

To the Campo.

I say we walk.

This will take forever to do.

It was near the Marco?

Plaza San Marco.


All right. This is it.

This is a street?

This is, like, not even a hallway.

It's near Marco square.

It says Marco Rialto that way, Jon.

Which direction are we going now?

You're the one with the compass.

We're in Venice.

I hope we get to actually see it.

Well, we're seeing it now.

I always thought it would be in the arms of my lover.

But you'll do.

See, you're only nice to me when we're doing good.

Just go straight, Jon. It's fine.


All right.

Let's walk faster.

KELLY: I don't know who's doing the navigating at this point.

He's not listening to me.

Not listening to himself.

He's just walking.

Talk to me!

Which direction are we going in

right this second we're going...

-west. -West.

Exactly my point.

It's east!

KELLY: we were totally, completely lost.

Save your energy.

Jon, at least work with me

instead of saying "Listen, I got it, I got it,"

because you don't got it.

Hello, it's not just you around here.

I know where we are.

We got to make a left up here, Kel.

Here it is right here.

Nice, babe. Nice.

Make your way to the route marker outside the Palazzo da Mosto in Venice.

There it is. Come on.

We found it.

Excuse me.

Palazzo da Mosto?

We got it here.

REICHEN: when we got to the route marker

that's when all the teams

had caught up to the same place.

They're all up here.

: to Midnight, hours of operation.

Look for steps. Look for steps.

Come on, Chuck.

You know Palazzo da Mosto?

OK, OK, OK. Thank you.

Millie, let's at least look. Come on.

There it is.

So we just have to be here at :.

We're all on the same foot now.

We're all Number One.

There's that other team.

How could the blondes find it before us?

We're awful and we stink, but we're not screwed up.

It's right here. There's the route marker.

Both of our knees are really kind of sore right now.

We need to kind of get off of them.

We can't keep up with these young studs.

PHIL: There's only one Fast Forward on each leg of the race.

The first team that finds it

can skip all tasks and go directly to the Pit Stop.

However, once a team uses a Fast Forward,

that team can never use another one for the rest of the race.

So, teams need to decide when it's most advantageous to go for it.

In this Fast Forward, the teams need to make their way

to this plaza and join a troupe of Italian street players.

At some point during the skit,

the Fast Forward will appear and the team can claim it.

Rialto Bridge.

Find the troupe of traveling players

and join the traditional Italian skit.


DAVE: The play involves Steve being operated on.

But they cut Steve open,

and started pulling out his intestines,

which were attached to his-- his liver was attached to it,

his heart was--which I was surprised. See, I didn't think he had one.

His brain was attached to it and had never been used.

At the end of it was the Fast Forward.


Go directly to the Pit Stop, the boat docked in front of the Palazzo Ducale.

PHIL: Having won the Fast Forward, Steve and Dave can now skip all tasks

and go directly to the Pit Stop,

the City of Padua, a boat docked on the edge of Venice's main lagoon.

We've got to find that boat.

CHIP: It mattered, you know, where you were in the queue to enter the building.

We were one of the first teams to get there, so that helped.

We left to go sight-see and k*lled all our time.

We came back, and there were people in line.

We had hours to k*ll before the place opened.

We left and came back and people were already camping out.

We were the last ones in line.

I can't take it anymore!

We take the Fast Forward.

We guarantee ourselves a pretty healthy head start.

Let's see if we can find our boat over here.

Welcome to Venice.

-Thank you very much.-Grazi.

Steve and Dave, you're Team Number One.


There's the box right there.

-Go, go. -All right.

All right.

A Roadblock.

PHIL: A Roadblock is a task only one person may perform.

That person must take one photograph from this doorman

who is holding pictures of four different masks

and search from among rooms of masked revelers

to find the right person.

If they find the right person,

they'll receive their next clue.

If they hand the picture to the wrong person,

the masked reveler will take the picture and silently walk away.

The team member must go back outside and go to the back of the line.

Since the doorman will only allow people into the party at a time,

getting back in could take a while.

-Do you know what to do?-Yeah.

You're smart. You'll do all right?

JAREE: this is going to be so easy for Tian.

MONICA: Sheree told me to do it.

RUSSELL: People were all dressed

in traditional Venetian garb with masquerade ball masks.

MONICA: I had to find someone with my pictured mask

which is extremely harder than it seems

because there were tons of people walking around.

CHIP: It felt like you were in a masquerade ball back in the s.

People looked very elegant.

JOSH: There's people in this dark room everywhere.

You got to match the masks.

The first thing I thought was,

"Crap, I should have let my dad do this."

Very close.

It has reds, though.

Is that it?

Huh? Am I right?


And I gave it to him and the guy didn't give me nothing,

so, I got start over.

I didn't know there were a bunch

of the same variety and I was livid.

I blew it and had to go to the end of the line out front.

It is so damn hard!

Excuse me?

CHIP: I looked at the person and studied, looked at the face.

To me, my gut reaction was this is it.

Reichen, Reichen, let's go!

Make your way to the next pit stop.

The flagged boat dock in front of Palazzo Ducale.

PHIL: Teams must now make their way across Venice

and find the boat called the "City of Padua."

This motorship docked on the edge of Venice's main lagoon

is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here will be eliminated.


That's it.

Black and red. Is that you?

[Excited chatter]

They got it. Damn it!

Make your way to the next pit stop.

The flagged boat.

-Plaza Ducati? -Ducale.

Ok. Let's go.

Palazzo Ducale.

Scusi, Plaza Ducale?

Black, black, black, black?

CHRIS: Amanda expressed her concerns about doing the roadblock.

It's such a high-pressure situation

especially when you're one of the last people in line.

So I was elected to do the roadblock.

Thank you.

This sucks.

David! Right here, buddy!

Warning, the last team to be checked in will be eliminated.

-Let's go. -This way.

Are you sure? Are you sure?

Palazzo Ducale.

Other direction?

Can I go?

Oh, you're kidding me!

CHRIS: basically, I rushed my decision

and gave the picture to the wrong person.

Chris, did you get it?


It's hard, isn't it, dude?

Thank you.

Ok, thank you.

I hope this doesn't get me eliminated.

But just please look at your compass.

I know exactly where we are.

Ok. I believe you.

Come on.

Is that it?

All right!

The last team will be eliminated.

Let's run!

Oh, no.

MILLIE: it was crazy.

I'm not a detailist,

so I was so afraid I was going to screw that one up.

Red, black.

Not you.

Ok. See the boat?

See the boat? Come on.

Over here, over here.


Go, go!

PHIL: Reichen and Chip...


You're team number two.


-We got it.-Oh, my God!

We're gonna catch up.

Plaza San Marco?



Plaza Ducale?

This way?

No, no. Direction? Direction?

Plaza Ducale?

Come on, pal?

All right!

Kelly and Jon, you're team number three.

-Oh, my God!-Whoo!

The race really helps us communicate better

because we realize we have to work as a team.

There's no "I'm right, you're wrong."

Excuse me.

Red, gold.

I ran in the second time

and I was like, I got to get this

because there's teams that are leaving.

It was just horrible.

I wanted to make sure

we had time to get wherever we had to go.

I got shot down twice. Man, I sucked at that roadblock.

I just had this one.

CHRIS: When I got the third picture,

I was frantically staring at these people's masks,

trying to match up every intricate detail.

Run, run, run!

Tian and Jaree, you're team number four.


We're working good together

'cause she feels like she's in boot camp.

Yeah, I like that. I need discipline.

-So it's good.-Push, push, push.


Cindy, quick.

RUSSELL: when we got out of our roadblock, we were in the lead.

We were alone to the square where the finish was,

but we were focused on another area.

Dave and Jeff, you're team number five.

Good job, man.

Well worth it.

Where do we got to go?

-I'll follow you.-To the square.

Piazza San Marco, sir?


Ok, you.

Yes. Thank you.

Chuck, Chuck!

Jon and Al,

you're team number six.


Ok, Ok.

Russell and Cindy...


You're team number seven.


Ok. This sucks.

CHRIS: I was very concerned about where the other teams were.

I can't run. I can't...

This can't be over for us yet.

Millie and Chuck,

you're team number eight.


CHUCK: The top priorities for the race is

number one, trust God, number two, don't be last,

number three, hustle every second that we can to make a difference.

Steve and Josh, you're team number nine.

Oh, great.

Thank you.

Got to get out of here.

Thank you.

Has everybody came out?

Yeah, except for the one team.

Dude, you don't know how hard that was.

It's ok. It's ok.

I didn't do good.

You're here now.

I watched people turn right here,

if it's any value to you.

You want to turn right here?

I don't know.

You know what?

I'm lost, too.

Ok. There it is right there.

Plaza Ducale.

That's a long ways away.

Although we started running,

we had to keep asking people,

where is this place? Where is this place?

There were several different routes.

There was no laid-out route that you had to take.

Go for it, go for it.


Jeez, I can't walk now.

Come on.

Monica, I think it's this way.

There it is. Come on, babe!

Welcome to Venice.

Monica and Sheree...

you're team number .

Oh, my God!



You're still in the race.

Come on, run! Hustle!


You better say something good.

Amanda and Chris,

you're the last team to arrive.


I'm sorry to tell you you've both been eliminated from the race.

We tried. It was really awesome.

It was a fun time.

It's just wet and I'm tired.

Very tired.

CHRIS: I'm not ready for this to end.

It sucks and it's going to take a couple days

for this to really set in and to realize

that the opportunity has already come and gone.

PHIL: Have you learned anything new about him?

Oh, he's still a little jerk, but I love him. That's ok.

Hopefully we're going to be together for the rest of our lives.

I think we did good.

PHIL: Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

PHIL: On the next episode of "The Amazing Race"...

Millie's asthma attack puts her and Chuck a train behind.

I cannot breathe.

But she isn't about to be pushed around by Chip.

God, he's a jerk.

Did I do that?

PHIL: And this ,-foot tower

sends teams over the edge.

Oh, my God! Whoa!
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