04x01 - Cheaters Never Win... and They Cheated!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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04x01 - Cheaters Never Win... and They Cheated!

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: I'm standing high above Los Angeles,

gateway to the Western United States.

From this sprawling metropolis,

America's city of dreams,

teams will embark on a race around the world

for $ million.

Stretch hummers are now transporting the teams

to Dodgers Stadium.

Each team is made up of people

in an existing relationship.

The teams are...

Tian and Jaree,

friends, models and thrill-seekers.

We're not like regular chicks.

I mean, we're feminine, but we're adrenaline junkies.

Girls, I think, have it easier than men

in a lot of situations.

You know, you need to catch a ride, you need information,

thank God, you know, we're good looking.

Phil: Steve and Dave,

friends and air traffic controllers from Chicago.

People will look at us, and they won't see us as a threat.

We're a couple of old, fat, out of shape,

middle-aged guys that don't look like who can do much anything.

We're going to do our darndest to run the entire "Amazing Race"

without breaking a sweat.

Phil: Reichen and Chip,

married couple from Beverly Hills.

We cemented our relationship

in a traditional manner that a heterosexual couple would.

I have a personal vendetta

against all the times that I have been made to feel inadequate

because I'm gay.

And I am not going to be made to feel that way on this race.

Phil: Millie and Chuck,

dating years and virgins from Chattanooga, Tennessee.

I believe that the Bible clearly states

to not have sex until you are married.

So it's kind of a crisis right now in our relationship.

I am scared of commitment.

We need to either get married or move on with our lives.

Phil: Steve and Josh,

a corrections officer and his son

trying to find common ground.

We have always felt like we didn't spend enough time together.

My dad, he ran a boot camp with felons in it.

Growing up, we would butt heads a lot.

Now we get along, and there is an emotional need

for the two of us to do this.

Russell and Cindy,

close friends that she hopes will take the next step.

I have high hopes that there will be

a lot of romance with Russell and I.

I'm not necessarily looking for a relationship right now.

I am crazy about him. I adore him.

I know I love him.

Phil: Monica and Sheree,

friends, NFL wives,

and mothers from Atlanta, Georgia.

Sheree and I are both married to professional athletes

who play for the Atlanta Falcons.

We have been cheering for them for so many years,

so this is a chance for them to put on

their little skirts and pompoms and cheer for us.

Phil: David and Jeff,

bachelors and best friends from Southern California.

We're very strategic.

We're planners.

We think on our feet.

We're extremely confident we can win the race.

I never even pictured us doing anything but finishing first.

Phil: Amanda and Chris,

dating for years from Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

I totally think that we're going to be

underestimated by other teams.

They're going to think that being from South Dakota,

we're backwoods bumpkins or something like that.

I feel people may think that we're young

and not capable of winning, but we'll show them.

We'll show them differently.

Phil: Kelly and Jon,

recently engaged from Miami, Florida.

We both have, like, these Type-A personalities.

The relationship will be tested,

but we're going to go home together no matter what,

and we're still going to love each other,

and hopefully, still get married.

Phil: Debra and Steve,

married parents from Indiana.

We're fat, we're --

But we're fun.

But we're fun.

We're not going to beat other teams athletically.

We have to beat the other teams mentally.

Phil: Jon and Al,

best friends and circus clowns.

I'm a human cannonball for Ringling Brothers Circus.

That means I'm shot out of a cannon

- times a week.

We are fun guys going out to have a good time,

to meet people, have fun with it,

and just put a little competition in this race.

Phil: Can these teams stand up to the stress

of traveling together across more than , miles?

Will the competing teams become friends or enemies?

Who will come up with the right strategy,

the right combination of brains, brawn,

and teamwork to win the $ million?

These are the questions waiting to be answered

as we get ready to begin "The Amazing Race."

Phil: In just a few minutes,

you will be leaving on a race around the world.

There are legs in this race,

and as you travel,

you will have to complete various tasks.

At the start of each leg of the race,

you will receive a small amount of cash

that has to cover all expenses except airline tickets,

which you won't need to pay for.

At the end of each leg of the race,

there is a pit stop.

of these pit stops are elimination points,

so you need to get to them as fast as you can,

because if you are last,

you will be eliminated.

Everybody understands that.

Your first clue is waiting inside the envelope

on top of the luggage you brought with you.

When I give you the word,

you can run over to your baggage,

read the clue,

go through the center field fence,

and hop in one of the vehicles in the parking lot.

The first team to cross the finish line

at the end of legs

will win $ million.

Everybody ready?

[All cheering]

Phil: All right.

The world is waiting for you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.


[All cheering]

Oh, that's mine.

Get yourselves to Milan, Italy.

-Milan, Italy!-Italy!

You may only travel to Milan on one of these flights.

Seats are first come, first serve.

You have $ for this leg of the race.

Going to Milan, dude.

Let's go. Let's go.

Go, go, go.

Go, grab the bag.

Let's go.

Over here.

All right. I see it. Whoo!

Get in there.

All right! Good luck!

OK, good. At least we're in the front.


Start the car.



I dropped the bag.


Stay on them, stay on them.

Can't get out this way.

Everybody's wondering where we're going.

Exit's gonna be right down to the right.

Ready? Here we go.

Get yourselves to Milan, Italy.

Once you're there, find the route marker

inside the Galleria Victoria--

I've been there. I've been there. I know where it is.

A lot of people will follow us who

don't know where they're going,

but if we can try to lose some people that would be great.

Follow those California-looking boys.

I'm telling you, those guys are from California.

They've got the look.

-There, we've got it.-Green.

They're following us. Don't worry.

OK, just keep going.

We're going the to the .

If you live here, you might have a better idea what's going on.

-, there we go. -OK.

Which one?

Go to the right, see. To the right. Go down here.

OK, can't go here.

It's all right.

It won't lock.

Baby, I don't know how to fix this.

No, that's not closing.

Just shut it.

Do you think it will come open?

Yeah, it will. We can't drive that way.

You know what? I'll sit in the back and hold it.

Babe, please.

We're fine. We're fine!

Don't speed. Be calm.

Nice and easy, Jon. Let's watch them.

Follow them. You've got a green light.

You're good. Take it easy.

Get out of my [bleep] way.

Chris seems to think there's sides of me--

the good little girl,

and the devil that my horns hold up my halo.

Aw, you [bleep] suck.

Amanda can be sweet and charming,

and also be very conniving and somewhat evil.

Dude, I'm going to eat the back of your [bleep] car, lady.

OK, remember what we said. We've got to focus.

One thing at a time.

One more to the left. Go to the left.

Go to the left. Straight and to the left.

Are you sure we can get out right here?

Ah, it's locked.

You the man. Punch it. Come on, punch it.

Let's follow them.

All right.

Down here to the left now.

All right.

You got lights. All right. Sunset Boulevard.

Oh, there it goes. There it goes.

It didn't hold. That really sucks.

Hold on.

I'm not going to be able to hold it.

Well, we need a new car.

Phil: If a car breaks down through no fault of the team

or becomes unsafe to drive,

the rule is that a replacement car

may be given to the team.

However, no time credit will be given for this unlucky situation.

Let's just get out of here.

, , ...We've got on our tail.

Chip provides the stability and the structure,

and I provide the drive to keep us going,

and neither one can work without the other.

How cool is it we started in L.A.?

That's awesome.

Russell is very bright.

He's very quick.

He's very strong.

And he's my security blanket.

There are some things that I have worried about.

What if she wigs out or something, or gets angry or whatever?

-We'll be all right.-Oh, my god.

Just watch the traffic.

I'm set. Don't worry about it.

We're going to be on that first plane,

and we're going to kick everyone's ass.

We have Swissair :,

Lufthansa :, and K.L.M., which is at :.

We do not want the :.

Oh, no, he didn't.

No, he didn't.

Good thing we're from New York, man.

We can deal with the traffic situation, know what I mean?

Jon, don't speed.

Oh, my gosh.

Be calm, OK?

Josh is from Jersey, I'm from Texas.

It's like "The Sopranos" meets "The Dukes of Hazzard."

He's gonna be the macho "Let's get this done."

I'm gonna be like, whoo-hoo! Let's have fun.

This is the red-headed couple in front of us.

Ok, Chuck, don't lose him.

Millie is the only girl I have ever dated.

She's the only girl that I have ever really loved.

But yes, marriage does scare me.

If Chuck does not ask me to marry him soon,

then I think our relationship as it is now

will be over.

Maybe we [bleep] need to stop for directions.

We don't know where we're [bleep] going.

We don't know where anybody [bleep] is.

Swissair, Lufthansa, K.L.M.

What do you think is going to be closest?

I think Swissair.

Because we're air traffic controllers,

I think we will have an advantage.

Do you have any idea where you are?

I have no friggin' idea.

I see airplanes up there, dude.

OK, there you go. Nice job.

They're on final for L.A.X.

No sign saying "Airport." Nothing.

Give me a sign, baby. Give me a sign.

Let me see something.

These are C.H.I.P.S.! These are cops.

Be cool. Maybe they'll pull over somebody in front of us.

Here come the cops. Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh! Get him.

Somebody's going to get it.

Somebody's got a policeman behind them.

Be careful.

Where is the airport? The airport?

Chris: She's trying to get directions from the cop.

Pull those people over.

OK, thank you. Follow him.

Get behind him. Watch him.

Whoo! Yes, baby!

Other teams will think Sheree and I are prissy housewives

because of who we're married to--professional athletes--

and having all the luxuries that come along with being married to them,

but we're definitely not. We can battle with anyone.

We've got to get on one of those first flights,

Swissair or Lufthansa.

Chip: You must park your car to the following parking lot, Park One,

which I have a card here.

You have to turn right on Sepulveda.

The entrance should be right here.

OK, where is it? Come on. Come on.

Know how get to Park One from Sepulveda exit?

Oh, yeah. Very easy.

You've got to make a left, but you can't make a left here.

-OK. -I didn't see that.

I didn't either.

-You got everything?-Yep.

Can you take us to Lufthansa?

We've got to go fast.

There's Park One.

Watch where you're going.

Terminal's right over there. See it? Terminal.

We're going to have to walk all the way?

Yes, there's gonna be a lot of walking in this trip.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Right. Swissair, Swissair.

Don't stop for anybody.

That was a pretty sweet little move.

Give me some. Give me some.

Century Boulevard. Century Boulevard.

No, we want to go left. West.

Oh, my gosh. Don't lose him.

That was a little confusing getting out of Dodger Stadium.

It's ironic that we would actually get lost in L.A.,

going to an airport that we've been to each probably times.

Just wish I had stayed on the turn I was going to go on

and then took myself off.

Oh, well.

We're trying to get to L.A.X. Airport.

Third Street and go south?

Take a left or right on Third Street?

I don't know. Hold on.

We'll get there.

Let me ask this taxi driver.

Park One parking.

Park One, airport parking, right there.

Yeah! Ha ha!

OK. I've got your pack. It's good.

Just take it, and let's go.

Phil: Flight number one, Swissair,

is scheduled to arrive in Milan first,

but only has enough seats for teams.

teams can take flight number ,

Lufthansa, which leaves at the same time

but arrives minutes later.

The remaining teams

will have to take flight number , K.L.M.,

which departs nearly an hour after the first flights.

Look for the flag.

Hi. We need tickets.

As far forward of the airplane as possible.


-Right here? -Yeah.

Park One. Right to the left.

Excellent, excellent.

-Hello. -Hello!

-Chip. -Jon.

-Kelly.-Nice to meet you.


Oh, no.

No, no, no.

No, no, no. No, absolutely not.

Absolutely not.


Oh, my lord.


That's going to come back around to you, buddy. Karma.

They said don't let them on.

-He was going to open the door. -I know.

Where is the Swissair terminal?

Down this way? How far?


I thought you know where we were going.

We gotta get to Swissair.

-Left side. Come on.-Left side?

Lufthansa is right here.

Hi, how are you? Swissair.

We need tickets to Milan, Italy.

What if the other flights get in earlier?

Do you have any idea what time this one gets in?

I could check for you.

-Could you check?-Please.

Lufthansa gets there at :.

We get there at : P.M.

So you get there earlier?

We'll take it.

Oh, my god! Ha ha ha ha!


Here we go. Little trick for you.

Oh, nice.

We love Swissair!

Now, can you bump us up to--No.

Just kidding.

Hi. We need tickets to Milan.

We need tickets to the same place.

And do you have enough for them?

Yeah, you're good.

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

Swiss. Swissair, right there.


You ready? Lufthansa?

-Is that it up here? -Yes!

Come on, Pops, get over here.



All right.

I think we've got this one.

Miss, we just have to put our names in before these other people

because there are not enough tickets for us.

We got behind us that were here first.

They were in line before those people.

They came after us.

Thank you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

-Thank you.-You're great.

Is she going to put our name in or not?

All these other people came in after us.

We got here before they did.

There is no way.

There's no more seats.

Thank you.

Chip, we've got to go to Swiss.

Where is K.L.M.?

-Out here to the left? -Yeah.

-There is no more.-No more tickets.

Are you sure? OK.


We need tickets to-- on Flight , :.

Oh, yeah. Show me the money.

You guys are on?

You guys are on, we're probably on.

We're probably all right.

Well, we're in back of the line.

We don't know if they have enough tickets on the Swissair flight.

There's just too many people on this line.

We've got to be prepared to move on.

Josh: We knew we were on.

The older gentlemen were wearing air traffic controller hats.

We want people familiar with that in with us.

Are they going to get us on there?

They're going to try.

Does anyone in front of us know that?

No, they don't.

How many tickets are up next?

more sets of tickets.

-I want both.-Can we buy both?

No, wait, wait, wait.

They're going to work with us.

I--I'm sorry. It's a race.

You can't cut in front--

We're going to be a super team.

Is there gonna be no seats for us?

There's more sets. That's it.

We have been standing in line this whole time,

only sets of seats left,

and they decide that they're going to buy

these guys flights when they were behind us.

-I'm sorry, guys -I think it's in terminal .

You know what? Don't say ... to me.

Don't say ... to me right now.

They're air traffic controllers, for ... sakes.

If anybody knows about flying, it's them.

They're buying enough tickets for us and for them,

and we kind of shuffled in front of people that were waiting patiently in line.

Oh, well.

We gonna see them again.

I know, 'cause cheaters never win,

and they cheated!

We didn't get to get on the Swissair flight.

They ran out of seats. So now we have to take K.L.M.

What do you want to do?

-Let's go to K.L.M. -OK.

We need tickets to Milan.

Woman: Can I have your passports, please?

There is nothing we could have done.

Let's don't talk about it right now.

Why? I will talk about whatever I want.

Don't even irritate me right now.

I'm very irritated.

You need to relax. It's OK.

We feel fantastic for being on that first flight.

We're going to be in a better position

once we get to Milan,

so it's a huge advantage over the other teams.

I think we felt secure knowing we were on the second flight.

We weren't in first place, which we would liked to have been,

but we weren't in last place.

Hey, guys.

The deal is that we've got some information.

And I'm thinking maybe if the of us

team up so that we're not last.

I agree.

We really have to just get rid of a lot of stuff.

Let me deal with my pack, all right?

There are some bad feelings here.

I think at this point it's still hard to assess

how this is all going to shake out.

We are up against young teams.

Monica: We need some luck. We need some planes

to be delayed on those other flights.

We need it bad.

We're about to send up some prayers right now,

and then hopefully they'll get answered.

Phil: All teams are now approaching Milan,

the business and fashion capital of Italy.

Teams on flight number one

are Steve and Josh, Steve and Dave,

Kelly and Jon, and Jon and Al.

Flight number carries Russell and Cindy,

Millie and Chuck, and Amanda and Chris.

Aboard flight number are Reichen and Chip,

Tian and Jaree, David and Jeff,

Debra and Steve, and Monica and Sheree.

When they arrive,

they will have to make their way here--

the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.

Will the teams at the back figure out how to leap ahead?

And which team will be eliminated first?

We have a Lufthansa jet that just landed behind us,

so we kind of need to hurry.

Need to assume it's them.

Come on. Come on.

As fast as we can.

Go, go, go.

Come on.

Taxi! Galleria Vittorio Emanuele.

Come on, come on, come on!

Can you get us there fast?

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele?

Taxi right over there. Let's go. Let's go.

I think we are number one going to the city of Milan.

And Jon's just happened to be here before, and so have I.

It's like a Ferrari, OK?

Go, go.

We're in Italy.

-Yeah, we're in Italy.-Italy.

I've never traveled to another country,

so I think traveling in the race

will be a huge disadvantage for me.

At one point we fit about clowns

in a car the size of a Volkswagen.

It was so funny when somebody passed gas.

We will use our skills of humor

and not taking things too seriously

to get through the race.

Thank you very much.

Grazi, grazi, grazi.

Route info.

Search the Galleria for tickets for a charter bus.

Phil: Teams must now search more than a mile

of crowded store front for hidden charter bus tickets

leaving at : A.M.,

: A.M., and : A.M.

Once teams claim a ticket,

they may not exchange it for another.

All right, just look. Look. Scan, Kel.

There are different buses, and each leaves at a different time.

Tickets for autobus. Do you have them?

Here it is, right here, Jon, you idiot.

No, that's for the train. That's for the subway.

The charter bus is different.

It says, "You need only search the common area of the Galleria."

Once you take a set of tickets out of its holder,

you may not change your mind.

Here it is. Got it.

Get it. Get it. Get it.

Get the other one. Is that it?

How the hell did she find that?

So we got : A.M. Departure at : A.M.

There's got to be an earlier ticket than that.

These are all the same.

We didn't know whether : was the first or the last,

so we just took the :.

: A.M.

We can't, like, take it and get another one.

I didn't even think not to pull it off

because once you pull it off, that was it, that was your ticket.

So I'm just thinking they're, like, out in the open.

What's that?

Departure time-- : A.M.

: A.M.

That's a sucky time. What if there's better?

So let's look elsewhere.

Let's look elsewhere.

Go faster, Chuck. They're waiting.

We've got to find the tickets for the bus.

Oh, man.

Al, have you got it?

Leaves at : A.M.

: A.M. Tomorrow morning?

There's one there.


: A.M. Let's go for it.

You've got it! There's enough for Amanda and Chris?

Take it. We've got to go tell them.

Chris. Amanda.

Millie: Chris and Amanda are really fun people to hang around with.

You found a :?

Millie: So I want to see them go as long as they can,

and we'll do what we can to make that happen.


We got on the : A.M. bus.

OK, we have to search for tickets.

Come on. Come on.


To search the Galleria for tickets for a charter bus.

I've seen nothing that even looks like that anywhere.

-We made it to Milan.-Here we are.

Come on, Debra. Come on, girl.

Excuse me.

I'm OK.

I got it.

I would like to say I was tripped,

but I wasn't. Ha ha!

The train's over here.

We're in a race. We're in a hurry.

Reichen. Reichen! Here!

Get your tickets.

We actually have formed one alliance with Reichen and Chip,

and we basically agreed we're going to share information.

Right down here, guys.

Reichen: David and Jeff are obviously very straight,

and I feel like they're a good alliance,

but I don't know if they will still like us

if I say, "Hey, we're a gay couple."

Did you guys find any?

Go all the way down. There's a crevice on the wall.

Look where he's going right over there, Steve.

Good, good.

We got :.

We got one here.

: A.M., buddy.

The advice that we all received

from various people we spoke to,

they said the train was as fast as a taxi.

And the traffic's really unpredictable.

We need to go there fast.

Sheree: Ah, come on, man.

Yeah! All right! Whoo!

No. You're kidding me.

Oh, yeah! The double pass.

We got past them both? Oh, we love you, Schumacher.

They're winning.

There is nothing else to say except...

We've got the slowest taxi driver on the planet.

We have more stops to go.

We're pretty anxious because we want to see

if the other teams got to the route marker before us.

Hopefully we're beating the other teams.

-Get the bags.-OK, here we go.

Is that right?

Yeah, let's go.

Oh, man.

We're all set now for the : bus.

Anybody speak English?

English, anybody?

Josh, tickets for a charter bus?

There was a : over here.

OK, thank you so much.

We can help you out. Go here.

It was right here.

-Thank you.-Thank you so much.

Whoo! Josh, thank you.

We leave at : A.M.

-Yay! -Yay!

Monica: We were the only team that got on the first buses

that was on the last plane.

Josh and Steve actually took us right exactly

to the box, so we're on an even basis.

We don't owe anybody. Nobody owes us.

And we feel extremely excited about being on bus number .

We love Italy!

I just led the team that we screwed earlier to the :.

It's not going to hurt us,

and I felt, you know, like they needed the help.

And I really don't want those blonde chicks

with the fake tits up in there, so...

It's got to be near one of the planters or ashtrays.

Isn't it part of the Galleria?

: A.M., charter bus lines departure.

All right, well, we're on the last bus.

Go, go, go.

Here's the entrance. Galleria. Here, right here.

We got one.

We just got one.

Here's .

No way.

We took the train, and we thought we were going to beat other teams.

Unfortunately, we came in as one of the last groups.

So we're one of the last groups to leave tomorrow morning at : A.M.

There has to be a way for us to gain,

so I don't think it's over yet.

Phil: All teams have arrived in Milan

and are awaiting their respective

early-morning charter buses for parts unknown.

I have to go here and get a room now

because it's cold.

We're going to go ahead and get a room for the night here.

-Debra: Hello.-Steve: Cheapest room.

. Absolute cheapest room?

Let's go to the restroom and think about it.

Steve: I was worried about money,

I didn't want to spend too much on the hotel.

Let's go, you know sit and talk.

Hotel Nuovo.

How much is it, Jon?


What we're going to do is we're going to head back to the same hotel,

and we'll just hope that we don't have to spend any money

between now and the end of the leg.

Sir, can we reserve this?

Steve: Well, while we're thinking about it, all the rooms are taken.

Woman: No, one room. One room.

I tried to get us in hours ago.

Oh, I just blew it.

I just didn't think.

And, by the time I did think, we were one room short.

Well, fortunately, Chip steps up

and lets us share a room with them.

Our good friends here

were going to be out in the cold tonight,

and that was not going to happen,

so we're all gonna room together.

I think they planned for the singles, but I'm not sure.

Do you have a feeling the boys want to sleep together?

Hey, we're a gay couple, you know?

Chip and I, we have not made a decision, still,

if we're going to let anyone on the race know

if they haven't figured it out already.

This is not exactly the way I intended it,

but I get to sleep with guys.

So maybe in the long run this worked out OK.

He was mad at himself

because we could have gotten a hotel room an hour earlier.

Oh, you're so cute.

I got a little upset because I knew she was upset

because she's my main focus no matter what.

And when he cried, it just...

And I knew he was crying because of me.

[Whispers] I love you so much.

It's gotten very cold.

Ask these police officers if we can sleep out here for a couple hours.

Scusi. We are waiting for a bus.

Can we just sit on the bench until then, or...

[Woman speaking Italian]

That cool? All right.

Might as well ask. Grazi.

There is a big difference in question between sitting on a bench

and whipping out a sleeping bag.

Cindy: Russell and myself have been a little strained,

a little, you know, touchy temper a little bit.

You can ask him.

I'm just trying to get us a place to sit. That's all.

To be a leader, you've got to make a decision and go with it.

If she makes a decision of what we should do, I'll listen to it.

Hey, dumb ass, it's out of respect you asked them.

OK, do you want me to ask them to come snuggle with us?

-Oh, my god. -Just chill.

If you want to lay down and sleep, sleep.

If you want to talk about respect, why don't you try using it?

I think as a team, we need to work on a little communication.

There is our charter bus, isn't it?

We have no idea where we're taking off to yet.

Phil: Each team must board one of charter buses

departing hours apart for an unknown destination.

The first bus carries Millie and Chuck,

Amanda and Chris, Steve and Josh,

and Steve and Dave.

In the second bus, leaving hours later,

will be Russell and Cindy, Kelly and Jon,

Jon and Al, and Monica and Sheree.

And the last bus, leaving hours after the first,

will carry Debra and Steve, Tian and Jaree,

David and Jeff, and Reichen and Chip.

We're in the bus on the way to whatever location we're going.

You know, a big surprise.

Phil: What teams don't know is they are headed

into the frigid, snowbound Dolomite Mountains

to the town of Cortina D'Ampezzo.

Josh: Rock out.

Read it. Read it in full.

Make you way to Segovia Cinque Torri and ride to the top.

Phil: Teams must now make their way

to the outskirts of town

and board the chairlift at the base of Cinque Torri.

Once at the top, they'll have to follow the marked path

to this route marker.

Trying to find Segovia Cinque Torri.

-Gonna need a bus.-We need a bus.

Y'all ready? You ready to head?

Come on, Chuck.

I just want to know what we're doing.

Whatever we're doing, it's really high.

I'm a little freaky of heights.

It's absolutely gorgeous up here.

This is just absolutely beautiful.

No kidding.

You see a marker?

Yeah, right there. See it?

Ah, there it is! We see it!

Cinque Torri. This way. It says right here.

-Here we go.-How is it going?

I am concerned about being somewhat out of shape.

Young and in-shape people have an advantage over us.

If there is a sprint to the finish,

Steve and I are going to finish up way behind.

-Go, go. -Pick one out.

Excuse me.



Search or rescue.

Phil: A detour is a choice between tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams need to choose between search and rescue.

In search, teams use a locator beacon

to search this -acre snow field

for a signal emanating from under the snow.


When they find it,

they will be able to dig up a key which starts a snowmobile

they can drive to their next clue.

It's not a scary task,

but finding the right spot in the field,

digging up the key, and completing the snowmobile course

could take a very long time.

In rescue, teams make their way to these rock towers

and cross this precarious alpine rescue bridge

constructed of just steel cables.

Then they will have to use this long zip line

to travel feet across a deep ravine.

It's a potentially terrifying experience.

But with the right nerve, teams can complete the task fast.

What do you think? Quick, what do you think?

Zip line. The scary one.

I say the zip line.


Let's go, you guys!

With my fear of heights, I did not even look down.

I was focused.

I wanted to get moving as fast as we could.

Chris: Just walk with your feet pointed outwards.

There you go. There you go. Good job.

Looking good.

Millie's right behind you,

so the faster you can get across this,

the faster we can all get it completed.

Thank you, sir.



Thank you.

Chuck, you're awesome.

Good job.

We're doing good.

We're right here on these ladders.


Go, Amanda!


Chuck: Nice.

That's it.

Yeah! Whoo!


Yeah, Millie!

[Indistinct shouting]

Pretty slippery up here.


You're making me look like a sissy, Dad.

Josh: My dad's my hero because he's strong.

He has a great will, and he doesn't back down.

I'm good with heights. I love heights.

Come on. Hurry up.

Proceed to pit stop.

Phil: Teams must now complete a grueling hike

back to the chairlifts,

make their way into Cortina,

and find this place-- the Hotel Lajadira.

This ski lodge in the Italian Alps

is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here will be eliminated.

Let's go.

Come on, Chuck!

This is dedication.


Last team's eliminated. Let's go.

We're not on the first, we're not on the last,

and that's most important, that we're not on the last.

We have no idea what we're going to do, but we're excited.

Are you kidding me? It's going to be great.

The bus we're on is the broom bus.

It's sweeping up whatever is left.

This bus is going to be the bus

that's going to have whoever is not going to make it onto the next leg.

Dave: Steve and I are old,

untalented, and not very athletic.

Nice job, Dave.

Yeah, you too, buddy. Coming across.

Dave: Falling far behind for Steve and I is not a good thing.

We don't have the physical abilities

to make up an overly large margin.

Catch my breath.



OK, let's go.



Get it, Sheree.

Make your way to the Segovia Cinque Torri.

Ride to the top.

Come one.

Let's do the fast forward.

-Fast forward.-Do it or no?

Phil: There is only one fast forward

in each leg of the race.

The first team that finds it can skip all tasks

and go directly to the pit stop.

However, once a team uses the fast forward,

that team can never use another one for the rest of the race,

so they need to decide when it's most advantageous to go for it.

Phil: In this fast forward,

teams need to find this field nearby,

put on snowshoes,

and trek to the top of this snowy hill.

The first team to reach the route marker

on the top can claim the fast forward.

What do you think?

Let's just keep it in mind.

OK, let's go. Let's go.

Where can we get a bus or taxi?

Taxi, taxi, taxi, taxi!

Let's go. Let's go.

We're doing good. I think we're the first.

The more we wait for a taxi,

the more I'm leaning towards the fast forward.

Taxi. Cinque Torri, si.

Si, Cinque Torri.

Taxi! What you want to do?

You want to do the fast forward?

What do you think? What do you think?

By the cab taking so long,

it made us decide to go ahead and just take the fast forward,

not knowing how far behind we'd be behind the rest of the people on the bus.

Cross our fingers and hope we're making the right decision.

Come on!

It's really a long way, and I'm really tired.

I'm coming.

You're stopped! You're not coming.

I swear to god.

Dude, if you yell at me again, I'm going to [bleep] die.

All right. Whatever. Like that's gonna help a lot.

Like your yelling is helping, you [bleep] jerk.

Amanda: I'm oversensitive, and he's overcritical,

and you get us together, and it's difficult.

Chris: We had gotten down first, and Millie and Chuck passed us

like we were standing still.

'Cause I was standing still.

Amanda, move your ass, please.

We're doing good, Millie.

Chuck: Millie is fast.

She's good at lighting a fire under me.

And she's a fire to get us going, to keep us going.

It's going to be hard.

Good job, Chuck. Good job.

You, too.

Chris: I'm sorry, dude. It's just--

Amanda: It's OK. I just feel lousy.

And when I feel lousy, it's hard for me to work.

Sometimes my bickering is just too much,

but if it helps her pull her head out of her rear,

then I'm all for the bickering.

Look how beautiful this is.

I just spent half an hour yelling at your ass

instead of, like, being able to enjoy this.


The fast forward looked easier than it was.

I thought, oh, we'll get there quickly.

But the snow was knee deep.

We fell several times.


You won the fast forward.

Phil: Having won the fast forward,

Monica and Sheree can skip all tasks

and go directly to the pit stop--

the Hotel Lajadira--

a traditional ski lodge

at the base of the Italian Alps.

Monica: We have to just go directly to the next pit stop.

And we're hoping that we beat the first team

-so that we're number one. -Yeah.

Chuck, I don't see them.

Chris and Amanda, we think, are great.

We're drawn to Steve and Josh.

We think they're smart, and we think they're funny.

They're fun to hang around.

Is Cortina the city at the bottom of the hill?

So we decided we would try to help each other out

and try to keep our group in the front of the pack.

This lady will call a taxi for you.

It's our guys. All right, Millie.

Dave: As we're coming down through the snow,

my right knee went pop just like that.

I knew right away that I had screwed it up.

-You cannot bend it?-No.

OK. We're going to call the real search and rescue.

We did the zip line down,

and we didn't know that you had to actually walk down

, feet of this mountain on the back side of that.

It's a hell of a mountain.

Oh, man.

I just need to rest on this for a while.

You're doing great.

It hurts like hell, Steve.

You're doing great.

We're OK. We're OK. We're going to make this.

I can't believe they hung out and waited for us with their cabs.

I've got to love those people, man.

There it is.

Yeah, we're all here together!

Let's rock out.

-Hey! -Hey!


Is that it?

-Let's go up the stairs.-That's got to be it.

Come on!


All right!

All: Yeah!

Welcome to Cortina D'Ampezzo.

Thank you! Grazi!

Phil: We have Steve and Josh here,

Chris and Amanda, and Millie and Chuck.

You are all team number one.

[All cheering]

Now, I've got some good news for you.

You have won a vacation to beautiful Hawaii...

[All cheering]

Phil: Compliments of American Airlines website,

which you can enjoy after the race.

I want to befriend as many teams as we can,

and I think it will be a beneficial thing

for us to all leave together.

Is it helping?

Yeah. One second.

I'm making steps for Dave.

It's a little bit easier than pounding the snow down

so he can get a little better grip with his knee.

Gonna make a stairway to heaven.

He's not quitting.

And neither am I.


I owe you, teammate.

I owe you, man.

That's why I wouldn't run this race

with anybody but you, man, nobody but you.

There's the flag over there, Jon.

Rescue. Let's do rescue.

Oh, Jon!


This feels good.


I'm high-strung, and Jon has a calming effect on me.

He just knows how to handle me.

Good job, babe. Look at you!

So feet by zip line, and run down to the next clue.

Let's do that.

It's just like a high wire. Walk it like a high wire.

And that's what we did. We got across it very fast.

[Both screaming]

Please give me some good news.

Phil: Monica and Sheree...

you're team number .

Yeah, we'll take it!

We used the fast forward.

We're not going to second-guess our decision.

We're up in the top half of the group,

and I think we'll be able to handle it from here on out.

Oh, wow, Kel.



I'm chicken.

Come on, Kelly!

The zip line is like a leap of faith.

I knew I had to take the first step,

and it just became very scary to me, just like getting married.

OK, go, go, go, go, go.



Oh, my god. That was so scary.

I don't know where she got "zip line" and "marriage," same thing.

Go, baby. Go.


Steve and Dave...

you're team number .

All right. If it wasn't for Steve today,

we're not here right now.

It's that simple. It's that simple.

We have our strengths.

We really don't know what they are yet,

but I think it's probably being devious.

But now you can add we're persistent.

That's what we found out today.

For me, first of all, I wanted to get over my fear of heights.

I didn't really have a choice.

This is the fun part right here.

Good job, Cin. Go, Cin. It's the fun part.

Let's hear it!


Cindy: Russell pushed me to do this, and I'm glad he did.

Because I got over it instantly, at least so far.

That was amazing.

We're on the last bus right now,

and it definitely puts a lot of pressure on us.

Jaree: We're trying to get back into the front again,

but we absolutely know someone is going to get eliminated on this bus.

Let's go, girl.

Rapido, rapido.

Very fast competition against other people.

In and over the top, babe.

As fast as you can go.

We're going to Cinque Torri.

I know.

Hello. Is it possible to call a taxi?

Thank you.

Have you seen other teams here?

Have you seen other people look like us?

Nada. Nothing?

Us? For free? OK.

Thank you.

You're so nice. He's offered us coffee.

-Right--right here.-This is good.

Ok, let's go, let's go.


Taxi's here. Let's go.

Jaree! Yo! Let's go!

Oh, thank you.

I didn't drink it, but thank you.

I don't see the other people,

so I'm sure they got a taxi already.

Let's go!

See anything? A route marker?

Zip line. Up there.

Phil: Kelly and Jon, you're team number .

That's good.

You get the bag. I'll see about the tickets.

Let me check it out.

Jon and Al...

you're team number .

-Yeah! -Yeah!

Sit, sit. Here we go.

There, dude, this way.

OK, let's get on right here.

Higher than it looks.

Well done. Awesome.

You're awesome. Looking good.

Reichen: Chip and I are a force,

and we're coming up quietly and slowly.

Chip, this is awesome.


Russell and Cindy...

you're team number .

Make your way off the mountain and proceed to the next pit stop.

You got it. You got it.

Thank you.

-You see it?-Over there.

Be careful.

OK, detour.

Search and rescue.

Come on. Whoa.

Let's do rescue.

Whoo! Slippery ice.

OK, let's go, let's go!

We get on the lift, and we go this way.

Good job, man.

Ay, ay, ay.

Which one do you want?

-Rescue. -Let's go.

Whoo! Come on!

I couldn't look across, or I knew I couldn't do it,

and I couldn't look at my feet.

More than halfway, baby, doing great.

This sucks, man.

I can't believe we got behind this slow team.

You're really doing great, babe.

You are so good.

I was surprised when we got to the detour

and we did see Debra and Steve there.

Everyone knows that someone's going to get eliminated.

Let me get there.

Let's go, because we can catch up.

He already let me cross.

You are doing so good.

I can't get to the top.

Yes, you can, baby.

Can I go?

-You can do it. -Go, go, go.

Do you want me to help you?

-Reach for the wood.-Push, push.

You got it. Let's go. Push.

Watch your foot. Watch your foot.

Don't push her over.

I'm not I have her. I have her.

Get up, honey.

There you go, babe.

Thank you, girls.

Let the girls get past us.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry to run past you guys.

Make your way off the mountain and proceed to the next pit stop.

We saw the big banner flags at the bottom of the hill,

and we thought that was the route marker,

so we walked down until we saw a snowmobile.

Once we got there, we thought we were gonna

take the snowmobile down.

David: Snowmobiles were the second half of the other detour.

Come on, Jaree!

Yeah, baby.


Yeah! I love this.

Last team to check in will be eliminated.

Over here, David. Right here.

Get in my steps. Come on.

Jeff: Having run a few marathons, this was, I think,

more grueling than a marathon.

Come on, buddy.

At this altitude, , feet, it was hard on the lungs.




All right.

I just hope the girls are not hellaciously far ahead of us.

Just let me catch my breath.

Jaree, what is wrong with you?

Let's go!

Boy, we're glad to see you, boy.

-Ready? -Yeah.

Reichen and Chip...

team number .


Let me sit down for seconds.

-No, baby---I can't walk!

Please, Jaree. Don't give up. Just--

I'm not giving up.

It's just too much cardio for me in one day.

I'm ready to go and run. Let's do it.

Let's go.

That's what years of smoking does.

The cardio surprised me the most on the snow.

My heart was coming out of my chest.

It was like the hardest thing I ever did.

OK, hold on to that.

Tian: I'm going to pull you. Don't use your hands.

All right? Just use your toes.

We attached the belt, and Tian was like, come on!

Like a work horse.


Don't you want to take a break, dude?

This way.

[Both panting]

Come on, just hold on.

I fell. Hold on.


What a challenge.

Good job.

Hey. Let's get down the lift.

Let's go.

You're doing very well, baby.

You're doing very, very well.

[Both panting]

I swear I'll never lift another cigarette in my life.

Let's go.

We're holding out up there.

Let's kick some ass.

Debra: OK, there's money for a cab,

if there is such a thing as a cab to be got.

I don't see no taxi, man.

Taxi or bus.

Neither one.




Stop. Hola.

-Ha ha! -All right.

Right here.

All right. Get in. Shut the door.

OK, let's go, baby.

Jeff: There's the hotel.

We're going to get out running.

All right. Let's get in.

All right. Come on.

David and Jeff...

you're team number .


Jeff: Being th right now, I'm not extremely happy,

but we're in the race.

My lungs hurt more than my pride does after that rescue.

Tian and Jaree...

you're team number .

Thank you.



Welcome to Cortina D'Ampezzo.

-Grazi. -Grazi.

Debra and Steve...

you're the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you

you have both been eliminated from the race.

Despite all the emotional and physical damage we've done to ourselves,

we have had a good time.

Because of you, I did things today

I didn't think I could ever do in my whole life.

It was wonderful.

Just wonderful.

I love you.

Debra: I think he was really proud of me today, and I am too.

Steve: What's most important to me is Debra,

and the fact that I'm going to get to spend every day

with her for the rest of my life.

That's what really matters to me.

Phil: Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Phil: On the next episode of "The Amazing Race,"

the thrills of Italian snow rafting.

Holy crap!

But Kelly and Jon leave crucial equipment behind.


The teams take Venice by storm

for a gondola battle.

And a tricky roadblock could unmask the next eliminated team.

-sh**t! -This sucks.
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