19x05 - I Feel Like I'm in the Circus (Bangkok, Thailand)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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19x05 - I Feel Like I'm in the Circus (Bangkok, Thailand)

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing race".

Eight teams race through
indonesia to Tailand.

look at him go.

As he and tommy won their

Third leg in a row.

You are team number one.

Liz and marie came in last but

Ended the day in smiles.

Eight teams remain, who will be

Eliminated next?

hot dog.

Village built on stilts, the

Fishing community is now the

Start of the fifth leg as teams

Continue to race around the


Andie and tommy won the last

Leg of the race and will depart

First at 10:07 a.M.

travel by local

Transportation --

Teams will make their way

By a local taxi to here, they

Must travel by these four-ton

Asian elephants up the river

Where they will find their next


faith in god definitely is

Very important to me and tommy.

do not have zeal without


be joyful always, pray



we want to run this race and

Have a lot of joy.

god opened up the door.

E are grateful to be here.

speed bump.

Liz and marie.

Riding an elephant.


giddy up.

we are on an elephant right


I guess I am driving.

I never dreamed an elephant

Would be this nimble.

I am buying an elephant.

They can do some serious


travel by local

Transportation up the river.

it is crazy watching these

Things move.

you want to drive them?

look mom, no hands.

we have $186 for this leg of

The race.


I am very proud of zac and

What he has accomplished at

Such a young age.

But every young person wants to

Be seen beyond their years.

Not always do they have the


I will have to dictate.

Being the father, zac will heed

What I say.

are we about to ride an


come on, elephant.

I give you a back massage with

My feet.

I am riding an elephant.

I feel that I am in the circus.

$186 for this leg of the


Ernie and I grew up in very

Different environments.

academics was not pushed as

Much as in her family.

Going through a life of being a

B-student leaves you wondering

Why someone like cindy would

Ove you as much as she does.

let's go.


Look at that.

no way.

She is really going through


Hang on, dude.

this gets deep here.

there is serious


this is insane.

go to that bucket.


Who wants to hear some music?

This requires teams to

Follow the sound of music,

Leading them to this waterfall.

They must search this remote

Pool for their next clue.

all right.

I am doing it.


Ollow the music.

it is really murky water.

Hard to see.

I wasn't sure if I was looking

For a yellow clue or a symbol.

Then I thought it could be

Right below.

I went straight below and there

Was the clue.

all right.

This is the clue right here.

nice work.

a little koi fish.

It says break me.

Teams must now travel to

This local shop, disassemble

This thai shrine and deliver

All of the pieces to the temple

Where they will get their next


every second counts, mr.


got it.


I will do it.

I think it is down there

Where all of that music is


I don't see anything.

I bet you local transport is

By elephant.

that would be awesome.

let's do this, guys.

local transport, here we go.

oh, I am riding an elephant.

I love my dumbo.

this is gorgeous.

It is definitely not the

Fastest mode of transport.

you got it?

it is in here.

let's go.


this has to be it.

we are getting on an


Yes, elephants.

we are up on an elephant.

It is a little scary for me.

All of these rocking up and

Down these hills got me a

Little nervous.

all right.

We are looking for a spirit


Any of these, yeah?

Together. Put this back

You have people dancing.


Boom, boom, boom.

you are doing that side.

this goes in the center.

you got that.

Let's rock and roll.

come on, buddy.

Let's go.

we got to go.

what's up, guys?

what do you think of this?

it's awesome.

see you guys later.

I am having a hard time

Enjoying it.


because I am a little


is this the clue right here?



This roadblock requires

Teams to reassemble this spirit

House exactly as they found it

Here on the holy grounds of

This ancient temple.

When they do the monk will give

Them their next clue.


Your partner must do this one.

sorry, dude.

yeah, buddy.

all right.

We got tommy doing the


E kind of got the hard part.

andie and I are both


It is interesting with the

Buddhist temples but god is

Definitely greater than the


I don't feel any weird vibes

Coming here.

We know the one true god.

I have no idea where this


who wants to hear water


I do.

that's all you, dad.


I don't see anything.



Andie did one side, I did the


I did not pay much attention to

His side.

I cannot remember how these

Things are arranged.

I have to go and check this


andie, I have to go and look


I got so confused on where

Things went that I had to run

Back to the place we picked up

The houses.

I should have paid more


I knew it.

I see it.

I gotta dive.

Thank god.

so this right here, let's

Get going.

Good job.

disassemble a spirit house.

come on.

Come on, man.

We have both of these other

Teams right on our tail.

Nice day to travel on an

Elephant, hey.

I am a little nervous.

Let's go.


We are here.

local transportation.

we are on an elephant.

you have $186 for this leg

Of the race.

Today we are leaving in last


We also have a speed bump.

We are doing good, though.

We are excited.

Our dad recently passed away.

He taught us what we have to


Keep going, be positive and be


We are definitely staying in

This game.

at least we have money.

We are actually thankful we

Have money now because we have

Not had money in the last leg.

who wants to hear water


I will hear it.

dude over there playing that


here we go.


Who wants to hear water music?


I don't know where.

His is terrible.

elephant here.

Now, that should be it.



Thank you very much.

yeah, tommy.

thank you.

what is this?

travel by bus to bangkok.

Teams must travel 550

Miles by bus to the city of


When they arrive they have to

Make their way to the bangkok

Noi canal where they will

Receive their next clue.

bus terminal.

there it is.


we figure there will be a

Detail of reassembling it

Exactly the way that we picked

It up.

we are like how do we

Remember it.

does the driver have the

Camera phone?

that is smart.

damn right.

oh, nuts.

Do you think that's it?



disassemble a spirit house.

deliver all of the pieces.

come on.


reassemble your spirit house

Exactly as how it was when you

Picked it up.

here we are.

pay attention.

Because we will have to

Reassemble it.


I am go to take notes.

we should take notes.

we are going to get it


silver thing.

I got that.

gold thing.

I got that.

we did not take any notes.

not a problem.

it may not be the same

Regular as mine it still

Warrants the same amount of


I wouldn't want someone coming

Into my church and

Disrespecting my crosses or

Anything like that.

Phone, thank you.

Duh, I forgot the water.


Thank you.

Atch a bus to bangkok.

elephants are amazing.


this is awesome.

Animal.Is my favorite

Oh, my god.

it is a bit heavy.

reassemble your spirit



I am going.

it will be easy, I think.

who wants to hear some water



zac is doing this roadblock

Right now with me.

red are on the right.

What's wrong with this?

my dad did not want to take

Notes but he is not the one

Doing this.

I might have to go back and

Take notes.


bangkok, sweet.

Let's go.

I need to go back.

we need to go back and take


what are you doing?

don't blame me.

You are responsible.

where is the driver?


should have taken notes the

First time.

what a pain in the ass.



Three nos.

We need to go back.

We need to go back and take


this is pretty frustrating.

come on man.


is that it?

oh, sweetie.

yo, elephant.

Come on, baby.

thank you.

oh, no.

Speed bump.

After arriving last in

The previous leg liz and marie

Must now complete a speed bump

By washing and cleaning up

After their local transport.

Oh, great.

Do this as fast as possible.

I am actually really happy to

Do this because I love

Elephants so much.

It actually does not smell.

that is surprising.


All right.

I got it.

Come on man, you are getting



Right here?

Take apart the whole thing?

let's work from front to


just remember how it was.

all right.

I am going to look at one of

These other ones.

I want to just make sure.

it does not say you had to

Reassemble it.

there he is.

Let's see what he does, eh.

I can't help him.

Maybe he will be able to knock

It out because he is tenacious.


thank you very much.

it is frustrating.

I wanted to take notes on it

Originally and we ended up

Rushing through it and lost a

Little bit of time there.

reassemble your spirit house

Exactly as it was.

your partner must do this


All right.

It's me.

do you remember?

I think so.


glad I took notes.

I don't remember what this

Thing looked like at all.

did you write it down?

earn sejust like get it


Get it out of here.

I am so excited.

How are you?

do the other side.


Hi baby.

the girls are having to wash

The elephant.

hey girls.

this is awesome.



thank you.

this is like the best day of

My life, like no joke.

how much do we owe you?

That is $150 of our $186.

that is what he was asking


It left us with very little.

what time does it get in?

so for two people.

it is them.

Thank you.

how much?

That is a lot.

we have money from our last


laurence and zac just got



we want the next bus to


what is the fastest bus to


two tickets on that.


let's do this.

here we go.

I assume we have friends on

The bus.

this one?


there's another team on that


zac and laurence.

they are not on this bus.

They got a better route.

It is a first class bus.

It is leaving right now.

sweet dreams.


I definitely don't remember

Where everything went.

I have to drive back.


because I don't know where

The pieces go.

you should have written it


bad day for team cindy and


We have had a lot of bad ones

Here and they all seem to be my



Travel by bus to bangkok.

we should have just written

It down earlier.

good luck.

I am go to do it.

Marie is going to do it.


disassemble a spirit house.

we are here.


Give me a piece of paper.

stop up there.

we get the ladies, they go

Right there.


Go back.

I think I got it.

If I don't get it, I think

Cindy is going to k*ll me.


what's the deal?

I don't think we are

Supposed to be on this bus?

I told you it is a first

Class bus.

we need to get off, we are

On the wrong bus.

This is a first class bus, we

Are not supposed to travel on

First class transport.

We are on the wrong bus and we

Need to get out.

We are screwed now.


I can't help you.

you guys were way off.

I hope that you wrote it



that is you.

tough day?

very tough.

we didn't take notes.

I cannot believe it.

Thank you.

thank god.

I screwed up again.

it is ok.

the rules say you are not

Allowed to be on a first class


We run into the bus station to

Buy another ticket to go to


look at it.

Look at it.

I bet we have to reassemble it.

the pink is in the middle.



Travel by bus to bangkok.

we wrote it down and we did


reassemble the spirit house

Exactly as it was when you

Picked it up.

liz tried to take notes,

Hopefully she will get this.

I worry because sometimes her

Memory is not that good.


looks like a bus station.


two tickets.

Thank you.

bangkok, as fast as


thank you.


let's ride.

Do you take american?


how much?

Give him $100.

Thank you.

we need the fastest bus to




Much more., that is

All of a sudden this crazy

Money comes out telling us that

We are ripping him off.

are you taking the money or


Do you want the money or not?

you were a terrible driver.

You take it.

E are going.

why did you do this to us?

you are a terrible driver.

it is not our finest hour.

That behavior is not acceptable

In our lives.

are we on your bus?

who is that, cindy and


I am ready to go, man.

we cannot take a first class


apparently laurence and zac

Just showed up to the bus

Terminal and they looked pretty


what is your next second

Class bus to bangkok?

we were on a 4:0 bus but

Realized it was a first class

Bus and from our understanding

We can't travel on a first

Class bus.

all right.

We have a couple of hours to


is it ok?

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Good job.

phuket bus terminal.

I am really proud of you.

just keep going.

all right.

Let's go.

we are on an 8:00 bus to

Bangkok with a crying baby in

The background.

I will be strangling the cat.

how much do we owe you?

Is that enough.



We have to give him more.

Go buy your ticket and then you

Get money back.

this one leave now.

we have to go.

so, this.

That is all the money we have.

Do I owe him more?



this is all I have.

you need money.

You need to pay.

I don't have $40 anymore.

This is all we have.

we have to get on that bus.

can you just take this?

We have to buy another ticket.

oh, no.


there goes the bus.


this is a nightmare.

what are we going to do?

We don't have any money now to

Buy anher ticket.

can you just take this?

That is all the money we have.


bus already stop and wait

For you.


Where is it?

get in.

Get in.

it's ok.


Cab driver agreed to accept the

Only money we have.

We are back in his cab but he

Is driving us to meet up with

The bus.

That is really, really nice of


thank you so much.

thank you.

I am going to freak out.

you saved us, thank you.

All teams are now making

Their way to bangkok, thailand.

I am nervous.

Nobody is on this bus with us.

We can only guess the other

Teams are making their way to


hopefully we will get there


we are on the bus with

Justin and jennifer and andie

And tommy.

We are supposed to arrive at

the bus made stops.

This is not the super express.

Are the express bus arrived




you have to feed the fish

With the fish food we picked


we came to bangkok two and a

Half years ago.

I don't think being in

Bangkok before will help us.

unless they tell us to find

Some lady boys, we know where

That is at.

that bus made a lot of



all right.

We are racing, bud.

Nice, colorful taxis here.

bangkok noi canal.

we had a bunch of buses that

Left and we are not sure what

Time they got to bangkok.

move out over here.

thank you.

excuse me.

Do you know this?


let's go.

we want to go to the same


amani and marcus are right

Behind us.

we don't know how many teams

Are in front of us or behind


we are in dead last and we

Have not seen teams in 24


We have to walk everywhere

Because we have no money.

marie hates fish.

I hate fish.



throw it out there.

look at them all.

those are huge fish.

big fish.

thank you.

make your way to the next

Pit stop.

The traditional thai

Architecture stands in stark

Contrast to the contemp

Rebuildings of downtown


It is now the pit stop of this

Leg of the race, the last team

To check in here may be



let's go.

he is go to phone a friend.

Always good to have your


the streets of bangkok are

Pretty busy.

we have gone one street

Block in 20 minutes.

traffic sucks.

It is awful.

there is a sign.

cab driver took short cut.


we see that man tossing food

In the water right there.

they are really hungry.


look at them.

thank you very much.

thank you.

make your way to the next

Pit stop.

let's go.

Let's roll.



we are in this thing against

Bill and cathi.

let's get a taxi. Got to do.

Bangkok, noi canal.

We have to go really fast.

all right.

We have to figure out where we

Are going.

Do you know where this is?

three blocks.

out to the street?


I am hoping that it is in

Walking distance or we will be

Aking the whole day walking.

traffic is horrendous.

it is really frustrating

Sitting in traffic on the way

To the pit stop.

We don't know how much of a

Buffer that we have on the

Other teams or if they picked a

Better route.

should we get out?

let's just hope that this is



We are rocking and rolling.

Markus and amani are right

Behind us.

Are are we will know that it

Will be a foot race.

They can run.

don't let them fool you.

where is this thing?

So pissed we got out of that


we are close.

stay on them.

get out of the road.

we lost them.

got to be right here.


This is it.

got it.

Got it.

let's go.

Let's go.



welcome to bangkok,


Amani and marcus, you are

Team number one.

Come on in.

Bill and cathi, you know what

That means.

You are team number two.

Amani and marcus, as the

Winners of this leg of the race

You won a trip for two from

Travelocity and you will be

A private beach with

Sunrise views.

You will enjoy the local

Culture, gourmet dinner and

Soothing massage.

we are like an nfl team.

We sputter early.

We are starting to get our


If we can get it going we are a

Team to watch out for come

Playoff time.

Hi, there.

Ernie and cindy, you are team

Number 3.


Oh, my god!

can you help us?

Do you know where this is?

bangkok noi.

it's too far.

how long would it take us to


maybe five hours.

five hours.

yeah, something like that.


We don't have a choice.

We have to walk.

It is like a hopeless cause.

I would have felt really guilty

Asking people for money.

I did not want to go up to

People and beg that already did

Not have money.

What does not k*ll you makes

You stronger.

have a good day.

nice work, guys.

I can't believe we found



Look at those fish.

here, feed them.

It is like dog food.

oh, my gosh.

thank you.

make your way to the next

Pit stop.

warning, last team to check

In may be eliminated.

across the water?

All right.

I think we run across.

can you take us?

this might be faster.

we have to feed the fish.

big fish.

they are huge.

thank you.

warning, last team to check

N may be eliminated.

I don't have any money.

excuse me, we don't have any

Money, will you drive us?

from where?

Are from here to there.

have you no money.


All right.

thank you.

we are on our way now

Instead of walking.

The worst feeling in the world

Not to have money.

Every underestimate the

Generosity of people.

we are looking for this


just a moment.


this is where everyone is


in a few minutes you come


we are in a race.

hopefully she will find out

And we do not waste all of this


there is the canal right


catfish or something.

feed the fish.

Feed the fish.

Thank you very much.

Make your way to the next pit


Let's go.


we have no idea where we


we are wasting time.

We know that much.

We can start pacing.

Sometimes that helps.

Do you want to pace?




she's upstairs, teaching.

Sit down there.

We're we need to go.

We are racing.

oh, ok.

not ok.

she has the clue.

can we go up there?



Teacher call me.

can you call her?


Thank you.

My goodness.

What are we doing right now?

all right.

Keep the faith, brother.

when that lady walked away

With the clue, we were like

Anything can happen.

God's will.

god is always there with us.

He will help us.

here we go.

all right.

you have to go here --

how far is that?

quite a ways.

all right.

We will take a taxi.

do you know?

We have to go fast.

holy cow.

This is crazy.

this is a wild goose chase

For sure.

there is fill.

Justin and jennifer, you

Are team number four.

we were hoping for first

Lace, but we will take four.

how far?




can we walk?


We are going on foot.

are you sure?

we don't know where we are,



Thank you so much.

Thank you.

We are in the right place.

There is the arrow.

Do you see the fish?


Look at them.

Thank you.

last team to check in may be


Come on.

We have to go do the cab thing


we have no money.

We need to go here.


I help you for free.


we just got a free cab ride.

get on in.

we are lost.

We can't find where this

Heritage home is.

how far walk?

Do you want to ask this taxi?

how far?

far, far.


I don't know how people are

Going to do this without money.

We are taking cabs all over the


we could be dead last.

We have no idea.

come on.


Andie and tommy, you are

Team number five.

all right.

laurence and zac that would

Make you team number six.

Can I just ask you what you

Guys were thinking when you got

Off the bus?

we realized it was a first

Class bus, we ran three miles

Back to the bus stop.

With regards to the first

Class travel that rule only

Refers to air travel.


so you were all right to get

On the bus.

You seriously could have gotten

Eliminated out of the race.

You lost a lot of time.

one slip-up can cost you the


hope this is right.

I am nervous about this.

if this is the end for us, I

Am very proud of jeremy.

He has done more than I


if this is the end, I am

Very proud of you, too.

today has been a hard day.


I really didn't know if we

Would be able to figure it out.

not happy with the race that

We ran.

Wanted to make it farther along

Than this.

slowly but surely it worked


Jeremy and sandy, guess

You have a pretty good idea

What I am going to say.

it has been a rough day.

Really rough day.

I am pleased to tell you

That you are team number seven

Nd you are still in this race.

I can just eliminate you if you

Want me to.

Really badly?

very badly.

come on.

Liz and marie, you are

The last team to arrive.

I am sorry to tell you that you

Have both been eliminated from

The race.

You made five legs of "the

Amazing race."

You wanted more.

It was all about the money?


what was it about?

it is really exciting.

We just had a really bad year.

Our dad passed away in the

Summer so we just wanted to do

This for him and show him that

We will never give up.

Don't you think he would

Be proud of you guys?


we think about our dad every


I think he would have been

Proud of us.

He would be like I can't

Believe you guys did that.

Now nobody can take it away

From you.

You have done a lot.

Stay tuned for scenes

from the next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race" in the warm heart of

Africa teams take on tobacco.



And it is anybody's game.

my shoulder is bleeding.

In a grueling race to the


please help me.
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